Batch and column experiments on nutrient leaching in soils...

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Catena 127 (2015) 64–71

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Batch and column experiments on nutrient leaching in soils amendedwith Italian natural zeolitites

N. Colombani a, M. Mastrocicco b,⁎, D. Di Giuseppe b, B. Faccini b, M. Coltorti b

a Department of Earth Sciences, “Sapienza” University of Rome, P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italyb Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara, Italy

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0532 974692; fax: +E-mail address: (M. Mastrocicco).© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 17 September 2014Received in revised form 12 December 2014Accepted 15 December 2014Available online 29 December 2014

Keywords:soil conditioningnatural zeolitesleachingmodellingnitrate

This paper describes the application of the Italian chabazite-rich tuff of Sorano (Grosseto) as a soil conditionerand slow nutrient fertilizer to a silty-clay soil and a sandy soil. The study was developed by means of batchand columnexperiments. The objectives of the studywere: (1) to evaluate and compare the physical and hydrau-lic properties ofmixtures of soil and natural zeolitite (95:5% v/v)with those of unamended soils, (2) to determinethe effects of applying NH4

+-enriched zeolitites on soils and (3) to model water and solutes movement in twodifferent scenarios, with and without amendment incorporation. Results of column experiments were thenmodelled to obtain the physical–chemical and hydraulic parameters representative of the soils amended withthe NH4

+-enriched zeolitites. Using synthetic rainwater as eluent, NH4+ was never detected in the water phase

of batches and columns; NO3− and PO4

3−wereboth present at high concentrations in batch tests andwere leachedin column elution tests. NO3

− displayed very high concentrations at the beginning of the elution whereas PO43−

showed low concentrations and retarded peaks in both amended soil columns. The rationale of the study liesin the belief that inorganic amendments, which improve the physical and hydraulic properties of soils, canlead to minimized leaching of nutrients.

© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

So far, many research efforts have been spent to focus on innovativemanagement strategies to improve soil fertility and simultaneouslylimit nutrient loss to surface and groundwater (Stark and Richards,2008), which in the end lead to eutrophication (Edmeades, 2003). Themost commonmethod to increase the soil water and nutrient retentionis through soil conditioning with organic amendments (Bigelow et al.,1999; Laird et al., 2010; McCoy, 1992). Although organic amendmentdecay can decrease hydraulic conductivity and porosity (Haynes andNaidu, 1998), inorganic amendments like zeolites have been proposedto improve the waterholding capacity (Huang and Petrovic, 1994;Xiubin and Zhanbin, 2001), drainage control (Bigelow et al., 2004) andthe retention and release of ammonium (NH4

+) due to their high cationexchange capacity (CEC) (Bish and Ming, 2001; McGilloway et al.,2003). The application of natural zeolites has been reported to diminishnutrient leaching and to increase crop water use efficiency (Coltortiet al., 2012; Gholamhoseini et al., 2013; Ming and Allen, 2001; Polatet al., 2004). Besides, natural zeolites could also decrease ammoniavolatilization (He et al., 2002; Latifah et al., 2010). Chabazite is one ofthe most useful natural zeolites due to its high CEC (Mumpton, 1999;Sheta et al., 2003), selective reversible sorption for NH4

+ (Gualtieri and

39 0532 974767.

Passaglia, 2006) and structure stability over long periods (Baerlocheret al., 2001). Theoretically, soil properties could be positively changedby chabazite conditioning but, apart from a few examples (Coppolaet al., 2002; Hong et al., 2011), so far detailed studies are still needed.

In this paper, batch and column leaching experiments wereperformed on silty clay loam and sandy soils amended with NH4

+-charged natural zeolitites with very high chabazite content (Facciniet al., 2014). These experiments aim at simulating the leaching (dissolu-tion, desorption and degradation) behaviour of nutrients during thewater–soil interaction (Mastrocicco et al., 2009). The comparisonbetween the amounts of nutrients leached from different soils, naturalor amended, will provide fundamental information in understandingthe geochemical behaviour of zeolite-bearing minerals. To improvethe knowledge of nutrient leaching within the water–soil continuum,a clear picture of the flow dynamics is a prerequisite.

