Bba - Sem Vi Industrial Relations

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Transcript of Bba - Sem Vi Industrial Relations

  • 8/17/2019 Bba - Sem Vi Industrial Relations





    1) __________________ refers to all types of relationship between all the parties

    concerned with industry.a.Industrial relations.

     b. Human relations.

    c.General relations.d. All of these.

    2) The scope of IR does not include

    a.mployer and employee relation. b. mployee and trade union relation.

    c.mployer! employee and trade union relation.

    d. mployee and customer relation

    ") #ominant aspects of industrial relations are

    a.$o%operation. b. $onflict

    c.&oth 'A) and'&).d. (one of these.

    ) *hich of the followin+ factor affectin+ IR,

    a.Institutional -actors b. conomic factors

    c.ocial factors

    d. All of these./) *hich of the followin+ is not a part of the scope of industrial relations

    a. 0abor relations

     b. mployer employee relationsc.Group Relationd. (one of these

    ) 3ain aspects of industrial relations are

    a.4romotion and de5elopment of healthy mana+er and labor relations b. 3aintenance of industrial peace and a5oidance of industrial dispute

    c.#e5elopment of industrial democracy

    d. All of these6) *hich of the followin+ factors not affectin+ industrial relations

    a.4sycholo+ical factors

     b. 4olitical factors

    c.Global factorsd. (one of these

    7) *hich of the followin+ is the approaches of industrial relation

    a.Gandhian approach b. ystem approach

    c.89ford approach

    d. All of these:) ;ohn #unlop +a5e the

    a.Gandhian approach

     b. ystem approachc.89ford approach

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    d. All of these


    d. (one of these

    12) Temporary closin+ down the underta>in+ with the intention of forcin+ wor>ers to

    accept the demand of the employer is calleda.0oc>out

     b. 0ayoff 

    c.tri>ed. Retrenchment

    1") The conflicts and dispute between employers and employees on any industrial

    matters are >nown asa.Industrial disputes

     b. Human relations

    c.$onflict relations

    d. All of these1) The phrase collecti5e bar+ainin+ was first coined by

    a. ydney and &eatrice web

     b. ?.@.c.&oth A &

    d. (one of these

    1/) *or>ers participated in mana+ement is hi+hli+hted in

    a. Article "A b. Article 2 A

    c.&oth ' a) and 'b)d. (one of these

    1) *or>ers participated in mana+ement has _______________ob=ecti5es


     b. 4sycholo+icalc.&oth A &

    d. (one of these

    16) __________ is the ultimate remedy for the settlement of industrial disputethrou+h the inter5ention by the third party appointed by the +o5ernment


     b. Boluntary Arbitrationc.Ad=udication

    d. $ollecti5e bar+ainin+

    17) The utility of non 5iolence as the means of conflict resolution is the principle of

    a. Gandhian approach b. ystem approach

    c.&oth ' a) and 'b)

    d. All of these1:) A trade union is a continuous association of wa+e earners for the purpose of

    maintainin+ or impro5in+ the condition of their wor>in+ li5es

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    a.ydney &eatrice web

     b. G.#.H. $ole

    c.&oth A &d. (one of these

    2in+ $onditionc.Reco+nition and participation

    d. All of these

    22) *hich of the followin+ is not a type of trade uniona. $raft union

     b. table union

    c.$ompany uniond. Industrial union

    2") *hich of the followin+ is the method of trade union

    a. 3utual insurance

     b. $ollecti5e bar+ainin+c.4olitical action

    d. All of these

    2) The first union was reco+niCed ina. 177

     b. 17:<


    d. 1:2handay

    c.Gandhi=id. All of these

    2:) tructure of trade union is concerned with

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    a. 8n the basis off purpose

     b. 8n the basis of membership structure

    c.&oth A&d. All of these

    " to abolish the wa+e system and pri5ate


    a. Anarchist b. 4olitical union


    d. Guerilla ?nion"2) *hich of the followin+ is not the characteristic of the trade union

