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Transcript of ©BeyondNaturalHealths3.amazonaws.com/Mentis/BeyondNaturalHealth.com/dldl/MonthlyReports/10... ·...



Copyright © 2013 Nutrifrontier Limited All rights reserved. Published by Kevin Richardson Notes to the Reader: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under U.S copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. The statements found within the pages of this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. The publisher and the contributors are not engaged in rendering medical advice. All information contained in this book is received from sources believed to be accurate, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made. Readers are encouraged to verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, the accuracy of all information, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions or anything else contained within these pages before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read herein. The author of this e-book is not a licensed practitioner of medicine; therefore, the techniques, ideas, and opinions here are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! The information provided here is solely for informational purposes only. If medical advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from any health decisions made by purchasers of this book. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. Individual results may vary.


Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4

What's Wrong With Drinking Commercially Available Juices? ............................................................... 7

Advantages of Juicing .............................................................................................................................. 9

What's Better – Juices or Smoothies? ................................................................................................... 12

Get Serious About Your Health .............................................................................................................. 14

The Value of Raw..................................................................................................................................... 16

Base Juices............................................................................................................................................... 19

Best Fruits for Juicing ............................................................................................................................. 23

Best Vegetables for Juicing .................................................................................................................... 33

Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 54


Introduction Are you eating your fair share of fresh fruits and vegetables? If you

are getting enough – good for you! But if you're not there yet, you

know what you need to do. Irrespective of where you stand on

the scale of fruit and vegetable consumption, chances are you're

just not getting enough nutritional value from the fresh fruits and

vegetables that you are eating.

How could this be? Well the quick answer is that many of the most valuable nutrients from these

wonderful gifts from nature lie in the part of those fruits and vegetables that are not normally

consumed by eating they way we’re used to eating. But that's where the real value of juicing and

making smoothies comes to the forefront. With the right equipment and a bounty of organic

produce on and, most fruits and vegetables can be juiced wholly and completely.

A notable exception is the exterior skin on oranges and grapefruits and inorganic pineapples

should not be juiced using the outer rind. But everything else should be dropped into the hopper

after proper cleaning and cutting. As far as smoothies go with a high-powered, durable blender,

the same principle applies. You simply toss out everything inside and blend it into a smooth, frothy

and extremely healthy meal in a glass.

Nothing beats the taste and nutrient density of fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables. These are

among nature's most precious and life-sustaining gifts. These gems are loaded with vitamins,

minerals, trace elements and enzymes that fuel the body and all its cells and organs with the

ingredients needed for healthy functioning. But if you're only eating parts of these natural,

nutrient-laden wonders, you're only getting a part of the value each offers. But it's NOT the most

valuable parts – those get tossed aside because they're just not that very appealing. After all, who

wants to each the rind of a watermelon or cantaloupe?


But the fact of the matter is that these outer and inner rind areas (plus the cores and skins of other

fruits and vegetables) possess as much as 95% of the total nutritional value of the food itself. So

when you dig into that delicious slice of fresh-cut cantaloupe – it tastes delicious but clearly you're

missing out on the lion's share of nutrients the whole cantaloupe has to offer.

But you can juice the entire cantaloupe and get much closer to a hundred percent of its food

value. In a smoothie, you could add everything except the outer skin itself and thus add to your

diet, far more of the nutrients that lie just below the skin of the fruit. With other fruits and

vegetables (for example, apples, pears, potatoes and carrots you can add the whole thing to your

smoothie and capture all its life-sustaining goodness.

While it's important to eat a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables every day, I recommend that

you also make fresh fruit and vegetable juices too. Not only are fresh juices extremely good for

you – they are invigorating, taste delicious and give you an instant boost of energy on the spot. It

just feels right and good to enjoy a fresh, healthfully-prepared juice or smoothie. You get a sense

of doing something good for your body and all of its comp1nt parts, organs and systems.

Most of us know the value of eating lots of greens and fresh vegetable salads. And snacking on a

piece of fruit is a great way to add more raw food to your diet. Lets' face it, raw foods are simply

better for you. You get the food in its purest form – at the peak of freshness. Juices and smoothies

make it easy to consume more raw fruits and vegetables.

For a healthy, vigorous body, you need the benefit of fresh-squeezed juices and the whole food

goodness of smoothies. You should already be eating a diet that's rich in fresh fruits, vegetables,

legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Now add juices and smoothies and you gain in even more

ways. A diet that includes all of the above, with an emphasis on fresh green vegetables is a recipe

for a long and healthy life, void of the chronic aches and pains most people feel as they age.


Adding healthful fresh juices and smoothies to your daily diet contributes to a stronger immune

system and better defences against cold and flu. But that's just for starters. You'll also perform

better physically, have a more youthful glow, enjoy more energy and vibrancy, have better

cardiovascular health with lower blood pressure and generally get to experience even a greater

degree of health than you ever imagined.

Is it worth it to begin healthy smoothies and fresh juices today? I think you know the answer to

that 1 and I can tell you from personal experience, that you'll ever regret making the move once

you do so. It's not difficult at all and it makes for an absolutely delicious path to greater health

than anything else you could do.

The human body needs “live” foods to function optimally and to build live cells. This means adding

raw, uncooked fruits and vegetables – as well as nuts, seeds legumes and whole grains to one's

diet – with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables. All of these foods come straight from nature as

products of the soil, sunshine and rain.


What's Wrong With Drinking Commercially Available Juices? Walk into any grocery store or supermarket and you'll find the refrigerated section loaded with

various brands and flavours of juices. Not only will you find the traditional orange juice and

pineapple juice options, but there are also numerous blends of fruit juices like apple-grape, black

cherry-blackberry, orange-mango-cranberry and several more.

Then, somewhere in the middle of each store, there's a whole aisle devoted to juices and fruit

drinks in cans, bottles and cartons. Here you'll find apple juice, tomato juice and others – including

various combinations.

There's no doubt about it – “100% pure” orange or pineapple juice tastes

pretty darned good. And those colourful packages make you think you're

doing yourself a good deed by drinking all the 100% pure juice you can buy.

If you buy into mainstream thinking – you might think these juices were

healthy choices for you and your family. To be fair, the fresher, purer

drinks are probably better for you than the overly-processed canned and

bottled variety. But the fact is that all commercially prepared juices are

pasteurized. This means they've been heated or cooked and are thus void

of all the enzymes present in the whole fruit.

What's more is that the nutrient value in all fresh produce is maxed out at the peak of ripeness.

This is the time to eat and juice fruits and vegetables for maximum nutritional value. But the thing

is, this is also the time when they need to be consumed. You simply push the fruit or vegetables

through the juicer, or blend up a quick smoothie – and you drink it down straight away.

As the minutes count down, the nutritional values plummet. So you can imagine how little of the

initial food value of the fruit could be found in a jar that's been processed, warehoused, shipped,

and placed on the store's shelf.


Sorry to say, but there's precious little nutrition left by the time you place the item in your

shopping cart. And that doesn't even begin to address the other issues of chemical additives,

preservatives, dangerous sugar and spoiled fruit that is more often than not part of the process of

producing commercially prepared juices.

With homemade juices and blended smoothies, you get to choose the produce from the plentiful

supply available from your local store or farmer's market. So you get to choose your fruits and

vegetables at the peak of ripeness. Then, you use as much of each piece of produce as possible.

Nothing goes into your juice other than the fresh produce itself. And nothing goes into your

smoothie except the healthy additions like seeds, nuts, zero-fat yogurt or powered green

supplements. There's definitely no added refined sugar. If your beverage needs a little extra

sweetening, you can add a dash of pure h1y, black-strap molasses or maple syrup. But for most,

even these aren't necessary. You will want to consume your drink just as soon as it’s made in order

to enjoy that wonderful taste and maximize the nutritional power too.


Advantages of Juicing With juices and smoothies made fresh from your kitchen counter,

you can easily increase your consumption of the healthiest foods

on the planet. And you're getting them in a format that is loaded

with value and readily absorbed by the body. You're giving

yourself the most nutrients possible from these foods and getting

it into your system in mere minutes. Fresh juices and smoothies

the freshest and healthiest kind of beverage you could drink.

There's no loss in food value due to using over-ripe fruits and

vegetables, cooking them, or storing the finished product for any

time at all. You simple prepare and consume immediately.

Fruits are earth's energizing foods that revitalize and re-invigorate. They also serve as the body's

natural cleansing agents. When juiced, the liquid in the fruit is extracted from the fibre, delivering

the fruit's vitamins directly to the bloodstream immediately where they get right to work. That's

why you feel an instant boost of energy as you drink that delicious glass of freshly-prepared

orange or pineapple. When consumed as food rather than drink, you get the benefit of the

vitamins plus the fibre. But since the fibre fills you up, you can only eat a smaller quantity at any

given time. Fruits are easy foods to digest and some – like apple and papaya for example – actually

aid the digestive system.

Vegetables on the other hand, form the foundational building blocks of a healthy body. They

deliver the necessary vitamins and minerals to build a strong framework of bone, tissue, muscles,

glands and organs. When you consume vegetables in juice form, most of the available vitamins

and minerals are readily absorbed by the body. Since vegetables are harder to digest when eaten,

fresh juice consumed on the spot delivers much of the value quickly and efficiently, straight into

the bloodstream.


Eating plenty of the right foods and making fresh juices and smoothies daily are simple and healthy

ways to furnish the body with all the natural nutritional elements it needs. It's always best to get

your nutritional fill naturally and that's what this approach gives you. With a consistent and

conscious approach to better health, most people who juice find they no longer need to also take

vitamin supplements.