To characterise the flow and transport properties on the field or atthe laboratory scale, tracer tests are usually employed (Mao and Ren,2004), and flow interruption techniques are performed to assess thephysical non-equilibrium behaviour (Brusseau et al., 1989, 1997).Moreover, the numerical transport modelling of the abovementionedtracers can help to discern dilution and dispersion processes fromreactions between the water and the solid phase (Appelo et al., 1990).The most widely used method to determine water and chemical fluxesin the saturated zone is the application of process-based mathematicalmodels, like CXTFIT (Toride et al., 1999).

Table 2Major elements (oxides) of the Sorano zeolitite.

Oxides SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 P2O5 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O LOI

wt.% 51.2 16.6 3.38 0.48 0.18 0.11 1.76 5.00 0.79 5.84 14.3

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In this respect, both tracer tests with flow interruption and model-ling were used to obtain information on the mobility of the selectedreactive species. The first objective of these tests was to determinewhether the physical equilibrium approach described by the classicaladvection dispersion equation (ADE) could be assumed or if non-equilibrium processes (preferential flows) were relevant for thecolumn experiments. Once this issue was solved, the main target wasto quantify the physical parameters that deterministically describe theflow and transport process to gain insights into nutrient leachingbehaviour.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Soil collection

The soil material was sourced from the top layer of the ZeoLIFEexperimental site (Coltorti et al., 2012; Di Giuseppe et al., 2014), located40 km east of Ferrara, Italy (45°50′33″N and 12°05′40″E) and 15 kmfrom the Adriatic Sea in a reclaimed land at an average altitude of−3 ± 0.3 m above sea level (a.s.l.). The experimental site includedrecent alluvial deposits, mainly silty-clay loam (SCL) and medium finesand (S) according to the USDA-SCS (1984) textural classification(Bondesan et al., 1995; Mastrocicco et al., 2013).

A series of soil samples for SCL and S were collected from differentlocations within the field site to minimize soil heterogeneity. Thesoil samples were stored in PE bags under vacuum in the field andmaintained refrigerated during transportation to the SedimentologyLaboratory of the University of Ferrara. In the laboratory, the soilsamples were homogenized at room temperature and a physicalcharacterization was performed for the resulting mixture of SCL and Sin triplicate (see Table 1 for results).

The zeolitite comes from a thick deposit of volcanoclastic productsclose to Sorano (Grosseto, IT); it has chabazite (68.5 ± 0.9%), phillipsite(1.8 ± 0.4%) and analcime (0.6 ± 0.3%) as the main zeolites, and K-feldspar (9.7 ± 0.7%), mica (5.3 ± 0.6%), pyroxene (2.9 ± 0.4%) andvolcanic glass (11.2 ± 1.0%) (Faccini et al., 2014). To assess the zeolititechemical composition (see Table 2), triplicates were completely oven-dried at 50 °C, powdered, homogenized in an agatemortar and analysedby X-ray fluorescence (XRF) on powder pellets, using a wavelength-dispersive automated ARL Advant'X spectrometer. Loss on ignition(LOI) was evaluated after overnight heating at 950 °C (LOI950). Thisnatural potassic chabazite zeolitite (NZ) is a granular (Ø b 3 mm) by-product of quarrying activity; its high CEC, low Na content and veryhigh and constant total zeolitic content, make it the most suitablematerial for ammonium (NH4

+) exchange and re-use for agriculturalpurposes. Therefore, NZ was mixed with swine manure (with a solidfraction of about 1 wt.%, NH4

+ content up to 2 g/l and mildly alkalinepH) in a specifically conceived prototype (Coltorti et al., 2012) inorder to gain an NH4

+-charged zeolitite (CZ) to be employed as soilamendment in the ZeoLIFE field site. CZ acquired an average of 6 mg/g

Table 1Sediment characteristics and their standard deviation from triplicate samples.

