Baptism of the Lord - Amazon S3...Today’s Worship Participants Matthew Penning, director of music...

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Transcript of Baptism of the Lord - Amazon S3...Today’s Worship Participants Matthew Penning, director of music...

Hymns + Songs | Lift Up Your Hearts (red hymnal) Bold Print | Speak or sing together in unison *Please rise in body or in spirit

January 13, 2019 l 8:30 + 11:00 am

Baptism of the Lord

We Gather in the Presence of the Triune God

Gathering Music | Now We Pray to the Holy Spirit setting by Dietrich Buxtehude

Welcome + Announcements

Prelude | Come, Holy Ghost setting by Sarah Majorins

*Call to Worship

The voice of God resounds upon the water. The Spirit of the Lord hovers over the stream. The Son of God is named, “Beloved.” And all who worship shout out, “Glory!” Ascribe to the Lord majesty and strength. Let us worship God in holy splendor.

*Gathering Hymn | Come, Holy Ghost red hymnal, #232

We Seek Renewal in God’s Presence

*Call to Confession God loves us and calls us each by name. Knowing we are eternally forgiven and infinitely loved, let us boldly confess our sins before God.

*Prayer of Confession We are precious in your sight, yet we often forget that we are your beloved. We confess that our love is erratic and inconsistent. We follow selfish goals and deny that our way of life harms others and hurts your world. We are sorry, and we want to change. Create in us a clean heart, strengthen our resolve, reconcile us one to another, and bless us with your peace. Amen.

*Declaration of Forgiveness

Beloved, God forgives our sins; know that we are pardoned. Let us be at peace to love the Lord and serve the world.

*The Peace | time of greeting

The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you.

The Word of the Lord

Old Testament Lesson | Isaiah 43:1-7 Bible, pg. 585 The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

(8:30) Choral Response | Be Not Afraid by Taylor Davis

Psalm Lesson | Psalm 29 Bible, pg. 438 The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Epistle Lesson | Acts 8:14-17 Bible, pg. 892 The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Time for Young Disciples | Heather Woodin, Director of Children’s and Family Ministries

Parents who would like to have their children (3 year old-Kindergarten) participate in Children’s Time are welcome to accompany their children downstairs during the congregational hymn.

Congregational Hymn | You Are Mine red hymnal, #430

Gospel Lesson | Luke 3:15-22 Bible, pg. 834 The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Message | Ministry found in identity… Rev. Dr. Danie deBeer

Responding to the Word

Worship with Tithes and Offerings Prayer requests may be written on a prayer card and placed in the offering plate.

Offertory | Creator Spirit, Heavenly Dove setting by Anne Krentz Organ

*Offertory Response | Sung to “Lift Up Your Heads” To God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, Three in One, praise, honor, might, and glory be from age to age eternally.

Text: 9th century Latin hymn, translated by John Mason Neale

*Prayer of Dedication

Prayers of the People + The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


*Sending Hymn | We Know That Christ Is Raised red hymnal, #795

*Charge + Blessing

*Postlude | We Know That Christ Is Raised setting by David Cherwien

You are invited to remain for the postlude. Soli Deo Gloria! Glory to God Alone!

SAPC Give Now

Today’s Worship Participants

Matthew Penning, director of music Logos Choir, Tamera Penning, accompanist Sarah Beerends, flute Wes Habley, clarinet Heather Woodin, director of children’s and family ministries (8:30) Becky Benson; (11:00) Nancy Barth, worship leaders

Announcements Welcome! We are happy to have you here with us today. If you would like more information about St. Andrew, please indicate your interest on the Connection Card. Join us for a time of fellowship and refreshments after the service. This

is a wonderful way to meet the St. Andrew family.

Prayer: If you desire a personal time of prayer, we’re here to pray with you and for you. Please join a prayer partner at the Prayer Room at the back of the Sanctuary immediately following the worship service.

All ages are welcomed in our worship services. Worship materials for children and adults, including large print hymnals, bibles, and bulletins are available on the shelves outside the north sanctuary doors. A T-Coil hearing

assist loop is also available for those with this feature on their hearing aids.

If needed, infant and toddler care (up to age 2) is provided downstairs in the Nursery. Children’s Time, for ages 3

years through Kindergarten, is also downstairs.

Prayer Requests may be written on a blue Prayer Request Card and placed in the offering plate.

QR Coding for Giving: The QR code in the Sunday bulletin is an electronic code that links to the giving page on our church website. In worship, we respond to God’s love with our offering. We hope that people who like

technology will use these prompts to connect their gifts to our worship.