Consuming raw fruit and vegetable smoothies and juices is a sensible approach to better overall

health. Drinking fresh juices makes these vital nutrients readily available and delivers a healthful

boost straight to the bloodstream. At the same time, consuming healthy smoothies and therefore

getting more whole foods into your diet, you're also getting the important fibre to aid the

digestive system and maintain a higher level of overall health.

Live, raw fruits and vegetables help to flush the toxins out of the body. This leaves you feeling

refreshed, energized and relaxed at the same time because the whole body is better regulated

and operating the way nature intended. You will feel lighter and more alive. Your hair and skin with

have a healthier glow. You'll feel healthier, cleaner and better equipped to handle the rigours of

the day when you enjoy a freshly-made organic juice or healthy smoothie in the morning.

By the way... if you plan to buy your juices or smoothies elsewhere, be sure that they don't add

unnecessary elements like sugar. You also want them to make your drinks from scratch, not from

any previously-blended solution. This helps ensure you get maximum nutritional value every time

and not just a portion of nature's goodness from a blended banana and strawberry mixture that's

been sitting there for thirty minutes or more.

When you make juicing a daily habit, you'll notice that colds and flu tend to occur with far less

frequency. If you happen to be saddled with arthritis pain, that pain will be lessened and you'll

discover a renewed sense of flexibility. You'll have healthier teeth and gums with less bleeding and

cavities – and fresher breath to. You'll get plenty of beta-carotene in its natural for by juicing

carrots or cantaloupe and this plays an important role in the prevention and reversing of disease.


As an anti-oxidant, beta-carotene neutralizes free radicals which can cause serious damage.

Although carrots are a great source, you can also get this valuable nutrient from cruciferous

vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, brussel sprouts, kale, watercress, collard

greens, Swiss chard and mustard greens – all of which can be juiced in limited amounts and

combined with other juices to make the more palatable. Juicing is a powerful way to get more of

these foods and their nutritional punch into the body quickly and efficiently.

Another powerful nutrient found only in plant food is chlorophyll. This powerful comp1nt found

mostly in dark green, leafy vegetables enriches the blood and clears clogged arteries. It also helps

flush the lymph nodes, assists with the adrenal glands and appears to counterattack tumour

growth – particularly in the lungs. Chlorophyll is a tremendous natural aid and is readily available

whenever you juice foods like broccoli, spinach, or kale.


What's Better – Juices or Smoothies?

When it comes to meeting the body’s nutritional needs in a natural manner, you basically have

three ways to go. You can get your nutrition by eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods, drinking

fresh, homemade juice from a variety of fruits and vegetables, and you can blend many of the

same as whole food smoothies. Personally, I prefer to use all three methods and I urge you to do

the same.

Eating right is fundamental to good health. By now it should be a given.

It's important to get lots of vegetables into the diet and to make sure at

least some of those vegetables are uncooked. It's also vital to eat plenty

of fruits, along with legumes, nuts, seeds and some whole grains as well.

It's a good idea to have a least 1 large vegetable salad every day. This

does not include mayonnaise-laced potato salad or coleslaw. The kind of

salad I'm referring to is based on a healthy lettuce like romaine, or various

mixed greens that are readily available in supermarkets today.

Smoothies are a great way to get the whole-food benefit of various fruits and vegetables. This

means that not only do you get the vitamins, minerals and trace elements. But you also get all that

bulk and fibre. When you make a healthy green smoothie, you're essentially getting a meal in a


Juicing at home is very effective in giving you an abundant supply of nutrients in readily usable

form. Since you're not getting the bulky, fibrous material, you can consume lots more juice and

therefore get an abundance of these nutrients into your body. Juicing fruits is what people are

most comfortable with since they're used to the flavours of orange or pineapple juice.


But you should also be sure and juice vegetables too because they are the most nutrient-dense of

all foods on the planet. Whether you juice fruits or vegetables, what's most important is that you

drink the juice right away. Healthy foods were never meant to be stored. The ultimate is fresh-

picked, organically-grown produce that is juiced at the peak of ripeness and enjoyed on the spot.

Soon after juicing, fruits and vegetables begin to lose their nutritional power, so for maximum

benefit, always begin drinking right after you prepare the juice and leave the clean-up for later.

When it comes to cost, assuming you already have the equipment for the job, it's more economical

to make smoothies than fresh juice. The reason is that because you're using whole foods in many

instances and everything that goes into the blender becomes part of the beverage you pour out

when it has been mixed.

There is very little waste when making smoothies and quite a bit of waste when juicing since all the

fibrous bulk is extracted, all that's left is just the liquid. If you can use the waste for something

useful like carrot muffins or zucchini bread, it's not a total write-off. But in most instances,

particularly if you juice every day, the material that is extracted from the juicer goes straight into

the recycle bin or compost pile.


Get Serious About Your Health

If you want to take your health and that of your family seriously, I urge you to

get serious about getting more raw veggies and fruit into you daily diet and

the easiest way to do it is by making smoothies or fresh juice. If you've got a

regular blender, or an inexpensive, bargain-store variety juicer, it might be

fine for a few days or a week, but you'll want to step up to a more powerful

machine as soon as you possibly can.

Cheap blenders and juicers are not meant for anyone serious about their long-term health – they

couldn't possibly be. That's because they are normally smaller, with tiny motors that simply cannot

hold up to daily use, especially with some foods like carrots or pineapple. It's like a tradesman

trying to use a power tool that's been made for infrequent use at home by someone with little to

no experience.

Inferior equipment will not suffice and if you want to get serious about your health and well-being,

I implore you to buy a quality juicer. The power of the motor is everything when shopping for both

a blender and juicer. Look for the Jack Lalanne model or something similar or better. Expect to pay

one hundred and fifty dollars or so to get a good machine. Take care of it and don't try to do

something with your machine that's it's not intended for and a quality juicer should last you

several years.

As for a top-shelf blender, you'll probably need to spend considerably more. So buying a juicer

might make more sense for some families, but if you can afford it, I heartily recommend getting a

Vitamix machine. I've had mine for ten years and it works just as good today as they day I bought

it. Expect to pay about $500 for a Vitamix machine – more or less – but know that you'll have

something that can help make you and your entire family a whole lot healthier.


The Vitamix isn't just for smoothies of course, but it handles the task extremely well. You can also

make healthy salad dressings, sandwich spreads, soups, sauces and more. Oh and if you want to

try making juice, you can always add water to whatever fruits or vegetables to toss inside to thin in

down accordingly.

The best option, in my opinion is to get both a quality juicer and commercial-style blender. Think of

it as an investment in your health and well-being, not just for now but for years down the road as

well. If you routinely use both machines to create healthy concoctions, you'll feel better, lose

weight, have more energy, fight off infections and disease and in general – you'll be a lot healthier

because you'll be feeding your body more of the exact nutrients it needs most.


The Value of Raw Raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds are packed with nutrition.

Therefore it makes sense to consume a major portion of these foods in

their raw, uncooked state. But most of us can only eat so much salad.

We've been conditi1d to believe that food needs to be cooked in order

to be enjoyed. Certainly cooked food in various forms can be tasty

indeed. But it's not usually as healthful after cooking as it is before.

To get the full benefit of nutritious fruits and vegetables, strive to make fifty percent of your diet

raw. For some that's a huge stretch. But it's made a whole easier by juicing and smoothie making.

If you make a conscious effort to eat more raw foods and you shoot for that 50% level, you'll soon

notice how much better you feel, so you'll want to stick with it. What often happens before you

know it is that you begin to consume even more raw foods and often your diet swings as high as

70 or 75% raw. That's a huge shift and a fundamental transformation in how you nourish your


There are untold health benefits raw foods deliver. Tossed in a smoothie, you can usually get

closer to consuming the whole food and gaining its full value. But don't overlook the value of

juicing either. Take cantaloupe for example. If it's organic, or you carefully scrub it sown with soap

and water or a biodegradable vegetable wash – you can juice the entire thing – and get close to 1

hundred percent of the bounty of nutrition cantaloupes contain. Cantaloupes are delicious to eat.

But what happens is that you cut off all the other and inner skin, in search of only the ripe orange-

coloured fruit inside. But eating a cantaloupe and juicing the entire thing deliver vastly different

amounts of nutrition. Eating the juicy flesh al1 only gives you 5 to 10 percent of nutrients. As much

as I love munching on a fresh cantaloupe, when I remind myself that food is fuel for the body

(which it really is) – I juice at least a good portion of the fruit instead.


Juicing gets those precious, life-giving nutrients into the blood faster, without waiting for the

process of digestion to break down the cellulose and fibre that houses them. This delivers

maximum health value – without any downside. It only makes sense to get some of the raw foods

you should be getting by juicing rather than by eating al1.

There's no better source of rich vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes then raw fruits

and veggies. If you think supplements are adequate compensation for a lack of the real thing –

think again. These body building and disease prevention and fighting nutrients are most readily

absorbed in their natural form – from raw foods. Supplements are synthetic varieties that are

usually dumped into the body at once. But vitamins work best when spread out over time – like by

having a juice in the morning, salad at lunch, a nutritious smoothie in the mid-afternoon, followed

by an evening juice. That's a ton better than popping a handful of vitamin pills once a day.

One of the secrets to optimal nutrition is to use the freshest fruits and vegetables when they are

at their absolute best. Avoid using produce that isn't ripe enough as well as any that may be

overripe. And soggy, over-cooked vegetables don't have much – if any – of their nutrient value

left. Raw fruits and vegetables give you the very best nutrition and taste. If you're concerned

about the amount of water you drink (and most people should be since they drink far less than

they should) don't think for a moment that drinking bottled water or tap water is the best option.