Parameter SCL S NZ

Grain size (%)Coarse sand (630–2000 μm) 0.0 ± 0.0 5.0 ± 0.8 10.1 ± 1.1Medium sand (200–630 μm) 0.0 ± 0.0 45.1 ± 3.4 22.5 ± 0.6Fine sand (63–200 μm) 19.1 ± 1.3 33.1 ± 2.8 32.4 ± 2.4Silt (2–63 μm) 41.9 ± 3.1 12.0 ± 0.2 22.2 ± 0.2Clay (b2 μm) 39.0 ± 2.4 4.8 ± 0.5 12.8 ± 0.5Hydraulic conductivity (cm/d) 10.1 ± 2.1 146 ± 22 116 ± 18Bulk density (kg/m3) 1.1 ± 0.1 1.5 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.1Residual water content (%) 13.0 ± 0.2 5.8 ± 0.3 8.1 ± 0.5Total porosity (%) 59.0 ± 0.4 43.4 ± 0.4 41.3 ± 0.2Organic matter (%) 8.1 ± 0.4 1.1 ± 0.1 0.0 ± 0.0Soil pH (–) 6.6 ± 0.6 7.6 ± 0.3 6.9 ± 0.2Carbonates (%) 7.0 ± 2.0 7.0 ± 2.0 1.5 ± 0.6

of N-NH4 during prototype treatment. Physical characterization of NZ,S and SCL soils was performed in triplicate (see Table 1 for results).

2.2. Batch experiments

Batch leaching experiments were performed using the saturationsoil extraction (SSE) methods described by Schuwirth and Hofmann(2006), with the use of synthetic rainwater (deionized water MilliQplus CaCl2 0.01 mM and NaCO3 0.01 mM, pH = 7.6), representative ofwater quality recharging the aquifer. The experiment was performedin a temperature-controlled laboratory at 20 ± 0.5 °C. Sediments werenot sterilized but air-dried at room temperature to minimize heat-driven dehydration reactions and to avoid changes in the structure,ion exchange capacities and dissolution characteristics of the clayminerals. Sampleswere notwashed as thiswould preferentially removethose components that are associated with the finer and more friableminerals, such as micas.

Six batcheswere runwith a solid:liquid ratio of 1:10 (w/v), using 5 gof air-dried sediment and 50ml of synthetic rainwater for the followingmatrices: NZ, CZ, SCL, S, SCL(CZ), and S(CZ), SCL(CZ), and S(CZ) consisted ofCZ mixed with natural soils (SCL, S) in a volume ratio of 1:20. For eachbatch, triplicates were prepared to derive standard deviation ofdissolved species concentration. Batches were sealed and placed on arotary shaker for 1 h at 20 °C to achieve equilibrium, prior to collectingsamples (2 ml each) to be filtered using a 0.2 μm polypropylene filterand analysed for anion by ion chromatography and NH4

+ by UV/Visspectrophotometry.

2.3. Column experiments

All leaching tests have been conducted at laboratory conditions(20°C) using polyethylene (PE) columns with an internal diameter of2 cm and a length of 15 cm, equipped with PE pre- and post-chambersconsisting of 1 mm uniformly packed quartz sand and a 50 μm Nitexmesh in contact with the matrix in order to avoid material loss. Packingof air-dried sediment took place in 15–20 increments, and eachincrement was slightly packed before the next one was placed on topuntil the columns were completely filled. Subsequently, the columnswere connected, via a system of capillary Teflon tubes, to a peristalticpump supplied by a synthetic rainwater reservoir.

