B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    Bachelor of Technology

    (Mechanical & Automation Engineering)

    Programme Code: BTM

    Duration 4 ear! "ull Time

    Programme #tructure

    AndCurriculum & #cheme of E$amination


    AMT *+E,#T MAD-A P,ADE#-

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Amity University aims to achieve academic excellence by providing multi-faceted educationto students and encourage them to reach the pinnacle of success. The University has designed

    a system that would provide rigorous academic programme with necessary skills to enable

    them to excel in their careers.

    This booklet contains the Programme Structure the !etailed "urriculum and the Scheme of

    #xamination. The Programme Structure includes the courses $"ore and #lective% arranged

    semester wise. The importance of each course is defined in terms of credits attached to it. The

    credit units attached to each course has been further defined in terms of contact hours i.e.

    &ecture 'ours $&% Tutorial 'ours $T% Practical 'ours $P%. Towards earning credits in terms

    of contact hours ( &ecture and ( Tutorial per week are rated as ( credit each and ) Practical

    hours per week are rated as ( credit. Thus for example an &-T-P structure of *-+-+ will have

    * credits *-(-+ will have , credits and *-(-) will have credits.

    The "urriculum and Scheme of #xamination of each course includes the course obectivescourse contents scheme of examination and the list of text and references. The scheme of

    examination defines the various components of evaluation and the weightage attached to each

    component. The different codes used for the components of evaluation and the weightage

    attached to them are/

    "omponents "odes 0eightage $1%

    "ase !iscussion2 Presentation2 Analysis " + - (+

    'ome Assignment ' + - (+

    Proect P + - (+

    Seminar S + - (+

    3iva 3 + - (+4ui5 4 + - (+

    "lass Test "T (+ - (

    Attendance A +

    #nd Semester #xamination ## 6+

    7t is hoped that it will help the students study in a planned and a structured manner and

    promote effective learning. 0ishing you an intellectually stimulating stay at Amity


    8uly )+((

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    P,./,AMME #T,CT,E",#T #EME#TE,

    .ld Cour!e


    *e0 Cour!e


    Cour!e Title 1ecture

    (1) -our!

    Per 2ee3


    (T) -our!

    Per 2ee3


    (P) -our!

    Per 2ee3



    9T::T (+(+( 9T: (+( Applied :athematics - 7 * ( - ,

    9T:P' (+(+( 9T: (+) Applied Physics-7 ; (+()( 9T: ()( Applied "hemistry &ab - - ) (

    9T::# (+()( 9T: ()) #lements of :echanical#ngineering &ab

    - - ) (

    9T:"S (+()( 9T: ()* Programming in " &ab - - ) (

    9T:## (+()( 9T: (), #lectrical Science &ab - - ) (

    9T::# (+()) 9T: () #ngineering @raphics &ab - - ) (

    #nglish ( - - -

    9T:9S (+(+( 9T: (,* 9ehavioural Sciences - 7 ( - - (


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    9T::# )+*)( 9T: *)+ :echanics of Solids =

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    9T:T *++ 9T: + Practical Training $#valuation% - - - *

    T.TA1 9

    #T- #EME#TE,9T::# *+?+( 9T: ?+( :anagement of :anufacturing

    Systems* - - *

    9T::# *+?+) 9T: ?+) :achine !esign ; 77 * - - *

    9T::# *+?+* 9T: ?+*

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    9T::# ,+B+) 9T: B+) Advanced :ethods of:anufacturing

    * ( - ,

    9T::# ,+B+* 9T: B+* efrigeration and Air-conditioning * ( - ,

    9T::# ,+B)( 9T: B)+ Advanced :ethods of:anufacturing &ab

    - - ) (

    9T::# ,+B)) 9T: B)( efrigeration and Air-conditioning&ab

    - - ) (

    9T:9S ,+B+( 9T: B,( "ommunication Skill ; 37 ( - - (

    9T:9S ,+B+) 9T: B,* 9ehavioural Science ; 3777 ( - - (


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    Curriculum & #cheme of E$amination


    Cour!e Code: BTM '' Credit nit!: 4

    Cour!e .e:The knowledge of :athematics is necessary for a better understanding of almost all the #ngineering andScience subects. 'ere our intention is to make the students acIuainted with the concept of basic topics from:athematics which they need to pursue their #ngineering degree in different disciplines.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : Differential Calculu!

    Successive differentiation &eibnit5Js theorem $without proof% :ean value theorem TaylorJs theorem $proof%

    emainder terms Asymptote = "urvature Partial derivatives "hain rule !ifferentiation of 7mplicit functions#xact differentials Tangents and Eormals :axima Approximations !ifferentiation under integral sign8acobians and transformations of coordinates.

    Module : ntegral Calculu!

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    APP1ED P-#C# 7 7 "E1D# A*D 2A+E#

    Cour!e Code: BTM '% Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:Aim of this course is to introduce the students to fundamentals of graduate level physics which form the basisof all applied science and engineering

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : .!cillation! & 2a>e!

    .!cillation!:7ntroduction to S.'.:. !amped Cscillations/ !ifferential #Iuation and its solution logarithmicdecrement 4uality e *ature of 1ight

    7nterference/ "oherent Sources "onditions of interference 7nterference due to division of wavefront

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    APP1ED C-EM#T,

    Cour!e Code: BTM '9 Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    #ngineering "hemistry - Shashi "hawla


    #ngineering "hemistry ;!ara and !ara

    Spectroscopy- >. Sharma

    "orrosion #ngineering ;

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    E1EME*T# ." MEC-A*CA1 E*/*EE,*/

    Cour!e Code: BTM '4 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:The obective of this course is to impart the basic knowledge of thermodynamics stress- strain materials =

    their properties and various manufacturing processes to the students of all engineering discipline.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module :"undamental Conce@t!

    !efinition of thermodynamics system surrounding and universe phase concept of continuum macroscopic =microscopic point of view Thermodynamic eIuilibrium property state path process cyclic process Lerothfirst and second law of thermodynamics "arnot "ycle 7ntroduction to 7.". #ngines-two =four stoke S.7. and".7. engines. Ctto cycle. !iesel cycle.

    Module : #tre!! And #train Analy!i!Simple stress and strain/ introduction normal shear and stresses-strain diagrams for ductile and brittle

    materials. #lastic constants one-dimensional loadings of members of varying cross-section Strain #nergyProperties of material-strength elasticity stiffness malleability ductility brittleness hardness and plasticity etcK"oncept of stress and strain stress strain diagram tensile test impact test and hardness test.

    Module :Ca!ting& "orging7ntroduction of casting pattern mould making procedures sand mould casting casting defects allowances ofpattern.

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    *T,.DCT.* T. C.MPTE,# A*D P,./,AMM*/ * C

    Cour!e Code: BTM '; Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:The obective of this course module is to acIuaint the students with the basics of computers system its

    components data representation inside computer and to get them familiar with various important features

    of procedure oriented programming language i.e. ".

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : ntroduction

    7ntroduction to computer history von-Eeumann architecture memory system $hierarchy characteristics andtypes% '20 concepts $72C !evices% S20 concepts $System S20 = Application S20 utilities%. !ataepresentation/ Eumber systems character representation codes 9inary octal hexadecimal and theirinterconversions. 9inary arithmetic floating point arithmetic signed and unsigned numbers :emory storageunit.

    Module : Programming in C

    'istory of " 7ntroduction of " 9asic structure of " program "oncept of variables constants and data types in" Cperators and expressions/ 7ntroduction arithmetic relational &ogical Assignment 7ncrement and

    decrement operator "onditional bitwise operators #xpressions Cperator precedence and associativity.:anaging 7nput and output Cperation formatting 72C.

    Module : "undamental "eature! in C

    " Statements conditional executing using if else nesting of if switch and break "oncepts of loops example ofloops in " using for while and do-while continue and break. Storage types $automatic register etc.% predefinedprocessor "ommand &ine Argument.

    Module +: Array! and "unction!

    Cne dimensional arrays and example of iterative programs using arrays )-! arrays Use in matrix computations."oncept of Sub-programming functions #xample of user defined functions. anced feature! in CPointers relationship between arrays and pointers Argument passing using pointers Array of pointers. Passingarrays as arguments.Strings and " string library.Structure and Union. !efining " structures @iving values to members Array of structure Eested structurepassing strings as arguments.

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    E1ECT,CA1 #CE*CE

    Cour!e Code: BTM '5 Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:The obective of the course is to provide a brief knowledge of #lectrical #ngineering to students of alldisciplines. This "ourse includes some theorems related to electrical some lawJs related to flow of currentvoltages basic knowledge of Transformer basic knowledge of electromagnetism basic knowledge of electrical


    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : Ba!ic Electrical uantitie!

    9asic #lectrical definitions-#nergy Power "harge "urrent 3oltage #lectric

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    APP1ED P-#C# 1AB 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM '% Credit nit!: '

    1i!t of E$@eriment!:

    (. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by EewtonJs rings method.

