Behaviour Policy 2017 - Newall Green Primary...

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Transcript of Behaviour Policy 2017 - Newall Green Primary...


Behaviour Policy 2017


Document Control

Title Behaviour Policy V 2

Date Reviewed 2017, Updated March 2018

Supersedes Version 1

Amendments Page 3— number of Peace Commitments

Page 5—Layers of sanctions chart included

Page 6— Each stage of the flow chart explained / Early Years information included

Page 7—Updated interventions information/ KS2 Targeted Sanctions information/ Exclusion information amended /Appendix references included.

Page 8—Playtimes and lunchtimes information amended/ Involving Parents and Car-ers amended

Page 9—Information moved and correlated in a different form from previous pages.

Page 10—Staff development included

Page 11—Interventions/outside agencies list updated.

Appendices—reordered and referenced throughout the policy

Related Policies/Guidance

Peace Mala Promise

Drug & Alcohol Policy

E-Safety Policy

Staff Code of Conduct

Parent Partnership Policy

Review 3 year 2020

Approved by: Date:

Last reviewed on:

Next review due by: [Date]


At Newall Green Primary School we aim for our pupils to become independent learners, motivated by their natural

curiosity about the world in which they live in. We want them to enjoy life and be happy and aim to achieve this

through the teaching of our 7 peace commitments:

We show empathy

We are compassionate

We respect

We are patient

We are tolerant

We forgive

We show courage

We believe that our pupils have the right to learn in a safe environment and believe they should feel and be safe at

all times. To enable this to happen we work together with all members of the school community, children, staff,

parents/carers and governors to promote our peace mala promise;

‘To treat others as you would wish them to treat you!’


We understand that our pupils happiness requires the presence of positive relationships. Teachers and pupil rela-

tionships must be built on mutual respect and trust in the same way that we expect that pupils relationships with

peers must be built upon respect, trust, friendship and tolerance for each others wishes. At Newall Green Primary

we believe in the power of positive and frequent praise for good and caring behaviour as a more effective way of

improving standards and relationships between individuals than constant criticism.

Adults within the school environment have a duty to provide positive role models in all areas of behaviour, includ-

ing non-teaching staff and visitors to the school. Older pupils are encouraged to care for and support younger ones

both inside and outside the school building just as they would in the family home. At Newall Green Primary we aim

to have a positive caring ethos and provide challenging well planned education. The goal is to produce caring, suc-

cessful pupils with a high self regard and esteem as well as an awareness of appropriate behaviour in all social and

academic contexts.

Good Practise.

Deal with situations in a calm, firm manner avoiding confrontation where possible.

Give frequent praise for good behaviour as well as for good work.

Use positive language whenever possible and as often as possible.

Think carefully about what you are saying and set realistic sanctions.

Where possible try to deal with situations yourself to enhance your own credibility and authority.

Don’t leave children unsupervised as a punishment.

Praise children who are doing the right thing as an incentive for others to follow.

Be consistent whilst taking into account each child’s individual needs.

No adult in school should ignore unacceptable behaviour and we should be giving as much praise as possible for

any good behaviour we see.


Our approach to positive behaviour.


We regularly praise the children for following our peace commitments. We use verbal praise and silent gestures

such as a smile, thumbs up or a nod.

Class Champion

Throughout the school children will be encouraged to achieve champion points. Champion points are rewarded for

children who work hard, behave well, are polite and follow our Peace Commitments. These can be awarded in

class time, in children's books or on pieces of work, during break times including lunch, in assemblies and for

walking around the school appropriately. Other members of staff around the school including teaching assistants

and lunchtime supervisors can also give out points. We have a 1 point at a time rule, which means staff can only

award 1 point per action. Points are recorded in 2 ways. Each classroom can display points using the class champi-

on chart and record children’s points as tallies. Adults can also use the Class Dojo app on their school tablets or


By the end of the week (KS1-Thursday, KS2– Friday Lunch) teachers will count up the points adding both the tallies

from the class chart and Class Dojo app. The child with the most points will be awarded the class champion for the

following week. During their week as class champion children will receive privileges such as extra time in the out-

door area, on the climbing frame and in the treehouse at lunchtime, VIP table at lunchtime, sitting on a special

chair during carpet time. These may vary class to class depending on what the class have chosen at the beginning

of the year.

