
Post on 03-May-2018

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Inddifi II



108 N. Walnut St.

( lndx )



Sheldon Brick aid M\ia% Sipply Co.

Cunningham Av. FHONC* 10B M. Win< St^

12-Bll-36 1342-Atto-4236 CiAttFAM


8e Index II


Masonry and Concrete == Contractor ===

Builder of Hollow Concrete Block Silos

Cement Products of All Kinds

9 l94x O



C. B. WIOONS-$iU^fiMiniUIKtlf^lTAmN Ui-ttl NICKOiY SIMH tii m4U N. WBBl mssi

Bli 6S3 Attt 1544 indn W

Alexander Lumber Co.

Ail Under Hoof

Champaigiip : liiiiiois

Linlier naiiif Miil Si^ Goal

*^Lmt lis SELL Y^ir Sills" fit Mm i

First Piatloiiai Bank mSmKw




Q 917.7366

cop. 3


A. W. Stoolman

General Building Contractor


Builder of EVERY Fraternity Club House constructed to date, numerous University of Illinois Buildings, Champaign's most exclusive Residences, Theaters, Churches, and Schools and Public Buildings thruout JldT JST Jir the state se S iS

Nothing Too Small : : Nothing Too Large

Estimates Furnished




Alexander Lbr Co. . .F C and Index A

Apperson L W Index A

Bacon Bros r t 1 and Index I, J

Beach B C & Co Index B

Beardsley Hotel p 2

Bowman Jos C r s 1

Bowman Ray L r c 1

Brining O L Index B

Brownf ield L T Index A

Brown's Business School

ibottom edge and Index B

Buch Fred W 1 g 1

Burr Co (The)

Index B and Class Auto Rep

Burt T A Loan Co 1 s 1

Burton O K r c 1

Caldwell Co (The

Insert center of Book

Camipbell F G & Son Index C

Cavanaugh J P r b I

Ci tizens State Bank . . F E ^ p at name

Commercial Bank Index C

Champaign Bargain Co r b 1

Champaign County Ahst Co re 1

Ohampaign Investment Co 1 t 1

Champaign Natl Bank. .F C & Index N

Champaign News (The) Insert

Ohampaign Rubber Works r t 1

Champaign Sanitary Milk Co 1 c 1

Champaign Seed Co r g 1

Cimningham Bros Icl

Davis R B 1 s 1 and Index N

Dickson Cons of Music 1 c 1

Dillavou S E r t I

Duffy Caroline D. .Class Dressmakers

Enochs & Kerker Index E

Everence R P Index E

Ewald B J W Index E

Falkenberg Fred P. .Index F and r c 1

Faulkner Watson ! 1 g 1

First National Bank. .F C and Index F First State Trust and Savings Bank

B C and Index B

iF\)&ter P D 1 b 1

Franks Thos & Son. . Index X Y Z

Gazette Co (Thej Index S

Guinn iS N Index G

Halberstadt Geo iH Index Q R

Harnack L Mrs Index G

Harris F D Realty Co. .B C & Index E

Henderson & Sonmitt Index H

Herrick Harry

t e & Indx H & Class Austos

Hidy W R Inside B C & Index P

Howse L K ; . . Index D

Huff S E cc Co.. r g 1 and Class

Hunter Rourke & Co. .B C & Index H

Hutchinson E J Index I, J

1 Lite Ins Co Index I, J

Illinois Traction Co Index Mc

Johnson Electric Co Icl

Kallas James Index K

Kaufman J M & Co Index K

Keck F D Furn Co 1 p in Gen

Kern O L r g 1

Kilby Frank L r g 1

Kiler C A r g 1

Kirby E V 1 s 1

Klank A L Index Class

Kiorline Bros Index X

Knowles C H r c 1

Knowlton & Bennett

F C and Index X Y Z

Krabbe Elcc Co . . r s 1 & Index Class

Lange Bros Index L

Lawder Jno VJ\ R and 1 g 1

Leseure Bros r s 1

Lloyde D H .r b 1

Lumley Bros 1 tl

Maurer Chas Index M

Mead F B .1 h 1

Meneley-Ross Co (The) r c 1

Metz Martin Class Carriages

Metzler & Sohafeii r s 1

Mittendorf Louis 1 c 1

Moll E M 1 t 1

Morgan M W 1 h 1

Morgan Rug & Fum Co. .1 g: 1 and p M

IMotor Sales Co (The) 1 c 1

Mueller Chas E 1 b I

Murduck Bix)s r b 1

Xeedham Win H 1 b 1

Nelson Joseph Index N

Nogle & Black. .Indx U. Sts, Indx Adv

O'Brden-Ward Co B C and Index O

Oldham J G Index O

Pattengale Bros Index P

Paris Dyeing & Cleaning Co

r s 1 and Index D

Parker Geo R B C and Index P

Paul WW r b 1

Phillips AW Index P

Picknell Owen Class Hotels

Price Decorating Co Gen at Name

Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co. .1 t 1

Roberts Chas J Index Class

Roberts & Grant Class Meats

Robeson F K B C

Sandweger S A 1 c 1

Sarras J A.... Class Confectrs

Schaarmann E F. .1 t 1 & Class School

Smith & Co 1 b 1

Snavely C M r c I

Snyder & Tufts r t 1

Soft Water Laundry r b 1

Somers F A F C & Index G

Souder L B 1 c 1

Stem Bros 1 t 1

Stipes & Hecker....F C and Index S

Stipes Royal A . . book mark & Indx L

Stoltey W J r s 1

Stoolman A W p 3

Slrauch B A r t 1

Strode Geo Insert Gen

Sutherland & Sowers Isl

Swannell H & Son 1 b 1

Trevett-Mattis Banking Co BE

Twin City Ice & Cold Stgr Co

B C and Index T

Twin City Creamery Oo r b 1

Twin City Fish Market Index T

Twin City Roofing Co r b 1 & Class

U of I Sup Store Index C

Urbana Banking Co. . .F C & Index U

Vakey G D 1 t 1

Vriner Geo J Index O

Vriner P G r t I

Walls WW BC and Index T

Webster J F & Co r t 1

W'lhlte Line Laundry r t 1

Wigi^ins C B iF C and Index W

Williams & Black (Inc.)

Index W and Class

Willi.s G C r c 1

Wozencraft & Finder. .Class Plumbers

Wuesteman A E 1 b 1

Young Roy E r t 1


City Ha.' -100-104 North Neil.

Mayor E. S. iSwigart.

City Clerk Nat M. Woodward.

City Attorney Li, A. Glenn.

City Treasurer ^C. Q. Cummins.

iCity Engineer Pred C. liOibmanii.

Street Superintendent C, iM. Bagleton.

City Collector Jolin A. Scott.

City I'hysjcian Di-. W. E. Schowengerdt.

City Electrician ArttLur C. Siagbusch.

Chief of Police A. U. Keller.

Fire and Police Commission ^N. M. Harris, Walter B. Riley.

Board of Plumbers Examiners Tihos. J. Wooters.


First Ward Ben McKinsey, F. W. iSchaede. Second Ward-^H. A. Wilkins, B. W. Benedict. Third Ward Geo. B. Franks, Emery A. Thompson. Fourth Ward^WI. F, Stoltey, R. C. Gehrke. Fifth Ward Isaac Kuhn, L. F. Wingard. Sixith Ward Fred Dallenbach, H. P. Harris. Seventh Ward' A. J. Flatt, A. C. SingbuschL


Finance Franks, Flatt, Benedict.

Purchasing and Printing MoKinsey, Stoltey, Harris.

Ldght ^Singbusch, Swh,aede, Wilkins.

Health Kuhn, Singbusch, Gehrke.

Building and Grounds Schaede, Thompson, Kuhn.

Railway and Judiciary Benedict, Wingard, Dallenbach.

Police Flatt, Benedict, Stoltey.

Streets and Alleys^ Harris, McKinsey, Franks, Wilkins, Stoltey, Kuhn, Singbusch.

Drainage Gehrke, Dallenbach, McKinsey, Thompson, Wingard, Bene- dict, Singbusch.

Sewer Wilkins, Gehrke, Schaede, Wingard, Franks, Flatt, IHarris.

Fire and Water Stoltey, Franks, Flatt.

General Thompson, Harris, McKinsey.

Ordinance Wingard, Wilkins, Dallenbach.

Auditing ^Dallenbach, Kuihn, Gehrke.


Headquarters ^City Hall. Chief A. U. Keller. Desk Sergeant Hale M. Hudnut.

Patrolmen Edman V. Buckler, Frank Clasey, M. Wagner, Jess Sado- irus, O. Slater, James Cochnan, C. A. Dickey.


Newton M. Harris, Wlaltter B. Riley.


CHAMPAIGN FIRE DEPARTMENT. Headquarters City Hall. Chief Jolin Ely. Assistant Chief R. W. Alsip. Treasurer Frank Anderson. Drivers Frank Anderson, August Anderson.

Firemen Albert Demlow, Tlios. Ftogarty, Frank Anderson, Edw. Red- dick, Chas. Krabbe.

CHAMPAIGN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Board of Education. Dr. W. U Gray, President. Mrs. Eleanor Bainum, Secretary. Miss Carrie Busey, Clerk. Mrs. D. W. Miner, Attendance Officer. W. E. Schultz, Supt. of Buildings and Grounds. Wl W. Earnest, Superintendent.

Members of Board Robert Dimmer, Dr. W. E. Schowengerdt, Thomas ifl. Smith.


Champaign High School 302-312 W. Green.

Avenue School 101-111 N. Lynn.

'Central School 307-9 N. Randolph.

Colonel Wolfe School- 403 E. Healy, comer S. 4th.

Columbia School 102 W. Beardsley.

Gregory School 603 N. Randolph.

Howard School 915 W. Park.

Lawhead School Corner E. Grove and N. Fifth.

Lincoln School 412 S. State.

Marquette School Corner S. Fifth and E. Clark.

Willard School 501 E. Church.


Holy Cross School 411 W. Clark.

St John's Lutheran School 104 N. Fourth.

St, Mary's School 602 E. Park av.

St. Peter's Lutheran School University av and Fourth.

TEACHERS OF CHAMPAIGN SCHOOLS. High School. W. W. EJamest, Superintendent. Lottie Switzer, Principal. Minnie Morris, Assistant Principal, English. Vera Turell, English. Mathilda Voss, Domestic Science. Fanchen Campbell, History, Latin. Byne Goodman, History. Beulah Selsam, Commercial Subjects. Mary Edna Stinson, Mathematics. Eva McKinnie, Latin. R. P. Zimmerman, German. Ernest Hanes, History and English. Paul Smith, Agriculture, Physiography, 'Zoology. Walter H. Burgeleit, German and Mathematics. J. G. Epplnger, Commercial Subjects. R. A. Burtnett, Physics. Chas. Gooding, Chemistry and Zoology. Mary C. Barry, English.


Mary B. Hill, Art.

B. L. Millne, Mathematics.

Arthur F. Krueger, Manual Training.

BertiDa, M. Jones, German.

Earl Ross, Public Speaking and English.

Chas. Kidder, Mathematics.

Warren Bennett, English.

Marie Breitstadt, Physical Training.

Special Teachers.

Ernest Anderson, Manual Training, Grades.

IReka Kller, General Substitute Teacher.

Amelia Deneweth, Music Supervisor.

Frledla Block, Music Supervisor in Lower Grades.

Bess Hoult, Domestic Science, High School and Grades.

Esther McLaflin, Art and Handwork in Grade Schools.

Central School 307 N. Randolph.

8. Margaret McWilliams. . Nellie Keeoh.

8. Fannie McDaniel. 8. Kuth Evans.

8. Jennie Stoltey. 7. Mrs. Mary Summers.

Gregory School 204 W. Columbia Av.

6. Mrs. Bertha Withers. 4. Zoe Jayne.

6. Marguerite Dodds. 'd. Edith Little.

5. Gladys Smltih. 2. Mrs. L. K. Livingston.

5. Hazel Harper. 1. Sallie Ver Bryck.

Avenue School 101-111 N. Lynn,

7. Jessie Gooding. 4. Etta Neblock.

7. Bess Evans. 3. Mrs. Nellie Boner.

6. Margaret Chester. 2i. Helen Bryan.

5. Alma Ewbank. 1. Margaret Walker.

Colonel Wolfe School 403 E. Healy.

