*AXyM. M.VA* adtiou District, Camen. It! ILb ^iil/ October ... · t. *"T ***-'*AXyM. M.VA* *1v ^....

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Transcript of *AXyM. M.VA* adtiou District, Camen. It! ILb ^iil/ October ... · t. *"T ***-'*AXyM. M.VA* *1v ^....

t .

*"T***-' *AXy M. M.VA* *1 v ^.

State of South-Carolina-Kershaw District. ^

Office ofthe Court of General Sessions cvnd Common Pleas. .

I, M. Naudi.v, Clerk of said Court, in pursuance of Jthe directions ofthe act of the Legislature in such case )amade and provided do hereby give public notice, that jjan election for SHERIFF of Kershaw District will be jjheld on Monday the 29th day of November next, at

the usual places of election throughout the said District,to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation j(of the present incumbent.

"Witness my hand, at Camden, this fourth dov of October,A. D. 1852.'


M. NAt;DIN, c. c. s. & c. v.

JMANAGERS.Camden: Samuel E. Capcrsj John J. Workman and ci

James I. Villepigue.Cureton'sMill: Frederick Bowen, John Motley and A

-T P Riehbourir.Flat Rock: James Fletcher, W. G. Kirkland ana

Jesse Trusdel.Buffalo: William Mungo. James X. Srwcll ami LabanFerguson.Lizenbv's: L. W. R. Blair, Daniel Bethune and James


Shrock's Mill: B. T. McCoy, Henry Ratcliff and D

Samuel Smith.Liberty Hill: JoIih Brown, Hugh Summerville and

Wiley Patterson.Goodwyn's Store: Jimes Love, Richard Drakeford a

and William Clyburn.11

The Polls to be open two days at all the places. Managersto meet at Camden on the Wednesday following,count the votes and declare the election.

Polls to be opened at 9 o'clock, A. M., and closed at

4 o'clock, P. M., with convenient intervals. Tiie box, r

vessel or bag to be sealed up when the pollsare closed,and not to be opened except to count the votes at the

regular time and place, A. A. 1721, 3 Stat. 130. ®

Valuable Florida Lands. JTill? subscriber offers for sale his Plantation in Ma- j

rion Couuty, Florida. The Tract contains sixteen v

hundred acres.nine hundred of which is hammockland, and the remainder pine, oak and hickory. There a

are lour hundred acres cleared and under good fence,two hundred and fifty ofwhich is prune hammock land, tiThere are on the premises a good Dwelling House, anda sugar house, capable of containing a crop of two bun- 6dred hogsheads of sugar.a sugar mill and boiler com- a

plete, with negro houses, corn cribs, and all necessary joutbuildings. The Land is situatc-d two miles South "

of Orange Lake, and seventeen miles from the Ockla-naha River, which furnishes a good navigation to the r

St. John. Besides these advantages, there will be 3000 !bushels of Corn, which would be disposed of rcasona- gbly to a person purchasing the place. I c

Large crops ofsugar and cotton, both Sea Island and a

Upland, bave been realised from these Lands. The op- v

portunity of purchasing so desirable and valuable a j,plantation, is rarely offered.For Terms, &c. address the subscriber at St. An-

oiistine. East Florida, until the 20th October; andaf-ter that period at Flemington, East Florida. j-i

3|ffip1IN H. MASON*.Oct4. 6^Pw8t

Florida Lands for Sale.

THE following valuable Tracts lying inMarion and A lachina counties, will be oftbred at C

private sale during the months of October, Novemberand December, next, viz: "Wetcmpka Hammock,'' jsituated about ten miles North of Oeala, (the County a

Seat of Marion Counry.) containing 3,000 acres, about | iione half of which is hammock, unsurpassed by any in ; othe State, and the remainder White Oak and Hickorylaud.A TRACT, wellknown as the "Tori Drnnc"' Plan- tation,containing ."U^^acros of Land, principally first r

quality hunn^H^^Rken four and tlvo hundred '

acres of wiud^HuMMrahl}' cleared and at presentin cult ivatia^Mp^HMRfor several years averagedtwo hogsl^E^^ugB^^w acre, and every year that 1it has been OTmvatedl^^Boduced fine crops of Cornand j^ottqtfk These trq^^pould readily he divided i:i- s:

to two-orfflrec plantati^^ each being surrounded byhigh rolling pine land.A TRACJ'of 1.000 acres on Orange Lake, consis;- I

ing of-hammock, orange grove and well-timbered pine. lnnd.

TWO TRACTS of 1,000 each, near the AlchuaPrairie. The greater part of these tracts is rich ham- mock.

