BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts

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Transcript of BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    British Association of Applied LinguisticsAnnual Conference

    1st 3rd September 2011

    The mpact of Applied Linguistics!

    Boo" of Abstracts

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    Contents#lenar$ Sessions%

    Diane Larsen-Freeman 1

    Rick Iedema 2

    Guy Cook 3ndi&idual Sessions 4

    S 'S150

    Corpus Linguistics151

    Intercu tura Communication15!

    Language Learning and "eac#ing1!0

    "esting$ %&a uation and 'ssessment1!(

    )* Linguistic %t#nograp#y Forum1+2

    ,oca u ary .tudies1++

    C(LL()* A 1(2

    C inica Linguistics / In&ited Co o uium1(2
  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    Comp e .ystems / In&ited Co o uium1 5

    ea t# Communication

    200Co o uium on Reading205

    Researc# et#ods211

    .FL / .pecia .ymposium21!

    #A+,L ,LT 224

    #osters 22!

    nde- of delegates255

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    #lenar$ Session 1Title% "#e Impact o 'pp ied Linguistics6 )sing a Comp e ity

    "#eory Lens to )nderstand t#e )se o Repetition in Language "eac#ing

    .iane Larsen/ reeman

    Repetition is a time-#onored practice in anguage teac#ing7 Certain y$ students8repeating a ter t#e teac#er 9as prominent in anguage teac#ing approac#esin ormed y a e#a&iourist &ie9 o anguage earning7 ,i&ian Cook 9rote in 1 !:It is true t#at most second anguage teac#ing t#at takes p ace today makes

    e tensi&e use o repetition o one type or ot#er; #i e e#a&iourism#as een arge y discredited$ repetition sti to some e tent persists in t#eanguage c assroom7 Its persistence suggests t#at it #as &a ue7 "#is ea&es me

    to 9onder 9#at repetition #as to contri ute to a post- e#a&iourist approac# toteac#ing7

    I do not #a&e to e e t 9it# 9ondering$ #o9e&er7 'pp ied Linguistics encouragesus to in uire deep y into our practices in order to etter understand t#em?as

    anguage pro essiona s6 teac#ers and teac#er educators$ researc#ers$ po icymakers$ materia s de&e opers$ etc7

    In t#is ta k$ I 9i in uire into repetition using a Comp e ity "#eory ens7 Fromsuc# a perspecti&e$ I 9i deny t#at anyt#ing can tru y e repeated7 I 9ine&ert#e ess suggest t#at 9#at earners t#ink t#ey are doing 9#en t#ey repeatsomet#ing can indeed e #e p u 7 I 9i s#o9 t#is y contrasting repetition$iteration$ and recursion7

    o9e&er$ 'pp ied Linguistics is a so action-oriented7 It is not enoug# tounderstand somet#ing7 "#us$ I 9i conc ude y proposing t#at understandingrepetition can #e p us to create conditions a&ora e or anguage earning7

    About .iane%

    Diane Larsen-Freeman is @ro essor o %ducation$ @ro essor o Linguistics$Researc# .cientist at t#e %ng is# Language Institute$ and Facu ty 'ssociate at t#eCenter or t#e .tudy o Comp e .ystems at t#e )ni&ersity o ic#igan$ 'nn'r or7 .#e is a so a Distinguis#ed .enior Facu ty Fe o9 at t#e .c#oo orInternationa "raining in Aratt e oro$ ,ermont7 Dr7 Larsen-Freeman #as een acon erence speaker in o&er !0 countries around t#e 9or d and #as pu is#ed

    ooks and o&er 100 artic es in #er areas o interest6 second anguage ac uisition$

    anguage teac#er education$ %ng is# inguistics$ and anguage teac#ingmet#odo ogy7 er ook 9it# Lynne Cameron$ Complex Systems and Applied


  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    Linguistics 7 i den erger a9ard y t#e odern Language 'ssociation7 er atest ook ist#e t#ird edition o Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching $ co-aut#ored9it# arti 'nderson and pu is#ed t#is year y B ord )ni&ersity @ress7 ' so t#isyear Dr7 Larsen-Freeman 9as presented t#e Distinguis#ed .c#o ars#ip '9ard y t#e 'merican 'ssociation or 'pp ied Linguistics7

    #lenar$ Session 2Title% Degeneracy ru es6 o9 socia comp e ity a ectsresearc# practice

    ic" edema

    "#is presentation e p ores t#e imp ications o socia -organisationa comp e ity ort#e researc# approac#es t#at 9e dep oy to study t#at comp e ity7 "#epresentation dra9s on #ea t# care researc# to i ustrate t#e nature o socia -organisationa comp e ity$ and to descri e t#e kinds o approac#es t#at may eused to engage 9it# t#at comp e ity7 "#e presentation considers 9#et#er socia -organisationa comp e ity 9arrants 9#at 9e re er to as met#odo ogicadegeneracy 7 Degeneracy is descri ed as concept and made re e&ant tocontemporary researc# practice7

    About ic"%

    Rick Iedema

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    #lenar$ Session 3% The #it CorderLecture 2011

    Title% 'pp ied Linguistics6 impact o $ and impact on'u$ Coo" The (pen *ni&ersit$

    ost discussions o t#e impact o app ied inguistics accept t#e presuppositiont#at impact is 9#at academic researc# s#ou d stri&e or7 In t#is ecture$ Idissent rom t#is assumption$ and suggest t#at6

    impact is t#e 9rong 9ord or 9#at 9e s#ou d e aiming to ac#ie&e

    it is a 9ord 9#ic# is not o our c#oosing$ ut e ongs to a non academicdiscourse t#at impact is not necessari y a measure o academic 9ort# t#at in ormed criti ue o esta is#ment &a ues s#ou d e one o t#e main

    ro es o academics t#at at t#is point in t#e de&e opment o app ied inguistics$ 9e s#ou d e

    more concerned a out impacts B app ied inguistics t#an impacts BFapp ied inguistics

    one impact on app ied inguistics o particu ar concern is t#e c aim ycommunications departments 9it#in uni&ersities to e pertise in t#e use o


    anot#er is go&ernmenta dismissa o t#e princip e o academic reedom$and t#e raming o academic researc# as an instrument o go&ernmentpo icy

    About 'u$%

    'u$ Coo" is @ro essor o Language and %ducation at "#e Bpen )ni&ersity$ )*7e 9as ormer y #ead o "%.BL at t#e London )ni&ersity Institute o %ducation

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    anguage teac#ing$ discourse ana ysis$ iterary sty istics$ t#e anguage o ad&ertising$ and t#e anguage o pu ic de ates a out ood po icy7 e #as eenan in&ited speaker in o&er 40 countries7 e 9as co-editor o t#e Hourna AppliedLinguistics $ rom 2004-200 7 e is C#air o t#e Aritis# 'ssociation or 'pp iedLinguistics

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    and earner use o L1 and

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    comparison o t#e amount o usage among participants 9it# &ariousanguage pro ciencies s#o9ed t#at t#e Lo9 and edium group 9ere out-

    per ormed in comparison 9it# t#e ig# group7 "#e resu ts re&ea ed t#atanguage earners tend to make use o di erent test-taking strategies in

    test o reading compre#ension- 9#et#er t#e correct strategies or t#ecorrect item types or &ice &ersa- in any e&e s o anguage a i ities andgender7 Furt#ermore$ it is conc uded t#at t#e use o strategies- eit#erappropriate or inappropriate- espoused direct y on t#e earner s scores7'nd i t#e use o strategies are not directed it may cause unsuccess uresu t in t#e e ams7 .u se uent y$ some purpose u teac#ing o re atedstrategies is suggested7

    .oes Self/,-posure to 7riting St$les and hetorical StructuresChange , L hetorical 7riting6

    Author4s5% ' i ' g#onaim

    "#is study is conducted to s#o9 i se -e posures to reading te ts c#angestudents 9riting7 "#e num er o t#e participant students are t9enty7 "#eyare %FL .audi students taking a re uired 9riting course7 "9enty out o t9o#undreds- students 9ere random y se ected to participate in t#is study7

    "#e ocus o t#e 9riting course 9as on 9riting argumentation7 "#e te tassignments t#at t#e students 9rote 9ere a argumentati&e7 Later a tert#e students su mitted t#eir 9riting assignments < rst dra t=$ t#ey 9eregi&en t#ree se ected pieces o re ati&e argumentati&e essays to read ande amine t#e organiEationa and r#etorica structures7 Later$ t#eparticipants 9ere re uired to 9rite an argumentati&e essay a out t#esame topic

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    9ere main y imited to t#e common traditiona essay eatures$ suc# as t#etit es$ introductions$ t#esis statements7 "#e students a so reported somediJcu ties in dea ing 9it# t#e te ts7 "#ey 9ere not a e to ana yEe t#ereading te ts y t#emse &es ecause t#ey did not kno9 #o9 to e amine

    t#e te ts and understand t#e &arious kinds o r#etorica structures7

    *nderstanding the role of communit$ based education inlanguage maintenance% The case of an Arabic 8ee"end school inAuc"land

    Author4s5% orad ' sa#a

    Community #eritage anguage sc#oo s #a&e ecome a maHor part o t#eeducationa scene in mu tiet#nic countries7 Aesides t#e immigrant ami yand community$ t#e community anguage sc#oo represents one o t#emain strands in immigrant minority anguage and cu ture reproduction7%sta is#ing community anguage sc#oo s represents a common practiceamong many immigrant minority groups in e9 Kea and7 "#is papere amines t#e percei&ed ro e o an 'ra ic 9eekend sc#oo in t#e process o 'ra ic anguage and cu ture maintenance and de&e opment among e9Kea and-raised 'ra c#i dren7 .et against a ai ure o o&ert macro- e&e

    anguage po icies and p anning y e9 Kea and dominant agencies andinstitutions on e#a o immigrant minority communities$ t#is 'ra ic


  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    9eekend sc#oo in 'uck and pro&ides an e amp e o micro- e&e anguagep anning acti&ity initiated y t#e 'ra ic-speaking community7

    "#roug# an ana ysis o data gat#ered t#roug# semi-structured inter&ie9s9it# parents$ c#i dren and teac#ers and o ser&ation at t#e 'ra ic9eekend sc#oo in 'uck and$ t#is paper aims to gain insig#ts into t#eparticipants8 perceptions o t#is sc#oo and its unction 9it#in t#e 'ra ic-speaking community7 "#e paper egins 9it# a description o t#e sc#oo $inc uding its rationa e and purpose7 "#en$ parent$ c#i d and teac#erperceptions o t#e sc#oo as a community initiati&e or maintaining andde&e oping t#e 'ra ic anguage and cu ture 9i e e p ored7

    ,9#L( +' ( , '+ LA+'*A', A+9 ,T: + SA*. A AB A% AST*.: ( ,;AL, , L C(LL,', ST*.,+TS

    Author4s5% "ag#reed ' saraH

    "o etter understand 9#y some anguage earners #a&e more diJcu tyac uiring a target anguage$ t#ere #as een a re ati&e y recent increase inresearc# into potentia re ations#ips et9een oreign anguage ac uisitionand a ecti&e &aria es

