Becoming a More Effective Manager - Slides English

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Transcript of Becoming a More Effective Manager - Slides English

  • 8/10/2019 Becoming a More Effective Manager - Slides English


    We Complete Your Success



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    2 We Complete Your Success



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    3 We Complete Your Success

    Learning methods

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    4 We Complete Your Success


    After finishing this course, participants will be able to: recognize the needs to be effective at work; explain the positive attitude and behavior that should

    be followed in the workplace;

    assess their own effectiveness; identify the skills needed to improve their own effectiveness; choose appropriate forms of development;

    set a plan for personal development.

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    5 We Complete Your Success


    1.The need to be effective Whats effectiveness? Why do managers need to be effective?

    2. How to be effective Changing to a positive attitude and behavior. Assessing your effectiveness. Choosing personal development methods. Implementing a development plan.

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    Session 1The need to be effective

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    Who are the effective managers?

    Managing effectively Time Plans and activities Quality Financial and physical resources People Information and communication

    Decision making

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    8 We Complete Your Success

    Effectiveness vs. efficiency

    Effect iveness is: doing the right job; being result oriented; giving tasks for others to do.

    Eff ic iency means doing the jobright.

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    9 We Complete Your Success

    Why do managers need to beeffective?

    Business context

    The change from manualworker to knowledge worker.

    The new requirements fromstaff and tasks.

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    10 We Complete Your Success

    Why do managers need to beeffective?

    Managers job realities

    Assign tasks to others. Their time belongs to everybody. They are always the driver .

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    11 We Complete Your Success

    Manage your time. Concentrate on achieving companys

    objectives. Promote your strengths. Focus on essential subjects. Make effective decisions.

    Applying, Creating Good Habits

    How to acquire effectiveness?

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    We Complete Your Success

    Session 2The ways to be effective

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    13 We Complete Your Success

    The attitude of a person is their mental

    state that involves their beliefs, feelings,values and tendencies to act in a certainway.

    Positive attitudes

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    14 We Complete Your Success

    3 types of behaviors

    ositive behaviors

    Feel lostLose / winLack of caring


    Feel you are better thanothersWin / LoseOffensiveWin at any costLack of respect for others


    Feel fairWin / WinOpenRespect othersConsiderateCooperative


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    15 We Complete Your Success

    Circle of Concern

    The problemswhich attract yourattention or whichyou want to havean impact on.

    Circle of Concern

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    16 We Complete Your Success

    Circle of Concern

    Circle of Influence

    They are theproblems whichyou can influenceor impact on. Circle ofInfluence

    E ti l kill f th ff ti

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    17 We Complete Your Success

    Planning Communication Problem solving

    Making and acting on decision Motivating staff Building and using authority

    Essential skills for the effectivemanagers

    E i l kill f h ff i

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    18 We Complete Your Success

    Planning Time management Self organisation

    Job planning

    Essential skills for the effectivemanagers

    l k ll f h ff

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    Creating and monitoring suitable

    information channels. Presenting information. Communicating instructions of tasks. Giving and receiving feedback. Holding meeting.

    Essential skills for the effectivemanagers

    E ti l kill f th ff ti

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    20 We Complete Your Success

    Problem solving

    Determining problems and difficulties.

    Choosing solutions. Using supportive tools.

    Essential skills for the effectivemanagers

    Essential skills for the effective

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    21 We Complete Your Success

    Making and acting on decisions

    Essential skills for the effectivemanagers

    Essential skills for the effective

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    22 We Complete Your Success

    Motivating staff

    Essential skills for the effectivemanagers

    Essential skills for the effective

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    23 We Complete Your Success

    Building and using authority

    Essential skills for the effectivemanagers

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    24 We Complete Your Success

    Assessing your own effectiveness

    Management of activities and quality. Management of financial and physical resources. Management of people and relationships.

    Management of information and communications.

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    25 We Complete Your Success

    Strengths and weaknesses

    Ways to improve effectiveness


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    26 We Complete Your Success

    Learning styles

    Your learning style Activist Reflector

    Practical Theorist

    Choosing personal development

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    27 We Complete Your Success

    Choosing personal developmentmethods

    Training programs On-the-job training Self-learning Work-based project

    Choosing personal development

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    28 We Complete Your Success

    C oos g pe so a deve op e tmethods

    Based on: Learning style. Potential development methods. Strengths and weaknesses of every method.

    The combination of these methods.

    Choosing personal development

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    29 We Complete Your Success

    Choosing personal developmentmethods

    The learning method should besuitable for the business contextand working conditions.

    The learners must be the 'drivers'of the personnel development.

    New knowledge and skills willnever be learned, if they are notapplied at work.

    Implementing a personal development

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    30 We Complete Your Success

    Planning Implementing Evaluating Action plan

    p g p pplan

    i i f

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    31 We Complete Your Success

    Training programs of Bu s iness Edge

    Materials for reference

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    32 We Complete Your Success

    Materials for reference

    Adair, John (1985). Effect ive Decis ion Making , Pan.

    Anderson, Alan., Barker, Dennis. & Critten, Peter (1996).Effective

    Self developm ent . UK :Blackwell. Senter, Howard (2003). Becom ing More Effect ive . Oxford, England:

    Butterworth-Heinemann. Adapted under licence by IFC Business Edge. Covey, R. Stephen (1992). The Seven Habi ts of High ly Effect ive

    People. Simon & Schuster. De Bono, Edward (1990). Lateral Thinking for Management . Penguin. Drucker, Peter (1993). The Effectiv e Execut ive. New York, US : Harper

    Business. Honey & Mumford (1986). Using Your L earning Styles . Peter Honey

    Publications Maxwell, John (2001). The Pow er of At t i tude. US :River Oak Publishing. Pedler, Mike. & Boydell, Tom (1994). Managing Yourself . Harper


    Contact details

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    33 We Complete Your Success

    Contact details

    IFC Advisory Services in the Middle East and North AfricaNile City Towers - North Tower, Cornish El Nil2005 C, 25th Floor,Ramlet Boulac, Cairo,

    Email: ocafghanitstan@gmail.comTel : 0093-787-098321. 009-379-9543365.