Connection Cards are one way we can extend welcome and hospitality to our guests while also helping us consider steps we can take in the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. We ask each person to fill out the card and place it in the offering plate. Members, once your contact information is correct, you only need to write your name.

This week...

I’ll intentionally not look down on one person I deem to not be worthy of my attention and love and will show a

positive sign of acceptance.

How do we depend upon the Holy Spirit and our connection to God in prayer for spiritual stamina to go into the

world and make a difference in people’s lives through Christ?

I will affirm to my children their God-given identity—they are claimed by God, loved by God, and God is pleased with them. I will say to my child, “You are my son, my daughter,” “I love you,” “I am so happy to be your parent,”

and, so, strengthen our children’s identity, will and ability to act from a secure identity.

I will sign up for the opportunity to discover the identity of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, and so, invest one

day of my life for the future of this congregation.

The flowers are given in memory and in celebration of the life of Mike Finkelstein, from Twila, Rachel, and Kylie.

Adult Education in January and February Serving Christ Locally & Globally | January 13, 20, 27 & February 3 St. Andrew’s Mission, Outreach, & Service Team is holding a series of presentations on global and local mission opportunities. This week, the director of Iowa City Compassion, Teresa Stecker, will discuss new opportunities for supporting local families, especially those from immigrant communities. (Location: MPR)

Holiday Detox: Welcoming Christ After the Modern Day Madness | January 13, 20, 27 & February 3 A discussion of how we can impact our community positively after the decadence of the “traditional” American holiday. (Location: January 13 The Hub; all other dates, Room 128)

Memorial Service for Betsy Riesz A memorial service for Betsy Riesz will be held on Saturday, February 2 at 1:30 pm at St. Andrew.

St. Andrew will be hosting the 2019 Dorian Choral Invitational led by Luther College, and we are seeking additional people, approximately 10-13 homes, to help with dinner and overnight stays for the

70 voice Nordic Choir. Four area high school choirs have been selected to work with the Luther College choral faculty and Nordic Choir, the top-touring choir. If you are interested in hosting two or more college students overnight, or can help out with the dinner, please contact Matthew Penning, If you have already emailed Matthew and have received an initial reply,

there is no need to email again.

Additional Hosts Sought for

Luther College Choral Event

Photo Opportunity for Newer Members TODAY

If you have joined the church in the past year, or have not had your photo updated for the InDirectory in the last year or two, this event is for you! Jim and Wanda Halverson have, again, graciously offered to take photos for the St. Andrew InDirectory. They will be available in room 128 on TODAY from 8:30 am - 11:00 am. No appointment necessary, just show up and smile!

Lunch with the Leaders TODAY

If you are interested in learning more about St. Andrew or are contemplating joining the church as a full, active member, then Lunch with the Leaders is for you! We will be meeting in the Atrium after the 11:00 worship service today. Lunch is provided!

Sweatpants Needed for UIHC Psychiatric Patients

Many patients come into the hospital with only the shirts on their backs and are in need of assistance. MHI (Mental Health Initiatives) is collecting sweatpants for UIHC Psychiatric Patients. Place new or gently used sweatpants in the marked bin outside the church office. If you would prefer to make a monetary donation towards the purchase of sweatpants, please place a check (with MHI sweatpants written on the memo line) in the mail slot next to the office door. Thanks for your consideration towards providing this much needed resource! Questions: Contact Marcia Murphy at

Save the Dates for the Women’s

and Men’s Retreats

Women of St. Andrew, save the date for the upcoming Women’s Retreat (Make a Joyful Noise) to be held Friday evening, February 8, 6:00 to 9:00 pm and all day Saturday, February 9, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join you. Questions? Contact Annie Potter at

Come to Guatemala

This Summer!

This is the second of two mission trips planned for 2019. The team, led by Sue Swearingen, will be in Guatemala from July 27-August 3. Families are welcome as long as children are at least 10 years old. We praise God for Impacto Ministries, our ongoing relationship with them, and the beautiful people of Guatemala who remind us that God is SO GOOD! For more information, contact Sue at 319/530.4554 or

School’s Out Day Camp

January 21

Here’s what’s in store for January 21:

In order to aim for the best experience for

everyone and to help foster relationships, attendance at the January camp will be limited to students who are referred to us through staff at Weber, Horn, and Borlaug Elementary Schools, as well as St. Andrew children who can be here while

their parents are volunteering.

Food! Lots of food! We will serve a big breakfast,

heavy lunch, and hearty afternoon snack.

We’ll break the kids into smaller groups for each activity. This will allow us to get to know them better and offer more options for each time slot during the day.

We’ll ask volunteers to commit to a specific time

slot. We need to know how many helpers we’ll

have for each segment of the day.

