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STATISTICS IN TRANSITION new series, December 2017 589

STATISTICS IN TRANSITION new series, December 2017Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 589–608, DOI 10.21307/stattrans-2017-002



Radhakanta Das1, Vivek Verma2, Dilip C. Nath3


The present article is concerned with the problem of estimating an unknown pop-ulation proportion p, say, of a certain population characteristic in a dichotomouspopulation using the data collected through ranked set sampling (RSS) strategy.Here, it is assumed that the proportion p is not fixed but a random quantity. ABayes estimator of p is proposed under squared error loss function assuming thatthe prior density of p belongs to the family of Beta distributions. The performanceof the proposed RSS-based Bayes estimator is compared with that of the corre-sponding classical version estimator based on maximum likelihood principle. Theproposed procedure is used to estimate measles vaccination coverage probabilityamong the children of age group 12-23 months in India using the real-life epidemi-ological data from National Family Health Survey-III.

Key words: Bayes estimator, maximum likelihood principle, square error loss, riskfunction and immunization coverage.

1. Introduction

Ranked Set Sampling (RSS) was first introduced by McIntyre (1952). This is analternative method of sampling procedure that is used to achieve the greater effi-ciency in estimating the population characteristics. Generally the most appropriatesituation for employing RSS is where the exact measurement of sampling units isexpansive in time or effort; but the sample units can be readily ranked either throughsubjective judgement or via the use of relevant concomitant variables. The most ba-sic version of RSS is balanced RSS where the same number of observations is drawncorresponding to each judgement order statistic. In order to draw a balanced rankedset sample of size n, first an integer s is chosen such that n = ms, for some positive

1Department of Statistics, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street Kolkata, 700073, West Ben-gal, India. E-mail:

2Corresponding Author. Department of Statistics, Gauhati University, Guwahati, 781014, Assam,India. E-mail:

3Department of Statistics, Gauhati University, Guwahati, 781014, Assam, India.

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integer m. Then we select s2 units from the population at random and the units aredivided into sets of s units each. Within each set, s units are ranked according tothe characteristic of interest by judgement or with the help of one or more auxiliaryvariables. From the ith set (i = 1,2, · · · ,s) we observe the actual measurement cor-responding to only the ith ordered unit in that set. This entire procedure, which maybe called a cycle, is repeated m times independently to obtain a ranked set sampleof size n = ms.

Let X[i] j denote the quantified ith judgement order statistic from the jth cycle.Thus, the sampling scheme yields the following ranked set sample of size n.

X[1]1, · · · ,X[1] j, · · · ,X[1]m



X[i]1, · · · ,X[i] j, · · · ,X[i]m (1.1)...


X[s]1, · · · ,X[s] j, · · · ,X[s]m

It is obvious that the observations within each row of above observation matrix areindependently and identically distributed (iid), and the observations within any col-umn are independently but not identically distributed. To acquire depth in theoriesand logistics of RSS methodology one can go through the book by Chen et al.(2004).

In the present investigation we assume that the variable of interest is binary; thatis, there are only two possible outcomes, generally called success (denoted as 1) andfailure (denoted as 0). Thus, the study variable is supposed to follow Bernoulli dis-tribution with success probability p (0 < p < 1), say. Here, the ranking of s binaryobservations in each set, where there are only 0 and 1 runs in the series, is done sys-tematically as discussed by Terpstra and Nelson (2005). For instance, suppose s = 4and the observations are, say, X1 = 1;X2 = 0;X3 = 1, and X4 = 0. Then, a possibleordered arrangement of the observations might be (X2,X4,X1,X3), or (X4,X2,X1,X3)

or (X2,X4,X3,X1) or (X4,X2,X3,X1). But for the sake of uniqueness we take thearrangement (X2,X4,X1,X3) where the suffix of X in each run is in increasing or-der and hence we get the ordered statistics as X(1) = X2; X(2) = X4; X(3) = X1 andX(4) = X3. The same systematic rule can easily be extended in the ranking of apolytomous variable also. For a binary population the success probability p can beviewed as a proportion of individuals possessing certain known characteristic in thepopulation. In classical inference on a population proportion, the ranked set sam-pling with binary data has already been introduced and used by many researcherslike, among others, Lacayo et al. (2002), Kvam (2003), Terpstra (2004), Terpstra