Also, 5,000 acres on Indian river. Anyone wishingto cultivate SugarCane would do well to examine tins a

land, as, being remarkably fertile, and lying south of (the region of frost, it is as well adapted to that cultureas any in the United States.

12,000 acres, generally known us tho "Bayard a

Tract," situated on the St. John's River, opposite *

Picolata. There are many small hammocks and orange j.groves on this tract, but it is principally valuable Ibrits pine timber. It has a river front of 7 or 8 miles.

1,000 acres on Lake George, and several small tracts ic.» and near the St. Johu's river, well situated for farm- .

ing, the rearing of orange groves, &c. j '

The above tracts of Land were purchased by the plate Gen. Clinch immediately after the accession of' 0Florida to the United States. From his position atthat time, his facilities for selection were unusuallygreat, utid it is believed they include as good laud as .

can be found iu tho State.On account ol their accessibility from Charleston 1

and Savannah, they offer great inducements to planlcts Jin Carolina and Georgia wishing to remove. jThe titles are clear aud indisputable. 1Terms cash, or payable at Charleston or Savannah, I

on or before the tirst of January. a

Any further information on the subject, can be oh-tained by addressing the subscribor, at Orange Spring, J

MarionCounty, Florida. <J. H. M. CLINCH, Ex'or. r

September 21. 17,3mIn Equity.Kershaw.

Zack Cantoy and Wife vs. John M. DoSaussure, Trustee, Wm. Adainson Cantcy.Bill to sell Trust

Property.IN obedience to an order in this case made at June

Term A. D. 1832, of the said Court, I will offer for J

sale at Public Outcry, at the Court House Door inCamden, on the lirst Monday in November next, allthat Tract or Parcel of laud (except the residence on J1tlio same known as Spring Dale place, and two bun-dred (200) acres around it) lying on the Fast side of v

Watereo Hiver, iu Kershaw District, containing by re-

survey of K. Barker, Deputy Surveyor of the 17th day ;of January, 1849.Fifteen lluudrcd and Twenty (1320) ^

Acres.bounded North by lands of Dr. K. A. Sahnondand lands of the Estate ofJohn Chosnut, Fast by laudsof the Kstato of John Chosnut. South by lauds of Fd-ward K. Adumson. and West by the Watcree Hiver. i

The said Tract, with tho exception above made, will Jbo sold at the time aud place hereinbefore specified, tothe highest bidder for the same, provided it brings overSix Thousand Dollar*. (G000) but it will not bo sold for "Jless than Six Thousand Dollars (0000.) | I

V /.rnilitnf'rinn tu-n nnil tliron vnom r..,..-

chaser to S'v0 bond with approved personal securityand a mortgage of the premises. Possession of said £lands to be given on the 1st day of January ensuing f

said sale, and tlio purchase money to bear interest ~

from the dav possession is given.W. II. It. WORKMAN, c. E. K. I>.

August G. G3L1In Eqiiity-Kcrsliaw.

Josiah Pierce and Wife, Zack Cantey and Wife vs. EdwardE. Adamson.Bill to sell land for Partition. J.

IN compliance with an order in this case made at last .

June Term of said Court, 1 invito proposals for thopurchase of that portion of the Real Estate of Louis C "IAdainsou, lately dce'd. lying on Wutereo River and 1called the Urovard Place, containing it istlmugiit ahout SJPour Thousand and Eighty-three (10.S3) acres. .Said attract adjoins lair Is Itelongitig to W. J. Taylor, ZackBowen, E. Parker, Estate of Jno. Chcsnut.

Terms to bo specified in proposals as they are open fto agreement of parties in interest to whom all piopo- \gitionsare to bo referred for acceptance or rejection. gj

propositions may be tuado to the undersigned.Sale nut to be effected bcloretho 1st January next. .

W. H. it. WORKMAN, c. L. k. i>. IJuly 30. CI5m. 1

MflfiH H802S, ,L.atc Planter's Hotel Caindcii, S. C.)

rllE subscriber having purchased this extensive andwell known Establishment, and having added

rgely to its convenience and comfort, by a new adtiouof FUl'NITUHE, and thorough and completeEPAIRS, bogs leave to inform the public that he is

cpared to entertain all may favor him with a

ill in a manner hitherto unknown in the town of Camen.He deems it unnecessary to make any pledges, only

) fiir as to say that his Table will bo supplid daily as

YELL AS AXY JX 'WE ended bypoteservants.His Stables boun^^^^^^^^^^vith Provider,and attended by t lie lets.No pains will be spared to^^^^^HVnnd orderlymuse. ^Bi^KLEYilAN.Camdon. June 4, 1851. 45 tf


t.»/«.rri nnftAi' I *'n r» r i \*n n*/v C7t/>f/.'TCJCI UU+IIXJJ& 1JJ~\ LT >J*Xl



JS^O'lIanlon's Omnibus will l>c ready at the Railloadstations to carry Passengers to this House, (or to

ny point desired.) where they will lind good aceomlodationsand kind attention.December 3. 94tf

\h A 7)7 lia?l7n/jTtt 7 iflJIVJS'lkAnxuisii i UiS xi <ji:aii 9l>ariin^toii Court House.