    a. $ommon Goal

     b. Indi5idual actionc.&oth ' a) and 'b)

    d. All of these

    "") Types of or+aniCation to which trade union are affiliated

    a.The (ational -ederation b. The federation of union

    c. &oth ' a) and 'b)

    d. All of these") *hich of the followin+ is a function of trade union

    a. 3ilitant function

     b. -raternal function

    c.&oth ' a) and 'b)d. All of these

    "/) TechniEues to achie5e the ob=ecti5es of or+aniCation area. $ollecti5e bar+ainin+

     b. Grie5ance Handlin+


    d. All of these") Internal problem of trade union are

    a. 3i+ratory character 

     b. Homo+enous character c.4oor economic conditions

    d. All of these

    "6) *hich of the followin+ factors are not the measures to stren+then the trade unionin India

    a. ducation of wor>ers

     b. conomic and social uplift

    c. ffecti5e leadershipd. (one of these

    "7) The central trade union in India isDare

    a. AIT?$ b. I(T?$

    c. ?T?$

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    d. All of the abo5e

    ":) The first president of AIT?$ was

    a. arabhai and &an>er  b. Gandhi=i

    c.0ala 0a=pat Rai

    d. All of these with

    a. $4I b. $4I'3)

    c. &;4

    d. All of these2) The a+reement arri5ed between the representati5e of a trade union and employer

    is >nown as

    a. $ollecti5e a+reement b. 3utual a+reement

    c.&oth ' a) and 'b)

    d. (one of the abo5e

    ") __________ denotes the absence of an employee when he is scheduled to wor> a. 0abor turno5er 

     b. Absenteeism

    c. &oth ' a) and 'b)d. (one of the abo5e

    ) Reco+nition of the trade union was made by the pro5ision of

    a. Trade union act !1:2

     b. Industrial disputes Act ! 1:6c. $ode of discipline

    d. -actories Act 1:7/) *hich is not a structure of trade union of industrial or+aniCation

    a. $raft union

     b. General union

    c.Industrial uniond. $onsumers union

    ) *hat should be the minimum number reEuired to re+ister a union

    a. 1er 

     b. AcEuirin+ the control of industry by wor>ers

    c.Imbibin+ sincerity and discipline of wor>ersd. To pro5ide cultural and recreational acti5ities

    7) Intra union ri5alry means

    a. Ri5alry between union b. Ri5alry within the same union

    c.Ri5alry between union and mana+ement

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    d. All of the abo5e

    :) *hich of the followin+ is not the principle of Industrial relations policy

    a. The code of conduct b. 0abor welfare acti5ities

    c.The code of discipline

    d. All of the abo5e/

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    d) #issatisfaction with company policy

    /:) *hich of the followin+ measures pro5e to be fruitful in impro5in+ industrial

    relationsa) tron+ and stable unions

     b) *or>ers participation in mana+ement

    c) 3utual trustd) All of the abo5e

    scommitteesa) Gi5in+ +reater participation to wor>ers

     b) 4ro5idin+ better opportunities outside the or+aniCation

    c) Generatin+ co%operati5e atmosphere for ne+otiation between parties

    d) nsurin+ close interaction between labour and mana+ement1) &y which of the followin+ are the main implications summariCed by I08 in

    re+ard to wor>ers participation in mana+ement

    a) *or>ers are also creati5e and ha5e inno5ati5e ideas b) *or>ersF are capable enou+h to +i5e rational and lo+ical =ustifications

     pro5ided they are well aware and well informed

    c) &oth A&d) (either A and &

    2) &y which of the followin+ methods wor>ers participation can ta>es place


    a) taff or wor> council b) &oard le5el participation

    c) ;oint council and $ommittees

    d) All of the abo5e") The main ob=ecti5es of wor>ers participation in mana+ement

    a) le5atin+! the status of a wor>er in the society

     b) Increasin+ the efficiency of the enterprise and establishin+ harmonious

    relationsc) -or promotin+ solidarity amon+ wor>ers and tappin+ human talents

    d) All of the wor>ers) *hich of the followin+ can be considered as ad5anta+es or Euality circles