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and Liudahl (2004), Chen et al. (2005, 2006, 2007, 2009), Terpstra and Nelson(2005), Terpstra and Miller (2006), Chen (2008), Gemayel etal.,(2012) used RSSfor auditing purpose, Wolfe (2010, 2012) and Zamanzade and Mahdizadeh (2017,2017) discussed application of RSS to air quality monitoring. Jozani and Mirkamali(2010, 2011) used ranked set sample for binary data in the context of control chartsfor attributes. In earlier works, estimation of p using ranked set samples is based onthe assumption that the parameter p is an unknown but a fixed quantity. But theremay be situations where some prior knowledge on p may be available in terms of itschanging pattern over time or with respect to other factors, which amounts to treatp as a random quantity. In this article a Bayesian estimation of p in the domain ofranked set sample is considered.

We organize the paper in the following way. In section 2, a Bayes estimatorof the population proportion is proposed. As a natural competitor of the proposedestimator, a classical version estimator based on maximum likelihood principle isdiscussed in section 3. Section 4 provides an efficiency comparison of the estima-tors in terms of risk under square error loss function. In section 5 the proposedprocedure is used to estimate measles vaccination coverage probability among thechildren of age group 12-23 months in India using the real-life epidemiological datafrom National Family Health Survey-III. Lastly, section 6 gives a brief concludingremark.

2. Bayes Estimators of p

Let X be the variable of interest assumed to follow Bernoulli (p) distribution withp being the success probability. It has been found in the literature (e.g. Stokes(1977)) that the use of a single concomitant variable for ranking is effective re-gardless of whether the association of the concomitant variable of interest is pos-itive or negative. Suppose, after applying judgement ranking made on the ba-sis of a readily available auxiliary variable, say Y , we have a ranked set sample{X[i] j, i = 1(1)s, j = 1(1)m} of size n = ms, where X[i] j denotes the quantified ith

judgement order statistics in the jth cycle. It can easily be justified that, for eachi= 1(1)s, the observations in the ith ranking group X[i]1, · · · ,X[i] j, · · · ,X[i]m constitutea simple random sample (SRS) of size m from Bernoulli distribution with successprobability denoted by p[i], say. So, for each i = 1(1)s, p[i] represents the probabilityof assuming the value 1 (which corresponds to success) for the ith judgement orderstatistic X[i]1. Immediately we get the following result.Result 2.1: Suppose an observation with a higher judgement order is more likely to

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be a ‘success’. Then, we have

p[i] = Ip(s− i+1, i), for each i = 1,2, · · · ,s (2.1)




p[i] = p, (2.2)

where Ix(a,b), x ∈ (0,1), is the standard incomplete beta integral given by

Ix(a,b) =Γ(a+b)Γ(a)Γ(b)


ta−1(1− t)b−1dt.

The above result is standard (see Tepstra (2004)) and hence omitted.

Note 2.1: If an observation with a lower judgement order is more likely to be asuccess, then, for every i = 1,2, · · · ,s, that

p[i] = Ip(i,s− i+1) (2.3)

and (2.2) also holds in this case.

In this section the proportion parameter p is assumed to be a random variableand the randomness is quantified in terms of suitable prior density, say τ(p) of pover the interval [0,1]. Here, we derive a Bayesian estimator of p by incorporatingthe available prior information on p along with the information provided by theranked set sample data. By the virtue of ranked set sampling all the observationsX[i] j,∀i = 1(1)s, ∀ j = 1(1)m are independent. Let us define the variables

Zi =m


X[i] j, ∀i = 1(1)s.