Rewards for children who behave well all the time.

Golden Time:

In both KS1 and KS2 half an hour is given every Friday afternoon. If children keep to their peace commitments they

are rewarded with all this time If they break any they will lose some or maybe all of this time. Under special cir-

cumstances lost time may be earnt back.

Celebration Assembly

Every Friday children meet in their key stages where their hard work and good behaviour is celebrated.

KS1/KS2– Friday am

Two members of the class will receive either the Star of the Week or Positive Behaviour award. Children who

receive the Star of The week award will be able to chose a friend to sit at the Golden Table at lunchtime. They will

also hear the reasons why their teaches are so proud of them and receive a certificate to take home.

Children who are displaying positive behaviour and portraying good examples of following the Peace

Commitments will receive a certificate for their outstanding behaviour.

During this assembly children are also encouraged to bring in any awards they have achieved outside of school. It is

important to us that their achievements outside of school are also celebrated.

Excellent attendance is also celebrated during this assembly. Specific targets for each class have been set based

on their percentage attendance from the previous year. Those classes that beat their targets are rewarded with a

raffle ticket, which puts them into a draw to win the opportunity to attend a pantomime or similar activity. In

addition to that, there are incentives to achieve good attendance provided by Manchester Airport and termly

parties for those children who achieve 100% attendance every term. For further information, please refer to the

Attendance policy.


Our approach to negative behaviour

Layers of sanctions

The majority of our children are well behaved but we must address any negative behaviour issues that occur. Chil-

dren must be made aware that their behaviour choices may have consequences. There will be rewards for good

behaviour but equally there has to be sanctions for poor behaviour (see Appendix A). We follow the flow chart be-

low to direct us with our sanctions, if we feel that the class sanctions are becoming ineffective.


Each stage of the flow chart explained:

Class sanctions—The traffic light system

This visual aid will be displayed in each classroom at all times allowing any adult who is leading the class to use it.

(See posters displaying procedures for each Key stage in Appendix B). In EYFS, the staff and children follow the

same traffic light procedures as KS1 but alternatively use, a sun (green), a thinking cloud (yellow) and a sad cloud

(red). Each child has their name on a peg and the peg is moved accordingly.

Time outs/internal isolation

At certain times it may necessary to give a child time out from your classroom. Being sent out is not always a pun-

ishment but may provide some ‘cooling down time’. Children should be sent to an agreed partner class where

they will reflect upon their behaviour. No adult should accept more than two children at a time. For more serious

incidents children may need to be sent to or in extreme cases be removed by a senior manager. A child should al-

ways be escorted by an adult or responsible child. Parents are informed if their child is isolated for a longer period

of time. In Year 6, one occasion of time out will result in an after-school detention and two occasions of time out

will result in an after-school detention in all other year groups.

Early Help— a referral to Early Help may be made at this stage. This is to an intervention to support the family and

explore outreach services.


At this stage the following assessments may take place:

Boxall profile—pinpoints specific learning and developmental needs that need targeting.

Social and Emotional Plans (SEP) - These plans are designed to support and promote positive self management of

behaviours that may be an obstacle to children to maximise their learning potential. The plan is designed together

with the child and the Behaviour Lead / Class Teacher, so that there is mutual understanding about any

‘individualised’ sanctions or agreements that are put into place. The Class Teacher will also then arrange a time to

discuss the plan with parents, so that both home and school are working in partnership (See Appendix C).

Risk assessment - We put a risk assessment in place when a child has put their own or other children’s safety at

risk. This outlines the risk factors, preventative strategies and a plan of action to deal with them if they were to

occur during the school day (See Appendix D).

Special Educational Need (SEN) record—Children with serious or repeated behaviour difficulties may need to

have a SEP in accordance with the Special Needs Code of Practice and be logged onto the school SEN record sys-

tem. We may ask for an assessment from our Educational Psychologist or, with agreement from parents or carers,

refer to CAMHS (Child and adolescent Mental Health Service) through our school nurse. It is at this point that if we

deem necessary a referral to Children’s Services may be made.

