Banishing the Heroes from Your IT Kingdom - an ITSM Fairy Tale

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Banishing the Heroes from Your IT Kingdom - an ITSM Fairy Tale

Banishing the Heroes from Your IT Kingdom

Kirstie Magowan

The Fairy Tale Begins…

Who is in YOUR Mirror?

It’s nice to be appreciated!

Information Silos

A Dangerous Addiction

Heroism has its risks

Get a life!

Be a superhero to your family!

A Critical Business Risk

Knowledge is the key to the kingdom

Stop rewarding your heroes

A Hero in recovery

No time to document…

Lesson Learned

Batman needs his Robin!

Ensure there is a back-up

Replace the addiction!

A heroic bottleneck!

No options left

Reward appropriate behaviour

Softly, Softly catchee Monkey!

A, fortunately, rarer beast…

Data should tell the story

Are You a Hero?

Race to the Rescue?

Talk them through the issue?

Not Worry at All?


Just your average hero?

Or a REAL Hero?

Knowledge is Power

A widespread problem

Stop the firefighting

1.How important it is

2.How difficult it is

Don’t do KM by stealth

Flying under the radar will not work!

A tool is not the only answer

Don’t forget your people!

No gain without some pain

Communicate the reasons for the change to IT and to the business…there may some short term pain while existing knowledge is recorded

Metrics matter

Measure your progress and feed this back to the business and your IT team

Talk, talk and talk some more

Don’t neglect or underestimate the importance of the people side of the change

Make sure the importance of KM is understood

Evolving in the wrong direction

Your reputation is at stake

The mandatory Pie chart…

I had to do it….



Twitter @KirstieMagowan

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