I"Ml K above House having been purchased and fitted. up anew by John Potest, is again opened for the

ceominodat ion of the Public. Strict attention to therants and comforts of his guests will be given, and no

libft, calculated to merit the patronage of all who mayivor the establishment with a visit, shall be spared.All that the market and surrounding country atlbrd

rill be found upon the Table.22?~Comfortable Rooms, for Families or individuals,

re prepared.<> '..i.i i.......,i

ilie otaojes avm uo aueaueu uj umui «<»<.»iveHostlers.DltOVERS can bo well accommodated, as any nttmerof Horses and Mules can be kept in the Stables

nd Lots exjircsslv prepared for them.Nov. 1, 1850.



To Travellers.I^JLIE subscriber having recentlypurchased that large

and commodious Building in the town of Camden,!, C., known as McKAINS 1IOTEL, and recently ocur.icdby Mr. J. 13. F. BoOxe, is prepared to receivenil accomdatc TRAVELERS and HOARDERS, andrill thank the traveling portion of the country to giveiiiu acall. JOHN INGRAM.Camden, S. C. January 27,1852. S tf

SAT.~F.1VT WOOLENS.[HAVE now on hand, and daily expecting further

supplies of brown, mixed and WhiteTWILLED AND PLAIN SALEM KERSIES,

of different qualities. Planters wishing theirXegro Clothing,

'an now be supplied at Manufacturer's prices.ALSO.ON IIAXI),

A full assortment of liLACK nnd MIXED JEAXS,nd will in a few days receive a variety of these Goodsa fancy colors, in qualities from tine to superfine. Allf which will be sold either wholesale or retail by

W. ANDERSON.Camden, Aug. 10. 04w3m

- "ALCORN'S" superior FAMILY HAMS. ReIi) ccived and for sale byJune 22, 1852. SHAW AUSTIN.

I CASE potted Yarmouth HerringL 1 do do Auchovic Paste. Received and forale by SHAW & AUSTIN.June 22, 1852. 50-tf

CASE Guava Jelly in quart Jars. Received and- « » r i u* c. « ITC'IM \»

l. for sale by ou.m a. auojw(

June 22. 50tf

t CASKS Preserved Limes, Oranges, Pine Apples Ir ami Citron. For sale byJune22. SHAW & AUSTIN.

""11101015 fiun Powder. Hyson ami Imperial Teas.^ Received and for sale byJune22. SHAW A. AUSTIN.

PIOLORED Flannels for Ladic's amlchildrens Sacks.Also, Rodgers' I'atuit Cause and Silk warped

'lauucls; Ladies Merino Vests, for sale byE. W. BONNEY.

;«« Slides, Slirop, Deer. Oiler and

plOON SKINS, BEESWAX, TALLOW, WOOL,0 Ac., and Country l'roduee of ibis kind purchased,jr wliieli the highest market cash prices will be paid,r Leather given ii. exchange, by

JOHN r. BAUM,Sept. 21. No. 280, King-st, Charleston.

Hair Restoratives.[" HAVE now on hand a large and varied assortLinent of IIAJIl HESTOltA TJIconsisting intart of I laud's Eau Lustr.il; Barry's Tricopherous;ftiulon's Invigorator and Jayno's Hair Tonic; French'oinatums, Ac. Having been lately received, theyiro fresh and fine. To be had atMay28. Z. J. Dl-IIAY'S.

Dolnmhia S. C. Insurance Company.J11115 undersigned continues to net as Agents lor tiio

above Company, and are prepared to takcrisksonluildings and Merchandize at customarv rates.

A. M. .t R. KENXEDY.June 13th, 1S52. -18tf

NEW SPRING GOODS.%I~ DRUCKKR A CO. have just received their new.t1 supply of

Spring and Summer Clotliisig,[» which they would invite the attention of the publicttho siiiiictimc they would recommend their Stock oIUTFITTIXU ARTICLES, via: Shirts, Collars, Cm-ats, Undergarments, llosery, Cloves, Suspenders, AcApril 9, 1852..tf

) BARRELS fresh "Kennedy's Butter Crackers. '.<J Received and for sale bvJune 22, 1850.



