BA SUCCESS YEARBOOK - Massey University of … of Humanities and... · BA SUCCESS YEARBOOK. Tena...

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Transcript of BA SUCCESS YEARBOOK - Massey University of … of Humanities and... · BA SUCCESS YEARBOOK. Tena...


Tena koe, kia orana, ni sa bula vinaka, fakalofa lahi atu, talofa lava, taloha ni, malo e lelei, ni hao, salaam alaikum, halo, selamat datang, xin chao, sawatdee, namaste, mabuhay, hola, ola.

Welcome to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and your Bachelor of Arts (BA) studies for 2017.

Congratulations on choosing a BA. The world requires those who can think independently, ask probing questions, present reasoned arguments, and communicate effectively with people from different cultures and countries. You have the ability to become competent in all of these skills by completing the core courses in the Massey BA.

The BA will drive your intellectual passion, expand your knowledge, and help prepare you for your chosen career. It combines the freedom to study the subjects you are fascinated by (and to discover new ones!) with benefits of a core curriculum. Massey’s BA has the bases covered: it will satisfy your desire to learn and expand your career opportunities, now and in the future.

As a new student you may be uncertain of what to expect or have questions. You are now part of the BA community and have access to the BA Student Engagement project (BASE+) where you can access a number of people and resources to answer your questions and help you successfully navigate through, and succeed in, your studies. If you have any questions please contact one of the BASE+ facilitators (refer to the contact details at the end of this booklet). We also encourage you to join the BA community Facebook group at BASE@Massey University – Bachelor of Arts Student Engagement and engage with other students in the BA, or meet other students in person by visiting the BASE+ common rooms at the Albany or Palmerston North campuses. You may also choose to visit the virtual BASE+ Common Room where you can ‘meet’ others and find useful tips and resources for coping with university life. The BASE+ common room is accessible via your Stream home page.

We look forward to getting to know you and sharing in your learning journey.

All the best for your studies.


INTRODUCTIONIn this booklet you will find experiences from BA students studying at Massey. There are stories from distance students throughout Aotearoa New Zealand and students who study internally at the Manawatü and Albany campuses. Massey’s BA students come from all walks of life. They bring with them a richness of perspectives and we hope you find their insights interesting and useful.


Why did you choose to study a BA?I think the BA chose me. I started off doing a Bachelor of Business Studies but it didn’t sit well with me so I took a semester off just to focus on work. It wasn’t until the BA re-structure and I was like “oh my goodness, this is something that I really want to be a part of.”

“This is your time to understand who you are”

Why did you choose Massey?It’s far enough away from home to have my independence and close enough to go home. I’m from the Hawke’s Bay. I’m very much a small-town girl and I think Palmerston North is definitely big enough for me.

What advice would you give to new students?Really figure out who you are. Don’t be too hard on yourself - I think that’s definitely something that’s important. This is your time to really understand who you are.

What has been the most challenging aspect of your study?Sticking to it. It’s so hard. I got the second year fever. I didn’t actually know that it was a real thing but I was just really questioning what I was doing at university. But if you are really passionate about it you should really stick to it.

What does success mean to you?Success means to me that I can go to sleep knowing I’ve done everything I can in my day to really reward myself and potentially reward others. Actually go to sleep with total Zen and be just like, ok cool I can definitely relax tonight.

The BA has been refreshed to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Through the new purpose-built shared curriculum, it aims to fire intellectual passion and develop the transferable skills employers demand. Massey is the only university in New Zealand to offer a BA of this kind.


Why did you choose to study a BA?I chose to study a BA because I’ve always been interested in English and History and Drama and all that kind of stuff in high school. It was kind of a passion already so I was just taking it further really. That and because I want to do teaching afterwards and I’d love to be able to teach English and Drama - mainly drama.

“Get to know the university”

What would you tell your past self or what advice would you give to new students?I’d tell my past self probably to be more organised or more on to it for my assignments. For new students though, I’d tell them to get to know the university a little bit more and see what other things you can do other than just study because there are so many things offered. Getting into that world is really helpful I guess. It’s good to make friends and colleagues and bounce ideas and learn off each other. So getting yourself out there a bit more.