    a) mployees become in5ol5ed in decision%ma>in+

     b) mployees +ettin+ chances of production

    c) mployees impro5e their communication and analytical s>illsd) All of the abo5e

    /) *hich of the followin+ is not the principle of total Euality mana+ement

    a) Hi+h Euality hi+h cost b) 3easure the cost of Euality

    c) 3ana+e by pre5ention! not correction

    d) 3eet the customers reEuirement on time! the first time and 1ed pay

     b) 4ension%fund participationc) 4rofit% harin+ and employees stoc> option schemes

    d) All of the abo5e

    6) *hich of the followin+ are considered to be the bottlenec>s of wor>ers participation in mana+ement

    a) mployers cannot thin> beyond their >nowled+e and s>ills

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     b) Role of trade union is not satisfactory

    c) mployers are unwillin+ to share power with wor>ers representati5e

    d) All of the abo5e7) *hich of the followin+ are the basic ob=ecti5es of code of discipline

    a) 3aintain peace and order in the industry

     b) A5oid wor> stoppa+e in industryc) 4romote options from all le5els of mana+ement and employment

    d) All of the abo5e:) The code of discipline is based on which of the followin+ principlesa) (o stri>e or loc>out without prior notice

     b) (o deliberate dama+e to a plant or property of the establishment

    c) ?sa+e of e9istin+ machinery for settlement of disputes

    d) All of the abo5e6in+ conditions

     b) 0abour welfare

    c) 8r+aniCational matters

    d) All of the abo5e62) *hich of the followin+ is not the most important aspects of the process of

    collecti5e bar+ainin+

    a) (e+otiations b) $onfrontations

    c) #iscussions

    d) $ompromise

    6") *hich of the followin+ are the main reasons of wor>ers participation inmana+ement not +ettin+ successful in India

    a) 3ultiplicity of trade union and conflicts between them b) $onfusion and duplication of functions

    c) 0ac> of education and trainin+

    d) All of the abo5e

    6) *ho of the followin+ is not associated with concept of industrial relations systema) -rederic> Taylor 

     b) R.A. 0estler 

    c) #ale yoder d) 4rof. #unlop

    6/) *ho defined industrial relations as Industrial relations may be defined as the

    comple9 of inter relations amon+ wor>ers ! mana+ers and +o5ernmenta) #ale yoder 

     b) 4rof .#unlop

    c) -rederic> Taylor 

    d) R.A. 0estler 6) ______________ is used to denote the collecti5e relationship between

    mana+ement and wor>ers

    a) Industrial relation b) ocial relation

    c) -amily relation

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    d) 4ersonal relation

    66) ___________ with the rules ! laws and a+reement throu+h e9ecuti5e and =udicial

    machinery influences and shapes industrial relationa) ociety

     b) Industry

    c) Go5ernmentd) (one of these

    67) _____________ approach focus on the types of society in which or+aniCationfunctionsa) 0enin

     b) Gandhian

    c) 3ar9ist

    d) (one of these6:) Accordin+ to ___________approach industrial relations a social sub system

    within the economic and political system

    a) ystem approach b) Human relation approach

    c) 0eadership approach

    d) Group discipline approach7ers interests

    a) Trade unions

     b) 3ana+ement

    c) International a+enciesd) ociety

    71) _________or ______________re+ulates the relationship between wor>ers

    or+aniCation and employers or+aniCationa) ociety! mployees

     b) (G8Fs ! Go5ernment

    c) Go5ernment! tate 3achinery

    d) (one of the abo5e72) _____________ is process in which representati5es of wor>ers and employees

    are brou+ht to+ether before a third person or a +roup of person with 5iew to cometo mutually satisfyin+ a+reement