The schematic diagramof the column experiments is shown in Fig. 1.Elution experiments started with a slow saturation of every column

with synthetic rainwater; matrix and porewater were then left equili-brating for 24 h. After the equilibration period, a peristaltic pump witha constant flow rate of 100 ml/h was employed to pump the syntheticrainwater in each column; an effluent tube was fixed to a fractioncollector of 2 ml, which was then divided into two 1-ml aliquots forthe analysis of anions and NH4

+. The sample volume was appositelychosen to be “minimal” in order to avoid dilution and cross-contamina-tion between successive samples. After 5−6 pore volumes, the pumpwas stopped and turned on again after 1 day to evaluate the amountof nutrients leached after the flow interruption. Extra column volumewas taken into account when the experimental elution curves wereconstructed by correcting the arrival volumes of the effluents. Tracertests were performed on every column after elution experiments; asolution of 100 mg/l of NaBr dissolved into synthetic rainwater wasinjected for 1 min into the column, and immediately afterwards, thesynthetic rainwater reservoir was turned on. A small flow-through cellwas used to monitor electrical conductivity (EC) at the column outflowand the NaBr concentration (mg/l) via a Br− ion-selective electrode

Fig. 1. Scheme of the experimental setup used in the column elution and BTC experiments.

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(ISE). An additional tracer testwith flow interruptionwas performed onevery column to examine the effect of diffusive mass transfer on solutetransport (Brusseau et al., 1989, 1997). The experiments resulted in atracer breakthrough, given as BTCs. The experimental BTCs werecorrected by subtracting the measured extra-column volume of thetubing (2 ml) and the flow-through chambers (5 ml).

The probe was able to express the concentration, in ppm, of the ionsBr-transited inside. Finally, the volumewasmeasured extra-column, forthe calculation of the effective porosity (ne) via the formula:

ne ¼qsv


where qs is the specific flow rate (volumetric flow divided by the area ofthe column)measured at the output from each column inml/min and vis the velocity of the non-reactive tracer (Br−) expressed in cm/min,calculated dividing the column length by the Br− median arrival time.

2.4. Analytical techniques

Particle size curves were obtained using a sedimentation balancefor the coarse fraction and an X-ray diffraction sedigraph 5100Micromeritics for the finer fraction; the two regions of the particle sizecurve were connected using the computer code SEDIMCOL (Brambatiet al., 1973). The soil organic matter was measured by dry combustion(Tiessen and Moir, 1993). Carbonate content in soil was determinedwith a Chittick gasometrical apparatus (Dreimanis, 1962). Soil andporewater pH were measured using a Hanna meter model pH211with the glass-body combination pH probe HI 1131B, incorporating atemperature probe for compensation.

Constant pressure head tests were used to infer the average hydrau-lic conductivity of each column, while bulk density and water contentwere determined gravimetrically. The gravimetric water content wasmeasured for saturated condition after elution of 10 pore volumes.The residual water content was measured gravimetrically in triplicateon air-dried sediments after being heated for 24 h at 105 °C. The

porosity, n (cm3/cm3) of the soil was calculated as follows (Danielsonand Sutherland, 1986):

n ¼ 1−ρp


where ρp is the particle density (g/cm3) and ρb is the bulk density(g/cm3).

Online parameters on the leaching solutions were determined witha HIcell-21 electrode conductivity cell for EC measurements, HannaInstrument® and with a dissolved Br− ISE, Nextsens®. The latter has aUSB cable to store Br− concentration data into a personal computer;the record was set every 1 s to obtain an almost continuousBTC. Leaching solutions were filtered through 0.22 μm Dionex vialcaps. Major anions (F−, Cl−, NO2

−, Br−, NO3−, PO4

3− and SO42−) were

determined by an isocratic dual pump ion chromatography ICS-1000Dionex, equipped with an AS9-HC 4 × 250 mm high-capacity columnand anASRS-Ultra 4-mmself-suppressor. AnAS-40Dionex autosamplerwas employed to run the analysis; quality control (QC) samples wererun every ten samples. The standard deviation for all QC samples runwas better than 4%, whereas the accuracy is reported as the average ofthe relative differences between the measured and known standards,which was 5% for anions. The detection limit was 2 μg/L for F− andlower than 50 μg/L for all the analysed anions and cations. The dissolvedNH4

+ concentration in water was determined with a CADAS 100 UV/Visspectrophotometer (Hach-Lange, UK), with a detection limit of100 μg/L.

