Barbara Kellerman - Harvard ·...

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Center for Public Leadership

Harvard Kennedy School Harvard University

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Tel: (617) 495-7570; Fax: (617) 496-3337 Email: Website:

Academic Positions

James MacGregor Burns Lecturer in Public Leadership Harvard Kennedy School, 2006 – present Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School, 2000 - 2006 Visiting Professor of Business Administration Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, 2010 (fall), 2012 (spring), 2014 (spring), 2015 (spring) Visiting Senior Scholar, Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service New York University, 2012-13 Visiting Professor of Leadership, Dartmouth College, 2010 (fall) Research Director, Center for Public Leadership Harvard Kennedy School, 2003-2006 Executive Director, Center for Public Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, 2000-2003

Director, Center for the Advanced Study of Leadership James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership University of Maryland, 1998-2000


Fulbright Chair in American Studies Uppsala University, Sweden, 1996-7 Visiting Professor of Political Science George Washington University, 1990-1 Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1987-90 Professor of Political Science, Institute for Leadership Studies, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1982-91 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Institute for Leadership Studies, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1980-82 Coordinator, Decision Making Program Assistant Professor of Political Science Tufts University, 1978-80 Assistant Professor of Political Science Tufts University, 1976-80 Assistant Professor of Political Science

Fordham University, 1975-6

Education Ph.D., Political Science, Yale University, 1975 M.Phil., Yale University, Political Science, 1972 M.A., Yale University, Russian and East European Studies, 1971 B.A., Sarah Lawrence College, 1969

Fellowships and Grants Fulbright Fellowship, Chair in American Studies, Uppsala University, 1996-7 Fulbright Fellowship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1986-7 (declined) Scholar-in-Residence, Rockefeller Foundation Study Center, Bellagio, 1983 Fulbright Fellowship, Extension Grant, Norway and Sweden, 1973


Fulbright Fellowship, University of Bonn, 1972-3 Danforth Graduate Fellowship, 1969-75

Books Professionalizing Leadership (Oxford University Press, 2018). Hard Times: Leadership in America (Stanford University Press, 2014). The End of Leadership (HarperCollins, 2012). Leadership: Essential Selections on Power, Authority, and Influence, Editor and Commentator (McGraw-Hill, 2010). Followership: How Followers Are Creating Change and Changing Leaders (Harvard Business School Press, 2008). Women and Leadership: State of Play and Strategies for Change, Coeditor and contributor with Deborah Rhode (Jossey-Bass, 2007). Bad Leadership: What It Is, Why It Happens, How It Matters (Harvard Business School Press, 2004). Reinventing Leadership: Making the Connection between Politics and Business (State University of New York Press, 1999). Cutting Edge: Leadership 2000 (coeditor with Larraine Matusak and contributor, Academy of Leadership, 1999). The President as World Leader (with Ryan Barilleux, St. Martin’s Press, 1991). Leadership and Negotiation in the Middle East,(coeditor with Jeffrey Rubin, and contributor, Praeger, 1988). Political Leadership: A Source Book, editor (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1986). Women Leaders in American Politics, coeditor with James David Barber (Prentice-Hall, 1986) The Political Presidency: Practice of Leadership (Oxford University Press, 1984). Leadership: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, editor and contributor (Prentice-Hall, 1984).