It isn't. What do you think is the best source of pure healthy water on the planet? If you guessed

fruits and vegetables – you get a gold star because you are absolutely correct. Not only is the

water from fresh produce at its prime clean and clear – it's also naturally enriched with health-

giving minerals. To get water that's as clear as the water in nature's bounty of fruits and

vegetables, you would have to choose distilled water.


But in addition to removing all the residue and problematic elements in the water, distilling it also

removes any trace of minerals. If you want the absolute best water for your health and well-being

– start juicing more fruits and vegetables today. Not only will it protect you from dangerous

dehydration (a huge problem that's more widespread than many people think) you'll be getting a

nutritional shot in the arm every time you juice.

There's more evidence now than ever that the nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts,

legumes and whole grains can reduce heart disease and stroke, minimize nerve damage, reduce

the risk of some cancers and potentially prevent a whole host of illnesses and disease – from the

mild to the life-threatening variety. Eat what you can and juice daily. And don't forget the value of

smoothies in aiding regularity and avoiding excess gas and constipation.


Base Juices Carrot juice is something you'll want to become familiar

with, if you aren't already. As far as vegetables go, carrot

is the runaway leader in terms of popularity. It's also the

most balanced vegetable juice from a nutritional

standpoint. By itself, carrot juice is a delightfully, naturally-

sweet tasting beverage that quickly quenches any thirst

and delivers a powerful energy boost you can feel right

away. I find that some carrots are quite bland in taste.

These are typically the large, over-sized carrots that come packaged in big bags. Other carrots, like

the smaller ones sold with the greens still attached are much fresher, juicier and pleasant-tasting.

You might find raw carrot juice a little strong at first and that's okay. Simply add in a little fresh

apple juice (never, ever canned!) and blend them together for a wonderful taste. Carrot is the

most versatile vegetable juice as it can be mixed with practically any other vegetable to create a

sweeter, more palatable taste.

Carrots are easy to digest and are loaded with beta carotene. Just one, eight-ounce glass delivers

20,000 milligrams of beta carotene right to the body. When you get your beta carotene directly

from plant sources such as carrots, you're getting the best kind and unlike with supplements, it's

impossible to get too much of it from fruits and vegetables. But it's not just the beta carotene that

gives carrot it's nutritional punch. Carrots also contain vitamin C, most of the B-complex vitamins,

plus calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorus.

Look for the smaller, sweeter and juicier varieties of carrots when shopping. Avoid those

monstrous, horse-size carrots if at all possible. Vibrant, brightly-coloured carrots that are free of

cracks, rot, bruises and small white roots (indicating that they're too old) are the freshest and

best-tasting. As with all produce, it's better to buy frequently in smaller quantities than to try and

stock up in a single trip. Try buying them once a week, but get enough to juice carrots every day.


Your body will thank you for it.

It's the complex carbohydrates in carrots that gives you that energy boost. The alkaline minerals in

carrots soothe and t1 the intestinal walls, while protecting the nervous system. Carrots have a

therapeutic effect on the liver by helping it to efficiently release excess cholesterol and bile. It also

is said to help protect the skin from sunburn.

As with all fruits and vegetables, it's best to buy organic. If you get organic, simply rinse without

scrubbing and don't bother trimming the ends either. If you're buying regular non-organic carrots,

it's important to thoroughly clean the carrots and trim the ends and any bad spots. Pesticides tend

to be most concentrated at the stem end, so lopping off half an inch of the top of the carrot is a

wise thing to do. One thing you need to be aware of with carrots is that you shouldn't peel them.

A good scrubbing with a stiff brush under running water should do the trick. A good percentage of

the carrots nutrients lie hidden in the skin and just below it. If you peel your carrots, you're cutting

out the most nutritious part.

If carrot is the most adaptable vegetable, apple would have to take the honours in the fruit

category. You can blend fresh apples with just about any other fruit and create a great-tasting juice

or smoothie. Apples have been harvested for centuries and have been respected since ancient

times for their rejuvenating power. Sources indicate that there are more than fourteen hundred

different varieties of apples growing the world over. In your local grocery store, you can typically

find a half dozen different varieties – sometimes more, depending on where you live – including

red delicious, royal gala, granny smith, Macintosh, golden, pippin and ambrosia.

Apples make a absolutely delicious juice. If all you've had before is the canned variety of apple

juice, prepare for a life-altering taste sensation. Just pick up some of your favourites, cut them to

size to fit your juicer and push through until you've got a full glass of deliciousness. If you want to

indulge in the best-tasting lemonade you've ever had – use this idea created by Jay Kordich, the

original “Juiceman” – and simply add a little fresh lemon – rind and all as you juice those apples.

Lemon has such a strong taste – so you won't need much. Start with a little lemon and add more if



Apples are wonderful helpers for a healthy digestive system.

First of all, they are loaded with pectin and pectin helps

remove toxins from the intestines, while stimulating natural

bowel activity. The potassium and phosphorus in apples helps

to flush out the kidneys, while soothing minor digestive

discomfort. And the natural sugars in apple produce acids that

stimulate saliva flow to initiate digestion and assimilation.

Buy organic apples whenever it's possible to do so. They may be a little smaller and less perfect in

appearance, but it's always a safer bet to buy produce that is certified to be pesticide-free. This is

of particular concern with apples because there's a toxic spray that is sometimes used called

daminozide, which actually penetrates the skin of the apple and spreads throughout the fruit. And

no amount of washing can get rid of it. Clearly, this kind of chemical shouldn't be allowed

anywhere near the food supply, but may be commonly used in countries and on factory-farms.

These mega-size operations often add a wax coating to the fruit, giving it an unnatural sheen and

serving as a preservative, stretching the apple's shelf life and adding to the company's profits no

doubt, but giving the consumer another artificial substance to deal with before they can begin to

benefit from the juicy fruit. You can try scrubbing the wax off, but it's best to avoid waxed fruits

whenever possible. Another option is to peel the fruit before consumption. When you juice apples,

much of the outer skin is removed by the juicer, but it is preferable to not have to deal with this

unnecessary preservative at all.

Buying your own organic apples and making fresh juice in your kitchen gives you control over the

process and a product that is vastly superior in every respect, as compared to any store-bought

juice on the market. Canned juice producers process old, disfigured, even rotten fruit as “juice”

because of the cost savings and they know they can get away with it. After all, the consumer only

ever sees the end product. But an even bigger problem is the fact that commercially-prepared has

been heated – essentially cooked – and filtered during the pasteurization process, destroying the

healthful enzymes and leaving the end product with very little nutritional value.


When you juice apples, the natural product should be a little cloudy and some sediment tends to

collect in the bottom of the glass. This is pure, unfiltered apple juice – the healthiest and best

tasting juice you'll find anywhere. This is as it should be. But juice “manufacturers” through their

processes produce a liquid that you can see through.

A better option you can sometimes find is fresh, orchard-pressed apple cider made right on the

farm. Without any additives or pasteurization, this unfiltered cider ferments in a matter of days,

giving you more of a natural product than you can find in stores. Of course, nothing beats making

your juice and smoothies at home.

When you shop for apples, look for fresh, firm fruit, without the artificially shiny skins. You'll

choose the best fruit when you take your time and handle each apple individually, looking for

bruises and soft spots. For juicing, it's best to avoid any soft fruit as they tend to turn to mush and

don not produce much in the way of juice. As always, rinse your organic product under running

water before juicing. If your apples are non-organic, use a biodegradable product wash (available

in health food stores and some supermarkets) first, before rinsing.

Apples store well in the corner of your refrigerator. They are such a versatile food – great for

snacking, smoothies and juices – that you should always have apples on hand. Try different

varieties whenever you see them available, in addition to keeping favourites like red delicious and

granny smith apples on hand.

Apples should be a staple in everyone's diet. The pectin inside apples (also present in pears too) is

a digestive aid that helps to regulate the body's natural system. But to get the maximum value

from the pectin in apples, you've got to eat as much of the whole fruit as possible. So be sure to

snack on apples routinely and use them in your smoothies too, in addition to enjoying them



Best Fruits for Juicing Truth be told, you can juice just about any fruit and enjoy it's

natural flavour and wholesome goodness in liquid from one

noticeable exception is the banana, and that's where smoothies

were born, since the banana forms the basis of the majority of

healthy smoothie recipes. Here we will briefly outline some of the

best fruits for juicing.

Apricots are rich in beta carotene and iron and contain a considerable amount of protein as well.

The beta carotene in tree-ripened apricots is at its highest and is matched only by that which is

found in fresh cantaloupe. Iron is a natural blood-builder.

As a source of carotenoids, apricots help protect the body against serious diseases. Apricots also

contain potassium and magnesium – minerals that supply the body with energy, endurance and

stamina. Silicon found in apricots contributes to glowing hair and beautiful, radiant skin. Since

apricots are a smaller fruit, you'll need plenty of them for juicing and smoothies.

When buying apricots, look for firm fruit with a little bit of “give” when gently pressed. Avoid

those that are rock hard as they tend to have little flavour and produce less juice. The best apricots

are tree-ripened with orange to gold coloured skin, with a slight pink blush (indicating a delicious

sweetness inside) and a fresh, just-picked appearance.

Cherries come from the same fruit family as apricots, peaches and plums. Who doesn't love

snacking on a bowl of deliciously ripe dark-red cherries? There's no better way to spend a summer

afternoon on the front porch or backyard hammock than with a good book and a large bowl of

glorious cherries. But most people overlook this succulent fruit when it comes to juices and

smoothies. Sure, you have to remove the pits, but the delightful blend of flavours you get by

adding cherries to the mix makes the extra labour well worth.


