Become an Art Critic -...

Post on 01-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Become an Art Critic -...

Become an Art Critic

Niveaux A2/B1 du CECRL

Activités langagières: CE : Analyse a front page & a cartoon PO: Debate: Can we laugh about any subject? (+ Criticize a TV programme dedicated to Art) CO: Analyse a TV programme dedicated to Art PE: Write an article about a work of Art & Publish it on the school website.

Objectifs visés: Utiliser les différents médias pour: - analyser de manière critique une information. - se l’approprier pour la retransmettre à ses pairs . Faire évoluer le Journal papier du collège vers un Web-journal, en alimenter et en pérenniser la rubrique « Culture ».

Tâches à accomplir: • Tâches intermédiaires: 1- Formaliser une Une papier d’après des éléments fournis (images, textes découpés). 2- Analyser un dessin de presse et répondre à la problématique: Debate: Can we laugh about any subject? Give your opinion. 3- Analyser une émission de télévision sur l’Art. •Tâche finale: Créer une page d’un Web Journal sur un évènement culturel avec insertion de vidéos. (Concours?). 1- A partir de Unes papiers + Dessins de presse 2- A partir d’une émission de télé / vidéo.

Stage 1 :What on Earth is a media?




Stage 2:Focus on a newspaper’s front


•Appropriation d’un modèle de mise en page.

• Acquisition du lexique spécifique.

1- Focus on an event & Compare

the different front pages...

1 3

2 2




7 8 9

10 12


David Bowie •Log on :

•Type of music :

•Name :

•Birthplace (which region?) & Birthdate:

- Died in:

•Historical context Timeline: write the important dates and explain

History: •Focus on the artist:

•Was he artistic when he was a teenager?

•When did he start singing and playing an instrument?

•Activities/ jobs before being an artist?

•Focus on the song: “Space Oddity”

•Which words can you identify?

•What is the song about?

•Focus on the song: “Heroes”

•Finish the line: “I, I can remember… “

2- Analyse the front pages - Which event is focused on? →David Bowie’s death

- Are the newspapers and magazines... ?(Tick) □ broad in scope (≈generalist) □ specialising in Arts & Culture

□ daily □ weekly □ monthly □ quarterly □ yearly

- Which front page do you find most attractive? Why?

N°----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- Analyse your favourite front page:

-Aim of the picture:

to illustrate □ to move □ to inform □ to shock □

- Aim of the text:

to illustrate □ to move □ to inform □ to shock □

- Would you change an element in this front page? No / Yes, ---



Stage 3:You are the journalist:

create your own front page!

- Version papier: images, textes découpés et fournis + éléments amenés par les élèves.

- Version Blog (, magmagz) ou sites dédiés:

-Sur Ipad: Application Piccolage.

-Ou les élèves prennent leur Une papier en photo et la publie ensuite sur Calameo.

→ Ils la présentent ensuite à l’oral à l’aide d’une grille d’analyse élaborée par l’enseignant.

+ image source Wikipédia

The cartoonist’s intentions...

Stage 4:Focus on a





4 5

Cartoon Source

Cartoon 1

Cartoon 2

Cartoon 3

Cartoon 4

Cartoon 5


What I can see


What I


Analyse the


(connected to

the news?)

Analyse the


Analyse the


What does

the journalist

want me to


Cartoon 1

Cartoon 2

Cartoon 3

Cartoon 4

Cartoon 5

Your favourite. Justify:

Debate: Can we laugh about any subject?

→ Give your opinion

• Toolbox à fournir.

• Grille de synthèse (Mindmap?) à donner à l’issue du débat.

Stage 5: Understand a TV

programme dedicated to Art A2/B1

1- Get ready to understand a tv

programme dedicated to Arts.

1- Visionner le générique sans le son. Faire des hypothèses.

• Make Hypothesis

• What genre of TV programme? Is it about...

-Culture?/ Science?/ Politics?/ Entertaining?

• What type of TV programme? Is it...?

- TV News? a film? a documentary? a TV report?

2- Visionner avec le son: Vérifier les Hypothèses.

3- Comprendre un court dialogue (le générique): donner le texte lacunaire: écouter le dialogue et faire compléter le texte.

2- Describe the works of Art presented in the TV

programme: • Fill in the grid:

Its shape:

Its dimensions:

The main colours:

Its Style:

What does it represent?

3- What does the painting...represent?

Make Hypothesis, Check them & give your opinion

1- Group Work: Make Hypothesis

-Distribuer l’œuvre principale (traitée dans l’émission) aux élèves.

-Faire formuler des hypothèses sur l’œuvre d’art: period, historical /social context, style (justify)

- What does it represent? Justify.

- Noter les hypothèses dans la première colonne du tableau. Mise en commun des hypothèses.

2- Check them:

-Visionner le reportage avec le son. Vérifier les hypothèses, compléter les colonnes 2 et 3 du tableau.

3- Make a commentary about the work of Art and Give your opinion:

-Write a commentary using the elements of the grid.

- Give your opinion.

Your Hypotheses Checked Hypotheses Non-checked Hypotheses

Stage 6: Criticize a TV programme dedicated

to Art

1- Watch the programme, video.

2- Analyse it:

-How was it filmed? Describe the setting, music or sounds used.

- What is the aim of such a programme? Has the aim been reached?

You are the Art Critic!

•Write an article about a work of Art

& Publish it on the school website

- Find a work of Arts dating back to the same period ( but created by a different artist...)

- Write an article about this work of Arts:

- Give information about it, express what you figure out about it, give your opinion.