Belgium GAA Newsletter March 2010

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First edition

Transcript of Belgium GAA Newsletter March 2010

A Chairde,

Welcome to a new season with

Belgium GAA. 2010 promises to

be another successful year,

building on the achievements

both on and off the field of play

in 2009.

Firstly, as incoming Chairman I

would like to thank Olof Gill and

the outgoing Committee for all

the hard work put in last year.

We could not survive as a club

without all our coaches, captains

and trainers so I would like to thank Davy Barrett, Willie Cashin, Margaret

Francois and Martin Crowley for the enormous effort put in last year,

when we retained the Ladies Pan-European Championship and won the Hurling Pan-European for the

first time.

Special thanks to our sponsor De Valera's Irish Pub for the continued support.

This year we have already had successful fundraisers for Haiti for which €60k was raised, Mike

McGurn has paid us a visit and this past weekend saw us organise another great St Patrick's Day

Festival in conjunction with FC Irlande.

We will endeavour to keep you updated on all the happenings in Belgium GAA with a regular

newsletter. As you know well, this club is hands-on with everyone getting involved, so feel free to

contribute with your own articles or ideas. We already have one willing volunteer so the more the


We have a busy schedule of tournaments in all codes ahead this year. Check out our Calendar of

Events for 2010. Next up is Clare Island this weekend (20 March), followed by the Benelux

Regional Championship in Amsterdam (27 March).

Your code officers will keep you informed of training sessions, tournaments and other events via the

weekly email on Monday afternoon.

We also have some other interesting initiatives this year, including a special gym membership deal

and an honorary membership scheme for high profile club members in Belgium.

Finally, it is you, the players, who make this great Continental GAA-odyssey happen. The fact that

Belgium GAA fielded two teams at many tournaments, including places where our rivals couldn't

even field one, is a huge credit to the commitment and passion of the members of this club. Long

may it continue.

Roll on another memorable year of Continental GAA!

Is mise,

Kevin Keary, Chairman, Belgium GAA.

Message from the Chairman

March 2010

In this issue you can

read about:

Players Updates & News

The Mike McGurn

Training Weekend

How Belgium GAA

teamed up with FC

Irlande to raise 60K for

Haiti Earthquake Victims

Tournament Reports and

the club's playing


A unique caption


...and more!

Volume 1, Issue 1


Updating members and non-members alike on the activities of one of the best and most

ambitious GAA clubs on the European Continent

Brought to you by Belgium GAA Committee and

De Valera's Pub, Place Flagey



Gaelic Football Ambition for the year is to become

European champions again.

Preparations have gone well so far with

a Mike McGurn inspired fitness regime.

The mantra of taking responsibility for

our own decisions is being drilled into

us. Turnout has been good in training,

mood is positive in the camp.

The team opens the year in the exotic

island in the middle of the Atlantic

ocean, Clare Island. No, it is not a team

building exercise. We are going there to

win and use that as a platform for the first

tournament of the year in Amsterdam -

truly a city where memories are made.

Also, the Belgium GAA would like to wish

Phil Roche all the best as he recovers from

a successful liposuction/tummy tuck/

cruciate ligament operation.

Players Updates & News

March 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1

Hurling Benefiting from the fitness training from

with the footballers, the year has seen a

couple of new debutants with hurling

training proper up and running.

The plan for the year is to retain the

European trophy, win every game in

every tournament and every

ball in every game.

Any hurlers are asked to get

training soon enough as with

the shorter year this year there

won't be anytime to shake the

rust off.

Ladies Football 2010 could be the most difficult year yet for

the Belgium Ladies, as we try to retain our

title as European Champions 3 years in a

row, failing to do this would no doubt be a

bitter pill to swallow as, bar some rare

(but not forgotten) exceptions, victory is

pretty much all we've ever known.

But, even without our fearless leaders of

2009, we enter the year positive and ready

for a fight, having already played our first

Invitational tournament , making it to the

final, and ready to take on the Clare

Islanders this weekend - we'll be fighting fit

come our first tournament in sunny Valencia

on 17tApril.

We also aim to send 2 teams to as many

tournaments as possible again this year, with

the eventual goal of playing 11 a-side as often

as possible - what can we say? So many


On the other hand we go into the year minus

some of our star players, some whom have

left our shores and some who have been

struck down by injury - Míde you will be

missed, Laura, Steph and Ana - we look

forward to playing side by side with you before

the season is out. Allez les Belges.

Camogie “No pressure, but the club is looking to the

camogie team to catch up with the rest of

the club this year. Silverware and all that.