    ). To determine the dispersive power of the material of prism with the help of a spectrometer.

    *. To determine the specific rotation of sugar by 9i-Iuart5 or &aurent half shade polarimeter.

    ,. To determine the speed of ultrasonic waves in liIuid by diffraction method.

    . To determine the width of a narrow slit using diffraction phenomena.

    ?. To determine the temperature coefficient of platinum wire using a platinum resistance thermometer

    and a "allender = @riffthJs bridge.

    6. To determine the value of specific charge $ratio of e2m% of an electron by Thomson method.

    B. To determine the internal resistance of &eclanche cell with the help of Potentiometer.H. To determine the resistance per unit length of a "arey

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    APP1ED C-EM#T, 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM '%' Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    1i!t of E$@eriment!:

    (Any ' E$@eriment!)

    (. To determine the ion exchange capacity of a given cation exchanger.

    ). To determine the temporary permanent and total hardness of a sample of water by complexometric titration


    *. To determine the type and extent of alkalinity of given water sample.

    ,. To determine the number of water molecules of crystalli5ation in :ohrJs salt $ferrous ammonium sulphate%provided standard potassium dichromate solution $+.(E% using diphenylamine as internal indicator.

    . To determine the ferrous content in the supplied sample of iron ore by titrimetric analysis against standardF)"r)C6solution using potassium ferricyanide F*

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    E1EME*T ." MEC-A*CA1 E*/*EE,*/ 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM '%% Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    (. 0elding

    $a% Arc 0elding - 9utt 8oint- &ap 8oint

    - T 8oint $b% @as 0elding - 9utt 8oint

    - &ap 8oint- 9ra5ing of 9roken pieces


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    P,./,AMM*/ * C 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM '%9 Credit nit!: '

    #oft0are ,e?uired: Turbo "

    Cour!e Content!:

    " program involving problems like finding the nth value of cosine series

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    E1ECT,CA1 #CE*CE 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM '%4 Credit nit!: '

    1i!t of E$@eriment!:

    (. To verify F3& = F"& in the given network.

    ). To verify Superposition Theorem.

    *. To verify :aximum Power Transfer Theorem.,. To verify eciprocity Theorem.. To determine and verify Th 3Th E 7E in a given network.?. To perform open circuit = short circuit test on a single-phase transformer.6. To study transient response of a given &" "ircuit.

    B. To perform regulation ratio = polarity test on a single-phase transformer.H. To measure power = power factor in a three phase circuit by two wattmeter method.(+. To measure power = power factor in a three phase load using three ammeter = three voltmeter method.

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

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    E*/*EE,*/ /,AP-C# 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM '%; Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e .e:This course will provide students concepts on the drawings of different curves like straight line parabola ellipseetc. After completion of this course students will be able to draw different figures manually and will be capable

    of using various instruments involved in drawings.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : /eneral7mportance Significance and scope of engineering drawing &ettering !imensioning Scales Sense ofproportioning !ifferent types of proections Crthographic Proection 9.7.S. Specifications.

    Module : Pro=ection! of Point and 1ine!

    7ntroduction of planes of proection eference and auxiliary planes proections of points and &ines in differentIuadrants traces inclinations and true lengths of the lines proections on Auxiliary planes shortest distanceintersecting and non-intersecting lines.

    Module : Plane! other than the ,eference Plane!

    7ntroduction of other planes $perpendicular and obliIue% their traces inclinations etc. Proections of points andlines lying in the planes conversion of obliIue plane into auxiliary Plane and solution of related problems.

    Module +: Pro=ection! of Plane "igure!!ifferent cases of plane figures $of different shapes% making different angles with one or both reference planesand lines lying in the plane figures making different given angles $with one of both reference planes%. Cbtainingtrue shape of the plane figure by proection.

    Module +: Pro=ection of #olid!Simple cases when solid is placed in different positions Axis faces and lines lying in the faces of the solidmaking given angles.Module +:De>elo@ment of #urface

    !evelopment of simple obects with and without sectioning. 7sometric Proection

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    :.9. Shah = 9.". ana #ngineering !rawing Pearson #ducation )++6

    PS @ill #ngineering !rawing Fataria Publication

    E! 9hatt #ngineering !rawing "harotar publications

    E Sidheshwar #ngineering !rawing Tata :c@raw 'ill

    "& Tanta :echanical !rawing M!hanpat aiN

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Cour!e .e:The course is intended to give a foundation of #nglish &anguage. The literary texts are indented to help studentsto inculcate creative = aesthetic sensitivity and critical faculty through comprehension appreciation andanalysis of the prescribed literary texts. 7t will also help them to respond form different perspectives.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : +oca

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    Te$t & ,eference!:

    :adhulika 8ha #choes Crient &ong :an

    amon = Prakash 9usiness "ommunication Cxford.

    Sydney @reenbaum Cxford #nglish @rammar Cxford.

    Successful "ommunications :alra Treece $Allyn and 9acon%

    #ffective Technical "ommunication :. Ashraf i5vi.

    9 hr! Programme to

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    BE-A+.,A1 #CE*CE 7

    (*DE,#TA*D*/ #E1" "., E""ECT+E*E##)

    Cour!e Code: BTM '49 Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e .e:This course aims at imparting/

    Understanding self = process of self exploration

    &earning strategies for development of a healthy self esteem

    7mportance of attitudes and its effective on personality

    9uilding #motional "ompetence

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : #elf: Core Com@etency

    Understanding of Self"omponents of Self ; Self identitySelf conceptSelf confidenceSelf image

    Module : Techni?ue! of #elf A0arene!!

    #xploration through 8ohari 0indow:apping the key characteristics of selfene!!

    :eaning and 7mportance"omponents of self esteem'igh and low self esteem:easuring your self esteem

    Module +: Building Po!iti>e Attitude:eaning and nature of attitude"omponents and Types of attitude7mportance and relevance of attitude

    Module +: Building Emotional Com@etence

    #motional 7ntelligence ; :eaning components 7mportance and elevancePositive and Eegative emotions'ealthy and Unhealthy expression of emotions

    Module +:End7of7#eme!ter A@@rai!al

    3iva based on personal ournalAssessment of 9ehavioural change as a result of training

    #xit &evel ating by Self and Cbserver

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    Crgani5ational 9ehaviour !avis F.

    'oover 8udhith !. #ffective Small @roup and Team "ommunication )++)'arcourt "ollege Publishers

    !ick :c "ann = :argerison "harles/ Team :anagement (HH) #dition viva books

    9ates A. P. and 8ulian 8./ Sociology - Understanding Social 9ehaviour

    !ressler !avid and "ans !onald/ The Study of 'uman 7nteraction

    &apiere ichard. T ; Social "hange

    &ind5ey @. and 9orgatta #/ Sociometric :easurement in the 'andbook of Social Psychology Addison ;

    0elsley US.

    ose @./ Cxford Textbook of Public 'ealth 3ol., (HB. &a

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    Smither obert !.K The Psychology of 0ork and 'uman Performance (HH, 'arper "ollins "ollege


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    ",E*C- 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM '44 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To familiari5e the students with the rir la langue franHai!e : (oral et Fcrit)

    (. se prsenter prsenter IuelIuJun faire la connaissance desautres formules de politesse rencontres

    ). dire2interroger si on comprend

    *. Eommer les choses nitF %: "aire connai!!ance(. donner2demander des informations sur une personne premiers

    contacts exprimer ses gots et ses prfrences). Parler de soi/ parler du travail de ses activits de son pays de sa ville.

    nitF 9:.rgani!er !on tem@! (. dire la date et lJheure

    Contenu grammatical: (. organisation gnrale de la grammaire ). article indfini dfini contract *. nom adectif masculin fminin singulier et pluriel ,. ngation avec de V Wmoi aussiW Wmoi non plusW

    . interrogation / 7nversion est-ce Iue Iui Iue Iuoi IuJest-ceIue oX Iuand comment Iuel$s% Iuelle$s% 7nterro-ngatif / rponses / oui si non ?. pronom toniIue2disoint- pour insister aprYs une prposition 6. futur proche

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! CT' CT% C + A

    2eightage () )+ )+ )+ )+ (

    " ; Proect D Presentation

    7 ; 7nteraction2"onversation Practice

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    le livre Z suivre / "ampus/ Tome (

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    /E,MA* 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM '4; Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammarwhich will later help them to strengthen their language.To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities

    available in @ermany

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : ntroduction

    Self introduction/ heissen kommen wohnwn lernen arbeiten trinken etc.All personal pronouns in relation to the verbs taught so far.@reetings/ @uten :orgenR @uten TagR @uten AbendR @ute EachtR !anke sehrR !ankeR 3ielen !ankR $es tutmir &eidR%'allo wie gehtJs[/ !anke gutR sehr gutR primaR ausge5eichnetR

    #s gehtR nicht so gutR so la laR miserabelR

    Module : nter>ie0!@iel

    To assimilate the vocabulary learnt so far and to apply the words and phrases in short dialogues in an interview; game for self introduction.