Ilcxicaii iUiislang Idninn-iif,[X Bottles at Fifty Cents and Ono Dollar. For sale '

1 at Z. J. DkIIAY'S.

0 BOXES first quality Jujube Basle, fresh. Justreceived bv AW C. MOORE, '

:Cnii(li<% Candle*. 11

)AA LBS. of tlic haiHlsoinestCandies ever offered ^

)v/'y in this market. AW C. MOOltE.

St. Julian He<loc I'laret.

VFEAA" cases of the above just received. ,

AW 0. MOORE. '

Wilson for Sale.

VFIRST RATE one Horse Wagon, for sale low..Apply early to AW MOORE. j

One to Four Dollar* a Window.) KKORK jnirfluisiiijr call and examine (lie suhscriJher's assortment ol' Transparent WINDOW rHADES, which comprises manv late and handsometerns. 0. L. (JHATTKN. f

Fr«'*li I.ard Oil, 1

)F superior quality, which will ho sold as low astho present advanced prices of OILS of every J

ud will warrant. Just received at pDKIIAY'S DRUG STORK. n

)AKIS-1UDE BOOTS.-A few pair, just. received hy WORKMAN A BOONE.


LIVER COHIIiPAIWT. Aaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or nervous

debility, diseases of tiie kidneys,anJ all

diseases arisingfrom a disorderedLiver or Stomach,such as Constipation,Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood

lothe Head, Acidity of the Stomach,Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust forFood, Fullness, or weight ui the Stomach. Sour

Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of theStomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried anil UiflioultBiealhing Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocatingsensations when in a lying posture, Dimnessof Vision, Dots or webs before the Sight,

fc\.. ... ,|... I

ncy or Perspiration, Yellowness ofthe Skin and Eyes, Pain in the

Side, Back. Client. I iinbsSudden Flushes of

Heat. Burnintr in Ithe Flesh,constantImaginings of Evil and (treat Depression of Spirits, can be

effectually .-ured by .

dr. iioofland's 1


re:. i\ .vi.AT THE CEL'MAX MEblCIXE STOKE, j

120 Arch Street. I'l.iladclpliin,Theirpotcer over the above diseases is not excelled.if

equalled.by any other preparation in the United States,as the curesutlest, in many cases after skilfulphysicians jihadfailed. /]These llittersnre worthy the attention of invalids. Pos- ^

sessing great virtues in the rectification "f diseases of theI.iver and les.-cr glands, exercising the most searching e

powers in weakness and affections of the digestive organs, tthey are withal safe, certain and pleasant. I

READ AND BE CON VINCED. j|From the 44 Boston Bee." 1

The editor said, Dec. 22nd t

Dr. Ilonfiantl's Celebrated German Bitters for the cureof LiverCompliint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia Chronic or Ner- o

vons Debility, is deservedly 0110 of ihc most popular inedi- ecities of the day. These Bitters have been used by thou- jsands, and a friend at our elbow says be has himself receivedan effectual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint ®

front the use of this remedy. We arc convinced that, in *

the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains sstrength and vigor.a fact worthy of great consideration. <«

They are pleasant in tnste and smell, and can be used by jpersons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, on-

der any circumstances. We are speaking from experience *a*id to the afflicted we advise their use." scott's weekly," one of the best Literary papers

published, said, Aug. 25. J44 dn. hooelanu's german bitters,manufactured by j

Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most...:......i...f iiih r.if.ntn. f»n nriir-li. iif miif-li i"

proiiiinviii -, . -

eflicacy in roses of female weakness. Assuch is flic case, twe. would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle,and thus csave themselves niurn sickness. Persons of debilitated ,,

constitutions will lino these Bitten advantageous to theirhealth as we know front experience the salutary clientupon weak systems."' MORE EVIDENCE. (The Hon. C. D. HiNEMXn, Mayor of the City of Cam- 'J

den. N. J., says :' IIookuno's Grrman Bitters..We have seen ma-

nv flattering notices of litis medicine,and the source from 'which they came induced us to make inquiry res|iectingts merits. From iinpiiry we were persuaded to use it,and amust say we found it specific in its action upon diseases

oftlie liver and digestive organs, and the powerful influenceit exerts upon nervous prostration is really surprising.It calms and strengthens the nerves, bringing them into a

state of repose, making sleep refreshing.' If this medicine was more generally used, we are