You'll be grand." In December, the meaning

behind these words from Olof Gill was

laughable. In March, anticipation and deter-

mination are taking precedence. Waiting to

return to Parc 50e, waiting for a coach,

waiting to actually get out on a pitch with a

hurl, instead of just reading emails about it.

Enthusiasm on the part of our potential

players is encouraging. Last year, we had a

great surge of players from the football team.

These players have not been scared away, in

fact they want to push camogie to the same

heights as ladies football. New players to the

club and sport are in contact every week.

We are losing one of our players before she

even began. Irene impressed us all with her

football skills last year, but camogie is her main

sport. We will miss the skills and training that

she could have brought to the team.

The camogie season is short (even taking into

account possible invitationals). Let‟s make it


Any Other Business The club would like to congratulate Stephen "Cluxton" Kearney and Emily O'Reilly on the news that they will

become parents this coming September.




To Be Mike McGurned? Continuing on our ambition as a club to the best of the best in Europe, the club enlisted the help of

elite sports coach Mike McGurn. The Enniskillen man is best known for his work with the likes of the

Irish rugby team as player conditioner, physical trainer for Bernard Dunne and is currently the

conditioner for Armagh senior football team. A training weekend that became knows as the "Mike

McGurn" weekend. His philosophy is simple, make training so hard that playing is easy. See Dr. Dave

Barrett's (player coach with the footballers) account of being "Mike McGurned"

March 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1

Mike McGurn‟s visit to Brussels lasted well short

of 48hrs but the initial indications are that his

influence will last a lot longer.

As we sat in Friday afternoon traffic on the way

down from Amsterdam, he was cursing not hav-

ing taken the early morning Dublin Brussels

flight. I laughed deviously inside as there was no

place I would have been happier to be than sat

stationary on the Utrecht ring road picking the

man‟s brain.

When it comes to people who are quite well

known, we all have our perceptions of what they

are like from what we hear and read. Naturally I

had some of Mike. From what I‟d read it seemed

clear he was a top man in his line of work. I

expected him to be a motivator and an all round

hard nut. Also, based on the experience he had

when the IRFU suspended him for speaking his

mind, i expected him to be direct, straight for-

ward and a man of principles. Finally, considering

the fact that he was coming over to Belgium GAA

for a weekend, I figured he must be a genuine

guy who is passionate about his area of work.

It‟s reassuring to know that sometimes the

perceptions are spot on.

The first event of the weekend was a talk on the

physical needs for Gaelic Football, held in the

European Parliament. Holding a meeting there is

quite an operation and it isn‟t the norm to have

non-EU type events. With that in mind, the

official title of the meeting was „The use of

nanotechnology in sport‟ with top notch guest

speakers like Dr. Kevin Keary and Dr. Dave Bar-

rett. Jim organised the room and managed the

logistical issues to a tee. Maria, Kevin and Olof

looked after the door, dished out the badges and

ushered the crowd in. They were uncharacteristi-

cally efficient for Parliament types.

The talk went very well and people asked some

very good questions. It covered all the hot topics

from weights through to nutrition and Mike used

video clips and himself to demonstrate what he

was talking about. One aspect of the talk which

told us a bit more about him was the way he

engaged the crowd. He had soaked up the little

bits of info I had given him about the group. For

example, he knew there were people from the

soccer club, he knew there was a physio in the

room etc etc and he engaged them accordingly.

It struck me all weekend how enthusiastic he was

to meet everyone and the interest he showed in

people when he was introduced to them.

From the talk we went out to BUC rugby club.

Their facility is excellent and was ideal for the

weekend. The session however was a disaster in

some ways. Our handling was shocking, our

grasping of the drills (me being chief culprit!) was

slow and we were as quiet as mice. The football

side was practically non contact. I could nearly

Dr. Dave Barrett, Mike McGurn & Johnny Phelan in the European Parliament




To Be Mike McGurned?

March 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1

feel Mike starting to bubble up inside but he con-

tained himself. I was nearly embarrassed after-

wards when I brought him home. I know we

aren‟t world beaters but we aren‟t that bad either.

We were on again on Saturday at 9. While Mike

was laying out the drills outside, we gathered eve-

ryone in the dressing room and had a few words

about Friday night‟s session and what the expec-

tation was to be from ourselves for the morning

session. It helped a lot and was noticeable from

the first whistle. The prompt can‟t always come

from me though, guys need to step up from here


The session was more physical and less skill

based than Friday and that probably helped also.

It was all action and there was plenty of contact

drills which is an area that we badly need to im-

prove on. By the end we were hanging but the

feel good factor was beginning to return. The two

sessions lasted 47mins and 51mins respectively

and I don‟t think too many of us were asking for

more!! It goes to show, use time properly and you

can save a lot of time.

