Becoming Vegetarian - · Web viewThe...

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Transcript of Becoming Vegetarian - · Web viewThe...

Samuel Williams

Dr. Anderson

English 1010

1 May 2014

If ordering a hamburger meant you had to watch the whole process of how that

hamburger patty got to your plate, would you still eat it? Becoming vegetarian has been a topic

of interest for me for the past few years. During my research I wanted to find out why people

chose to be vegetarian and why others choose not to. Going through this vegetarian transition a

few years ago myself, I wondered how others chose to participate.

Becoming Vegetarian

I selected this source based on my main research question as to why would someone that

has eaten meat their whole life without a problem, suddenly become vegetarian. I found this

source in the school library EBSCO under the search words “becoming vegetarian”.

Moralization and Becoming a Vegetarian, was the first link provided in the list of findings. The


authors within the publication, for the University of Pennsylvania’s intent are to explain the

moral change in people (moralization) to become vegetarian. In other words, what has taken

place in somebodies life that has lead them to have a change of heart and have compassion for

animals. This compassion is to the point where eating meat is repulsive and they become

vegetarian on humanity and moral reasoning’s. The main argument in the research is the cultural

acceptance between health driven vegetarians and moral vegetarians. The authors depict how

being involved in a death sensitive situation, involvement with long suffering, even cognitive

reading on the subject can promote vegetarian moralization. I defiantly agree with the findings

in this academic research article. I personally have been motivated to become vegetarian by

being involved in sensitive situations for compassion. This moralization process has been a long

process of realization that the suffering I felt for the passing of close ones is the same suffering

that is involved within the meat industry. I have learned that through the author’s studies moral

vegetarians will more likely be questioned and prosecuted by meat advocates than health driven

vegetarians. Also that I am not alone, in the shift from becoming a moral vegetarian 48 percent

have craving moments for meat even after being vegetarian for years. This research develops a

study and insight as to why people are motivated to become vegetarian. Through testing and

questioning I am able to gain knowledge as to what is involved in the process of becoming

vegetarian, through cognitive and sensational motives. What I wanted to understand next was

what would lead a moral vegetarian to even further the spectrum to the extreme of becoming



I came across this research as I looked for, “reasoning for veganism” within my school

library research data base. This academic journal by Rachel M. MacNair, “Empirical Look at


Becoming Vegan” answers my question as to why people choose with veganism. The journal

documents motives for changing food behaviors within the realm of vegetarianism and

veganism. The survey suggests that when becoming vegetarian because of animal concerns they

were more likely to answer that their initial motivations are emotional. When health concerns

were the beginning motivation, they eventually said they just had to use logic to become vegan.

Within the journal I agree up to the point of becoming vegetarian. When on the spectrum of

Veganism though, I had a hard time involving health risks on your own body for not including

animal byproducts. This meaning, I agree we should not harm animals for our eating but as far as

products like eggs which are naturally occurring and do not cause harm, why not eat them. This

is creditable to my research because it fulfills my questions on why people would become vegan.

It shows how health reasoning’s are more widely the socially acceptable reason as to why people

go to the extreme of vegan. Some interesting thing I have learned from this article is that age has

shown to be a factor in the transition for veganism. According to the research as we age we are

more prone to become vegetarian due to health reasoning’s that come with age. There is also a

sense of embarrassment that embellishes in the study, which people are more likely to say they

are vegan for health reasons because they are too embarrassed to say they are motivated by

animal rights and concerns. This was very informational on the benefits of becoming vegetarian

or vegan for humanitarian or moral reasoning’s. Though, I wonder what the health Pros (3) and

Cons (5) are to eating this way.

Healthy Study

I started my search for health risks among vegetarians in JSTOR, provided by our school

library. This search took me for a ride through charts and graphs but resulted in the finding of an

applicable case by the British Medical Journals, where a study involving 11,000 people and the


conclusions were astonishing. The purpose of this publication is to show the relationship

between health risks such as cancer and heart disease among vegetarians compared to meat

eaters. The main content of the article argues Ischemic heart disease and cancer are the main

causes of death among adults. This study shows that vegetarians have a 40% less risk of getting

cancer compared to meat eaters. They do though conclude as a safety precaution that there may

be other elements involved that could have caused these results. I find these result incredible, I

had no idea what the effect of a vegetarian diet would provide in the long run. When you talk

about your life and the risk factor involved in dying, why not take that 40% less of a risk to not

get cancer. I know eastern medicine has claimed that vegetarianism lead to a longer life, but I

believe that western ideology needs a change. This change needs to be from the typical idea of

trying to cure disease, to preventing disease. I have learned from this article that there are

significant long term health benefits from a vegetarian diet. It further values my research topic in

a way that can motivate and sustain a vegetarian diet for a longer life as a consequence. I wonder

why people do not adopt a vegetarian diet given all of the health benefits. Is it because of denial?