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    gain insig#t into t#e earner s perspecti&e o #o9 FL' operates and tocreate a mode o %FL earning t#at is consistent 9it# t#e studentse periences$ uestionnaires$ indi&idua and group inter&ie9s$ and in ormac assroom o ser&ations 9ere used7

    "#e primary uestions dri&ing t#e researc# in t#is study are as o o9s6

    1- >#at is t#e nature o Foreign Language 'n iety

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    "#is paper is ased on t#e ana ysis o o&er 200 apo ogy press uptakes inpopu ar and ua ity Aritis# ne9spapers7 "#e researc# is in ormed ypragmatics and critica discourse ana ysis 9#ic# contri ute to #ig# ig#tingt#e 9ays in 9#ic# ne9s 9riters e&a uati&e stance may e identi ed in t#e

    te ts e amined7 "#e paper #as t9o main aims6 rst y$ to introduce a pu ic apo ogy N e icityconditions mode ased on press representations o 9#at success uapo ogies are #e d to e$ 9#ere N e icity conditions are considered t#oseconditions necessary or a success u use o t#e speec# act in uestionand second y$ to account or ot#er 9ays in 9#ic# e&a uati&e stance takingpermeate t#e media te ts e amined$ 9#ere t#e o Hecti&e &oice o t#ereporter is e pected to pre&ai 7 B9ing to t#eir pertinence to t#e study o e&a uation$ t#e o o9ing ana ytica categories are ocussed on6

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    Intercu tura >orking in t#e )*=7 IC training or usinesses and particu ar yor managers is a so increasing y popu ar7 't t#e same time$ de&e oping

    ski s in IC is part o most anguage courses and particu ar y in re ation to%ng is# as a Foreign Language$ gi&en t#e status o t#e anguage as one o

    t#e key anguages o internationa commerce7In ig#t o t#e a o&e$ t#is paper reports on an ongoing study on 9orkp acediscourse and its pedagogic imp ications7 I discuss intercu tura ta k aspresented t#roug# te ts

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    "#e Internet #as seen an e traordinary rise in geograp#ica y separateindi&idua s coming toget#er to discuss s#ared e periences$ c#a engingany notions o ace-to- ace$ p#ysica co-presence as necessary orempat#etic community re ations#ips or conceptua common ground in

    interaction7 "#e paper presented #ere ooks at t#e metap#ors t9o on ine#ea t# groups emp oy to descri e t#eir i nesses$ in a 9ay t#at ecomes ameans o signa ing a s#ared community identity and empat#y7

    etap#or #as recei&ed considera e attention in studies o #ea t#carecommunication as a 9ay o aci itating an understanding o i nesse perience and 7 Franks

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    The sociolinguistics of framing healthcare simulations% acting orauthenticit$6

    Author4s5% .ara# 'tkins$ Ce ia Ro erts

    .imu ated consu tations are no9 a 9ide y used educationa strategy in t#eassessment and training o #ea t# pro essiona s or dea ing 9it# patientsi iams et a 2003=$ associated 9it# an under ying ideo ogy o t#eNet#ica imperati&e or t#eir use in de&e oping a more patient-centred#ea t#care

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    The impact of applied linguistics on language learning andteaching% the case of authenticit$

    Author4s5% Ric#ard Aadger

    "#is paper is an e amination o t#e in uence o inguistics and app iedinguistics on anguage education t#oug# a case study o t#e term


    'pp ied inguistics is o ten seen as mediating et9een inguistics and t#eanguage teac#ing7 >aters

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    Stud$ of Speech #roduction in arsi>spea"ing Children 8ith Cleft#alate

    Author4s5% Aa#arak Aaranian$ .ara o9ard

    C e t pa ate c#i dren are at #ig# risk o t#e de&e oping o speec#diJcu ties due to structura and unctiona imitations7 "#is study app ied acom ination o p#onetic and p#ono ogica ana ysis to e p ore t#epresence and c#aracteristics o c e t pa ate in t#e speec# output o ourc#i dren 9it# c e t ip and pa ate 9#o speak t#e Farsi anguage7

    et#odo ogy6 "#e su Hects se ected or t#is study 9ere our c#i dren agedet9een our and si 7 "#e test 9as co our u pictures and part o one o

    t#e articu ation tests in t#e Farsi anguage7 "#ese pictures 9ere s#o9n to

    c#i dren on t#e computer in conHunction 9it# Farsi consonants and &o9e s7'n articu ation test inc uded !! pictures 9#ic# s#o9ed t#e di erentpositions

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    ? @ust thin" this 8ould be a perfect opportunit$?

    Author4s5% *ate Aeec#ing

    @ragmatic markers suc# as 9e $ you kno9$ I mean and kind o Psort o are9ide y used y nati&e speakers and it is o ten considered t#at t#ey s#ou d

    e gi&en more attention in anguage teac#ing curricu a

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    Teacher ollo8/up ;o&e 8ithin Classroom .iscourse

    Author4s5% Lucie AetXko&X

    any aut#ors c aim t#at typica e c#ange in t#e c assroom consists o aninitiation y t#e teac#er$ o o9ed y a response rom t#e pupi $ o o9ed

    y eed ack to t#e pupi s response rom t#e teac#er7 %&en t#oug# t#et#ree interconnected parts #a&e een gi&en di erent names y di erentaut#ors$ t#is type o e c#ange is regarded as :t#e &ery a ric o c assroominteraction; a s# 200!=7

    "#e paper 9i concentrate on t#e na mo&e o t#e se uence as it ise ie&ed to e :a distinguis#ing eature o educationa discourse; < e#an

    1 (5=7 "#e o o9-up mo&e or eed ack can #a&e &arious unctions in t#ede&e opment o c assroom discourse and t#us p ays an important ro e instudent earning7 ' comparison 9i e o ered o t#e F- mo&e o t#reeteac#ers o %ng is# in %FL conte t - a nati&e speaker$ a u y ua i ed non-nati&e speaker teac#er and a non-nati&e speaker teac#er 9it#out

    ua i cations or teac#ing %ng is#7 "#e ana ysis 9i concentrate on t#eunctions o t#e F-mo&e - e&a uation$ e p anation$ ackno9 edgement or

    discoursa unction

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    e#an 7

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    Oo#nson$ D7C7 200 7 %t#nograp#y o anguage po icy7Language Policy 2'13 -15 7

    cCarty$ "7 L7 20117 %thnography and Language Policy 7 e9 Qork6Rout edge7

    .po sky$ A7 20047 Language Policy 7 Cam ridge6 Cam ridge )ni&ersity@ress7

    dentit$ and Language ariation in the ,ast ;idlands

    Author4s5% ata ie Ara er

    >#en considering dia ecta &ariation in t#e )*$ inguists #a&e re uent yremarked on t#e ort#-.out# di&ide and t#e inguistic markers 9#ic#separate t#ese dia ects e s 1 (2$ "rudgi 1 =7 Aut it#as een noted t#at t#is is not a straig#t or9ard di&ision a es 2002$Aea 200(=7 "#ere are c ear stereotypes or t#e ort# and .out# - ut #o9do areas ike t#e %ast id ands t into t#e pictureM

    @re&ious researc# carried out in nort#ern %ng and #as e amined t#eperception o t#e ort#-.out# oundary in t#e )* and comparedparticipants #and-dra9n maps 9it# t#eir a i ity to p ace accents andattitudes to9ards t#em < ontgomery 200!=7 o9e&er$ unti recent y t#e%ast id ands #a&e een some9#at o&er ooked in t#is type o researc#7

    "#e %ast id ands is an interesting area$ ot# geograp#ica y andinguistica y7 It is said to e part o nort#ern %ng and as it s#ares simi areatures 9it# t#e ort# e s 1 (2$ *ortmann W )pton 200(=$ #o9e&er

    t#ere are a so s#ared eatures 9it# &arieties ound in sout#ern %ng and< ug#es et a 7 2005=7 @re&ious researc# y t#e aut#or #as s#o9n t#at


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    t#ere is muc# con usion in t#e %ast id ands popu ation a out t#e positiono t#e ort#-.out# di&ide and it is o ten uncertain 9#et#er peop e eet#emse &es to e ort#erners$ .out#erners$ or id anders7

    "#is paper e amines attitudes in di erent ocations around t#e %astid ands to re&ie9 a sense o an N%ast id ands identity and to s#o9 #o9

    t#is sense may mani est itse in t#e anguage used y %ast id anders7

    A socio/cogniti&e approach to the stud$ of e&aluation inad&ertising reception

    Author4s5% .te a Au o

    "#is 9orks ooks at t#e audience s e&a uati&e positioning in t#ead&ertising sense-making process and aims to unco&er t#e socio-cogniti&eresources assumed to #a&e een at interp ay in t#e in ormants appraisao t#e ad&ertisements7 Interte tua printed ad&ertisements 9ere used asstimu us materia 7

    "#is paper dra9s on empirica data co ected &ia ocus groups7 "#eana ytica met#ods adopted inc ude t#e 'ppraisa typo ogy < artin and>#ite$ 2005= and a socio-cogniti&e interpretation < osco&ici and Du&een$2000 *o er$ 200(=7 "#e ormer aims to unco&er #o9 e&a uation #appensin te t y identi ying e ica items across a range o discourse-semanticcategories and a ocating t#em to a speci c appraisa category

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    cogniti&e resources and processes in erred to under ie t#ose e&a uati&ec#oices made y t#e speakers7

    "#e app ication o suc# an integrated rame9ork suggests t#at a study o e&a uation on its o9n cannot account or di erent responses o groups o peop e 9it#in t#e same target market o t#e products ad&ertised7 .uc# anapproac# a o9s to unco&er not on y t#e 9ay in 9#ic# t#e attitudinadisposition arising rom making sense o #y rid ad&ertising te ts isactua ised in inguistic structures ut a so t#e mec#anisms in orming t#eaudience s cognition in t#e sense-making process7

    Accessibilit$ of *ni&ersal 'rammar in the Ac uisition of Constituent (rder #arameter b$ +ati&e Spea"ers of Tur"ishAc uiring ,nglish as a Second Language

    Author4s5% .inan YakZr

    "#e de ates on accessi i ity o )G in second anguage ac uisition #a&enot een reso &ed yet$ and t#e inguists 9#o in&estigate di erent aspectso .L' #a&e di erent &ie9s on t#e accessi i ity o )G in L2 ac uisition7

    "#is situation re&ea s t#at t#ere is a need or urt#er studies on t#is issue7ence$ in t#is study$ t#e ac uisition o %ng is# constituent order structuresy "urkis# earners #as een in&estigated to assess t#e accessi i ity o )G

    in second anguage ac uisition7


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    "9o tests #a&e een administered to si ty su Hects a pro ciency test$ anda structure test consisting o t#ree tasks6 a 30-item grammatica ity

