Balbir Pasha ko AIDS hoga kya? -...

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Transcript of Balbir Pasha ko AIDS hoga kya? -...

Balbir Pasha ko AIDS hoga


“Baadshah” of AIDS Campaigns in India. Public message campaign undertaken by PSI

(Population Services International), an NGO, as a part of “Operation Lighthouse” programme, with the objective of giving information about high-risk behaviors to groups that are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS.

The campaign which differentiated itself in the way

in which it connected with the target population, was rated successful by post-campaign research studies.

Ads created by Lowe Lintas

Launched in Mumbai in November 2002 Mumbai has India’s largest brothel based at Red Light

Area Prior to the launch, consumer research analysis was

done which suggested High infection rates of HIV as

also flawed risk perception being the biggest detonator, especially amongst the poorest sections of society in Mumbai.

Perception : People can learn by observing the

behavior of others and to leverage this thought a sort of alter- ego was created with the fictional name of Balbir Pasha.

MISSION Increase awareness of the spread of HIV AIDS

from unprotected sex

Bring out the topic into the open and to subject into to discussions in public forums

Motivate people to use the helpline services meant for disseminating information about AIDS and allaying any fears/ clearing misconceptions in the minds of people

Stage 1 • Teaser campaign •  (Nov 11 2002 - Nov 30 2002)

Stage 2 • Alcohol •  (Dec 1 2002 - Dec 20 2002)

Stage 3 • Non-regular partner •  (Dec 21 2002 - Jan 10 2003)

Stage 4 • Healthy Partner •  (Jan 11 2003 - Jan 27 2003)

Stage 5 • Saadhan Helpline No. •  (Jan 28 2003 – Feb 11 2003)

Outdoor Communication



MESSAGE Better ‘safe’ than ‘sorry’

People forget things when they are drunk and so are likely to forget wearing a condom which will expose them to the threat of AIDS

You might be visiting the same Sex worker for sex or some person who isn’t your spouse. But that person might be having other visitors which again opens you up to the threat of AIDS

Even healthy looking people might be carriers of HIV/ AIDS

Positive messages rather than the messages of earlier campaigns like “ Ye bimaari choone se nahi failti” which created more of a fear perception

“Common man” was the character in every ad which said that everyone needs to be aware

» AIDS discussion is not a taboo

Results Increased risk perception Increased tendency to discuss HIV/AIDS with others

250% jump in number of calls to PSI’s Saadhan HIV/AIDS helpline

Increase in proportion of individuals reporting last-time condom usage with commercial sex workers from 87% to 92%

Retail sales of condoms in the “Red Light” district, tripled after the launch of the campaign

Why Successful? Consumer Insight

Building Of Intrigue Media Mix

Link with on-ground activities

The infiltration of “Balbir Pasha” into our culture

Hard-hitting messages



Team Members: �

Shivani Sharma �Vishakha Pithwal�Yasmin Hussain