Bellism youth program

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Bellism youth program


When designing presentations and events, our mission is edutainment.  We combine short, friendly presentations by trained facilitators; lively large- and small-group discussion; reader-friendly, age-appropriate written material; and, very often, assistance from upbeat video and audio, to produce a holistic, wholly enjoyable learning experience. 

Our team of writers, producers, directors and designers has been chosen for its combined experience in the fields of both entertainment and education. That’s because when the factual and logical are skillfully blended with the creative and inspiring, what results is a dynamic fusion of education and entertainment of which we are very proud.

We are also proud of the fact that we try hard to walk our talk.  We strive to live our beliefs, put our principles into action, and inspire others to find and follow a path that promotes self-acceptance, a generous spirit, excellent effort, and goodness beyond self.

© 2 0 1 0 B e l l i s m T r a i n i n g & D e v e l o p m e n t

About Our Format and Philosophy

She also gained world-wide exposure as one of the finalists on the hit CBS show Survivor Micronesia.

Alexis’s presentation will be both entertaining and thought-provoking. Though time spent with the audience during a Keynote is relatively short, Alexis believes in being fully present, heart and soul, and quickly engages girls with exciting true-life examples and humorous anecdotes.

Alexis is a vibrant speaker, innovative entrepreneur, and founder of i am that girl. At age 25, she has navigated the beauty industry as a teen model, earned a Masters in Communication from,USC, hiked to a Mt. Everest base camp.

Bellism T&D Youth Program for private organizations are customized to fit along side your vision & mission. By a brief discovery process we will find out what principles will be presented for your event. It takes a tenacious person to be an effective leader today!

In an entertaining, compelling and relatable approach, this event will provide your organization or high school with the inspiration and insight it takes to significantly and positively impact future leaders.