All the Presidents Kin: Their Political Roles (Free Press, 1981, hardcover; New York University Press, 1984, paper). Making Decisions, with Percy Hill et al (Addison-Wesley, 1979). Willy Brandt: Portrait of the Leader as a Young Politician, Unpublished Dissertation, Yale University. Articles and Chapters (Selected) “Leadership and Lactation” in Women’s Leadership Journeys: Attributes, Style, and Impact, Sherylle Tan and Lisa DeFrank-Cole, eds, Routledge, 2018. “The Importance of Being Expert – Contextually Expert” in The European Business Review, January/February, 2017. “Women at the Top: The Pipeline as Pipedream” in About Campus, January 2017. (With Deborah Rhode.) “Consequences of Context: Political Leaderhip and Followership” in John Storey, et al eds, The Routledge Companion to Leadership, Routledge, 2017. “The Heart of Darkness” in More than Managing, Lawrence Hoffman, ed., Turner, 2016. “Leadership – It’s a System, Not a Person” Daedalus, 2016. “Leadership and Change: Convergence and Divergence between the United States and Russia” John Storey et al, eds, Routledge Companion to Leadership, 2016. “Limits on Leadership,” Capitol Ideas, July/August 2014. “Women at the Top: The Pipeline Reconsidered” (coauthored with Deborah Rhode) in Karen Longman and Susan Madsen, eds. Women and Leadership in Higher Education, Information Age Publication, 2014. “Meeting in the Middle,” Leadership Excellence, 2013. “Leading Androgynously,” Women’s Policy Journal of Harvard, Harvard Kennedy School, 2013. “Cut Off at the Pass: The Limits of Leadership in the 21st Century,” Brookings, August, 2012.


“What Every Leader Needs to Know about Followers,” Harvard Business Review OnPoint, Fall, 2012 (reprint). “Heavy Lifting: Leading in Modern Times,” The Ivey Business Review, September, 2012. “Closing the Gap – Between Leaders and Followers,” The European Business Review, November/December, 2012. “The End of Leadership – Redux,” Leadership, 2012 “Viable Options” (coauthored with Deborah Rhode) in William Rosenbach, Robert Taylor, and Mark Youndt, Contemporary Issues in Leadership, Westview, 2011. “Becoming Leadership Literate – A Core Curriculum” in Scott Snook et al, Handbook for Teaching Leadership, Sage, 2011. “Shooting an Elephant” – or Why Be Leadership Literate” in Leadership Excellence, February, 2011. “Ties That Bind” in James L. Perry, ed., The Jossey-Bass Reader on Nonprofit and Public Leadership (Jossey-Bass, 2009). “The Importance of Doing Nothing: The Case of Nazi Germany” in Guido Houben and Tim Rusche, eds., Leadership as a Vocation, Nomos, 2008. “Women and Leadership: Part Way There,” coauthored with Deborah Rhode, The American Psychologist (tentatively accepted as part of special issue, 2009). “What Every Leader Needs to Know – About Followers” in Harvard Business Review, December, 2007. “When Should a Leader Apologize – and When Not” in Harvard Business Review, April 2006. “How Bad Leadership Happens” in Leader to Leader, Winter, 2005 “Leadership – Warts and All” in Harvard Business Review, January, 2004. “Public Leaders: Riding a New Tiger,” coauthor with David Gergen in For the Public Good: Can We Fix Public Service?, John Donahue and Joseph Nye, Jr., editors (Brookings, 2003). “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby – and You’ve Got Miles to Go” in The Difference ‘Difference’ Makes, Deborah Rhode, editor (Stanford University Press, 2002). “The Recent Literature on Public Leadership: Reviewed and Considered.” Coauthor with Scott Webster in Leadership Quarterly. December, 2001.