What things do you mean?Just like clubs or even BASE+ or Wednesdays with all the activities that they do and getting involved with MUSA or the Recreation Centre and stuff like that.

What have been the most challenging aspects of your study?Reading. It’s a huge one at the start. But that’s just a matter of getting over yourself and doing it. Cause you have to.

What does success mean to you?Success means pushing yourself.

Information on student facilities and services can be found under the student life tab on the Massey website. Distance students may be interested in joining the Massey University Extramural Community on Facebook.


Why did you choose to study a BA and what is your major?My major is Mäori studies. It was with encouragement from a friend, who kept saying to me, “I see that you’re passionate about your people.” And it was really him that encouraged me to come to Massey.

“Do everything you can to help yourself succeed”

What would you tell new students?Do everything you can to help yourself succeed; get to know your tutor, your lecturers, form study groups, do everything that you can to help yourself succeed and use every opportunity you can to up your game.

What do you think has been the most rewarding part of your study?I love learning stuff. I think it was more just learning stuff and being able to see my growth has been one of the most rewarding things of my study.

What does success mean to you? For everybody, success has a different interpretation. I spent my first term here at university feeling like an alien and I didn’t know how I was passing my classes. I remember one success, I got a paper back and when I looked at it, this number came up, and I said to my mate, “Did I pass?” He said to me, “That’s an A”. I’ve never had an A in my life and that propelled me further into my study so I managed to maintain a B average.

How did you achieve that?I had a study buddy who had a few strategies. My friend would ring me up and would say to me, “Do you want to get together?” And I’d say yup!


Why did you choose to study a BA?I started with a Health Science programme but I wanted to go into human resources so I chose the Business Psychology route which made a lot more sense.

“Figure out who you are and what you want to do”

Have your ideas about your future changed since you’ve become a student?Most definitely. When I started in 2005, I was working for a charity, working with people. After nearly 20 years of doing that, I kind of burned out and I realised that I enjoyed working with my staff far more. So that was part of the reason for my change from the Health Science to the BA.

What advice would you give to new students?It’s not that important to go to university straight out of school. So many students have started a degree, poured thousands of dollars into their first year only to change majors because they hate it. Before they go out spending ridiculous amounts of money, people need to live a little bit and figure out who they are and what they want to do.

What has been the most challenging aspect of study?Time. With lots of different roles to juggle. I have become an expert list maker. And I compartmentalise everything to within an inch of its life.

What has been the most rewarding part of study to date?The most rewarding part is there’s always something new to learn. The more you learn, the more you realise how much you don’t know. But it’s also meeting people who are also excited about learning.


Why did you choose to study a BA and what is your major?Because I’ve got a medical degree, I thought I’d try something new and completely different. I’d always wanted to do something like that.

“Don’t take on too much”

What is your major?Sociology and Social Anthropology but I wouldn’t mind doing more creative writing. And that wasn’t what I really intended to do – it was just available at the time. I had intended to do English and Art History, but there you are.

What advice would you give new students?I think obviously not to take on too much, because it’s actually quite a lot. I’m just doing it for pleasure so I’m not in any hurry to get the degree because I’ve already got a job and so on. But still I wouldn’t like to be doing any more papers than I’m doing which is about two a semester because I want to be able to enjoy it properly. And I think you have to be fairly disciplined to get through your work every week, to not let it run into the next week, and so on. I mean, it is a very flexible thing; you can do it on buses and planes.

What has been the most rewarding part of your study?I have to say, it’s learning to write again. I feel like it is quite creative and I enjoy it.


Why did you choose to study a BA?I decided to take a BA so I can do a major in Economics, while doing minors in Politics and Security Studies. This allows me to satisfy personal interests while also doing future prospects.

“Be socially active to deal with stress”

Why did you choose to attend Massey?I came here because I heard there was a good Politics course. It’s also close to home, about an hour away.

What advice you would give future students? I think being very socially active is a good way to deal with the stress. If you hang out with friends you have a greater amount of energy to put in the hard hours. It’s better than just sitting home all day and just staring at a book.

What has been the most challenging aspect of study?In the first semester it was writing; adapting and adjusting to the styles that they ask for. I ask a lot of questions. And it’s also good to talk with other students as well who are doing the same assignment or similar courses.

