Basic information · Web viewResidential phone numberPersonal mobile phone number Electoral...

Post on 16-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Basic information · Web viewResidential phone numberPersonal mobile phone number Electoral...

Please verify the completeness of the following forms by October 1, 2018.

Check that each of the forms is completed. Check on each completed item on the checklist:

Form A1: Personal Information

Form A2: Acclamation Papers (including Form A2.1: Signatures of Support)

Form A3: Candidate Declaration (Incumbent)

Form 4: Candidate Contract (2 copies required)

Form A7: Liberalist User Agreement

Active Registered Liberal Status

(Note: Forms 5 & 6 are not required for Incumbents)

I,       , acknowledge that my Acclamation Application will not be evaluated until the aforementioned forms and documents have been completed and submitted in full to the National Office


National Campaign ChairAtt: National Field350 Albert Street, Suite 920Ottawa, ON K1P 6M8

      X Print name Signature

DATED this       day of      , 20     .


ACCLAMATION APPLICATION FOR INCUMBENTS1. Pursuant to Rule 19.2 of the National Rules for the Selection of Candidates, the Leader may, in

consultation with the National Campaign Chair and the Party President, from time to time establish a set of requirements for current Members of the Liberal Caucus in the House of Commons (“Incumbents”) which, if satisfied, shall entitle an Incumbent to be acclaimed as the Candidate of the Party in their Electoral District without the need for the holding of a Nomination Meeting, subject to the approval of the National Campaign Chair.

2. Candidates, Electoral District Associations, and all persons acting on their behalf are expected to strictly comply with the requirements of the Canada Elections Act and all other applicable laws in meeting these criteria.

3. In achieving applicable fundraising targets, Incumbents are expected to strictly comply with all policies on fundraising practices adopted by the Liberal Party of Canada from time to time, including with respect to transparency and fundraising involving government stakeholders.

4. These forms must be completed fully and frankly by each Incumbent seeking acclamation as the Candidate for the same Electoral District as the immediately prior general election or by-election. All items must be completed on these forms.

5. All attachments pertaining to any questions must be made exhibits to these forms and each one must be so marked. All signatures must be originals. The Commissioner of Oaths/Notary Public before whom the declaration included in these forms is made, as well as the person completing these forms, must sign all attachments.



     Family name

           Full legal given names Name(s) by which you are commonly known

1.b Personal information (no abbreviations).

                 Date of birth: Day Month (in words) Year

                 Place of birth: City Province/State Country                 Marital status Number of dependants (if any) Gender identity

Are you of Indigenous ancestry? No Yes

      (if “Yes”, which Nation?)

1.c Current residential address (no abbreviations). Please include your personal phone number and email address. The email address you provide below will be the email address used by LPC for official Party communications.

           Street address City                 

Province Country Postal Code           Residential phone number Personal mobile phone



2.0 ELECTORAL DISTRICT INFORMATION2. a In which electoral district do you seek acclamation as the Liberal Party of Canada candidate?


3.0 OTHER INFORMATION3.a Are you currently, or have you ever been, the subject of a complaint or an

investigation which could lead to workplace or professional sanctions, or criminal charges? Examples could include but are not limited to professional misconduct, or inappropriate conduct towards others, including assault, discrimination or harassment, whether physical, sexual or otherwise. 

No Yes

      (if “Yes”, provide details)

All attachments must be initialled by the person completing the waiver and by a notary public/commissioner of oaths before whom the waiver is executed. All signatures must be originals.

List any attachments:






FORM A2: ACCLAMATION PAPERSPlease verify whether you have met the following criteria:

1. Confirmation of active Registered Liberal status No Yes

2. Have you participated in at least two (2) Voter Contact Day of Action events in your electoral district in the last 12 months?

No Yes


3. Have you made at least 3,500 door knocking attempts or 5,000 phone call attempts together with your volunteer team? Note that results will be verified.

No Yes


4. Does your EDA’s bank account contain funds amounting to at least 50% of the anticipated election expense limit for that Electoral District for the 43rd General Election?

