B. Arch Admission Portfolio

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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This is the latest version of my admission portfolio. I am currently in grade 12 at Bishops College High School in St. John's, NL. All comments and suggestions are welcome!

Transcript of B. Arch Admission Portfolio


La Condamine, Monaco

Imagination - Innovation - Inspiration

W Autobiography Photography Sketching Green Architecture

Hello Goeie more Al salaam a’alaykum Nei ho O’siyo Goddag Hallo Bonjour Guten tag Kalimera Aloha Shalom Namaste Buon giorno Konnichiwa Ahnyong Ni hao Ola Privet Talofa Hola Jambo Merhaba Chao Bore da Sawubono Ba’az ka wa’alik Sen Khalifa Rondo Pertu

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5


Math – 100 % Physics – 74 % Art – 95 % English – 70 % W. Geo- 79%

86.6 %

0 3 / 1 7

1 9 9 4

S T .


I was born in St. John’s, Newfoundland on March 17th, 1994 at St. Clare’s Hospital. I have a family of five which include my

Mom, my Dad and my two brothers; I was the “unique” middle child. Currently I am going to Bishops College High School as a level lll

student and am looking forward to a career in architecture. Despite being born on St. Patrick's day, I consider myself to be incredibly lucky in

the people I have met and the things that I have done in my seventeen years in Newfoundland. My interests and pure desire in school,

sports and the arts have all helped create the person that I am today.

At an early age I realized I had a strong desire and talent for the arts as I started producing acrylic paintings at the age of

seven. Designing and drawing have remained a passion of mine since my early youth. At young ages I began to design and construct

building and structures using any materials available. I took art lessons as a child and am currently completing an art course at my High


Another great hobby of mine is sports, I continue to play and/or participate in Basketball, Volleyball, X-Country, Track and

Field, Skiing, and Golf. I have won many MVP awards as well as numerous player of the game certificates in my long sports career. In 2009,

I was selected for the U15 Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Basketball Team and am currently playing for Bishops College Senior

Basketball Team.

Receiving an honour's status at my middle school and high school have always been a requirement of mine. In 2010 I came

2nd place at my high schools science fair and later participated in the Eastern Newfoundland Regional Science Fair and placed first in Senior

Life Sciences. I have maintained a job since I was fifteen and am currently working at Footlocker, Avalon Mall as I have been for over two

year now. As I plan to continue my education I ask that you review my portfolio and consider me for admission to Ryerson University.

2002 2006 2008 2010

Stephen Hewitt

Achievements Volunteer Experience Interests/Hobbies

U15 Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Basketball Team Placed first in Senior Life Sciences Eastern Newfoundland Regional Science Fair Numerous MVP and Player Of The Game Awards In various different sports Many Public Speaking winnings including 2005 - 2006 Dr. Norah Browne CHHA-NL Provincial First Runner Up Honor Roll (2007-2012) -Beaconsfeild Junior High -Biships College High School

Volunteer at the Hazelwood Elementary School Fundraising Annual Bizarre Coaching Hazelwood Elementary Grade 5 Girls Basketball Team Officiating/Minor Officiating Grades 5-9 Cowan Heights Youth Basketball League Volunteer at the 2010 Bishops College High School Christmas Gala

Sports I play actively: Basketball, Volleyball, X-Country, Track and Field, Skiing, and Golf 2010-2012 Bishops College Senior Basketball Team, Volleyball Team, X-Country Team, Track and Field Team Started acrylic painting at age seven -Always been artistically inclined 2007-2009 Job at CHYBL Official 2009-2012 Job at Footlocker, Avalon Mall

Job Experience

Florence, Italy

Washington, DC

Sienna, Italy

St. John’s, Newfoundland

New York, New York

I have always viewed

sketching as a way to layout

initial thoughts and ideas in

a relatively fast amount of

time. With the efficiency of

sketching, it has enabled

myself and other novice

designers to really capture

the essence of architecture.

Architecture is much

more then the finished

products that most of us see

in our daily lives, there’s a

process and it all starts with

sketching. With sketching

you can project your ideas

into a real drawings with

shape and depth, all with

your mind. The real of

sketching is how simple it

can be and how little

materials it requires; You

can do it virtually anywhere.

The simplicity of this art form

makes this one of the oldest

known ways to portray your

ideas for others to see.

Swimming Pyramid Designed: September 7th,2011

Government Facility Designed: October 7th,2011

Metropolitan Building Designed: September 7th, 2011


Winter House


Nan’s House


Man in the Moon


Man in the Moon


As the world becomes more and more populated, finding space for a recreational parks in dense cities is starting to seem out of reach. We must remind ourselves of possible future locations to place parks and sustainable buildings in our metropolitan hubs.

Earth Pop: 6 985 000 000 -USCB

Efficient housing in the 21st

Century will be a key factor into being green and cutting down our carbon emissions. The above housing unit uses a combination of solar cells and wind powered turbines for its energy needs. The dynamic use of natural lighting enables lower energy consumption as well as aesthetic value. Multiple insulation panels help regulate temperature and produce max efficiency. These types of housing will last longer and remain cheaper as energy costs continue to rise.

Canada United States Belgium Germany United Kingdom France Russia Norway Switzerland Finland Italy Denmark Greece











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Energy Solar panels on the roof keep energy costs low by producing free unlimited green energy.

Support and Appearance An advanced exoskeleton provides structural support, aesthetic value and the passage of natural lighting into the building.

Lighting Glass completely surrounds the entire building creating as much natural lighting as possible.


FUTURE BUILDINGS Designed: November 15th, 2011 I designed this building to demonstrate how we can build the skyscrapers of tomorrow and maintain our commitment to the environment at the same time. These buildings are designed to be as eco-friendly as possible while still contributing structural support to withstand anything that nature has to throw at it. These buildings will be connected underground as well as through a skywalk to provide the ability to switch from building to building with ease. A unique triangle lattice surrounds a 360-degree glass outer shell. The round glass outer shell resists wind and looks aesthetically beautiful.

Coliseum, Rome