Balance between work and family

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Balance between work and family





Work Family Connection

Consequences - Poor Work Family Balance

Strategies to Attain Balance



In today’s time we are suffering from various kinds of issues such as exhaustion, restlessness, low productivity and stress

Considered as result of lack of ability for maintains the balance between our personal and professional life


People have their own meaning of work, responsibilities, achievements and goals but common thing is the meaning of balancing among two phases of life


“extent to which an individual is equally engaged in and equally satisfied with his or her work role and family role”

Work-Family Balance

a broad and complex phenomenon


Time Balance

Involvement Balance

Satisfaction Balance

Work-Family Balance


Time Balance refers to equal time being given to both work and family roles

Involvement Balance refers to equal levels of psychological involvement in both work and family roles and finally.

Satisfaction Balance refers to equal levels of satisfaction in both work and family roles


There was a time when the boundaries between work and home were fairly clear

Today work is likely to invade our personal life and maintaining work-life balance is no simple task

Creating balance needs organization, discipline, strategies and efforts, resulting happy family relations and a successful career

Work - Family Connection

Work or Profession defined as an earning to live

Today it is meant for lot of things around us such as sophistication, luxury, challenges, pride, esteem, knowledge and many more

Work - Family Connection

Both men and women in their longer and faster run forget their real heaven on earth

Madly run after virtual heaven leaving back their children speaking with cartoons with no one around to take care

Work - Family Connection

Family is the place where peace, relaxation, happiness, energy prevails

Professionals consider that they do not have enough time to care for the family which is actually a wrong notion

Family is the only boost to any emotional man and it is the one, which would give you a hike in professionalism too

Work - Family Connection

People run behind yoga and other stress management ignorantly forgetting that they could get all those calm and peace in the family they failed to care

It is where we learn what sorrow is, what troubles are, how management is to be done and finally what peace and happiness are

Work - Family Connection

A person who cannot withhold a good family can never be a successful business person

It is of course very important to take care of profession

Are we going to pay our happiness, family and the soul of living to the pace acquired?

Work - Family Connection

Children left off in childcare centers and parents left off in old homes peel the truth that our affection and love gone to money instead of family

Communication reduced among family member

Work - Family Connection

Understanding being converged and misunderstanding is being diverged

These issues slowly creep into a person’s life when he shifts their attention only toward their profession

Work - Family Connection

Work - Family Connection

For whom do you earn for?.........For whom do you struggle a lot?

Work - Family Connection

A morning wish to your parents, a hearty anniversary wish to your wife and a happy play with your kids is what the real happiness is all about

A good professional must be well behaved and very good with his speech with his clients, why should not he be the best to his family

Work - Family Connection

Child follows his parents as a role model in life

If parents are too busy with profession they are with, how could child possible be good at his age?

Going to work getting fame living luxuriously does not make your children happy at all

Work - Family Connection

Problem arises only when equilibrium gets disturbed between work and family

Work - Family Connection

Uncared children tend to hate the community they live in, the parent, the society

Preserving the need of youth status is an alarming need for every country

It is our duty to preserve the good for our future generation to live in peace

Work - Family Connection

Consider family and profession to be the railway line

Train is derailed even if one track has a small crack in it

Family and professionalism must meet and continue to function hand in hand

Both are mutually occurring events and will have impact on each other equally

Work - Family Connection

A crystal clear balance between professionalism and family is brightly essential to one’s life

This balance would encourage real love in family

We will be considered the role model and dream model to our kids and friends whom we maintain cordially

Work - Family Connection

"A sound relation in a sound profession"

Consequences - Poor Balance

Work-Family Conflict and Health

Conflict between work and family domains has a number of significant negative consequences for individuals

Biggest consequence of Work-Family conflict may be viewed as a stressor

Research observed work-family conflict to be associated with a myriad of indicators of poor health and impaired wellbeing

Consequences - Poor Balance

Work-Family Conflict and Health

poorer mental and physical health higher likelihood to engage in problem like drugs increased anxiety and depression levels higher levels of emotional exhaustion less life satisfaction higher levels of stress less physical exercise poor appetite fatigue

Consequences - Poor Balance

Work-Family Conflict and Health

Nearly 3 in every 10 employees in UK experiencing a mental health problem

01 in 06 people in the UK work more than 60 hours a week

Stress-related sick leave costs British industry £370 million every year, or approximately 91 million working days

Consequences - Poor Balance

Work-Family Conflict and Health

A Mental Health Foundation survey found:

1/3 of respondents feel unhappy or very unhappy about the time they devote to work

more than 40% of employees neglecting other aspects of their life because of work

when working long hours more than a quarter of employees feel depressed (27%), 1/3 feel anxious (34%) and more than half feel irritable (58%).