That evening I met him for about an hour in the

hotel where he was very generous with his time,

answering my questions and sharing information

with me. From there we met Kev, Colin, Johnny

and Conor for a bit of grub in de Valera‟s and in

fairness, Mike continued to answer everything

that was thrown at him. What ensued afterwards

was the first „official‟ club night of the year and

it‟s safe to say that the physical benefit of the two

sessions was seriously undermined in what fol-


The feedback from the weekend has been way

above my initial expectations. The buzz and the

energy created from it has been great to see. In

the past, as footballers, we have tended to spend

a lot of time reflecting on successes like the Euro

C‟ship win or the Dubai experience, rather than

putting them to bed and focussing on the next

goal. Mike McGurn is gone now and it is up to us

to drive ourselves on to better ourselves. The

weekend cannot be seen as a highlight of the

year, it is merely one of the initial steps we must

take towards our teams winning a European

Championship in 2010.

Mike said he doesn‟t generally do one-offs like this

trip to Brussels and his explanation is understand-

able. You don‟t put a programme in place over a

weekend. It is a process that needs to be followed

and monitored. I agree with this but also can‟t

underestimate the impact his visit has had on me.

I lay in bed this morning, sore from training and

dying from drink but my mind was totally

invigorated. All that was going through my head

was how to use what he taught us this weekend.

The „torture triangle‟ will get its debut on


We said our farewells last night and this morning.

It‟s safe to say Mike McGurn left his mark on

Belgium GAA.


It was Jonny's idea to bring Mike to Brussels. I think we all agreed Mike's the Man.



Can You Beat Us? Irish GAA & Soccer Clubs Raised 60K for Haiti in 2 Weeks

March 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1

Two Irish sports clubs have thrown down the

gauntlet of volunteering fundraising by raising a

whopping €60K for Haiti earthquake victims.

The money came from a joint initiative organised

by the Brussels-based Belgium GAA club and

soccer club FC Irlande.

Both sports clubs combined their efforts to make

posters, organise karaoke events, bake cookies

with the ladies teams of FC Irlande even posing

for and selling their own calendars.

Aid organisations, Haven and Medecin San

Frontiers have described the money as being

"critical" to the people of Haiti.

The fact that Cork man and club sponsor,

Conchur De Barra, agreed to match every euro

raised by the 100 or so volunteers meant that all

fundraising efforts were doubled.

"I was just in Haiti in November and I knew it

was the last place on earth that could deal with

such a disaster," said Conchur.

"When we suggested organising something

everybody got on board and was willing to pitch

in. It was amazing to see the entire Irish

community in Brussels put their shoulder to the

wheel. We had people from all political parties,

from all parts of Ireland coming together to help


"It was amazing and something we can be proud

of. It was not a uniquely Irish event but we

spearheaded it and encouraged others to get

involved. It was just a great achievement," added

the Rathcormac man.

The fundraising effort culminated in a massive

night out in De Valera's Pub in Brussels, where

owner Conchur, convinced his own staff to work

for free and for the suppliers to donate their

booze for the night so all money spent went to

organisations in Haiti.

The organisations that benefited were Medecins

sans Frontiers (Doctors without Borders) and


Belgium GAA would like to thank all those who

helped make the fund raising efforts for Haiti

such a success.

A special congratulation must also be given to Conchur De Barra who spearheaded the initia-


See below the press release issued at the time. It is a demonstration of the spirit of both Bel-

gium GAA and FC Irlande that such a successful

imitative was possible.


Conchur in Haiti last year.



Another year, another tournament…

March 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1

….another cold Saturday morning, shivering

outside ING on Schuman roundabout. There was

a tension in the air, mingled with a tingle of

excitement and anticipation. Some mused upon

the 2009 Den Haag invitational (mud and misery)

and the 2009 Den Haag tournament (sunburn

and victory). Others pondered the changes since

the finals in November. In Maastricht, we were on

the crest of a wave, European Champions for the

2nd year running. Now, we appeared to be back at

square one – sans Willie, sans Ana, sans Steph,

sans Míde…sans Laura pitch-wise, but she made

up for her absence by stepping into the fold as

our coach. The rest of us looked forward to coffee

and the Top Gun soundtrack. Highway to the

Danger Zone indeed.