2.5. Modelling approach

Assuming a uniformwater content and steady-state flow conditions,the one-dimensional transport non-equilibrium advection–dispersionequation (ADE), including first-order degradation reaction, can bewritten as (van Genuchten and Wierenga, 1976):


∂t ¼ θmDm∂2Cm

∂x2− Jw


∂x −α Cm−Cimð Þ− θmμmð ÞCm ð3Þ


∂t ¼ α Cm−Cimð Þ− θimμ imð ÞCim ð4Þ

where subscripts m and im pertain to the mobile and immobile region,respectively. C (ML−3) denotes solute concentrations as a function ofdistance x (L) and time t (T).Dm (L2T−1) is thehydrodynamic dispersioncoefficient for the mobile region, Jw (LT−1) the volumetric water fluxdensity and the volumes θ (L3L−3), θm, (L3L−3) and θim (L3L−3) arethe total, mobile and immobile water content. For θm = θ, Eq. (1)reduces to the single-domain ADE. The solute-mass transfer betweenmobile and immobile regions is limited by the first-order rate coeffi-cient α (T−1). The dispersion coefficient Dm provides a measureof solute spreading and Dm can be extrapolated empirically by D =λL + D* where λL (L) is the longitudinal dispersivity and D* (L2T−1) isthe effective diffusion coefficient.

The main characteristics that distinguish the dual domain approach(DD) from ADE BTCs of a tracer are the so-called “early breakthroughs”,related to accelerated transport via preferential pathways and “tailing”,due to diffusion-driven processes into stagnant zones. Thus, the morethe sediments are characterised by preferential pathways and stagnantzones, the more the behaviour of solute transport can be approximatedby DD approach, while the ADE cannot be successfully used.

In the numerical models, the 15-cm-long experimental columnswere discretized in a 200 cell grid. The hydraulic conductivities andporosities attributed to this grid are listed in Table 1. A constant headboundary was used at both the influent and effluent ends of the columnto simulate steady state flow rates. The tracer pulse was simulated as atime pulse input boundary condition for the infinite dilution injections.

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While a multiple pulse input was selected to simulate the frontal analy-sis injections, which consisted of continuous tracer injection for 2 porevolumes. CXTFIT was run in inverse mode to estimate (i) λL where theBTCs were simulated via single-domain ADE and (ii) λL, θim and αwhere the DD approach was employed.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Batch experiments

NZ have a small amount of leachable nutrients and Cl−, while CZhave an extremely high NO3

− and Cl− content, and remarkable NH4+

and PO43− contents (Table 3). These high concentrations are due to the

swine manure used to charge the zeolitite, although the manure isrich in NH4

+ but poor in NO3− (Table 2). The predominant presence of

NO3− over NH4

+ in CZ was due to the oxic conditions during and afterthe charging process. In fact, the charged zeolitites were stored in alarge open tank near the mixing prototype; here, the residual manurefraction present on the zeolitite's grain surfaces was subject to nitrifica-tion (Stumm and Morgan, 1996):

NHþ4 þ 2O2→NO−

3 þ 2Hþ þH2O ð5Þ

usually resulting in a pH lowering if carbonates are not present to bufferthe reaction. In this case, carbonates were present in all the sedimentmatrixes (Table 1) and the measured pH in each batch experiment didnot decrease with respect to the soil pH (Table 3).

NH3 volatilization of the residual manure fraction present on thezeolitite's grain surfaces was surely an active process during the storageperiod, although this process was not monitored in the field. During thesmall incubation time of the batches, the gross NH3 volatilization couldbe considered negligible (Rochette et al., 2009; Van der Stelt et al.,2007).

From Eq. (5), 1 mol of NH4+ produces 1 mol of NO3

− thus, fromTable 3, theNH4

+present in the slurry pigmanure should have produced7644 ± 877 mg/kg of NO3

−. Despite this, only half of the expected NO3−

concentration was found in the CZ batches. This inconsistency isprobably imputable to the extremely high variability of the NO3

concentrations observed in the CZ batches or to incomplete nitrification.In any case, comparing the conservative species Cl− in the pig manureand in the CZ batches (Table 3), a dilution factor of 1.5 is appreciable,indicating that the manure/zeolite ratio was well below unity. Aneven higher dilution factor of 2.7 is appreciable for the PO4

3− since thisspecies has a greater affinity for the solid matrix (Griffioen, 1994).