A sign-up sheet for volunteers, with specific needs and time slots, is in the Atrium. We need volunteers who can:

Lead hands-on activities that engage children. Do

you have an interesting hobby or fascinating job?

Join us!

Help prepare, serve, and clean up breakfast, lunch, or afternoon snack

Be a helper, such as sitting at a lunch table or

chatting informally with kids while they work on an art project.

For more information about School’s Out Day Camp, contact Heather Woodin at hwoodin@saintandrew- or call the church office, 319/338.7523.

Thank You for Paying Your 2018

Per Capita and a 2019 Update

We want to thank all of you who contributed your per capita to provide funding for mission in 2018! Every dollar paid directly supports the mission of the church, freeing up Mission, Outreach, and Service (MOS) to

distribute. The rate for 2019 is $38. —MOS Team

An Invitation for a Congregational Workshop and ReflectionAn Invitation for a Congregational Workshop and Reflection

God invites us to mission growth. Mission Growth congregations begin with the question, “Who is God inviting us to serve in mission?” Mission Growth congregations focus on mission growth more than church growth. The question is not, "Do we want to grow?" The question is, "Who is God encouraging us to serve in mission?

We are a Mission Growth congregation. We begin with, ''Who is God inviting us to serve in mission?" We share the five basic qualities of strong, healthy congregations. We claim the Twelve Keys strengths with which God blesses us. We expand, add, sustain our strengths. We act swiftly to serve God’s mission. We live whole, healthy lives in the grace of God. We pray, deeply, richly, fully, with our whole being. We have fun, as the Easter People, living in the wondrous grace of God.

We are gathering on January 26, 2019 from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. We look forward to sharing a good time together. We encourage everyone to come.

We’ll have good fun as we pray and sing, plan and share. We’ll plan for grace ... strengths …. compassion .... mission …. We’ll share possibilities and planning, wisdom, and common sense. We’ll discover the strengths with which God blesses us. We’ll discover current strengths to expand. We’ll discover new strengths to add. We sustain our current strengths. We look for the strengths to expand and add to which God is inviting us, that we have fun achieving, but are worthwhile, and that stir our compassion, creativity, and hope. We’ll share simple, generous food. We’ll enjoy good fun and fellowship.

Registration forms will be available today, January 20, and can be downloaded from our website by clicking on the scrolling announcement.

Interim Senior Pastor ............................................................................................. Rev. Dr. Danie deBeer Associate Pastor ......................................................................................................... Rev. Kyle Otterbein Pastor Emeritus .............................................................................................................. Rev. Mark Martin Music Director ................................................................................................................. Matthew Penning Assistant Director of Instrumental Ministries ............................................................................... Lee Rabe Assistant Director of Children’s Vocal Ministries ..................................................................... Nelda Wittig Assistant Director of Handbell Ministries ............................................................................. Laura Kastens Music Intern ...................................................................................................................... Christopher Arp Children’s & Family Ministry Director ............................................................................... Heather Woodin Youth Ministries Director ..................................................................................................... Randy Hausler Finance Administrator ........................................................................................................... John Benson Office & Communications Administrator .................................................................................. Sarah Dyck


Nyamuoch Miak 01/01 Bill Hoeft 01/02 Sandra Reed 01/02 Mary Jo Abbott 01/03 Spencer Heath 01/03 LuAnn Robinson 01/03 Emily Moraniec 01/04 Mindy Olson 01/05 Madelin Otterbein 01/05 Marlene Stanford 01/07 Garth Anderson 01/07 Sarah Noser 01/10 Molly Trimble 01/10 John Yanik 01/10 Mark Smith 01/11 Callum Scott 01/12 Stacia McGrath 01/13 Glenda Rabe 01/13 Mary Nixon 01/13 Angela Storm 01/14 Kristen DeGrazia 01/15 Anita Spenler 01/15

Bethany Lagani 01/16 Connie Steele 01/16 Austin Beerends 01/17 Cher Wirth 01/18 Beth Dowd 01/19 Abby Sparks 01/19 Bob Boelman 01/20 Becky Peterson 01/21 Leslie Finer 01/22 Marshall Lagani 01/22 John Engelhardt 01/23 Eliza Reinhardt 01/23 Joan Lange 01/24 Maria Lofgren 01/24 Myrna Farraj 01/25 Dana Simcox 01/27 Ernie Found 01/28 Erika Law 01/29 Beckie Aghsaee 01/30 Bump Elliott 01/30 Dave Duys 01/31

January Birthdays

January Anniversaries

Marty & Woody Murphy ...................................................................................................................................... 01/15 Marilyn & Phil Holland ........................................................................................................................................ 01/23