In Den Haag, a sharp breeze blew across the

pitches, tugged at airborne balls, coaxing them

into the canals. It flicked at the hair of this brave

bunch of Belgian belles, as they traipsed towards

their vantage point on the rugby/soccer grounds,

overlooking both ladies and mens football

pitches. Prowling the sideline in a Willie Cashin-

esque stance was the Whisk, making smooth

substitutions and yelling incoherently. Keeping

the captaincy in the family, Caoimhe Ní

Shúilleabháin led the team for the first time, ably

supported by Vice-Captain Gráinne Ní Fhlatharta.

We even had supporters, the family Brennan,

visiting from Cork for the weekend, shouting,

umpiring and saving seats for the rugby match in

the club house afterwards.

“Do we know who we are?” asked Caragh in a

lady-like manner at the start of our match

against Holland Ladies, but it was clear from the

beginning that no such identity crisis was at

hand. Holland Ladies are strong competitors on

the European scene, but we won well, showing

that in spite of changes to the squad (and playing

11-a-side for the first time), we had developed

new strengths. It was a good start to the day.

Clare B defended her goal valiantly, with Gráinne

patrolling the back line, supported by Jane,

Rosine and Irene in the half back line. Cuba and

Caragh swarmed around midfield, while the

forward line consisted (at different stages) of

Ciara, Jo, Christine, Laura R, Barbara and Maria.

This match also marked Becky Mattes‟ first outing

as a referee, and after a couple of goes, she

nailed the throw-in, and the day went


“Who the f**k are we?” asked Maria in a less-

than lady-like manner at the beginning of our

game against Fingallians Ladies, a Senior team

from Dublin. These girls were serious. Not for

them the few drinks on the flight over from

Ireland. They hit us, and they hit us hard. The

closest this correspondent got to her player was a

kick in the knee as she chased after the tall

forward. Although they beat us well, we became

stronger in the second half, only conceding one

point as we recovered our balance.

The last round match was against Rathagarogue-

Cushinstown (a.k.a. the Yellow and Green team

from Wexford). These ladies nudged the other

end of the spectrum. They had the moves, but

also had the booze, recovering from their own

beating at the hands of Fingallians by going to

the bar for a drink. By the time they got to us,

they were sobering up nicely and were ready for

a challenge. We met it though and fought back

with fervour, bringing us to the final to face

Fingallians once again.

There is nothing like being slapped around a pitch

by a team like Fingallians, not once but twice, to

give any team a good dose of humility to start off

the season. I have no idea of the score in the

end, but suffice to say, this may have been the

toughest match of the year. We can only learn

from the experience, which will hold us in good

stead on Clare Island on 20 March. A day like this

gives us plenty of options, putting people into

different positions, testing out new players. Roll

on the weekend.

Sylvia McCarthy reports back from the first game experience of the year for the

Belgium Ladies footballers. The worst is over now - we hope.


Surprisingly, no-one brought a camera. This is an uncommon occurrence

for the ladies—appreciate it while you can!



Player Profile - Olof Gill

March 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1

Who are you?

Olof Brendan Peter Gill

Where are you from?

Clare Island, Co. Mayo & Gothenburg, Sweden.

Where do you work?

EU affairs journalist at

Why did you join Belgium GAA?

Because commuting for games with Clare Island was just getting too difficult. Also because Dave

Barrett promised me fame, fortune, pizza and free haircare tips.

What is your favourite European GAA tournament and why?

I like any tournament hosted by ourselves in Belgium, because we get to show off our fantastic set-up

and compete against Europe's finest on home turf.

Who is your Belgium GAA hero and why?

Mikey Keane, because training is temporary but class is permanent. Also Phil 'The Crusher' Cushen,

Laura Whiskerd and Stephanie Dunn because they've all played through the pain barrier on numerous

occasions, fought their way back from serious injury, and their dedication and competitive ferocity is


Who is your overall GAA hero?

Willie Joe Padden (Mayo): the greatest fielder, the greatest point-kicker, the greatest moustache and

the greatest burshtosaurus ever to grace a football field.

What words of encouragement would you give a new member to join our esteemed club?

Don't eat too much pizza - it's not conducive to being all you can be.

If you had choice of celebrity Bainisteoir for Belgium GAA who would it be?

Anyone famous from Cork because it would obviously lead to a player strike within weeks, and then I

could stay home and eat pizza.

Olof is considered to be one of the more exotic members of Belgium GAA with his

Swedish/Clare Island connections. A 'Hardy Buck' on the field, Olof shows us his lighter side in this profile and shows that behind his tough exterior there is inside him an inner child

inside who just wants to eat pizza.




St Patrick's Day Festival in Brussels - A Great Day Out in the Parc!

March 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1

Belgium GAA and FC Irlande hosted our third

annual St Patrick's Day Festival in Parc

Cinquantenaire on Sunday 14 March 14 last.