To make things easier for yourself, pick up a cherry-pitter from your local hardware store. It's an

inexpensive gadget that makes it easy to remove those pits. Cherries also contain iron, magnesium

and potassium – as well as manganese and smaller amounts of a wider range of other minerals and

vitamins. While all cherries are good for you; the darker the red colour is, the more iron they tend

to contain. It is said that cherries also help prevent plaque build-up on teeth and are therefore a

natural aid in deterring tooth decay.

Unlike peaches and plums, cherries do not ripen any further once picked. When shopping, look for

firm, plump, dark-red cherries with a natural sheen and stems that look like they were just plucked

from the tree the day before. Do not bother with cherries that look old or are soft and mushy.

Those 1s are well past their prime so you won't get much nutrition – or taste – from them.

Included on the list of citrus fruits are oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, limes and lemons. Citrus

fruits are considered sub-tropical and are loaded with vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Together, these

key ingredients help strengthen the capillaries and blood vessels, aid the body in fighting off colds

and flu, and boost anti-viral, anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory activity – making citrus fruits

excellent fuel for building and maintaining a naturally strong immune system.

For maximum nutrition, citrus fruits should be consumed right after peeling and/or juicing. It's a

good idea to only remove the outer portion of the skin of oranges, tangerines and grapefruits and

to use all white rind, membranes and seeds as many of the nutrients found in citrus fruit is located

in the parts that are often discarded. This is where the real underlying value of juicing is exposed.

Nobody wants to each the white rind, membranes or seeds. But it's easy to put them through the

juicer and reap the benefits of the frothy goodness that streams right into your glass. The outer

skins of lemon and limes are in fact digestible. That's why you'll often see recipes calling for lemon

or lime zest.


When shopping for citrus fruits, look for well-ripened fruit with thin skins. These fruits do not ripen

after they've been picked, so you want juicy fruit that's at its peak and ready to be consumed. Thin

skins usually house the juiciest fruits, while thicker skins are an indication of more pulp than juice.

Once you get home, store your citrus fruits in the refrigerator.

Oranges are the most popular citrus fruit. Almost every1 has had the pleasure of eating this

beautiful fruit. But if you haven't yet had homemade orange juice, straight from your juice

extractor – you're in for a real treat. Not only does it taste great, but its texture is far different

from any store bought juice and when it comes to the nutritional value of fresh juice versus a

commercial brand – there's simply no comparison.

Fresh-made juice and smoothies win every time by a landslide. It will take about 5 to 7 oranges to

produce 1 large glass (approximately 1 pint) of juice, but starting your day with a fresh glass every

morning of this creamy, foaming natural creation makes you feel glad to be alive and sets you up

for a productive day. Just shave off the outer skin and juice the rest. With firm oranges, you can

use a potato peeler to make it easier, or a sharp paring knife. That's how you get 90 to 95 percent

of the food value into the juice.

Rich in vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, bioflavonoids, potassium, zinc and phosphorus and natural

sugars, oranges pack a lot of real food value into a single tennis-ball size specimen. Oranges

provide a wonderful balance of nutrients that strengthen the blood vessels and capillaries, while

protecting against colds and flu, bruising, even heart disease and strokes.

Tangerines are a lot like oranges, though typically sweeter, with loose-fitting skin. Tangerines are

easier to peel and therefore are great for snacking, just watch out for the seeds. Included in this

class of citrus are mandarins, tangelos and mineolas, which are a cross between a tangerine and

grapefruit. Tangerines in general are loaded with vitamin C plus many of B vitamins, helping to

protect one against viral infections.


Grapefruits are available with both white flesh and red. Grapefruits are less acidic than lemons and

better-tolerated by some who have difficulty ingesting oranges. All grapefruit is an excellent

source of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. It's the acids in this fruit that stimulate

the digestive juices and studies suggest that grapefruit may help protect against some cancers.

Look for smooth-skinned heavy fruit that gives off a pleasantly-sweet fragrance as that's an

indication of peak ripeness and the juiciest fruit.

Lemons are a nutritional powerhouse and possibly the most beneficial of all citrus fruits. Difficult

for most people to eat due to their strong and sour taste, lemons make excellent additions to

other foods, juices and smoothies. Lemons are a rich source of bioflavonoid and the juice of this

bright yellow fruit plays a major role in helping the body get rid of stored toxins. Just remember

that a little lemon goes a long way, due to its high citric acid content. That's why it's best to mix

lemon with other ingredients.

For a delicious drink, blend half of a fresh lemon with a large glass of sparkling mineral water. Like

other citrus fruits, you'll get the best yield from clear, thin-skinned fruit. If it feels thick or the skin

looks rough or pebbly on the outside – it means that there is less juice inside. If the skin shows a

little green, it probably means that the fruit is more acidic in nature.

Limes are another flavourful, sub-tropical citrus fruit that can be added sparingly to juices and

smoothies. Limes contain a healthy amount of vitamin C, bioflavonoid and potassium. Like lemons,

limes are best utilized when used in small quantities and combined with other fruits. Avoid rough-

skinned, dried fruit in favour of limes with a smoother outer coating. Look also for heavier, juicier

fruit for a better yield.

Cranberries are another sour-tasting fruit. But that doesn't mean you should avoid them. In fact,

cranberries are something you should consume at every opportunity because locked within these

tiny berries is a world of nutritional value. Cranberries contain quininic acid (quinine) – a powerful

acid that converts hippuric acid in the liver and helps remove purines, uric acid, urea and toxins

from the bladder kidneys, prostate and testicles.


Cranberries also help cleanse and heal the urinary canal, as anyone who has suffered a urinary

tract infection and treated it with pure cranberry juice can attest to. A single glass of cranberry

juice can knock out flu systems overnight and get rid of any accompanying aches and pains too.

It's a good idea to load up on extra cranberry juice in the winter when everyone is more

susceptible to the various bugs floating around out there.

Cranberry is bitter when taken straight, but its therapeutic properties are second to none. To enjoy

fresh cranberry all year long, simply combine it with other juices like grape, apple or pear.

Cranberries are normally sold in bags in the fall. These may be difficult to find at other times of

year, but cranberries do hold up well when frozen. So grab all you can fit into your freezer

whenever you see cranberries available.

Melons are refreshing to eat and delicious to drink. They have a high concentration of nutrients

and a low calorie count, making melons suitable for any1. Included in the melon family are

watermelons, cantaloupes and honeydew melons. These large and delicious circular and oval-

shaped foods make fantastic, creamy, energy-boosting juices. Melons are filled with pure, vitamin

and mineral enriched water, due to their deep root system and ability to penetrate deep into the

earth and tap into its rich water sources.

While melons are delicious to eat, you should also juice them – rinds and all – to maximize their

nutritional value. Juicing extracts far more of the nutrients – 90 to 95 percent – but you only get a

small portion of those nutrients by eating the fruit. When juicing, melons are best consumed by

themselves. Avoid the temptation to toss in other foods – no matter how healthy those foods are.

To get the full food value from melon, it needs to be digested without any interference from other

foods. Juiced melons make a delicious juice and an excellent digestive tonic.


The outer, green skin of watermelon contains beta carotene, chlorophyll, protein and potassium,

while the white rind contains zinc, potassium, iodine, nucleic acids and enzymes that aid digestion.

Zinc strengthens the body, cleanses the urogenital canal, kidneys and bladder, while contributing

to a healthy prostate. Taken as a whole, watermelon is exceptionally nutritious. Yet most of us just

eat the luscious red fruit and therefore miss out on most of the nutrition. Once again, juicing

comes to our aid as the entire fruit can be juiced after a thorough cleaning.

Those throw-away rinds actually contain free once radical scavengers that re-oxygenate the cells

and serve as an anti-aging element. When it comes to quenching one's thirst, watermelon reigns

supreme. When shopping for melons, thump your finger on the melon and listen for a hollow

sound, indicating ripeness. Look for a skin that's not excessively shiny. Rub your fingernail gently

over a section of the green skin and the green should come off easily. That's how to choose a

watermelon at its peak.

H1ydew melons are a good source of vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium, zinc and valuable

digestive enzymes. Juice the whole thing to max-out the benefit payoff. When shopping for

h1ydew melon, look for healthy-looking skin and a sweet, honey-like aroma coming from the fruit.

Choose a melon that has a slight bit of give when pressed firmly, instead of the rock-hard ones.

Store in the refrigerator or at room temperature if you're planning to use it in a day or two. For a

special treat when juicing, combine it with a freshly-juiced slice of lime. This makes a wonderful

drink at anytime – especially in summer.

Cantaloupe leads juicing fruits as the most nutritious (when juiced with the skin and rind included)

as it contains the most digestive enzymes of them all. It's a highly-valuable food and one of the

healthiest fruits. The best whole fruits when juiced in terms of nutrient value include (in

descending order): cantaloupe, watermelon, orange, strawberry, grapefruit, pineapple, tangerine,

peach and plum. Cantaloupe is loaded with beta carotene, vitamin C, plus myoinostol – a lipid

thought to help ease anxiety and insomnia, while preventing hardened arteries.


Cantaloupe has even been cited by the American Cancer Society as helpful to those saddled with

intestinal cancer or melanoma. An average size cantaloupe packs just 100 to 120 calories, but it's

density of nutrients per calorie is off the charts. Again, the secret is to buy organic, clean well and

then juice the entire thing. Look for firm, healthy-looking melons with a sweet smell and without

any of the dimples that begin to form when the fruit is past its prime. The stem end of the

cantaloupe should be smooth, with only tiny cracks showing at the tip. When ripe, be sure to store

cantaloupe in the refrigerator, otherwise you are safe to store it at room temperature.