7. Mrs. Sophie Parr. 4. iHelen Kunza.

6. Mrs. Laura Lippincott. 3. Luella Bond. 6 and 5. Flora Divilbiss. 2. Lena Ritter.

5. Mrs. Mairy Grain. 1. Clara Burroughs.

Lincoln School 412 S. State.

7. CLuIiu Corser. 3 and 4. Pauline Osborne.

6. Maud McCown. 3 and 'Z. Winnifred Steams.

5. Marie Bollman. 2 and 1. Nellie Detriok.

4. Margaret Brannen. 1. Leora Ewbank.

Marquette School 205 S. Fifth.

7. Zella Radebaugh. 4. Nellie Boucher.

6. Mrs. Ethel Lewis. 2. Ethel Starr.

5. Kathryn O'Bryne. 3. Virginia Spencer. 5. Reba Frakes. 1. Lillie McDaniel.

Howard School 1115 W. Park Av. 6 and 5. Mrs. Ella D. Thompson. 4 and 3. Mrs. O. C. Todd). 2 and 1. Esther Maxwell.

Colutnbia School 102 Wi. Beardsley Av.

4. Katherine Frederick, Principal 2. Mrs. Alice Erode. 3. Naoma, Hartford. 1. Annette Mix.


Lawhead School 410 E. Grave. 4. Hose Hazen. 2. Clara M. Beach.

3. Grace Thomas. 1- Lucille Cooney.


Brown's Business School 3rd floor Swannell Bldg., Main and Neil.

Dickson Conservatory of Music 208 W. Hill.

Notre Dame Convent (Music and Painting) 608 E. Park av.

Sisters of St. Joseph (Music) 204 S. Elm,

Schaarmann German School 2i^ Main.

Holy Cross School 411 W. Clark.

Thorns' Dancing School 614% E. Green.

Davidson Hazel Miss (Dancing) 715 S. Wright.



First Baptist Church, Rev. D. O. Hopkins, pastor 134 W. University. Salem Baptist Church (c), Rev. S. W. Batchlor 202 N. 5th. University Baptist Church, Rev. Martin S Bryant, pastor 314 E. Daniel.


Church) of tbe Holy Cross, Rev. W. E. Frawley, pastor 411 W. Clark. St. John's Catholic Church, Rev. Adolph Geyer, pastor 221 Locust. St. Mary's Catliolic Church, Rev. R. F. Flynn, pastor 610 Ej Park.

Christian. Church of Christ 606 E. White.

University Place Christian Church, Rev. S. E. Fisher, pastor 501 S. Wright.

Christian Science.

First Church of Christ, Scientist 501 W. University av. Christian Science Church (Second) 120^^ N. Neil.


First Congregational, Rev. J. A. Holmes, pasttor 211 W. Church. Plymouth Congregational Church, Rev. E^zra E. Frame, pastor 501 E. Grove.


Emanuel Episcopal Church 102 North State.


St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev. G. F. Stiegemeyer,pastor

312 E. University av. St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Ohuoh, Rev. H. F. Mueller, pastor

yoi E. University av. Grace English Lutheran Church '201 W. Springfield av.


Bethel A. M. E. Church. Rev. E. G. Jackson 401 E. Park.

Fifth St. M. E. Church 414 E. Church.

First M. E. Church, Rev. R. H. Schuett, paator 212 W. Church.

M. E. Mission (c) 807 N. 5th.

M. E. Ohurch (c), Rev. Wm. T. Whitsiett, pastjor 415 E. Tremont.


First Presbyterian Church, Rev. C. R. Adams, pastor Ckyrner State

and Hill. George McKinley Memorial Presbyterian Church, Rev. Robert R. Reed,

pastor 801 S. 5th..



Seventh Day Adventists Church 1102 W. Main.

United Brethren Dunkard Church, Rev. Holland M. Leatherman 1203

Market. Salvation Army Hall. Chas. \V. Perrett, Ensign 415 N. Neil. Champaign and Urbana Hebrew Congregation, J. M. Kaufman, pres.

1618 Main.


(First Church of Christ Scientists) open daily from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. except Sundays. Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock and on Sundays from 2 to 5 p. m. Room 401 P^rst Xat'l Bank Bldg.

Second Church Reading Rooms 120 14 X. Neil.


Burnham Atheneum Public Library 306-308 W. Church. R. D. Burn- ham, pres., J. C. Dodds, v. pres., Mrs. J. B. Russell, sec, Mrs. J. B. Harris, Mrs. F. H. Miller, members of board. Miss Jeanette Roberts, librarian, Miss Ethel Kratz. asst. Miss Louise L. Gage, librarian, branch at Marquette School Bldg.


Champaign Chamber of Commerce 201-203 N. Neil.


Chamber of Commerce of Champaign. Ill, C. W. Murphy, managing sec.


Garwood Old Ladies' Home N. Market and limit. Cunningham Childrens' Home Cunningham Rd U.


Osbom Halil (Episcopalian) SOT S. Wright. Presbyterian Hall 805 S. Fifth. Y. M. C. A. (U. of I.) 725 S. Wright YW. C. A. (U. of I.) 801 S. Wright. Presbyterian Home for Girls 805 S. Sth .


Julia F. Burnham Hospital Miss Anna C. Farley, supt. Corner E.

Springfield and S. Fourth. Dorcas Society, Miss Jennie Painter, matron 205 N. Third. The United Charities Association of Champaign and Urbana Suite 12

Imperial Building, Walnut and Taylor Sts., Edith L. Signer, supt.

PARKS. Base Ball Park 1400 W. Hill.

Beardsley Park Eureka, Beardsley, Walnut and Champaign. City Park 302-412 W. University av. Scott Park 201-211 E. Springfield av.


Mt. Hope Cemetery Maple av. S. of University.

Rose Lawn Cemetery S. 4th at limits. ]


Ahrens Building 313-315 N. Walnut

Atkinson Building 320 N. Neil.

Atkinson Hall 106^^ S. Neil. i


Baddeley-Stipes Block 324-402 N. Neil.

B. of R. T. Hall 73%' E. University av.

Bradley Arcade 705 S. Wright.

Bradley Arcade 713-715 S. Wright.

Carey's iHall (c) 409 E. Grove.

Chamber of Commerce Rest Rooms Corner Walnut and Taylor.

Champaign National Bank Bldg 13 Main.

City Hall Corner S. Neil, First South and University av.

Citizens State Bank Bldg Corner N)eil and Taylor.

College Hall 313 E. Green.

Elks Auditorium 108 W. Hill.

First National Bank Bldg 30-32 Main.

G. A. R. Hall 120y3 X. Walnurt..

Gazette Building Junction N. Neil and Hickory.

Labor Hall 37^^-3914 Main.

Haley Bldg 313 E. University.

Hamilton Building 201-203 N. Neil.

Harwood Building 71-75 N. Neil.

Hessel Building 37-39 Main.

Howard Building 117 W. Church.

Illinois Building 113-123 N. Neil.

Imperial Building 201-207 N. Walnut.

I. O. O. F. Temple 109 %-l 11 V2 N. Neil.

I. T. S. Building 39-41 E. University av.

Kariher Building 303 N. Neil.

K. of P. Hall 1171/3-1231/3 l\V. Church.

Fublic library Building 306-308 W. Clark.

Masonic Temple 202-204 W. Hill.

Miebaoh's Hall 71% E. University av.

Modern \\Toodmen Hall Third floor Imperial Building.

Orpheum Theatre Building 346-348 Hickory.

Painters Hall 103% W. University.

Park Theatre Bldg 110 W. Church.

Post Office Bldg Corner W. Church and N. Randolph.

Price Bldg 320 Hickory.

Siegel Bldg 112 E. University av.

Sullivan Bldg 120 N. Walnut.

Stern Bldg 322-324 Hickory.

Swannell Bldg ^Corner Main and Neil.

Trevett-Mattis Banking Bldg 104 W. Church.

Varsity Hall 120y2 (W. Main. U.

CHAMPAIGN POST OFFICE. Office Comer W. Church and N,. Randolph.

Postmaster Chas. J. Mulltikin.

Assistant Postmaster James L. Major.

Postal Savings James L. Major.

Superintendent of Mails Wm. G. Moller.

Money Order and Registry Clerk Irene Hoxie .

Mailing Clerks N. E. Wiles, Hugo A. Walk, Geo. F. Wilson and James

F. Strait Stamp and General Delivery Earl Kinnison, Glenn C. Frazier. Utility Clerk Miss Alice A. McPadden. Distributor Ralph D. Morgan.

City Carriers.

1 Herbert L. Smith. 5 Andrew Hampton.

2 E. J. Green. 6 Russell N. Gillum.

3 O. Allen. 7 James F. Wilson.

4 O. F. Miller. 8 Fred L. Howell.


9 Guy Shaffer, Aux. 12 Henry E. Kitch .

10 O. A. Keating. 13 J. E. Leonard, Aux.

11 J. J. Stanner. Parcel Post Geo. L. Scott. Auxiliary Carrier Ohas. N. Black, Oscar F. Gulick and Dudley H.


Rural Routes.

1 John E. Sullivan. 4 'B. J. Clarkson.

2 Chas. E. Hample. 5 Harry E. Gulick.

'6 George B. Yates. 6 Morton U. G. Miller.

Sub-Postal Stations.

Station A E. R. Cunningham, supt Comer Green and Wright. 'Station 1 W. P. Ross, supt. 112 E. Univeirsity av. Station 2 S. C. Tucker, supt. Conner Church and Neil. Station 3 Wm. B. Keusink,supt. Corner University and Neil. Station 4 R. W. Gault, supt 504% B. Grove.

Delivery and Collections.

Two in residence portion of city, morning and afternoon.

Three in business portion, 7:30 a. m., 1:30 p. ra. and 4 p. m.

An additional collection at 7:30 p. m. (in business and University dis- trict only). Business district 9 p. m... Saturday only. Collections of boxes on all deliveries.

Office Hours.

Money Order I>epartment 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Regis'try Department 7:30 a. m. to 6 p. m.

General Deliver>' and Stamp Windows 7 a. m. to 6 p. m.

Postoffice loddy open at all houis.


Payable in the United States (which includes Hawaii and Porto Rico), and its possessions comprising the Canal Zone (Isthmus of Panama); Guam, the Philippines and Tutuila, Samoa; also for Order payable in Bermuda, British Guiana. Briitdsh Honduras, Canada, Cuba, Newfoundland, the United States Postal Agency at Shanghai (China), the Brahma Islands and certain other islands in the West Indes men- tioned in Register of Money Order Post Offices:

For Orders From $ 0.01 to $ 2.50 3 cents

From $ 2.51 to $ 5.00 5 cents

From $ 5 . 01 to $ 10 . 00 8 cents

From $10 . 01 to $ 20 . 00 10 cents

From $20.01 to $ 30.00 12 cents

From $30 . 01 to $ 40 . 00 15 cents

From $40 . 01 to $ 50 . 00 18 cents

From $50 . 01 to $ 60 . 00 20 cents

From $60.01 to $ 75.00 .25 cents

Prom $75.01 to $100.00 ;. .30 cents

NOTE The maximum amount for which a single Money Order may be issue is $100. When a larger sum is to be sent additional Orders must be obtained. Any number of Orders may be drawn on any Money Order Office; but if orders are drawn in excess of $200 on any one day upon an office of the 4th class noitice of the fact by letter (or Form 6037) is to be properly sent to the Department by the issulag Postmaster so that provision may be made for payment.

Aplications must be preserved at the office of issue for four years from date of is? 'e.



FIRST CLASS 2 cents per ounce or fraction. SECOND CLASS 1 cent per four ounces or fraction. THIRD CLASS 1 cent per two ounces or fraction. FOURTH CLASS Parcel Post Rates.


Zone Local.. ..


Rate lb.

$ . 0-^

Each addl. lb. S .00%



























.11 .... .12 ....



over 1800



Ben Hur,

Balthasar Court No. 2 Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday in Nelson Hall.

Catholic Knights.

Catholic Knights Meet last Sundav afternoon of each month, K. of C. Hall.

Court of Honor.

Court of Honor, District No. 18 David Harris, sec. Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in Odd Fellows Hall.


Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 563 Business meeting 2nd and 4th Thursdays; social meetings 1st and 3d Thursdays at Eagles Hall, 49y2 N. Neil.


Champaign Lodge No. 398 Meets every Wednesday, Elks Auditorium.


