Baby names E F G

Post on 01-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Baby names E F G

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Edhas happiness 1853 Samudra sea

Edi herb 1854 Samudragupta a famous Gupta king

Ednit evolved 1855 Samudrasen lord of the ocean

Eeshwar god 1856 Samvath prosperous

Egaiarasu king of charit 185! Samak enough

Eha lord "ishnu 1858 Sanabhi related

Ehima all pervasive 185# Sanam beloved

Eka lord "ishnu 186$ Sanat %ord &rahma

Ekachandra the onl moon 1861 Sanatan eternal

Ekachith with one mind 186' Sancha collection

Ekagrah focused 1863 Sanchit collected

Ekaksha lord Shiva 1864 Sandananda eternal bliss

Ekalava renowned for 1865 Sandeep a lighted lamp

Ekalinga ( Shiva 1866 Sandeepan a sage

Ekambar sk 186! Sangupt percectl hidden

Ekana lord "ishnu 1868 San)an creator

Ekanath king 186# San)a *hritarashtra+s charioteer

Ekanga ( bogguard 18!$ San)ith perfectl victorious

Ekansh whole 18!1 San)iv love, life

Ekapad lord Shiva 18!' San)ivan immortalit

Ekara) emperor 18!3 San)og coincidence

Ekatan closel attenti 18!4 Sankalpa resolve

Eknath ( poet- saint 18!5 Sankara Shiva

Ekram honour 18!6 Sankarshan a name of &alaram- brother of %ord .rishna

Elango prince- author 18!! Sanket signal

Elil handsome 18!8 Sanobar palm tree

Elilarasan handsome- kin 18!# Santosh happiness

Elilarasu handsome- kin 188$ Sanwaria %ord .rishna

Elilvendan handsome- kin 1881 Sanog coincidence

Ellu sesame seed c 188' Sapan dream /Swapna0

Elumalai lord "enkatesh 1883 Sauib bright

Eshwar %ord Shiva 1884 Saral straight

Etash luminous 1885 Sarang spotted deer

Evavan lord "ishnu 1886 Saras a bird, lake

2aakhir proud, ecelle 188! Sarasi)a lotus

2aaris horseman, kni 1888 Sarasvat learned

2aaroo one who distin 188# Sarat a sage

2adi the redeemer 18#$ Saravanan %ord urugan

2adl outstanding, h 18#1 Sarba)it one who has conuered everthing

2adl llah ecellence of 18#' Sarfara head held high

2ahad ln 18#3 Saro) lotus

2aisal decisive 18#4 S arta) crown

2aia artistic 18#5 Sarthak well done

2ai gain 18#6 Sarup beautiful

2akhr honorar 18#! Sarvadaman son of Shakuntala7&harat

2alak the sk 18#8 Sarvanavel nother name for %ord urugan

2algu lovel 18## Sarvesh lord of all

2alguni- 9halg born in 2algun- 1#$$ Sarwar promotion

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2anibhusan %ord Shiva 1#$1 S ashreek prosperous

2anindra the cosmic ser 1#$' Satindra %ord "ishnu

2anish the cosmic ser 1#$3 Satish ruler of hundreds

2anishwar lord of serpent 1#$4 Satri)it father of Satabhama- wife of %ord .rishna