Grapes are another natural treasure that have been enjoyed and adored since ancient times.

Overall, there may be forty to fifty different varieties of grapes and they range most dramatically

in colour from bright green to white, to red and purple. Some seedless varieties are available,

which makes grapes and excellent food to snack on. But grapes are also delicious and nutritious

when juiced or added to smoothies.

Grapes are rich in potassium, a mineral that strengthens the alkaline reserves in the body, helping

to regulate the heartbeat, soothes the nervous system and stimulates kidney function. Grapes are

also a source of iron, an essential mineral and blood enhancer. Grapes help to stimulate the

digestive juices, promote regularity, cleanse the liver and help rid the body of uric acid. A study of

people who ate nothing but grapes while they were in season in order to help restore the body to

a healthier alkaline/acid balance also reported lower incidents of cancer.

If you find pure grape juice too sweet, simply add a little lemon to smooth it out. Grape can be

mixed with many other fruits to create delectable mixed fruit juices. Buy organic whenever

possible and juice the stems if they are fresh and healthy looking. Older, brittle stems are an

indication of older fruit that should be avoided. If you can't get organic grapes, juice only the fruit

after a thorough washing with a biodegradable produce wash.


You should know that grapes are among the most over-sprayed fruits, so washing is mandatory.

Look for fresh, plump and firm grapes that have vibrant colour. When you pick up a bunch of

grapes in your hand, they should remain on the stems and not fall off. When they begin to fall off

when picked up, those grapes are on their way out. If you're going to use them right away, that's

fine. But if you're planning on having grapes in stock all week, you need to buy the freshest of the


Kiwi is a beautifully green, juicy fruit with tiny black edible seeds. On the outside, they don't look

like much with their furry, brown skin. But just below is a vitamin C loaded, wonderfully-tasting

fruit that's somewhat like pineapple and strawberries mixed. Look for firm fruit with a slight

amount of give when gently pressed. If the kiwi is rock-hard, it won't be as good tasting or as juicy.

For a delicious juice combination, try blending equal amounts of kiwi and fresh grapes of your

choice and then savour every sip of this wholesome and healthy beverage.

Mangoes are yet another spectacular fruit that are widely available year-round. On a worldwide

basis, mangoes are even more recognizable than the apple and all its fourteen hundred varieties.

Today, mangoes are grown throughout Asia and South and Central America, as well as in the usual

produce growing areas of the US – California and Florida. When you slice into the amber/orange

fruit of the mango and taste that first bite – it's pure heaven. Mangoes are among the most

succulent and tasty natural foods in the world.

The biggest challenge with mangoes is removing the rather large pit in the centre – a necessary

step before eating or juicing the mango. Mangoes are rich in beta carotene, potassium, vitamin C

and pantothenic acid. When buying mangoes, look for the largest specimens as these tend to be

the juiciest too. Again, look for firm but ripe fruit. The skin is usually mostly green with a little bit of

orange or red shining through. Sometimes it's difficult to tell and you slice into a mango only to

discover that it's gone bad, or tastes like turpentine. But when it's right – there's nothing else like

a perfect mango. Ripe mangoes tend to have a delicate and sweet fragrance. Since they're a

tropical fruit, they are best stored at room temperature, instead of in the refrigerator.


Papaya is a mild-tasting fruit that is great in a blended juice or smoothie. Inside it's green and

slightly yellowing skin (a sure sign of ripeness) is a soft, fleshy fruit with edible seeds. Papaya is a

good source of beta carotene, potassium, calcium and vitamin C. When eaten, it's also an excellent

source of fibre. But what papaya is best known for is its digestive enzyme called papain. Look for

fresh papaya with lightly speckled or spotted skin and not bruises or nicks as they tend to be a

little juicier and more flavourful.

Pears are another fruit I like to keep in stock as much as apples. Pears are delicious any way you

enjoy them – as a mid-afternoon or evening snack, grated over a salad of mixed greens, tossed

into a smoothie or juiced in its entirety and blended with other fruits like apple. Pears are high in

thiamine, which contributes to a high energy level and healthier heart. They are also a good source

of riboflavin, niacin and folic acid, which contributes to better overall heart health, lower blood

pressure and a stronger physical performance.

Additionally, pears contain vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and potassium too. And pears are an

even better source of pectin than apples, making it an ideal food for aiding digestion and easing

constipation. It's also terrific at cleansing the body of toxins. When you juice pears, it creates a

sweet and thick liquid that is best diluted with apple, grape, pineapple, papaya, or simply mineral

water. You can find different varieties of pears in any grocery store. Look for fresh, firm pears,

while avoiding those that are overripe. The firmer a pear is, the better it juices – as long as it's ripe

enough. You can safely store pears that you want to eat at room temperature. This will ensure that

they soften and ripen. For juicing purposes, pears are best stored in the refrigerator.


Pineapple is another personal favourite. Its taste is simply out of this world and pineapple is a

nutritional force as well. This succulent fruit is a terrific source of potassium, natural sodium,

phosphorus, magnesium, sulphur, calcium, iron and iodine. It's also rich in beta carotene, vitamin C

and many of the B complex vitamins.

Pineapple is also a bountiful source of the enzyme bromelain, another terrific aid to the digestive

system. What bromelain does is it helps break down proteins from animal products, thereby

easing digestion. Bromelain also helps ease mild aches and pains. It is also a natural throat soother.

So whenever you're throat feels irritated, just juice some fresh pineapple to ease any discomfort.

Prepare pineapple by carefully washing, scrubbing and rinsing the outside if you're going to juice

it. If it's not an organic pineapple, I don't recommend juicing the skin because its uneven surface is

difficult to wash and you don't want pesticide residue to end up inside your glass of fresh juice.

Buy fresh, vibrant pineapples and steer clear of any that hint of rot, or a woody, dry texture.

Choose plump, large, heavy pineapple as these are the juiciest. Pineapples do not ripen after

they've been picked and should be stored at room temperature.

Strawberries are absolutely delicious in any number of smoothie combinations. And fresh off the

bush when fully ripened, strawberries simply can't be beat. But you can also juice strawberries and

enjoy their distinct flavour as a solo beverage, or in conjunction with numerous other fruits. When

allowed to ripen naturally, strawberries are a terrific source of vitamin C and natural sugars that

cleanse the system. The longer the berries stay on the plant until fully ripened, the more vitamin C

they contain and the better they taste. So it's best to grow your own or buy them farm-fresh when

you can.

Strawberries are also high in potassium and iron, so they're good for the blood. The natural

sodium in these beautiful, juicy bits of sunshine is helpful in soothing frazzled nerves and keeping

the glands healthy. Ellagic acid found in strawberries helps neutralize the damaging effects of

smoke inside confined spaces. Strawberry juice is somewhat thick – so you may want to thin it out

with apple, grape or pineapple juice. Any of these combinations is delicious.


Best Vegetables for Juicing When it comes to juices and smoothies, most people instantly and

automatically think of fruit smoothies. But vegetables can be used

in much the same way to create various combinations that are

bursting with life-giving nutrients. If you've never had fresh

vegetable juice, go easy on your creations. Start with something

that's more on the sweet side – like carrots, for example.

Then, juice a little apple with it to give it an even sweeter taste and then sip it slowly and enjoy the

boost it gives you. If you're going to juice any green vegetables, always mix it with a milder juice

like carrot or apple and never use more than 25 percent green juice. If you stick by these simple

concepts, you'll enjoy and get the most out of your juicing experience.

There are however, a couple of exceptions to this rule. Cucumber and celery are both green on the

outside, but can be consumed on their own or in greater quantities when mixed with others. It's

those dark green vegetables like: kale, broccoli, parsley, spinach, Swiss chard, collard greens and

even lettuce that you need to go easy on to avoid any temporary digestive discomfort.

Just keep the 25 percent rule in mind and fill your glass one quarter full with these healthy and

potent dark green vegetables and then top it up with carrot, celery or apple. You'll also want to

ease up on two others: wheat grass and beet juice. Due to their potency, you should limit your

intake to no more than 2 ounces of wheat grass daily and 4 ounces of beet juice.

Remember that you can juice just about any vegetable, but some produce more volume and

better tasting juice than others. All vegetables are healthy to varying degrees, so have fun with it

and enjoy the process. You can even juice sprouts and get the benefits of these nutritional

wonders right into your juice or smoothie. Simply wrap those sprouts in a lettuce leaf or cabbage

leaf and feed it into the juicer. Be sure to follow it with a firm carrot to make sure all those

vitamins and minerals pour into your glass.


It's a good idea to start and end each vegetable juice you make with firm produce like carrots or

apples. This will make more sense to you once you start juicing and you notice how some items

(like carrots) are easily processed, while others (like lettuce or sprouts) – not so much. By starting

and ending with carrots or firm apples, the processing is completed with the maximum yield.

Apples are an excellent item to use to clear the juicer when switching from 1 blend to another.

Asparagus is a nutritious vegetable most plentiful locally in spring. If you've ever tried to grow

asparagus on your own, you will appreciate getting it as fresh as you do from the grocery store or

farmers market, since it normally takes at least 2 to 3 years and a watchful eye for the plant to

establish itself.

When I tried a few years ago, I was delighted to see these beautiful green sprouts burst through

the soil in the second year and shoot straight up towards the sky. I couldn't wait to taste these

delicious morsels at dinner later in the week. But our dear little Yorkie couldn't wait that long and

promptly feasted on our fresh asparagus right from the garden. Now I buy fresh asparagus as

often as possible and enjoy juicing it too.