    Hudgment task$ a trans ation task$ and a task o ordering t#e gi&enconstituents in t#e target anguage7 ' ter t#e statistica ana ysis o t#e

    o tained data$ it #as een ound t#at )G is accessi e in t#e ac uisition o constituent order structures o %ng is# y nati&e speakers o "urkis#7 Firstanguage inter erence #as een noticed in t#e responses o some su Hects

    in '1 e&e o pro ciency

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    "#is paper e amines cross-cu tura di erences < et9een nati&e

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    anguage7 Bne aim o t#ese p ans is to increase t#e num ers andpro ciency e&e s o adu t L2 speakers o Gae ic7

    ost adu t earners recei&e orma instruction o some kind$ rat#er t#anpure natura istic e posure to Gae ic$ eit#er t#roug# c asses in dominant%ng is# speaking areas o .cot and$ or t#roug# immersion educationprogrammes in t#e .cottis# #ig# ands and is ands7 o9e&er$ &ery itt eempirica researc# #as een conducted on t#e teac#ing o Gae ic toadu ts$ 9it# most researc# in&estigating i ingua education programmes

    or c#i dren and ado escents7

    "#is 9ork in progress e amines de&e opmenta se uences in adu tsearning Gae ic as an L27 Data 9ere co ected rom adu t earners o

    &arying pro ciency e&e s in Gae ic$ using ora imitation and ora narrati&e

    tasks7 Data 9ere t#en ana ysed using @rocessa i ity "#eory

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    Author4s5% C#iung->en C#ang

    's t#e co-operati&e re ations#ip et9een anguage teac#ers and su Hect

    teac#ers is an aspect o %.@

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    Do8 #ale is the Art of SimpliEcation6//A Linguistic Account of theConse uences of Content SimpliEcation for ;eaning and ,Fect

    Author4s5% . )C % C ' G

    "#e current paper aims to in&estigate t#e conse uences o contentsimp i cation or meaning and e ect in simp i ed readers7 For manyreading researc#ers and materia 9riters$ simp i ed readers 9ork as a

    ridge to unsimp i ed te ts7 o9e&er$ iterary simp i cations #a&e ongeen criticiEed or gi&ing ar rom an ent#ra ing appro imation o t#e

    origina est$ 1 506 4(= and t#e e tent a simp i ed te t re ects its

    origina mode is sti under-researc#ed7 Dra9ing on pre&ious researc#ndings o materia s de&e opment as 9e as narrato ogica study$ t#ispaper compares t#e origina story o *at#erine ans e d s N"#e gardenparty and its simp i ed &ersion in t#e @enguin Readers .eries andpro&ides a inguistic and narrato ogica account o t#e conse uences o t#e common targets or content contro $ i7e7 t#at o p ot e&ents$description$ and num er o c#aracters7 "#e ana ysis s#o9s t#at

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    Language and dentit$ in the 8estern ;idlands of ,ngland

    Author4s5% )rsEu a C ark$ %st#er 'sprey$ Arian Dakin

    "#e c#oice o spe ing used to represent regiona &arieties #as een asu Hect o discussion among academics or some time7 Auc#o tE orcesters#ire7 >e e amine t#e c#oices made y9riters in t#eir representations o t#e regiona &ariety associated 9it# t#ecity o .toke on "rent and its nort# .ta ords#ire #inter and across time7

    >e argue t#at 9riters t#emse &es are a9are o t#e c#oices t#ey ace noton y in terms o making t#e 9ritten &ariety accessi e to a 9ider audience

    ut o t#e stigma associated 9it# non-standard &arieties 9#ic# canpro ematise t#eir o9n careers 9#en it comes to getting a pu is#ingcontract7

    >e e amine t#e 9riting practices o pro essiona aut#ors and t#osecontent to 9rite or p easure a one$ e amining t#e accuracy o t#eirort#ograp#ic c#oices and t#e re ations#ip t#ose c#oices #a&e 9it#.tandard %ng is# spe ing con&entions$ to s#ed ig#t on 9ritten regiona&ariation in t#e 9estern id ands rom 1 !0 on9ards7

    Auc#o tE$ $ 200+7 N,ariation in transcription Discourse .tudies 6!$ +(4-



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    @reston$ D7 ritten Representations o .peec# $ 'merican .peec# !064$ 32(-3!7

    >est$ C7 e report t#e ndings o a study 9it# !0 internationa students enro edat a Aritis# uni&ersity7 Data rom t#ese participants consist o essays att#e eginning o t#eir studies$ t#e &er a IS test rom t#e u tip eDimensiona Aattery II

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    educationa ackground o t#e participants are a&ai a e7 "#e essays areana ysed 9it# se&era measures o e ica ric#ness$ inc uding Guiraud'd&anced7 "#ese data are used as predictor &aria es in a mu tip e and a

    og inear regression 9it# study success o t#e participants as dependent

    &aria e7 >e argue t#at Guiraud 'd&anced can e used as sing e predictoror study success and t#at t#e reason or t#is predicti&e &a idity is t#e actt#at it measures main y &er a inte igence7

    The corpus in Corpus #ragmatics% decisions data and desiderata

    Author4s5% Rac#e e De Fe ice$ .&enHa 'do p#s

    @ragmatics researc# increasing y makes use o corpus data and corpusinguistics ana ysis$ rat#er t#an introspection or arti cia y e icited data

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    toget#er natura anguage processing and app ied inguistics tec#ni ues

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    ana ysis to #ig# ig#t t#e comp e ity nature o %.@

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    to #a&e t#e academic ua i cations and researc# ackground needed ora @RB %@ pro e$ ut are not in act recogniEed7

    @ossi e reasons or t#e 9ide &ariation in t#e position o %L" sta intertiary institutions are e p ored and discussed in t#is paper7 'mong t#eseissues$ t#e ro e o app ied inguistics in determining an appropriateposition or %L" practitioners in #ig#er education is gi&en #ig# priority7' t#oug# t#e present study 9as carried out in a particu ar country$ e ico$t#e issues raised are o internationa concern7 "#e p acing o pro essiona

    anguage teac#ing ser&ice pro&iders 9it#in educationa institutions#ig# ig#ts am iguities in ot# academic and pro essiona ro es7 "endenciesto9ards genera iEed and uanti ed indicators o ua ity may tend too scure rat#er t#an i uminate t#ese am iguities$ and may a so ead tounder&a uing ot# %L" sta and t#e ser&ices t#ey pro&ide7

    ,-ploring the &alidit$ of le-ical richness measures

    Author4s5% aHid Fata#ipour

    Le ica ric#ness is a meaning u ua ity o second anguage &oca u arykno9 edge and ski against 9#ic# earners can e compared 9it# eac#ot#er on asis o &ariety o acti&e or rare &oca u ary used

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    urt#er in&estigation7 "#is study uses t#e potentia o second anguage9riting tasks or e iciting narrations 9it# compara e e ica ric#ness tounderstand 9#ic# dimensions o anguage a i ity are addressed ye isting measures o e ica ric#ness7 "o do t#is$ !2 %ng is# earners rom a

    #omogenous ackground and @ersian as L1 9ere asked to 9rite narrati&eessays connected ike stories rom t9o se uences o ! pictures and a&ideo c ip rom a si ent m7 easures o e ica ric#ness$ inc uding e icasop#istication and e ica di&ersity 9ere ana ysed in t#e in&estigation o 9ritten te ts7 "#eir scores on t#e ,oca u ary Le&e s "est

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    #ence as #o ding ack de&e opment7 Qet$ at t#e same time$ oJciadiscourses$ and some de&e opment specia ists

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    >#i e t#e te e&ised @rime inisteria de ates o t#e 2010 genera e ectionmay not #a&e een uni&ersa y 9e comed$ t#eir impact on e ectorapo itics in t#e )* #as een signi cant7 Bne e ect o t#e de ates #as eento ocus t#e attention o t#e media and e ectorate more rm y on

    persona ities t#an #ad pre&ious y een t#e case7 "#e present studyocuses on identity and agency in t#e discourse o t#e eaders8 de ates$and emp oys corpus too s in order to account or t#e identity c aims t#eparty eaders make as indi&idua s$ and as co-mem ers o t#e nationaco ecti&e$ and 9#ic# are t#ere y ascri ed a so to t#e &ie9ing e ectorate7' particu ar concern o t#e study is persona re erence$ and speci ca y#o9 inc usi&e pronomina and possessi&e re erence ser&e to ur t#edistinction et9een t#e actions and responsi i ities o po itica actors andt#e pu ic$ as co ecti&e identities are oregrounded and agencyo uscated7

    "#e study ui ds on 9ork in Critica Discourse 'na ysis odak et a 71 $ Fairc oug# 2000= t#at #as #ig# ig#ted t#e ideo ogica signi cance o persona re erence in po itica discourse7 o9e&er$ 9#i e practitioners o CD' #a&e noted t#e am iguity t#at re uent y c#aracteriEes inc usi&epronomina re erence$ t#ey #a&e o ten e t t#e precise inguisticmec#anisms at 9ork arge y unana yEed7 oreo&er$ suc# studies #a&etended to ocus on t#e pronoun 9e $ o&er ooking its possessi&ecounterpart$ a discourse eature o e ua ideo ogica import7 In contrast$

    t#e present study pro&ides a detai ed inguistic account o a &ariety o 9ays in 9#ic# inc usi&e re erence$ ot# pronomina and possessi&e$ ser&esto comp icate notions o identity and agency in t#e discourse o t#e @rime

    inisteria de ates7 It 9i a so e argued t#at it is on y y supporting ourc aims 9it# ro ust inguistic e&idence t#at ana ysts can #ope to promotet#e &a ue o critica engagement 9it# mediated po itica discourse$ ot#9it#in academia and eyond7

    n&estigating the eFects of age on le-ical retrie&al beha&iour


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    Author4s5% "ess FitEpatrick$ Da&id @ ay oot

    >ord association response data #a&e t#e potentia to re&ea patterns o

    e ica retrie&a e#a&iour in ageing and dementia

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    rom Sociolinguistic esearch to ,nglish Language Teaching

    Author4s5% .ue Fo $ Oenny C#es#ire

    "#ere is a ong-standing recognition in socio inguistics t#at researc#ers#a&e a responsi i ity to disseminate kno9 edge a out anguage &ariationand potentia inguistic preHudice to t#e pu ic$ especia y to teac#ers and$t#roug# t#em$ to c#i dren and young adu ts

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    Language Teacher ,ducation across +ational Boundaries

    Author4s5% C#ar otte Franson$ Q&onne Fo ey

    "#e education o inguistic minority c#i dren and young peop e is adominant t#eme in internationa educationa de ate and 9it#in t#at

    de ate issues o anguage$ curricu um and attainment predominate7 'sectors o t#e education system p ay a ro e in 9e coming inguisticminority earners into t#e curricu um$ sc#oo community and society#o9e&er$ teac#ers p ay t#e most signi cant ro e in t#eir educationasuccess7

    "#is paper is inspired y a recent %uropean researc# initiati&e$ 9#ic#ocuses on Ninc usi&e academic anguage teac#ing

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    %ngestr m$ Q7 ork6 "o9ards an acti&ityt#eoretica reconceptua isation7 &ournal o %ducation and ?or-! @ B@ 7

