Battle of ai ben simon

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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This slideshow is an entry into the Jewish Interactive digital homework competition - January 2013.

Transcript of Battle of ai ben simon

Yehoshua sent meraglim to Ai so they can fight Ai and conquer it.

Yehoshua only sent 3000 soldiers to Ai so it’ll be amazing if they win.

B’nei Yisrael did not know why they were getting defeated.

Achan is stealing lots of valuable things

Achan was killed for stealing valuable things.

The king of Ai asked to bring the soldiers to attack Yehoshua’s tiny army.

Yehoshua’s army pretended to run away so no one would be guarding the city

Yehoshua held up his javelin for a sign for the other soldiers to go in to Ai and set it on fire.

I won so now I can prove we are the best army.