    Module : Phonetic!

    Sound system of the language with special stress on !ipthongs

    Module +: Countrie!G nationalitie! and their language!

    To make the students acIuainted with the most widely used country names their nationalitie and the languagespoken in that country.

    Module +: Article!

    The definite and indefinite articles in masculine feminine and neuter gender. All 3egetables

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    Schul5 @riesbach !eutsche Sprachlehre f\r Ausl]nder

    P.& Anea !eutsch 7nteressant- ( ) = *

    osa-:aria !allapia55a et al Tangram Aktuell A(2()

    9raun Eieder Schm^e !eutsch als

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Cour!e Code: BTM '48 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:There are many dialects spoken in "hina but the language which will help you through wherever you go is:andarin or Putonghua as it is called in "hinese. The most widely spoken forms of "hinese are :andarin"antonese @an 'akka :in 0u and iang. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects

    of speaking ability of :andarin the language of :ainland "hina. The course aims at training students inpractical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.

    Cour!e Content!:


    Show pictures dialogue and retell.@etting to know each other.Practicing chart with 7nitials and

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    Cour!e Code: BTM %' Credit nit!: 4

    Cour!e .e:The knowledge of :athematics is necessary for a better understanding of almost all the #ngineering andScience subects. 'ere our intention is to make the students acIuainted with the concept of basic topics from

    :athematics which they need to pursue their #ngineering degree in different disciplines.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : 1inear Alge

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    APP1ED P-#C# 7 7 M.DE,* P-#C#

    Cour!e Code: BTM %% Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:Aim of this course is to introduce the students to fundamentals of graduate level physics which form the basis ofall applied science and engineering

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : #@ecial Theory of ,elati>ity

    :ichelson-:orley experiment 7mportance of negative result 7nertial = non-inertial frames of reference#insteinJs postulates of Special theory of elativity Space-time coordinate system elativistic Space Timetransformation $&orent5 transformation eIuation% Transformation of velocity Addition of velocities &engthcontraction and Time dilation :ass-energy eIuivalence $#insteinJs energy mass relation% = !erivation of3ariation of mass with velocity

    Module : 2a>e Mechanic!

    0ave particle duality !e-9roglie matter waves phase and group velocity 'eisenberg uncertainty principlewave function and its physical interpretation Cperators expectation values. Time dependent = timeindependent Schr dinger wave eIuation for free = bound states sIuare well potential $rigid wall% Step


    Module : Atomic Phy!ic!

    3ector atom model &S and - coupling Leceman effect $normal = anomalous% Paschen-9ach effect -rayspectra and energy level diagram :oseleys &aw &asers ; #instein coefficients conditions for lightamplification population inversion optical pumping three level and four level lasers 'e-Ee and uby laserProperties and applications of lasers.

    Module +: #olid #tate Phy!ic!

    SommerfieldJs free electron theory of metals

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    E*+,.*ME*T #TDE#

    Cour!e Code: BTM %9 Credit nit!: 4

    Cour!e .e:The term environment is used to describe in the aggregate all the external forces influences and conditionswhich affect the life nature behaviour and the growth development and maturity of living organisms. At

    present a great number of environment issues have grown in si5e and complexity day by day threatening thesurvival of mankind on earth. A study of environmental studies is Iuite essential in all types of environmental

    sciences environmental engineering and industrial management. The obective of environmental studies is toenlighten the masses about the importance of the protection and conservation of our environment and control ofhuman activities which has an adverse effect on the environment.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : The multidi!ci@linary nature of en>ironmental !tudie!

    !efinition scope and importanceEeed for public awareness

    Module : *atural ,e!ource!

    ,ene0aironmental Pollution

    !efinition"auses effects and control measures of/

    a. Air pollution

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    b. 0ater pollutionc. Soil pollution

    d. :arine pollutione. Eoise pollutionf. Thermal pollutiong. Euclear pollution

    Solid waste management/ "auses effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes.ole of an individual in prevention of pollution.

    Pollution case studies.

    !isaster management/ floods earthIuake cyclone and landslides.

    Module +: #ocial !!ue! and the En>ironment


    Population growth variation among nationsPopulation explosion ;

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    'eywood 3.' = 0aston .T. (HH. @lobal 9iodiversity Assessment. "ambridge Univ. Press ((,+p.

    8adhav ' = 9hosale 3.:. (HH. #nvironmental Protection and &aws. 'imalaya Pub. 'ouse !elhi )B, p.

    :ckinney :.&. = School .:. (HH?. #nvironmental Science Systems = Solutions 0eb enhanced

    edition. ?*Hp.

    :haskar A.F. :atter 'a5ardous Techno-Science Publication $T9%

    :iller T.@. 8r. #nvironmental Science 0adsworth Publishing "o. $T9%

    Cdum #.P. (H6(.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    .BKECT .,E*TED P,./,AMM*/ #*/ CLL

    Cour!e Code: BTM %4 Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:The obective of this module is to introduce obect oriented programming. To explore and implement the various

    features of CCP such as inheritance polymorphism #xceptional handling usingprogramming language "DD. After completing this course student can easily identify the

    basic difference between the programming approaches like procedural and obect oriented.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : ntroduction

    eview of " !ifference between " and "DD Procedure Criented and Cbect Criented Approach. 9asic"oncepts/ Cbects classes Principals like Abstraction #ncapsulation 7nheritance andPolymorphism. !ynamic 9inding :essage Passing. "haracteristics of Cbect-Criented&anguages. 7ntroduction to Cbect-Criented :odeling techniIues $Cbect ashwant Fanethkar MCbect Criented Programming using "DDN 9P9 )++,

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    E*/*EE,*/ MEC-A*C#

    Cour!e Code: BTM %; Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:Cbective of this course is to provide fundamental knowledge of force system and its effect on the behaviour ofthe bodies that may be in dynamic or in static state. 7t includes the eIuilibrium of different structures like beamsframes truss etc and the force transfer mechanism in the different components of a body under given loading


    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : "orce !y!tem & #tructure

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    APP1ED P-#C# 1AB 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM %% Credit nit!: '

    1i!t of E$@eriment!:

    (. To determine the wavelength of prominent lines of mercury spectrum using plane transmission


    ). To determine the thickness of a given wire by 0edge method.

    *. To determine the wavelength of 'e-Ee laser light using single slit.

    ,. To determine the freIuency of an electrically maintained tunning fork by :eldeJs method.

    . To study the variation of magnetic field along the axis of 'elmholt5 coil and to find out reduction


    ?. To draw the 3 ; 7 characteristics of a forward and reverse bias PE unction diode.

    6. To determine the freIuency of A" mains using sonometer.

    B. To determine the energy band-gap of @ermanium crystal using four probes method.

    H. To draw 3 ; 7 characteristics of a photocell and to verify the inverse sIuare law of radiation.

    (+. To determine the acceleration due to gravity $OgJ% using FeterJs reversible pendulum.

    ((. To study the characteristics of photo voltaic cell $solar cell%.

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EEA P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    .BKECT .,E*TED P,./,AMM*/ #*/ CLL 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM %%' Credit nit!: '

    #oft0are ,e?uired:Turbo "DD

    Cour!e Content!:

    "reation of obects in programs and solving problems through them. !ifferent use of private public member variables and functions and friend functions.

    Use of constructors and destructors.

    Cperator overloading

    Use of inheritance in and accessing obects of different derived classes.

    Polymorphism and virtual functions $using pointers%.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    E*/*EE,*/ MEC-A*C# 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM %%% Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    Engineering Mechanic!:

    To verify the law of

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Cour!e Code: BTM %4 Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:The course is intended to give a foundation of #nglish &anguage. The literary texts are indented to help studentsto inculcate creative = aesthetic sensitivity and critical faculty through comprehension appreciation andanalysis of the prescribed literary texts. 7t will also help them to respond form different perspectives.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : +oca

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    Te$t & ,eference!:

    :adhulika 8ha #choes Crient &ong :an.

    amon = Prakash 9usiness "ommunication Cxford.

    Sydney @reenbaum Cxford #nglish @rammar Cxford.

    Successful "ommunications :alra Treece $Allyn and 9acon%.

    #ffective Technical "ommunication :. Ashraf i5vi.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    BE-A+.,A1 #CE*CE 7

    (P,.B1EM #.1+*/ A*D C,EAT+E T-*6*/)

    Cour!e Code: BTM %49 Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e .e:To enable the students/

    Understand the process of problem solving and creative thinking.

    e Thin3ing!efinition and meaning of creativityThe nature of creative thinking"onvergent and !ivergent thinking7dea generation and evaluation $9rain Storming%7mage generation and evaluation!ebating

    The six-phase model of "reative Thinking/ 7"#!7P model

    Module +:End7of7#eme!ter A@@rai!al3iva based on personal ournalAssessment of 9ehavioural change as a result of training#xit &evel ating by Self and Cbserver

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    :ichael Steven/ 'ow to be a better problem solver Fogan Page Eew !elhi (HHH

    @eoff Petty/ 'ow to be better at creativityK Fogan Page Eew !elhi (HHH

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    ichard >. "hang and P. Feith Felly/ 0heeler Publishing Eew !elhi (HHB.