satisfied there w ould be less sickness, us from the stomach,liver, and nervous system the great majority of real andand imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthycondition, and you ran bid defiance to epidemics generally.This extraordinary medicine we would advise ourfriends who are at all indisposed, to give a trial.it willrecommend itself. It should, in fact, be in every family.No other medicine can produce sueli evidences of merit."Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the

foregoing) from all sections of the I'nion, the last threeyears, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is.that then,is more of it used in the practice of the regular P/jys.cians of Philadelphia, than all oilier nostrums comb. '*

a fact ttiat can easily 1st established, and fully pr"ied.that a scientific preparation will meet vviili their qu.ov'"gproval when presented even in this form. letup- }

That this medicine will Cure Liver Complaintpe|tsia. no one can doubt alter using it as dirtctc r'"1' Dys- ^specifically upon the stomach and liver; it is d. It acts *

to calomel' in nil bilious diseases.tlie etlect is preferable I

They (an be administered to female or infant with safetyand reliable Itettelit at any lime.

Look Well to the marks of the genuine-CflTliev have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON,

upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle,without which they are spurious. «

Forsale Wholesale and Retail at Inc s

HERMAN MEDICINE STORE. CNo. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. Philadelphia;and by respectable dealers, generally through the


To eitalile all classes of Invalids to enjoy the advantage cof their restorative powers. A>'L\HLE BOTTI.E 75 Cts.

^For in Camden by

THOMAS J. WORKMAN.\> ir.noiiic ivii-mn i"i

JIAVH.A.ND, 1IAU1CAL .V. CO.,Aug. 31..35.ly Charleston, S. C .

Hay Cutters. i [JUST received a variety of IIA i* Cl'TTEHS, warranteda superior article, and for sale low byJulyi:i. K. W. BOXKEY.


The subscribers have just received their new assortmentof

Sprinp- rm:l Summer Goods, }which consists partly of

Calicoes, Ginghams, plain and embroidered Lawns.Fancy Muslins, at all prices. Linen Cambric, assortedcolors, Cambrics and Muslins, pla in and checked,Crapes, Bareges, Challys, DcLaincs, Tissue Silks anda great variety of other articles suitable for Ladies'Dresses. also.jiA large assortment of Linen Cambric IlMkfs., X'ec-

ille-worktd Col'ars and Cull's, Chciniselts and Caps, I ^Muslin and Lace Sleeves, Capes and Mantillas, Laeoand Muslin Edging and Inserting, Bonnets atnl Biblions,of the newest stylos, Ivory Black and FeatherFans, Umbrellas and J'arasols, and a great variety of !utlier Fancy Articles, to numerous to nuiiie.

They recommend their stock of bleached and brownShirting, '<luo and striped Homespuns, Cotton and

" 1Tt/.L- .»! I.f.iri- />nv,n-l>l.L«1IICI1 IWIIUUuiga, .uvu > >> , ..........,

linjX and Tablo Linen. A very largo assortincut ofHosiery of every description, Linen, Thread Lace and i

Silk Cloves, Mitts, Ac. Ae. j '

They invite their friends to call at their Store, feeling n

ertain to ho aide to satisfy them in every way, as

ivell in the price as in the assortment of the Goods.April 1852. M. DKCCKKK & CO. c

Notice. a

"I^JIK subscribers have this day formeda Co-partner- (..1 ship, under the name and linn of BOOT ,t JX- IjBAM, for the pnrjmse of carrying on the General

AuctioneeringBusiness. P. BOOT,JOHN INGBAM. t

C.VMDEK, Jan. 23. 7tf "

Constantly on Hand, !',pKMKNT, Calcined Plaster of Paris, lor building

purposes; Gypsum or I,anu Plaster, for agricuioralpurposes, and Stone Lime, all of good quality and *

n quantities to suit .purchasers.A verv superior artieleof While Lime for whitewash ]ng.

" 0. L. CIIATTKN. JMarch 0. 20tf

DryGoods, Groceries, Crockery iVc,I'M! K subscriber continues to keep on hand a com-

plete assortment of Domestic Dry Goods, Grocc- Mies, Crockery, Ac., which ho will sell von- low for cask, ol

lis stock of Groceries consists, in part, of g;Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Cheese, Ac. Ac.

i niong his DryGoods will ho found a good article o

nrc Irish Linen, which he will warrant to l>o yennine,ml sell as cheap or cheaper than it can he bought inliis market. ni

Purchasers would do well to give him a call.Jan. 2. J. C11AKLKSWOKTIL a



It! ILb ^iil/

'repared from RENNET, or the fourth STOMACHOF THE OX, after directions ofBARONJdfcbKr, me great rnysioiogicai vmemisi, ovJ. S. IIOUGIITON, !U. D. Philadelphia, Pa.