What do you think has been the most rewarding part of your study?Just learning a lot about the world. Just learning different views and ideologies and how we see things for how they are, or how they could be or how they must be; that sort of stuff.

Do you find BASE+ a useful resource?I find it kind of a good place to go. Make a cup of coffee and just sit down and have a chat with a lot of people up there.


Why did you choose to study a BA?I chose to study a BA because I thought that studying Psychology would be interesting. I liked the idea of psychology because I see it as a way to help people. So I decided to do it through a BA.

“Manage your time to be happier”

What would you tell your past self?To my past self I would say don’t get hung up on what everyone says or tells you because in year 13 everyone was pressuring me to go to university. So I didn’t. I just took a gap year.

Did taking that gap year make you somewhat more prepared?I think so. I feel a bit more mature than when I was in year 13. And I think I understand the importance of university and how much it costs. I think after earning money for a year and then going to having no money, I do appreciate things more.

How do you go about achieving success?Probably by managing time. If you manage your time for study or doing an assignment then you succeed more and you’re happier because you’re not stressed trying to cram something in three days before it’s due.

Do you find BASE+ to be a useful resource?Yes. I think the people here make it a great place I’ve met friends here. The people who run BASE+ are really informative and helpful. It’s just a really nice environment. I do a lot of my study up here but then it’s also a place where I can socialise with other people.

The Centre for Teaching and Learning offers interactive seminars each semester to help you develop successful strategies to manage you time.


Why did you choose to study a BA?In year 13 I had this really amazing history teacher and that is when I decided that History was what I wanted to study. She was really caring and really good at motivating her students and being there for her students.

“You choose how you approach life”

Why did you choose to attend university? For me, university was always a goal. Higher education was always encouraged. My mum dropped out of high school but went back to university after having me. Dad never went to university, but he never discouraged me from going.

What do you want to do with your degree?

I would quite like to be a teacher. The education that I had was very different to average but it really stuck with me.

What advice would you give your past self? Life does get better, definitely. You choose how you approach life; you don’t let other people define it.

What has been the most challenging aspect of study? Motivation is a bit of a challenge at times. Sometimes I just really want to get stuck in to a new TV programme. Sometimes I’m really tired, or don’t have the energy, or I’m sick and have too many things on my plate, and I don’t feel like doing anything.

What does success mean to you? I guess success is when you get everything done that you want to get done, as well as everything you need to get done, and somehow still manage to stay relatively sane at the end of it.


Why did you initially choose to study a BA?I hope one day to do an MA but the dream is to be a published author. I felt the BA would help me develop my writing and give me a good foundation towards becoming an author. But even if I don’t get published, my writing will still be improved.

“Pace yourself”

Why did you choose to attend Massey?I needed to have the flexibility of extramural study, with also working full-time. I’ve done a few short courses in writing at the University of London when I was over there, so I really wanted to get a more substantial qualification and actually learn from published authors as well.

How many papers are you doing each semester?I’ve been doing two papers a semester. I want to focus on quality rather than on quantity. I really prefer to focus on the content and not have to rush through things.

What advice would you give to new students? Mainly pace yourself. Don’t try and do too much because university study is a lot different from high school or polytech. It’s quite hard out so don’t overdo it. Look at your life and the people around you and your situation and what time you have. And choose the amount of papers based on that.

What does success mean to you?I think it’s like when I’ve finally finished the study, being, at the end of it, still sane and healthy and still in a relationship with also a degree under my arm.


Why did you choose to study a BA?Last year I started my Level 5 Certificate in Early Childhood. But then I was thinking maybe I need to step it up a little bit to study further, that’s why I selected the BA to start with to get a good career.

“It’s like a family”

What’s your major?Education. Maybe after my BA I’ll do something like primary teaching.

What’s it like at Massey?In the first weeks, it was really hard coming back as a Mum and studying again, but I found my way, step by step with the help of lecturers and BASE+ too. Getting BA students together, like when you’re stressed, it’s helpful work. I thought, “Oh this is good, it’s like a family.”