    a) $onciliation

     b) 3er+er 

    c) #i5ersificationd) 9pansion

    7") _____________ is person appointed 5oluntarily if the dispute is not settled by

    conciliationa) &idder  

     b) Arbitrator 

    c) (omineed) Representati5e

    7) _________________ is another name of compulsory arbitration

    a) Ad=udication

     b) AmortiCationc) #issolution

    d) -raction

    7/) ______________ is the techniEue that has been adopted by unions andmana+ement to reconcile their conflictin+ interests

    a) Arbitration

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     b) $ollecti5e bar+ainin+

    c) $ourt inter5ention

    d) ocial norms7) ___________ refers to mental and emotional in5ol5ement of a person in a +roup

    situation which encoura+es him to contribute to +oals and share responsibilities in

    thema) *or>ers participation in mana+ement

     b) Rehabilitationc) #isciplined) (one of the abo5e

    76) __________ is a powerful weapon used by trade unions and their labour

    associations to +et their demand accepted

    a) tri>es b) 0oc>out

    c) 4ic>etin+

    d) Gherao77) _____________ is a wor> stoppa+e in which an employer pre5ents employees

    from wor>in+

    a) tri>e b) Gherao

    c) 4ic>etin+

    d) 0oc>out

    7:) *or> committee and =oint consultation are the measures to encoura+e ___________ which will increase producti5ity and lead to +reater effecti5eness.

    a) Rehabilitation

     b) *or>ers participation in mana+ementc) #iscipline

    d) $reati5ity

    : committees

    d) (one of these

    :1) ___________ are the rules and re+ulations which +o5ern the conditions of

    employment of wor>ersa) tandin+ orders

     b) 4olicies

    c) Ad5iced) (one of these

    :2) ___________is an authority appointed by the +o5ernment to mediate dispute

     between parties brou+ht to his notice! en=oyin+ the powers of a ci5il courta) Arbitrator 

     b) $onciliation officer 

    c) #isciplinarian

    d) (one of these:") ___________is constituted if the conciliation proceedin+s fail to resol5e a

    dispute by the +o5ernment to in5esti+ate the dispute

    a) A court of enEuiry b) A court of social =ustice

    c) A court of norms

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    d) (one of the abo5e

    :) *hen the process of collecti5e bar+ainin+ fails! then the role of third party comes

    to brea> the dead loc> and this process is +enerally calleda) $onciliationDmediation

     b) Arbitration

    c) Inter5entiond) (one of the abo5e

    :/) ________ has been the hi+hest le5el of democracy in industrial relationsmana+ement and a pri5ile+e for the employeesa) &oard le5el participation

     b) 4articipation in mana+ement

    c) 4articipation in sol5in+ problems

    d) (one of the abo5e:) _________ in5ol5es ma>in+ the wor>ers share holders of the company by

    includin+ them to buy eEuity shares

    a) 4articipation throu+h ownership b) 4articipation in mana+ement

    c) &oard le5el participation

    d) (one of the abo5e:6) _________ are the bodies comprisin+ representati5es from employers and


    a) 3ana+ement committees

     b) ;oint councils and committeesc) #iscipline committees

    d) (one of the abo5e

    :7) _____________ brin+ both the parties to+ether and de5elop appropriate mutualunderstandin+ and brin+s about a mature responsible relationship

    a) *or>ers participation mana+ement

     b) Harmony and co%operation

    c) -ollowin+ social norms and 5aluesd) (one of the abo5e

    ::) In%%%%%%%%%%%%% method wor>ers participation in mana+ement in5ites su++estionsand the reward is +i5en for best su++estion

    a) 4articipation throu+h mana+ement

     b) 4articipation throu+h su++estion schemes

    c) 4articipation by complete controld) (one of the abo5e


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    c) 0ayoff  

    d) Ri+ht siCin+


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    d) (one of the abo5e

    112) ____________is a body which is composed of members representin+ the

    central +o5ernment ! Trade union federation and employers or+aniCationsa) Tripartite bodies