“Required Reading” in Harvard Business Review, December, 2001. “The Enabler” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1998. “Making a Difference at the International Level: The American President as World Leader” in Gabriel Sheffer, ed. Innovative Leaders in International Politics (State University of New York Press, 1993). “Presidential Kinfolk” in Encyclopedia for the American Presidency (Simon and Schuster, 1994). “Leadership Skills” in Encyclopedia for the American Presidency (Simon and Schuster, 1994). “The President Abroad: Leadership at the International Level” in Leadership Quarterly, Spring, 1991. “Leadership for a Shrinking Planet” in National Forum, Winter, 1991. “Nixon-in-the-Box” in The World and I, August 1990. “Leadership in American Culture” in Promoting Quality Through Leadership, Association for Institutional Research, 1989. “A President is a President is a President” in Leadership Abstracts, November 1988. “Mentoring in Political Life: the Case of Willy Brandt” in Angus McIntyre, editor, Aging and Political Leadership, (Oxford University Press, 1988). “The Politics of Leadership in America: Implications for Higher Education in the Late 20th Century” in National Center for Postsecondary Government and Finance, College Park, MD, 1988 (Report No. OP 88:1). “Leaders and Leaders: Nine Soviet-American Summits,” in Thomas Cronin and Michael Bechloss, editors, Essays in Honor of James MacGregor Burns, (Prentice-Hall, 1988). “Raising Issues of Style as Well as Substance” in Negotiation Journal, July, 1987. “Introversion in the Oval Office” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Spring, 1983. Introduction to Donald Johnson et al, editors, in Building a Responsive Society: Needs Assessment: Theory and Methods (Iowa State University Press, 1987). “Allison Redux: Three More Decision-Making Models” in Polity, Spring, 1983.


“Political Scientists in the Classroom: Using Decision Analysis” in American Political Science Association News, Fall,1980. “Campaigning Since Kennedy: The Family as ‘Surrogate’” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Spring, 1978. “The Political Functions of the Presidential Family” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Summer, 1978. “Mentoring in Political Life: The Case of Willy Brandt” in The American Political Science Review, June, 1980.

Reviews (Selected) Ron Chernow, “Washington: A Life,” Edmund Morris, “Colonel Roosevelt,” and George W. Bush, “Decision Points,” Strategy + Business, 2011. – and Ian Kershaw, The End: The Defiance and Destruction of Hitler’s Germany, 2012. Marvin Kalb, “The Nixon Memo: Political Respectability, Russia, and the Press” in Washington Post, October 23, 1994. David McCullough, “Truman” in Boston Globe, June 21, 1992. James MacGregor Burns and Stuart Burns, “A People’s Charter” in Boston Globe, December 15, 1992. Robert Shogan, “The Riddle of Power” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1992. Sidney Miklis and Michael Nelson, “The American Presidency: Origins and Development, 1776-1990” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Spring 1992. Joseph Rost, “Leadership for the 21st Century” in Governance, 1991. Richard Neustadt, “Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1991. James Pfiffner, “The Managerial Presidency” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1991. Zbigniew Brzezinski, “The Grand Failure” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1990. Robert E. Denton, Jr., “The Primetime Presidency of Ronald Reagan,”and Robert S. Dinkin, “Campaigning in America” in The Annals, March, 1990.


Larry Berman, “Lyndon Johnson’s War” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Summer, 1990. Jonathan Schell, “Observing the Nixon Years” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Summer, 1990. Erwin S. Hargrove,“Jimmy Carter as President” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Summer, 1990. Henry Brandon, “Special Relationships: A Foreign Correspondent’s Memoirs from Roosevelt to Reagan” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Spring, 1990. F. G. Bailey, “Humbuggery and Manipulation: The Art of Leadership” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1989. James David Barber, “Politics by Humans: Research on American Leadership” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1989. Jean Blondel, “Political Leadership” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1989. J.G. Hunt, et al, “Emerging Leadership Vistas” in Political Psychology, June 1989. Bert Edward Park, M.D., “The Impact of Illness on World Leaders” in Politics and the Life Sciences, February, 1989. Robert C. Tucker, “Political Leadership in Soviet Russia: From Lenin to Gorbachev” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1988. Jameson W. Doig and Erwin C. Hargrove, “Leadership and Innovation: A Biographical Perspective on Entrepreneurs in Government” in The American Political Science Review, Spring, 1988. Dean Keith Simonton, “Why Presidents Succeed: A Political Psychology of Leadership” in Political Science Quarterly, Spring, 1988. Betty Glad, “Key Pittman: The Tragedy of a Senate Insider” in The Journal of Politics, May 1988. Elmer Plischke, “Diplomat in Chief: The President at the Summit” in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, May 1988. Charles B. Strozier and Daniel Offe, editors, “The Leader: Psychohistorical Essays” in Journal of Interdisciplinary History vol. 18, 1986. Richard Nixon, “No More Vietnams” and Jimmy Carter, “The Blood of Abraham” in The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 28, 1985.