Obviously, the variables Z1,Z2, · · · ,Zs are independently distributed as Zi ∼ Bino-mial (m, p[i]). For each i, 1≤ i≤ s, p[i] is a function of the basic parameter p, so wedenote it as p[i](p). With this notation one can easily write the likelihood functionof p, given the ranked set sample data z = (z1,z2, · · · ,zs) as

L(p|z) =s


P[Zi = zi|p[i](p)]




)[p[i](p)]zi [1− p[i](p)](m−zi) (2.4)

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where z is a particular realization of the random vector Z = (Z1,Z2, · · · ,Zs). Thus,the posterior density of p, given Z = z, with respect to the prior τ(p) for p is givenby

h(p|z) =L(p|z)τ(p)


L(p|z)τ(p)d p

⇔ h(p|z) ∝ L(p|z)τ(p)

⇔ h(p|z) ∝



[p[i](p)]zi [1− p[i](p)](m−zi)τ(p). (2.5)

The information regarding unknown parameter is upgraded in the light of the ob-served data and is quantified through the posterior distribution h(p|z) w.r.t. the priorτ(p) and hence any statistical inference regarding p is made on the basis of its pos-terior distribution given the ranked set sample data. Here, the posterior distributiondoes not have any standard form. In such a situation, to make any statistical infer-ence on p one should use Monte Carlo simulation technique which provides a greatdeal of computational facilities. According to this method, a sufficiently large num-ber, say N of observations are drawn at random independently from the posteriordistribution h(p|z) and let it be denoted as p(1), p(2), · · · , p(N). Then the posteriormean and variance of p can be approximated as

E(p|z) =


ph(p|z)d p

' 1N



p( j) (2.6)


V (p|z) =


{p−E(p|z)}2h(p|z)d p

' 1N



[p( j)]2−




p( j)



Thus, under square error loss function the Bayes estimate (p̂B) of p w.r.t. the priorτ(p) is given by the mean of the posterior distribution h(p|z), that is, for sufficiently

594 Das R., Verma V., Nath D. C.: Bayesian estimation of measles...

large N,

p̂B '1N



p( j). (2.8)

Alternative Bayes Esimator of p:

An alternative Bayes estimator of p can easily be constructed as the average of theBayes estimators of p[i]’s by assuming that the probabilities p[1], p[2], · · · , p[s] are allunknown parameters, although all of them are the functions of the basic parameter p,satisfying the relation (2.2). Suppose p[1], · · · , p[s] are independently and identicallydistributed with common prior density given below.

τ(θ) =1

B(α,β )θ

α−1(1−θ)β−1 , 0 < θ < 1, α > 0, β > 0. (2.9)

Then, under squared error loss function the Bayes estimator of p[i], based on Zi, caneasily be obtained as (see Ferguson (2014))

p̂∗B[i] =Zi +α

m+α +β, for i = 1, ..s. (2.10)

After having the estimators p̂∗B[i]; i = 1,2, · · · ,s, we are in a position to construct, byvirtue of the relation (2.2), a Bayesian estimator of p as

p̂∗B =1s



p̂∗B[i] (2.11)

which, by using (2.10), takes the form

p̂∗B =mX̄ +α

m+α +β, (2.12)

STATISTICS IN TRANSITION new series, December 2017 595

where X̄

(= 1





X[i] j

)is the grand mean of ms sample observations. Note

that, under square error loss, the risk function of p̂∗B is given as

Rp̂∗B(p) = E(p̂∗B− p)2

= E(

mX̄ +α

m+α +β− p)2

= (m+α +β )−2E {(mX̄−mp)+α− p(α +β )}2

= (m+α +β )−2




mp[i](1− p[i])+{α− p(α +β )}2



(m+α +β )2s2



p[i](1− p[i])+{α− p(α +β )}2

(m+α +β )2 . (2.13)

3. Estimator of p based on Maximum Likelihood Principle

Here, we briefly describe a classical version estimator of p based on the maximumlikelihood (ML) principle. For this we first assume that the proportion parameter pis an unknown fixed number lying between 0 and 1. Now, all the observations in theranked set sample are independently distributed, the likelihood function of p basedon the given ranked set sample X = x can be expressed as