2ara euitable 1#$5 Satvamohan truthful

2areed uniue 1#$6 Sata)it victor of truth

2arhad happiness 1#$! Satakam son of :abala in the ahabharata

2arhat happiness 1#$8 S ataki charioteer of .rishna

2arid wide 1#$# Satamurt statue of truth

2aris abilit to disce 1#1$ Satanaraan %ord .rishna

2arukh- 2arokh power of discri 1#11 Satankar true, good

2ateen clever- smart 1#1' Sataprakash light of truth

2ateh victor 1#13 Satapria devoted to truth

2atik crstal 1#14 Satasheel truthful

2awa successful 1#15 Satavan husband of Savitri, true

2idaa sacri;ce 1#16 Satavrat one who has taken vow of truth

2irdaus paradise 1#1! Satavrata dedicated to truth

2iro name of a king 1#18 Satendra lord of truth /Saten0

2ravash guardian angel 1#1# Saurabh fragrance

2uad heart 1#'$ Saurav divine- celestial

Gagan sk- heaven 1#'1 Savanth emploer

Gaganvihari one who stas 1#'' Savar %ord Shiva

Ga)anan one with eleph 1#'3 Savitendra the sun

Ga)anand %ord Ganesh 1#'4 S awan a <indu month

Ga)endra elephant king 1#'5 Saam evening

Ganaka one who calcul 1#'6 Saed leader

Ganapati %ord Ganesh 1#'! Seemanta parting line of hair

Ganara) lord of the clan 1#'8 Selvakumaran prosperous

Gandesha lord of fragran 1#'# Selvan prosperous

Gandhar fragrance 1#3$ Sena)it victor over arm

Gandhara) king of fragran 1#31 Sendhil %ord urugan

Gandharva celestial music 1#3' Sendhil=athan%ord urugan

Gandhik fragant 1#33 Sengannan visionar

Gandira hero 1#34 Senmal the best

Ganendra lord of a troop 1#35 Senthamarai >ed %otus

Ganesh son of %ord Shi 1#36 Sevak servant

Gangadhar holding the ga 1#3! Shaan pride

Gangadutt gift of Ganga 1#38 Shachin %ord ?ndra

Gangesh %ord Shiva 1#3# Shadab fresh

Gangea of the Ganga 1#4$ Shaheen tender

Gangol a precious 1#41 Shahid patriot

Gan)an surpassing 1#4' Shailendra king of mountains- <imalaa

Garisht heaviest 1#43 Shailesh god of mountain- <imalaa

Gaurang fair compleio 1#44 Shaistakhan polite

Gaurav honour- pride- 1#45 Shakib patience

Gaurinath %ord Shiva 1#46 Shaktidhar %ord Shiva

Gautam %ord &uddha 1#4! Shakunt blue )a

Gavisht abode of light 1#48 Shakasinha %ord &uddha

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Gaak singer 1#4# Shalin modest

Gaan sk 1#5$ Shambhu %ord Shiva

Geet song 1#51 Shameek an ancient sage

Ghalib ecellent 1#5' Shami ;re

Ghanasham %ord .rishna 1#53 Shamindra uiet, gentle

Giri mountain 1#54 Shams fragrance

Giridari %ord .rishna 1#55 Shamshu- Sha beautiful

Giridhar one who holds 1#56 Shandar proud

Girik %ord Shiva 1#5! Shankar Shiva

Girilal son of mountai 1#58 Shankha conch

Girindra %ord Shiva 1#5# Shanmukha- S .artikea- ;rst son of %ord Shiva

Girira) lord of mounta 1#6$ S hantanu a king from the epic ahabharata

Girish god of mountai 1#61 Shantashil gentle

Gokul a place where 1#6' Shantima peaceful

Gopal .rishna- cowh 1#63 Shantinath lord of peace

Gopan protection 1#64 Shantiprakash light of peace

Gopesh %ord .rishna 1#65 Shantipria peace7loving

Gopichand name of a king 1#66 Sharad name of a season

Gorakh cowherd 1#6! Sharad- Sarat autumn

Gourishankar t( Everest 1#68 Sharadchandr autumn moon

Govind cowherd 1#6# Sharadindu autumn moon

Govinda %ord .rishna 1#!$ Sharan shelter

Grahish lord of the pla 1#!1 Sharang deer

Granthik astrologer- nar 1#!' Shardul tiger

Grihith understood- ac 1#!3 Shari intelligent

Gudakesha the archer r)u 1#!4 Shashank moon

Gulab rose 1#!5 Shashanka the moon

Gulfam the colour 1#!6 Shashee moon

Gular gardener 1#!! Shashibhusha %ord Shiva

Gularilal name of %ord . 1#!8 Shashidhar the moon

Gunalan ;lled with virtu 1#!# Shashikant moon stone

Gunaratna )ewel of virtue 1#8$ S hashikiran moon+s ras

Gunaukth endowed with 1#81 Shashimohan the moon

Gun)an buing of a b 1#8' Shashishekhar %ord Shiva

Gunwant virtuous 1#83 Shashwat ever lasting- continuous

Gupil a secret 1#84 Shatrughna- S victorious

Gurbachan promise of the 1#85 Shatru)it victorious over enemies

Gurcharan feet of the gur 1#86 S hatrun)a one who overcomes enemies

Gurdaal compassionat 1#8! Shattesh king of mountains

Gurdeep lamp of the gu 1#88 Shaukat grand

Gurmeet friend of the g 1#8# Shaunak a great sage

Gurnam name of the g 1##$ Sheetal cool

Gurpreet love of the tea 1##1 Sheil mountain

Gursharan refuge at the g 1##' Shekhar %ord Shiva

Guru teacher- mast 1##3 Shesh cosmic serpent

Gurudas servant of the 1##4 Shevantilal a crsanthemum

Gurudutt gift of the guru 1##5 Shikha @ame

Gan knowledge 1##6 Shikhar peak

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Gandev lord of knowle 1##! Shirish a @ower, raintree