    Phil &owe Foge Page/ "reativity and Problem Solving Eew !elhi (HH?

    8 0illiam Pfeiffer $ed.% Theories and :odels in Applied 9ehavioural Science 3ol * :anagement $(HH?%K

    Pfeiffer = "ompany

    9ensley Alan !./ "ritical Thinking in Psychology ; A Unified Skills Approach $(HHB% 9rooks2"ole

    Publishing "ompany.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    ",E*C- 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM %44 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable the students to overcome the fear of speaking a foreign language and take position as a foreignerspeaking

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    Cour!e Code: BTM %4; Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammarwhich will later help them to strengthen their language.To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities

    available in @ermany7ntroduction to @rammar to consolidate the language base learnt in Semester 7

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : E>erything aer

    7ntroduction to irregular verbs like to be and others to learn the conugations of the same $fahren essenlessen schlafen sprechen und ]hnliche%.

    Module : #e@araer

    To comprehend the change in meaning that the verbs undergo when used as suchTreatment of such verbs with separable prefixes

    Module +: ,eading and com@rehen!ion

    eading and deciphering railway schedules2school time tableUsage of separable verbs in the above context

    Module +: Accu!ati>e ca!e

    Accusative case with the relevant articles7ntroduction to ) different kinds of sentences ; Eominative and Accusative

    Module +: Accu!ati>e @er!onal @ronoun!Eominative and accusative in comparison#mphasi5ing on the universal applicability of the pronouns to both persons and obects

    Module +: Accu!ati>e @re@o!ition!

    Accusative propositions with their use9oth theoretical and figurative use

    Module +: Dialogue!

    !ialogue reading/ O7n the market placeJ OAt the 'otelJ

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! CT' CT% C + A

    2eightage () )+ )+ )+ )+ (

    " ; Proect D Presentation7 ; 7nteraction2"onversation Practice

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    0olfgang 'ieber &ern5iel !eutsch

    'ans-'einrich 0angler Sprachkurs !eutsch

    Schul5 @riesbach !eutsche Sprachlehre f\r Ausl]nder

    P.& Anea !eutsch 7nteressant- ( ) = * osa-:aria !allapia55a et al Tangram Aktuell A(2()

    9raun Eieder Schm^e !eutsch als

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Cour!e Code: BTM %45 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable students acIuire more vocabulary grammar 3erbal Phrases to understand simple texts and startdescribing any person or obect in Simple Present Tense.

    Cour!e Content!:


    evision of earlier modules.


    Some more A2#27 verbs. 7ntroduction to root changing and irregular A2#27 ending verbs


    :ore verbal phrases $eg !ios :io 4ue lastima etc% adverbs (bueno/malo, muy, mucho, bastante, poco).Simple texts based on grammar and vocabulary done in earlier modules.

    Module +

    Possessive pronouns

    Module +

    0riting2speaking essays like my friend my house my school2institution myself_.descriptions of peopleobects etc computer2internet related vocabulary

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! CT' CT% C + A

    2eightage () )+ )+ )+ )+ (

    " ; Proect D Presentation7 ; 7nteraction2"onversation Practice

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    #spa`ol #n !irecto 7 A

    #spa`ol Sin

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    KAPA*E#E 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM %4 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable the students to converse in the language with the help of basic particles and be able to define thesituations and people using different adectives.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : +er

    Transitive verbs intransitive verbs

    Module : More @re@o!ition!

    :ore particles articles and likes and dislikes.

    Module : Term! u!ed for in!truction!

    Eo parking no smoking etc.

    Module +: Ad>er

    !ifferent adverbial expression.

    Module +: n>itation! and cele

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! CT' CT% C + A

    2eightage () )+ )+ )+ )+ (

    " ; Proect D Presentation

    7 ; 7nteraction2"onversation Practice

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    M#lementary "hinese eader Part 7N &esson ((-)+

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Cour!e Code: BTM 9% Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:Cbective of this course is to impart in depth understanding of the principles of thermodynamics and heattransfer. This course also helps students understand the application of basic fluid mechanics thermodynamicand heat transfer principles and techniIues including the use of empirical data to the analysis of representative

    fluid and thermal energy components and systems encountered in the practice of electrical electronic industrialand related disciplines of engineering.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module :Ba!ic conce@t!Thermodynamic system intensive and extensive properties cyclic process Leroth &aw of Thermodynamics0ork and heat

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MEC-A*C# ." #.1D#

    Cour!e Code: BTM 99 Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:The obective of this course is to make the students understand the concept of stress and strain in different typesof structure2machine under different loading conditions. The course also covers the simple and compound

    stresses due to forces stresses and deflection in beams due to bending torsion in circular section strain energy

    different theories of failure stress in thin cylinder thick cylinder and spheres due to external and internalpressure.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : #im@le !tre!!e! and !train!"oncept of stress and strainK 'ookeJs law >oungJs modulus Poisson ratio stress at a point stress and strains inbars subected to axial loading. :odulus of elasticity stress produced in compound bars subect to axial loading.

    Temperature stress and strain calculations due to applications of axial loads and variation of temperature insingle and compound walls.

    Module : Com@ound !tre!! and !train!

    The two dimensional systemK stress at a point on a plane principal stresses and principal planesK :ohrJs circle

    of stress. @raphical and Analytical methods for stresses on obliIue section of body. Shear force and bendingmoment diagrams for cantilever simply supported and overhanging beams.

    Module : Bending #tre!!

    Theory of bending stresses in beams due to bending assumptions in the simple bending theory derivation offormula/ its application to beams of rectangular circular and channel sections composite 2 flitched beamsbending and shear stresses in composite beams.

    Module +: Tor!ion!erivation of torsion eIuation and its assumptions. Applications of the eIuation of the hollow and solid circularshafts torsional rigidity combined torsion and bending of circular shafts principal stress and maximum shearstresses under combined loading of bending and torsion analysis of close-coiled-helical springs.

    Module +: Thin cylinder! and !@here!!erivation of formulae and calculation of hoop stress longitudinal stress in a cylinder and sphere subected tointernal pressure.

    Module +: Column! and !trut!"olumns and failure of columns #ulerJs formulasK ankine-@ordonJs formula 8ohnsonJs empirical formula for

    axially loaded columns and their applications.

    Module +: #lo@e and deflectionelationship between moment slope and deflection :ohrJs theoremK :oment area methodK method ofintegrationK :acaulayJs method/ Use of all these methods to calculate slope and deflection for the following/a% "antilevers

    b% Simply supported beams with or without overhang

    c% Under concentrated loads uniformly distributed loads or combination of concentrated and uniformlydistributed loads

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! A CT #+ -A EE

    2eightage () (+ B 6 6+

    "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xaminationK Att/Attendance

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    Text: 8indal U.". MStrength of :aterialsN @algotia Publication Eew !elhi (HHB.

    yder @.'. MStrength of :aterialsN :acmillan !elhi )++*.

    .F. 9ansal MStrength of :aterialsN &axmi Publication Eew !elhi )++(.

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    Sadhu Singh MStrength of :aterialsN Fhanna Publishers Eew !elhi )+++.

    Timoshenko S.P. M#lements of Strength of :aterialsN #ast-0est affiliated Eew !elhi )+++.

    'ibbler .". M:echanics of :aterialsN Prentice 'all Eew !elhi (HH,.

    Popov #ger P. M#ngg. :echanics of solidsN Prentice 'all Eew !elhi (HHB.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MATE,A1 #CE*CE A*D META11,/

    Cour!e Code: BTM 94 Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e::etallurgy and :aterials deal with the structure and properties of all materials which have engineeringapplications. :etallurgists and :aterials #ngineers are responsible for designing producing examining andtesting materials as diverse as metallic engineering alloys semiconductors and superconductors ceramics

    plastics and composites. This course will help students understand the properties of different types of materialsand their applications.

    Cour!e Content!:


    Atomic structure of metals crystal structure crystal lattice of $i% 9ody centered cubic $ii% face centered cubic$iii% closed packed hexagonal crystallographic notation of atomic planes polymorphism and allotropysolidification of crystalli5ation $i% nuclear formation $crystal growth% $ii% crystal imperfection #lementarytreatment of theories of plastic deformation phenomenon of slip twinning dislocation identification ofcrystallographic possible slip planes and direction in

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    Peter 'aasten MPhysical :etallurgyN "ambridge Univ. Press (HH?.

    MEC-A*C# ." "1D#

    Cour!e Code: BTM 9; Credit nit!: 4

    Cour!e .e:The obective of

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    :assey 9 S :echanics of

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MEC-A*C# ." #.1D# A*D "1D# 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM 9% Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:#xperimental work will be based on the following papers/:echanics of Solids

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MAC-*E D,A2*/ 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM 9%' Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    "ree7-and #3etching & #haft #cale Dra0ing

    "omponents like cotter oint knuckle ointK rivets and riveted ointsK couplingsK flywheels pulleys bush

    bearings #ngine parts. 7sometric views from Crthographic Proections of :achine "omponents.

