B O N F I R E N I G H T Or G U Y F A W K E S N I G H T

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of B O N F I R E N I G H T Or G U Y F A W K E S N I G H T


2. The Gunpowder Plot

  • Some Catholics wanted to kill the King by blowing up the Parliament in London.
  • To blow up: explode
  • Gun:

Powder: what makes a gun explode 3.

  • The King was James I and he was a Protestant king.


  • They wanted more tolerance for Catholics.
  • Guy Fawkes prepared the explosives.

5. Discovery

  • However, the authorities discovered the plot.
  • At midnight on 5th November the Kings men arrested Guy Fawkes.
  • He was hanged.

6. Bonfire Night

  • On 5th November people celebrate the failure of the gunpowder plot.
  • They build bonfires and light fireworks.


  • The film V for Vendetta recreates the Gunpowder plot.


  • Remember remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason Should ever be forgot...