James MacGregor Burns, ‘The Power to Lead” in Human Resources Management, Spring 1985. Erwin C. Hargrove and Michael Nelson, “Presidents, Politics and Policy”in Worldview, March, 1985. Bert Rockman, “The Leadership Question: The President and the American System” in Worldview, March, 1985. Benjamin Barber, “Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age” in Worldview, January, 1985. Rosalyn Carter, “First Lady from Plains” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Winter, 1985. George F. Kennan, “The Faithful Alliance: France, Russia and the Coming of the First World War” in The Nation, December 15, 1984. Barton Gellman, “Contending with Kennan: Toward a Philosophy of American Power” in The Nation, December 15, 1984. Mostafa Rejai and Kay Phillips, “World Revolutionary Leaders” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Winter, 1985. George.C. Edwards, “The American Presidency: The Pursuit of Popular Support” in Journal of Politics, Vol. 46, no.4, November 1984. J.S. Young, “Problems and Prospects of Presidential Leadership in the 1980s” in Vol.2, Journal of Politics, Vol. 46, no.4, November 1984. P.T. David and D.H. Everson, “The Presidential Election and Transition, 1980-1981,” Journal of Politics, Vol. 46, no.4, November 1984. Fred I. Greenstein, “The Reagan Presidency: An Early Assessment” in Journal of Politics, Vol. 46, no.4, November 1984. William C. Harvard, “The Recovery of Political Theory” in Worldview, May 1984. Ann Van Wynen Thomas and A. J. Thomas, Jr., “The War-Making Powers of the President” in Worldview, November, 1983. Frank Kessler, “The Dilemma of Presidential Leadership: Caretakers and Kings” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Spring, 1983. Terry Sanford, “A Danger of Democracy: The Presidential Nominating Process” in The Annals of the American Academy of political and Social Science, Spring, 1982.


Lynne Withey, “Dearest Friend: A Life of Abigail Adams” in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Fall, 1981. Willy Brandt, “People and Politics – The Years 1960-75” in The Christian Science Monitor, January 8, 1979. Terence Prittie, “Willy Brandt: Portrait of a Statesman” in The American Political Science Review, September 1977. Alonzo L. Hamby in “Beyond the New Deal: Harry S. Truman and American Liberalism” in The American Political Science Review, March 1977. Harold Lasswell and Nathan Leites, “Studies in Quantitative Semantics: Language of Politics” in The Psychohistory Review, June, 1976.

Articles/Columns ( Selected – Print/Magazines/Newspapers) “Bottom’s Up,” U. S. NewsOnline, November, 2008. Op Ed Article, Forward, July, 2008 “Focus on Followers,” U. S. News and World Report, November, 2007 Contributing Columnist (monthly),, 2006-2007 “These Leaders Get the Respect They Deserve,” Washington Post, April 17, 2005. “Viable Options: Rethinking Women and Leadership,” with Deborah Rhode, in Compass, Fall, 2004. “The Kohl Case and Greatness,” The Christian Science Monitor, January 21, 2000. “Hesitant Role in Bosnia Reveals the Ugly Truth about NATO,” The Christian Science Monitor, May 17, 1994. Regular Columnist, Westpoint News and Fairpress, 1993-6. Essay, “The World: How Presidents Take the Nation to War,” New York Times, January 20, 1991. Article, The Christian Science Monitor, June 21, 1990. Op Ed Article, The Christian Science Monitor, March 8, 1990.