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    Pohit @ and @osh @. :achine !rawing with Auto "A! Pearson #ducation )++6

    PS @ill :achine !rawing S. "hand.

    E! 9hatt :achine !rawing "harotar publications

    E Sidheshwar :achine !rawing Tata :c@raw 'ill

    "& Tanta :echanical !rawing M!hanpat aiN

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    P,./,AMM*/ 1AB (*ME,CA1 A*A1##)

    Cour!e Code: BTM 9%% Credit nit!: '

    #oft0are ,e?uired:Turbo "2"DD

    Cour!e Content!:

    A!!ignment! 0ill ided for the follo0ing:

    (. Analysis of various numerical and statistical techniIues

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

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    E1ECT,.*C# 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM 9%9 Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    1i!t of E$@eriment!:

    (. To study the 37 characteristic of a diode.). To study Lener breakdown.*. To study the characteristics of a "# Transistor.,. To study the 37 characteristic of "9 ="" Transistor. To study transistor as an a amplifiers?. To study the Truth Table of Universal gates

    6. To study CP Amp. As inverting and non-inverting Amp. .B. To study CP Amp in open loop and close loop.

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, + (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    C.MM*CAT.* #611# 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM 94' Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e .e:To form written communication strategies necessary in the workplace

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : ntroduction to 2riting #3ill!

    #ffective 0riting SkillsAvoiding "ommon #rrorsParagraph 0ritingEote Taking

    0riting Assignments

    Module : 1etter 2riting


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    BE-A+.,A1 #CE*CE 7

    (*TE,PE,#.*A1 C.MM*CAT.*)

    Cour!e Code: BTM 949 Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e .e:This course provides practical guidance on

    #nhancing personal effectiveness and performance through effective interpersonal communication

    #nhancing their conflict management and negotiation skills

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : nter@er!onal Communication: An ntroduction

    7mportance of 7nterpersonal "ommunicationTypes ; Self and Cther Criented

    apport 9uilding ; E&P "ommunication :odeSteps to improve 7nterpersonal "ommunication

    Module : Beha>ioural Communication

    :eaning and Eature of behavioural communication

    Persuasion 7nfluence &istening and 4uestioning@uidelines for developing 'uman "ommunication skillselevance of 9ehavioural "ommunication for personal and professional development

    Module : nter@er!onal #tyle!

    Transactional Analysis&ife Position2Script Analysis

    @ames Analysis7nteractional and Transactional Styles

    Module +: Conflict Management

    :eaning and nature of conflictsStyles and techniIues of conflict management

    "onflict management and interpersonal communication

    Module +: *egotiation #3ill!

    :eaning and Eegotiation approaches $Traditional and "ontemporary%Process and strategies of negotiationsEegotiation and interpersonal communication

    Module +:End7of7#eme!ter A@@rai!al3iva based on personal ournalAssessment of 9ehavioural change as a result of training#xit &evel ating by Self and Cbserver

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    3angelist &. Anita :ark E. Fnapp 7nter Personal "ommunication and 'uman elationships/ Third

    #dition Allyn and 9acon

    8ulia T. 0ood. 7nterpersonal "ommunication everyday encounter

    Simons "hristine Eaylor 9elinda/ #ffective "ommunication for :anagers (HH6 (st #dition "assel

    @oddard Fen/ 7nformative 0riting (HH (st#dition "assell

    'arvard 9usiness School #ffective "ommunication/ United States of America

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    ",E*C- 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM 944 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To provide the students with the know-how

    To master the current social communication skills in oral and in written.

    To enrich the formulations the linguistic tools and vary the sentence construction without repetition.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module B: @@ 5 88 nitF 5

    Module C: @@ 8N to'9 nitF

    Contenu le$ical: nitF 5:!e faire @lai!ir(. acheter / exprimer ses choix dcrire un obet $forme dimension poids et

    matiYres% payer). parler de la nourriture deux faons dJexprimer la Iuantit commander

    un repas au restaurant *. parler des diffrentes occasions de faire la fte

    nitF : Culti>er !e! relation!

    (. matriser les actes de la communication sociale courante$Salutations prsentations invitations remerciements%

    ). annoncer un vnement exprimer un souhait remerciersJexcuser par crit.

    *. caractriser une personne $aspect physiIue et caractYre%Contenu grammatical:

    (. accord des adectifs Iualificatifs). articles partitifs*. Egations avec de ne_rien2personne2plus,. 4uestions avec combien Iuel_

    . expressions de la Iuantit ?. ne_plus2touours - encore

    6. pronoms complments directs et indirectsB. accord du participe pass $auxiliaire avoir V% avec

    lJobet directH. 7mpratif avec un pronom complment direct ou indirect(+. construction avec Iue V - 8e crois Iue2 8e pense Iue2 8e

    sais Iue

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! CT' CT% C + A

    2eightage () )+ )+ )+ )+ (

    " ; Proect D Presentation7 ; 7nteraction2"onversation Practice

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    le livre Z suivre/ "ampus/ Tome (

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    /E,MA* 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM 94; Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammarwhich will later help them to strengthen their language.

    To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities

    available in @ermany

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : Modal >er

    :odal verbs with conugations and usage7mparting the finer nuances of the language

    Module : nformation ae ca!e

    !ative case comparison with accusative case!ative case with the relevant articles

    7ntroduction to * different kinds of sentences ; nominative accusative and dative

    Module +: Dati>e @er!onal @ronoun!

    Eominative accusative and dative pronouns in comparison

    Module +: Dati>e @re@o!ition!

    !ative preposition with their usage both theoretical and figurative use

    Module +: Dialogue!

    7n the estaurantAt the Tourist 7nformation Cffice

    A telephone conversation

    Module +: Direction!

    Eames of the directionsAsking and telling the directions with the help of a roadmap

    Module +: Con=unction!

    To assimilate the knowledge of the conunctions learnt indirectly so far

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! CT' CT% C + A

    2eightage () )+ )+ )+ )+ (

    " ; Proect D Presentation7 ; 7nteraction2"onversation Practice

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    0olfgang 'ieber &ern5iel !eutsch

    'ans-'einrich 0angler Sprachkurs !eutsch

    Schul5 @riesbach !eutsche Sprachlehre f\r Ausl]nder

    P.& Anea !eutsch 7nteressant- ( ) = *

    osa-:aria !allapia55a et al Tangram Aktuell A(2()

    9raun Eieder Schm^e !eutsch als

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Cour!e Code: BTM 945 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable students acIuire knowledge of the Set2definite expressions $idiomatic expressions% in Spanishlanguage and to handle some Spanish situations with ease.

    Cour!e Content!:


    evision of earlier semester modulesSet expressions $idiomatic expressions% with the verb Teneroner, !r".0eather


    7ntroduction to #ustar_and all its forms. evision of #ustarand usage of it


    Translation of Spanish-#nglishK #nglish-Spanish. Practice sentences.'ow to ask for directions $using estar%

    7ntroduction to 7 D A D 7E

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    KAPA*E#E 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM 94 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable the students to converse in the language with the help of basic verbs and to express themselveseffectively and narrate their everyday short encounters. Students are also given proects on 8apan and 8apanese

    culture to widen their hori5on further.

    *ote:The 8apanese script is introduced in this semester.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : +er

    !ifferent forms of verbs/ present continuos verbs etc


    :ore Adverbs and adverbial expressions

    Module : Counter!

    &earning to count different shaped obects

    Module +: Ten!e!Past tense Past continuous tense.

    Module +: Com@ari!on

    "omparative and Superlative degree

    Module +: 2i!he! and de!ire!

    #xpressing desire to buy hold possess. Usage in negative sentences as well."omparative degree Superlative degree.

    Module +: A@@ointment

    Cver phone formal and informal etc.

    1earning .utcome Students can speak the language and can describe themselves and situations effectively

    They also gain great knowledge in terms of 8apanese lifestyle and culture which help them at the time of


    Method! of Pri>ate !tudy #elf hel@ 'andouts audio-aids and self-do assignments.

    Use of library visiting and watching movies in 8apan and culture center every

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Cour!e Code: BTM 948 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:oung-Cld #asy-!ifficult 9oy-@irl 9lack-0hite 9ig-Small Slow-

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! CT' CT% C + A

    2eightage () )+ )+ )+ )+ (

    " ; Proect D Presentation7 ; 7nteraction2"onversation Practice

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    M#lementary "hinese eader Part 7 Part-)N &esson )(-*+

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    $i% Show evidence of what an author has said.$ii% Avoid misrepresentation through restatement.

    $iii% Save unnecessary writing when ideas have been well expressed by the original author.f% "heck for proper form on tables and graphs. 9e certain that any table or graph is self-explanatory.

    Term @a@er! !hould ention!Monogra@h!