No Yes


5. Had your EDA demonstrated an increase of at least 30 additional Victory Fund donors (based on the number of VF donors present in the electoral district as of January 1, 2016 or January 1, 2018, whichever is less)? Note that results will be verified.

No Yes


(Please attach most recent EDA bank account statement. Please note that EDA bank statements must be provided to the National Office on a quarterly basis.)


6. Do you have valid signatures of support from at least 150 Registered Liberals from your electoral district? (Please use the attached signature form A2.1)

No Yes (Please attach signature form A2.1)


7. Do you have a written fundraising plan? No Yes (Please attach)


8. Please list each social media account you maintain. Username/handle Platform





All attachments must be initialled by the person completing the waiver and by a notary public/commissioner of oaths before whom the waiver is executed. All signatures must be originals.

List any attachments:






FORM A2.1: SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT • FORMULAIRE A2.1: SIGNATURES D’APPUIWe, the undersigned Registered Liberals in good standing of the Electoral District Association hereby support the candidacy of:Nous, les soussignés libéraux de l’association de circonscription, inscrits en bonne et due forme, appuyons par la présente la candidature de :

     (Name • Nom)

to be the Liberal Party of Canada Candidate in the federal electoral district of:en tant que candidat du Parti libéral du Canada dans la circonscription fédérale de:

     (Electoral district • Circonscription)

# First namePrénom

Last nameNom de famille

Postal codeCode postal

Signature Date






























































Note: We suggest collecting more than 150 signatures, as only the signatures of active Registered Liberals will be counted. Remarque : Nous vous suggérons de recueillir plus de 150 signatures, car seules les signatures des libéraux inscrits actifs seront prises en compte.



1. I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the information and answers contained in the following sections of my Nomination Contestant Application in support of my candidacy in the 42nd General Election or subsequent by-election are true and correct as of the date hereof, as if given at the date hereof:

Section3 (Proceedings by regulators and miscellaneous information) Section 4 (Offences under the law) Section 5 (Civil proceedings) Section 6 (Bankruptcy) Section 7 (Policy)

(See appended blank Nomination Contestant Application for specific questions. Should you require a copy of your Nomination Contestant Application submitted in support of your previous candidacy, you may request a copy by writing to

2. I acknowledge and agree to fully disclose to the National Campaign Chair any ongoing investigations relating to myself as a candidate of the Liberal Party of Canada, as well as any investigations relating to my campaign(s) being undertaken by any of Elections Canada, the Commissioner of Canada Elections or a police force.

3. I acknowledge that I have a continuing obligation to disclose to the National Campaign Chair any information that could impact upon my acceptability as a Candidate of the Liberal Party of Canada.

4. I understand that neither the issuance to me of these materials, nor their acceptance nor acclamation as the Candidate for my Electoral District constitutes an agreement by or on behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada or its Leader to the effect that the Leader of the Party has in any way waived or compromised his or her right to designate a person other than myself as the Liberal Party of Canada candidate in the forthcoming election or by-election.

Sworn/declared before me at the City of       in the Province of       this       day of      , 20     .

X A Commissioner of Oaths/Notary Public

Print name:      

X Signature

Note: This Form must be executed in the presence of a duly authorized Commissioner of Oaths or Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction in which it is sworn.



(TWO signed copies required)


The Liberal Party of Canada and the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada(collectively, the “Party”)



(hereinafter referred to as “I” or “me”)

In consideration of the review by the Liberal Party of Canada of my submission of the required forms to permit me to be considered for approval as a potential election candidate for the electoral district of

     (Name of Electoral District)

I, the undersigned, hereby agree and recognize that I am contractually bound to the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada (the chief agent of the Liberal Party of Canada), and through it, to the Liberal Party of Canada as follows:

1. I affirm that I agree and will actively support the principles contained in the Preamble to the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada;

2. I agree to be bound by the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada, the National Rules for the Selection of Candidates for the Liberal Party of Canada (the “Nomination Rules”), and the Liberal Party of Canada Respectful Workplace Policy, and I acknowledge that I have obtained copies and have read and understand each of these three (3) documents;