Team Teach—We have members of staff who are trained in positive handling (Team Teach) and on the rare occa-

sion a child puts themselves or others at risk of harm, then these strategies may be used. This option is always dis-

cussed with the parents after the event and referred to on the SEP and risk assessment as a strategy to be used if a

child puts themselves or others at risk frequently.



POD - Occasionally we may need to open the POD for a small number of children. This intervention is for children

who have severe behavioural, social and emotional needs and who are persistently distracting the learning of oth-

er children in the whole class environment. The aim of the POD intervention, is to enable the children to continue

to follow the curriculum but to have a more ‘flexible ‘ timetable for the day, which allows for more brain breaks or

alternative approaches to learning, without distracting the learning of others. Every child within this intervention

will be assessed using the Boxall Profile, which pinpoints specific learning and developmental needs that need tar-

geting. We always aim to integrate the children back into their class when we feel their targets are being achieved.

Star Room—Occasionally the Star Room may be used to support children on a 1:1 or 1:2 basis. This may occur as a

further intervention if the POD is unsuccessful.

KS2 Targeted Sanctions

If a child has been in the POD, Star Room or is being reintegrated back into class, the child, parents and school dis-

cuss the layered sanctions model and a further Behaviour and Risk Assessment is put into place (See Appendix E).

In this instance the child’s three most common disruptive behaviours (e.g. hurting another child or member of

staff; swearing at other children or at staff; refusing to take off their coat during lesson time) are discussed . The

child, parents and school then agree that if the child does one of these things we follow the sanctions below:

First instance: One week of after-school detentions

Second instance: Two days isolation in Surestart

Third instance: Educated off-site

Fourth instance: Pastoral Support Plan (PSP) - Reduced timetable—If a child reached this stage of the layered

model, then we would hold a multi—agency meeting to formulate a plan of support to prevent the possibility of

fixed term exclusions from happening. A reduced timetable may need to be put into place to ensure that the

child’s needs are being met safely in school. A PSP may also be necessary if a child has a period of lunchtime exclu-

sions (See Appendix F).

If at any point the child displays behaviour which is not on the layered sanctions model, then the traffic light sys-

tem and behaviour sanction sheet will be referred to as in any other case.


In serious cases, one of the following sanctions may be necessary:

Isolation at play/lunchtime—This occurs as a sanction when a child has behaved in an unsafe manner during a playtime/ lunchtime. This time spent in isolation with staff will encourage them to reflect on their behav-iour and how it can be improved

Lunchtime exclusion—If a child is persistently disruptive at lunchtime, we may need to exclude them for the lunchtime period. During this time they will be required to be picked up by their parent / carer and returned to school in time for afternoon registration. This course of action occurs when we feel a child is unsafe or jeopardising the safety of others.

Fixed term exclusion—At times it may be necessary to exclude a pupil for a fixed term. This is to give the child a period of time to reflect on the behaviours that have been deemed unacceptable. During this time staff can discuss and implement strategies so that the pupil’s return is a positive experience.

Permanent exclusion—This would only occur when all interventions for support have been exhausted and staff believe that Newall Green Primary School is unable to further meet the pupils needs.


Playtime and Lunchtimes

Our Peace Commitments apply at all times of the school day, including lunchtime and playtime. However, there are additional rules in place so that all our pupils can be safe and happy.

Stop and stand still once the first whistle is blown

On the second whistle, line up quietly and safely

If the children do not respond to the whistle and are not behaving in a safe manner they may be asked to practise lining up safely during the following playtime

Stand in line safely, no pushing or overtaking

Speak quietly in the Hall at dinnertime

Walk quietly down corridors

No playing in the toilets

If children require “time out” at lunchtime they will be told to sit on the corridor (KS1) or stand by the wall (KS2) in the playground for a specified amount of time, or until they are ready to behave appropriately.

Sanctions at lunchtime

1. Verbal warning and reminder of the peace commitments, highlighting which commitment they are not following.

2. A behaviour log for the child is filled out and a ‘time out’ to reflect upon their actions. (These are reviewed in weekly behaviour meetings).