The most valuable nutrient found in asparagus is asparagine and it's this compound that can give

the urine a strong, pungent smell for several hours after consumption. Asparagine stimulates the

kidneys, purifies the blood, soothes the nervous system and helps the bowels function efficiently

and with regularity.

Asparagus is also a source of beta carotene, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, bioflavonoids and

potassium. When buying, look for the freshest asparagus you can find with tight, dry tips and firm,

vibrant stalks. Avoid asparagus that looks woody or where the tips are damp as this is the often

the first indication of spoilage. The best way to store asparagus is upright in a container with an

inch or so of water. You can keep it on the counter or in the refrigerator, but you shouldn't keep

asparagus more than a few days. When juicing, try mixing asparagus with carrot and celery juice.


Beets are loaded with nutrition, but few people these days seem to eat them. Beets contain iron,

calcium, sulphur and potassium and are particularly good for the blood as signified by their deep

reddish/purple colour.

Beet greens are rich in manganese, which is vital to normal brain function, reproductive organs, b1

structure and glucose metabolism. Beet greens are also rich in carotenoids, which are thought to

help prevent against some cancers. The healthful minerals in beets stimulate the liver, gall bladder

and lymph glands. They help to flush the kidneys and bladder and emulsify bile.

Beets are very good for you and should be consumed regularly. They help make a beautifully-

coloured juice or smoothie, but a little goes a long way. Beet juice is so potent that it should never

be consumed al1 or it could cause some adverse effects like an increased heart rate or hives.

It's a tremendously valuable food and you should not be scared away from juicing beets. Just be

sure to dilute pure beet juice with cucumber, carrot or apple. You should juice beet/apple juice in a

ratio of 1:8. So if you use 1 quarter of a fresh beet, juice 2 whole apples with it. When buying beets,

look for smooth and firm ones, with healthy green tops. As with all produce, organically-grown is

always best. Smaller beets tend to be young and tender. Be sure to keep beets in the refrigerator

or cold storage room.


Bell peppers are a good source of beta carotene and vitamin C. Red peppers contain more vitamin

C simply because they've been left on the plant longer. Red bell peppers are simply green peppers

that were allowed to fully ripen on the plant. This slightly longer growing time is the reason why

red bell peppers are almost always more expensive than their green brothers and sisters.

When then stay on the vine longer, not only does the concentration of nutrients intensify, so too

does their sweetness. Bell peppers also contain plenty of natural silicon and are therefore helpful

in reducing the pain of tendonitis. This compound is also good for the hair, skin and nails as well.

Bell peppers have a strong and very distinct taste. If you want to add them to your fresh juice, you

should do so in small quantities. For example, try adding just 1 quarter of a bell pepper to a glass of

fresh carrot juice. This is an excellent way to enhance and vary the taste of regular carrot juice.

When buying peppers, try to select each 1 individually, rather than purchasing them prepackaged.

That way you can carefully inspect each pepper and avoid those with soft spots, nicks, or other

signs of spoiled produce. Buy vibrant, firm and smooth peppers and avoid any that have a higher

than normal degree of sheen as those peppers were probably waxed. Organic peppers may not be

as large or as picture-perfect as the other 1s, but you can bet your bottom dollar that they're a

healthier way to go most of the time.


Broccoli is another super-healthy vegetable that should be a part of your regular diet. But have you

ever thought of tossing a few broccoli florets into a smoothie, or adding them to your fresh

vegetable juice? It's easier to do than might think and an excellent way to get the nutrient value of

broccoli into your body on a more regular basis.

Broccoli has an abundance of beta carotene – a valuable antioxidant that helps the body fight off a

whole bunch of dangers including some cancers. It's probably 1 of the most commonly eaten

vegetables among the cruciferous type and can be enjoyed in any number of ways. It's usually

available year-round and at a low cost.

What's great about broccoli is that you can juice the whole thing – stalk and all – once you've

trimmed off the end and chopped it up a bit to fit your juicer or blender. Broccoli is a high-value

food and not just for its beta carotene. It also contains vitamin B1, vitamin C, and high amounts of

calcium, potassium and sulphur, as well as traces of selenium. Broccoli also contains a substance

called indol-three carbonal which emulsifies estrogen and is thought to reduce the risk of breast

cancer. For a nutritious juice, combine fresh broccoli with carrot and apple.

If you want to do something good for yourself and your family – eat plenty of broccoli – and make

a good portion of it raw. But you can get even more of broccoli's nutritive power by juicing it,

simply because you can get far more than a single serving. Plus, those nutrients get right into your

system fast – so you get the benefits that much sooner. Look for tightly-clustered green tops –

with no yellow or brown spots, and no noticeable bruising anywhere. It's important to look

carefully for any damages because it's not always obvious when you're dealing with broccoli. Fresh

broccoli stalks are firm with green leaves whereas old stalks are limp and woody and the leaves

are wilted.


Brussels sprouts are tiny, tightly wrapped leaves that look like miniature heads of cabbage. So it's

no surprise that they come from the cabbage family. Similar in nutrients to another cruciferous

vegetable, broccoli, brussel sprouts possess plenty of vitamin C, calcium, potassium and sulphur.

They are slightly higher in protein, but have less beta carotene than broccoli. Try combining fresh,

vibrant-green brussel sprouts with fresh green beans as a juice for a wonderfully nutritious

concoction. Or mix your brussel sprout juice with some fresh carrot and a little apple – or maybe

try adding some lettuce or parsley.

When shopping, look for fresh-looking green sprouts, without any yellowing leaves. Yellow leaves

mean those brussel sprouts are past their prime. It's also important to look for clean sprouts that

haven't been harbouring insects. Sometimes you can find sprouts still attached to the stock and

these may be an even fresher option.

Cabbage is another good source of beta carotene, vitamin C and sulphur and if grown in mineral-

rich soil, it can also be a terrific source of selenium. Selenium helps protect the heart against

disease, while guarding against some cancers and reducing inflammation from conditions like

arthritis. Selenium is an anti-aging mineral that promotes healthier hair while increasing male

potency. Cabbage is also loaded with the amino acid – glutamine – which helps heal stomach

ulcers and can even be of helpful assistance in extreme cases of colitis.

The problem with most of the cabbage consumed today is far less nutritional than it should be.

That's because those life-giving nutrients have been boiled or steamed right out of the cabbage.

There's actually more nutrients left behind in the water than there is in cooked – or overcooked –

cabbage. What you're left with softened, dead cabbage that's full of spent sulphur which settles

into the pockets of the stomach and causes gastric discomfort.


That's why it's important to get more raw foods like cabbage into your diet and juicing is one

effective way to accomplish this. Be sure to mix cabbage juice with other produce like carrot or

apple. When buying cabbage, look for the healthiest specimens. The outer leaves are loaded with

nutrition, so you don't want to discard those. But if there's any indication of decay on those outer

leaves, you may have no choice but to strip them from the head. But by doing so, you're most

certainly tossing away valuable nutrients.

Cauliflower has a lot of the same nutritional benefits as cabbage. So if you want to kick up your

intake of healthy nutrients, but you don't particularly care for cabbage, reach for ore cauliflower

instead. It's readily available all year long and is a good source of phosphorus and potassium as

well as indol-three carbonal. When you juice cauliflower, be sure to combine it with other foods.

One blended juice that is a favourite is cauliflower, carrot, parsley and a little apple to sweeten it.

When shopping for cauliflower, buy heads that are bright while or a pale ivory colour and avoid

the genetically modified and therefore artificially coloured purple, orange and green cauliflowers.

Look for firm heads, with no sign of decay, like those brown spots or signs of mildew that often

appears as cauliflower sits for days o n store shelves. Fresh heads of cauliflower should be framed

with green leaves. Buy the freshest cauliflower you can get and use it within a few days of

purchase. Then simply replenish your supply.

Celery is another vegetable that's packed with water – and nutrition. Celery juice is said to be the

best juice for anyone who works out regularly. That's because the combination of natural sodium

and potassium provides a perfect balance that helps alleviate muscle cramping and fatigue. The

human body is made up of seventy percent water and therefore requires about 2 quarts of water

every single day. Juicing celery gives you a plentiful supply of pure, mineral-enriched natural water.


If you want to make it tastes spectacular, juice in the following proportion: 1 rib (leaves and all)

with 2 whole apples. Not only will you give your body a healthy serving of nutrient-enriched water,

but you'll also help relieve any anxiety or stress. This particular blend is especially helpful with

insomnia. So when you've had enough of counting sheep and you find yourself tossing and

turning, get up and make yourself a fresh celery and apple juice and you'll reach a blissful sleep in

no time.

This blend also helps to cleanse the body of excess carbon dioxide, which is important for any1

living in or near a large metropolitan area. The ancient Greeks used celery to relieve headaches.

And celery juice is great on a hot day as it helps to cool the body. Regular consumption of celery is

said to lead 1 to youthful health and vitality. When shopping for celery, look for firm, crisp, fresh-

looking stalks with healthy leaves. When celery looks limp or slightly yellowed – it’s far too old.

Cucumber is another cooling juice and therefore, a summer time favourite. Cucumber is a high

water content vegetable, so it yields a substantial amount of nutrient-rich juice. It is said that

cucumbers maintain an inner temperature that is about twenty degrees cooler than the external

temperature on a hot summer day. That's probably one of the big reasons why it's been a

favourite in the Middle East and India for centuries.

