Bell Ringer When you get a job How many hours will you work a day? How many days a week will you...

Post on 19-Jan-2018

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Working Conditions Most factories had a six day work week. If a person was injured on the job… They were fired and not given any money. In 1882 an average of 675 workers were killed a week. Who are these workers? Immigrants, trying to survive in America

Transcript of Bell Ringer When you get a job How many hours will you work a day? How many days a week will you...

Bell Ringer When you get a job How many hours will you work a day? How many days a week will you work? How much money do you hope to make an hour? Industrialism The process of changing from an agricultural society to a manufacturing society. (Factories) Or Going from farms to factories. Working Conditions Most factories had a six day work week. If a person was injured on the job They were fired and not given any money. In 1882 an average of 675 workers were killed a week. Who are these workers? Immigrants, trying to survive in America The Factories Dirty No heat/Air conditioning Low pay (unskilled labor 5 to 7 Cents an hour) Women worked for less money Children from the age of 8 would work in the factories. Factories Average work day: 12 to 14 hours a day. The factories were also very dangerous City Life Dirty Crowded Diseases (Typhoid, Dysentery, Tuberculosis, Mumps, Measles, Small Pox, Scarlet Fever, Whooping cough, Cholera, Yellow Fever, etc.) A lot of crime Tenements One or two room apartments that the whole family lived in. One bathroom for the whole floor. Who are these Immigrants? Eastern and Southern Europeans Go to: New York Boston Chicago Pittsburgh Cleveland Milwaukee Philadelphia Asian Chinese and Japanese Go to: California Worked on the railroads Why did they come to America? PUSH: Why leaving No jobs/Money No place to live No food War Political enemies PULL: Why coming Jobs/Money Food Freedom The American Dream To own your own home Robber Barons Andrew Carnegie - Steel Robber Barons Richest people in America Cornelius Vanderbilt - Railroads Robber Barons J. P. Morgan - Banks Today J.P. Morgan Chase Bank John D. Rockefeller - Oil Standard oil = Amoco = BP Monopoly Where one company or person owns everything and there is no competition. TRUSTS Vertical integration A company owns all areas of a products production. From creation of materials to final distribution. Horizontal Integration A company owns (controls) all of a single level of the production or distribution process. Vertical integration and Horizontal integration Social Darwinism Survival of the fittest The Market does not need to be regulated because success and failure will be taken care of by natural law. (Laissez Faire allow to do) New Inventions Thomas Edison: 1.How to transfer electricity 2.The light bulb 3.Phonograph 4.Movie camera New Inventions Alexander Graham Bell: 1.Telephone New Inventions Typewriter Battery X-ray Jell-O Radio Camera Airplane Automobile Transcontinental Railroad Central Pacific Railroad Union Pacific Railroad was a railroad line built in the U.S.A. between 1863 and 1869 Connected the country by railroad. Black Powder Nitroglycerin The Golden Spike Railroads bring change Railroad Time (1869) = Time zones George Pullman = Sleeper cars Crated a whole town around his factory. Pullman owned and controlled everything. Progressivism A Movement to change (reform) the bad things in Society. Capitalism Americas economic system An economic system were regular people own, operate, and distribute products. A Person can make as much money as possible. Make as much money as possible, it does not matter how you get it, or who gets hurt. Labor Unions What is a Labor Union? * Workers forming a large group to protect their rights. Labor Unions Small unions began in the 1700s *National Labor union - First large national union of laborers. Fought for 8 hour work day and equal pay for women. *Unions are becoming popular. Many Labor Union leaders promoted Socialism to solve the workers problems. Socialism What is Socialism? The government controls all businesses and property .. Money is given out equally to everyone. PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all of the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need. IWW Industrial Workers of the World A.K.A. Wobblies Believed that all workers should be united as a class and that the wage system should be abolished. So What? Haymarket Riot * On May 4, 1886, 3,000 people gathered at Chicagos Haymarket Square to protest police brutality. Haymarket Riot When the police come to disperse the crowd. * Someone threw a bomb into the line of policemen. Police open fire on the protesters * 8 Police officers killed * People begin to turn against the unions. Triangle Fire Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York. * workers could not escape the burning building because the managers locked the doors to the stairwells and exits to keep them from leaving early. The Triangle fire Triangle Fire * Created the first fire codes. City Life Improvement Settlement Houses: Volunteer middle-class people would live in the houses, hoping to share knowledge and culture, with their low-income neighbors. Provided services such as daycare, education, and healthcare to improve the lives of the poor in these areas. Settlement Houses Jane Addams Hull House City Life Improvement YMCA - (Young mens Christian Association) Provides: Cheap living, classes, physical activity Salvation Army Provides: Soup Kitchens, clothing, etc. for poor Muckrakers Writers that wrote about the bad things in society. Upton Sinclair The Jungle Ida M. Tarbell The Rise of the Standard Oil Company Jacob Riis Photographer Thomas Nast - Cartoonist Improvements to politics According to the Constitution Senators are picked by a states Congress. This led to wide spread Corruption (Cheating). 17 th Amendment: Senators are now elected by the people. What is a Monopoly? President Theodore Roosevelt Teddy Roosevelt Became president after President William McKinley was assassinated. President Theodore Roosevelt Promised regular people would get a Square Deal Laws to protect the Public. 1.Meat Inspection Act 2.Pure Food and Drug Act No spoiled food and ingredient labels. Trust busting Controlling Monopolies Sherman Anti-Trust Act Improvements to politics Patronage = Giving government jobs to family, friends, or supporters. Civil Service Act A person must take a test to get a government job. Created the Civil Service Commission. Suffrage The right to vote Women fight for their right to vote Susan B. Anthony