L1(p|x) =s




[p[i](p)]x[i] j [1− p[i](p)]1−x[i] j



[p[i](p)]zi [1− p[i](p)]m−zi


∏i=1{Ip(s− i+1, i)}zi{I1−p(i,s− i+1)}m−zi . (3.1)

Equivalently, the log-likelihood function of p is given as

l(p|x) = logeL1(p|x) =s


zilogeIp(s− i+1, i)+s


(m− zi)logeI1−p(i,s− i+1),

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and hence the likelihood equation for determining MLE of p is obtained as

dd p

l(p|x) = 0



zib(p|s− i+1, i)Ip(s− i+1, i)



(m− zi)b(1− p|i,s− i+1)I1−p(i,s− i+1)


where b(x|α,β ) represents the probability density function of Beta(α,β ) distribu-tion. Due to the complicated nature of the above likelihood equation it is difficult toget an explicit solution for p and hence the RSS-based MLE of p does not have anyclosed form.

As an alternative way out we can obtain an estimate of p by indirectly us-ing the maximum likelihood principle. For this we first consider the probabilitiesp[1], p[2], · · · , p[s] as the unknown parameters, although all of them are the functionsof the basic parameter p. Then we determine the maximum likelihood estimatesof those parameters separately and substitute these estimates in the relation (2.2) ofResult 2.1 to get an estimate of p. Given the ranked set sample X = x, the likelihoodfunction of the parameters p[1], p[2], · · · , p[s] is written as

L1(p[1], p[2], · · · , p[s]|x) =s




[p[i]]x[i] j [1− p[i]]

1−x[i] j



[p[i]]zi [1− p[i]]

m−zi (3.3)

and the corresponding log-likelihood function is given by

l(p[1], p[2], · · · , p[s]|x) =s


ziloge p[i]+s


(m− zi)loge(1− p[i]).

Thus, by solving s maximum likelihood equations, ∂

∂ p[i]l(p[1], p[2], · · · , p[s]|x) = 0,

for i = 1,2, · · · ,s, we easily get the MLE of p[i] as

p̂[i] =Zi

m, i = 1,2, · · · ,s.

Then, after replacing p[i]’s by p̂[i]’s in the relation (2.2) we get an estimate of p as

p̂M =1s



p̂[i]. (3.4)

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Note 3.1: It is easy to argue that the ML estimates p̂[1], p̂[2], · · · , p̂[s] are statisticallyindependent as the variables Zi’s are independently distributed. Again, substitutingthe value Zi

m of p̂[i] in the equation (3.4), the estimate p̂M can be shown to be identicalwith the overall mean of the given ranked set sample. It is also readily verified thatp̂M is an unbiased estimator of p.

4. Comparison Between p̂B, p̂∗B and p̂M

The goal of this section is to compare the estimators of p derived in sections 2and 3. Since the posterior mean, by definition, minimizes the Bayes risk undersquared error loss function, it is not surprising that a Bayes estimator of an unknownparameter is often superior to the corresponding MLE in respect of mean squarederror (MSE). However, MLE neither requires any specification of prior distributionfor the parameter nor it involves any particular loss function. Thus, the comparisonshould be made on the basis of a criterion which does not bother about the particularnature of prior information regarding unknown parameter. However, as MSE of anestimator can be regarded as risk under squared error loss, one can use risk functionfor comparison purpose. The expressions for risk functions of the estimators aredescribed below. Under square error loss the risk of p̂B is given as

Rp̂B(p) = E(p̂B− p)2, (4.1)

which cannot be further simplified analytically. On the other hand, the risk of p̂M

has a theoretical expression obtained as

Rp̂M(p) = E(p̂M− p)2

= V










p[i](1− p[i]), (4.2)

after using the fact that p̂[i]’s are independent with V (p̂[i]) =1m p[i](1− p[i]).

Result 4.1: The risk function R p̂M(p) of the estimator p̂M is symmetric around’p = 1

2 ’.