    "rystal !. $)++(%Lan$ua$e and the %nternet."ambridge/ "ambridge University Press.

    Edited >olume!

    @ass S.2Eeu 8. $eds.% $(HH?% Speech acts across cultures. &hallen$es to commun%cat%on %n a second lan$ua$e.9erlin2 E>/ :outon de @ruyter.

    $eds.% is used when there is more than one editorK and $ed.% where there is only one editor. 7n @erman theabbreviation used is $'rsg.% for 'erausgeberQ.

    Edited article!

    Schmidt .2Shimura A.20ang L.28eong '. $(HH?% Suggestions to buy/ Television commercials from the U.S.

    8apan "hina and Forea. 7n/ @ass S.2Eeu 8. $eds.% $(HH?% Speech acts across cultures. &hallen$es tocommun%cat%on %n a second lan$ua$e.9erlin2 E>/ :outon de @ruyter/ )B-*(?.

    Kournal article!

    :c4uarrie #.3erterhus S.A. $n.y.% Anglicisms in @erman car advertising. The problem of gender assignment 'T:&

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    documentQ. etrieved (*.(+.+(Q from the 0orld 0ide 0ebhttp/22olaf.hiof.no2sverrev2eng.html.


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    6*EMATC# A*D D*AMC# ." MAC-*E#

    Cour!e Code: BTM 4' Credit nit!: 4

    Cour!e .e:The obective of this course is to identify the alternatives to satisfy the needs of the customer and to Iuantify andevaluate the alternatives. 7t includes an introduction to the study of motion of constrained mechanism inmachine systems. The obective is to develop the students understanding of basic machine design. "oncepts

    such as linkages cams sliders crank and rocker offset crank slider etc. The combination of several of theseelements in machine drive trains and the resulting static and dynamic forces will also be studied. This coursealso includes study of forces motion and inertia in machines analysis of linkages cams rotor dynamics

    reciprocal and rotational balancing.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : /eneral Conce@t!G +elocity and Acceleration Analy!i!

    7ntroduction to simple mechanisms different types of kinematics pairs @rublerJs rule for degrees of freedom@rashofJs criterion for mobility determination 7nversions of *-P )-)P chains Finematics analysis of planarmechanism. 7nstantaneous center method for analysis three center in line theorem concept of rotating referenceframe and its application for "oriolis acceleration

    Module :"rictionThread friction pivot and collar friction clutches belt and rope drives friction axis friction circleK

    Module : Cam!"lassification "ams with uniform acceleration and retardation S': "ylcloidal motion oscillating followers.

    Module +:/ear!@eometry of tooth profiles &aw of gearing involutes profile interference helical spiral and worm gearssimple compound gear trains. #picyclic gear trains ; Analysis by tabular and relative velocity method fixingtorIue.

    Module +:+i

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    -EAT A*D MA## T,A*#"E,

    Cour!e Code: BTM 4% Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:The main obective of the course to understand the behaviour of thermal systems. To illustrate the developmentof the governing differential algebraic and finite difference eIuations associated with thermal systems. Tointroduce the possible methods of solution to the governing eIuation. To investigate the influences of boundary

    and initial conditions and system parameters on the resulting steady or transient response of the system. Toprovide the basic tools those are used in thermal system design. To expose students to heat transfer applicationsin industry.

    Cour!e Content!:


    Cne-dimensional steady-state conduction through homogeneous and composite plane walls cylinders andspheres critical thickness of insulationK heat transfer from fins of uniform cross section.


    "oncept of hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers momentum and energy eIuation for boundary layers on

    a flat plate application of dimensional analysis to free and force convectionK important dimensionless number.


    Thermal radiationK FirchoffJs lawK PlanckJs distribution law 0ienJs displacement lawK Stefan-9olt5mannJsrelation "onfiguration factorsK radiant interchange between black and grey surfacesK radiation shielding solarradiation.

    Module +

    "ombined heat transfer analysisK overall heat transfer co-efficientK types of heat exchangersK &:T! methods ofheat exchanger designK simple heat exchanger calculations.

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! A CT #+ -A EE2eightage () (+ B 6 6+

    "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xaminationK Att/Attendance

    Te$t & ,eference!:


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MA*"ACT,*/ MAC-*E#

    Cour!e Code: BTM 49 Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:This is a new developmental graduate course for students interested in learning how to design analy5e and buildspecialty manufacturing process machines. 7t anticipated that this course would become part of the newmanufacturing emphasis area in mechanical engineering.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : ntroduction to Machine Tool!

    "lassification of machine tools kinds of motion in machine tool operations definition of cutting speed feed anddepth of cut.

    Module : 1athe

    "lassification and various parts of &athe specification !escription of important mechanism vi5. apron tailstock head stock work holding devices and operations e.g. taper turning eccentric turning and screw-cutting@eometry of a single point cutting tool. "alculation of machining time "apstan and turret lathe

    Module :Drilling Machine

    @eometry and nomenclature of a twist drill specification and classification of drilling machines cutting speedfeed depth of cut and calculation machining time in drilling tool holding devices different types of operationsperformed on a drilling machine.

    Module +:Milling Machine"lassification up milling and down milling dividing 'ead different types of operations ; simple compoundand differential indexing slab milling spiral milling slot milling T-slot milling and end milling.

    Module +:#ha@erG #lotter & PlannerPrincipal part of a shaper classification 4uick eturn mechanism table feed mechanism of a shaperCperations e.g. hori5ontal vertical and inclined shaping difference between a shaper planer and slotter cuttingspeed feed and depth of cut and calculation of machining time in shaping.

    Module +:/rinding Machine!"onstruction and specification of a grinding wheel wheel turning and dressing @rinding machines surfacecylindrical and center less grinding.

    Module +:#@ecial Machine!'ori5ontal and vertical boring machines @ear @eometry @ear generation and hobbingK &apping honing and

    super finishing processes.

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! A CT #+ -A EE

    2eightage () (+ B 6 6+

    "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xaminationK Att/


    Te$t & ,eference!:


    P.E. ao M:anufacturing Technology/ :etal "utting = :achine ToolsN Tata :c@raw 'ill !elhi )++,.

    9.S. aghuwanshi M0orkshop TechnologyN 3ol.) !hanpat ai = Sons )++*.

    'a5ra "handhari S.F. M#lements of 0orkshop TechnologyN 3ol.) :edia Promoters )++*.


    P.". Sharma MA Text 9ook of Production. #ngineeringN S. "hand Eew !elhi )++,.

    9awa '.S. M0orkshop TechnologyN 3ol.) Tata :c@raw 'ill )++,.

    8unea = Shekhon M

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    @erling 'einrich MAll about :achine ToolsN Eew Age Publication )++*.

    T-E., ." META1 ".,M*/

    Cour!e Code: BTM 44 Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:The obective of this course is to introduce the fundamentals of basic manufacturing processes $solidificationprocess heat treatment deformation processes material removal processes and oining processes%. The students

    are expected to be able to select analy5e and design basic manufacturing processes for product development.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : ntroduction

    eview of tensile test True stress and true strain >ielding criteria for ductile metals >ield locus Plastic stress-strain relations-&evymises eIuation prandtl-euss eIuations.

    Module : Pla!tic deformation

    "rystal @eometry &attice defects !eformation by slip Shear Stress reIuired to cause slip in a perfect "rystal!eformation by twinning

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    P,*CP1E# ." C.MPTE, /,AP-C#

    Cour!e Code: BTM 45 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:The obective of the course is to provide the understanding of the fundamental graphical operations and theimplementation on computer the mathematics behind computer graphics including the use of spline curves andsurfaces. 7t gives the glimpse of recent advances in computer graphics user interface issues that make the

    computer easy for thenovice to use.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : ntroduction to /ra@hic! and /ra@hic! -ard0are #y!tem

    3ideo display devices "T &"! !isplay devices aster scan displays andom scan displays aster scan

    systems andom scan Systems.7nput devices keyboard mouse Trackball and spaceball 8oystick !ata glove !igiti5ers 7mage scannersTouch panels &ight pens 3oice systems.'ardcopy devices Printers Plotters.Module : .ut@ut Primiti>e! and Cli@@ing o@eration!

    Algorithms for drawing )! Primitives lines $!!A and 9resenhamJs line algorithm%circles $bresenhamJs and

    midpoint circle algorithm%ellipses$midpoint ellipse algorithm%other curves$conic sections polynomials andspline curves%.Antialiasing and filtering techniIues&ine clipping $cohen-sutherland algorithm% clip windows circles ellipses polygon clipping with Sutherland'odgeman algorithm.

    Module : /eometric tran!formation

    )! Transformation/ 9asic transformation Translation otation scaling :atrix epresentations and'omogeneous coordinates window to viewport transformation.*! "oncepts/ Parallel proection and Perspective proection *! Transformation .