'his is a trulv wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION,DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVERCOMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, and DEBILITY,Curing after Nature's own method, byNature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice

i?"Half a teaspooiiful of Pepsin, infused in water,will digest or dissoive, Fire Pounds of RoastBef in about two hours, out of the stomach.PEPSIN is the chief element, or Great DigestigPrinciple of the Gastric Juice.the Solvent of

he Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and StimulaingAgent of the Stomach and Intestines. It isxtrncted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox,litis forming an ARTIFICIAL DIGESTIVET.UID, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice uiIs Chemical powers, and furnishing a COMPLETEand PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for it.Iy the aid of this preprration, the pains and evilsf INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA are removd,just as they would be by a healthy Stomach,t is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases

f DEBILITY, EMACIATION, NERVOUS DECLINE,and DYSPEPTIC CONSUMPTION,upposed to be on the verge of the grave. TheScientific Evidence upon which it is based, is inlie highest degree CURIOUS and REMARKA-5LE.

SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE!BARON LIE IMG in his celebrated work on

hiimal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial DigestiveMuid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, may beeadily prepared from the mucous membrane ofhe stomach of the Ox, in which various articlesif food, as meat and eggs, will be softened, changd,and digested, just in the same manner as theyrouId be in the human stomach."

Call on the Agent, and get a DescriptiveCircular, gratis, giving a large amount of SCIENTIFICEVIDENCE, similar to the above, togethrwith Reports of REMARKABLE CURES,rom all parts of the United States.Agent.Z. J. DeIIAY, Camden, Wholesale

.iid Retail Agent,CHARLES 9. WEST,

Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity,camden*, s. c.

p?y"OtV:cc in the rear of the Court House.

M JI. JI. SHANNON,Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity,


W;*THUKLOW CASTON,Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity.

camden", s. c.Office 0:1 Broad-Street near the Court House.

CLMTOI & PRICE,Attorneys at Law.

il, Clinton, Lancaster. C. A. I'uice, CamdenOffice in in Camden.that formerly occupied by J

I. DoSaussure, Esq..Will attend to legal business inhis and the adjoiiiiug Districts.


VTTORXKY AT LAW AND .SOLICITOR INK^riTV. Cauidcn, S. C. Will practice in Korhawami adjoining Districts. Office in rear of the

Jourt House. May 13.

22. lilltlSilAW,

VTT0RXJ1Y AT LAW AND SOLICITOR INIkJl'lTY. Camden. S. C. Will attend the Courts

>f Kershaw, Sumter, 1'airlicld, Darlington and LancasterDistricts. Office on Droad Street.vr. n:n. workman

4 TTORNMY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR INi \_ KQL'ITY, Cauidcii, S. 0 Will attend the Courts>f Darlington and Sunder Districts. Office in the,'ourt House.

E. \Y. BOXXET,Bank Agent and General Merchant,

CAMB1.N. S. C.




KOUE5ST M.U,UU.Vlyll-JIAIVI'.H, I>11 DlUilll oua-l, uuu lliu J.UA

Office. Camden, S. C. BuiMs und repairsAfohllosof all descriptions, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons,iVheelbarrows, Ac. May IS.


pOTTOX (.MX MAICKU. liutleclgo Street, ondoor Kast of it. 1 Tucker & Co., Camden, i>. C .

Ki:It^ ADOTTi: J). KROASOX.opposite the 1'ost okfic'k,

C:i!iado9i, S. 4,'.

ptOXTlXl'KS the manufacture of TJX- WAKE,O attends to Muttering and Booting Houses, puttingip and making Stove Pipe, andcrjy-bkp.uns evkuy autht.k ix his line.Old Pewter, Lead, Copper and Brass taken in exchangefor Tin-Ware.^ "Thankful for past favors, ho solicits a continuneeof the same, at the old Stand, opposite the Post

Itlice.Altu eh 1G. 22tf

J. W. P. ?I( KAGKX,

3FFKRS his services to the citizens ofCanidcn andvicinity as AUCTiOXKKH. His charges will be

loderate, and when reiptired, he will attend sales in10 country.C5TAll orders left with ilr. J. S. DePass, "will beromptly attended to.itay 8.tf

[JMIKXC1I Worked Handkerchiefs, Collars, and Un-L' dersloevcs, just opened at iiU-\ .\t,i o.