Op Ed Article, The Christian Science Monitor, May 4, 1989. Op Ed Article, The Christian Science Monitor, March 17, 1989. Op Ed Article, The Record, December 24, 1989 (with Stuart Fagan). Op Ed Article, New York Newsday, October 13, 1988. Op Ed Article, The Christian Science Monitor, July 20, 1988. Op Ed Article, The Record, May 29, 1988 (with Robert H. Donaldson). Op Ed Article, The Record, December 23, 1987. Op Ed Article, The Record, December 1, 1987. Op Ed Article, Los Angeles Times, April 30, 1986. Op Ed Article, Los Angeles Times, March 9, 1986. Op Ed Article, New York Times, May 22, 1984. Op Ed Article, New York Times, November 27, 1980.

Seminars and Conferences (Selected)

Keynote Speech, Kravis Leadership Institute Conference, Claremont University, 2014. Keynote Speech, International Leadership Association, 2014 – and various panels Presentation, The End of Leadership, International Leadership Assoc., 2012 Panel, Women and Leadership, Atlantic and National Review, 2012 Sessions, A Conversation with Barbara Kellerman and Panel on State of Leadership Studies, International Leadership Association, 2010. Chair and Discussant, Panel on Female Presidential Candidates, American Political Science Association, 2008. Member, Roundtable on Followership, International Leadership Association, 2008. Member, Roundtable on Leadership Scholarship, International Leadership Association, 2008.


Member, Roundtable on the 2008 Presidential Election, International Leadership Association, 2008. Continued…. Member, Scholars Roundtable, International Leadership Association, 2008. Member, Panel on “Ethics and Character in the American Presidency,” Yeshiva University, 2008. Member, Panel on “The President as Leader: Transformer or Facilitator,” Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, 2006. Member, Panel on Followership, Conference at Claremont University, 2006. International Leadership Association, Author’s conversation, Bad Leadership, 2004. International Leadership Association, Workshop on Leadership, 2001. Visions of Governance. Comment on paper by Mark Moore, 2001. Leaders/Scholars Association: Prospects and Plans. Center for the Advanced Study of Leadership, Burns Academy of Leadership, 1998. Leadership @20 Conference. Paper, “James MacGregor Burns: Leo as Leader,”1997 (also an online publication). Global Leadership Week. Panelist on “Transforming Leadership Studies and Practices,” University of Richmond, 1997. Chair, Roundtable on Campaign, ’92, Annual Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, 1992. Member, Roundtable on Teaching Leadership, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 1991. Respondent, Panel on Presidential Leadership, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 1991. “Leadership and Negotiation in the Middle East/1989” and “Personality, Role and Leadership,” Annual Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, 1989. “Normative Aspects of Political Leadership,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 1987. Annual Leadership Conference, Center for the Study of the Presidency, 1986.


Presidential Leadership, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy,”Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 1985. Invited guest, Conference on “Society and Political Culture: West Germany and the United States, Characteristics and Comparisons,” 1985. Panelist, Leadership Conference, Center for Creative Leadership, 1984. Chair, Roundtable on the Presidency, Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association, 1984. “Presidential Style and Presidential Leadership,”Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 1983. “Reagan’s Leadership: Style? Substance? Both? Neither?” Annual Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, 1982. “Leadership Styles: A Cross Cultural Analysis,” Annual Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, 1982. National Symposium, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Group Leader and Respondent, Washington, D.C., 1982. “On Leadership: Psychological Perspectives,” Annual Meeting of the Northeast Political Science Association, 1981. “On Leadership: Constitutional Constraints,”Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 1981. “On Leadership,” Annual Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, 1981. National Symposium, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Group Leader and Respondent, 1981. “Socialization Research,” Workshop Leader, Annual Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, 1980. “The ‘Feminine’ Aspects of ‘Masculine’ Leadership: The Case of the American Presidency,” Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association, 1980. National Symposium, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Group Leader and Respondent, Washington, D.C., 1980 Is there Life after Adolescence?” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 1979.