    Module +: 9D o

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    6*EMATC# A*D D*AMC# ." MAC-*E 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM 4% Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    1i!t of E$@eriment!:

    (. To study inversion of * -7P Finematics chain). To study inversions of )-)P Finematics "hain*. To carry out computer implementable kinematics analysis of , mechanisms,. To carry out computer implementable kinematics analysis of slider bar mechanism. To study gear box clutch and differential gear?. To find coefficient of friction for clutch plate

    6. To determine gear ratio for an epicyclical gear train and verify it by analytical methodB. To study different types of "am follower systemsH. To verify @yroscopic &aw(+. To determine and verify the whirling speed of a shaft-disc system((. To determine the damping factor for a given hori5ontal vibration set up(). To obtain dynamic balance for an unbalanced system with revolving masses

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MA*"ACT,*/ MAC-*E# 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM 4%' Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    (. Cperations on the &athe :achine.). Cperations on the Shaper :achine.

    *. Cperations on the Planner :achine.,. Cperations on the !rilling :achine.. Cperations on the @rinding :achine.

    ?. Cperations on the :illing :achine.

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    E1ECT,CA1 MAC-*E# 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM 4%% Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    # *. *AME ." T-E EPE,ME*T#

    (. Speed "ontrol of !" Shunt :otor

    ). To obtain magneti5ation characteristics of(% Separately excited !" @enerator)% Shunt @enerator

    *. To obtain the load characteristics(% !" Shunt :otor)% "umulative "ompound generator

    ,. To conduct Swinburne Test on a !". Shunt :otor and hence obtain its efficiency at full load.

    . To perform Eo &oad Test and blocked rotor test on a three phase 7nduction motor and hencedetermine its eIuivalent circuit parameters.

    ?. To perform load test on a three phase 7nduction :otor and obtain its various performancecharacteristics.

    6. etardation Test on a three phase induction motor and calculate its moment of inertia.

    B. To perform Eo &oad and 9locked otor Test on a single phase 7nduction motor and hencedetermine its eIuivalent circuit parameters.

    H. To perform open circuit and short circuit test on a three phase alternator and hence determine its

    voltage regulation by synchronous 7mpedance :ethod.

    (+. To obtain 3 curves of a three phase synchronous motor at no load.

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    P,*CP1E# ." C.MPTE, /,AP-C# 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM 4%9 Credit nit!: '

    #oft0are ,e?uired:Turbo "2"DD

    Cour!e Content!:

    A!!ignment! 0ill ided for the follo0ing:

    (. @eometrical shapes based on graphics algorithms). )! @eometric transformation translation rotation scaling reflection.*. "lipping,. Animation

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    BE-A+.,A1 #CE*CE 7 +

    (,E1AT.*#-P MA*A/EME*T)

    Cour!e Code: BTM 449 Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e .e:To understand the basis of interpersonal relationshipTo understand various communication style

    To learn the strategies for effective interpersonal relationship

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : nder!tanding ,elation!hi@!

    7mportance of relationships

    ole and relationships:aintaining healthy relationships

    Module : Bridging ndi>idual Difference!

    Understanding individual differences9ridging differences in 7nterpersonal elationship ; TA

    "ommunication Styles

    Module : nter@er!onal ,elation!hi@ De>elo@ment

    7mportance of 7nterpersonal elationships7nterpersonal elationships SkillsTypes of 7nterpersonal elationships

    Module +: Theorie! of nter@er!onal ,elation!hi@!

    Theories/ Social #xchange Uncertainty eduction Theory

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    ",E*C- 7 +

    Cour!e Code: BTM 444 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable students/

    To develop strategies of comprehension of texts of different origin

    To present facts proects plans with precision

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module C: @@ '4 '9N: nitF! 8G N

    Contenu le$ical: nitF 8: DFcou>rir le @a!!F

    (. parler du pass des habitudes et des changements.). parler de la famille raconter une suite

    dJvnements2prciser leur date et leur dure.*. connatre IuelIues moments de lJhistoire

    nitF N: Entre@rendre

    (. faire un proet de la ralisation/ $exprimer un besoinprciser les tapes dJune ralisation%). parler dJune entreprise). parler du futur

    Contenu grammatical: (. 7mparfait

    ). Pronom en V*.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    /E,MA* 7 +

    Cour!e Code: BTM 44; Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammarwhich will later help them to strengthen their language.To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities

    available in @ermany.7ntroduction to Advanced @rammar &anguage and Professional 8argon

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : Pre!ent @erfect ten!e

    Present perfect tense usage and applicabilityUsage of this tense to indicate near pastUniversal applicability of this tense in @erman

    Module : 1etter 0riting

    To acIuaint the students with the form of writing informal letters.

    Module : nterchanging @re@o!ition!

    Usage of prepositions with both accusative and dative casesUsage of verbs fixed with prepositions

    #mphasi5ing on the action and position factor

    Module +: Pa!t ten!e

    7ntroduction to simple past tense&earning the verb forms in past tense:aking a list of all verbs in the past tense and the participle forms

    Module +: ,eading a "airy Tale

    "omprehension and narration otk]ppchen

    e @re@o!ition!

    !iscuss the genitive propositions and their usage/ $w]hrend wegen statt trot5%

    Module +: Picture De!cri@tion

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    #PA*#- 7 +

    Cour!e Code: BTM 445 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable students acIuire working knowledge of the languageK to give them vocabulary grammar voicemodulations2intonations to handle everyday Spanish situations with ease.

    Cour!e Content!:


    evision of eaSrlier semester modules7ntroduction to Present "ontinuous Tense $@erunds%


    Translation with Present "ontinuous Tense7ntroduction to @ustar Parecer Apetecer doler


    7mperatives $positive and negative commands of regular verbs%

    Module +"ommercial2business vocabulary

    Module +

    Simple conversation with help of texts and vocabulary#n la recepcion del hotel#n el restaurante

    #n la agencia de viaes#n la tienda2supermercado

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! CT' CT% C + A

    2eightage () )+ )+ )+ )+ (

    " ; Proect D Presentation7 ; 7nteraction2"onversation Practice

    Te$t & ,eference!:

    #spa`ol Sin

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    KAPA*E#E 7 +

    Cour!e Code: BTM 44 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:To enable the students to comfortably interact using basic 8apanese.*ote: Teaching is done in roman as well as 8apanese script students will be taught katankana $another form of

    script% in this semester i.e. to be able to write all the foreign words in 8apanese.

    Cour!e Content!:


    "omparison using adectives making reIuests


    Seeking permission


    Practice of conversations on/3isiting people Party :eetings after work At a ticket vending machine etc

    Module +#ssays writing formal letters

    1earning .utcome Students can speak the language describing above-mentioned topics.

    Method! of Pri>ate !tudy #elf hel@ 'andouts audio-aids and self-do assignments role-plays.

    Students are also encouraged to attend 8apanese film festival and other such fairs and workshops organi5ed

    in the capital from time to time.

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! CT' CT% C + A

    2eightage () )+ )+ )+ )+ (

    " ; Proect D Presentation7 ; 7nteraction2"onversation Practice

    Te$t & ,eference!:


    Teach yourself 8apanese


    Shin Eihongo no kiso (

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    C-*E#E +

    Cour!e Code: BTM 448 Credit nit!: %

    Cour!e .e:'ow many characters are there[ The early 4ing dynasty dictionary included nearly ++++ characters the vastmaority of which were rare accumulated characters over the centuries. An educate person in "hina can

    probably recogni5e around ?+++ characters. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects

    of speaking ability of :andarin the language of :ainland "hina. The course aims at training students inpractical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.

    Cour!e Content!:


    !ialogue PracticeCbserve picture and answer the IuestionPronunciation and intonation

    "haracter writing and stroke order.#lectronic items


    Traveling ; The Scenery is very beautiful0eather and climate

    @rammar Iuestion with ; Mbu shi _. :a[NThe construction Myao _ leN $Used to indicate that an action is going to take place%Time words MyiIianN MyiwaiN $9efore and after%.The adverb MgengN.


    @oing to a friend house for a visit meeting his family and talking about their customs.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MAC-*E DE#/* 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM ;' Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:The obective of this course is to help students apply concepts learned in the mechanics structure material andmanufacturing courses. This course offers working knowledge in the use of proper failure theories under steadyand variable loading design of mechanical elements such as shaft coupling power screws and detachable

    permanent and welded connections.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module :+aria

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Cour!e Code: BTM ;% Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:The main obective of this course is to give the student/ a basic understanding of the physical loss governingmetrology and tolerance design. @ain and appreciation for the capabilities and applications of metrologythrough hands own experiences.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : Princi@le! of mea!urement

    !efinition of :etrology difference between precision and accuracy. Sources of errors/ "ontrollable and

    andom #rrors #ffects of #nvironment and Temperature #ffects of support alignment errors.1ength #tandard!: &ine standards end standards and wavelength standards transfer from line standards to endstandards. Eumerical based on line standards. Slip gauges ; its use and care methods of building differentheights using different sets of slip gauges.1imit!G fit! and tolerance!:3arious definitions different types of fits and methods to provide these fits.Eumerical to calculate the limits fits and tolerances 7SC system of limits and fitsK @auges and its types limit

    gauges ; plug and ring gauges. @auge !esign ; TaylorJs Principle wear allowance on gauges.