Due to its large water content, cucumber juice helps regulate the various processes of the body by

carrying nutrient-rich water to the cells while transporting waste away from the cells. Cucumber is

high in potassium, sulphur and manganese and silicon, which provides elasticity to the skin cells,

keeping you looking younger than your years.

You could drink cucumber juice on its own, but it tastes better when combined with carrot, lettuce

and spinach. This concoction is thought to prevent hair loss, while promoting healthy hair and

nails. Like celery juice, cucumber juice consumed frequently gives you a youthful vitality. Another

nice blend is cucumber, carrot and a little beet thrown in for good measure. When buying, look for

dark green skins with tiny lumps. If it's shiny – it has likely been waxed and should be peeled

before juicing.


Dandelion greens, like most vegetables, should be combined with another – preferably something

naturally sweet like carrot. Dandelion greens contain almost as much iron as spinach and 4 times

the beta carotene of lettuce. They are a good source of potassium, calcium, sodium and vitamin C

and a superb source of magnesium.

It's important to get enough magnesium in the body as depletion means a lack of energy and

endurance. Juiced dandelion greens make an excellent tonic for cleansing the system and

strengthening the blood. Buy only the freshest, most vibrantly-green dandelions you can find and

rinse the well after spraying them with a biodegradable produce wash.

Garlic is a powerful natural healer and something everybody should be consuming regularly. Garlic

is said to reduce incidents of blood clotting, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, reduce blood pressure

levels and boost the immune system. It also is believed to protect against some cancers. There's a

compound in garlic called allicin and this compound inhibits bacterial growth and destroys fungi

and yeast. Garlic also stimulates the flow of digestive enzymes and rids the body of toxins through

the skin.

Always choose the fresh elephant garlic over the cheaper imports. With little regulation in some

countries, you could easily end up with garlic that was grown in contaminated soil. Due to its

robust flavour, you should use garlic sparingly in your juices. 1 to 2 cloves is plenty and always

follow garlic with lots of carrots, parsley, celery and beets. Juice the garlic first and follow up with

the remaining vegetables to get rid of garlic's pungent aroma from the juicer. Shop for garlic

regularly and look for the fresh pieces you can find. Avoid any with black spots, dry rot, or mildew.

Choose heads with plump, firm cloves and store at room temperature, in a well-ventilated



Ginger is another food that's usually used to enhance the flavour of stir-fries and other dishes. Its

strong taste means a small piece is normally adequate and the same applies to juicing. Ginger

causes blood vessels to dilate, so at first you tend to perspire and then you feel cool. It's an

excellent natural remedy for any1 suffering from the flu.

Ginger helps to rid the sinuses of mucous and the lungs of phlegm. If you feel a cold coming on,

juice ginger with carrot and drink it down right away and you can avoid getting sick. For a better

tasting juice, combine garlic with plenty of fresh apples. When shopping for garlic, look for dry,

firm knobs without any strong odor. And be sure to store your ginger in a similar fashion to garlic.

Do not refrigerate.

Mixed greens are jam-packed with vitamins A and C and most greens contain significant amounts

of iron and calcium too. But when eaten raw in a salad, greens are harder to digest than when they

are juiced. That's why most people cook their greens. Cooking makes the easier for the body to

process, but it also kills many of the helpful nutritional comp1nts.

Juicing gives you the maximum food value from the greens in a way that the body can absorb in

just minutes. Most nutritious among mixed greens is parsley, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, mustard

greens and turnip greens. Scout out the healthiest looking greens and choose those with sturdy

leaves that are firm – without any yellowing. Unless they're organically grown, thoroughly wash all

greens in a biodegradable produce wash, rinse well under cold running water, and spin dry.


Kale is rich in vitamins and minerals and has similar nutritional characteristics to cabbage, brussel

sprouts, cauliflower and turnip greens and is a superb source of calcium. Kale helps to relieve

constipation, pain from arthritis and bladder problems too. It is also believed to protect against

some cancers.

The juice extracted from kale is a rich green colour and best when mixed with other juices like

cucumber and carrot. When you shop for kale, look for fresh, dark green leaves without any

yellowing. Soak the leaves well using a produce wash or fresh-squeezed lemon juice and sea salt.

Then rinse under cold running water and spin dry.

Most lettuce is extremely healthy. But one of the most popular kinds of lettuce – iceberg – has

very little nutrient value. So whenever you go shopping, pass on the iceberg lettuce in favour of

healthy varieties like romaine, red and green leaf lettuce and even Boston lettuce. Lettuce is

another vegetable that's rich in beta carotene, vitamin C and life-sustaining chlorophyll. It also

contains silicon, sulphur and chlorine – two natural body cleansers that work on the inside.

When eaten raw in salads, these healthy types of lettuce add roughage to your diet, which aids

digestion and cleans your teeth and gums during the chewing process. And juicing gives you more

of the vitamin and minerals quickly and in an easily-absorbed form. When juicing, Reach for the

leafiest part first and follow it up the firmer stems. Fuller, longer stems may taste bitter, so be

sure to thin out your lettuce juice with carrot and parsley mixed in. Look for heads of lettuce that

are fresh and vibrant and choose those with the darkest leaves possible as these hold a higher

concentration of nutrients. Soak well and spin dry before using in salads or as juice.


Onions, like garlic and ginger, have a strong taste and therefore, a little goes a long way. It's

important to heed this advice in advance or you can quickly overpower and ruin your juice by

adding too much onion. Just a small piece of onion, followed up by other vegetables to rid the

juicer of a strong onion taste is the way to do it.

The pungent taste of onion comes from its essential oils, which stimulates beneficial bacteria and

promotes the healthy functioning of the nervous system. Onion is also helpful in expelling mucous

from the body.

Be sure to look for dry, rot-free onions. They should have dry skins that make a crumbling sound

when pressed. Fresh onions are round and clean, but other onions tend have necks and have

sprouts growing off them. Store onions in a cool, dry place and separate from your potatoes.

These two vegetables don't mix because the onions tend to soften from the moisture given off

from the potatoes.

Parsley is another nutritional gem that is all too often relegated to a minor or supportive role in

the kitchen. Some people classify it as an herb and most only sprinkle the dried version of parsley

from a spice jar now and again. But this green leafy wonder is 1 of the most nutritious foods.

It's low in water and high in protein. It's high in chlorophyll, which metabolizes the oxygen in the

bloodstream, purifying it and helping to cleanse the kidneys, liver and urinary tract. Parsley also

helps to calm stomach upsets while stimulating the digestive enzymes. It is also an excellent

source of beta carotene, potassium,, sulphur, calcium, magnesium and chlorine and as such is

good for the eyes, capillaries, adrenal gland and thyroid.

Fresh parsley is excellent when juiced with carrot and a little apple as an added sweetener. Both

flat and curly parsley are equally nutritious and last longer than most vegetables. Look for fresh,

dark green leaves with no wilting and enjoy this often neglected nutritional superstar.


Radishes are mostly used in salads or as a garish. But you can also add a little radish to your

vegetable juice too. Radishes have a strong taste, so this is another ingredient to use with

restraint. Remember to mix it with other juices like carrot and apple. Radish juice helps to restore

and strengthen the mucous membranes, clear the sinuses and soothe a sore throat.

Although radishes are 95 percent water, the also contain a significant amount of potassium,

sodium, magnesium and a little vitamin C as well. Only buy fresh radishes with healthy-looking

greens attached. If you purchase radishes from the bag, you can be sure they are older. When you

get home, trim the greens from the bulbs right away as those greens will continue to draw the

nutrients out of the bulbs.

Spinach is an iron-rich, leafy green vegetable that delivers lots of healthy fibre in a salad. But you

can get all the other nutritional goodness like beta carotene, vitamin C and iron by juicing your

spinach and drinking it. Spinach contains more protein than any other leafy vegetable. It's a highly

effective food for cleansing and regenerating the intestinal tract. It also stimulates the liver and

lymph glands and aids the circulatory system. Spinach juice promotes regularity – especially when

combined with carrot juice. When buying, look for crisp, fresh, bright green leaves and short

stems. Wash and rinse thoroughly to remove any sand or grit. Spin dry before eating or juicing.

Green beans produce a thick liquid when juiced and should always be blended with fresh carrot

and/or apple juice. Beans are abundant in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. They

also contain a little protein. Green beans or string beans as they are sometimes called are a good

source of the B complex vitamins and bioflavonoids – which strengthen the blood vessels. Buy the

freshest, spotless beans you can find. Avoid any with cut or rotting ends. Beans should be vibrant

and firm to touch, with a noticeable snap when you break them.


Sweet potatoes with their dark colour and moist flesh are among the richest sources of beta

carotene and rank right up there with broccoli and carrots. They are also loaded with calcium,

potassium, carbohydrates and fibre when eaten. If fact, you could say that sweet potatoes is as

close to a complete and ideal food as any single item could be. Juicing sweet potato and

combining it with carrot is said to be very good for the skin. Buy only plump, firm sweet potatoes

with smooth skin and no cuts or bruises. Top quality produce delivers top quality juice.

Though technically a fruit, most of us think of tomatoes as vegetables – that's why we included

them here. Like melons, tomatoes should generally be juiced on their own. One exception is to

combine tomatoes with celery and cucumber. The first time you juice a tomato, you'll be shocked

at how little it tastes like canned tomato juice. That's because you’re getting nothing but the real


It's fresh and instantly turned into juice. Tomatoes supply lots of vitamin C, along with phosphorus,

sulphur and organic sodium. Tomatoes will ripe on your window sill or counter top, so you can by

un-ripened tomatoes with confidence and eat or juice them as they ripen. Buy local whenever you

can as there's a huge difference in taste among tomatoes sold in stores and markets. Or better yet

– grow your own for an unbeatable taste. As soon as tomatoes ripen, they should be used up right

away. It’s better to buy fewer more often than to purchase more than you can use in a week.