The same behaviour described above is shown by the S(CZ) andSCL(CZ) batches, although here, a further dilution factor of all therecorded concentrations is appreciable (Table 3) since the CZ wasmixed with natural soils with a volumetric ratio of 1:20. The largevariability of the observed concentrations is also reflected in thestandard deviations of both S(CZ) and SCL(CZ). The corresponding naturalsoil standard deviations are relatively small, but just because themeasured concentrations are lower. From the S(CZ) and SCL(CZ) batchexperiments is clear that only NO3

− could be significantly leached byrainfall or irrigation events after the CZ amendment. NO3

− could bederived from the manure residua coating the zeolitite grains (the CZ

Table 3Rainfall leachable NH4

+, NO3−, NO2

−, PO43−, Cl− fractions (mg/kg) and pH (–) for the different m

NH4+ (mg/kg) NO3

− (mg/kg) NO2− (mg

NZ b0.5 ± 0.0 3.9 ± 1.3 1.0 ± 0.4CZ 35.0 ± 8 3840 ± 1020 2.7 ± 0.8Manure 2224 ± 255 0.3 ± 0.1 7.5 ± 5.9S b0.5 ± 0.0 26.3 ± 3.3 0.2 ± 0.1S(CZ) b0.5 ± 0.0 354 ± 54 0.6 ± 0.1SCL b0.5 ± 0.0 40.2 ± 5.0 1.3 ± 0.4SCL(CZ) b0.5 ± 0.0 589 ± 76 1.8 ± 0.6

production process in the prototype does not foresee the washing ofthe material) and/or from the nitrification of a small amount of theNH4

+ trapped in the zeolitite (at most, 15% of the total exchangeableN). In this last case, the exchange is most probably caused by the releasein the solution of cations (Na+, K+) from the manure residua.

3.2. Column experiments

In thefirst columnexperiments, a comparison between the Br−BTCsof unamended and amended soils was done for both S and SCL soils.Fig. 2 shows the results of the frontal analysis BTCs: it is evident thatfor the S and S(CZ) columns, the results were quite similar, whereas forthe SCL and SCL(CZ) columns, some differences are visible. First of all,the SCL BTCwas affected by large oscillations due to thephysical hetero-geneities of the porous structure, while the addition of zeolites dimin-ished this effect and changed the dispersivity of the porous matrix.From these preliminary column experiments, it seems obvious thatthe physical transport properties of the S soil could not be greatlyaltered, while for SCL soil some differences have been caused, althoughnot very intense. A comparison was made between IC Br− concentra-tions collected in five discrete samples and ISE Br− concentrationscollected via continuous logging, to test if the very small flow-throughchamber of the ISE detector was able to produce reliable data. Theresults gave a linear regression coefficient (R2) of 0.991, proving agood reliability for the ISE set up. Nevertheless, ISE recalibration wasneeded for every new BTC test. Online EC values were also comparedwith online ISE Br− concentrations, giving a R2 of only 0.934, since ECis not influenced by the Br− but also by other cations that could beexchanged from the solid matrix (Mastrocicco et al., 2011).Thus, ECvalues were not used for model fitting.

TheBTC experiments in both amended soils (Fig. 3)werefitted usingthe same parameter sets for the infinite dilution and frontal analysistests (Table 4). These double tests provide much more consistentinformation on the column's physical properties with respect to a singletrial. In addition, despite the time-consuming procedures to run theseexperiments, they could provide a robust evidence of the column setup reliability or suggest the possible source of errors, e.g. floatingconcentrations due to Br− detector calibration failure, inconstant flow,entrapped air bubbles, etc… As shown in Fig. 3, the BTCs for the S(CZ)column display little tailing and early breakthrough, so they could bewell fitted using the standard ADE equation (Table 4). The obtained λLvalue is small but it is in the range of the observed values for sandyrepacked soils columns (Bromly et al., 2007), with a small standarddeviation indicating little uncertainty in parameter identification. Onthe contrary, the SCL(CZ) column displays longer tailing and early break-through, so they could be well fitted only by using the DD equation(Table 4). The obtained λL value displays a larger uncertainty withrespect to the S(CZ) column, although the statistical values are quiteelevated, indicating an overall good degree of reliability even for thiscolumn. The high θim value obtained through inverse modellingindicates that the active region of flow within the SCL(CZ) column isonly 62% of the pore space, while the low α value indicates that thetwo regions exchange solutes at a relatively slow rate.