    %)CI -"% Consortium

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    *se of passi&e 8ith ps$chological &erb% Comparison bet8eennati&e spea"ers of ,nglish and Hapanese , L learners

    Author4s5% i#aru Fuyuno

    "#is paper aims to ana yEe t#e use o passi&e construction 9it#psyc#o ogica &er

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    In order to e amine t#e &a idity o t#e teac#ing process o psy-passi&e in Oapan$ t#is study compares t#e use o psy-passi&e y .% and O%FLL7 Data

    or t#e study 9ere co ected rom a su -corpus o A C and se&era O%FLLcorpuses7 "o compare t#e data$ correspondence ana ysis and statistica

    tests 9ere app ied to ot# A C and O%FLL corpuses data sets7 "#e resu t o t#e study re&ea s pro ems o current teac#ing approac# topsy-passi&e in Oapan7 "#is paper urt#er discusses t#e positi&e impact o mu tidiscip inary inguistic approac# on teac#ing anguage7

    ,nglish ealit$ and (Icial Bilingualism through the ,$es of mmigrants in Canada

    Author4s5% ' ert Ga ie&

    Canada #as een kno9n as a country t#at is i ingua 9#en it comes toanguage po icy and mu ticu tura 9#en it comes to cu tura di&ersity7 Inact$ t#e promotion o oJcia i ingua ism and inguistic dua ity #as een

    one o t#e top priorities o t#e Go&ernment o Canada since t#e BJciaLanguages 'ct in 1 ! 7 "#is study in&estigates t#e perceptions ande periences o a group o adu t immigrant students earning one o Canada s oJcia anguages regarding t#e status o i ingua ism7 Itattempts to ans9er #o9 promoted oJcia i ingua ism and t#e dominant%ng is# rea ity are reconci ed and e p ained and #o9 immigrants &oicesare p aced in t#e discourses on i ingua ism in t#e mono inguaen&ironment7 It argues t#at t#e macro- e&e discourse on oJcia

    i ingua ism maintained and promoted y t#e go&ernment doesn t re ateto micro- e&e discourse produced y t#e Canadian pu ic$ especia y ne9Canadians7

    In-dept# open-ended indi&idua and ocus group inter&ie9s 9ereconducted 9it# 50 %ng is# as a .econd Language

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    e periences and t#e rea picture o i ingua ism in a predominant y %ng is#speaking pro&ince7 Fre uent y$ despite strong edera discourse t#eirperceptions o i ingua ism are uite &ague due to &ery act o t#eire periences in a so e y mono ingua conte t7

    ntegration through Language Learning in Canada% #erceptions of Adult ,SL mmigrants

    Author4s5% ' ert Ga ie&$ .epide# asoodi

    "#e Language Instruction or e9comers to Canada

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    interactiona e periences7 % isting studies suggest t#at immigrantsanguage earning e periences cannot e &ie9ed and ana yEed out o t#e

    socia and cu tura conte t and s#ou d consider a num er o contri utingactors t#at cou d eit#er #inder or aci itate t#eir anguage earning and


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    dimension o space-and-time$ I 9i urt#er i ustrate t#e re ations#ipet9een di erent tempora ities$ as rea ised in t#e e icogrammar$ and t#e

    construction o oca and g o a space-times$ as meta-discursi&e y ramed7Fina y$ I 9i s#o9 #o9 t#is approac# to te t #as ena ed t#e retrie&a o

    traits o typica ity as 9e as idiosyncrasies estern companies 9e sites=7 "#is study contri utes to t#e sc#o ar y iterature on t#einterconnectedness o time and space and t#e representation o organisations as spatio-tempora processes7

    ele&ance and nKuence of #hraseological #henomena in +ati&eand +on/nati&e Te-t #roduction

    Author4s5% Cordu a G ass

    ' nati&e- ike inguistic competence is o ten uoted as one o t#e maino Hecti&es o ad&anced anguage teac#ing7 Qet despite a good commando e is and synta $ e9 earners ecome tru y pro cient users o t#eirse ected target anguage7 It s not 9rong ut it s not proper %ng is# eit#eris 9#at students o ten #ear7 "#ere ore t#is paper takes a c oser ook atp#raseo ogica p#enomena 9it# respect to anguage perception in genera

    and Hudgement o nati&eness in particu ar7


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    ati&e and non-nati&e teac#ers o %ng is# as 9e as nati&e and non-nati&espeakers 9it#out any ackground in %FL teac#ing 9ere asked to e&a uatea samp e o eig#t te ts7 "#ese te ts 9ere a ased on t#e same picturestory and 9ritten y more and ess competent L1 and L2 speakers o

    %ng is#7 >it# t#e #e p o an on ine uestionnaire t#ese s#ort stories 9eret#en su di&ided into s#ort paragrap#s$ 9#ic# t#e participants assessedand ranked in terms o nati&eness 7

    In most cases$ correct %ng is# p#rasing did indeed #a&e an impact on t#eperception o its reader7 )nsurprising y$ nati&e speakers o %ng is# #a&e#ard y any pro ems to identi y te ts 9ritten y non-nati&es7 o9e&er$ t#isstudy a so suggests t#at p#raseo ogica mistakes gi&e a9ay t#e identity o t#e 9riter e&en more c ear y t#an grammatica errors do7 Furt#ermore$ L1teac#ers o %ng is# tend to e more to erant in t#eir e&a uation t#an non-nati&e speakers are especia y 9it# p#rases$ 9#ic# are uite c ose to t#eiro9n mot#er tongue in 9ording and structure7 Bn t#e ot#er #and non-nati&e speakers 9it#out an %FL ackground are more easi y mis ead y a&ery con dent$ non- earner-stereotypica sty e7

    ence t#e use o nati&e- ike p#raseo ogy 9it#in a te t seems to e arat#er in uentia actor$ 9#ic# s#ou d e taken into consideration in t#eassessment o inguistic competence as 9e as oreign anguage teac#ingand teac#er training7

    #ublish in ,nglish or #erish in 'erman6 A esearch #ro@ect onAcademic 7riting and #ublishing in ,nglish as a oreignLanguage

    Author4s5% C aus GnutEmann$ Frank Ra e

    "#e predominance o %ng is# in scienti c pu ications is a 9edocumented act7 Suite c ear y$ t#is 9as t#e precondition as 9e as t#e


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    resu t o t#e g o a isation o science7 o9e&er$ it #as a so ed to t#edisp acement o ot#er anguages in scienti c communication in a argenum er o discip ines7

    In t#e natura sciences$ t#e proportion o pu ications in %ng is# 9or d9ide#as een greater t#an 0 percent or o&er a decade in t#e e d o engineering and e&en in t#e socia sciences and t#e #umanities t#e

    gures are apparent y uite simi ar7 "#us$ it comes as no surprise t#at int#e rankings o t#e %uropean .cience Foundation a most a academic

    Hourna s 9it# t#e top grade ' are pu is#ed in %ng is#7 's aconse uence$ 9riting and pu is#ing in %ng is# #as ecome t#e norm ina most a scienti c discip ines7 .ince Hourna pu ications in %ng is# #a&e

    ecome t#e essentia indicator or researc# per ormance and assessmentinternationa y$ it seems o &ious t#at non-nati&e %ng is# researc#ers #a&eto cope 9it# an additiona pro em$ name y t#e inguistic c#a enge$ a act9#ic# &ery o ten puts t#em at a communicati&e disad&antage7 "#e mainresearc# uestions o our proHect are t#e o o9ing6

    17 >#at pro ems and diJcu ties do non-nati&e researc#ers encounterin t#eir preparation o researc# artic es in %ng is#M

    27 >#at strategies and resources do t#ey dep oy in order to o&ercomet#ese pro ems$ i7e7 t#eir communicati&e disad&antageM

    "#e empirica part o t#e researc# is present y ased on 1+ inter&ie9s 9it#

    researc#ers rom &arious discip ines taug#t at t#e )ni&ersity o Araunsc#9eig7 "#e presentation descri es #o9 and 9#y t#e inter&ie9s9ere conducted7 "#is is o o9ed y a pre iminary e&a uation o t#eresu ts$ as 9e as suggestions t#at mig#t in uence urt#er de&e opments7

    #lanning ,LT in ,thiopia% ;anagerial &ersus participator$ models

    Author4s5% Ross Gra#am


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    Impro&ing t#e teac#ing o %ng is# in %t#iopia is an urgent priority$ gi&ent#e ro e accorded to %ng is# as medium o instruction in secondary andtertiary education$ and t#e demonstra y negati&e conse uences orsu Hect earning o students inade uate e&e o %ng is#7 "#is paper

    e amines t#e t#inking e#ind t9o maHor centra y-directed proHects6 t#e%ng is# Language Impro&ement @roHect

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    Turn Ta"ing in *ni&ersit$ Seminars% The negotiation of meaningsand identities in an intercultural space

    Author4s5% "re&or Grims#a9$ Da&id .kidmore$ *yoko urakami

    Recent iterature #as emp#asiEed t#e ene ts o mu ticu tura group 9orkas a means o encouraging internationa ist integration and ostering t#ede&e opment o intercu tura competencies

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    Ryan$ O7 i d

    Generic pronouns and determiners #a&e ong een a contro&ersia area o %ng is# usage6 t#ere is disagreement o&er sentences suc# as % eryonehas the right to express their* his* his or her opinion 7 )nti recent y$ ad&icea out 9#ic# orm to use #as arge y een ased on persona opinion7

    "#ere #a&e een a e9 corpus- ased studies$ ut t#ese #a&e een imitedy t#e sma siEe o t#e corpora and t#e ack o too s a&ai a e or

    automatica y detecting anap#oric re ations7

    "#e issue o gender anguage in genera $ and pronoun se ection inparticu ar$ is especia y re e&ant to Ai e trans ation7 's part o t#etrans ation process or t#e 2011 update o t#e e9 Internationa ,ersiono t#e Ai e$ t#e Committee on Ai e "rans ation - 9#o o&ersee t#e te t o

    t#e I, - commissioned Co ins Dictionaries to carry out a corpus ana ysiso generic pronouns and determiners$ using t#e 474 i ion-9ord Co insCorpus7 "#e proHect used state-o -t#e-art anap#ora reso ution too s inorder to identi y 9#ic# pronouns and determiners are used to re er ack toinde nite pronouns e ound t#at generic they is t#e pre erred option in a registers and&arieties$ and t#at it #as ecome more re uent o&er t#e ast t9entyyears7 "#ere 9as a surge in t#e re uency o he*she orms in t#e atenineties$ ut t#ese #a&e since ecome muc# ess re uent$ as #a&emascu ine generics7 Furt#ermore$ 9e ound t#at generic they #as spreadto t#e e tent t#at it is used e&en 9#en it is not necessary to e genderneutra $ as in 'sk t#e young mot#ers and no one 9i say t#ey regret#a&ing their a y 7


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    luenc$ in interacti&e oral , L e-ams