3. If a child continues then Head teacher/Behaviour Lead will speak to the parents / carers and the child will be asked to be off the premises at lunchtime for a specified period (refer to Pastoral Support Plan Appendix F).

4. If required an after-school detention will be issued.

5. If a serious incident occurs at lunchtime a lunchtime exclusion will be issued immediately by the Head teacher. The length of which will be determined at the discretion of the Head in relation to the incident.

ICT Club

Some children find having unstructured periods of time, such as playtime, extremely challenging. We offer a lunchtime ICT club to give children in this position the opportunity to remove themselves from any social situations that may cause them to become upset and unable to manage their behaviour.

Involving Parents/Carers

When parents / carers are approached it should be to seek their help and support and inform them of any inci-

dents which may cause their child to become distressed or anxious. Involving parents / carers will, in most cases,

follow these steps:

An informal discussion regarding any incidents of unacceptable behaviour that they need to be aware of.

This may happen on more than one occasion.

The parents / carers are asked to come in for a formal meeting with the class teacher or member of the sen-

ior management team and to support with after-school detentions.

To set up positive links, adults in school are encouraged to keep parents/carers informed when their child has

behaved well. This can be done verbally as well as by giving certificates.


The Star Room Intervention

Some children may need to work on a structured programme as part of a small group, including forest schools in

our therapeutic inclusion room—Star Room. Using our school vulnerability table, we select children who we feel

would benefit from the intervention. In KS1 the children follow the Purr-Fect skills programme, for 1 hour twice a

week for a 10 week period. In KS2 the children follow the Skills for Life programme, for 1 hour twice a week for a

10 week period. The aim of these interventions is to address any social, emotional and behavioural needs the chil-

dren may be experiencing. It may also help them become more confident and more able to establish positive rela-

tionships and friendships.

Incidents of Bullying and/or other intolerances.

Our school works hard to promote the celebration of diversity and equal opportunities and support children to stand up against bullying and any forms of intolerance through our Peace Mala Accreditation. Peace Mala focuses on the Golden Rule. Its intention is to educate and remind everyone that this rule is recognised by many scholars, teachers and philosophers. It is also universal to all compassionate faiths. Simply stated, it is:

"Treat others as you would wish them to treat you."

This is the central message of the Peace Mala bracelet. Its intention is to cut through all forms of prejudice, to con-front bullying, to support human rights and to celebrate what makes us different from each other. Fourteen spiritu-al traditions, along with their individual versions of the Golden Rule, are represented on the bracelet.

Peace Mala reminds us that we all belong and that communities filled with colour and difference make life more

interesting and exciting. We take any incidents of bullying and intolerance very seriously and encourage children

and parents to always let teachers know of any incidents so we can take action against it. The ‘Anti-Bullying Parent

Guide’, available from the school office and website provides useful information and contacts should the need


Further Information

Behaviour Logs

A robust system called CPOMS, is in place for logging any incidents or concerns relating to a child's behaviour,

whether it be from concerns from parents, incidents in the classroom or in the playground. This enables us to keep

a trail and address persistent issues.

Serious incidents

On the rare occasion that a situation becomes unmanageable in the classroom, the green button will be activated

on the class computer. This alerts all members of staff and those in a position to respond acknowledge this and do

so immediately.

Illegal substances within school

Please refer to the Drugs and Alcohol Policy.

Internet Safety

Cyber bullying is taken very seriously within school. Any issues or concerns will be dealt with in line with our E-

Safety Policy.


Additional Strategies to support inclusion

It is important that within our school community both adults and children value their own as well as others individ-

uality, to ensure, our continuing efforts of being fully inclusive. We understand that some children may need addi-

tional support with their behaviour and readily work with them, their parents/carers and outside agencies to sup-

port these pupils. Where necessary the Behaviour Lead will ensure that individual behaviour support plans are in


In addition to this, we want all adults to reinforce the message that each child needs to take responsibility for

their actions by:

Stating clearly what is right and wrong.

Explaining what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

Providing a clear, consistent structure for behaviour management throughout the school reinforced by

support from parents / carers at home.

Staff development

We are committed to keeping our staff updated with any changes to our behaviour policy and strive to model con-

sistency in all of our approaches.