Once the parameter values for each column were estimated,these were applied to the elution experiments performed on the same

atrixes analysed and their standard deviation from triplicate samples.

/kg) PO43− (mg/kg) Cl− (mg/kg) pH (–)

b0.5 ± 0.0 13.0 ± 3.4 7.2 ± 0.136.4 ± 18 723 ± 287 7.3 ± 0.298.6 ± 32 1106 ± 166 8.0 ± 0.40.6 ± 0.1 6.2 ± 0.9 7.4 ± 0.12.2 ± 0.4 101.1 ± 12 7.4 ± 0.21.5 ± 0.3 15.2 ± 2.1 7.0 ± 0.23.6 ± 0.7 68.5 ± 13 7.1 ± 0.2

Fig. 2. Comparison of Br− BTCs in S and S(CZ) columns (left plot), SCL and SCL(CZ) columns (right plot).

68 N. Colombani et al. / Catena 127 (2015) 64–71

columns before the start of Br− BTCs. The results are shown in Fig. 4 forthe S(CZ) column and in Fig. 5 for the SCL(CZ) column; the completedataset with all the monitored ions is provided as SI. The elution ofconservative species like Cl− was well reproduced by the numerical

Fig. 3. Observed and calculated Br− concentrations in S(CZ) and SCL(CZ) columns for

model with a MSE of 1.69 mg/l and R2 of 0.994 (Fig. 4). It has to benoted that, in order to gain good fit between observed and modelledconcentrations, the initial condition for the dissolved concentrationswas changed from constant to stepwise. The stepwise dissolved

both infinite dilution BTCs (upper plot) and frontal analysis BTCs (lower plots).

Table 4Parameters obtained by inversemodelling for the BTC simulations in S(CZ) and SCL(CZ) col-umns, and their corresponding mean square for error (MSE) and R2. The symbol ±denotes the standard deviation of the obtained parameter value.

Parameter S(CZ) SCL(CZ)

λL (cm) 0.56 ± 0.05 1.12 ± 0.41θim (–) – 0.224 ± 0.01α (1/d) – 0.07 ± 0.008MSE (mg/l) 0.089 0.072R2 0.996 0.995

69N. Colombani et al. / Catena 127 (2015) 64–71

concentrations consisted of 5 discrete steps (3 cm each) in which thecolumnswere subdivided: in the first step (column inlet), the rainwaterconcentration was used, in the last step (column outlet), the observedinitial concentrations were used, and in the other three intermediatesteps, the two measured concentrations were linearly interpolated. Inthis way, the sudden concentration drop observed for all the ionscould bewell reproduced. This behaviour has a simple physical explana-tion: since the water saturation of the columns was achieved bypumping synthetic rainwater from the inlet, the soluble saltswere dissolved and carried by the water phase at the wetting front,thus producing higher concentrations near the column outflow andlower concentrations near the column inflow. If the columns werefilled with a homogenized soil-saturated paste, a more homogeneousinitial concentration would be attained; however, this artificial

Fig. 4. Observed and calculated Cl−, NO3−, NO2

− and P

homogenization procedure would not have mimicked real saturationduring prolonged rainfall or irrigation periods and thus it has not beendone.