    Author4s5% Ou ia uettner

    F uency is a a e re uent y used to descri e ora anguage pro ciency ina oreign anguage and to capture t#e notion o smoot# and apparent ye ort ess trans ormations o anguage p anning processes into anguageproduction7 o9e&er$ despite t#is per&asi&e use$ uency remains a

    t#orny issue #i e a arge ody o researc# into uency #as taken a psyc#o inguisticperspecti&e

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    assessing indi&idua s 9it# di&erse e&e s o pro ciency in an interacti&econte t 9i e #ig# ig#ted

    < t=s the depression ma"ing $ou feel this 8a$ and it can betreated=% *nderstanding patients= accounts of depression andappl$ing Endings in primar$ care

    Author4s5% Danie unt

    "#is paper e amines t#e discursi&e construction o depression in aspecia ised corpus o messages to an on ine menta #ea t# orum7 Bn inecommunication no9 constitutes a maHor source o in ormation andemotiona support or arge num ers o indi&idua s 9it# c#ronic conditions9#i st simu taneous y &a idating particu ar i ness concepts and patientidentities7 Linguistic ana ysis o te t- ased 9e ora t#us o ers a &a ua eopportunity to i uminate patient e periences and interactions 9#ic#$9#i st occurring outside o typica #ea t#care conte ts$ #a&e anincreasing y recognised impact on c inica encounters7

    'ccommodating ana ytica practices rom ot# corpus inguistics andcritica discourse ana ysis$ e amination o t#e corpus proceeds initia y

    rom key9ord and co ocation ca cu ations7 I t#en o er a ua itati&eana ysis o a num er o key9ords in t#eir conte ts o use$ ocusingparticu ar y on representations o depression and anti-depressantmedication7 "#e resu ts suggest t#at a t#oug# group mem ers &er a yconstruct depression as a po9er u and de eterious orce in t#eir i&es$depression is ne&ert#e ess discursi&e y separated rom t#e depressedindi&idua s t#emse &es$ 9it# its agency a ecting t#em on y indirect y7>#i st t#is inguistic construction o depression s independence is crucia

    or managing t#e stigma o menta i ness$ corpus e&idence a so indicatest#at indi&idua s &er a y dissociate t#emse &es rom medica attempts to


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    treat and a e&iate t#eir condition$ 9#ic# may 9e in uence t#eir attitudesto9ards t#e reco&ery process7

    Researc# into menta #ea t# communication #as t#e potentia orsigni cant non-academic impact and t#e data-dri&en et#os o corpus

    inguistics is particu ar y apposite to t#e c imate o e&idence- asedpractice in t#e Aritis# .7 In ig#t o t#is and t#e con erence s t#eme$ Iconc ude y out ining e orts to ma imise c inician in&o &ement 9it# t#is

    inguistic study7 "#is discussion inc udes an o&er&ie9 o a second arm o t#e proHect assessing G@s e perience o managing depression and t#ec#a enges encountered in attempting to engage c inicians as ot#researc# participants and$ crucia y$ as researc# users7

    A Comparison of ;ethods for Automatic .ocument ClassiEcation

    Author4s5% Ric#ard ussey$ .#ir ey >i iams$ Ric#ard itc#e

    "#e process o assigning keyp#rases to a document ased on its contentsis kno9n as automatic keyp#rase e traction

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    an n-gram met#od < ussey et a $ 2011=$ and asic statistica met#ods

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    encouragement and D rnyei8s

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    position in t#e 9or d in re ation to t#eir sociopo itica conte ts7 "#ise pectation assumes t#at earners are not critica t#inkers7 It a soassumes t#at in rea ity$ t#e c assroom conte t and cu ture pro&ide asuita e space or postmet#od pedagogica teac#ing strategies7

    Aased on et#nograp#ic o ser&ations$ con&ersations$ and inter&ie9s$ t#isstudy presents t#e &ie9s o *u9aiti students enro ed in t#e ea t#.ciences program at *u9ait )ni&ersity7 "#eir responses i ustrate t#ecomp e negotiation processes t#ey go t#roug# 9#en deciding 9#atstance - 9#et#er acti&e participant or passi&e recipient - t#ey take incon ronting t#e c#anges around t#em and t#e anguages t#ey use toe press t#emse &es7 "#is presentation aims to #ig# ig#t t#is comp e ityand emp#asiEe t#at understanding oca conte ts and cu tures is crucia toteac#ing and earning %ng is# in t#is g o a iEed 9or d7 oreo&er$ t#erespondents demonstrate t#at 9#i e t#e concept o Hust teac#ing %ng is#may not e possi e$ it s#ou d e made c ear t#at t#e students are not

    Hust earning7

    CanagaraHa#$ .7

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    .ign anguage poetry is a re ati&e y ne9 p#enomenon in terms o inguisticana ysis7 "#at is to say$ a t#oug# Dea peop e #a&e passed on signedstories$ Hokes$ anecdotes and o k ore or generations$ it is on y since t#ead&ance o &ideo tec#no ogy$ m$ editing and coding so t9are t#at 9e

    #a&e 9itnessed t#e gro9t# and esta is#ment o a iterary$ poetic traditionamong Dea peop e around t#e 9or d

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    Author4s5% ,asi iki *ane ou

    Listening to and processing t#e pronunciation o speakers o di erent

    nati&e and non-nati&e &arieties o %ng is# presents a c#a enge or manyearners7 "#e genera consensus among aut#ors o %L" #and ooks is t#atteac#ers need to use istening materia t#at 9i #e p earners ecomea9are o di erent accents o %ng is#

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    ,nglish in C$prus% rom Colonial to Lingua ranca

    Author4s5% Dimitra *arou a-,rikki

    "#e paper e amines anguage po icy aimed at %ng is# in Cyprus rom t#eAritis# co onia ru e

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    ;ediating bet8een ,nglish and Slo&enian% Do8 Ad&ancedSlo&enian Students *se ,nglish Comparati&es

    Author4s5% onika *a&a ir

    Fo o9ing t#e .ystemic-Functiona paradigm$ t#e paper e p ores t#ree#ypot#eses6

    1- In ot# %ng is# and . o&enian$ adHecti&es can e used eit#era so ute y or re ati&e y in a t#ree degrees$ i7e7 t#ere is a systemicc#oice et9een t#e a so ute and re ati&e use o adHecti&es t#is ispart o t#e contri ution t#e Interpersona eta unction makes at t#e

    e&e e o9 t#e c ause72- ' o t#ese possi i ities e ist in ot# %ng is# and . o&enian$ ut t#e

    di erence et9een t#e t9o is t#at in %ng is# it is t#e a so ute use o t#e super ati&e degree t#at is particu ar y producti&e 9#ereas in. o&enian it is t#e a so ute use o t#e comparati&e degree t#at is&ery re uent7

    3- >#en mediating et9een t#e t9o anguages$ . o&enian speakers o %ng is# 9i typica y e perience diJcu ties on account o t#edi erences in t#e use o adHecti&es most important y$ t#ey aree pected to o&eruse a so ute comparati&es in %ng is#7

    'n ana ysis o trans ations y uni&ersity students o %ng is# con rms t#e#ypot#eses7 "#e study o student 9riting s#o9s$ #o9e&er$ t#at not on ycomparati&es$ ut a so super ati&es are a critica area 9#ere t#edi erences et9een t#e t9o anguages #a&e een underappreciated$ and

    t#e ndings are e pected to in orm t#e educationa process making t#etopic a part o uni&ersity instruction7


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    A cross/cultural comparison of e&aluati&e languages in doctoraldissertations % An e-plorator$ stud$

    Author4s5% "sang- ao *e$ C#ia-Qen Lin

    %&a uation #as een considered as crucia inguistic de&ices used toe press one s stance in t#e construction o academic discourse7 umerousstudies #a&e in&estigated e&a uati&e anguages 9#ci# can e rea iEed ydi erent e ica items

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    A Corpus/based n&estigation of ;etaphor in Business Science.iscourse

    Author4s5% Aaramee *#eo&ic#ai

    In t#e domain o economics and usiness$ metap#or #as een c aimed top ay an important ro e in constructing t#eories and communicating ideas7

    o9e&er$ pre&ious studies are ased on searc#es or pre-se ected stringso metap#oric e pressions$ 9#ic# may on y partia y capture t#emetap#oric e pressions in a corpus7

    "#is researc# aims to in&estigate #o9 metap#or constructsusinessPeconomic concepts in usiness researc# artic es 9it# t#e

    assistance o semantic annotation so t9are /an approac# c aimed to

    ena e a more open-ended searc# < ardie et a 7 200+=7 Data inc ude 42usiness researc# artic es

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    ardie$ '7$ *o er$ ,7$ Rayson$ @7 'nd .emino$ %7

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    o e d9ork data$ a o9ing users to take p#otograp#s$ audio recordings ormo&ies and make te tua notes as 9e as t#e recorded ocations 9#i e Nont#e mo&e 7 'na yses o recordings made as part o a case study o usersna&igating et9een and around di erent art ga eries in otting#am 9i

    e presented$ detai ing #o9 suc# ocation ased data can e uti ised inorder to start to ans9er uestions a out t#e conte t-speci city o anguage use7

    Congruence bet8een teachers= beliefs and research norms for,A# reading materials

    Author4s5% Irena *uE orska

    ' s#i t rom teac#ing %ng is# or genera to teac#ing %ng is# or speci cpurposes #as ca ed or c#anges in %ng is# teac#ers practices in aLit#uanian uni&ersity ut$ as researc# #as demonstrated$ t#e 9aysteac#ers adapt or adopt ne9 practices in t#eir c assrooms re ate to9#et#er t#eir e ie s matc# t#e assumptions in#erent in t#e ne9programmes

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    Imp ications o t#ese ndings or imp ementing appropriate readingmateria s in a Lit#uanian conte t are discussed7

    n&estigating L2 learnersG pragmatic competence in the stud$abroad conte-t% a multimedia stud$ focusing on Tai8aneselearners of ,nglish

    Author4s5% C#ia-C#un Lai

    @ragmatic competence re ers to t#e a i ity o producing socia yappropriate utterances and interpreting imp icit or e p icit meaningaccording to t#e conte t

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    Data or t#e producti&e part o t#e study 9ere e icited 9it# a ne9 ydesigned pragmatic e icitation instrument t#at contained 10 computeriEed&ideo c ips 9it# #ig#er and e ua status inter ocutors$ o 9#ic# 5 ocusedon re usa s and 5 on re uests7 "#e 2( "ai9anese earners took part in t#e

    data co ection at t#ree distinct times6 s#ort y a ter t#eir arri&a $ in t#emidd e o t#eir stay$ and at t#e end o t#eir stay7 In addition$ 2( nati&espeakers a so took part in t#e study7

    "#e presentation 9i address t#e o o9ing researc# uestions6

    - Did "ai9anese earners8 re uests and re usa s c#ange during t#eirstudy a road soHournM

    - Did t#e "ai9anese earners8 re uests and re usa s ecome morenati&e-speaker ike during t#eir stayM

    - Do t#e data indicate t#at t#e earners de&e oped di erent y insituations inc uding an e ua or #ig#er status inter ocutorM