Consequences - Poor Balance

Work-Family Conflict and Health

more hours you spend at work, more hours outside of work you are likely to spend thinking or worrying about it

as a person’s weekly hours increase, so do their feelings of unhappiness

many more women report unhappiness than men (42% of women compared with 29% of men), which is probably a consequence of competing life roles and more pressure to 'juggle'

Consequences - Poor Balance

Work-Family Conflict and Health

nearly 2/3 of employees experienced a negative effect on their personal life, including lack of personal development, physical and mental health problems and poor relationships and poor home life

Consequences - Poor Balance

Organizational Outcomes

Many knock on effects for organizations as a result of employees experiencing work-family conflict

lower performance and increased job stress levels

increased staff turnover and absenteeism

decreased employee job satisfaction

intention to leave the organization

Consequences - Poor Balance

Work-life conflict incur economic costs for the individual, society and the organization

Job stress is estimated to cost industry in the US more than $300 billion a year in related costs such as absenteeism and reduced productivity

Costs for the Individual and Organization

Consequences - Poor Balance

Productivity losses due to personal or family health problems cost US employers $225.8 billion a year

In the US, more than half of adults report that family responsibilities are source of stress and 55% indicated that they experienced work-family conflict in the past 3 months

Costs for the Individual and Organization

Consequences - Poor Balance

Work-family conflict affect individuals through a loss of pay and medical expenses

Higher levels of work-family conflict predicted lower levels of familial support and higher levels of familial support predicted lower levels of family-work conflict

Costs for the Individual and Organization

Strategies to Attain Balance

Identification of Balance Blockers

Balance blockers are well thought out as things or bit which restricts person maintaining equilibrium between work and home

Identify cause why you are not being able to keep up the equilibrium between two of vital parts of your life

Strategies to Attain Balance

Identification of Balance Blockers

Expectations of other peoples, consideration of other’s requirement before yours, afraid of changes, hung up on look, diligence are considered as equality blockers for any one in their life

Identify them and try to abolish them from your life

Strategies to Attain Balance

Assessment of Mind

Prepare the mind firstly

Important to understand to separate both the fields from mixing with each other

Don’t think about home while you are at work and when you are with your family avoid bringing up your business there

Strategies to Attain Balance

Establish priorities

Decide what takes precedence when both areas of your life need nurturing at one time, thus creating a conflict

Should not have to neglect one to take care of the other, so determine which one is the most pressing at the time

Strategies to Attain Balance

Establish priorities

If your child is sick, you should choose to stay with your child because sickness is more pressing than a regular day at work

Preparing for a scheduled meeting should take precedence over a day at the park

Strategies to Attain Balance

Establish priorities

you can decide what is needed to nurture work and family

Don't beat yourself up if work obligation conflicts with family commitment

Decide which should take precedence by determining significance of each

Strategies to Attain Balance

Leave Work AT Work

When you are away from the office, actually be AWAY from the office

We bring our work home with us and ignore those around us

When at home, switch off from work and spend time with family and friends

Strategies to Attain Balance

Prepare Family Goals and Establish a Deadline

You have to fulfill your responsibilities at work, but you may not always do the same at home

Families grow so fast that oftentimes we make plans to do things with and for the family, but they never come into fruition

Strategies to Attain Balance

Prepare Family Goals and Establish a Deadline

By writing goals down and scheduling them, you are committing yourself to doing them

Just make sure that you follow through to aid in achieving work-family balance

Strategies to Attain Balance

Revise Your Calendar to Benefit your Family

If you can get more time with your family because work allows it, then take advantage of that

There may be times when work is consuming and you feel as if you are neglecting your family

Strategies to Attain Balance

Revise Your Calendar to Benefit your Family

Just make sure that these moments of imbalance are compensated accordingly and that you regain your family and career balance as soon as possible

Strategies to Attain Balance

Develop Your Time-Management Abilities

If you organize yourself well, there should be no reason why you cannot give time to your family

Time-management skills also means learning how end your day at work and begin your day at home

Strategies to Attain Balance

Develop Your Time-Management Abilities

This may also mean learning how to say "no" when a work colleague asks you to help on a project that you just cannot fit into your schedule

Strategies to Attain Balance

. Crisis

. Pressing problems

. Deadline-driven projects, meetings, preparations

. Preparation

. Prevention

. Values clarification

. Planning

. Relationship building

. True re-creation

. Empowerment

. Interruptions, some phone calls

. Some mail, some reports

. Some meetings

. Many proximate,pressing matters

. Many popular activities

. Trivia, busywork

. Some phone calls

. Time wasters

. “Escape” activities

. Irrelevant mail

. Excessive TV

Urgent Not UrgentIm











Strategies to Attain Balance

Keep Communication Lines Open with Your Family

Keep communication lines open with your spouse, kids and don't be afraid to voice your concerns about the lack of imbalance between home and work

Accordingly, don't be afraid to listen when your spouse accuses you of the same

Strategies to Attain Balance

Keep Communication Lines Open with Your Family

Work and home balance should be respected by both parties in order to be successful

Strategies to Attain Balance

Make the Most of Your Off Time

Must make your free time just as important as your work time

Plus, if you don’t have a clear mind outside of work, that is only going to affect your productivity and efficiently while at work

Strategies to Attain Balance

Make the Most of Your Off Time

Vacation each year is an important part of maintaining that balance, as getting away from it all helps both you and your family to relax and reduce stress


The important thing to balance profession and family is saying no to unimportant events

By planning everything before, anyone can balance both

Ultimate goal of anyone is happiness and peace