    Module : Com@arator!

    Principles and working of :echanical #lectrical Cptical and Pneumatic "omparators.Angular Mea!urement: Sine 9ar ; different types of sine bars use of sine bars in conunction with slipgauges Use of angle gauges spirit level errors in use of sine bars. Eumericals. Principle and working of


    Module : #traightne!! and flatne!!!efinition of Straightness and

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MEA#,EME*T# A*D C.*T,.1#

    Cour!e Code: BTM ;9 Credit nit!: 4

    Cour!e .e:Fnowledge of :easurement = "ontrol in any engineering branch is vital in designing and industrialproduction2application. The course covers the characteristics and classifications of measurement related to

    mechanical = automation as well as recent development in measurement = control engineering applications.

    Successful completion of this course will be very helpful for the students who wish to oin challenging industry.

    Cour!e Content!:


    7ntroduction to generali5ed measurement system and their functional elements. 9asic characteristics ofmeasuring devices Standards = "alibration. Accuracy Precision Sensitivity esolution &inearity = #rrors inmeasurement.


    Transducers Stages = their classification esistive transducers Strain gauges osettes 7nductive transducers!isplacement measurement &3!T.

    Module : A@@lication!:iscellaneous instruments in 7ndustrial = #nvironmental Applications :easurement of viscosity = flow

    Transient Time = !opplerJs flow meter :easurement of liIuid level humidity hair hygrometers.

    Module +

    "ontrol engineering applications 7ntroduction to type of control Systems Cpen loop = close loop "ontrolSystemsK #xamples = their block diagrams. Transfer function Stability of "ontrol System 'urwit5

    Polynomial= outh 'urwit5 "riterian. 9lock diagram representation = reduction.

    Module +: Mode! of Control & Controller Mechani!m

    P P7 and P7! "ontroller. Pneumatic = 'ydraulic "ontroller @eneral Pr. of generating various "ontrol Actions."oncept of "ontrol 3alves.

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! A CT #+ -A EE

    2eightage () (+ B 6 6+

    "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xaminationK Att/Attendance

    Te$t & ,eference!:


    Sawhney A. F )+++ MA course in #lectrical = #lectronics :easurement = 7nstrumentationN !hanpat ai

    = SonJs.

    9." Eakra F F "haudhary. )++,N7nstrumentation :easurement = AnalysisN. T:'. : Cgata M:odern "ontrol #ngineeringN P'7.


    '.S Falsi (HHH #lectronic 7nstrumentationN T:'.

    9. " Fuo MAutomatic "ontrol SystemN Prentice 'all.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)



    Cour!e Code: BTM ;4 Credit nit!: 9

    Cour!e .e:!atabase applications have grown enormously in number and importance in the past two decades. They are usedto store manipulate and retrieve data in nearly every type of organi5ation. The applications are used byindividuals on P"s by workgroups on network servers and by all employees using enterprise-wide distributed

    systems. !atabase technology will assume even greater importance in the future due to the highly competitiveenvironment and the explosive use of the internet in 9usiness-to-"lient and 9usiness-to-9usiness applications

    and the need to store more data. That is why a course database management is a core course in the "S=7Tcurriculum.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : ntroduction

    "oncept and goals of !9:S !atabase &anguages !atabase Users !atabase Abstraction.9asic "oncepts of # :odel elationship sets Feys :apping !esign of # :odel

    Module : -ierarchical model&*et0or3 Model"oncepts !ata definition !ata manipulation and implementation.

    Eetwork !ata :odel !9T@ Set "onstructs and 7mplementation

    Module : ,elational Model

    elational database elational Algebra elational = Tuple "alculus.

    Module +: ,elational Data

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MC,.P,.CE##., ##TEM

    Cour!e Code: BTM ;; Credit nit!: 4

    Cour!e .e:This course deals with the systematic study of the Architecture and programming issues of B+B-microprocessorfamily. The aim of this course is to give the students basic knowledge of the above microprocessor needed to

    develop the systems using it.

    Cour!e Content!:

    Module : ntroduction to Microcom@uter #y!tem!

    7ntroduction to :icroprocessors and microcomputers Study of B bit :icroprocessor B+B pin configuration7nternal Architecture and operationsinterrupts Stacks and subroutines various data transfer schemes.

    Module : A1P and timing diagram!

    7ntroduction to B+B instruction set advance B+B programming Addressing modes "ounters and time !elays

    7nstruction cycle machine cycle T-states timing diagram for B+B instruction.

    Module : Memory #y!tem De!ign & . nterfacing

    7nterfacing with B+B.7nterfacing with input2output devices $memory mapped peripheral 72C% "ache memory

    system. Study of following peripheral devices B) B)* B)6 B) B)(.

    Module +: Architecture of '57Bit Micro@roce!!or

    !ifference between B+B and B+B? 9lock diagram and architecture of B+B? family pin configuration of B+B?:inimum mode = :aximum mode Cperation. 7nternal architecture of B+B? 9us 7nterface Unit egisterCrgani5ation 7nstruction Pointer Stack = Stack pointer merits of memory segmentation #xecution Unitegister Crgani5ation.

    Module +: Pentium Proce!!or!

    7nternal architecture of B+B6 Cperational overview of B+B6 7ntroduction to B+(B? B+)B? B+*B? = B+,B?processors Pentium processor.

    E$amination #cheme:

    Com@onent! A CT #+ -A EE

    2eightage () (+ B 6 6+

    "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xaminationK Att/Attendance

    Te$t & ,eference!:


    amesh. S. @aonkar M:icroprocessor architecture Programming and Application with B+BN Penram

    7nternational Publishing ,th#dition

    9.am M

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MAC-*E DE#/* 1AB 7

    Cour!e Code: BTM ;% Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    De!ign of:

    $i% "otter 8oint

    $ii% Fnuckle 8oint$iii% Pipe 8oint$iv% Screw 8ack

    $v% igid and

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MET,.1./ 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM ;%' Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:



    *AME ." EPE,ME*T#

    ( Set up a dimension by slip gauges $example *?.H*?K (,.6)6_..% :easure this set up by micrometer$least count +.+(% several times and read dimensions.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MEA#,EME*T# A*D C.*T,.1# 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM ;%% Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    1i!t of E$@eriment!:

    (. :easurement of resolution and sensitivity of thermocouple $study of various thermocouples 8 F T etc.%$"alibration%

    ). :easurement of resolution sensitivity and non linearity of termistor. $termistor instability%*. :easurement of thickness of &3!T.,. :easurement of resolution of &3!T $and displacement measurement%

    . Study of proportional control and offset Problems.?. Study of proportional integral control.6. Study of proportional integral derivative $P7!% control.B. 3ibration measurement by stroboscope $natural freIuency of a cantilever%H. Angular freIuency $speed of rotating obects% measurement by stroboscope.(+. Pressure transducer study and calibration.

    ((. Proving ring $force measurement%(). TorIue cell.

    (*. "losed loop study of an electric circuit.(,. >oungJs modulus of a cantilever.(. >oungJs modulus and poisonJs ratio of tensile test piece of :.S.

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    MC,.P,.CE##., ##TEM 1AB

    Cour!e Code: BTM ;%9 Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e Content!:

    1i!t of E$@eriment!:

    (. A&P for B bit addition with and without carry). A&P for B bit subtraction with and without borrow*. A&P for B bit multiplication and division

    ,. A&P for sorting an array of numbers in ascending and descending order. A&P with additional instructions?. Study of programmable peripheral interface $B)% board6. Study of programmable interval timer $B)*% boardB. Study of programmable !:A controller $B)6% boardH. Study of programmable interrupt controller $B)H% board

    (+. Study of programmable serial communication interface $B)(% board((. Study of (? bit :icroprocessor $B+B?% Fit

    E$amination #cheme:

    A EE

    A P, 1, + P, +

    (+ (+ * *

    Eote/ 7A ;7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam P- Performance & ; &ab ecord 3 ; 3iva.

  • 8/10/2019 B. Tech (MAE)-2011 - (C)


    P,./,AMM*/ 1AB 7 (MAT 1AB)

    Cour!e Code: BTM ;%4 Credit nit!: '

    Cour!e .e:7t is matrix based simulation software which works on algorithms. 7t carries various tool boxes which is helpfulfor day -to-day accessibility to real world. 7t helps in designing graphic user interface provides tools for neural

    network. 'ardware which are not economical for general purpose this software tool box helps to minimi5e the

    cost ability.

    Cour!e Content!:

    #oft0are ,e?uirement: :AT &A9 ?.



    *AME ." EPE,ME*T#

    ( To draw the time response for first order transfer function

    ( )H




    second order transfer function

    ( ),H?

    ,-) ++



    third order transfer function

    ( )( )( )*)





    ) To reali5e the time response in simulink by importing the system parameters from the work window forgiven transfer function

    ( )( ) ( )-H





    * To draw the bode plot for following function