    - Do t#e earner data indicate any de&e opmenta patternsM

    "#e resu ts o t#e study 9i a so o er some imp ication or teac#ing L2earners7

    Chinese students= preferences for feedbac" % e-ploring peerre&ie8 in a second language 8riting class

    Author4s5% Lam "sui %u .andra

    .tudies #a&e s#o9n t#at 9#i e L2 students do accept peer re&ei9 as onemode o eed ack on t#eir 9riting < u 2005 Oaco s et a 1 ( Qang et a200!=$ t#ere is a pre erence or teac#er eed ack o&er peer eed ack < u-Lam 2010$ "sui and g 2000$ K#ang 1 5=7 o9e&er$ t#e reasons e#indt#is pre erence #a&e not een ade uate y e p ored7 "9o reasons #a&e

    een suggested y u and Lam < 2010= 6 :t#e L2 actor; and :t#e cu turaactor;7

    "#is paper reports on a study 9#ic# seeks to ans9er t#e o o9inguesitons6 a='re C#inese students recepti&e to9ards t#e use o peer

    re&ie9 as a pedagogica acti&ity in a 9riting c assM =>#at are t#eirpre erences or eed ackM >#at are t#e reasons or t#eir pre erencesM


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    c='re t#eir reported pre erences consistent 9it# actua e#a&iourM@re&ious studies on t#e use o peer re&ie9 9it# C#inese students in&o &edparticipants rom more de&e oped regions o t#e @RC < Liu and C#ai 200

    "sui and g 2000 Qang et a 200!=7"#is study #ad as its participants

    (! students enro ed in a uni&ersity in an^em_ in and^Pem_ pro&ince o C#ina7 It 9as an attempt to see i C#inese students in a ess de&e opedregion$ ess e posed to >estern met#ods o education$ are recepti&e topeer re&ie97 ' com ination o ua itati&e and uantitati&e met#odscomprising uestionnaires

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    t#ey get encompassing t#e *$ Aritis# and 'merican &arieties7 Despitesometimes eing treated as au i iary %ng is# teac#ers < c'rt#ur 2002=$ FD sin uence on c#i dren s L2 %ng is# ac uisition #as not een 9ide y studied7 "#ecurrent study ocusing on t#e in uence o Fi ipino-FD s is an e ort to t#is gap

    30 kindergarten-3rd

    graders aged 4 ! to !$ and 30 1st

    year secondary studentsaged 12 to 14 9#o #ad recei&ed Fi ipino-accented %ng is# or 9ere sti recei&ingongoing input in suc# %ng is# at t#e time o data co ection participated in t#isstudy a ongside 30 contro s7 "#ey took part in perception

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    odern Languages in Aangor$ studying German$ #a&e %ng is# as L1$Frenc# as t#eir L2 and German as t#eir L37

    "#e purpose o t#is paper is to report on ndings o a study carried out9it# rst and t#ird year students o German at Aangor )ni&ersity7 "#e9ritten and ora 9ork co ected or t#e purpose o t#is study is$ as onemig#t ca it$ :aut#entic academic data; and consists o essays$ s#ortte ts$ presentations and inter&ie9s7 "#e aim o t#e study is to in&estigatei t#e stage o ac uisition o t#e t#ird anguage i7e7 eginners$intermediate or ad&anced s#ou d e added as a key &aria e in CLI7 "#epresent study in&estigates eginners and intermediate students7

    "#e data 9as ana ysed using an adapted &ersion o u eisen s rame9ork

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    Inspired y ,ygotsky s sociocu tura t#eory o earning and de&e opmentand one o its essentia tenets - sca o ding$ t#e primary purpose o t#iscase study researc# is to e amine %FL students interactiona dynamicsduring peer re&ision acti&ities in genera and to deepen our kno9 edge o sca o ding strategies t#ey uti ise as t#ey 9ork co a orati&e y in re&isingt#eir papers in particu ar7 Indeed$ t#e present in&estigation is an attemptto grasp a etter understanding o t#e mec#anisms o mutua sca o dingstrategies emp oyed y L2 earners in peer re&ision and potentiasimi aritiesPdi erences across t9o 9riting genres$ process andargumentation respecti&e y7 @articipants inc ude a pair o %FL uni&ersitystudents enro ed in a teen 9eek ong L2 essay 9riting course in anIranian uni&ersity 9#o take part in t9o re&ision sessions during 9#ic# t#ey

    Hoint y re&ise one process and one argumentation essays7 's t#eparticipants 9ork toget#er and pro&ide eed ack or eac# ot#er$ t#eircon&ersations are tape-recorded7 "#ere ore$ audio-taping o t#eparticipants interactions and t#eir rst and na dra ts constitute t#e mainsources o our data7 Data ana ysis$ t#en$ inc udes microgenetic ana ysis o t#e dyad s con&ersations$ and e amination o students 9ritten te ts7 "#eresu ts indicate t#at students emp oy di erent strategies to pro&idesca o ded support to t#eir peers7 Fina y$ t#e re ations#ip et9eensca o ding strategies and genre types are discussed in dept#7


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    #arallel Language *se//planner=s dream or 8or"able polic$6

    Author4s5% 'ndre9 Linn

    "#e ocus o anguage p anning in or9ay o&er t#e past 20 years$ ut aspart o a process dating ack to t#e 1 !0s$ #as mo&ed rom interna

    anguage p anning$ in&o &ing t#e re ations#ip et9een t#e t9o 9rittenstandards$ Aokm and ynorsk$ to e terna anguage p anning$ managingt#e re ations#ip et9een or9egian and %ng is# in key domains o

    anguage use7 Oust as Aokm and ynorsk #a&e oJcia y een e t inpeace to de&e op independent y and side y side$ so t#e oJcia ine ont#e use o %ng is# and or9egian is one o para e anguage use$ o : or9egian 9#en you can and %ng is# 9#en you #a&e to;7 In t#is paper9e e p ore t#e idea o a po icy o para e anguage use in or9ay$ andindeed in .candina&ia more 9ide y$ as it #as een articu ated ingo&ernment$ #ig#er education and usiness pronouncements on anguageuse$ and ask i t#ere is a co#erent &ision7 >e suggest t#at$ 9#i e t#isremains a &ision$ in a pick-and-mi 9or d it is unen orcea e7 I domain

    oss is to e taken serious y eyond anguage p anning circ es$ 9e suggestt#at #ig#er education and usiness can and s#ou d demand ad#erence tot#e princip e o para e anguage use and t#at t#ere can and s#ou d esanctions or t#ose pro essiona s 9#o do not ad#ere to it7 I t#is doesn8t#appen$ 9e mig#t as 9e simp y accept domain oss ike any ot#er orm o

    anguage s#i t7 "#e or9egian e perience #as een t#at anguagemanagement princip es 9#ic# are not in ine 9it# popu ar 9i are doomedto ai $ and$ in t#e a sence o necessary sanctions$ para e anguage use9i Hoin t#e idea o a uni ed 9ritten orm o or9egian on t#e scrap#eapo anguage p anning #istory7


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    ,Fects of ecasts in , L Senior Digh School% +oticing

    Characteristics and ,-plicitnessAuthor4s5% C#i#-Qu Lo and Qa-C#in "sai

    ' num er o empirica studies o interactiona eed ack #a&e indicatedt#at recasts as re uent eed ack used y teac#er e icit t#e eastsuccess u uptake in o9-t#reatening c assroom7 "#is pro em concernst#e act t#at recasts may e considered am iguous to earners in terms o t#e di erent e&e s o e p icitness and imp icitness7 "#e present studyattended t9o o d6

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    Linguistic identit$ and 4second5 dialects% British ,nglish Spea"ersin the * S

    Author4s5% ' ison ackey$ *ait yn "agare i$ .#eena .#a#

    "#e ac uisition o second anguage dia ects is current y eingc#aracteriEed as a su e d o second anguage ac uisition

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    ,nterprise culture as #ro@ected in ;ission Statements of ,ducational nstitutions% A unctional #erspecti&e

    Author4s5% a a ak ad

    .ince 2000$ %gyptian uni&ersities #a&e een undergoing c#anges 9#ic#can e descri ed as a trend to9ards Nt#e adoption o a ree-market orcorporate- usiness perspecti&e 7 "#is paper addresses missionstatements as a promotiona and reporting too t#at may re ect t#eenterprise cu ture &a ues e p icit y stated y t#e %gyptian inistry o

    ig#er %ducation in t#e ig#er %ducation %n#ancement @roHect

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    oles relationships and identit$ in ualitati&e inter&ie8s

    Author4s5% .te&e ann$ Fiona Cop and

    Researc#ers o ten under&a ue or e&en ai to consider t#e impact o inter&ie9er ro e and identity in t#eir ana yses7 "#is issue is one o t#ea&oida e Ncontingent pro ems 9it# inter&ie9ing t#at @otter and ep urne 9i i ustrate t#is point ys#o9ing #o9 prior re ations#ips as co eagues and riends are in&oked andmade re e&ant y ot# inter&ie9er and inter&ie9ee during educationaresearc# inter&ie9s and #o9 t#ese prior re ations#ips contri ute to t#eNgeneration

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    audience to discuss ro es$ re ations#ips and identity in t#eir o9n researc#inter&ie9s7

    Aaker$ C7

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    ;eeting ,SL ,LL instructional needs% a Canadian charter schoolmandate

    Author4s5% .epide# asoodi

    Learning e periences or %.LP%LL students are o ten comp icated y manyactors some o 9#ic# may create uni ue c#a enges or t#ese students

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    "#roug# a one-year et#nograp#ic researc#$ data is co ected y app ying&arious data co ection tec#ni ues inc uding c assroom o ser&ations$ in-dept# inter&ie9s and discourse ana ysis o documents7 "#e data co ected

    rom more t#en 300 recruited participants indicate t#at one o t#e key

    actors contri uting to t#e success o t#e program is t#e teac#ersa9areness o t#e speci c needs o %.LP%LL students and t#e particu arstrategies t#at t#ey emp oy7 "#e ot#er main actor is t#e sa e en&ironmentt#at t#e sc#oo pro&ides t#roug# respecting t#e s#ared cu tura andre igious &a ues o t#e students and t#eir ami ies t#at eads to taking careo t#eir identity and t#e issue o stigmatiEation and t#is contri utes tot#eir academic success7 "#e study o ers t#eoretica and practicapedagogica imp ications t#at cou d e imp emented and adopted y ot#ereducationa pro&iders or %.L students7

    ' erta %ducation7 6K guide to implementation 7 %dmonton$'A6 ' erta %ducation7

    's#9ort#$ 7

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    socia sciences #a&e undergone a inguistic turn

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    encompass on y t#e grap#eme-co or &ariation7 Bne o t#e more interestingaspects o synest#esia is t#at peop e 9it# t#e grap#eme-co or &ariationo ten e perience t#ese re ations#ips in a particu ar se uence7 "#is patternappears to s#ed ig#t on t#e 9ay t#at anguage is used to manipu ate

    co or and num er7 Furt#er$ certain geometric s#apes appear to eassociated 9it# particu ar sounds$ and not mere y among synest#etes7 "#is paper addresses t#e ink et9een anguage$ grap#emes$ andsynest#esia$ and o ers suggestions or urt#er researc#7

