B.A.P - Power (Music Video Analysis)

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of B.A.P - Power (Music Video Analysis)

Music Video Analysis

Aksaah Ul-Haq12JLF

B.A.P - Power

The music video shows the group wearing costumes that would typically be seen to be worn by members of an army or fighters as well as the environment being presented in this video is as if they are on a battlefield. The theme that they are trying to portray seems as if they are trying to get the message across to its audience that everyone should stand up for what they believe in and the significant difference as well as exploitation between those at the top and those who are weak, as well as fighting for what they believe in. The lyrics of the song are also telling the audience/the listener to rebel against the injustice in the world and to go against the idea that wealth and status are what makes a person and that a person themselves (the listener) is the real holder of power.

Relationship between lyrics and visualsGoodwin’s theory would say that the actions reflect what the lyrics are saying; with the word “dies” they perform an act as if they are being attacked therefore reflecting the lyrics. However, it can also be said to be amplified/exaggerated as they are saying “In the shadow of the one with strength, the one without strength dies” this could reinforce the idea that those who are weak and always being overshadowed will one day fall.

When the words “Follow me” are said, you can see the main rapper performing a gesture as if he is saying to people to come forward and follow him to become one and united. This is illustrative by the lyrics and the hand motion. However it can be also be said to be amplified by the aggression in the music video as well as having a huge group all following as one, which could also be a presentation of unity. The close up reinforces the sense of persuasion and the expression on his face as if he is urging people to “follow”.

When the words “four shot” are said, the sound of a gun shot is also there in the background amplifying the lyrics and this could also link to the words “break all the stereotypes”, perhaps the gun shot being the sound of breaking through the barrier that is the stereotypes. Also, the movement of the group and dancers, having their arms in the position that a gun would be held, is illustrative as it looks as if they are aiming a shot into the air. The high angle shot can be used to look up to them as if they are

This line represents the group coming together as one as they are seen walking into one and uniting at this point. Also with their hands pointed to the air, this is as if they are showing that they are of higher power and can overcome anything together. Therefore reinforcing the representation of unity and togetherness that the songs lyrics are trying to give to the audience.

Relationship between music and visualsThe song carries on from the beginning at a consistent pace and at around 3:43, the song reaches its climax and that is when everything starts to speed up, and the vocalist holds a long note. However, although that is what makes the song big, the cuts and edit speed stay consistent. However, as the music video is quite big and is what makes the song more enjoyable, it is less likely that audiences would get bored watching this, as the group present an interesting concept.