The day began with the arrival of the St Patrick's

Day Parade in the Belgium GAA fortress. Club

stalwart Conchur de Barra did his parish proud as

Grand Marshall of the Parade. His great work in

the Haiti appeal was recognised by the presence

of the Haitian Ambassador to Belgium (pictured).

A succession of demonstration games in hurling,

football and soccer, as well as the egg and spoon

race and the three-legged race for children


His Excellency Brian Nason, Irish Ambassador to

Belgium, threw in the sliotar for the hurling


Of special note was the excellent and highly

competitive game played by our young Belgian

Gaels under the aegis of Liam Breslin - with the

two teams, kitted out in the colours of Limerick

and Clare respectively, playing out a keenly

contested match in front of the large crowd.

The organisers exceeded themselves once more

with a real sense of festivity in the air.

Sandwiches, burgers, cookies and taytos were on

sale as well as the ubiquitous black stuff.

Belgium GAA merchandise was also on sale.

Later that evening the crowds move on to Bar

1898 on Rond Point Schuman. A lively night of

traditional Irish music and dance, lubricated with

even more of the black stuff, ensued and all

present had a great time, especially the winners

of the Tombola!

The organising committee will shortly announce

the final total raised by the Festival.

Thanks to all involved in the organisation of this

successful event which is the main fundraiser for

both Belgium GAA and FC Irlande.




Caption Competition

March 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1

Playing the Gaelic games is a rare privilege and,

as anyone with a camera will testify, a game

where your face and body pull some very

unusual poses.

Belgium GAA newsletter will be holding a funny

caption competition. We will publish one photo

per month and it will be up to you the reader to

caption it.

The funniest caption will be their choice of drink

from the PRO at the next social event. Be

creative. Anything goes with this subject to the

usual legal constraints. Intelligent humour is

encouraged to protect the integrity of the


Email suggestions to with

„Caption Competition‟ in the subject line.

This month's sees Johnny O and Dave B staring

into the distance. Say no more.

Sports Calendar 2010 Gaelic Football


Ladies Football



27 March Amsterdam

10 April Den Haag

8 May Belgium

12 June Luxembourg

31 July Maastricht

11 September Munich

9 October Budapest

6 November Maastricht

1 May Den Haag

29 May Luxembourg

26 June Belgium

17 July Zurich

17 April Valencia

8 May Belgium

12 June Paris

31 July Maastricht

11 September Munich

9 October Budapest

6 November Maastricht

1 May Den Haag

29 May Luxembourg

26 June Belgium

17 July Zurich



March 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1

Live the Dream with Belgium GAA

Club actively seeking new members

Just moved to Belgium or thinking of taking up a new sport? See

below all the relevant info you and some words of encouragement if

you can't find the motivation to take up training.

We also always need volunteers to help with tournaments, coaching,

refereeing, fundraising and general mischief making to keep everyone

on their toes.

At Belgium GAA we like to consider ourselves a 'welcoming' club. Our

attitude is that whether you are Irish or from outer Mongolia, your

participation is vital. The more the merrier and anyone who puts in the

effort is greatly appreciated.

Joining Belgium GAA will provide you with:

1. Physical and skill based training with one of the best clubs in

Europe. All skill levels catered for, open to young and old alike.

2. A network of expats working across many different sectors.

3. Plenty of organised social events and drinking opportunities.

4. Reduced rates on one of Brussels best Gyms

5. Travel in large groups to exotic destinations across Europe for

tournaments. Lets just say - the nights have been wild.

Getting to Training

Belgium GAA has two training venues, Parc du Cinquantenaire

(Jubelpark) and the British School in Tervuren.

Parc du Cinquantenaire: As the evenings get longer we will be

using the Parc which is conveniently located just off Schumann

roundabout beside the European Commission.

Schumann Metro and train stations or the number 12 bus

(airport express) provide the perfect public transport

destination and is less than five minutes from there.

If you are standing at the roundabout, walk towards the Parc

and arch, unmissable from the centre of the roundabout.

Once in the park head left at a 10' O Clock direction where you

will see an athletics track and hopefully large numbers playing

hurling and football.

The British School (BSB): BSB is accessible from Tervuren

tram stop, but we always try to provide lifts to people training

from Schumann roundabout.

Once you contact our club officers they will explain the system

and we should get you out and back in one piece.

See info at

Lads trainer Dave used to be in Baywatch

Gaelic Football

Colin Byrne

GSM: +32 476 073 079


Sylvia McCarthy

GSM:+32 493 712 678

Ladies Football

Jane Brennan

GSM: +32 484 162 140


Adrian Hiel

GSM: +32 472 517 038

