Azure DocumentDb Training - Resource Model

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Azure DocumentDb Training - Resource Model

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Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

How do we model Data inside DocumentDb?

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Recap: Why DocumentDb

Resource Model

Document and Resource Units

Database Account, Accessibility and Consistency

Database and Namespace

Containers and Partitioning


Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Recap: why DocumentDb

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Set of principles that can be satisfied by a Distributed System

Consistency:All nodes should see the same data at the same time

"Result is always up to date" (no out-of-date data / stale data)

Availability:Every request receives a response about whether it succeeded or failed

"There is always a result" (accepting out-of-date data / stale data)

Partition-tolerance:The system continues to operate despite arbitrary partitioning due to network failures

"Data can be given one of multiple nodes" (some nodes can be out-of-date/ stale)

A distributed system can satisfy any two of these principles at the same time, but not all three

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

A DBMS is a Distributed SystemIt lives under CAP Theorem

A DBMS needs to choose loosing one of the three principles:A Relational DBMS chooses loosing partitioning to guarantee strict consistency and


A No-Sql DBMS typically chooses moving to eventual consistency (relaxing, not

loosing) to guarantee partitioning and availability (it complains Stale Data)

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

With Eventual Consistency, a DBMS cannot run some typical

relational featuresreferential integrity

check constraints


Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

DocumentDb is a schemaless Db

DocumentDb is a Document-Oriented DbDocument is JSON Document

Promote code first development (mapping objects to json)

Resilient to iterative schema changes

No ORM required

It’s great for Catalog Data, Preference and State, Event Store,

User Generated Content, Data Exchange

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Resource Model

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

DocumentDb is Platform as a ServiceNo OnPremise

RESTful APIAll DocDb elements public and accessible as Resource Uri

ResourceJson Resources

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model


Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model






"id" : "123"

"name" : "joe"

"age" : 30

"address" : {

"street" : "some st"



Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Come as you are

Data normalization

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

embed reference

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Representing one-to-many relationships.

Representing many-to-many relationships.

Related data changes frequently.

Referenced data could be unbounded

Provides more flexibility than embeddingMore round trips to read data

Normalizing typically provides better write performance

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

There are contains relationships between entities.

There are one-to-few relationships between entities.

There is embedded data that changes infrequently.

There is embedded data won't grow without bound.

There is embedded data that is integral to data in a document.

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Resource Unit

DocumentDb is Platform as a Service: no perception of physical resource allocation

A throughput currency

1RU: ability of reading a 1Kb Json document

Many factors impacting RU usage: Document size. Document property count. Data consistency. Indexed properties. Document indexing. Query patterns. Script usage.

Reservation ModelYou are billed for the amount of throughput reserved for the collection, regardless of how much of that throughput is actively used.

There is a pricing calculator available to help calculating costs

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model


Estimating cost for a


Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Database Account

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Unit of Autorization

Unit of Consistency





Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Master keysUpon creation of a DocumentDB account, two master keys (primary and secondary) are created. These keys enable full administrative access to all resources within the DocumentDB account.

Read-only keysUpon creation of a DocumentDB account, two read-only keys (primary and secondary) are created. These keys enable read-only access to all resources within the DocumentDBaccount.

Resource tokensA resource token is associated with a DocumentDB permission resource and captures the relationship between the user of a database and the permission that user has for a specific DocumentDB application resource (e.g. collection, document).

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Query / transaction throughput (and reliability – i.e., hardware

failure) depend on replication!All writes to the primary are replicated across two secondary replicas

All reads are distributed across three copies

“Scalability of throughput” – allowing different clients to read from different replicas

helps prevent bottlenecks

BUT replication takes time!Potential scenario: some clients are reading while another is writing

Now, the data is stale (out-of-date), inconsistent!

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Trade-off: speed (performance & availability) or consistency (data correctness)?“Does every read need the MOST current data?”

“Or do I need every request to be handled and handled quickly?”

4 options …Strong, Session, Bounded Staleness, Eventual

Default consistency for the entire Db…

At collection basis in a future release

On query basis (optional parameter on CreateDocumentQuery method)

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model


Creating a DocumentDb

Database Account

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model


Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Unit of Namespace





Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model


Creating a DocumenDb


Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model


Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

A unit of scale for transactionfor stored procedures and triggers

A unit of query throughputcapacity units allocated uniformly across all collections)

A unit of replicationA collection is replicated three times

A container of JSON documentsJSON docs inside of a collection can vary dramatically





Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

Collection-based RU ReservationCapacity units allocated uniformly across all collections)

Standard pricing tier with hourly billing$0.042/hour for mimimum 400RU/s

Performance levels can be adjusted

Each collection = 10GB of SSDLimit of 100 collections (1 TB)

Soft limit, can be lifted as needed per account (with Support)

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model


Data SizeA single collection (currently*) holds 10GB

Throughput3 Performance tiers with a max of 2,500 RU/sec

Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model


Creating a DocumenDb


Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model


Azure DocumentDb Training – Resource Model

DocumentDb is a Restful service

Documents defines Unit of Costs with Resource Units

Database Account defines Accessibility and Consistency

Database is a Namespace placeholder

Containers is the unit of Scale