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Proof: By (2.1) we rewrite Rp̂M(p) as

Rp̂M(p) =1




Ip(s− i+1, i)[1− Ip(s− i+1, i)]





Ip(s− i+1, i)I1−p(i,s− i+1), for p ∈ [0,1].

Now, for any ξ ∈ [0,1], we see that






I 12+ξ

(s− i+1, i) I 12−ξ

(i,s− i+1)



I 12+ξ

( j,s− j+1) I 12−ξ

(s− j+1, j), putting j = s− i+1



I 12−ξ

(s− j+1, j) I 12+ξ

( j,s− j+1)

= ms2R p̂M



and hence the required proof follows.

In the present situation we compare the performances of the estimators p̂B, p̂∗Band p̂M by plotting their risk functions in the same co-ordinate axes. The estimatorp̂B performs uniformly better than the estimator p̂M if

Rp̂B(p)≤ Rp̂M(p),

for all p ∈ [0,1] with strict inequality for at least one value of p. Here, we conve-niently choose Beta(α,β ) distribution as a prior for p, that is,

τ(p) = {B(α,β )}−1 pα−1(1− p)β−1, 0 < p < 1,α > 0,β > 0.

In the numerical computation we take, in particular, (s,m)= (3,50), (5,30), (3,100),(5,60) and (α,β ) = (1

2 ,12), (2,2), (

12 ,3), (3,

12). Here, we compute the risk values

for the Bayes estimator p̂B by simulation technique with the help of Metropolis-Hasting’s algorithm (given in Appendix) and then plot them over the whole rangeof p. The plotted risk functions are shown in Figures 1-4 given in Appendix. Thesefigures show that the risk curves corresponding to Bayes estimators p̂B and p̂∗B com-pletely lie below the risk curve of p̂M implying that the proposed Bayes estimatorsare uniformly better than the estimator based on ML principle so far as the givenparametric combinations are concerned. Again it is observed that the risk curves

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corresponding to Bayes estimators p̂B and p̂∗B are not significantly distinct and hencewe can conclude that these two estimators are more or less equally good.

5. Estimation of Measles Vaccination Coverage Probability

In public health related studies, the virus of measles is regarded as highly epidemicand is responsible for severe diseases. According to the Medical Dictionary, thevirus of measles infects the lungs at childhood which may cause pneumonia and inolder children it can lead to inflammation of the brain, called encephalitis, whichcan cause seizures and brain damage (Perry and Halsey, 2004). As precautionarymeasures the proper vaccination is introduced from the very beginning of the child-hood to acquire the immunity against measles viruses. According to the IntegratedChild Development Services (ICDS) program in India, a child should have receivedbasic vaccinations (BCG, polio, DPT and measles) in the 12-23 months of their age.

Here, our objective is to illustrate the proposed procedures for estimating thevaccination coverage of the measles among the children of age group 12-23 months(the age by which children should have received all basic vaccinations) in India2005-06. The study data has been taken from the website of the Measure DHS-Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) ( DHSprovides national and state estimates of fertility, child mortality, the practice of fam-ily planning, attention to mother and child and access to services for mothers andchildren. For this study, data set of National Family Health Survey-III (NFHS-III,2005-2006) for the year 2005-06 of India is considered. Here, the samples ofDHS are treated as our population of interest and those children who are in the12-23 months of their age considered as our study population.

The event of receiving vaccination for a child usually depends on awareness ofthe child’s mother regarding vaccination. The higher the educational qualificationof a mother during child bearing period, the higher would be the awareness as ex-pected. Therefore, mother’s educational qualification is used as auxiliary variablefor ranking purpose in ranked set sampling. The observations are obtained throughthe following steps.

1. A simple random sample of s2 units is drawn from the target population andis randomly partitioned into s sets, each having s units.

