Beach Coordinator Training

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Training session for beach coordinators helping out with Washington Coast Cleanup 2009, the signature annual event for the Washington CoastSavers program (see

Transcript of Beach Coordinator Training

  • 1. BEACH COORDINATORTRAINING By Maggie Tyler Volunteer CoordinatorOlympic National Park AndJacqueline Laverdure Volunteer Coordinator Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary

2. The Washington Clean Coast Alliance is comprised of nonprofits, community groups, and government agencies all working together to support the CoastSavers program. 3. Washington Clean Coast Alliance was formed in 2007 to maximize the efforts of several groups that had each been dedicated to removing marine debris from Washington's Pacific Coast for many years. For more information please visit: 4. April 18, 2009 WASHINGTON COAST CLEANUP VOLUNTEER ROLES

  • REGISTRATION greet and check-in volunteers, collect volunteer paperwork, disseminate cleanup information at registration sites
  • BEACH COORDINATOR provide direction, general information,encourage trash removal,and serve as point of contact at beach / trailhead locations
  • PACKERS assist with trash removal from beach to collection points


  • Familiarize yourself with area
  • Distribute signs
    • One at each trailhead or strategic
    • location
    • Two at registration location
  • Set up registration location
    • Tent if desired
    • Table
    • Organize materials Olympic Park volunteer agreements, safety information, bags, data collection sheets, recycling information (for Kalaloch and Three Rivers only), etc.
    • Be prepared to greet and check-in volunteers no later than 7:30am (unless otherwise directed)


  • Greet all volunteers remember to be polite, friendly, helpful
  • Direct volunteers to trailhead or beach location
  • Provide any pertinent safety information
  • Request one person per interested group to fill out data collection sheet(not required, but helpful)
  • Provide information regarding recycling (Kalaloch and Three Rivers only)

7. Olympic National Park Volunteer Form

  • This is the front of the volunteer form
  • Have each individual fill out volunteer agreement (unless they provide pre-printed agreement form)
  • Make sure form iscompleteandlegible
  • Be sure theycompletely fill in their name, address, and the signature box on the back.
  • Parent or guardian also need to fill out form for each child participant
  • Place completed forms in envelop provided Remember to store out of rain and wind!


  • Call 360-460-3376 by 3:00 p.m. with your location and total number of volunteers participating
  • Be sure all trash is in dumpstersif overflowing or items left outside containers, they cant be picked up
  • Please staff registration area until 3pm, or if BBQ in same location as registration, designate BBQ representative to act as point of contact
  • Collect paperwork, unused supplies, signs, and return to designated drop off location
  • Enjoy BBQ, and camaraderie!!


  • Familiarize yourself with beach area
  • By 7:15am, check in at registration and identify yourself as Beach Coordinator, confirm BBQ time
  • Collect supplies from registration
    • Olympic Park Emergency Radio
    • Flagging tape to identify Beach Coordinator
    • Map of area
    • First Aid kit, if available
    • Extra Bags
  • Arrive at designated location by 7:30am
  • Greet volunteers and identify yourself as beach coordinator, assist as needed
    • Point out dumpster location it is not okay to leave trash on beach
    • Remind Volunteer of BBQ time and location
  • Please remain in area until BBQ begins


  • Check in at registration and identify yourself as Packer
  • Get extra bags for distribution
  • Familiarize yourself with location
  • If Beach Coordinator in your area, identify yourself and coordinate activities
  • Assist volunteers with bringing trash to designated dumpster locations
  • Be sure all trash is in dumpstersif overflowing or items left outside containers, they cant be picked up

11. THANK YOU!!!! JacquelineMaggie