Bárbara Modesti and Lucas Presotto. Localization Located in the Jordan Valley, the Jordan River is...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Bárbara Modesti and Lucas Presotto. Localization Located in the Jordan Valley, the Jordan River is...

Bárbara Modesti andLucas Presotto

LocalizationLocated in the Jordan Valley, the Jordan River

is the only major water source flowing into the Dead Sea, bordered by Jordan and Israel.

It has 82 kilometers long and 18 kilometers wide. It is 392 meters below the level of the Mediterranean Sea and 417 meters below sea level (it is the lowest point on the arth).

The Dead Sea region is very dry, the rain is no more than 100 mm per year in the northern part of the Dead Sea and it barely reaches 50 mm in the southern part.

Why does it have this name?The Dead Sea is named so because of the

large amount of salt presented by it, ten times higher than in other oceans, this causes the paucity of life in its waters, with only a few types of bacteria and algae. Any fish that is carried by the Jordan River dies immediately when that flows into this lake of salt water.

The Dead Sea contains the saltiest water in the world. This large amount of salt increases its buoyancy, and swimmers float easily.

CuriositiesThere is a specific prophecy that says the sea

will ".. be healed and made fresh", becoming a normal lake capable of supporting marine life;

Over the past 50 years, the Dead Sea has lost a third of its surface;

The Dead Sea waters are relatively rich in minerals.


Bibliography http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mar_Morto http://www.suapesquisa.com/pesquisa/mar_morto.htm http://g1.globo.com/globo-reporter/noticia/2012/12/mar-morto-praia-onde-nenhum-banhista-corre-ri

sco-de-afundar.html http://pt.visitjordan.com/Default.aspx?tabid=67 https://www.google.com.br/search?hl=pt-BR&authuser=0&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&bi