Carnivore Dilemma

I came across this article by using JSTOR using the search words of “Carnivore Denial”

under the impression that maybe there is a study how denial is in association with eating animals.

The Author Michael Shae’s New York Times article, The Carnivore's Dilemma purpose is to

show that meat eaters are in denial with their morals; for instance not being able to relate to

animals pain and suffering. The arguments among the research article include that there is moral

ethics and issues disconnects among carnivores participating in our traditional American diet.

Michael claims that eating meat for health purposes for instance, is more for a sense of

dominance rather than for health reasoning. Shae uses a sense of sarcasm throughout the article


to discredit carnivore ideology by contrasting traditional ideologies of meat compared to health

disclaimers about meat. I agree with the article and believe that carnivores are in fact in denial of

what has to happen for that piece of meat to reach your mouth. Not to mention all of the health

warnings surrounding meat and the dangers of eating it may cause. I have learned from this

article that the average meat eaters ideology on meat is that they are just either in denial, or have

never thought about it. We are so wrapped up in old eating habits based on power and strength

that we do not question our own food. It shows the contrary of my research question on why

someone would not become vegetarian. The article shows why people would not become

vegetarian are usually based on ignorance or denial. I believe denial is a suiting term given the

research that has proven that, not eating meat will increase your health and longevity. In

conclusion I believe this article leaves out some information as to the origins of our western

ideology on eating meat. This also leaves me wondering what are the health risks, or “Cons” to

not digesting meat regularly in a diet. Maybe this is a reason why people still eat meat.

Health Risks

For my fifth source I decided to try and find some contrary studies that would show that

there is health risks involved in being vegetarian. I had a hard time finding any cases where

being vegetarian actually could hurt your health. Under the search, “vegetarian health risks”, I

did find one case where it showed a young active girls health risks that could apply to other

vegetarian youth. Erin Meanley ‘s research in Dance Spirit, an academically study to shows the

health risks among young dancers eating a vegetarian and vegan diet. The summary of the article

shows how young active vegetarians or vegans could have insufficient in nutrition. This article is

a study of a girl who eats vegan and has a few health risks that other sport active vegetarians

should watch out for. These risks include low calcium, insufficient calories, diminishing muscle


tone, and not consuming enough fats. By way of response, I do agree that when you eat

vegetarian it doesn’t mean you are eating healthy. There are some nutrition factors that you miss

out on that meat easily provides, for example protein. When eating vegetarian there are though

plenty of ways to get the proteins you need by just adjusting your eating habits. This study

provides the knowledge that young active vegetarians need to participate in higher volumes of

food that have plenty of nutrition packed into every meal. The study of the young girl also shows

that vegetarian youth can be just as energetic, if not more energetic than peers that eat meat. The

Vegan Dilemma provided the contrary health issues when eating vegetarian or vegan. It pulls up

some great issues and concerns with nutrition along with how to avoid these issues.

Concluded Research

In conclusion, my research questioning took me through all aspects on why people

choose to eat vegetarian and why others may not. Whether it was an influence to become

healthier or reasons involving a moral stand. My stand on this topic still stays with a moral

standard being the main influence on my beliefs on eating vegetarian. The answer I concluded

with this research is there a lot of factors that can influence ones eating habits, and a moral

reasoning is one that will stand the test of time. Health fads come and go, but standards tend to

not wavier with the wind.


Works Cited

MacNair, Rachel M. "Mcdonald's "Empirical Look At Becoming Vegan." Society & Animals

9.1 (2001): 63-69. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Apr. 2014

Meanley, Erin. "The Vegan Dilemma." Dance Spirit 13.2 (2009): 36. Academic Search Premier.

Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

Rozin, Paul, and Maureen Markwith. "MORALIZATION AND BECOMING A

VEGETARIAN: The Transformation Of Preferences Into Values And The Recruitment

Of Disgust." Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell) 8.2 (1997): 67-73. Academic

Search Premier. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.

Shae, Michael. "The Carnivore's Dilemma." New York Times Book Review Oct 19 2008:

24,BR.24. ProQuest. Web. 25 Apr. 2014 .

Thorogood, Margaret, Mann, Jim, Appleby, paul,and McPherson, Klim “Risk Of Death From

Cancer And Ischaemic Heart Disease In Meat And Non-Meat Eaters.” British Medical

Journal Vol. 309, No. 6959 (Oct. 8, 1994) , p. 955