We aim to follow the following light assertive sentence starters:

1. I have seen you/ I know you…

2. You need to…

3. I need to see you…

4. I expect…

5. I know you will…

6. I remember when you…

7. Thank you for…

8. I have heard what you said, you must…

Finish with “as this is how we do it here”.

We also finish our sentences with ‘thank you’ e.g. I expect you to


Interventions / outside agencies used to support behaviour management

Outreach support from specialist provisions such as Bridglea / Ashgate Observing pupils and advising on new strategies Social and Emotional Plans (SEP) SEN referral Educational Psychologist / Occupational Health / Speech and Language assessments Pastoral Support Plan (PSP) Support for groups of pupils on specific behaviours e.g. anger management, playtime behaviours. Advice on classroom management and organisation and support to develop expertise of individual class

teachers Support for Teaching Assistants on managing behaviour Delivering training on Behaviour Management TEAM-TEACH—Positive Handling Strategies Early Help Assessment / Children’s Services School based social worker (non-statutory) School Nurse Parent Support classes e.g. Families First Support from other local schools—Educating children off-site


Sanctions Sheet

Hurt someone in class

Use in class behaviour traffic light system. If it is serious, take the child/children to a member of SMT.

Hurt someone at playtime/lunchtime

Red slip - sent onto the wall and lose rest of play or play the next day depending on time of incident. If it is serious,

take the child/children to a member of SMT where an appropriate sanction will be issued.

Upset someone/name calling in class

Use in class behaviour traffic light system.

Upset someone/name calling at playtime/lunchtime

Red slip - sent onto wall and loses rest of play or play the next day depending on time of incident.

Wasted time in class, refusing to follow instructions on the corridor, in the playground..

Stay at the end of the lesson/after school.

Break something in class

Use in class behaviour traffic light system. If it is serious (i.e. purposefully breaking furniture/window) then send for a

member of SMT.

Break something outside

Red slip - sent onto wall. If it is serious (i.e. purposefully breaking furniture/window) then send for a member of SMT.

Lie in class

Use in class behaviour traffic light system.

Lie outside

Red slip - sent onto the wall.

Swear in class (general conversation)

Use in class behaviour traffic light system.

Swear in class in an aggressive way

Seclusion – Other class – SMT to be informed – Seclusion time to be decided by SMT.

Disrespectful in class

Use in class behaviour traffic light system.

Disrespectful outside

Red slip - sent onto the wall.

Showed verbal aggression towards child/ren

Seclusion – other class. If this occurs at lunchtime, a Red Slip should be given and time spent on the wall.

Showed verbal aggression towards staff

Seclusion – referred to SMT

Involved in a fight

Loss of lunchtime/seclusion – Referred to SMT. Exclusion will be dependent on the severity of the reaction of the

child after the incident.

Physically assaulted a child/children

Seclusion/exclusion depending on severity of incident.

Physically assaulted a member of staff


Appendix A


Displayed disruptive behaviour in the classroom

Use in class behaviour traffic light system/ Call for a member of SMT if the child will not leave the classroom when

given a Red Card/ Count the minutes of disruption and make these up after the lesson during break of after school.

Walking out of class without permission

Stay after school 3:15pm-3:30pm KS1 or 3.00pm-3.15pm KS2.

Running off/walking away from a teacher

Stay after school 3:15pm-3:30pm KS1 or 3.00pm-3.15pm KS2 / seclusion.

Displayed non-compliance in class

Use in class behaviour traffic light system.

Displayed non-compliance outside

Red slip and sent onto the wall – refer to Star Room

Used racist language

KS1 - Parent/carer informed and chat with a member of SMT

KS2 –- detention break/lunch time or after school

Bullying (including cyber bullying)

Parent/carer informed of the incidents/seclusion. Exclusion depending on the severity/persistency of the incidents.

Golden Time

Every class teacher should keep a record of who is losing GT and the amount

of GT they are losing each week.

If after 3 consecutive weeks there has been no improvement, the class teacher

should inform the parents of the child and log on CPOMs.

