Barry’s Big Bad Trivia Quiz

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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Barry’s Big Bad Trivia Quiz. Paul and Phil 2010. What does the E stand for in ESRB, the software ratings board that determines an appropriate age for video games?. What game is this?. What computer classic sent players to Phobos to blast Specters , Lost Souls and Cacodemons?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Barry’s Big Bad Trivia Quiz

Barry’s Big Bad Trivia Quiz

Paul and Phil 2010

What does the E stand for in ESRB, the software ratings board that

determines an appropriate age for video games?

What game is this?

What computer classic sent players to Phobos to blast Specters, Lost

Souls and Cacodemons?

What Sega critter became the third-best-known figure for young

boys, after Michael Jordan and Arnold Schwarzenegger?

What slimy video game has bad guys named Professor Monkey-for-a-Head, Evil the Cat from Heck and

Bob, the Killer Goldfish?

What Sony game system offered more computer power "than NASA used to put a man on the moon"?

What successor to Wolfenstein 3D proved that free sample computer

games could spawn a booming direct-sale market?

What legendary Nintendo game was ‘A Link to the Past’ a sequel


What was Hiroshi Yamauchi's cleverly named successor to the

Nintendo Entertainment System?

What video game gives you cheat options to produce a Skull-

Shooting TeddyMon or an Old-ManMon?

What company hyped its Jaguar as the first 64-bit gaming system,

because it had two 32-bit processors running in parallel?

What proprietary multimedia program gave Apple an early edge in graphics and video applications?

What hip-hop puppy starred in the first Playstation game to give

players credit for just keeping the beat?

What graphic adventure by Rand and Robyn Miller did PC

Computing dub the "first New Age game"?

What game console sold 514,000 units for Sega during its first two

weeks in U.S. stores, in 1999?

What videogame hero must unseat King K. Rool in a 3-D update of a

Nintendo classic?

What jumping PlayStation marsupial do fans consider the

Sony equivalent to Super Mario?

What game system, the first to come equipped with a modem,

clogged up phone lines in Europe as many purchasers got online for

the first time?

What 1980’s magazine is this page from?

What video game hero ran a lot faster than his two-tailed sidekick,


What BanDai cyber-toy gave kids a chance to mate their Pipotchi with

a Kabutchi to spawn a babitchi?

What fruit helps restore a player's health in Donkey Kong 64?

What Nintendo hero was more recognizable to kids than Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny by 1990?

What type of computer programs did the Dark Avenger Mutation Engine promise to make more


What 1980s video game star returned in 1999 with pals Diddy,

Tiny, Chunky and Lanky?

What game is this?