Court Watago No. 3251, Independent Order of Foresters Meets 1st and 3d Mondays in Carpenters Hall.


Champaign Div. No. 1 A. O. H. Meets 3d fl. Imperial Bldg. Ladies' Auxiliary, Champaign Div. No. 1 Meetings 2nd Thursday eve- ning each month in iHall 3rd fl. Imperial Bldg.

Knights of Columbus.

Knights of Columbus Business meetings 3d Sundays; social meetings, 1st Tuesday, St. Mary's School.

Knights of Pythias.

Valieni Lodge No. 130 Meets every Tuesday evening, 3d fl. 113-115

W. Church. K. of P. Unity Co. No. 33 Uniiform Rank Meet 1st and 3d Thursdays,

3d fl. 113-115 W. Church. Pythian Sisters, Champ Temple 129 Meets 1st and 3d Mondays as

above .



Meets 1st iFriday and 4th Tuesday evenings each month and 2d Tues- day, p. m., Nelson Hall.


Champaign Commandary No. S, Knights Templar Stated conclaves 1st and 3d Tuesday evenings each month Masonic Temple, comer N. Randolph and W. Hill.

Vesper Chapter No. 128, Order Eastern Star Regular meetings 1st and 3d Friday evenings each month Masonic Temple, comer N Ran- dolph and W. Hill.

Champaign Chapter No. 50, R. A. M. Regular convocations 1st and 3d Monday evenings each month Masonic Temple, corner N. Ran- dolph and W. Hill.

Slaxa Rubra Conclave No. 2. Red Cross of Constantine Masonic Tem- ple, corner N. Randolph and W. Hill.

Mispah Shrine No. 11, White Shrine of Jerusalem Masonic Temple, corner N. Randolph and W. Hill.

Westem Star Lodge No. 240, A. F. & A. M. Meets 2d and 4th Monday evenings each month Masonic Temple, corner N. Randolph and W. Hill.

Modern Americans.

Modern American Fraternal Order Champaign Lodge No. 269 Meets 1st and 31 Fridays in I. O. O. F. Hall.

Modern Woodmen of America

Champaign Camp No. 266 Meetings 2d and 4th Monday evenings each

month, Nelson Hall, 22 Main. W. M. A. Oak Camp 9170 Meets 4th Mondays, K. of P. Hall.

Moose. Loyal Order of Moose Meets ever>' Tuesday at 8 p. m. at Moose Hall.

Red Men.

Redman Tribe No. 389 Meets every Friday, Nelson Hall. Pocohontas (Auxiliary of Red Men) Meets every 1st and 3d Thursday in Nelson Hall.

Odd Fellows.

Champaign Lodge No. 333 Meets every Thursday at I. O. O. F. Hall. Champaign Encampment No. 68 Meets 1st and 3d Mondays at I. O.

0. F. Hall .

Kaulback Lodge 549 Meets every Wednesday at I. O. O. F. Hall. Canton Zonar No. 17 Meets 2d and 4th Friday in 1. O. O. F. Hall. Triumph Lodge No. 410, Rebekahs Meets every 2d and 4th Mondays at

1. O. O. F. Hall.

Royal Neighbors.

Gtood Will Camp Royal Neighbors Meets every 1st and 2d Wednesdays in Nelson Hall.

T. P. A.

T. P. A. of America, Post Q W. C. Michaels, sec. Meet 2d Friday of

eoxh month at Beardsley Hotel .

United Commercial Travelers. U. C. T. Champaign and Urbana Council No. 478 Meet 1st Saturday,

I. O. O. F. Hall.


G. A. R.

Col. Nodine Post No. 140, G. A. R. Dept. of 111. Meets 1st and 4*hi Fri- day evening, G. A. R. Hall, Taylor St. Ohampaign Council No. 531. National Union 55 R Walnut St.


Grand United Order of Odd Fellow Meets 1st and i8d Tuesdays,

Carey's Hall. Htousehold of Ruth No. 496 Meets 2d and 4th Tuesdays, Carey's Hall. Sisters of the Holy Cross Meets Carey's Hall. Pilgrim Knights of the World Meets 2d and 4t>h Wednesdays Carey's



Plas(terers H. W. Brune, sec, 310 W. California, U. Meets 1st and 3d Wednesday Hessel Hall, C.

Plumbers John McGrath, sec, 316 S. State, C. Meets every Friday, Labor Hall, C.

Sheet Metal Workers John W. Royer, sec, 309 S. Randolph, C. Meets Isrt and 3d Wednesday, Labor Hall. C.

Steam and Operating Engineers Frank Lafferty, sec. Labor Hall.

Tailors Homer Ealey, sec, 713 W. Hill, C. Meets 1st Monday, Law- der's tailor shop, C.

Printers John V. Ross, sec, Flannigan & Pierston Print Shop, C. Meets at Trainman's Hall, C.

Lathers Wm. F. Betz, sec, 312 S. Neil, C. Meets 1st and 3d Thurs- days, Labor Hall, C.

Twin City Federation of Labor Geo. Hankins, sec, 212 E. Oregon, U.

Meets 2di and 4th Wednesday, Labor Hall, C.

Barbers Frank Moore, sec, 25 Healey, C. Meets 4th Wednesday, La- bor Hall, C.

Building Laborers P. J. Carey, sec, 707 N. 5th, C. Meets every Tues- day Labor Hall, C.

Bricklayers Elmer Johnson, sec, 106 N. Lincoln av, U. Meets every Tuesday Trainman's Hall, C.

Carpenters W. H. White, sec, 302 Avondale av, C. Meets every Mon- day Carpenters Hall, U.

Cigarmakers John Dempsey, sec. 501 B. Green, U. Meets 2d Wednes. day at Trainman's Hall. C.

Electrical Workers O. L. Welch, sec, 401 E. Springfield. C. Meets 1st and 3d Wednesday and 2d and 4th Sundays, room 8 Imperial Build- ing, C.

Leatiher W^orkers ^A. E. Haijimon, sec, 701 W. Clark, U.

Machinists No. 423 Rodger Tyrrill, sec. 208 E. Green, U. Meets 1st and 3d Wednesday Carpenters Hall, U.

Musicians E. C. Washer, sec. 310 W Eureka, C. Meets 2d Sunday Bradley Hall, C.

Painters H. H. Weatherford, sec. 404 E. Springfield, C. Meets every Monday. Labor Hall. C.


Acacia Fraternity, 501 E. Daniel. Acanthus Club, 406 E. Healy. Alpha Chi Sigma. 917 W. Green, U. Alpha Delta Phi, 709 S. 4tli. Alpha Gamma Rho, 707 S. 3d. Alpha Rho Chi. 505 E. Green. Alpha Sigma Phi, 404 E. Daniel. Alpha Tau Omega, 405 E. John. Beta Phi, 109 E. Green.



Beta Theta Pi, 202 E. Daniel.

Beta Epsilon, 709 S. 2d.

OM Beta, 206 K. Green.

Chi Delta, 104 E. John.

Chi fill, 401 E. Green.

Chi Psi, 111 Chalmers.

Cosmopolitan Fraternity, 407 E. Daniel.

Delta Kappa Bpsilon, 313 E. John.

Delita Tau Delta, 302 E. John.

Delta U psi Jon, 412 E. Green.

Farm House. GOG S. Mathews av, U.

Gamma Alpha, 907 S. 6th.

Ilus Fraternity, 404 E. John.

Kappa A^pha Psii (c), 1412 W. University av, U.

Klappa Sigma, 212 E. Daniel.

l^mba Chi Alpha, 211 E. Green.

Phi Alpha Delta, 306 E. Green.

Phi Delta Phi. 106 E. Green.

Phi Delta Theta. 202 E. Green.

Phii Gamma Delta, 401 E. John.

Phi Kappa. 210 E. John.

Phi Kappa Psi, 911 S. 4th.

Phi Kappa Sigma, 313 Chalmers.

Phi Sigma Kappa. 810 S. 3d.

Pi Omicron. 916 W. Green. U.

Psi Delta. 110 E. Green.

Psi Uplison. 410 E. Green.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 211 E. Daniel.

Sigma Chi, 410 E. .Tohn.

Sigma Kappa, 112 E. John.

Sigma Nu. G24 E. Green.

Sigma Pd. 618 E. Green.

Tau Beta J*i, 706 S 2d.

Tail Kappa Epsilon.

Thefta Delta Chi. 201 E. Green.

'x'riangle. 112 E. Daniel.

Zeta Beta Tau. 100.5 S. 2d.

Zeta Psi. 61 B. Green.


Achoth. 601 Chalmers. S'

Alpha Chi Omega. 309 E. John. Alphia XI Delta, 312 E. Daniel. Alpha Delta Pi, 1006 W. Oregon, U. Alpha Kappa Alpha (c), 1010 W. Main, U. Alpha Omicron Pi, 712 Wl Oregon, U. ' Chi Omega, 307 E. John. Gamma Phi Delta, 1002% W. Calif, av. U. Kappa Alpha Theta, 901 S. Wright. Kapi>a Kappa Gamma, 212 Chalmers. Osborn Hall, 907 S. Wright. Pi Beta Phi, 807 S. 3d.


Beeby Co Op Culb, 930 W. Green, U .

Business Wjoman's Club, meets 2d Mondays, 6V^ Taylor.

Champaign Club (The), 5th fl. Robeson Bldg.

Champaign County Country Club, Prospect (south limits)

Chinese Students' Club, 930 W. Illinois. U.

Cremeans Club (The), 1006 W. Green, U.

Gernand Club (The), IOO614 W. Green, U.


Gregory Club, 918 W. Oregon, U.

Iris Club, 212 E. Green.

University Club. 1104 W. Illinois, U.

Utopian Club, 510 S. Goodwin, U.

Young Club (The), 1008 W. Green, U.

Yioung Woman's Christian Letague, 210 W. Church.

C and U Woman's Club Hall, 6141/^ E. Green.


Annex (The), 211 W. Hili and 308 N. State.

Bennett Apartments, 1103 W. Illinois, U.

California Flats. 1106 W. California, U.

Cave Flats, 510 E. Green.

Chalmers Apartments, 504 Chalmers.

Darrah Apartments. 908 W. Nevada, U.

Eldridge The, 306 N. State.

Elmwood Flats, 709 W. Nevada, U.

Faulkner's Flats, 101 S. Neil.

Gehrig Flats. 203 N. Randolph.

Gregory Apartments, 1001 \V. Oregon, U.

Gulick Flats, 209 W. Church.

Mines Apartments, 105 S. Randolph,

The Harvard, 806 S. 3d.

lllionis Apartments, 1017 W. Illinois, U.

Lincoln Apartments, 1008 S. Lincoln av, U.

McGurty Apartments, 501 N. Randolph.

Mittendorf Flats, 111 W. Washington.

Nocolaus Apartments. 907 Wi California :\v. T'.

Norman Flats, 618 W. Healy.

O'BjTne Flats. Ill E. Springfield av.

Oregon Apartments, 1107 W. Oregon, U.

Orlando Apartments, 206 N. Race. U.

Virginia Apartments, 708 S. Goodwin, U.


Mayor Olin L. Browder.

City Clerk C. B. Holmes.

City Attorney W. Chester Maguire.

City Treasurer ^Charles A. Bongart.

Corporation Counsel W. G. Spurgin.

Superintendent of Streets J. C. F. Sell.

Chief Fire Department Wm. H. Rougtcn.

City Engineer Alfred M. Danely, Jr.

Chief Folice P. S. Jeffers.

City Inspector Geo. H. Reilly.

Board of Health Dr. A. M. Lindley, Dr. J. M. Bartholow and Mrs. Lillie

O. Sale. Board Examiners Plumbers A. M. Lindliey, L. F, Apperson and U. F.

Gundlock. City Collector^Albert B. Gray. Desk Sergeant aad Janitor F. A. Ingalls.


Finance J. A. Fairlie, Jas. E. Smith, F. D. Bowditch.

Streets and Alleys Jas. B. Smith, R. D. Fulk, Roger Tyrrell, F E. Par-

ris, Jno. B. Bennett. Lights F. E. Parris, C. C. Chapman, Jno. B. BennetA.


Sewer and Drainage E. H. Johnson. Chas. C. Clark, C. C. Chapman. Health and Miscellaneous C. C. Chapman, F. D. Bowditch, E. S.