Similar to Cl−, NO3− was also displaced after the first two pore

volumes, indicating the conservative behaviour of this anion in oxicconditions. NO2

− followed the same conservative behaviour just in thefirst pore volume, but then it was produced at a constant rate, indicatingthat reactive soil nitrogen was constantly mineralized. NH4

+ levels werealways below detection limits (and thus not shown in the figure)because, with the absence of high concentrations of cations in thewater phase, all the NH4

+ remain entrapped within the zeolite structure(Miladinovic and Weatherley, 2008). The column released PO4

3− withelevated variability, indicating that reactive soil phosphorous was alsoundergoing mineralization. CZ increases the dissolution of insolublephosphate from soils, as also recently shown by Lancellotti et al.(2014); in addition, since PO4

3− has a large affinity for the solid matrix,its breakthrough was largely retarded, as shown by the PO4

3− peakafter eight pore volumes. For all the analysed species, the flow interrup-tion did not affect their concentrations.

Looking at Fig. 5, the same consideration can be drawn for the select-ed ions discussed before. The major differences are the longer tailing ofthe elution curves due to the complex structure of the pore space andthe model fitting, which was not as good as for the S(CZ) column witha MSE of 5.72 mg/l and R2 of 0.931. In addition, here the effect of theflow interruption was at least measurable, although a much longer

O43− concentrations eluted from S(CZ) columns.

Fig. 5. Observed and calculated Cl−, NO3−, NO2

− and PO43− concentrations eluted from SCL(CZ) columns.

70 N. Colombani et al. / Catena 127 (2015) 64–71

interruption period would be required to equilibrate the immobile andmobile regions, given the low α value.

It could be noted that the initial concentrations of Cl− andNO3−were

markedly higher than the concentration obtained with the batch testsfor both the S(CZ) and SCL(CZ) columns. This was because these solublesalts immediately passed into solution and were flushed away in thefirst two pore volumes as proposed before.

By integrating the mass of each discrete sample with respect to theamount of mobile phase (water) eluted from the S(CZ) column, the ob-tained Cl− and NO3

− concentrations were 105 and 313 mg/kg, respec-tively. Similarly, the SCL(CZ) column behaved conservatively withconcentrations integrated over the entire test of 65 mg/kg for Cl− and407 mg/kg for NO3

−, respectively. Comparing these results with thoseof the batches reported in Table 3, a good agreement between theS(CZ) batches and column is appreciable, whereas lower concentrationswere recovered for the SCL(CZ) column with respect to their corres-ponding batches. Again, this behaviour could be imputable to thecomplex porous structure that was disaggregated in the batches, inwhich all the readily available nutrients and inorganic ions passed intosolution.

4. Conclusions

This paper describes the application of the Italian chabazite-rich tuffof Sorano (Grosseto) as a soil conditioner and slow nutrient fertilizer toa silty-clay soil and a sandy soil. This was done via batch experiments,

column elutions and column BTCs. The results of column experimentswere then modelled to gain column parameters representative of theamended soils with charged zeolites. NH4

+ was never detected in thewater phase of batches and columns, using synthetic rainwater aseluent. This is very promising for natural zeolite applications as soilamendments. NO3

− and PO43− were both present at high concentrations

in batch tests andwere leached in column elution tests, but the first onedisplayed very high concentrations at the beginning of the elutionwhilethe second showed low concentrations and retarded peaks in both theamended soil columns.

Batches typically overestimated concentrations because theybrought to equilibriumvarious kinetic reactions that, under natural con-ditions, could be very slow. Batch experiments could be cheaper andless time-consuming, but do not provide solute concentration changesover time. Ultimately, the column experiments could be more costlyin terms of time and analysis but they provided a description that iscloser to reality. This study suggests that natural zeolitites chargedwith swine manure could be a viable option to retard excess leachingof nutrients in agricultural lands and both batch and column experi-ments should be performed together to cross-check and validate theobtained results.


The authors gratefully thank Dr. Umberto Tessari and FrancescoDroghetti from the Physics and Earth Sciences Department of the

71N. Colombani et al. / Catena 127 (2015) 64–71

University of Ferrara for the grain size analysis and soil collection. Thiswork has been supported by EC LIFE+ funding to ZeoLIFE project(LIFE+10 ENV/IT/000321).


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