BDPA IT Showcase: 'Green Technology: Enviornment and Wires' (Wesley Walker)

Post on 28-May-2015

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Wesley Walker is a junior at Groveport Madison HS and Fairfield Career Center in Ohio. He is actively involved with the 10th annual BDPA IT Showcase. He participated on the 2011 BDPA High School Computer Competition (HSCC) championship team trained by BDPA Columbus chapter. The team earned college scholarships with their 3rd place finish. His 2012 IT Showcase research focused on ‘Green Technology: Environment and Wires’. Green technology is the use of the alternative resources to get energy. Using these resources is a benefit for the general health of people, the environment of our planet, and it also saves money. The resources used are inexhaustible and have an unlimited amount as opposed to the natural gases we tend to use. Wesley earned the silver medal in the High School division of the BDPA IT Showcase with this research. He was presented to the National BDPA body as one of the ‘future faces of technology’ during the 2012 BDPA Awards Gala.

Transcript of BDPA IT Showcase: 'Green Technology: Enviornment and Wires' (Wesley Walker)

Green Technology: Environment and Wires

Created by: Wesley Walker

Green Technology?

it’s technology that is considered environmentally friendly based on its production process or supply chain.

History of Green Technology

In fact, In 1854, Daniel Halladay designed the first windmill with sails that self-regulated itself to meet the direction of the wind. In 1882, the first one was sold by Aermotor.

Did you know…

History of Green Technology

Most people don’t know..

In the 1890’s, in Manhattan, New York there were electric taxi cabs that transported people around the city!

What Makes Green Technology, Green Technology?

Solar Energy!

What exactly is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is the energy produced from the sun. It is captured from solar panels, fans, and pumps that convert it into an energy form that we can use!

Solar energy can solve problems concerning pollution, our dependency on fossil fuels, and our dependency on nuclear power for electricity!

A great example of this would be a solar powered laptop!


Recycling is the reusing of used materials that turn them into valuable resources .

What exactly is recycling?

It takes what people deem unusable, and turns them into new materials or components for another.

A great example is recycling IT Equipment!

When sunlight hits the cells, the cells convert its light and heat into energy. That energy is then turned into electricity.

Recycling IT equipment is done by breaking down the item. Some of these items are able to be modified to fit into another item.

What isn’t used is often melted down, grinded up, or shredded to help with the making of another item.

In fact, a computer from the 1990’s can, in more ways than one, be used to make the modern computers we know today!

Solar Energy in Society

Since the amount of energy the

sun produces is unlimited, we will

never run out of it and the need

for exhaustible are becoming less


Recycling in Society

Electronics in landfills are becoming a growing problem. As a result, this issue has led to 17 states banning the waste of electronics in landfills.

Electronics are sprayed with chemicals that protect from everyday use. When they reach landfills and remain there exposed to the elements, these chemicals start to leak off into the ground contaminating the ground water .

What’s so bad about electronic wastes in our landfills?


In what way does recycling save money?

It saves money because reusing something to make something else is cheaper than having to manufacture it from the beginning starting with its raw materials.

A good example of this is recycling circuit boards. These circuit boards are made up of many different metals..

..that include gold, silver, copper, tin, and lead.

These metals can be quite expensive, so extracting these metals to put them into a new circuit board is very cost efficient.

Barriers of solar energy

Although solar energy has its advantages, solar powered computers it does have its barriers.

These barriers include:

1. Cost limitations

It isn’t a short term savings, many people do not see the long term savings effects.

2. Batteries aren’t efficient

Some of the batteries these solar computers use are not efficient enough to completely store all the energy collected from the sun

3. Insufficient charge

the solar panels these computers use aren’t sensitive enough to capture enough energy to charge the battery

Barriers of Recycling

Another barrier is the behavioral side of recycling. People have lives to live and they tend to get caught up in busy work, so they forget to establish a time when to recycle and where to recycle. There are some that do not know if they have to take apart the computer not

How to Overcome Solar Barriers

Ways to combat the barriers of solar powered computers are to advance the solar technology installed into them but making it affordable!

Microloans are ways to reduce the cost of solar energy by having a person pay a certain amount a month for the technology.

Looking at solar energy as a service instead of a product greatly reduces the price on how much a person pays.

Overcoming the Barriers of Recycling

Overcoming the barriers of recycling IT equipment include finding alternatives to the many hazardous chemicals used in computers.

Since these computers pose a large safety hazard for the technicians taking them apart and the environment, limiting the amount used would benefit the how many are recycled.

Also opening up more recycling facilities near neighborhoods and letting people know there is one nearby would reduce how many get thrown away.

Currently underway there is work being done to produce a solar cell the size of a stamp

The saving of money and the reduction of power will impact the world because this will open new doors as what solar energy can do to the current technology we have today.

A solar road is in the making from a dream to a reality. Who needs gasoline powered cars or electric cars when the vehicles get all their power from the road!

This solar powered microchip will show the technology field that extreme power savings are indeed possible. Most long for an extra 10 to 20 minutes on their computers battery life and with this new chip underway, that will become a reality.

As our generations get younger and have a more open mind about the world, recycling is expected to continue to grow. With an increase of consumer education by teaching people about how recycling electronics are not only removing them from our landfills, but it helps build new ones, and it helps with our pollution issue.

The Future of Recycling