3. In respect of any Nomination Contest and any election in which I may participate as a candidate endorsed by the Liberal Party of Canada, I agree to comply with the laws of Canada, including the Canada Elections Act;

4. I agree to inform the National Campaign Chair and any other person or persons appointed as contemplated by the National Rules as soon as possible if the information in my Personal Information Form(s) changes or if such forms cease to be complete;

5. I agree to submit all disputes relating to:a. the Liberal Party of Canada’s candidate nomination and selection procedure, and in particular to

any aspect of the process for application or approval of Qualified Nomination Contestants, or the preparation, conduct, or outcome of a candidate nomination meeting; or


b. the construction or application of the Constitution or rules of the Liberal Party of Canada; to the Permanent Appeals Committee of the Liberal Party of Canada, and undertake both to abide by the Rules of Procedure of that Committee and by any order or decision of the Permanent Appeals Committee without recourse to any other court or adjudicative body whatsoever, and I hereby expressly waive any right I may otherwise have to apply to any court in Canada concerning any dispute or issue arising out of any such matter;

6. I specifically and expressly acknowledge that I have been made aware of the time limitations for initiating an appeal to the Permanent Appeals Committee as set out in the National Rules and agree that a failure to abide by those time limitations may leave me without recourse in respect of any complaint I may otherwise have;

7. I agree that if the Liberal Party of Canada or any duly authorized official thereof does not approve my candidacy or revokes my endorsement as a Qualified Nomination Contestant or as a Candidate, I will take all necessary steps to withdraw as a Nomination Contestant or Candidate of the Party, cease to represent myself as a Nomination Contestant or Candidate of the Party; and take all necessary steps to have removed any indication on any ballot of an affiliation between me and the Party;

8. I agree to keep confidential all lists of the Party, all constitutions and rules, not otherwise previously made public, of the Liberal Party of Canada and all discussions, proceedings and appeals arising in respect of any Nomination Contest or election candidacy and all subject matter thereof, and to use all of same only for the purpose of the Nomination Contest or election candidacy as set out in the Rules;

9. I agree to hold in strict confidence the business and affairs of the Party (also comprising member organizations, and constituent entities such as Electoral District Associations and nomination and candidate campaigns), including but not limited to techniques, programs, training, present or contemplated developments, trade secrets, strategies, and all information relating thereto, and agree to not directly or indirectly disclose information to any third party;

10. I consent to the Liberal Party of Canada, through such persons as it or its agents may authorize, collecting personal information relating to me, including the information provided by me and provided by others to the Party with my consent, and the use of that information for the purpose of evaluating and substantiating my suitability to be a Qualified Nomination Contestant, Candidate and Member of Parliament representing the Liberal Party of Canada and for no other purpose, such use to be made strictly in accordance with all applicable laws governing the use and disclosure of personal information in any jurisdiction in Canada. I will promptly execute and deliver to the National Campaign Chair or any other person or persons appointed as contemplated by the National Rules any further consents, whether oral or in writing, requested of me;

11. I agree to enter into a further contractual obligation with the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada (the “Agency”) and the Liberal Party of Canada (the “Party”) requiring my full participation, both as a Qualified Nomination Contestant and Candidate (if so designated) in the Liberal Party of Canada’s data collection programs, database software usage requirements and financial recordkeeping requirements. This will include, but will not be limited to:a. the use only of the “Liberalist” software package and related programs for the collection

and maintenance of all nomination campaign and election campaign data, including Registered Liberal recruitment and persuasion, fundraising and recording of contributions, sign locations, volunteer identification, and the supplementation and correction of Registered Liberal and voter identification and tracking data, including updating of addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers where such data is obtained;

b. the express grant of consent and unlimited license to the Agency and Party to the use of the aforementioned data collected in the course of the nomination and election campaigns;

c. my undertaking to complete and submit to the Agency and Party or their designate, 14 days in advance of any statutory filing deadline (or, where applicable, an extended


deadline), copies of audited Nomination Contestant and Candidate campaign returns required to be submitted by me pursuant to the Canada Elections Act;

d. my undertaking to exclusively use as a candidate website, once it is made available to me, the “micro website” provided by the Agency and Party in accordance with the guidelines and directives established by them; and

e. to purchase and use such goods and services for use in my campaign as the Agency and Party may require, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, their “Riding Services Package”.

