Basic Words Sl Chart

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Transcript of Basic Words Sl Chart

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Basic Words in Sign Language


Place both open hands in front of yourchest, palms facing in, fingers pointingup. Turn your hands with a quickmovement to end with your palms facingout.


Rest your head on your hands, palmstogether, fingers closed. This sign canalso be done with one hand: head restson open palm. It's like you're laying yourhead on a pillow.


Bend your arms and place one on top ofthe other, palms facing up, and movefrom side to side two times. It looks justlike you are rocking a baby in your arms.


Place your index finger and thumb closeto your mouth and open and close themwith a double movement. Think of abird's beak.


Hold your hands in front of you, palmsfacing each other and fingers apart.Curve your fingers and tap your

fingertips and thumbs together twice.Imagine holding a ball in your hands.


Bring the palms of both open handstogether in front of your body, fingerstogether, angled forward. Open and

close your hands with a doublemovement. Imagine opening and closinga book.


Both hands form the A handshape (makea flat fist, thumb rests alongside the bentindex finger), palms facing in. Place oneach side of the chest and move up anddown with a short, double movement.Think of washing yourself.


Form your hand into the shape of aflattened O and bring it to the side ofyour forehead, palm facing left. Openand close with a double movement.Imagine touching the visor of a cap.


Cross your arms over your chest, handscurved. With a double movement, gentlyscratch your fingers up and down nearyour shoulders. Imagine a bearscratching itself.


Both hands form the L handshape bybending the middle, index, and pinkyfingers into the palms and extending thethumb and index fingers. Start with one Lhand at your forehead and bring it downin front of you, placing it on the top ofyour other L hand.

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Basic Words in Sign Language


With your open hand near your cheek,palm facing left, pinch your thumb andindex finger together and move it towardyour ear. Repeat motion, opening andclosing your thumb and index finger eachtime. Imagine stroking the whiskers of acat.


Form your hand into a flattened O shape,fingertips facing toward you. Bring yourhand to your mouth and tap your mouthwith a double movement. Imagine puttingfood in your mouth.


Tap the thumb of your open hand onyour forehead two times. This sign canalso be done by placing the thumb ofyour open hand on your forehead andwiggling your fingers.


Brush the thumb of your flattened fist,palm facing left, down the cheek with adouble movement.


With the middle and index fingers of eachhand pointing down, tap the thumbs witha double movement near each side of

the waist. Think of the location of thetabs or pins on a diaper.


Place the thumb of your open hand, palmfacing left, on your chin and bounce itoutward in an arc twice. Represents two



Pat the side of your upper thigh thensnap your fingers. The sign is also oftendone by patting the thigh with a doublemovement or just snapping the fingers.It's a natural gesture for calling a dog.


Place the thumb of your open hand, palmfacing left, on your forehead and bounceit outward in an arc twice. Representstwo generations.


Form your hand into a flattened O shape,fingertips facing toward you. Bring yourhand to your mouth with a singlemovement. Imagine putting food in yourmouth.


With both hands in front of your body,place the pinky finger side of a flattenedfist on top of the other hand, palm flatand facing up. Raise both hands up atthe same time. It looks as if the flat handis helping to lift the other one up.

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Basic Words in Sign Language


Put your hands in front of you with yourindex fingers extended and slightly apart.Move the index fingers toward each otherwith a slight twisting motion two times.Sign can also be done by tapping the tipsof the index fingers together twice. Makethe sign near the location of the pain toshow where it hurts.


The thumb of your open hand taps thechin twice. Sign can also be made byplacing the thumb of the open hand onyour chin and wiggling your fingers.


Cross both hands in front of your heart,palms facing toward you. The sign isoften made with the hands closed in fists,either flat or with the thumb lying on topof the closed fingers, but can also bedone with the hands open as well.


With your hands out in front of you, formeach hand into a flattened O shape,palms facing down and fingertips facingeach other. Tap the fingertips togetherwith a double movement.


First make the sign for I or ME bypointing your extended index finger

toward yourself. Next make the sign forLOVE (shown above), then make thesign for YOU by pointing your extendedindex finger in the direction of the personyou are referring to.


Bring both hands about chest width apartin front of your body. Bend the index,

middle, and ring fingers into the palm,leaving the pinky and thumb extended.Simultaneously shake your hands with atwist of the wrists using a doublemovement.


With your palm facing outward, bendyour middle and ring fingers in to yourpalm, leaving your thumb, pinky andindex fingers extended. This is acombination of the ASL letters I, L, andY.


Your open hand, palm facing in, rubsyour chest in a circular motion. 


Open and close your hand into a fisttwice. Represents the action of milking acow.


Start with your hand in front of yourshoulder, palm facing out. Close yourhand with your thumb sticking outbetween the index and middle fingersand shake it from side to side twice.

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Basic Words in Sign Language


Brush the thumb of the right, flattenedfist, palm facing left, down the cheek,then change it to an L handshape byextending your index finger and thumb,and bring it down in front of you, placingit on top of your other L hand.


Move the fingertips of your open hand,palm facing in, fingers together andpointing up, forward from your mouththen down, ending with your hand angledup in front of your chest.


Rotate your fist, either flat or with thethumb laying on top of the closed fingers,palm facing in, over your heart with arepeated circular motion.


With your open hand, palm facing left,fingers spread and pointing up, pinchyour pinky and thumb together, formingyour hand into the W handshape. Tapthe index finger side of your W hand nearthe side of your mouth with a doublemovement.