     b) &ipartite bodies

    c) 3ana+ement committeesd) (one of the abo5e

    11") ___________is the international or+aniCation responsible for drawin+ up ando5erseein+ international labor standardsa) Indian labor con+ress

     b) Hind maCdoor abha

    c) International 0abor 8r+aniCation

    d) (one of the abo5e11) *hich of the followin+ statement is true about an industrial dispute

    a) The dispute may relate to employment

     b) The dispute may relate to non employmentc) The dispute may between wor>er and wor>er 

    d) The dispute may between employer and +o5ernment

    11/) *hich of the followin+ is not cause of industrial disputea) #emand for pay and benefit hi>e

     b) #emand for hy+ienic and safe wor>in+ conditions

    c) #emand for better labor welfare

    d) (one of the abo5e11) *hen employees resort to unauthoriCed stri>e in 5iolation of the labor contract

    a+reement it is called

    a) 4en down b) Tools% down

    c) it in tri>e

    d) *ild cat stri>e

    116) The stri>e or+aniCed to e9press solidarity with the stri>in+ employees in thesame or+aniCation! industry or re+ion is called

    a) Hun+er stri>e b) ympathy stri>e

    c) Tool down stri>e

    d) All of the abo5e

    117) *hich of the followin+ dispute settlers cannot ma>e a bindin+ decisiona) Arbitrator 

     b) Ad=udicator 

    c) $onciliator d) Industrial tribunal member 

    11:) 8ne party +ains at the e9pense of anotherJ norm refers to which type of

    collecti5e bar+ainin+a) #istribute bar+ainin+

     b) Inte+rati5e bar+ainin+

    c) $entraliCed bar+ainin+

    d) (one of the abo5e12ers in that area

    c) 2/ of the wor>ers of that industry in that area

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    d) "ers in similar industry

    121) *ho amon+ the followin+ ad5ocated the trusteeship theory of trade union

    a) (.3. 0o>hande b) &.4. *adia

    c) G.0.(anda

    d) 3.@. Gandhi122) A person is Eualified to be chosen as a member of the e9ecuti5e or any other

    office bearer of the re+istered trade union if he attained the a+e of a) -ifteen years b) i+hteen Kears

    c) Twenty one years

    d) Twenty fi5e years

    12") *hich of the followin+ is method of union reco+nitiona) ecret ballot

     b) 3embership 5erification

    c) $hec>%off systemd) All of the abo5e

    12) *or>ers do =oin trade unions find out the incorrect reason out of the followin+

    a) To attain economic security b) To impro5e bar+ainin+ power 

    c) To 5entilate their +rie5ances

    d) To satisfy their family needs

    12/) The first to introduce the term collecti5e bar+ainin+a) ydney &eatrice web

     b) amuel Gompers

    c) $lar> >err d) Robert Ho9ie

    12) Reco+nition of trade union is made by the pro5ision of 

    a) Trade union Act 1:2

     b) Industrial dispute Act 1:6c) $ode of discipline

    d) -actory Act of 1:7126) *hich is not a structure of Trade union of Industrial or+aniCation

    a) $raft ?nion

     b) General ?nion

    c) Industrial uniond) $onsumers ?nion

    127) A trade union should be re+istered as per the law must ha5e

    a) 2ers b) 1/< wor>men

    c) 3inimum 16 persons

    d) (one of the abo5e12:) *hich of the followin+ not a characteristic of trade union

    a) Boluntary Association

     b) Inter 3ediary

    c) $ommon Goalsd) Indi5idual actions


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    d) All of these

    1"1) *hat should be the minimum number of persons reEuired to re+ister a trade


     b) 6

    c) 7d) :