National Symposium, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Group Leader and Respondent, Washington, D.C., 1979. “Real World Implications of Political Psychology,” Annual Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, 1978. National Symposium, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Group Leader and Respondent, Washington, D.C., 1978. “The Democratic Executive,” Annual Meeting of the Mid West Political Science Association, 1978. “Impact of Personality on Constitutional Institutions,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 1976. “Executive Accountability,” Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association, 1976. Danforth Conference on Academic Careers, 1975. Working Conference on group relations in Tavistock Tradition, grant received (from IOSOSS and Yale), conference attended, 1975. State Department, Conference on German-American Exchange, 1975.

Presentations (Including Keynotes, etc., Selected))

Harvard University (misc.) New York University Center for Disease Control Hubert Humphrey Institute for Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars University of Alabama Congressional Youth Leadership Council Graduate Center, City University of New York Smithsonian Institute


University Lecture, University of Bonn Kulturforum (on German unification) Bonn, Germany Anglo-American Parliamentarians, Wroxton, England White Burkett Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Williams College Fairleigh Dickinson University Colorado College Columbia University University of Akron University of Wisconsin International Affairs Conference, Star Island, Maine Women’s President’s Organization (2004) University of St. Gallen (2004) Selby Foundation (2004) Commonwealth Club (2005) Leadership Forum, Shanghai (2005) Williams College (2005) Tufts University (2005 and 2006) Emerson College (2005) Bowdoin College (2005) Council of Scientific Society Presidents (2005) Ripon College (Commencement Address, 2005) Carnegie Center, Moscow (2005) School of Governance Mario Covas, Sao Paulo (2005)


University of Richmond (2005, 2006) Air Force Academy (2005) Moravian College (2005) Rider College (2006) Center for Leadership in Education (2006) McCloy Leadership Forum, Berlin (2007) Royal Air Force Leadership Centre, London (2007) Center for Integrative Leadership, University of Minnesota (2007) Public Service Management School, Wales, (2008) World Affairs Council (Houston, 2008) National Council of Bar Presidents, American Bar Association (2009) Institute for Ethical Leadership, Rutgers University (2009) American Society of Association Executives, Montreal (2009) Wexner Israel Fellowship Alumni Institute, Jerusalem (2009) Yale Leadership Institute (2009) Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto, 2009, 2010 Iowa State University, 2009 Nevada Bar Assosiation, 2009 Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Zurich, 2009 Leadership Buffalo, 2009 Dartmouth College, 2009, 2010 United Nations Leaders Programme, 2009, 2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010


Baldwin – Wallace College, 2010 Drexel University, 2010 National Management Association, 2011 University of Western Ontario, 2011 Indian Institute of Planning and Management, 2011 Bennington College, 2012 Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership, 2012 St. Norbert’s College, 2012 University of St. Gallen, 2012 (Commencement Address) Research Center for Leadership in Action, New York University, 2012 Drake University, 2013 Christopher Newport University, 2013 Amsterdam, John Adams Institute, 2013 Berlin, New Responsibility Foundation, 2013 International Symposium on Leadership in Democracies, Yale University, 2013 20th Anniversary Symposium, Jepson School, University of Richmond, 2013 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Houston, 2013 University of Texas (Permian Basin), 2013 U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, 2014 University of Kyoto, Kyoto, 2014 Claremont Graduate University, 2014. Goddard Space Center, 2015. Mount Vernon, 2015.


Center for Effective Philanthropy, 2015. West Virginia University, 2015. Indiana University, 2015. National Leadership Symposium, University of Louisville, 2015. Department of Emergency Management, City of Los Angeles, 2015. Commander’s Conference, US Army Medical Research and Material Command, 2015. Berry College, 2016. International Leadership Association, 2016 Oakland University, 2016 Association for the Advancement of Science Fellows Program, 2016 Department of Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, 2016 Women and Leadership ILA Affinity Group Conference, 2017 Grand Valley State University, 2017 Benedictine University, 2017 George Washington University (Elliott School), 2017 Schwartzman Fellowship Program, Beijing, 2018 State University of New York, Geneseo, 2018 MIT, SPURS/Humphrey Fellows Program, Commencement Speaker, 2018 IAE Business School, Alumni Summit Speaker, 2018 International Leadership Association Annual Meeting, Keynote Speaker, 2018.