    Local esponses to +ational #olices% Language #ractices from The'ambia 7est Africa

    Author4s5% Caro ine cG ynn

    "#is paper ooks at t#e anguage practices in t#ree sc#oo s in "#e Gam ia$>est ' rica7 "#e sc#oo s are in di&erse geograp#ica regions and eac#sc#oo community #as responded to t#e Language in %ducation po icy in


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    indi&idua 9ays7 Bne sc#oo is in t#e ur an area$ one in t#e semi-ur anarea and one in t#e rura pro&inces and t#is resu ts in asymmetrice posure to t#e anguage o education7 "#e Go&ernment dictated

    anguage o education po icy is one o .traig#t or %ng is#

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    Author4s5% Imma ira pei $ ata ia Fu ana

    "#e present study 9as designed considering t9o arge gaps identi ed in

    t#e .L' iterature7 First$ researc# on t#e re ations#ip et9een L2 e icakno9 edge and spoken uency is scant$ a t#oug# t#e ormer #as eens#o9n to e one o t#e maHor o stac es to ac#ie&ing t#e atter < i ton$200(=7 .econd$ .L' researc#ers #a&e persistent y een ca ing or t#eimp ementation o ongitudina studies as t#e u timate 9ay to descri ede&e opmenta trends in t#e anguage ac uisition process

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    A case stud$ of de&eloping student/teachers= language a8arenessthrough online discussion forums

    Author4s5% Oane ok

    "#is case study in&estigated t#e re ections o a group o undergraduatesparticipating in an on ine discussion orum as part o an initia teac#ereducation programme in ong *ong7 "#e on ine t#readed discussionsaimed to #e p t#e no&ice teac#ers o L2 %ng is# make t#e ridge et9eent#e dec arati&e and procedura dimensions o teac#er anguage a9areness

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    A contrasti&e anal$sis of the language of sports commentar$ on

    tele&ised football matches in ,g$ptian Arabic and British ,nglishAuthor4s5% es#am ousta a

    "#e massi&e media co&erage o most sports e&ents$ t#e arge amounts o money in&ested in sport$ as 9e as t#e #uge audience sport dra9s makeo sports-in-media an area 9ort# studying7 "e e&ised sports commentary$t#e ocus o t#is paper$ represents a type o mono ogic discourse 9#eret#e mass media audience is not co-present in t#e commentator s p#ysicaconte t and #ence commentators cannot interact eit#er &er a y ornon&er a y 9it# t#e remote #ome &ie9ers7

    "#is paper aims to identi y t#e c#aracteristic inguistic eatures o te e&ised oot a commentary in Aritis# %ng is# and %gyptian 'ra ic7 "#epaper in&estigates t#e 9ay certain sa ient inguistic de&ices$ suc# ase ipsis$ passi&e construction$ re erentia strategies and r#etorica

    uestions$ are emp oyed y commentators to ser&e certain discoursaunctions7 "#ese unctions inc ude coping 9it# t#e ast pace o action$

    in&o &ing t#e audience$ and identi ying participants7 "#e t9o corpora$ i7e7t#e Aritis# %ng is# and %gyptian 'ra ic ones$ are Hu taposed a ong eac#inguistic eature to nd out 9#et#er eac# anguage #as its o9n inguisticeatures and to identi y t#e eatures t#e t9o corpora s#are7 In addition$

    t#e se ected inguistic de&ices are ana yEed a ong t#e di erent sty es o commentary$ i7e7 p ay- y-p ay description

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    .etecting Slant in the +e8s% Applied Linguistics for deolog$/Based +e8s Aggregation

    Author4s5% "imot#y usgro&e

    Gat#ering and editoria y re&ie9ing ne9s artic es on a dai y asis is are uirement or many organiEations$ and in many cases is a dauntingtask$ eit#er ecause t#ere is Hust too muc# content to read t#roug#$ or

    ecause t#e desired type o content is so sparse t#at nding it is ike: ooking or a need e in a #aystack7; For e amp e$ in trying to gat#er on ypo itica y conser&ati&e

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    The eFects of se uencing order and modalit$ on Kuenc$comple-it$ and accurac$ in L2 oral and 8ritten narrati&eperformance

    Author4s5% 'kemi agasaka

    Researc# on task- ased per ormance #as main y conducted on oraproduction$ and t#e iterature assumes t#at tasks are directed at oraski s$ particu ar y speaking i iams eiss erg

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    et9een uency$ comp e ity$ and accuracy7 oda ity #ad great impact onnarrati&e per ormance7 "#e ora production 9as more uent ut esscomp e and accurate t#an t#e 9ritten production7 Di erences in processo speaking and 9riting can e p ain t#e moda ity di erences and t#e

    se uencing di erences7 "#e ndings indicate t#at t#e se uencing order o speaking rst and t#en9riting may e more e ecti&e t#an t#e re&erse order or L2 earners intask- ased narrati&e per ormance under time pressure7 Limitations o t#isstudy point to t#e direction o urt#er researc#7

    mpact of peer interaction on L2 learnersG discourse%

    .e&elopment of Kuenc$ follo8ed b$ comple-it$Author4s5% %iko akamura

    % ucidation o ora anguage earning t#roug# student-student interactioncan pro&ide an impact on second anguage pedagogy7 "#is presentatione p ores discourse data o our intermediate e&e L2 earners in ot# t#eirmono ogues and prior interactions7 "#eir e pressions in t#e mono oguescan e traced ack to prior dia ogues in content$ e is$ orm$ andcon&ersationa e pression used y t#eir inter ocutors7 "#e increase o

    e ica items in mono ogues t#roug# interactions re ects on t#e resu ts o t#e de&e opment o uency and comp e ity7

    "#e task used in t#is study is a picture carouse acti&ity$ 9#ic# inc udesot# a dia ogue and a mono ogue

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    sees t#e p#oto or t#e rst time7 "#e data o t#e our students 9eree tracted rom a arger corpus o 25 students 9#o participated in t#istask7

    First$ t#e mono ogue data are e amined or speec# o9 and speakers8c#oice o e ica items across t#e repeating mono ogues7 "#en t#epresenter e p ores t#is re ations#ip t#roug# microana ysis et9een t#eir

    anguage use in t#e mono ogues and t#e e pressions t#at appeared in t#eprior dia ogues7 "#e resu ts suggest t#at as t#e students8 uencyde&e oped so did comp e ity o&er t#e &e task iterations7 @art o t#eir

    anguage de&e opment cou d re ect t#e c ose inks et9een t#eir use o ne9 e pressions in t#e mono ogues and initia e posure in t#e prior peerinteractions despite t#e students8 di erent oci on anguage

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    pro ems 9it# the artic es and greater pro ems 9it# a*an 7 .igni cant y$t#ese earners #ierarc#y o accuracy

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    a ten-9eek period7 "#e target items 9ere se&en constructions re ated toun ami iar sc#emata

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    >it# a gro9ing trend to9ards more in orma ised anguage in ad&ertisingte ts$ %ng is# 9it# an Iris# accent or dia ect is a eature 9#ic# isincreasing y e p oited y ad&ertisers in t#e Iris# conte t7 "#e paper 9i

    ook at t#e presence o #eterog ossia or mu ti&oicedness

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    A+ + ,ST 'AT (+ + ,9#L( +' ',+., ,# ,S,+TAT (+ +SCD((L T,9TB(( S% TD, C( #*S A+. . SC(* S, A+AL:T CAL7A:

    Author4s5% Karina Bt#man$ 'E#ar Oa udin$ Aa#iya# Dato H ' du amid$ o#d7.u akir o#d7 Qasin$ Quen C#ee *eong

    %ducation p ays an important ro e to incu cate in society ot# t#e a9areness o gender and cu tura di&ersity especia y to anguage$ re igion and et#nicity roman ear y age7 's te t ooks and practice ooks are t#e mainstay o teac#ing$ t#eymay e or many students a repository o gender re ations$ identity and se ro eidenti cation7 ' researc# co a oration conducted y a team rom )ni&ersiti*e angsaan a aysia uti ises corpus in&estigation so t9are on sc#oo te t ooksin a aysia and Satar to e p ore gender representation7 Corpus in&estigationso t9are a o9s t#e user to process and organise arge amounts o te tua data7It reorders t#e items in a corpus so t#at t#ey can e o ser&ed and in&estigated

    y t#e user and it ca cu ates statistica in ormation a out t#e data in t#e corpus7 "#is paper #ig# ig#ts t#e met#odo ogy and issues t#at #ad arisen as 9e asmeasures taken to o&ercome t#ese issues to ensure &a idity and re ia i ity o t#edata ana ysis7 It 9i a so present an o&er&ie9 o t#e ana ysis t#at indicates t#edominant ma e gender representation in a aysian sc#oo te t ooks7


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    7riting in L2% luenc$ te-t t$pes and L2/proEcienc$

    Author4s5% jsa @a &iainen$ *atHa fnty f$ @au a *a aHa

    "#is paper ooks at t#e 9riting process in L2 and uency7 >#ereas uency#as een a topic in t#e study o ora production in L2 or a ong period o time$ uency in 9riting #as een ess studied7 )nti recent y$ measures o

    uency in 9riting #a&e primari y een ased on 9ritten products 9#ereaskeystroke- ogging tec#ni ues no9adays a o9 a more precise ana ysissince t#ey record t#e 9#o e 9riting acti&ity7 "e t types and te tc#aracteristics #a&e a so een a topic o interest or uite some time in

    e ds suc# as iterature$ inguistics and education7 It is 9e esta is#edt#at c#i dren rom ear y on earn #o9 to produce a narrati&e$ 9#ereas t#egenre o argumentati&e te ts is typica y earnt ater$ at sc#oo 7

    In t#is study$ 9e ocused on ad&anced anguage students at a Finnis#uni&ersity7 "#ey 9ere rst-year maHors o .9edis#

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    The impact of ,nglish language tests in 'reece% constructing theneoliberal entrepreneurial sub@ect

    Author4s5% ,asi iki "itina @apa ippou

    "#e imited empirica researc# on t#e impact o tests on t#e constructiono students8 inguistic and earning identities

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    The impact of linguistic anal$sis% #rescripti&e grammar andgender/neutral pronouns

    Author4s5% Laura @aterson

    It is traditiona grammatica con&ention to coinde re erents o unkno9nse 9it# t#e generic mascu ine pronoun he 7 o9e&er$ e&idence rom

    inguistic e periments i son and g 1 (($ Gasti 1 0= #as s#o9nhe to #a&e a de au t mascu ine interpretation 9#ic# cannot e generic7 Qetin t#e ate t9entiet# century studies on t#e treatment o epicenes ingrammar #and ooks$ suc# as Aodine

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    Aodine$ 'nne7 1 +57 N'ndrocentrism is prescripti&e grammar6 .ingu ar:t#ey;$ se -inde nite :#e;$ and :#e or s#e;7 Language in Society 6 12 -14!7