    1"2) Any communications and notices concernin+ re+istered trade union may beaddressed to itsa) Head office

     b) Go5ernment

    c) 4resident

    d) (one of the abo5e1"") Trade unions not only ta>e care of wa+es and salaries of the wor>ers but also

     pro5ide 5aluable _________ and _____________ to the wor>ers

    a) (otice! information b) Information! Ad5ice

    c) u++estion! (otice

    d) (one of these1") ___________ are the bodies comprisin+ representati5es from employers and


    a) 3ana+ement committees

     b) ;oint councils and committeesc) #iscipline committees

    d) (one of the abo5e

    1"/) ___________________is the term used for the wor>ersDemployees who are themembers of the trade unions or employee association

    a) ?nor+aniCed labour 

     b) 8r+aniCed labour 

    c) ?neducated labour d) (one of these

    1") *hich of the followin+ is not ri+ht of re+istered unionsa) Ri+ht to employ anyone without consultin+ the mana+ement

     b) Ri+ht to collect membership fees within premises of the or+aniCation

    c) Ri+ht to raise issues with the mana+ement

    d) Ri+ht to discuss members +rie5ances with employer 1"6) ______________ is techniEue that has been adopted by unions and

    mana+ement to reconcile their conflictin+ interests

    a) (e+otiation b) $ollecti5e bar+ainin+

    c) nforcement

    d) (one of these1"7) __________ refers to the mental and emotional in5ol5ement of a person in a

    +roup situation which encoura+e him to contribute to +oals and share

    responsibilities in them

    a) *or>ers participation in mana+ement b) Rehabilitation

    c) #iscipline

    d) (one of the abo5e1":) _____________is a powerful weapon used by Trade unions and other labour

    or+aniCations to +et their demands accepted

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    a) tri>es

     b) 0oc>out

    c) 4ic>etin+d) Gherao

    1ers are dissuaded from wor> by stationin+ certain men at the factory

    +ates such a step is >nown asa) tri>e

     b) 0oc>outc) 4ic>etin+d) Gherao

    11) ___________ represent indi5idual wor>ers when they ha5e a problem and also

    offer le+al representation

    a) ocialism b) Trade ?nionism

    c) $ommunalism

    d) (one of these12) In ___________ union representati5es discuss with mana+ement with the

    issues which affect people wor>in+ in an or+aniCation

    a) (e+otiation b) &eater 

    c) 3ee+er  

    d) (one of these

    1") *hich of the followin+ is a hall mar> of the hot sto5e approach to disciplinaryaction

    a) 4ro5ides warnin+

     b) Happiness immediatelyc) Gi5e consistent conseEuences

    d) All of the abo5e

    1) The causes for unsound functionin+ of Indian trade unions are

    a) 3ultiple union b) Intra union and inter union ri5alry

    c) $ate+ory wise uniond) All of the abo5e

    1/) ________________ refers to the relationship and trust between labor and

    mana+ement ne+otiators

    a) $ollecti5e bar+ainin+ b) Inte+rati5e bar+ainin+

    c) Inter or+aniCational bar+ainin+

    d) Attitudinal structurin+

    1) How many parties are in5ol5ed in collecti5e bar+ainin+

    a) " b) c) 2 d) /16) ______________ is focused on wor>ers educational and has established an

    Institute of Indian labor in $alcutta

    a) International 0abor 8r+aniCation

     b) (ational -ront of Indian Trade ?nionc) *orld Trade or+aniCation

    d) (one of the abo5e

    17) The day to day operations of All India Trade ?nion $on+ress are carried out bythe _____________ at the (ational and state le5els

    a) ecretariat

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     b) #epartment

    c) $abinet

    d) (one of these1:) (e+otiations and collecti5e bar+ainin+ are the tools for _________ to

    accomplish the ob=ecti5es

    a) (G8Fs b) ocial or+aniCation

    c) Go5ernmentd) Trade union1/

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    1/:) *hich of the followin+ are essential pre reEuisites of wor>ers participation in


    a) -ree flow communication and information b) 3utual trust between parties

    c) A5oidance of participation of outside trade unions

    d) All of the abo5e1 of wor>ers

     participation in mana+ementa) mployers cannot thin> beyond their >nowled+e and s>ills b) Role of trade unions is not satisfactory

    c) mployers are unwillin+ to share power with wor>ers representati5es

    d) All of the abo5e

    11) *hich of the followin+ are the basic ob=ecti5es of code of disciplinea) 3aintain peace and order in industry

     b) A5oid wor> stoppa+e in industry

    c) 4romote opinions from all le5els of mana+ement and employmentd) All of the abo5e