Television and Radio (Selected) CBS NBC PBS CNN CNBC NPR BBC Radio Bloomberg Radio Sirius Radio Satellite CNN/FN CNN/Radio New England Cable News Reuters Jerry Doyle Show, nationally syndicated, regular commentator, 2012- 14

Miscellaneous (Selected) Member, Strategy Board, Munich Leadership Initiative, 2017-present Member, External Curricular Review Committee, U. S. Naval War College, 2017. Member, Academic Committee, Women Leadership Academy (China), 2015-2020. Advisor, Project on Women and Leadership, American Association of University Women, 2014-2016. Member, Advisory Board, Volvo Research and Educational Foundation Project, “Transforming Urban Transport: The Role of Political Leadership,” 2013-2016. Member, Editorial Board, Leadership, 2013-2016. Member, Brookings Institution Leadership Advisory Board, 2012-15. Member, Editorial Board, Palgrave Series on Political Leadership, 2011-2016. Member, Advisory Board, Leadership Research Network, 2009 – 2011. Member, Editorial Board, Leadership Quarterly (past and also 2004-2012).


Member, Advisory Panel, White House Leadership Project, 2009. Member, Publications Committee, International Leadership Association, 2009. Member, Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of Leadership. Member, Editorial Board, Presidential Studies Quarterly. Member, Tufts University Task Force on Leadership. Cofounder, International Leadership Association. American Leadership Forum; Research Advisory Panel. President, Westport Public Library. Consultant, the Leo Baeck Institute. Consultant, Kellogg Foundation. Co-Chair, Annual Meeting, International Society for Political Psychology, Washington, D.C. Consultant, National Executive Service Core. Governing Council, International Society for Political Psychology.

Harvard Activities (Selected)

Dean’s Council Presentation, May 2003 KSG Alumni Event Presentation, June 2003 Public Service Day Presentation, September 2003 Alumni Breakfast, November 2003 Committee on the Concerns of Women at Harvard, February 2004 KSG 2004 Global Videoconference Series, March 2004 Women’s Leadership Board Presentations, 2003, 2004, 2005


KSG Alumni Group Presentation, 2004 Committee on the Concerns of Women at Harvard, 2004 KSG Global Video-Conference Series, 2004 Articles about Kellerman/Bad Leadership in Harvard University Gazette and Kennedy School Bulletin, 2004 Presentation, Harvard Club of Russia, 2005 Presentation, Harvard Club of Brazil, 2005. Israeli Palestinian Negotiating Partners, 2005 Presentation, Kennedy School, Roundtable on Women & Leadership, 2007 Participation in Pluralism Project, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, 2007 Presentation, Harvard Club of New York, 2006 Presentation, Harvard School of Public Health, 2006 and 2007 Presentation, Harvard Business School Fall Reunion, 2007 Presentation, Wexner Israel Fellows, 2007 Presentation, George Fellows, 2007 Presentation, Women and Public Policy Program, 2008 Presentation, Harvard Business School Executive Education Program, 2008 Presentation, Forum Event, HKS, 2008 Presentation, Women and Leadership, HKS, 2008 Moderator, Panel on Women and Leadership, Joint Event HBS/HKS, 2008 Presentation, Mason Fellows, 2008 Participant, “Leadership: Advancing an Intellectual Discipline,” HBS, 2008. Presentation, Human Resources Lunch (HKS, HBS, HLS), 2008 Presentation, Harvard Clubs and Shared Interest Groups, 2009