Johnson. Buildings and Grounds R. D. Fulk, C. C. Clark, E. S. Joiinson. P^re and Water Jno. B. Bennett. Roger Tyrrell, Jas. E. Smith. Police and License Roger Tyrrell, Jno. B. Dennett, F. E. Parris. Purchasing and Printing C. C. Clark, R. D. Fulk, J. A. Fairlie, the

Corporation Counsel and City Clerk. Ordinances F. D. Bowditch, J. A. Fairlie. Jas. E. Smith. Regular meetings of Council first Monday each month.

SCHOOLS. Hays School 1114 W. Fairview. Thornbum School Comer Railway and North Sts. LeaJ School California to Oregon and Broad to Birch streets. Lincoln School Corner X. Busey and W. Clark streets. Webbe* School Comer Webber and Elm streets. New High School South Race street.

Urbana High School 1002-1012 S. Race.

M. L. Flaningan, Principal. Mary liruuer.

b\ D. Bowditoh. Lola McClurg.

E. G. Harper. Mabel Ricketts.

T. B. Crigler. Kathleen Roberts.

W. H. Carrier Alva Melaas.

L. W). Miner. Bessie Cline.

Mayme Ar.thony Lois Yoder.

Opal Jones. Emma Fahrnkopf.

Elizabeth Gaynor. L. B. He well.

Departmental. G. O. CK)rdon. Princiial. Beulah Houston.

Gertmdo Ross. Elma Hunt .

Mollie Foreman. Margaret Bott.

Hannah Cough lin. Vema Welch.

Anna Crackel. L. W. Crawford.

Leal 702-712 S. Birch. Li. C. Griggs. Principal. Kathyme Tumer.

Maude Fry. Mae WSse.

Alice Young. Bessie Brothorton.

Anna Howells. Elizabeth Nagle.

Margaret Roper. Anna Long.

Weber. A. F. Petty. Principal. Delia Robinson.

Grace \Miite. Pearl Wilson.

Kate Hazen. Margaret Appiegate.

Lura Abbott. Ada FleweUing.

Delia Dolph.

Lincoln 103-105 N. Lincoln Av. Mary McCoy. Principal. Jennie Vandervere.

Esther Klotsche. Hazel Glassco.

Effio Bumgardner. Agnes \\ addington.

Nlora DuHamel.

J. W. Hays 1105 Fairview Av.

Jessie Fleming, Principaf . rs^anifred Morehouse.

Lilian Maher. Helen Fredrick.

No. Four School. Blance WTaltrip.



MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS. Parrish Merle Miss (private) (kindergarten*. 1104 S. Busey av, U. URBANA POST OFFICE,

Post Office Southeast corner of Market and Elm streets.

Postmaster Charles M. Webber.

Assistant Postmaster Charles F. Oehmke.

Clerks, Main Office Charles O. Blue, E. Matilda Hill, John L. Hissong, Wilson S. Rice, George T. Riggs, Xelpho A. Harlan, Ralph L. Lan- ham.

Substitute Clerk R. Alfred Webber.

City Carriers, Main Office No. 1, T. Walter Snow; No. 2, Nathaniel P. Stockwill; No. 3, William iR. Courtney; No. 4, ^Fredferick Thornes; No. 5. Fred A. Romey; No. 6, Carlos D. Renfrew; Noi 7, Charles T. Williams: No. 8, Ralph E. Grimes; No. 9, Frank B. Scott, No. 10. Earl J. Merrick.

Substitute Carriers N. Paul Davis. John W. Medrow.

Parcels Post Carrier Arthur T. Scruby.

Rural Route Carriers No. 7, W'illiam Klockner; No. 8. Wiill V. Stock- will; No. 9, Ransom T. Stark; No. 10, Charles M. Phillips; No. 11, I>v\-ight P. Miller; No. 12, Edwin S. Sperling.

Substitute Rural Carriers George F. Courtney, Marv Miller, Fred E. Short.

University of Illinois Postal Substation Clerk in Charge John D. White.

University Station transacts any form of postal business and carries complete line of postal supplies.

Delivery and CoUeetions Two complete deliveries in residence sec- tions morning and afternoon. Three complete deliveries in busi- ness secftion at 8 a. m., 1:45 p. m. and 4 p. m. Oollections made at time of each deliver?-, with additional collection in business and University districts at 6 p. m.

Sunday Main Office and University Station closed, except that lobby of Main Office is open from 6 a. nt until 5 p. m. Distributioni o^ P. O. box mail by 9 a. m. All mails dispatched; until 5 p. m. Com- plete business and residence sitreet box collection at 3 p. m.

Office Hours Main Office Money Order. Registry and Po&tal Sav- ings Departments, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. General Deliver?- and Stamp Departments. 7:30 a. m. to 8 p. m.

University Station Open for all business, 8 a. m. to 12 m and 1 p. m. to 5 p. m.

I^ist dispatch of mails on week days, 10:30 p. m. for all destinations.


U. S. Armory. U, 312 W. Main. U.

RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. Baptist. Cimningham Av. BaprtJst Church ^Rev. F. T. Klotzshe. pastor. First Baptist Church Rev. Gideon M. Schott, pastor, 407 S. Race Free Will Baptist Church (c.> 1400 Wt Eads.

Catholic. St. Patrick^ Catholic Church Rev. J. W. Cummings, pastor. 710 W. Main.

Christian. First Chrisitian Oburch Rev. Roy C. Helfenstein. pastor, 402 W. Main. Herald Hope of Christian Church Rev. W. H. Beebe, pastor, 1115 i'"*airview av.



Mettnopolitan Holiness Church ^Rev. J. T. Johnson, pasitor.


Free Methodist Church Rev. R. C. McDaniel, pastor, 912 Springfield av First M. E. Church Rev. Allia Piersiel, pastior, 302 S. Race. Grace M. E. Churohi Rev. IWI A. Browder, pastor, 1002 E. Main. Trinity M. E. Church Rev. J. C. Baker, pastor, 1302-4 W. Spiringfdeld.


First Presbyterian Church Rev. J. J. Wilson, 602 W. Gfreen.

Universalist. First Universalist Church Rev. F. D. Adlams, pastor, 311 W. Green.

Unitarian. Unitarian Church Rev. A. R. Vail, pastor, 902 S. Mathews av.


Ben Hur.

Oaladonia Court No. 50 T. B. H. Meets 1st and 3d Monday I. O. O. F. Hall.


B. P. O. E. No. 991 Meelts 2d and 4th Monday each month Elks Club, Flat Iron Bldg.

Knights of Pythias.

K. of P. Triumph Lodge Nio. 73 ^Meetsl Fridays, 214-16 W. Miain. Pythian Sisters Meets K. of P. HIall, 214-16 W. Main.


Meet in Masonic Temple, 113-15 Wl. Main.

Urbana Lodge No. 157, A. F. & A. M. Meets every first and tJiird

Tuesd"" 'n the month. Urbana Chapter No. 80, R. A. M. Meets on the 2d Thursday in the

monith . Urbana Council Nu. .'.9. 11 -;- S M.- -Meets on the 4th Thursday in the

month . Urbana Gommandery No. 16 K. T Meets on the 3d Thursday in the

month . Hope Chapter No. 104 O. E. S. Meetsi on 1st and 3d Mondays in the

month . Urbana Conclave No. 15, Order True Kindred iMeets 2d and 4th Mon.

day each montihi

Odd Fellows.

Hall Comer Main and Race.

Urbana Subordfinate Lodge No. 39 Meets every Tuesday I. O. O. F.

iHall. Urbana Encampment No. 98 Meets 2d and 4th Tlhursdays I. O. O. F.

(BaM. Rebeccas, Olive Lodge No. 57 'Meelts 1st and 3d Thursday I. O. O. F.


Red Men.

I. O. R. M. Meets every Wednesday Odd Fellows Hall.


M. W. A. Camp No. 269 Meets every Thursday, Woodmen Hall, 215 W. Main.



Urbana Free Library City Hall Building.

L.ibrarian Miss Ida B. Hanes.

Hours 6 to 9 p. m. daily, and 2 to 5 p. m. on Saturday aaid Sunday.


Cunninghiam. Cbildrens' Home X. M. Fowler, supt.; N. Cunningham and limits.


Chrystal Lake Park Entrance comer Lake and W. Park. Champaign County Fair and Driving Assn Entrance to track, N. Coler and limits. ,

Leal Park On University av, from Lake west one block. Carl Park S. limits.


Burres BMg 215 W. Main.

Carpenters' Union Hall 118 S. Race.

City Hall Comer Market and Elm .

Cohen Bldg 134-6-8 W. Main.

County Jail-^Comer Market and Bennett.

Courier Bldg 113-115 N. (Race.

Court House Corner Main and Market.

Elks' Club Rooms Flat Iron Bldg.

Flat Iron Bldg 301-307 (W. Main. U.

I. O. O. F. Hall 2011/3 W. Main.

F. of P. Hall 2d floor Burres Bldg.

K. of P. Hall 2d floor Burres Bldg.

Masonic Hall 1131/3-115% W. Main.

M. W. A. Hall 1131^ W. Main.

Oldham Hall 129i^ N. Race.

Post Office S. E. corner Main and E!Im .

Varsity Hall 124% W. Main.


The Board of Trustees. Members Ex-Officio. The Governor of Illinois, Hon. Edward F. Dunne, Springfield. The President of the State Board of Agriculture, Hon. Len Small, Kan- kakee. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, Hon. Francis G. Blair, Springfield. ,

Eleoted Members (term, 1911-1917.) William L. Abbott, 72 West Adams Street, Chicago. Mary E. Busey, Urbana. Otis \V. Holt, Geneseo.

(Term, 1913-1919.) Ellen M. Henrotin, 1656 North La Salle Avenue, Chicago. John R. Trevett, Champaign. Florence E. Watson, lola.

(Term, 1915-1921.)

Robert F. Carr, 2005 McCormick Building, Cluicago. Laura B. Evans, Taylorville. Robert R. Ward, Benton.


Officers of the Board William L. Abbott, 72 W. Adam iStree.t, Chica- go, president; Harrison E. Cunningham, Urbana, secretary; Hazen S. Capron, Champaign, treasurer; William B. Castenholz, Urbana, comptroller.


Executive Committee.

William L. Abbott, Chairman; Robert F. Carr, Otis W. Hoit.

Standing Committees. Buildings and Grounds Williiam L. Abbott, Chairman; Mary E. Busey,

Robert F. Carr, Laura B. Evans, Robert R. Ward. Finance Otis W. Hoit, Chairman; Ellen M. Henrotin, Len Small, John

R. Trevett, Robert R. Ward. Engineering John R. Trevett, Chaarman; Robert F. Carr, William L.

Abbott. Agriculture Len Small, Chairman; Otis W. Hoit, John R. Trevett. College of Medicine and School of Pharmacy Laura B. Evans, Chair- man; rWilliam L. Abbott, Otis W. Hoit. Students' Welfare Ellen M. Henrotin, Chairman; Mary E. Busey,

Laura B. Evans, Florence E. Watson. Instruction Francis G. Blair, Chairmian; Robert tR. Ward, Florence E,

Watson. Library Mary E. Busey, Ohiairman; Ellen M. Henrotin, Florence E.

Watron .

ADVISORY BOARDS. College of Law. Jolhn G. Drennan, Chicago. Walter C. Lindley, Danville.

William R. Hunter, Kankakee. George T. Page, Peoria. Peter P. Schaefer, Champaign.

School of Pharmacy.

E. A. .Sell, Springfield. Herman Fry, Chicago.

A. G. C. Ackerman, Chicago. John C. Wheatcroft, Gray ville . Geiorge C. Lescher, Galesburg.

Department of Ceramic Engineering.

F. W. Butterworth, Danville. W. D. Gates, Chicago.

A. W. Gteites, Monmouth. J. W. Stipes, Champaign.

Eben Rogers, Peoria.

AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Dairy Husbandry Section. Cliarlles Poss, Cedarville. R. B. Swift, Liberty ville .

Joseph NcTvman, Elgin. P. G. Ausitin, Effingham.

J. P. Mason, Elgin.

Farm Crop Section. Charles Rowe, Jacksonville. A. C. Rice, Jacksonville.

A. A. Hill, Oasner. H. J. Sconce, Sidell.

G. C. Outlten, Mt. Zion.

Floriculture Section. H. E, Smith, Danville. W. N. Rudd, Morgan Park.

