Bad effects of body builder

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Bad effects of body builder

Bad Effects of Body Builder

It is great to have good body

What is body builder???

Bodybuilding is the use of

progressive resistance exercise to control and

develop one's musculature

Proper way…




Pyramid foods

Bad way…

Bad way is???


It is easy to use steroid??

No need to exercise…..

No need to exercise…..

No need to exercise…..

Not n


to fo







Not n


to fo







What you need…??

It is just injection!!!

And you will be come like this….

And you will be come like this….

When time passing through…

You will suffer from disease

When time passing through…

Changes in the skin(internal )

Changes in the skin (external)

This process is called virilization and once this has occurred, the result is irreversible. Another large problem is acne. Acne that already is apparent may become worse and if there is no acne already, it can be evoked. This side effect will differ from person to person as all side effects do, depending on the person’s composition and the type and amount of steroid used.

Liver Problems

Liver Problems

With the use of oral steroidal compounds in particular, liver damage can occur. A condition called Peliosis Hepatis is rare but is certainly life threatening, because it not usually found until the liver is completely shut down or until an intra-abdominal hemorrhage develops


Statistic Verification

Source: Center for Disease Control Survey, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services


Date Verified: 5.16.2012

Steroid Use Statistics

Percent of 12th Graders who have admitted to using Steroids Percent

2006 2.7 %

2005 2.6 %

2004 3.4 %

2003 3.5 %

2001 5 %

Percent of users who saying "very easy" to get 41 %

Percent of 12th graders that view steroids as harmful to health 62 %

Number of American adults who have used steroids 1,084,000

Maximum penalty for illicitly obtaining steroids $1,000

Maximum penalty for trafficking steroids $250,000 / 5 years prison

Maximum penalty for trafficking steroids 2nd offense $500,000 / 10 years prison

7 Fa

cts A




s1. Anabolic steroids are powerful man-made versions of testosterone, a male sex hormone.

2. In 2003, seventh-grade girls were the fastest-growing group of steroid users, with more than seven percent using them.

3. A recent study found that 57% of high school steroid users said they would risk shortening their life for increased performance.

4. Steroid abuse injures the liver, cardiovascular system and reproductive systems.

5. Steroids may cause men to develop breasts, have withered testicles, become infertile and lose their hair.

6. For women, steroids can cause irreversible masculine traits such as reduced breast size, extra body hair and a deeper voice.

7. Both men and women may also become more aggressive and depressed.

Bodybuilders can take a 7 week dose and increase their gains by more than 20%. Most people don't know the side effects and how it can KILL YOU!

All together say…..

All together say…..

Second Issue!!


What is supplement protein???

The powder is mixed with water, milk or juice. Protein powder is generally consumed immediately before and after exercising, or in place of a meal

What is supplement protein???

Variety of supplement

There are good supplements

There are good supplements

And there are also…


And there are also…

Bad supplement….

They said it faster

They said it faster….

They said it faster….



d it

is ch



But it causes…….

Kidney Disease

Excess Fat !!



When body building and

steroids go too far….

You become be like this…

Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease

Having too much protein in the diet leads to an excess of nitrogen in the blood

Excess Fat

Excess Fat

Any additional calories from protein that are not used as energy or for muscle maintenance or repair will be stored as fat



Consuming only protein means that you are not eating any foods that contain fiber


Any protein you eat, either from supplements or natural food,

that is not used to build and repair muscle, skin and other body tissues, is converted to fat.

Reference1. Alen, M., P. Rahkila. Anabolic-androgenic steroid effects on endocrinology and lipid metabolism in athletes. Sports

Med. 6: 327-332, 1988

2. American College of Sports Medicine. Position stand on the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids in sport. Med. Sci.

Sports Exerc. 19(5): 534-539, 1987

3. Bahrke, M.S., C.E. Yesalis, J.E. Wright. Psychological and behavioral effects of endogenous testosterone levels and anabolic-androgenic steroids among athletes; a review.

Sports Med. 10(5): 303-337, 1990

4. Cohen, J.C., R. Hickman. Insulin resistance and diminished glucose tolerance in power lifters ingesting anabolic

steroids. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 64: 960-963, 1987

5. De Piccoli, B., F. Giada, A. Benettin, F. Sartori, E. Piccolo. Bad supplement use in body builders: an echocardiographic

study of left ventricular morphology and function. Int. J. Sports Med. 12(4): 408-412, 1991

Prepared By Future Body Builder

Muhammad Anas Bin Ahmad Zaki2010584929