Presentation, Vice President for Administration Development Program, 2009 Moderator, Panel at Dynamic Women in Business Conference, HBS, 2009 Moderator/Discussant, “At the Cusp of Change: Women Faculty Leaders at Harvard,” University-event sponsored by Provost’s Office, etc., 2009 Presentation, “How Leadership Can Be Taught,” Harvard Business School, 2009 Presentation, Harvard Kennedy School, Women’s Initiative in Leadership (undergraduate), 2010 Roundtable, Harvard Kennedy School, Women’s Caucus on Leadership, 2010 Harvard Kennedy School, Leadership: Essential Selections, 2010 Panel on Women and Leadership, Harvard Business School, 2011 Presentation, Women and Leadership, Harvard College Women’s Center, 2011 Women’s Leadership Award Committee, 2012 Harvard School of Public Health, 2013 Presentation, Alumnae/I Network for Harvard Women, 2014 Presentation, Harvard Business School Reunion, 2015 Presentation, Harvard Business School Reunion, May 2016 Presentation, Harvard Business School Reunion, September 2016 Center for Public Leadership Activities (Selected)

Presentation, Professionalizing Leadership, 2018 Presentation, Hard Times: Leadership in America, 2015 Presentation, Hard Times: Leadership in America, 2014 Presentation, The End of Leadership, 2012


Panelist, Nyefest, 2011 Moderator, Columbus Project, 2011 Facilitator, Student Advisory Council Session with Ann Fudge, 2009 Presentation on Leadership Literacy, 2008 Presentation on Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, 2008 Presentation on Hillary Clinton’s Run for the White House, 2008 Presentation, Followership, 2008 Presentation, Conference on Leadership in the American Presidency, 2008 Participant in U. S. News and World Report selection of “Best Leaders,” 2006-2009 Developed/Organize: Kennedy School Leadership Conferences. (LEADERSHIP 2006, on Women/Leadership, was 5th in previously annual series.) Developed/Edit: Center for Public Leadership Working Papers. (2006 edition was 4th in previously annual series.) Developed/Administer: Faculty Research Grant Program. (Funding was provided for at least five years, since inception of CPL in 2000.) Developed/Administer: CPL Visiting Scholars Program. (Brought to CPL for periods ranging from a few days to one semester scholars such as Warren Bennis, James MacGregor Burns, Joanne Ciulla, Manning Marable, Stanley Renshon, and Ruth Wageman.) Developed/Facilitated (with Richard Hackman): Leadership Theory Prospecting Group. (A monthly leadership seminar, with participating faculty from different schools at Harvard.) Developed (with David Gergen): “Leadership for the Common Good.” (A series of leadership books under the joint imprint of Harvard Business School Press and the Center for Public Leadership.) Developed/Edited (with David Gergen): Compass: A Journal of Leadership. (Was published once or twice annually; originally started as newsletter in 2001.)


Recent Recognitions (Selected) Honorary Degree, Ripon College, 2005. Ranked by Leadership Excellence as in the top 15 “thought leaders in management and leadership” (2008-2009 and 2010-2011). Ranked by as among “Top 50 Business Thinkers” (2009). Wilbur M. McFeely Award, National Management Association (“for being a pioneer in leadership and followership”), 2010. The End of Leadership named to Long List, Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award, 2012. The End of Leadership rated “Essential” (top rating) by Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 2013. The End of Leadership selected by Choice in 2013 as an “Outstanding Academic Title.” Ranked as above also for 2016. Hard Times: Leadership in America selected in 2015 by the Department of Leadership Studies, University of San Diego, for an Honorable Mention Award for “its significant contribution to the field of leadership.” Hard Times: Leadership in America selected by Choice in 2016 as an “Outstanding Academic Title.” Lifetime Achievement Award, International Leadership Association, 2016. Ranked on as among “World’s Top 30 Management Professionals 2015.” And in 2016. And in 2017. And in 2018.

New Media (Selected)

Blogs (weekly then periodically) for , 2008 – 2010. Blogs (weekly then periodically) for 2008 – 2010. Blogs,, 2012 – present