Bad global warming presentation

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Transcript of Bad global warming presentation

Global Warming CrisisA seminar for world change

Global warming + The Greenhouse Effect

Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere, either by human industry and agriculture or by natural causes like the earth has experienced numerous times through its history.

The Greenhouse effect is a warming effect caused by certain gases that retain heat from sunlight. Without such gases the earth would be below freezing. The global warming debate is centered on whether added greenhouse gases released by human activity will overheat the earth and cause harmful effects.

Energy Consumption 2011

Coal: 49.6%

Gas: 18.77%

Oil: 3.03%

Other Fossil: 0.6%

Other Unknown: 0.1%

Nuclear: 19.28%

Hydro: 6.5%

Biomass: 1.3%

Wind: 0.44%

Geothermal: 0.36%

Solar: 0.01%

Composition of the Earth’s atmosphere

Carbon Dioxide CO2

Generally a colorless, odorless, non-toxic gas.

The most important greenhouse gas

Contributes more to the greenhouse effect than any other gas released by human activity

Humans release about 37 billion tons of CO2 per year

Facts About Global warming

90% of the global warming has been caused by human factors since 1950.

The hottest decade spanned from 2000-2009.

The sea level has risen approx. 1 inch. At this rate, it will become a serious problem by 2100

There has been an 11% increase in CO2 levels since 1950

When the earth was 9 degrees cooler, the ice over NYC was over 2000 feet thick. There is a chance that the earth will be 9 degrees hotter by 2100

The Year 2011 saw the most Co2 dumping at about a rate of 1000 tons/second into the air.

China emits 40% more CO2 than the U.S.

More Facts…

Since the industrial revolution in the late 1700’s the CO2 concentration in Earth’s atmosphere has increased by about 34%, most rapidly from 1960 onward.

Major Contributors to Global Warming.

The use of Fossil Fuels

The livestock industry

A reduction in the sun’s output of cosmic rays which lessens the amount of clouds that exert a cooling effect on the earth

Sulfur pollution from coal use in Asia

Ocean circulation that affects how much cold water rises to the surface, which affects how warm or cold the atmosphere is

Evidence of Climate Change

Glacier shrinking is an evidence of climate change.

Between 2002-2005 greenland lost 150-250 cubic

Km of ice every year, and Antarctica lost 152 cubic Km.

The Arctic sea is losing its ice at a rate of 11.5% per


The Cost of Global Warming

Massive ice glacier melts. A continued trend in this direction will lead to a rise in the sea level, with projections indicating a 7-23 inch rise by the end of the century.

This will affect millions of people living by the coastlines, as well as wildlife too.

The Polar bear is an endangered species due to the effects of global warming.

In 2007 residents of Tegua islands had to be evacuated due to rising sea levels.

The Cost of Global Warming

As of the 1950’s the Arctic sea has diminished approx. 15%

Montana’s glacier national park had 150 glaciers in 1910. It now only has 27

25% of Australia’s crop production in 2007 was lost to desertification.

Developing countries have to rely on food aid due to failed rains in their countries.

Extreme weather: Frequent wildfires, floods in Haiti, earthquakes in Japan, Hurricanes in the U.S. droughts in Africa.

The Cost of Global Warming

Earth’s Future?

But How Can I Help?

Recycle: paper, plastic, newspaper, glass, aluminum cans. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save 2400 lbs of carbon dioxide annually.

Use less heat and Air conditioning: adding insulation to your walls and attic can lower heating costs by more than 25% and can save about 2000 lbs of carbon dioxide a year.

Change lightbulbs: use CFL bulbs. They last 10x longer than incandescent bulbs and use 2/3 less energy.

Drive less: it saves gasoline. Every gallon of gas you save keeps 20lbs of CO2 out of the atmosphere

Buy energy efficient products: buy cars with good gas mileage, CFL lights, avoid products with excess packaging.

But How Can I Help?

Use Less hot water: buy low flow showerheads, use energy saving settings on your dishwasher and let dishes air dry. This can save 500 Lbs of CO2 annually

Use the off switch: turn off lights and electronics when you leave a room, don’t leave water running while not using it

Plant a Tree: They absorb CO2 and give off oxygen. One tree absorbs one ton of CO2 during its lifetime.

Get a report card from your utility company: they can provide free home energy audits to help identify areas in your home that may not be energy efficient

Encourage others to conserve: share this info with others. It will go a long way towards reducing energy and your monthly budget.