J. U. Vaughian, Chicago. F. L. WaShburn, Bloomlington.

J. F. Ammann, Edwards ville .

Horticulture Section. J. Mack Tanner, Ftora. H. M. Dunlap, Savoy.

H. A. Aldrioh, Neoga. August Geweke, Des Plainesi.

W. S. Perrine, Cenitralia.


Live Stock Section.

F. K Drury, Jacksonville. M. P. Lantz, Carlock.

Joseph Fulkerson, Jerseyville. C. J. McMasters, Altona.

Soils Section.

Kalpli AUen, Delavan. C. V. Gregory, Chicago.

J. P. Mason, Elgin. h\ I. Mann, Giiman.

A. X. Abbott, Morrison


Presidenit of the University, Edmund Janes James, Ph.D., LL.D.

The Council of Administration.

Edmund Janes James, Ph.D., LL.D., Pi-esident.

David Kinley, Ph.D., LL.D., Vice President, Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Economics.

Eugene Davenport, M.Agr., LL.D., Dean of the College of Agriculture. Director of Agriculture Extension Service and Professor of Threm- matology.

Oliver Albert Harker, A.M., LL.D., Dean of the College of Law and Professor of Law.

Thomas Arkle Clark, B.L., Dean of Men and Priofessor of Rhetoric.

Wlilliam Freeman Myrick Goss, M.S., D.Eng., Dean of the College of EngineeTing, Director of the School of Railway Engineering and Administration, and Professor of Railw^ay Engineering.

Kendric Charles Babcock. B.Liit., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Liberal jAvts and Sciences.

Frederick Brown Moiorehead, A.B., D.D.S., M.D., Dean of the College of Dentistry and Professor of Oral Surgery and Pathology.

Maa-tha Jackson Kyle, A.M.. Acting Dean of Women and Instructor in English.

Daniel Atkinson King Steele, M.D., LL.D., Senior Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor of Surgery and Clinical Surgery and Head of the Department of Surgery.

Albert Chauncey Eycleshymer, Ph.D., M.D., Junior Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor of Anatomy, and Head of the Department of Anaitomy.

Nathan Austin Weston, Ph.D., Acting Dean of the College of Com- merce and Assistant Professor of Economics.


Office of the President.

Edmund Janes James, Ph.D., LL.D., President.

Edward Joseph Filbey. Ph.D.. Private Secretary to the President.

Vergil Vivian Phelps, B.D.. Ph.D., EJxecutive Secretary.

Office of the Vice President,

David Kinley, Ph.D., LL.D., Vice Presadent.

Office of the Registrar.

Charles Maxwell McConn, A.M., Regisitrar.

Harrison Edward Cunningham. A.B., Assistant Registrar.

Levi Augusltus Boice, Recorder.

Ira Melville Smith, LL.B., Examiner.

George Philip Tuttle, Jr., B.S.. As&istant Examiner.

Office of the Dean of Men.

Thomas Arkle Clark, B.L., Dean.

Arthur Ray Warnock, A.B., Assisitant Dean.


Office of the Dean of Women.

Martlia Jackson Kyle. A.M.. Acting Dean.

Adviser to Foreign Students.

Arthur Romeyn Seymour, Ph.D., Adviser.

Office of the High School Visitor.

Horace Adelbert HoUi&ter, A.M., Higli School Visitor.

John Joseph Didoct, A.M., M.S., Asisstant High School Visitor.

Information Office.

Burt Eardley Powell, Ph.D., Director, University H^'^crian, and Editor ot Press Bulletins. > \

Office of the Comptroller.

William B. Castenholz, A.M., C.P.A., Comptroller. Lynn Elmer Knorr, A.B., CP.A., Assistant Comptroller. L.loyd Morey, A.B., B.Mus., Auditor. Marsh EJverett Thompson, Cashier.

Office of the Supervising Arcliitect.

james McLaren WTiite, Super\-ising Architect. Joseph Morrow, Sui>erintendenit of Buldings. Evelyn Atkinson, Superintendent of Grounds.

Department of Physical Training for Men.

George A. Huff, Director.

Department of Physical Training for Wowen.

Louise l-'^eer, B.S., Director.

Department of Military Science.

Robert Walters Mearns, Major U. S. Infantry, Commandant. Frederick William Post, ist Sergeant U. S. A.. Ret'd, Administrative Assistant.

The University Library.

Pihineas Lawrence Windsor, Ph.B., Director

Francis Keese Wynkoop Drury, A.M., B.L.r , Assistant Librarian.


Frank Smiitii, A.M., Professor of Systematic Zoology and Curator of the

Musemn of Natural History. Arthur Stanley Pease, Ph.D., Professor of the Classics and Curator of

the Museum of Classical Art and Archeology. Neil Conwell Brooks, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of Gterman and Curator

of the Museum of European Culture.

THE COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Kendric Charles, B.Lit., Ph.D., Dean. Howard Vemn Canter. Ph.D., Assistant Dean.

The College of Commerce and Business Administration.

Nathan Austin Weston, Ph.D., Acting Dean.

The College of Engineering.

William Freeman Myrick Goss. M.S.. D.Eng., Dean. Harry Willard Miller. M.E., Assistant Dean.


The College of Agriculture.

Eugene Davenport, M.Agr., LL.D., Dean. Fred Henrj' Rankin, Assistant to the Dean.

The College of Law.

Oliver Albert Harker, A.M., LL.D., Dean. William Green Hale, LL.B., Secretary.

The Graduate School.

David Kinley, Ph.D., LL.D., Dean. .

The Library School.

Phineas Lawrence Windsor, Ph.B., Director. Frances Simpson, M.L., B.L.S., Assistant Director.

The School of Music.

John Lawrence Erb, F.A.G.O., Director.

The School of Education.

Wfilliam Chandler Bagley, Ph.D., Director. IVN'dlford Stanton Miller, A.M., Secretary.

The School of Railway Engineering and Administration.

William Freeman, Myrick Goss, M.S., D.Eng., Director.

The Summer Session.

William Chandler Bagley, Ph.D.. Director.

The College of Medicine.

Daniel Atkinson King Steele, M.D., LL.D., Senjor Dean. Albert Chauncey Eycleshimer, B.S., Ph.D., M.D., Jumor Dean. WilJlam Henry Browne, Secretary.

The College of Dentistry.

Frederick Brown Moorehead, A.B., D.D.S., M.D., Dean. William Henry Browne, Secretary.

The School of Pharmacy.

William Baker Day, Ph.G., Acting Dean and Secretary.


Circuit Court Franklin H. Boggs, Judge; Charles E. Keller, Court Re- porter; Chester W. Richards, Master in Chancery;^ W. H. Rough- ton, Probation Officer.

Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Deeds Boyd S. Blaine, Circuit Clerk and

Recorder. Goointy Court Roy C. Freeman, Judge; Miss Addie M. Tobias, Court

Reporter; Mrs. P. S. Replogle, Probation Officer. County Clerk Fred Hess.

County Superintendent of Schools Charles H. 'T\'^tt8. State's Attorney Louis A. Busch; Harold D. Roth, Assistant County Treasurer Edward Rogers. Sheriff Augustus M. Evans; Charles Vandervort, Deputy; Harry

Evans, Deputy; John W. McKinney, Jailor. County Superintendent of Highways George C. Fairclo. County Surveyor Ertus V. Burton. Coroner J. J. Hanmore.

"Let Us SELL Your Bills"

Craine Patent Triple Wall Silos

The best in every respect at any price. Permanent Frost Pronf Air Tight Water Tight. Don't fail to consult us before buying a Silo.

Planing Mill and Steam Dry Kilns

708 South Neil Street

Lumber and Coal Yards

Auto Phone 1241 Bell Phone 24 368 North Walnut Street

The All Under Roof Lumber Yard

Alexander Lumber Co.

R. S. BASSETT, District Manager C. A. TUCKEW, Local Manager


Full line of Farm Machinery, Buggies, Wagons, Gas Engines, Etc.

Everything for the Farmer

Phones \ ^" '^^^ f nones ^ ^^^^ ,210

503=505 N. Walnut St. Champaign, 111.

L. W. APPERSON Plumbing and Heating Co.

Practical Plumbers and Fitters

Repair Work, Best Attention

Auto Phone 4152; Bell Phone 832 09 West Elm St. URBANA. ILL.



Johnson Electric Co.

M. R. JOHNSON, Propr.

^ H^ Wholesale and Retail

Bacon Broibers ^'" '^'p'' & "'"*'









FRED P. FALKENBERG, Propr. ^^ C. R. RUSSELL. Manager ffi ^^

agt agent

am American

a^sn association

asBt ...assistant

av avenue

bds boards

bkpr bookkeeper

bldg building

blksmth ...blacksmith

carp carpenter

elk clerk

(c) colored

coll. collector

condr conductor

contr contractor

dep deputy

dept department

disp dispatcher

electr electrician

E or e east

engr engineer

es east side

exp express

fl floor

frt freight

gen general


ins insurance

instr instructor

kpr keeper

lab laborer

Ibr lumber

mach machinist

mnfg. . manufacturing mnfr manufacturer

mkr maker

i-iotor motorman

N or n north

ne north east

ns north side

nw north west

opr operator

Pl place

pres president

prin principal

propr proprietor

r residence

ret retired

rd road

rms rooms


Railway Mail Service


R. P Registered


S or s south

sales salesman,


se southeast

seam seamstress

sec secretary

stu student

SB south side

Bupt.. superintendent

switch switchman

sw south west

tchr teacher

tel telegraph

tel telephone

tmstr.-. teamster

trav traveling

treas .treasurer

Un.. University of 111.

U Urbana

W or w west

wid widow

wks works

ws west Bide



C U Tel Co Central Union Telephone Co

Big 4 Ohicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati & St. Louis R R

C & U Water Co Champaign and Urbana Water Co

I C Illinois Central R R

ITS Illinois Tracition Sj'stem

K & U T Co Kankakee and Urbana Traction Co

Reliable P & H Co Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co

St ry Street Railway

U & C Gas & Elec Co. Urbana and Champaign Gas & Electric Co ULH&PCo Urbana Light, Heat and Power Co

. 1^









z =












Auto 1089


615 S. Wright Street





> 'S



til I



Z o Oo



-I m


> 2!


n o


n O o O

n w

Watch Us for Watches WUESTEMAN

Watch Inspector I. C, Wabash & III. Tract. System

The Jeweler, CHAMPAIGN

J. F. Webster & Co. ^IT/^Z' : 1^^



1-4 (A

* 5 r 305 W Hill.

m ^ J Adams Clayton ,S (Pearl) (Armstrong & Adams) r 619 W Park,

g U) Adams Ethel Miss stu r 505 S 5th.

S Adams Express Co G W Manley agt 111 Traction Bldg. ^

-S . Adams Express Co, U, W E Watts agt 120 E Main, U. 2 r^ ^ u Adams Flora (wld Henry) r 406 "W| Green. S Cri

25 5 Adams Charles R Rev (Myra) pastor First Presbyterian Clhurch ^D


Adams Express Co, U, W E Watts agt 120 E Main, U

^ u Adams Flora (wld Henry) r 406 W| Green. j_,

00 n Adams Floyd r 1309 N Walnut. 2 ^^

|g _ Adams Floyd (Clara) Jinemn U & C Ry G & E Co r 505% W Vine (Tj

3 . Adams Forrest driver Champaign Delivery Co r 203^4 W Vine H ^t

g Z Adams Frank D Rev (Helen) pastor First Universalist Church, ffi ^

.. - . U, r 209 W Higih, U. W hJ

2 55 < Adams Fred lab r 606% E Main, U. ^t^ P5

z < Adiams Grace Miss music tohr r 307 W Hill H-j HN

g g Adams Guy H r 1201 Champaign, U. ^ -pi

a. 3 Adams Hannah (wid Benjamin) r 203%' W Vine. ^ ^^

z=zz= Adams Ida Mrs r 606% E Main, U. ^\

S0 Adams Jerry (Mary) wks R A Stipes r 707 N Walnut. 2 ^'*

Z Adams Jesse (Mary) lab r 715 Hickory. C

III OH Adams John C (EMna G) electr r 511 E University av. S PO

Hz< Adamis John 'W (Anna) stone mason r 1201 Champaign, U. H

i i G. C. Willis-Dry Goods p B

J? (ESTABLISHED 1872) J^ ^5

13 O ^^-1^ MAIN STREET J^

HQ champaign ILLINOIS ^ ^

J Adams J Conrad painter r 611 E Eureka. ^ '

mM Adams Leota Miss stu rms 1013 W Illinois, U. H

111 ^^ Adams Leslie stu r 203% W Vine.