Watercress is another nutritional powerhouse that you mostly see in salads and sandwiches, but it

also makes a nutritious juice too. Watercress is packed with calcium, vitamin C and beta carotene.

It tastes bitter on its own, therefore you should mix it with a carrot, parsley and potato mixture, or

carrot, spinach and turnip leaves. Either way packs a wallop. Look for fresh-looking leaves with lots

of spring in them. Avoid bunches that show evidence of wilted or yellowed leaves.


Wheat grass is a superior source of chlorophyll and has a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

Chlorophyll stimulates cells, rejuvenates the and builds red blood cells. It purifies the blood which

in turn helps cleanse the kidneys, liver and urinary tract, contributing to healthy and regular bowel

activity. Wheat grass juice should only be consumed in small quantities and tastes best when

combined with fresh carrot and apple juice.

Zucchini is similar in colour and shape to the cucumber. So it should come as no surprise that these

two cylindrical vegetables are similar nutritionally as well. Like the cucumber, zucchini is water-

rich, helping to replenish needed fluids and also serving as a natural coolant to the body. It also

acts as an internal cleanser of sorts. When juicing, combine zucchini with carrot and apple for a

more flavourful product. When shopping, look for smaller, tender zucchinis and juice promptly for

maximum nutritional benefit.

Favourite Smoothie Recipes When it comes to making fresh smoothies, pretty much anything goes. Most recipes use banana

as a base ingredient, combined with various other ingredients. Just toss all of the ingredients into

a high-powered blender and mix until your blended beverage is smooth and creamy.

Use these recipes as a starting point and then experiment to create your own favourites. You can

also add other healthy ingredients like flax seeds, lecithin, wheat germ and more. Some recipes

include fresh fruit juices, so it's best to prepare any juice in advance. Most recipes provided make 1

to 2 servings. All amounts suggested are approximate and should be varied to suit your specific



Strawberry Banana Orange

6 plump strawberries (leaves removed

and washed)

1 orange (peeled and juiced)

1 half banana (peeled)

1 half cup of plain, zero-fat yogurt

Blackberry Apple

1 whole apple (juiced)

1 half cup of blackberries (rinsed)

1 cup of zero-fat yogurt

Blueberry Pear

1 half cup of blueberries (rinsed)

1 fresh and ripe banana (peeled)

1 whole pear (juiced)

1 eighth teaspoon of powered cinnamon


2 bananas that are not quite ripe (peeled)

1 cup of plain zero-fat yogurt

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1 half cup of plain or vanilla soy milk (or more

if needed to get the right consistency)

Strawberry Mango

6 plump strawberries (leaves removed and


1 half of a fresh mango (peeled and pitted)

1 quarter of a fresh lime (squeezed)

3 whole oranges (peeled and juiced)

1 whole banana (peeled)

Banana Papaya Pineapple

1 whole banana (peeled)

1 half of a papaya (peeled and seeded)

1 inch slice of fresh pineapple (cored and


1 whole orange (peeled and juiced)

1 half lemon (squeezed)

1 eighth teaspoon ground cinnamon


H1ydew and Creamy Banana

1 half h1ydew melon (peeled and sliced)

1 large banana (peeled)

1 half cup of soy, almond, rice, or hemp milk

Blueberry Pear Almond

1 half cup of fresh blueberries (rinsed)

1 whole pear (quartered and stem removed)

1 banana (peeled)

1 quarter cup of pure almond butter (with no


1 half cup of almond milk or vanilla almond


Apple Peach

1 large tart apple (juiced)

2 fresh peaches (washed and pitted)

1 half of a frozen banana (peeled)

1 tablespoon of peanut butter (with no


1 tablespoon of powdered greens

2 to 3 ice cubes

Peach Kiwi Grape

2 whole apples (juiced)

1 quarter of a lime (juiced)

1 large, juicy peach (washed and pitted)

1 half of a kiwi (peeled)

1 half of a frozen banana

1 cup of seedless grapes (any type – washed)

1 eighth of a teaspoon ground cinnamon

2 to 3 ice cubes

Green Power Smoothie

1 inch slice of fresh pineapple (cored and trimmed)

1 whole banana (peeled)

1 large handful of fresh baby spinach (rinsed)

1 cup of green grapes (washed)

1 half cup of soy milk (or more if needed for desired consistency)


Fresh Juice Recipes Once you own a quality juicer, you'll want to try as many of these recipes as possible – and others

too. When you see the immediate, positive and energizing effects, you'll want to juice every day.

These recipes will get you started on the right path but do experiment and adjust as you see fit.

The main thing is that you start juicing now and allow it to become a habit. There is no downside –

though you will have to spend more money because you'll be going through plenty of fresh fruits

and vegetables. But once you get used to it and you feel so much healthier, you'll be driven to

continue along this health-inducing, life-enhancing process.

Carrot Apple Parsley

4 medium-sized carrots (rinsed only if

organic, scrubbed and trimmed if not)

1 whole apple (washed and sliced to fit juicer)

1 handful of fresh parsley (rinsed)


1 half large cantaloupe including skin and

seeds (scrubbed well, rinsed and sliced to fit


*be sure to juice with skin and rind intact


4 to 5 fresh apples (washed and sliced to fit



4 to 5 fresh oranges (washed, skinned to

leave white pith and membranes and sliced

to fit juicer)


Apple Celery

2 stalks of fresh celery (washed and trimmed)

4 fresh apples (washed and quartered)


1 half of a large, fresh organic pineapple

(scrubbed well, rinsed, top and bottom

removed, then sliced to fit juicer)

*be sure to juice with skin and rind intact

Apple Pear

2 whole apples (washed and quartered)

1 whole pear (washed and quartered)

Apple Strawberry

6 plump, ripe strawberries (leaves removed,

gently washed and rinsed)

2 fresh apples (washed and quartered)


1 tenth to 1 eighth of a large watermelon

(washed, rinsed and cut into slices to fit the


*be sure to juice with skin and rind intact

Carrot Beet

4 medium-sized carrots (rinsed only if

organic, scrubbed and trimmed if not)

1 quarter to 1 half of a fresh beet (washed,

rinsed and sliced to fit juicer)


Carrot Celery Parsley and Spinach

4 medium-sized carrots (rinsed only if

organic, scrubbed and trimmed if not)

2 stalks of celery (washed and trimmed)

1 handful of fresh parsley (rinsed)

1 handful of baby spinach (rinsed)

Carrot Celery Parsley and Garlic

4 medium-sized carrots (rinsed only if

organic, scrubbed and trimmed if not)

2 stalks of celery (washed and trimmed)

1 handful of fresh parsley (rinsed)

1 clove of garlic


3 large apples (washed and sliced to fit juicer)

1 bunch of fresh organic grapes with stems

(rinsed and separated into smaller clusters)

1 quarter of a fresh lemon with skin and rind

(washed and rinsed0

Strawberry Pineapple Grape

4 plump, ripe strawberries (leaves removed,

gently washed and rinsed)

1 inch-thick round slice of fresh pineapple

with skin (washed thoroughly and rinsed)

2 cups of fresh red or purple grapes (washed,

rinsed and separated into smaller clusters)

Orange Grapefruit Lemon

2 oranges (washed, skinned to leave white

pith and membranes and sliced to fit juicer)

1 half of a large grapefruit (washed, rinsed

and skinned to leave white pith and

membranes and sliced to fit juicer)

1 quarter of a fresh lemon with skin and rind

(washed and rinsed)

Apple Grapefruit

1 large apple (washed, rinsed and sliced to fit


1 medium-sized grapefruit (washed, rinsed

and skinned to leave white pith and

membranes and sliced to fit juicer)


Carrot Cucumber Beet

4 medium-sized carrots (rinsed only if

organic, scrubbed and trimmed if not)

1 half of a large cucumber (washed and sliced


1 quarter to 1 half of a fresh beet (washed,

rinsed and sliced to fit juicer)

Cabbage Celery

1 quarter of a large cabbage of any kind

(washed, rinsed and sliced to fit juicer)

4 stalks of fresh celery (washed, rinsed and


Pineapple Kiwi

2 1-inch rings of fresh pineapple with (washed

thoroughly, rinsed and sliced to fit juicer)

3 firm and fresh kiwi (washed, peeled and

sliced in half)

Tomato Cucumber Celery and Lime

3 large ripe but firm tomatoes (rinsed and


1 half of a large cucumber (washed, rinsed

and sliced lengthwise)

1 to 2 stalks of celery (washed, rinsed and


1 quarter of a fresh lime with skin and rind

(washed and rinsed)



One of the secrets to living a longer, happier and healthier life is to eat more fresh vegetables and

fruits. But eating better means consuming more raw foods and apart from salads and snacking on

fruit, that's something that's something that is difficult for a lot of people. Juicing and making

smoothies is the simple answer to consuming more raw foods and it's something we all can do.

Juicing supplies the body with essential nutrients in ready-to-use, liquid form where they are

quickly absorbed and go to work helping restore and replenish the body in various ways. There's

just no better way to get these pure and natural nutrients. These foods are nature's way of

providing all that we need and are products directly from the soil, sun and rain.

All you need to do is invest in a quality blender and juicer, buy more fresh produce and toss it into

these glorious machines. What emerges is liquid goodness that serves you in the most positive

ways – without any downside. There's no reason to not get started on this extremely healthy

practice today.