2. In each of s sets the units are ranked according to the mother’s qualification{1 = “No education", 2 = “Primary", 3 = “Secondary", 4 = “Higher"}. The

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ranking process could also be based on the individuals’ duration (in terms ofyears) of study. Here, samples in different sets are ranked based on mother’squalification denoted as (1, 2, 3, 4) and duration (in terms of years) of study.Obviously, there is a high chance of having ties. Then in that situation the ob-servations are ordered systematically in the sequence, as discussed by Terp-stra and Nelson (2005).

3. From the first set, the unit corresponding to the mother with lowest qualifi-cation (or duration of study) is selected. From the second set, the unit corre-sponding to the mother with the second lowest qualification is selected andso on. Finally, from the sth set, the unit corresponding to the mother with thehighest qualification is selected. The remaining s(s− 1) sampled units arediscarded from the data set.

4. The Steps 1 - 3, called a cycle, are repeated m times to obtain a ranked setsample of size n = ms.

Here, in particular, we take (s,m)= (4,100). Corresponding to each selected mother,information regarding whether her child is administrated with measles vaccina-tion or not is collected. Suppose X is the binary response that takes value ‘1’ ifthe child is vaccinated and ‘0’ otherwise. With this notation we have the sam-ple {X[1]1,X[1]2, · · · ,X[4]100} of size 400, where X[r] j takes the values ‘1’ or ‘0’ ac-cordingly as the jth child in the rth ranking class is vaccinated or not. Obviously,p[r] is the proportion, in rth class, of children who received the vaccination andp is the overall proportion of children receiving the vaccine in entire target pop-ulation. The implementation of the proposed Bayes approach requires assumingthe prior distributions of p[r]’s. Here we use Beta (α,β ) priors with (α,β ) =

(0.5,0.5),(1,1),(2,2),(5,5),(1,2),(2,1) and (5,3). With these parametric com-binations we compute the estimates p̂B, p̂∗B and p̂M. We also calculate the estimatedrelative risk of Bayes estimators w. r. t. p̂M defined by

ρ̂ p̂B =R̂(p̂M)


ρ̂ p̂∗B =R̂(p̂M)


and all computed results are summarized in Table 5.1. From the table, it is observedthat the Bayes estimate of the proportion of children receiving measles vaccine isvery close to that based on ML approach. Also, both the estimates are very closeto the value 58.8%, which is the estimated value of p reported by NFHS-III(2005-

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Table 5.1: Estimates of the proportion and Relative Efficiency

Bayesian approach MLSymmetric prior Asymmetric prior

Estimate α = 0.5 α = 1 α = 2 α = 5 α = 1 α = 2 α = 5β = 0.5 β = 1 β = 2 β = 5 β = 2 β = 1 β = 3

p̂B 0.562 0.562 0.562 0.562 0.562 0.562 0.564 0.578p̂∗B 0.577 0.576 0.575 0.570 0.570 0.580 0.581 0.578ρ̂ p̂B 2.13 2.02 2.14 2.25 2.37 2.02 2.15ρ̂ p̂∗B 1.02 1.03 1.05 1.10 1.03 1.04 1.09

06). It is also clear that the proposed Bayes procedure, especially the estimator p̂B,shows greater efficiency than the corresponding ML based procedure.

6. Concluding Remarks

The present work is concerned with the problem of estimating unknown populationproportion p based on ranked set sample (RSS) drawn from a binary population.Since the RSS-based likelihood function of p is complicated, the direct applica-tion of Bayes principle (in the context of Bayesian paradigm) or maximum like-lihood principle (in connection with classical framework) is not straightforwardfor estimating p. In Bayesian framework the RSS-based Bayes estimator doesnot have a simple explicit form even if we choose the simplest distribution, i.e.Uniform(0,1) (≡ Beta(1,1)) as a possible prior for p. The RSS-based likelihoodfunction of p can easily be expressed in the form of polynomial in p. Thus, underthe assumption of Beta(α,β ) prior for p, the posterior distribution can be shown,through a routine calculation, to be a mixture of several Beta distributions. Also,the explicit form of the Bayes estimator is not so convenient from the computa-tional point of view. Obviously, the posterior distribution does not belong to theBeta-family and hence Beta(α,β ) prior is not a conjugate prior in this case. In fact,there does not exist any conjugate prior in standard form due to complexity in thefunctional form of RSS-based likelihood of p.