12. I agree to fully participate, both as a Qualified Nomination Contestant and Candidate (if so designated), in any training sessions in relation to my candidacy conducted by or on behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada or constituent entities.

13. I agree to indemnify the Party and any persons acting on behalf of the Party for all costs and expenses incurred by them in any proceedings arising from any dispute relating to the Liberal Party of Canada’s candidate nomination and selection procedure or the construction or application of the Constitution or rules of the Liberal Party of Canada;

14. I agree that any notice or communication required to be given to me in accordance with the constitution or rules of the Liberal Party of Canada shall be delivered to me at the address, email or fax number that I have provided, or that I may, in writing, provide from time to time, and that I shall be deemed to have received them on the date of such delivery;

15. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Candidate Contract and Undertaking or of any covenant in it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision or covenant in it and the invalid provision or covenant shall be deemed to be severable;

16. This Candidate Contract and Undertaking shall at all times and in all respects be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Canada and of the Province or Territory in which the relevant Electoral District Association is located.

DATED this     day of      , 20     .

Print name:       Signature: X

Accepted by the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada on its own behalf and for the Liberal Party of CanadaDated this       day of      , 20     .

Federal Liberal Agency of Canada


FORM 7A: LIBERALIST USER AGREEMENTThe Liberal Party of Canada (referred to below as the “LPC”) has developed a voter identification and contact management system which is called Liberalist. This system is to be used in accordance with the following terms and conditions and such other requirements that may be communicated to a person who is granted access to it:

Agreement Regarding the Use of the Lists of ElectorsI,       , by completing required fields below, in consideration of the provision to me of access to Liberalist, do hereby agree and undertake as follows:

1. I understand the importance of protecting personal information on the lists of electors provided to the LPC and other personal information collected by the LPC and stored in Liberalist (all of which is collectively referred to below as “data”).

2. I understand and agree that I may use the data only for the purposes of communicating on behalf of the LPC with electors, donors and members of the LPC, including soliciting contributions and recruiting party members. I will not, in any way, use the data to support or provide advantage to a contestant in a nomination contest, unless that is the designated purpose of the Liberalist Committee to which I have access.

3. I understand and agree that I will take appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality of the data and the personal information contained therein. I will not disclose the data to anyone outside the LPC.

4. I understand and agree that I will not make or keep a copy of the data by any means, electronic or otherwise, and will return or destroy any copies that I may obtain once I have completed the task for which they have been provided.

5. I understand and acknowledge that the unauthorized use or disclosure of the data constitutes an offence under the Canada Elections Act and other laws.

6. I understand and agree that access to Liberalist can be revoked or denied by the National Director of the LPC at any time and at his or her discretion and that his or her decision is final.

7. I understand and agree that I will only use my unique personal login to perform authorized functions on Liberalist, and I will not permit the use of my personal login by, or provide it to any other individual, group or entity. In the event that I believe that my personal login has been obtained by any other individual group or entity, or otherwise compromised, I will immediately report this to the National Office of the LPC so that the authorization for the login may be cancelled.

8. I understand and agree that the data contained in Liberalist, other than data obtained from lists of electors, is the sole property of the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada, and that any data that I may enter into Liberalist shall become the property of the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada, which it may use in accordance with law.

9. I understand that the provision of data drawn from Lists of Electors is made solely for the use of the LPC at the federal level.

10. I understand and agree that further requirements may be communicated to me by the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada at any time, and that my continued use of the login and of Liberalist shall constitute my agreement to such requirements.

DATED this     day of      , 20     .

Print name:       Signature: X