Bcc content companion

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Bcc content companion

Strategic Coherence

Focus & Connect

Content Companion - Participant Notes and Reflections

What are the cultural assumptions that a teacher could

make with these students that no teacher can make with his/her students today?

Three kinds of work….

What do you consider the most important foundational skills and attributes that will be

required for students to be successful in 2025?





Check out these resources on Slideshare – www.slideshare.net/jpcostasr

● Common Core Venn Diagram

● 21st Century Skills Crosswalk

● Four Highest Leverage Student Skills

What standardized and/or non-standardized data do you have to describe how the

students in your district are doing in their quest to master any of the skills you have identified?

Standardized Non-Standardized

American Revolution – Boston Massacre: Murder or Justifiable Homicide?

1. What are the goals of this lesson (student learning)?

2. How would you measure success?

3. What is happening in the learning environment where this work is being completed?

● What are students doing and what skills do they need to be successful

● What are teachers doing and what skills do they need to be successful?

5 Minutes of Reflection

Warm Cool

Connect the Layers: - Student/Professional/Organizational

Putting it all together…

Which side of the continuum are you on?

These planning goals are set BEFORE the process starts…

Any School District 2015-2016

Coherence Mapping - Goals, Measures and Practices

District Level

Goals District/Community selects highest leverage student skills for the school-wide improvement focus goal -

Measures District/Community Agrees on Metrics for Success – How we will know if a student has obtained these skills (standardized measures).

District/Community Agrees on Metrics for Success – How we will know if a student has obtained these skills (non-standardized measures).

Practices School/Community creates professional learning opportunities for instructional staff that are aligned with the highest leverage/needed instructional strategies.

Building Level

Goals School/Community selects highest leverage student skills for the school-wide improvement focus goal -

Measures School/Community Agrees on Metrics for Success – How we will know if a student has obtained these skills (standardized measures).

School/Community Agrees on Metrics for Success – How we will know if a student has obtained these skills (non-standardized measures).

Practices School/Community creates professional learning opportunities for instructional staff that are aligned with the highest leverage/needed instructional strategies.

Teacher Level


Each teacher sets an appropriate improvement goal for their students that is aligned with the school’s high leverage student skill goal as the foundation for

their own professional learning and performance plan.

Team or Grade Level groups may add an additional skill improvement goal

(optional) that reflects a specific level based area of focus for inclusion in their own professional learning and performance plans.


Each teacher identifies metrics of success (standardized) for the school’s focus goal that align with the school’s measures and their own student’s performance

SLO 1 –

IADG 1a –

Each teacher identifies metrics of success (non-standardized) for the school’s

focus goal that align with the school’s measures and their own student’s performance


If an optional skill improvement goal was added, metrics of success (standardized

and non-standardized) for this goal are added to the teacher’s plan




The teacher engages with the School based professional learning opportunities that are aligned with the highest leverage/needed instructional strategies for their professional staff and compliment the district offerings.

My own personalized additional professional learning opportunities/resources for

this goal can be integrated into the teacher’s plan.

Supporting Resources:

1. Email Jonathan – jpcostasr@gmail.com - Text Jonathan (identify yourself please) 860-484-9109

2. Other Content from Jonathan Costa - (look for – among other things)

On Twitter @jpcostasr


Big Nine Skills – “Big Nine”

Four High Leverage Skills – “Four Highest Leverage Student Skills”

21st Century Skills – “21st Century Skills Crosswalk”

Analysis Tool – “Leverage Gap Analysis”

3. My book about the end of books - http://digitallearningforallnow.com

4. Other book content resources related to this process….

• The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement, by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox


• Results: The Key to Continuous School Improvement, by Mike Schmoker


• Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don’t, by Jim Collins


5. Pareto Principal


6. Ted Talk on the importance of focus – it not only works, it is almost always present among those that are successful…


7. An article from Jonathan Costa about BYOD and Digital Learning from EdTech Magazine…


8. A self-directed LiveBinder content site that explains a process from moving from textbooks to digital content in the support of courses in your schools –


Visions and the Need for Change: What will the future look like?

A 4 minute video from the MacArthur Foundation about reaching digital natives…


A series of web resources that connect gaming with learning…


An awesome 11 minute video summary of the case for transformations…


An article on the impact of social networking and connectivity on learning…



A web-based summary of Stanford University’s thinking on the topic…


A 3 minute video about the joint effort of Harvard and MIT -


A variety of other interesting links and perspectives…



http://www.wired.com/2013/09/the-future-of-education-byod-in-the-classroom/ http://www.theamericanconservative.com/unschooling-the-future-of-education/ http://www.bbc.com/future/tags/futureeducation

21st Century Skills: What, Why, and How?

My team’s web page that describes our Center for 21st Century Skills


An awesome 13 minute video of one of our 15 year-old students describing her year-long

experience with us and the product of her team’s work.


A 101 page study on creating an appropriate 21st century learning environment…



This article from Lawrence Summers – Harvard President – about the changes – or lack of

changes – needed at the university level driven by 21st century skills.



This web article discusses the emergence of programming – the language of the digital age –

as THE CORE 21st Century Skill




General Instructional Resources and Ideas

Kahn Academy – the site that launched the idea of the “Flipped Classroom”


Customized reading articles based on current events and a reader’s ability – assessments

included – a breakthrough in personalized language arts instruction.


Welcome to the world of the MOOC – Massive Open Online Course – changing the face of

learning and higher education.


Let the masses have access to the information! MIT’s open courseware project.


A nice summary of the empowering nature of digital learning