As a natural competitor of the Bayes estimator of p, we have used here a verycommon estimator indirectly based on maximum likelihood principle used in find-ing MLEs of intermediate parameters p[1], p[2], · · · , p[s]. On the other hand, one candirectly use the MLE of p as considered by Tepstra (2004) for comparison purpose.However, this estimator does not exist in a closed form but can be computed through

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numerical methods. Since our main focus lies in the Bayesian approach of estima-tion by incorporating available prior information regarding the parameter of interest.We here consider a commonly used estimator for comparison purpose only.

In Bayesian statistics the selection of the prior distribution is crucial to the anal-ysis of data because the final conclusion depends on this particular choice. In ourproposed procedure we have considered the Beta prior due to its important features,viz., proper interpretability according to the model (see Paolino (2001)), less compu-tational complexity of posterior distribution (see Gupta and Nadarajah (2004)), hav-ing reasonable reflection of prior uncertainty (see Ferrari and Cribari-Neto (2004)),capability to extend to higher dimensions (see Pham-Gia (1994)), etc. However,the Beta-Binomial conjugate analysis may not be adequately robust. Thus, the pre-cision of the prior is important and the sensitivity analysis regarding the prior isnecessary. Keeping these in mind one can carry out a robust Bayesian analysis us-ing non-conjugate priors. One such way out might be the use of Cauchy priors afterexpressing the likelihood of binary data in terms of its exponentially family form,and this Cauchy-Binomial model for binary data might be more robust (see Fuqueneet al. (2008)). Several other robust approaches are also discussed in, among oth-ers, Berger et al. (1994) and Wang and Blei (2015). The consideration of robustBayesian approach is beyond the scope of the present work and will be consideredin a separate issue.


The first author is thankful to the authority of the Presidency University, Kolkata, forproviding the grant under FRPDF scheme. The second author would like to expresshis deepest gratitude and sincere thanks to the Department of Science & Technol-ogy, India (Grant No. - IF130365) for funding. The third author acknowledges thefinancial support provided by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), NewDelhi (Grant No-69/40/2008 ECD-II). The authors would like to thank both of theanonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve thequality of this manuscript.

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Algorithm: Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

The purpose of the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm is to simulate samples froma probability distribution by utilizing the full joint density function and (indepen-dent) proposals distributions corresponding to each variable of interest. The stepsof Algorithm mainly consist of three components and are given below:

Initialize x(0) ↑ q(x)Initialize the sample value for each random variable (this value is often sampledfrom the variable’s prior distribution).for iteration i = 1,2, · · · do

Propose: xcand ↑ q(x(i)|x(i−1))

Generate a proposal (or a candidate) sample xcand from the proposal distributionq(x(i)|x(i−1))

Acceptance Probability:

α (xcand |x(i−1)) = Min



q(xcand |x(i−1))π(x(i−1))


u ∼ Uniform (u;0,1)Compute the acceptance probability via the acceptance function α (xcand |x(i−1))

based on the proposal distribution and the full joint density π(.)

if u < α thenAccept the proposal: x(i)← xcand

elseReject the proposal: x(i)← x(i−1)

end ifAccept the candidate sample with probability α , the acceptance probability, or re-ject it with probability 1−α

end for

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Figure 1: Risk curves for the estimators p̂M, p̂B and p̂∗B when s = 3,m = 50 atdifferent choices of α and β

Figure 2: Risk curves for the estimators p̂M, p̂B and p̂∗B when s = 5,m = 30 atdifferent choices of α and β

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Figure 3: Risk curves for the estimators p̂M, p̂B and p̂∗B when s = 3,m = 100 atdifferent choices of α and β

Figure 4: Risk curves for the estimators p̂M, p̂B and p̂∗B when s = 5,m = 60 atdifferent choices of α and β