<abib beloved 1##8 Shiromani superb )ewel

<a; protected 1### Shirshirchandr winter moon

<akesh lord of sound '$$$ Shishir name of a season- cold

<amid friend '$$1 Shishirkumar the moon

<amir a raga '$$' Shishupal sone of Subhadra

<ans swan '$$3 Shiv %ord Shiva- auspicious- luck

<ansara) king of a swan '$$4 Shivendra %ord Shiva

<anuman the monke go '$$5 Shivendu pure moon

<anumant the monke go '$$6 Shivesh %ord Shiva

<ardik heartfelt '$$! Shivlal %ord Shiva

<arekrishna %ord .rishha '$$8 Shivra) %ord Shiva

<arendra %ord Shiva '$$# Shivshankar %ord Shiva

<aresh Shiva '$1$ Shobhan splendid

<ari sun- "ishnu '$11 Shoorsen brave

<aridas servant of .ris '$1' Shravan name of a <indu month

<arigopal %ord .rishna '$13 Shravankumar a character from the epic >amaana

<arihar "ishu and Shiv '$14 Shrenik organised

<arikanth dear to ?ndra '$15 Shreshta the best

<arilal son of <ari '$16 Shreas superior

<arinaksh %ord Shiva '$1! Shridhar %ord "ishnu

<arinaraan %ord "ishnu '$18 Shrigopal %ord .rishna

<ariom %ord "ishnu '$1# S hrihari %ord .rishna

<ariprasad blessed b %or '$'$ Shrikanta beautiful

<arira) king of lions '$'1 Shrikrishna %ord .rishna

<ariram %ord >ama '$'' Shrikumar beautiful

<arish %ord Shiva '$'3 Shrinath %ord "ishnu

<arishankar %ord Shiva '$'4 S hrinivas %ord "ishnu

<arishchandra .ing of Sura '$'5 Shripad %ord "ishnu

<aritbaran green '$'6 Shripal %ord "ishnu

<arith lion '$'! Shripati %ord "ishnu

<ar)eet victorious '$'8 Shriram %ord >ama

<arkrishna %ord .rishna '$'# Shriranga %ord "ishnu

<armendra the moon '$3$ Shrish %ord "ishnu

<aroon hope '$31 Shrivatsa %ord "ishnu

<arsh happiness '$3' Shrians wealth

<arsha )o- delight '$33 Shubha auspicious

<arshad one who gives '$34 Shubhang handsome

<arshal lover '$35 Shubhankar auspivious

<arshaman full of )o '$36 Shubhashis blessing

<arshavardha creator of )o '$3! Shubhendu luckl moon

<arshil )oful '$38 Shubhranshu the moon

<arshit )oous '$3# Shuddhashil well7born

<arshul deer '$4$ Shulabh eas

<arshvardhan one who incre '$41 S hvetang fair compleioned

<ashmat glor- )oful '$4' Shvetank having a white mark

<asit happ '$43 Sham dark blue- black

<assan an ?slamic '$44 Shamal black- dark blue

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<eer diamond '$45 Shamsundar %ord .rishna

<em gold '$46 Siddhanta principle

<emachandra golden moon '$4! Siddharth white mustard

<emadri mountain of g '$48 Siddhartha a name of %ord &uddha

<emamdar golden creepe '$4# Siddheshwar a goddess

<eman golden ellow- '$5$ Singaravelan %ord urugan

<emang one with shini '$51 Sira) lamp

<emanga goldenbodied '$5' Sitakanta %ord >ama

<emant earl winter '$53 Sitanshu the moon

<emara) king of gold '$54 Sitikantha %ord Shiva

<emendra lord of gold '$55 Sivakumaran Son of %ord Siva

<emendu golden moon '$56 S ivanta %ord Shiva

<eramba boastful- name '$5! Smara)it one who has conuered lust

<imachal the <imalaas '$58 Smaran remembrance

<imadri <imalaa '$5# Smritiman unforgettable

<imaghna the sun '$6$ Sman smile

<imanshu the moon '$61 Snehal freindl

<immat courage '$6' Snehanshn aAectionate

<imnish %ord Shiva '$63 Snehin a friend

<iranma golden '$64 Sohail moon7glow

<irana wealth '$65 Soham +?am <e+7the presence of divinit of each soul

<irendra %ord of diamon '$66 Sohan good looking

<iresh king of gems '$6! Sohil beautiful

<itendra well7wisher '$68 Som the moon

<rida <eart '$6# Soman the moon

<ridaanand )o of the hear '$!$ Somansh half moon

<ridaesh king of heart '$!1 Somendra moon

<ridanath beloved '$!' Someshwar %ord Shiva

<ridik lord of the hea '$!3 Somnath %ord Shiva

<riman wealth '$!4 Sopan steps

<rishikesh one who contr '$!5 Soumil a friend

<ritish lord of heart '$!6 Soumakanti handsome

<urdita )oous '$!! Sourabh fragrance

<ussain ?slamic thinker- '$!8 Souren of the sun