1 ^ Adams Marie Miss dom r 606% E Main. U. Q ^ 2h Adams Marthla (wid John) r 1309 N Walnut. hh

I f^ Adams Maud Miss laundress r 611 B Eureka. G

^i IE Adanus Minnie Miss tchr r 406 W Green. ^ ^j

ill Adams Pauline Miss stu r 901 S Wright. O ^^

Z * Adams Pearl S (Ella) ret r 1302 W Stiouglhiton, U. SC ^

^ S^ Adams Roy stu r 1302 W Stougihton, U ^

2 "^ Adams Samuel concreter r 611 E Eureka. H J^ * ^ Adams Servis r 1302 W Stoughton, U. 3^2 Jjf Adamjs S Jane Miss r 611 E Eureka. M S r Z Adams Thomas C fireman fire dept r 201 E White M 2 ^ Adams Ward (Leura) foreman Ksner Grocery Co r 304 S 2d H S M ^\ Adams Ward stu rms 511 E Healy OO O V^ Adams Wm C (c) stu r 1412 W University av, U. 25 Z Q. -J Addison Chris lab A W Stoolman rms 119 E University av. ^^ ^ Q^ Adelsberger Bransford stu rms 305 E Green. ^5 ^^/^ Aden Christine E Miss r 309 E Daniel. Cg^

Aden D L (Annie) dairy r 710 Church, U. Aden Henry H (Kate) ret r 309 E Daniel.

^'^"y^ "y Twin City Creamery Butter

Pasteurized; Pure and Wholesome. Sold only by all Up-to-Date Grocers

Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co.


Prompt and Efficient Service in All Branches

105 N. Walnut St., Champaign, 111.





Adkins Elmer r 402 W Church.

Adler Charles J (Anna) carp r 805*^ E Green, U.

Adler Emily Miss stu r 805% E Green, U.

Adler Eugene stu r 1005 S 2d.

Adler Hulda L Miss steno C M Mthews r 805% E Green, U.

Adler Leon stu rms 506 E White.

AdoliA Milton stu rms 406 Chalmers.

Agee Nellie Mrs (c) stu r 1010 W Main. U.


Agg Sarah Miss stu rms 920 W Illinois, U.

Agg Sarah Mrs r 808 S 3d.

Aguirre Jesse carp rms 1204 W University av, U.

Ahern Alice Miss milliner F K Robeson rms 115 W Park av.

AHERN MARGARET MISS night supervisor Julia F Burnham

Hospital r 115 W Park av. Ahern Roma Miss nurse rms 115 W Park av. Ahlers Ophelia Miss stu r 1003 W Oregon, U.

Louis bH Mittendorf

Funeral Director ^^


to ^4

w (^

o en





Offir.0 * Auto Phone 1764 ^^llJCe , Bell Phoi

lone 165

R ^Qi rlp>n r^ i -^"'o Phone 1050


2. ^


Ahlrich August r 109 S Lynn, U.

Ahlrich Augusta Miss r 109 S Lynn, U.

Ahrens Bertha Miss r 212 E University av.

Ahrens Building 313-315 N Walnut.

Ahrens Henry A (Henrietta) ret r A^'^/z Main.

Aikman Loren (Etthel) r 16 Bonner Ad.

Ainsworth Helen L Miss elk F K Robeson r 1011 Park ,U.

Ainsworth Homer J stu rms 502 E John.

Ainsworth Marguerite E Miss stu r 1011 Park, U.

Ainsworth Saloma Miss stu r 1010 W Calif av, U.

Ainsworth W H stu rms 725 S Wright.

Ainsworth Wm I (Bertha) filterman Water Co r 1011 Park, U.

Airdome 201 S Market. U.

Akard Ray (Hattie) brakeman r 606 E Main, U.

Akers Bessie S (wid FHavius J) r 705 W Hill

Akers C Raymond (Hattie) wks Big 4 nns 606 E Main, U.

Akers Jackson T (Alice) carp r 105 S Urbana av, U.

Akins Maude Miss waitress Jim H Lo r 15 Logan.

Alamo The I D Stuart propr restaurant 715 S Wright.

Albaugh H L stu r 311 E Green.

Albaugh J Dudley carp r 604 S Broad, U.

Albaugh Katherine Miss stu rms 1011 W Illinois, U.

WnH^Mn^n ^^' Estate, Rentals & IWlOryail am Kinds of Insurance

Phones: Bell 261; Auto 4254 105 W. MAIN ST. Urbana, Illinois

09 W?

Sr nil I AUnil ^^^'^'^ '" ^^^"^ Machinery, Buggies and Surreys, Lb UILLHVUU Gasoline Engines, Cream Separators, Gas Tractors

335 N. Walnut St., CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Bell Phone 436; Auto Phone 1174



Albee ArcMe stu r 205 WI California av, U. =-

Albee Chester stu r 205 W California av, U. f-

Albee Daniel W (Louisa) r 205 W California av, U. a-

S Albee Mabel Miss stu r 205 W California av, U.

Alberts Dorothy A Miss stu r 405 S Neil. ^

" ~ -- - . j^

Cm ^


C^ M Albrets Emma Mrs r 105 B High, U

^mH ^ Alberts Fannie Miss r 1312 N Neil.

Kpr CM Alberts Joseph mach r 105 E Hig-h, U.

^ Alberts Waiey D (Tena) condr st ry r 106 E Illinois, U.

^> Alberts Wm F (Dora G) trav I C r 405 S Neil.

P*H Albertsion Edward H (Ella) carp Big 4 r 202 Grossbach PI, U. ^

\ ) Albredbt Barbara (wid John) r 709 S 1st

bN^ P^ Albrecht Daniel A stu r 709 S 1st. ^

rx Albrecht Wlm A wks Un r 709 S 1st. o


WAiorignt uaiue miss r W6 s uroana av, u . W ^g*

3 Albriight Jos C stu rms 206 E John. f- Q

M Albriglht Annie E Miss r 614 W Hill. ^ W

o_ na av, U. f*

Alden Earl S instr Un r 611 W Calif av, U.

Albright Callie Miss r 103 S Urbana av, U. W

^ Alesen Louis A stu rms 1306 W Main, U

^^ ^ Albrighit Malvina (wid Jesse) r 103 S Urbana av, U

'^ Alcock W J stu r 410 E Green. -<




Lady Attendant PHONES: Auto 4431; BeU 2899 102>^ W. MAIN STREET URBANA, ILLINOIS

2 o is

Alexander Albert W (c) (Myrtle) porter r 605 Champaign. "o d C

Alexander Charles T (Mary) dentist 421 111 Bldg. r 609 S State. 1 "^

Alexander Edward (Mary J) r 312 E Church. fl o

Alexander Frank F (Myrtle) lab r 607 W Clark. ^ S Q

Alexandier Hazed Miss (c) stu rms 1010 W Main, U. Z (^

Alexander Henry (c) wks Gas Co r 308 N 6th. | *^

Alexander James M (Mair) painter r 609 E Healy & ^

Alexander Jane Mrs (c) r 605 Champaign S. *3

Alexander John A (Edna) stu r 808 E Oregon, U. G CU

Alexander Lillian Miss stu r 609 E Healy. 5* ja

Alexander Looiis stu rms 1006% W Green, U. ea Q* ALEXANDER LUMBER CO (The) R S Bassett district manager

C A Tucker local manager lumber office 368 N Walnut mill

office 710 S Neil. Alexander Richard (c) (Minnie) porter C A Kiler r 406 E G-rove. Alexander Robent P stu r 605 W Oregon U.

5' I* ^^

Alexander WliMiam (c) r 816 Poplar P ? ^

Alexander Wm E (Cedora) stockkpr Reliable P & H Co r 507 S g - f5

Alsip Laura (wid Richard) r 112 E Washington G ^m

Alsip Roy W (Gertrude) asst chief C F D r 501 W Beardsley M

Alssid W L stu rms 1201 'W Stoughton, U 3 j|^

Altabe Albert (Fortunei) cabmkr P D Foster r 403 S 5th > ^h^



r$ DO YOU WANT lt'Tl^V^:.\\fr" 5 ^


a-^t^^^^"^! I 1 ABSTRACT COMPANY ^\ J




Althoff Joseph A blacksmith Urbana Metal Machine Co r Dan- ville, 111. Alverson Amelia C (wid Dr E M) r 705 W Illinois, U Alverson Maude Miss tchr r 705 W Illinois, U Alverson Ruth Miss stu r 705 W Illinois, U Alverson Verna Miss r 705 W Illinois, U

Alvord Clarence W (Idres) instr Un r 1005 W Calif, U r^ i ^ Alvord Genevieve Miss stu r 1005 W> Calif, U US

Alwood Clyde G stu r 412 E Green tJ5J tft

Alyea Gertrude Miss ins 220 Price Est Bldg r 407 Ells H ^

Alyea Nannie Miss r 407 Ells P C

Alyea Sarah P (wid James) r 407 Ellis t3 /J

Alyea Walter r 407 Ells & ^

Amana Alfred stu rms 1302% W Stoughton, U h d h^

Ambom Louise Miss stu r 309 E Joihoi ^ ^

tn Ambrose Edward B carp r 107 Avondale 2

gj r!2 xYmbrose Guy C painter r 107 Avondale 2 &*

r4 '^ Ambrose James L wks I C r 107 Avondale ^ C

S5 iS Amibrose Lillian (wid John D) r 107 Avondale O

^ Ambrose Bictor A shipper Eisner Gro Co r 116 W University ^ Ambruster John stu rms 305 E Green AMERICAN CENTRAL FIRE INS CO W IR Hidy agt 225y2 N Neil


PHONES: |!,V^O%6 A.A.NYEBERG.P,p,. '^ SiSJtSlMl^^^

Frank R. Smedley

Rooms 507-508-509-510 First National Bank Bldg. ,^,,, . ^t^ ^^

PHONES: Bell 193 and 1206. Automatic 1041 INSURANCE CO.

District Atfant




{. ^

Sf \2 AMERICAN EXPRESS CO \V\ A Frederick agt 313 N Neil

% ^ ^2 American Express Co, U, Verne Smith agt 124 W Main, U

2 S g. g American Piano Player Co Wm A Johnson pres and treas 1002 N

^ o Market

' = < a Amerman Charles stu r 801 E Main, U

K ^ ^ Amerman Howard A (Nina) sec-treas Marmon-Buick Sales Co 206 ^^ w S I E Main, U, r 801 E Main, U Q

^ ^ K Amerman Lennie (wid David) r 801 E Main, U ^^

< S 'J Ames A C stu rms 725 S Wright

^ "^ Ames Waldo B stu r 412 E Green

M Amm Russell M stu r 103 S 3d

oj Amm Thomas D (Leona) meat market 623 S Wright r 103 S 3d Amos DougQas (c) stu r 1412 W University, U

c/j Amos i\V5nifred L Miss instr Un r 806 W Calif, U

Z, Amsbary Addie E Miss stu r 512 W Park

O Amsbary Cordelia H Miss r 510 W Park

h AMSBARY FRANK C (Addie) vice pres and mngr C & U Water gj Co r 512 W Park

^ Amsbary Frank C Jr stu r 512 W Park

W Amsbary George E (Lula) trav sales r 706 W Green, U

0^ Amsbary Harlow A r 512 W Park







u a:

O t/)





I I-




Champaign Sanitary Milk Co* uni^. aVc ^

hamd CO Amsbary Harriett C Miss r 512 W Park Vj .