April 20. 32tf

PATENT METALIC BURIAL OASES.Till*' subscriber is prepared to till orders for the

[ctalie Cases. Also, Cloth, Mahogany, Walnut andLlicr plain articles in the line, with mountings, and enraved,if desired.March 22._ _ C. L. CHATTFN.

FOR81LE.iA 7"AGOX Bridles, «f my own manufacture, onon warranted to last as long as two of Northernake.Also,Trace chains of various qualities for sale low for

sh. l\ J. OAivtj.


SHAW & AUSTIN.ARE now receiving and opening their Fall suppliesol

Fo«eigu aud Domestic Groceries, which the*Herat wholesale and retail, consisting in part of the fulowing articles:

sugars. Guava do. 4Loaf,Crasrted, <fc Powdered,tGoosebe.rry, Strawberry,andClarified No. 1, and 2, > Blackberry Jam.PortoKico, \ Extracts. -/£Muscovado, (Clove*. Lemon, Nutmeg and /New Orleans. | Vanilla. b ri,

Coffee. < Hermetically Sealed *'Java,| Articles.

Lagiura, Salmon in 1 and 2 lb cans,I»io and Cuba. Sardines in oil in w hole, half J

Teas. ; and quarter boxes.Choice of all kind*. ^Lobsters in 1 and 2 lb. cans

Molasses. ;Roast Beef, AnchoviesAIu*rnvadu and Porto Rico,; J "tors, rresh Cove Bait.N. Orleans and \V. Indies. ; Cordials.

Candles. ^Curacoa, MarischineWax, white and colored Anniaette, NoyauAdamantine ;0u,Ser Brandy.Suenn and Stearin Fish.

.. {Salmon,jFruit. 'Smoked flerring,Figs and 1 atsins, ;ginoked Ilalibat,Almond*, bordeaux & "lc; Dried Cod Fish,,Currant* and Citron, blarkarel No. 1, 2, and 3 inEnglish \N alnuts, »vliole, half, and qu. bbls.Filberts and Brazil Nut*, \ and in UtJ,.Fi<r Paste, "a new article } . .r,^lu

> Provisions,Spices. :Sugar Cured Ilams andAllspice, Nutmeg 4* Cloves,' £hon|dersCinnamon!Gmger& Popper,;BeefT()ni;uei, & Dried Beef>London and French Mustard,, Bactjn gjjes and Shoulders,Currie Powder. .Cot-hen, English and PinePickles. { Apple Cheese.English and Doitcstic of all: aritl Liquors,hinds. [Brandy. Hennessey Exr. fineKetchups and Sauces. > do. otard, DupryandCoWalnut,Mushroom,Tomato,! do. Pa'lcvoisin'sHeading Sauce, {Whiskey, Scotch and liisnllarvy 'lo. J do. Bourbon, Mononga'laJohn Bull do. < do. Funk's Old Rye> tWarwickshire do. 'Wines, South side MadeiraWorcestershire do.. { do. HuffGordon Sherry1 Paoli Vinegar, < do. Port on drangnlE.«r euce of Anchovies, do. do. lor Med. purposes, .Anchovy Paste, { do. Sparkling HockIPolled Bloaters. ^ do. Tenenhe, and S. M. i

Preserves. IKirehwamer, Absynllie, 1Citron, Oranges, Limes, j punch Essence. JPine Apple and Ginger. 'Heidseick, Express. CardinaBrandy Fruits. \ and Victoria ChampagnesPeaches, Cherries, {Ale and Palter.

Limes and Pine Apple. 5 (thnira S... r= "J uvi-.

Jellies and Jams. >co of all kinds, all of whichlied & Black Currant Jelly,>will be sold low for cash.Oct- 10, 1851. I80tf

$500 CHALLENGE,WHATEVER concerns the health and happiness of a

people is at all times of the roost importance. I takeit for granted that every person will do all in their power,to save the lives of their children, and that every personwill endeavor to promote their own health at all sacrifices.I feci it to lie tny duty to solemnly assure you thatWORMS,jaccording to the opinion of the most celebrated Physicians! Jare the primary causes of a large majority of diseases to mwhich children and adults are liable; if you have anap- 3petite continually changeable from one kind of food toanother. Bad Breath, Pain in tho Stomach, Picking at tiroNose, Hardness and Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough,Slow Fever. I'ulse Irregular.remember that all these denote'A ORMS, and you should at once apply the remedyHOBEXSACK'S WORM SYRUP. ,.