    12) *hich of the followin+ approaches assumes that 5oluntary ne+otiations between

    employers and employees are a means of settlin+ disputesa) 3ar9ist approach

     b) Giri approach

    c) Gandhian approach

    d) ystem approach1") Trade union perform functions relatin+ to

    a) ociety

     b) 8r+aniCationc) 3embers

    d) All of these

    1) *hich of the followin+ is not the most important aspect of process of collecti5e

     bar+ainin+a) (e+otiations

     b) $onfrontationsc) #iscussions

    d) $ompromise

    1/) *hich of the followin+ is not a principle of industrial relations policy

    a) The code of conduct b) The code of discipline

    c) 0abor welfare

    d) (one of these1) *hich of the followin+ matters are usually brou+ht under collecti5e bar+ainin+

    a) *or>in+ conditions

     b) 0abor welfarec) 8r+aniCational matters

    d) All of these

    16) The main aim of International 0abor 8r+aniCation'I08) is to

    a) 4romote ri+hts at wor>  b) tren+then dialo+ue on wor> related issues

    c) nhance social protection

    d) All of the abo5e17) Accordin+ to %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the main function of Trade unions is to raise the

    moral and intellectual standards of labor throu+h reformatory measure.

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    a) Abraham 0in>on

     b) 0enin

    c) 3ahatma Gandhid) &al Gan+athar Thila> 

    1:) &y which of the followin+ methods wor>ers participation can ta>e place in

    mana+ement,a) taff or wor> councils

     b) &oard le5el participationc) ;oint councils and committeesd) All of these

    16s of life as it

    in5ol5es the issues related to

    a) conomic and occupational b) ocial and physiolo+ical

    c) Technolo+ical and political

    d) All of the abo5e161) *ho of the followin+ is not associated with the concept of industrial relations


    a) -redric> Taylor  b) R.A 0ester 

    c) #ale Koder 

    d) 4rof.#unlop

    162) ______________ condemned the system of pri5ate ownership and belie5ed inreplacin+ e9istin+ social order 

    a) Trade union

     b) Re5olutionary ?nionc) 4roducti5e ?nion

    d) (one of these

    16") 3ana+erial associations are commonly referred to as _________ and re+istered

    under Trade unions Act 1:2a) *or>ers Association

     b) mployers Associationc) 8fficers Association

    d) (one of these

    16) _________ are formal +roups of employers set up to defend! represent or

    ad5ice affiliated employers and to stren+then their position in society.a) *or>ers Association

     b) mployers Association

    c) 8fficers Associationd) (one of these

    16/) &oth employers and employeeFs associations come under the pur5iew of 

    a) Trade union b) General union

    c) Industrial union

    d) Go5ernment

    16) mployerFs association came into e9istence as a result of the formation of _________ after the first world war 

    a) Hind 3aCdoor an+h

     b) Indian labor $on+ressc) International labor 8r+aniCation

    d) (one of these

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    166) *hich of the followin+ measures pro5e to be fruitful in impro5in+ industrial


    a) tron+ and stable unions b) *or>ers participation in mana+ement

    c) 3utual Trust

    d) All of the abo5e167) *hich of the followin+ cannot be cate+oriCed as the main aims of wor>s

    committeesa) Gi5in+ +reater participation of wor>ers b) 4ro5idin+ better opportunities outside the or+aniCation

    c) Generatin+ co%operati5e atmosphere for ne+otiation between parties

    d) nsurin+ close interaction between labor and mana+ement.