If the child loses it for 4 consecutive weeks, then they should have an additional

after school detention on the Friday 3:15pm-3:30pm KS1 or 3.00pm-3.15pm


Red Cards

Every class teacher should keep a record of who is receiving Red Cards and

the number they are receiving each week.

If after 3 weeks the number of Red Cards they are receiving is still a con-

cern, the class teacher should inform the parents and discuss their con-

cerns/other reward strategies.

If after this meeting there is still no recognised improvement in the frequency

of Red Cards/behaviour, then they should have an additional after school

detention on the Friday 3:15pm-3:30pm KS1 or 3.00pm-3.15pm KS2


KS1 Traffic Light Procedures

Well done! You are keeping our Peace Mala Promise!

If you are not making the right choices the adult will give you a verbal

warning and remind you of our Peace Commitments.

They may also:

Ask you to move to a different seat,

Remind you of your choices and consequences.

If you continue not making the right choices, you get a yellow

card and lose 5 minutes of Golden Time.

If you begin to make good choices, you will be given a green card.

If your behaviour does not improve you will get a red card and lose 5 more

minutes of Golden time. Some incidents may result in an immediate red

card and an instant loss of 10 minutes Golden Time.

The adult may also:

Send you to another class for a 5 minute ‘Time Out’

Ask you to continue a piece of learning, write a sorry


Lose part of or all of your play or lunch time break

Phone your parents or carers

Log the incident on a behaviour log.

When you return to class you will be put back onto a yellow card. This is

a reminder that if you continue misbehaving you will be put back on a red

card. If you get a red card twice in a day then you will be sent to SMT.

Appendix B


KS2 Traffic Light Procedures

Well done! You are keeping our Peace Mala Promise!

If you are not making the right choices the adult will give you a verbal

warning and remind you of our Peace Commitments.

They may also:

Ask you to move to a different seat,

Remind you of your choices and consequences.

If you continue not making the right choices, you get a yellow

card and lose 5 minutes of Golden Time.

If you begin to make good choices, you will be given a green card.

If your behaviour does not improve you will get a red card and lose 5 more

minutes of Golden time. Some incidents may result in an immediate red

card and an instant loss of 10 minutes Golden Time.

The adult may also:

Send you to another class for a 10 minute ‘Time Out’

Issue an after school detention

Ask you to continue a piece of learning, write a sorry


Lose part of or all of your play or lunch time break

Phone your parents or carers

Log the incident on a behaviour log.

Appendix B


What I am good at…

This section should include something at

school and at home.

Things that motivate me…

What does the child like to do/achieve both at home and school?


Things I find difficult…

What challenges are they facing at home and

school? This also may include lunchtime/

breaktime/transitions/assemblies /themed

days etc.

How best to support me…

What does the child think they need from us to

support them in making the right choices? If

may include a request to sit in a certain place/

short, brief instructions/ timer/stickers as re-

ward etc.

If you see me upset…

Include strategies such as: Time out card to go to the cave or their safe place/ Any particular

script that should be used/ if the child is volatile/appears unsafe, include at which point Team

Teach should be used ( this will need discussing and authorising by parents).

My goals this term are… Did I achieve them?




Insert a photograph of

the child

Short-term realistic goals that the child can achieve.

These may come from the Boxall profile or a medical re-

port from CAMHS/Ed. Psyc.—Please reference.

Appendix C

What I am good at…

This section should include something

from at school and at home.

Things that motivate me…

What does the child like to do/achieve both at home and school?


Things I find difficult…

What challenges are they facing at home and

school? This also may include lunchtime/

breaktime/transitions/assemblies /themed

days etc.

How best to support me…

What does the child think they need from us to

support them in making the right choices? If

may include a request to sit in a certain place/

short, brief instructions/ timer/stickers as re-

ward etc.

If you see me upset…

Include strategies such as: Time out card to go to the cave or their safe place/ Any particular

script that should be used/ if the child is volatile/appears unsafe, include at which point Team

Teach should be used ( this will need discussing and authorising by parents).

My goals this term are… Did I achieve them?




Insert a photograph of

the child

Short-term realistic goals that the child can achieve.

These may come from the Boxall profile or a medical re-

port from CAMHS/Ed. Psyc.—Please reference.


Appendix D


Appendix E


Appendix F