    Gasti $ Oo#n7 1 07 NGeneric pronouns and se ist anguage - t#eo ymoronic c#aracter o mascu ine generics7 Sex #oles +. i son$ % iEa et# and .ik 7 g7 1 ((7 N.e ias in &isua s e&oked ygenerics6 ' e9 Kea and study7 Sex #oles @2 6 15 -1!(7

    Ku er$ .#aron and 'nn 7 Reed7 1 37 N"#e po itics o grammar#and ooks6 Generic #e and singu ar t#ey7 College %nglish ((B( 7 515-5307

    Since ta"ing part in the research things ha&e started to changem$self ha&e begun to put a lot more energ$ into peerdiscussions ! .iscourse anal$sis as an open/ended approach to&alidit$ and impact in research into language teacher learning

    Author4s5% .te&en @eters

    "#is paper ooks to e p ore some o t#e tensions and re9ards roug#ta out y t#e use o discourse ana ysis et#ere $ 1 (+' &esson and .k d erg$ 2000= in a researc# proHect conducted y t#ispractitioner-researc#er as part o a researc# training asters at t#e)ni&ersity o Aristo 7 "#e study ooked into re ecti&e practices

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    &a idation and participants responses 9as t#en conducted eading toconc usions and recommendations7

    It is suggested rom t#is researc# t#at processes o positioning

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    percei&ed y t#e earner and to nd out 9#et#er t#e moti&ating actorsre ate to particu ar target anguages7 "#e o Hecti&e 9as to disco&er #o9di erent anguage conte ts re ate to t#e indi&idua earners7 >ou d it epossi e to distinguis# one anguage eing earned more or instrumenta

    reasons rat#er t#an integrati&e onesMIn act$ t#e inno&ati&e met#odo ogy goes eyond t#e simp einstrumenta Pintegrati&e mode o moti&ation and creates a ne9 modeusing actor ana ysis$ 9#ic# inc udes components o intrinsicPe trinsicmoti&ation$ attri ution o successP ai ure$ an iety$ se -eJcacy ande pectation o success7

    "#e study soug#t to unco&er stereotypica attitudes and preconcei&edideas a out t#e anguages7 For e amp e$ 9ere some anguages considered

    #ard to earn or eauti u to t#e ear or N un M

    Aeck$ R7C7

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    measures o &er a and non-&er a IS$ s#ort term memory and se uencingcapacity$ 9ere gat#ered rom participants in a maHor t9in study andsu Hected to comparati&e ana yses7 Distinct re ations#ip patterns emerge$

    rom 9#ic# it is possi e to #ypot#esise common moti&ators o &ariation in

    cogniti&e and inguistic traits7 "#e re e&ance o t#ese ndings to researc#into conditions associated 9it# anguage impairment suc# as dementiaand sc#iEop#renia are discussed7

    FitEpatrick$ "7 200!6 a its and ra its6 >ord associations and t#e L2e icon7%8# SLA ear,oo- +HH) !$ 121-457

    FitEpatrick$ "7 200+6 >ord association patterns6 )npacking t#eassumptions7 1nternational &ournal o Applied Linguistics $ 1+$ 31 -317

    Ge9irt#$ L7R7$ .#ind er$ '7G7 and ier$ D7A7 1 (46 ' tered patterns o 9ordassociations in dementia and ap#asia7 3rain and Language $ 21$ 30+-1+7

    erten$ "7 1 36 >ord association responses and psyc#oticism7Personality and indi idual di erences! @ ! 2.I6K'

    The research reported here 9as unded ,y the %conomic and Social

    #esearch Council! 8>'

    dentiE$ing criterial aspects of pronunciation in L2 ,nglish acrossC, le&els% mplications for language learning

    Author4s5% Arec#tHe @ost$ Fiona Aarker$ ic#ae cCart#y$ % aine .c#midt

    @ronunciation is a key ut under-researc#ed aspect o L2 %ng is#competence in re ation to t#e ac uisition o its components7 InsuJcientski in pronunciation production is o ten &ery damaging to inte igi i itya t#oug# re ati&e y itt e is kno9n a out t#e 9ay in 9#ic# its componentsare ac uired

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    "#is paper 9i descri e a pi ot study t#at in&estigates #o9 &ariousmeasures o prosodic and p#ono ogica competence can e used toc#aracterise di erent e&e s o pro ciency in re ation to t#e Common%uropean Frame9ork o Re erence or Languages

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    space 9i e usedM "#e data gat#ered a o9s or t#e ana ysis o dia ogueset9een Dea nati&e users o Aritis# .ign Language

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    Language earner strategies researc# #as een triggered y t#epu ication o Ru in

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    Researc# to date on ormati&e assessment #as assumed t#at teac#ereed ack is mediated t#roug# t#e medium o one or a dominant anguage7o9e&er$ a signi cant num er o c#i dren study t#roug# t#e medium o a

    second or e&en a t#ird anguage7 "#is raises uestions a out t#e impact o eed ack in earning in t#e i ingua P mu ti ingua c assroom7 For e amp e6o9 do teac#ers promote ormati&e assessment opportunities in t#eir

    c assesM >#ic# anguage#atdi erences resu t in terms o student uptake on eed ack 9#en t#e L1 isused rat#er t#an t#e L2 or t#e L3M "#ese are some o t#e uestions t#at9i e e p ored in t#is presentation7

    "#is presentation is ased on empirica data gat#ered rom a i ingua

    c assroom conte t / *is9a#i i and %ng is# - 9#ere teac#ers and t#eirstudents s#i t seam ess y in and out o t#ese t9o anguages in t#eteac#ing o core curricu a su Hects7 It 9i ocus on teac#er eed ack and

    uestioning t#roug# ot# anguages$ on #o9 t#e di erences o ser&edimpact on ormati&e earning opportunities$ and identi y some o t#e

    ua itati&e di erences in eed ack and student engagement7

    "#e presentation t#en uestions t#e enduring moti&ations or promoting%ng is# irrespecti&e o conte t and t#e pursuit o #omogenising#eterogeneity t#roug# e amining processes and t#e conse uences t#att#e un uestioned use o a prestigious 9or d anguage may #a&e onstudents7

    bData rom6 %.RCPD ID maHor researc# grant R%.-1!+-25-02!39997 risto 7ac7ukPspine=


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    ndirectness in self/promotional narrati&e% 4.e5personalised andother/perspecti&es in selling $our strengths to an inter&ie8er

    Author4s5% .op#ie Reissner-Rou icek

    "#e institutiona practice t#at is t#e e#a&ioura $ or competency- ased$ Ho inter&ie9 demands a speci c kind o :discursi&e ski ;

  • 8/11/2019 BAAL 2011 Book of Abstracts


    The Carni&al of erbal .uelling

    Author4s5% C#ris RiEEa

    "#is paper dra9s on insig#ts rom Critica Discourse 'na ysis and iteraryt#eory to present an ana ysis o &er a due ing in t#e m N( i e8$ starring%minem7 I argue t#at an in#erent eature o suc# &er a contests is t#enotion o t#e Ncarni&a 8

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    Students= self/reports of their ,nglish spea"ing encountersoutside the classroom at the *ni&ersit$ of +ottingham +ingboChina

    Author4s5% @au Rooke

    "#is researc# in&estigates t#e opportunities o students at )ni&ersity o otting#am ing o C#ina to speak %ng is# outside t#e c assroom and #o9

    t#e students represent t#eir speaking encounters7 It is adapted rom anorigina study y Cop and W Garton 9#o e p ored t#e speakinge periences o internationa students in t#e )* during a pre-sessionaprogramme during t#e summer o 200(7 Aased upon data rom

    uestionnaires$ on- ine diaries and inter&ie9s co ected in t#e autumn o 2010 t#ree main categories o interaction emerged academic$ socia andcasua 7 "#e resu ts s#o9 t#at as t#ere are e9 speakers o %ng is# outsidet#e c assroom and %'@ tutors in t#e c assroom are t#e primary source o %ng is#$ students create t#eir o9n acti&ities 9it# peers to practice %ng is#$9#ere possi e7 ' t#oug# a compre#ensi&e programme o e tra-curricu aracti&ities #as een encouraged and esta is#ed$ t#ere is a se&ere ack o natura %ng is# speakers eit#er eading or participating in t#ese e&ents7

    "#e situation is compounded y &ery o9 num ers o internationa

    students 9it# 9#om t#ere is itt e contact main y due to segregatedaccommodation7 "#e researc# conc udes y suggesting t#e creation o greater opportunities or e tra-curricu ar acti&ities 9it# natura %ng is#speakers to de&e op inguistic and socio-cu tura ski s7 @ossi i ities inc udea m c u or %ng is# mo&ies 9#ic# 9ou d e p ore issues surroundingAritis# society$ and suc# acti&ities 9ou d #a&e to e ed y %'@ tutors 9#oare t#e maHor source o natura %ng is# at ) C7


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    Communicating Strategicall$ in Spanish as L2

    Author4s5% aritEa Rosas

    Bne area o anguage earning in 9#ic# 'pp ied Linguistics #as made animportant contri ution is in e tending our understanding o t#e importantro e o Communication .trategies

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    Findings so ar s#o9 strong re ations#ips et9een &aria es and t#epatterns o C.s7 In particu ar$ t#ey indicate a #ig#er use o C.s in pre-intermediate e&e s$ in .- . dyads and in t#e c osed task7

    Dlrnyei$ K7 and *lrmos$ O7$ 1 (7 N@ro em-so &ing mec#anisms in L2communication87 Studies in Second Language Acquisition! 20

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    case studies o teac#ers 9#o #ad een on onger immersion programmesand ua itati&e studies o ten teac#ers 9#o #ad e perienced s#ort-termsoHourns7 C assroom o ser&ations and inter&ie9s 9it# ourteen teac#ers9ere a so carried out7

    "#e paper conc udes 9it# recommendations seeking to ma imiseinteraction opportunities in t#e .tudy ' road en&ironment and t#us t#e

    ene ts o suc# programmes or teac#ers and u timate y$ or t#eirstudents7

    deologies of =authenticit$= in an endangered language% changeand =correctness= in 'uernse$ rench

    Author4s5% Ou ia .a a ank$ C are Ferguson

    N'ut#enticity is a sa ient issue 9it#in endangered anguage conte ts

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    re ates to ideo ogies o aut#enticity and correctness in t#e speec#community7 Linguistic data 9ere co ected in semi-structured andunstructured inter&ie9s 9it# speakers rom as 9ide an age-range as ispossi e 9it# a #ig# y endangered anguage

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    Conse uent y$ materia s aut#ors and te t ooks in genera #a&e easyaccess to re uency in ormation regarding t#e use o inguistic e ements indai y use and in any communicati&e domain7 "#us$ do rea y te t ookscomp y 9it# re uency istsM

    "#is paper addresses t#e issue o 9#et#er anguage teac#ing te t ooks#a&e adapted or not$ and to 9#at e tent$ to t#e ne9 situation regardingt#e kind and amount o &oca u ary t#ey o er t#e students and itsdistri ution a ong te t ooks7 et#odo