How has your Massey experience been?I’ve learnt so much here, at Massey, it’s not only study but interaction with other students as well. We meet and we talk about our assignments; it’s like a happy moment if we receive our essay back and we get good marks. It motivates you to do more. I really enjoy it.

What has been the most challenging aspect of your study? It was a very big challenge for me to study here in New Zealand. If I think about my family, none of them have any high qualification. I always wanted to study further. I married when I was young so I didn’t finish and I always aimed for a good job when I was in the Islands. Now is a good time for me because now my kids are grown up.

BASE+ will be hosting regular coffee groups throughout the semester to facilitate student to student support.


What do you study at Massey? I study Mäori under my BA. Mäori is my major, English is my minor. I’m wanting to be a high school teacher. I chose Massey because it was convenient. I lived here in Palmerston North. And I heard good things about the teaching programme.

“Make sure your life is balanced”

Have your ideas about your future changed since you became a student?Yeah, in a way, because I came here wanting to get my degree as a teacher and get out. But what changed was my involvement on campus. I’ve been involved in different things here and I guess it’s opened my mind up a little bit. Uni’s not just a place where you can study but there are many things that you can do.

What advice would you want to give new students?Make sure that when studying, your life is balanced. Because if one part of your personal life is not good then your study’s going to reflect that as well. It’s like whare tapa wha, the balanced lifestyle model.

What has been the most rewarding part of your study?I’d have to say being happy in what I’m studying is good. Some people come here and they question their degree all the time but knowing that my degree is what I want and what I know that I’m passionate about is a good thing for me.

How have you found BASE+?I think BASE+ has done an excellent job. I think they’re a new team doing a great job because people in other disciplines and other degrees, you know, they envy that we have a BA Common Room.

Distance students are welcome in the BASE+ Common Room anytime they’re on campus.


Why did you choose to study a BA?I want to go into teaching. I decided on the BA in the end because I thought that it was a more broad way of doing it. And also looking into the future, if I went into teaching and then later on decided that it wasn’t what I wanted to do then I still have that degree as backup.

“If you’re a visual person, use a wall planner.”

What is your major? My major is Education and I’m also doing a minor in Mäori Studies.

How are you finding both of those? Really good, I love the education, it’s really interesting. A lot of it is taught distance. It has pros and cons all the time. For me, I really like coming to class. I kind of struggle a little bit not having the face-to-face. Having said that, I really like the flexibility and being able to do my work when it works for me.

What would you like to do with your degree? I’m looking at early childhood at this point. Having said that, because with such a broad degree, at this point I could go into any level of education.

How do you go about achieving success?I’m a visual person, I have a wall planner so you can see when stuff is due, I usually put that an assignment is due one or two days before the actual due just so that I freak out and then I’m like, oh it’s okay, I’ve got two days.


Murray KirkBASE+ Facilitator (Manawatu campus)

Ph: ext 86236

“The most important thing I have learned is to find the enjoyment in your studies. My first courses were often chosen for others’ sake. The trick is to find your passion and follow that. Having this clear goal will help you succeed when times get tough.”

Alister (Tali) LaviniBASE+ Facilitator (Manawatu campus)

Ph: ext 86261

“Your workload will require good time management and discipline in order to ensure assignments are in on time. Persistence and enduring the challenges of studying are vital principles I have learned as a student.”

Evangeline DunnBASE+ Facilitator (Albany campus)

Ph: ext 49025

“I encourage students to get out there and make the most of what the university is offering. There are different services, clubs and events for nearly everything you could possibly imagine, and it’s as simple as signing up and attending a few workshops which can make a huge difference to your university experience.”

Top Tips for BA Students

“Take all the study opportunities given.”

“Drink Water.”“Find people who lift you up.”

“Coffee is friend (moderation).”“Don’t stress.”

“Talk to people, ask for help.”

“Get to know your lecturers. They are humans too! (Don’t feed after midnight).”

“Work, work, work.” “Choose papers you have a genuine interest in.”“Sleep.”

“It’s ok to be bad or average at some things. Just do your best.”

“Manage your time wisely.”

“Keep on top of your work.”

“Believe in yourself.”

“Work hard and enjoy.” “Say yes more often.”

“As with everything, the effort you put in reflects what you get out.”