Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of BÀI HỌC 3 LC

The trunk of the vehicle is open.

You can see flames in the engine.

Flame /fleim/:ngọn lửa

Engine /'endʤin/:Động cơ

The man looking at the engine

is wearing a tie.

The vehicle is on a busy


Some of the vehicles have their headlights on.

Headlight /'hedlait/:Đèn pha

There are two motorcycles in the picture.

All the vehicles are between the lines.

There is heavy traffic going the opposite direction.

direct /di'rekt/:Hướng

heavy /'hevi/:Nặng

The plane has just taken off.

The person reading is wearing a ring.

ring /riɳ/:Nhẫn

One passenger is eating a meal.

passenger /'pæsindʤə/:hành khách

The person closest to the camera is wearing a seat-belt.

belt /belt/:Dây lưng

The platform is packed with people.

platform /'plætfɔ:m/:Sân ga

pack /pæk/:tụ tập

The train is mostly white and green.

It's very dark and cloudy outside.

A person on the train is waving.

The little boy is wearing a red hat.

The family is going through security.

through /θru:/ xuyên qua

security /si'kjuəriti/: An ninh

The motorboats appear to be racing.

race /reis/:Cuộc đua

All the sails are the same color.

sail /seil/:Buồm

The boats are returning from fishing.

There are no vehicles on the bridge.

bridge /bridʤ/:Cái cầu

It looks like rush hour traffic on the highway.

rush /rʌʃ/:Xô đẩy

There is a police vehicle in the picture.

It's an overcast day.

overcast /,ouvə'kɑ:st/:

U ám

The man is using his car to exercise.

exercise /'eksəsaiz/:Tập thể dục

It appears this car has broken down.

The man seems to be enjoying himself.

The man is pushing the front of the car.

pushing /'puʃiɳ/:Đẩy

The entire area looks very barren.

entire /in'taiə/:Toàn bộ area /'eəriə/:Dtich

barren /'bærən/:Cằn cỗi, cánh đồng hoang

There is a beautiful garden in the picture.

The two people appear to be the same age.

There are huge boulders in the picture.

huge /hju:dʤ/:to lớn

boulder /'bouldə/:Đá cuội

Tảng đá

The lady is enjoying a novel.

novel /'nɔvəl/:Tiểu thuyết lady /'leidi/

The person looks like a skilled mechanic.

Skilled /skild/:Khéo léo, lành nghề

mechanic /mi'kænik/:thợ máy, CN cơ khí

You can see a guard rail in the picture.

guard /gɑ:d/:Cái chắn

rail /reil/:Tay vịn, đường ray

The lady is holding a


screwdriver /'skru:,draivə/:

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