BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09. Lots of interesting things!

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09. Lots of interesting things!

BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09

BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09

BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09

BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09

Lots of interesting things!

BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09

Lots of interesting things! Who has bought or made any like these?

BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09

Lots of interesting things! Who has bought or made any like these? So there are LOTS interesting things we WANT

BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09

Lots of interesting things! Who has bought or made any like these? So there are LOTS interesting things we WANT But, few people made or bought!

BarCamp Shanghai 2012-09-09

Lots of interesting things! Who has bought or made any like these? So there are LOTS interesting things we WANT But, few people have made or bought!

Why is it so hard to get these great things?

Why so hard? {The short story}

Plenty of places to buy !

Why so hard? {The short story}

Buy premade Limited – many/most just not available to purchase!

Why so hard? {The short story}

Buy premade Limited – many/most just not available to purchase! usually expensive + delivery$$ + WAIT

Why so hard? {The short story}

Buy premade Limited – many/most just not available to purchase! usually expensive + delivery$$ + WAIT

Make it yourself – challenging to very difficult!

Why so hard? {The short story}

Buy premade Limited – many/most just not available to purchase! usually expensive + delivery$$ + WAIT

Make it yourself – challenging to very difficult! Find supplier of every part

Why so hard? {The short story}

Buy premade Limited – many/most just not available to purchase! usually expensive + delivery$$ + WAIT

Make it yourself – challenging to very difficult! Find supplier of every part Verify footprints–does each part physically fit PCB?

Why so hard? {The short story}

Buy premade Limited – many/most just not available to purchase! usually expensive + delivery$$ + WAIT

Make it yourself – challenging to very difficult! Find supplier of every part Verify footprints–does each part physically fit PCB? Purchase + multiple delivery$$

Why so hard? {The short story}

Buy premade Limited – many/most just not available to purchase! usually expensive + delivery$$ + WAIT

Make it yourself – challenging to very difficult! Find supplier of every part Verify footprints–does each part physically fit PCB? Purchase + multiple delivery$$ Make – purchase PCB + delivery$$ + WAIT

Why so hard? {The short story}

Buy premade Limited – many/most just not available to purchase! usually expensive + delivery$$ + WAIT

Make it yourself – challenging to very difficult! Find supplier of every part Verify footprints–does each part physically fit PCB? Purchase + multiple delivery$$ Make – purchase PCB + delivery$$ + WAIT WAIT…..+ out of stock / customs / gone missing

Why so hard? {The short story}

Buy premade Limited – many/most just not available to purchase! usually expensive + delivery$$ + WAIT

Make it yourself – challenging to very difficult! Find supplier of every part Verify footprints–does each part physically fit PCB? Purchase + multiple delivery$$ Make – purchase PCB + delivery$$ + WAIT WAIT…..+ out of stock / customs / gone missing FUN of making :)

Kits {One way to help}

Kit benefits Just one purchase (two if PCB is seperate) No need to verify footprints – already done! Satisfaction of making it yourself You can learn from making

But Pay more for the kit service Fewer kits available than pre-made items!

Kits {One way to help}

So – why so few kits available? Past decades little interest in making Kit cost often similar to made item –

especially using SMD parts! …..

Current approaches are not working well! But there are ways to do better!

Instant project to kit conversion

Instant project to kit conversion

Instant project to kit conversion

Instant project to kit conversion

Instant project to kit conversion

Instant project to kit conversion

Simple! The project is now available as a 'kit'! … except the PCB :( … and only at this one supplier But it is a GOOD start! People ARE creating these carts Other People ARE BUYING from the carts!

Opportunity for profit sharing!

Instant project to kit conversion

Instant project to kit conversion

Instant project to kit conversion

Emerging 2. Hackerspaces Many hackespaces already assemble/sell kits and run workshops on assembly = Great!

But most hackerspaces limited – to 'full prices' But in China – parts at CHEAP prices

and some other countries Plus excelent distribution networks

Instant project to kit conversion

Many possibilites sell direct Swap/sell (bulk) kits to other hackerspaces Start/partner commercial operation Partner with existing Taobao agent/s Botique services for special orders …...

Instant project to kit conversion


Instant project to kit conversion

Questions and Discussion

This presentation is posted at My {U}sable {D}evices email contacts are:

Spanner888 Spencer

…... at the above domainCopyright: 2012 CC BY-SA