Oi Amsbary Harriett H (wid Wallace W) r 510 W Park ^T

g Amsbary Paul D stu r 706 W Green, U J~J

$ Amsterdam Perry stu rms 501 E Springfield m P5

HH Anastossiedes Ernest stu r 512 B Springfield ^

^ Anders Frank (Nellie) r 45 Logan ^

Anders Paul (Emily) instr Un r 708 W High, U O

Anderson Albert (Nellie) barber r 1011 W Railroad, U

Anderson Albert J stu r 301 E Sipringfield ^ [__jG

Anderson Alta Miss r 13% E University n HH g

Anderson Anna E Miss maid 806 S Mathews, U * Y^<

Anderson A stu rms 406 E Healy H

Anderson A Finley bkpr r 607 E Green, U ?9

Anderson A Floyd wks Champaign Del Co r 1011 W Railroad, U ^

Anderson Benjamin (c) wks Harry D Smith H

CO Anderson Bert (Fannie) tinner Twin City Roofing Co r 708 E

W Oregon, U

2 Anderson Carl stu rms 308 W High, U

^ Anderson Chas (c) fireman r 209 N 1st

Q Anderson Charles E (Nellie E) land commsr I T S r 710 W White

Anderson Claude A condr st ry r 13% E University

H. Swannell & Son "Vexall




324 N. Neil Street A. B. MOORE. Proprietor Champaign, Illinois

Vulcanizing a Specialty. Racine Tires & Auto Accessories


Anderson Clyde (Vera M) painter '\\tilliams-Black r 703 S Wa- bash, U

Anderson C B instr Un r 804 S Busey, U

Anderson C P stu r 911 S 4th

Anderson C W stu rms 1014 S 6tlhi

Anderson Elizabeth Mrs nurse rms 407 S New

Anderson Ella Miss bkpr O L Kern r 107 N Lynn, U

Anderson Elsie Miss r 618 Michigan, U

Anderson Blzena Mrs (c) wks Business Woman's Club r 608 E (/) Grove

Anderson Ernest tchr manuel training public schools r 302 W Springfield ^ Anderson Florence E Miss r 806 W Nevada, U J Anderson Frank driver fire dept r same

^ Anderson Frank (Eimma L) propr Reliable Elec shop r 908 W Clark, U

2* Anderson Hannah (wid Ole) r 1403 Church, U ^ Anderson Herbert (Ruth) \vks Inman Hotel rms 105 S 3d L Anderson Ida G Miss cashier Bradley Confy r 1019 W Bradley



Anderson James (c) (Mary) ret r 609 Oak

Anderson Jennie Miss stu rms 1009 W Springfield, U

S ^^ m^ ^ I I p^^^V mm The University District

S XJm l\. ESUK I \^N Real Estate Man

Writes Fire and Tornado Insurance. Rental Agent m BELL 922; AUTO 1574 612 E. GREEN-CHAMPAIGN

Anderson Kate A (wid Perry) r 806 W Nievada, U

Anderson Lettitia (wid Jepp) fum rms r 106 W Washington

Anderson Lillian Miss cashier Inman Hotel r 405 S Randolph

Anderson Lucile Miss stu r 1006 W} Oregon, U

Anderson Melinda Mrs (c) dom r 503 N 1st ^

Anderson Olive Miss stu r 907 S Wright ^^

Anderson Orville L wks Un r 1011 W Railroad, U

Anderson Owen H stu rms 206 E John 5

Anderson Paul stu rms 309 E Healy ?

Anderson Perry J stu r 806 W Nevada, U ^

Anderson R W stu rms 808 S 5th 5"

Anderson Roy stu rms 207 E John JI^k^Z

Anderson Sophia Miss ca&hier Metzler & Schafer Co, rms 617 ^

W Hill a, -^ O

Anderson Susan (wid George W) nurse r 107 N Lynn, U 5 Oj^

Anderson Tim A (c) (Elzena) lab r 608 E Grove Z'^

Anderson Tina Miss stu r 917 'W Park mi I

Andedson Walker (c) (Lucy) wks Gas Co r 511 E Tremont J?0

Anderson Wilbert (c) (Hattie) lab r 603 Poplar * JjJ

Anderson Wm D (Elizabeth) r 607 E Green, U SSn.^ Anderson Wm J wks Fair Grounds r same Anderson Wm W r 501 E Daniel

TWIN CITY ROOFING CO. ""^V:t'1,.1"t?Js""'^

Bell Phone 105; Auto Phone 1763 201-5 S. First Street- CHAMPAIGN


Clot hiers & Furnishe rs

23 Main Street Champaign, 111.


Tires and All Accessories 111 WEST HILL STREET

Auto 1217; Bell 304 S. S. BASSETT, Manager

Andrews R C stu r 911 S 4th

Andrews R E stu r 911 S 4th

Andrews Watson L (Carolyn) wks G C WILLIS r 1216 W Chucrh

Andrews Wm fireman rms 608 E Main, U

Andrist Victor stu rms 1018 W Oregon, U

Angell Rebecca (wid Fred) r 911 W Calif, U

Angell Robert (May) wks Reliable P & H Co r 5051/^ E Stoughton

Angell TMomas carp I C r 406 S Prairie

Angels Peter candy mkr Vriner's Confy r 405 E University

Angus G B stu rms 206 E Green


wholesale dealers 114 N Oak Ankrum Elam A sales iHarris-Dillavou & Co r 509 William Ankrum Wilhert E (Martha) miner r 509 William W ^

Anlay Rosana (wid Henry) r 108 Bennet, U

Annex Apartments (The) 211 W Hill and 308 N State ^ ^^

Annheim Mary (wid Michael) r 7 E Springfield 2 HH

Antenen Harry stu r 611 W Illinois, U kmd

Anthony A L I C rms 106 W Washington tj

Anthony Mayme Miss tchr High School U r 1008 W Calif, U ^

Anthony Nicholas W (Ella) carp contr r 1214 'W Park Antoszewski Robert stu rms 709 W High, U




Chas. E. Mueller ^^1"^^; J"^^"^*^' *

120 S.NEIL ST. Bell Phtne 972; Auto 2139 CHAMPAIGN, ILL


White Line Laundry

Bell Phone 406 OFFICE, 506 N. NEIL-PLANT, 4-6-8 E. WASHINGTON Auto Phone 1550


App Charles M (Sadie A) mngr U S Life Ins Co r 909 W Green, U Apperson Clara J Mrs bkpr L W Apperson r 113 N Poplor, U Apperson Jolin H (Susie) engr Big 4 r 207 E Main, U Apperson Lester P (Nellie) elevator ct house r 115 N Poplar, U APPERSON LOYD W (Etihtel) plumbing and heating 109 W Elm

U r 5051/^ E Illinois. U Apperson Mary B (wid Frank) r 1106 Ohiurch, U Apperson Nellie Miss r 113 N Poplar, U Apple Russel stu rms 501 S Babcock, U Applegate George A (Ada F) carp contr 405 W Beardsley Applegate Geo D (Martha A) ret r 408 E Elm, U Applegate George E r 609 W Beardsley Applegate James F (Martha E) mngr Dryer & Burt Grain Co r

609 W Beardsley Applegate J Fletcher stu r 609 W Beardsley

Applegate Margaret Miss tchr Webber school U r 408 E Elm, U Applegate Milton E (Myrtle) driver Myers Home Bakery r 1211

\N\ Park, U Applegram Clarence O stu rms 404 E Daniel ^Appling William J stu r 307 W Oregon, U Arber Fred stu r 106 E Green

Plumbing and Heating Sr:r : {^^6

"Get Our Estimate Today"

5 THE MENELEY-ROSS CO. 404 North Randolph


S3 <



sr o



Arbuckle Leon stu rms 404 E Daniel

Arbuckle Russell farmer r 1500 W Springfield

Arcade Confectionery J A Thomhill propr 713 S Wright

Archbald H H stu rms 725 S Wrigbt

Archdeacon Albert W (Beulah) (Urbana Rubber Wks) r 704 E iHigh, U

Archdeacon Benjamin (Virginia) r 804 E Green, U

Archdeacon Bessie Miss stu r 804 E Qreen, U

Archdeacon Elizabeth (wid Wm) r 704 E Higlh, U (^^ Archdeacon John S (Jennie) carp contr r 704 E High, U 3;^ Archdeacon Maude Miss steno J 'W Miller r 804 E Green, U

Archdeacon Opal Miss r 1112 W University, U

Archdeacon Robert carp Freeman & Brooks r 804 E Green, U -" ^

Arends Annis Miss stu r 507 E John ^ 2!

Arends Arthur stu r 904 W Calif, U g*

- -^^

% Ater John E (Emma) lab r 1206 Champaign, U n ^

5 Atkins Bessie Miss stu rms 305 E John *

, 5 Atkins Millicent Miss stu rms 305 E John H ^

r n 2 Atkinson Building 320 N Neil ^ -^^

\^J S Atkinson Oharles E (Bessie) supt grounds Un r 1305 W Clark, TD ^^

^^ Atkinson Donald stu r 128 W University O ^^

Atkinson D Louis (Amelia) wks Burr Co r 311 N Fair 2 Kv^

r^ ^ Atkinson Hall 106% S Neil J^

l^n ju Atkinson Joseph E stu r 128 W University ^ r.

i ^ ATKINSON SAMUEL P (Emma) (S P Atkinson Monument Co) H^

AJ Z r IL'8 W University 5' ^_,

U^ 5 ATKINSON S P MONUMENT CO (S P Atkinson) 106 S Neil S M

^^ M ATKINSON WME (Lena) mngr Champaign Co Abstract Co sec g ^^

^ Coml Bldg & Loan Assn r 306 W Illinois, U | JW)

\ DRUGS-School Books l^



{1 Atkinson \V)illis E stu r 306 W Illinois, U Q

U^ Attebery Hazel Miss stu rms 801 S Wright S ^^

^ Attebery H F stu rms 725 S Wright -.J

yj Atterberry Otto fireman I C rms 29 E Springfield p

'^ Atterberry Altha J Miss r 1402 W Beslin, U J2 b^

J Atterberry Charles E (Elmina) grocer 605 N Romine U r 1402 W ft [


~^ g Atwell Donald printer Munhall Ptg House rms 205 E Green 2 ^ i

^^ jj Atwell Fay stu r 307 Armory % ^-^

^^ 2 Atwell Josephine Miss stu r 307 Armory ^^

r J Atwell M Etta ( wid D Allen) r 610 W Oregon, U ^^

, ^ Atwell 'Wlm M wks Un r 307 Armory S* ^\

r \ M Atwood Stanley E (Catherine) mach I C r 1109 N 6th ' W^A

i) Aufdemkamp Ernest (Elsie) ret r 311 W Beardsley U^

\^ Aufdemkamp Frank r 311 W Beardsley ^j

Augustus Earl K (Margaret F) instr Un r 1306 S Orchard, U hH

0 Augustus Edgar L (Atta) r 508 S 4th L J

Augustus Howard Rev (Jennie) ret r 711 W Washington, U bad

Augustus Lalah Miss stu r 508 S 4th ^M

Augustus Ralph stu r 508 S 4th r^

Auld Ernest stu rms 303 E Green

PORCMooR p_ p_ Foster, Mill ''Z^

Window Screens 305 s. chestnut st. auto 1120; bell u2i FIXTURES

The Burr Company


Champaign, Illinois

North Works City Plant

structural Steel Auto Repairing:

Machinery Electric Service

Municipal Castings Battery Service

Foundry Specialties Storage Semi-Steel Castings

332=344 Hickory Street

Auto 1313 Bell 227




211 South Neil Street * ' - Champaign, Illinois




Transacts a general banking business

3% interest paid on Savings Deposits

Safety Deposit Boxes $1.00 per year and up

Young Knergetic Progressive

Urbana Illinois





Bell Phone 752 Automatic Phone 1332

702 North Hickory St. Champaign, Illinois

^>vi|aA||/^|jJC The Art, Camera and

Sll KAiJV#n a Pathephone Shops

^^^-.rv^T^ 112 N. NEIL 625 S. WRIGHT

QUALITY SERVICE Auto 2154 Auto22i8

' CO



Aoild Frank A (Nellie W) carp r 1404 W Churoh

Auld John F (Nellie) plasterer r 1209 W CTiurch.

Auld John W (Ida) plasterer r 208 E Hill

Auld J Pearl Miss bkpr Paris Dyeing & Cleaning Co r 208 E Hill

Aumer Joseph P (Ada) instr Un r 502 W Oregon, U

Ausbrook John E (Ittie) fireman Big 4 r 913 E Main, U

Austin Milton stu rms 603 E Springfield

Austin Ray E (Etta) painter r 306 N Draper

Auten J T stu r 407 B Daniel


Auton Wm (Annie B) engr Big 4 r 304 S Market, U

Autrey Nettie Mrs (c) rms 506 A W Vine

Autry Ethel (c) wks Big 4 r 1205 Beslin, U

Autry Ora (c) lab r 1205 Beslin, U . ^, .