    16:) ________ is a person appointed 5oluntarily if the dispute is not settled byconciliation

    a) &idder  

     b) Arbitrator c) (ominee

    d) Representati5e

    17erFs education and has established an institute ofIndian labor in $alcutta

    a) International 0abor 8r+aniCation

     b) (ational -ront of Indian Trade ?nion

    c) *orld Trade 8r+aniCationd) (one of the abo5e

    171) The day to day operations of AIT?$ are carried out by the ______ at the

    national and state le5elsa) ecretariat

     b) #epartment

    c) $abinet

    d) (one of these172) (e+otiations and collecti5e bar+ainin+ are the tools for _________ to

    accomplish the ob=ecti5esa) (G8Fs

     b) ocial 8r+aniCation

    c) Go5ernment

    d) Trade ?nion17") The __________ consultati5e machinery comprises two parties 5ia employees

    and employer 

    a) &ipartite b) Tripartite

    c) &oth a and b

    d) (one of the abo5e17) *hich one of the followin+ not a type of conflict

    a) Interest disputes

     b) Grie5ance disputes

    c) Reco+nition disputesd) (one of these

    17/) *hich of the followin+ is not true in case of causes of industrial conflicts

    a) Industrial factors b) 3ana+ement attitude towards wor>ers

    c) Go5ernment machinery

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    d) (one of the abo5e

    17) In India ___________ arbitration is enforced because collecti5e bar+ainin+ was

    not used for re+ulatin+ wa+es and other conditions of employmenta) $ompulsory

     b) 3ediation

    c) $onciliationd) In5esti+ation

    176) *hich of the followin+ functions of trade unions are related to trade unionsor+aniCationsa) To present and stren+then trade union democracy

     b) To impro5e financial position of trade unions

    c) To curb inter union ri5alry

    d) All of the abo5e177) *or>ers committee is to be constituted in an industry which is employin+%

     ________or more employees

    a) 6/ b) :<

    c) 1es

     b) Tools down% 4en down

    c) tay away stri>es

    d) 4rotest stri>es1:1) _________ are the rules and re+ulations which +o5ern the conditions of

    employment of wor>ersa) tandin+ orders

     b) 4olicies

    c) Ad5ice

    d) (one of these1:2) *hich area Industrial Relations does not co5er 

    a) conomic de5elopment

     b) Role of mana+ement! union and +o5ernmentc) $ollecti5e bar+ainin+

    d) 3achinery for resolution of industrial dispute

    1:") __________ refers to the >ind of ri5alry present within the establishment asthere is pro5ision in law of bein+ more than one union in a plant

    a) Intraunion ri5alry

     b) ?nionism

    c) ocialismd) (one of these

    1:) _________ are the bodies on which the representation is entirely of the

    employeesa) taff and wor> councils

     b) 3ana+ement committee

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    c) 3entors and councilors

    d) (one of the abo5e

    1:/) ________ is a sort of insurance co5ers to members to fi+ht a+ainst irrational !arbitrary and ille+al actions of employees

    a) $ollecti5e stren+th

     b) Industrial stren+thc) ocial stren+th

    d) (one of these1:) It is one of the ______ function to protect labor a+ainst 5ictimiCation andin=ustice

    a) Trade unions

     b) ocial +roups

    c) Go5ernmentd) (one of these

    1:6) The first or+aniCed trade union in India named as _______ was formed in the

    year 1:17a) #elhi labor union

     b) &ombay labor union

    c) 3adras 0abor ?niond) (one of these

    1:7) The main functions of __________is resol5e the difference e9istin+ between

    the mana+ement and the wor>ers

    a) $ollecti5e bar+ainin+ b) $o%operation

    c) A+itations

    d) (one of the abo5e1::) *hich of the followin+ method had not been +i5en a statutory form in India

    a) $onciliation

     b) 3ediation

    c) Boluntary arbitrationd) Ad=udication


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