Bacterial diseases of legumes

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Transcript of Bacterial diseases of legumes

Bacterial Diseases Reported in Legumes

Presented By:Madhu Sudhan Ghimire

PLP-02M-2015Department of Plant Pathology

Agriculture and Forestry University

Bacterial blight of Field Pea(Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae)Loss Reported by: Hollaway et al. 2007Reported at: Australlia (Sporadic)•Symptoms•Lesions may also develop on stems near ground level. •Begin as water-soaked areas, which later turn olive-green to dark brown.•Stem lesions may coalesce, causing the stem to shrivel and die. •Stem infection may spread upwards to the stipules and leaflets.

Bean Blight Xanthomonas axonopodis p.v. phaseoliLoss reported at : Ontario CanadaReported By: V.R. Wallen and D.A. Galway 1977

Symptoms•On the leaves, spots begin as small water-soaked areas. •As the spots expand, the center dries and the edges often have a narrow bright yellow band, called a halo. 

Common bacterial blight of Snap BeanXanthomonas campestris pv. PhaseoliLoss Reported at: Florida USALoss Reported by: USDA 2015Symptoms•Initially small, water-soaked spots , usually more evident on the underside of the leaves. •The lesions become larger and develop into dry, brown spots with distinct, rather narrow, yellow halos. •Spots may coalesce, and the yellowing of leaves becomes more general

Bacterial Blight of SoyabeanXanthomonas campestris pv. GlycinesLoss Reported at: NepalLoss Reported by: G.B. Khatri-Chhetri 2004.Symptoms:•The disease can be confused with brown spot (Septoria leaf spot) and with bacterial pustule.• After infection, small, water-soaked spots surrounded by a chlorotic halo appear on the leaves.•Typically these spots will enlarge and merge together to form large, dead patches on the leaves

Bacterial Wilt of GroundnutRalstonia solanacearum (Smith)Loss Reported at: China, Indonesia and VietnamLoss Reported by: Mehan et al. 1994

Symptoms•The first sign of disease is a slight drooping or curling of one or more leaves. •In more advanced stages, the plants may bend over at the tip, appear dry, and eventually turn brown, wither, and die. •The diagnostic characteristics of this disease are the dark brown discoloration in the xylem and pith, and the streaming of ‘bacterial ooze