AVAKIAN KACHADOOR (Vart) with Paris Dyeing and Cleaning 'Co r 304 W John eva Avellenett Josefa Miss maid 1002 \M Nevada, U ^ AVENUE SCHOOL Miss Jesse Gooding prin 101-111 N Lynn

Avery Andrew lab r 712 Hutson, U

Avery Florence C Miss r 712 Hutson, U

^^^ EEPAjR. BOTH PHONES 3 "8 \ '

\T , Avery Guy stu r 916 W Calif, U s^ m

f^*^ Avery Nellie C Miss r 712 Hutson, U "^g* ^^

^^^\ Avery Rosa Miss r 712 Hutson, U 5"R ^

t^L4 Avery Rowland stu rms 1007 W Illinois, U S" W

Avery "Walter C (Margaret E) wks Big 4 r 712 Hutson, U 2 - A^

ZAvey Helen Miss stu r 905 W Green, U " ; y)

Axline Edward stu rms 406 E Healy ^' ^

Aye Henry H ret r 914 W Illinois, U t-

_ Ayers Adelaide Miss r 704 "W Oregon, U ^^\ Ayers Mary J (wid A M) r 704 W Oregon, U I J Ayers SLgourney Miss r 704 W Oregon, U ^^ Ayres Claude S lab r 1202 N Market

UAyres Etdward ret r 106 W Washington Ayres Samuel G (Beulah) wks Twin City Ice & C S Co r 1202 N < Market


^^\ Babb Alice Miss r 405 S New 2.g

|mb4 Babb Alice Mrs r 701 W Hill '*'

Babb Anne (wid John) r 706 W Springfield

Call At


The Saturday and Summer School for 8rade Children. Private Tutoring. Evening Classes for Adults



W Babb Edwin P (Bnnna S) ret r 401 N Prospect _JJf

Q^ Babb Ella (wid Thomas) r 1216 W Church ^ ^

^5 Babb George J (Je.ssie) ret r 512 W Springfield s ^

{fi Babb HaiTy C (Lula G) trav sales r 407 X WUlis g- "*

^2 Babb Harry L (Jessie) barber Ben Long r 316 S Prairie 1 ^^

"TZ Babb Ira chauffeur Twin City Creamery Co r 905 W White g 25"

* Babb Jeffery (Ellen) ret r 405 S Xew j 2

S Babb Jessie C Miss r 706 W Springfield q ^^

Ttabbitt Etta Miss matron Cunningham Children's Home r same 5

Ba)bbitt Harold E (Helen) instr Un r 907 W Oregon, U 5 >

Babcock Don stu r 112 E Daniel s ^3

^ Babcocii Kendric C dean Un r 1107 W Oregon, U c. ^^

J^ J Babcock May Miss stu rms 305 E John 5'

W J Babcock Rosetta Mrs r Beardsley Hotel ? jj

jj^ NH Each Irwin "SV phys r 906 W Oregon, U ^ Si

W Bach Jacob (Minnie) ret r 906 W Oregon, U - C/>

C^ Z Bachman Altra Miss stu rms 805 S 5th 2 ^+

^ O Bachman Carl driver Eisner Grocery Co r 505 S Neil J mSm

^ H Bachman Elsie Miss r 505 S Neil < S^

J O Bachman Leo D elk Eisner Grocery Co r 505 S Neil = ^]^

Z Bachman Wm M (Nettie) carp r 505 S Neil o ^"^



Johnson Electric Co. 1 1

M. R. JOHNSON, Proprietor

..^'*/2 niCKOry SC. C. B. RUSSELL. Manager

^ Bailey E W stu r 916 W Green, U Vi

y^ BAILEY FRED S (Mabel B) vice pres Chamipaign National ^^

* ^^ .Bank r 803 W University O 00

Sl ^C Bailey Gus cabmkr Alexander Lbr Co JJ SJ

2^ ^^ Bailey Harvey B (Oral) carp r 509 E Washington ]^ SS

5 W Bailey Irene Miss (c) dom r 608 B Vine ^ S

^! U Bailey J Edward (Mary) janitor r 201 S Wright S tm

^^ Q Bailey J W draftsman J W Royer T ^j

^ A Bailey LaForce stu rms 205 W, University, U , ^ SP

^J Bailey Nellie E Miss elk r 1211 Dublin, U S fij"

' Bailey Pauline Miss r 1211 Dublin, U ST"

5 t Bailey Rena (wid C C) r 822 Berkley, U ^ cS

22! Bailey Roy stu r 210 William " ^,

j^ ^ f Bailey Stonewall W (c) (Irene) cleaner and presser 206 N Oak " 3

kg r 608 E Vine f ^.^



" OO w

We Make Glasses

And Our Glasses Have Made Us



J. F. Webster & Co. BcTphon^ ". ^305



en 5 Baker James concreter r 711 Cunningham, U

"* ^ Baker James A wks Frank A Somers r 512 N Market, U




Baker James C Rev (Lena) pastor Trinity M E Church r 1005 ^^ W Green, U ^

*g ^ Baker James M blksmith M Metz r 108 W. Washington ^ ^^H

. ^ 2 Baker Jamie H Miss stu r 812 W White ;i^ rg> g ^ Baker Jesse B (Grace) driver Champaign Sanitary Milk Co r ^ ^^

00 (0 105 S 5th ^

^ |g Baker Katherine Miss opr C U Tel Co r 110 W Charles ,

:i . Baker Kathryn Miss elk I C r 206 E Healy ^

a Z Baker L J stu r 210 E John _ , ,

.. ^ Baker Qttis (Anna) lab r 505 S Ohtestnut ^ PH

3 ;: < Baker Simeon H (Mary) ret r 703 S 3d 2 M

Z I Baker Stanley (Lillian) engr I C r 309 W White 3 ^

g Baker William stu rms 502 E John 2 J^4

O. 3 Baker Wm driver W Lewis & Co r 110 W Charles ^

z=^:zz= *S"Baker see also Becker OS

SO Balbach X J stu r 618 E Green C3 Z Balch Nellie Miss stu r 1006 W Oregon. U

U O H Balderson Theo A stu rms 308 E Daniel ^

Hz^ Balding Anna Miss nurse 204 S Busey, U 2 ^S,

Sp G. C. Willis-Dry Goods !

^ (ESTABLISHED 1872) |y) ^^

f fj 15-17 MAIN STREET '^ ^

STT champaign ILLINOIS ^ ^

bo w S

^ ^^ Balding Jane (wid L B) r 204 S Busey, U C/5 FH

-J tm Baldock Joseph A (Anna) carp r 404 E University H U Q Baldridge Frieda Miss (c) dom r 408 E Beardsley -.

!Z Baldwin Benjamin C tmstr Wagner & Sons r 1306 Church, U

* 52 Baldwin Benjamin F farmer r 1306 Church, U * *" Baldwin Bertha M Miss r 1306 Church, U

I ft^ Baldwin Edward C (Mabel M) instr Un r 1002 S Lincoln, U ^ . -

(5 J*5 Baldwin Florence C Miss r 1306 Church, U G ^

2 yj Baldwin Francis M (Bessie) instr Un, r 806 S 3di * W

\^ Baldwin iFrank T (Mary) wks Big 4 r 303 N Market, U C * I s^ Baldwin Grace H Miss stu r 1002 S Lincoln, U . H ^ * ^ , Baldwin H I & Co W P Foote mngr grain 712 N Neil ^ H f^

III I Baldwin James M ret r 708 W Park, U ^ O f^

I ""^ Baldwin Jean ette Miss stu r 917 W Oregon, U ^ ''m

B Baldwin Jessie A Miss stu r 708 W Park, U '^ O

E ^^ Baldwin Leo S stu rms 204 E John S^

O W Baldwin Margaret Miss stu r 1002^^ W Calif, U pjB

tti Mt Baldwin M F stu rms 711 W Green, U mm

^ ^ Baldwin Paul F (Elizabeth) carp r 1211 Champaign, U Zr*

> C/5 Baldwin W Forrest (Lillie) carp r 708 W Park, U

Bales A Homer barber J Y Rose r 302 Locust, U

Bales Fannie Miss seamstress r 302 Locust, U



lanuficturtrt ftWholtsalers

littter, Egg Automatic Phone 1273 Bell Phone 2142

rw^ ^* A ^ Manuficturtrt &WhoUsal0rs

1 Win City dreamery Butter, Eggs & cheese

Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co.


Prompt and EflScient Service ^ r f- t*.t -i^r i o ^-.i th

in All Branches 105 N. Walnut St., Champaign, 111.


Bales George E (Clara) Ik r 1304 N Market g ^

^ Bales Milton carp r 104 Charles pp ^

E J Balispy John B (Laura) Ceylon Tea Co r 723 S Market, U O 3

K/ J Balke Clarence W (Minnie C) instr Un r 411 W Indiana, U S>j^

* " Balkema Sallie Miss stu rms 807 S 3d ^ S

mm < Ball Elsie Miss stu r 1012 (W Oregon, U A

J ^ Ball Fred D stu rms 104 E Green G-CA

g ^ Ball Livva Mrs r 107 E Daniel qj g

^ ..- * Ball Roberta Miss stu rms 312 W WaslMngton ^

. Ball Theodore R (Velma) instr Un r 806 S 3d > ft^ .

fc Ballard Bert sales Singer S M Co r 109 W Springfield 2

^ Ballard Delia Mrs (c) dom r 705 Champaign ^ ^^

^ Ballenger Emma Miss (c) stu r 1010 W Main, U *^ !I

S Ballentine Charles A storekpr C U Tel Co r 706 S State C i^l'

I 4y Ballentine Mary E (wid Comodore) r 706 S State *

^ ^ Ballinger lone Miss stu rms 309 E John 2^


Office : irp^ori^r Residence { ^eVp^^eMr H ^


Bangert Clarence stu rms 704 S 4th i-i ^

^ BANKER-FARMER (THE) (monthly) B F Harris editor Louis ^ i-^

^^ M Tobin associate editor 406 First Natl Bank bldg _^ ^^

Banks Albert (c) r 308 N 6th w Q

Banks Alonzo L (c) porter r 612 E Washington '^ f^

Banks Elijah H (c) (Hannah) lab r 612 E Washington 28 Jg

Banks Harry (c) driver Champaign Coal Co r 211 N 1st 52. m

Banks Merton F instr Un r 506 W Elm, U ^ g.

Banks Rebecca Miss (c) dom r 503 N 1st q8 m

Banks Wiilliam (c) lab r 503 N 1st as -S

Banner Denman (Elmira) ret r 405 N Prospect S*

Banner Edith M r 405 N Prospect ^ 0> Banner Btfie A Miss r 405 N Prospect

Bannin Frank (Katherine) foreman Big 4 r 309 W Washington Bannin Katihleen Miss stu r 309 W Washington Bannister Emma C (wid Everett) r 914 W Eureka Bannister James P (Florence E) wks Big 4 r 108 N Cottage

Grove, U Bannister John H stu r 412 E Green Bannister Theodore H (Julia) lab r 801 Hutson, U Bannsberger Emma (wid Fred) r 402 E Daniel Bannsberger Velda Miss stu r 402 E Daniel



u O







I 73m








M.W. Morgan

Real Estate and Insurance Farm and City Loans

Phones: Bell 261; Auto 4254 1 05 W. MAIN ST. URBANA, ILLINOIS

SE nil I AVnil ^^^'^'' '" ^^^^ Machinery, Buggies and Surreys, La IflLLMVUII Gasoline Engines, Cream Separators, Gas Tractors 335 N. Walnut St., GHAWeAlGN. ILL. Bell Phoae 436; Au4o Phone 1174


U C/a Barackman Hazel Miss stu r 1002% W Calif, U -

^^ p Baraglia Anthony stu rms 404 E Healy *

r^ 'S Barber Anna E Mrs r 603 y2^ E Clark ^

**g. Barber Ethel Miss r 704 IWI White %

^r Barber Fannie Miss r 704 W White ^CM Barber F B stu rms 503 E Daniel ^ w4* Barber Franklin stu r 901 W Nevada, U ^^ CM Barber Hillis E stu r 407 B Daniel

Barber H W stu r 410 E Green _

Barber J Kenneth atu r 407 E Daniel




^ Barber Louisa (wid A C) r 704 W White