An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compoundedwith purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safewhen taken, and can be given to the most tender Infantwith decided beneficial effect, where Bowel Complaintsand Diarrhoea have made them weak and debilitated tlteTonic pri [nrties of ray Worm Syrup are such, that itstands without an equal ill the catalogue of medicines in signingtone and strength to the Stomach, which makes itan Infallible remedy for those afflicted with Dyspepsia, theastonishing cures performed by this Syrup after Physicianshave failed, is the best evidence of its superior efficacyoverall others.

THE TAPE WORM iThis is the most difficult Worm to destroy of ail that id-

test we Human sjsieni, 11 grown 10 an almost lnaenmtelength horominu so coiled and fastened in the Intestinesand Stomach «fleeting the health so sadly as to cause StVitus t'ance, Fits, &.C., that those afflicted seldom if eversuspect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an earlygra\e. In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetictreatment must be pursued, it would therefore be proper Ito take G to 8 of my Liver Fills so as to remove all obstructions,that the Worm Syrup may art direct upon the Worm,which must ba taken in doses of 2 Tablespoonfulls 3 timesa day these directions tollowed have never been known tofail in curing the most obstinate case of Tape Worm.HOMES,SACK'S LIFER PILLS.No part of the system is more liable to disease titan the

LIV Mil, it ser\ tug as a lilterer to purify the olood, orgivingthe proper secretion to the bile; so that any wrong actionof the Liver i-fleets the other important parts of the sys!tent, and e>u!ts variously, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice,Dyspepsia Ac. We shutild, therefore, watch every syrap!loin that might indicate a Wrong action of the Liver.These Pills being composed of ROOTS & PLANTSfurnisliedby nature to heal the sick: Namely, 1st, An EXPECTORANT,which augments the secretion from thePulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge ofsecreted matter. 2nd. An ALTERATIVE, winch changes. *

in some inexplicable and insensible manner the certain 1morbid action of the system. 3rd, A TONIC which gives . <'tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing healthanil vigor to all parts of the body. 4th, A CATHARTIC,which ads in perfect harmony with the other ingredients,and operating on lite Bowels, and expelling the' wholeinassot corrupt attd vitiated matter, and purifying the* "

Blood, which destroys diseascand restores health.

TO FE.HALES.Von will find these Pills an invaluahle medicine in ma- ,

ny complaints to which you are subject. In obstructionseither total or partial, they have been found of inestimablebenefit, restoring their functional arrangements to ahealtliv action, purifvinc the bloed and other fluids so ef-fectuaily to put to flight all complaints which may arise aIioui female irregularities, as headache, giddiness, dim-. 3new of sight, pain in the side back, &c.None genuine unless signed J. N. Hobensnck, all others

being base Imitation.Agents wishing new supplies, and Store Keepers desirousof beroming Agents must address the Proprietor, J. "

N. llobensark. So. 120 North 2nd St. above Race St.Phi adelphia. Pa. jHSold by even' Druggist and merchant in the IT. S. MAgents. Z.J. Del lay. Camden Wholesale and Retail Agt. flW. A. Morrison & Co., Winnsboro, F.Curtis Columbia, f flJ. A. Reed Chesterfield. M

Price each 25 els. * flTnrranttt Seltzer Apttrieni, M

4 XI* Cordial Elixir of Turkey* Rheubarb; llolden'sii. Diarrhoea and Dysentery Cordial; Murray's HFluid Magnesia, largo and small bottles; fresh and gen-inc. Just received at

^Z. J. DeIIAY'S.


June 29.


And Shoe-Fiii<1 ings, jlCAMPEX, s. e. *^BDR. UPHAM'S HP

Vegetable Pile Electuary.VCK UI'A 1X cure for Piles, cither External or Inter- Hjnal, Bleeding or Blind. Also for all IntiammatoryDiseases, Affections of the Skin, and Impurities of

the Blood, arising from any source. For salo byJune 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN. B

Pure White Lead, IOF superior quality, Linseed Oil. Spirits Turpentine," BB

Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, Litharge, Copal,Japan and Leather Varnish, Window Glass Ac. Justreceived at Z. J. DELIAY'S.

July15. 43tfBYouth's and Men's Dress Shirts, ^BJUST received an invoice of the above of the lateststyles, well made and warranted to tit.

April -i..si -a. -at- k.h.N AliDA.SHGod Liver Oil. H

I HAY fi just received a few gallons of pure COD ^H9LIVER OIL, which will be sold in quantities to 89suit purchasers, and at reduced prices. OHMarch30. Z. J. DeIIAV.

MEAL AND ©R1TS.Alwavs on hand, atMOORE'S. Red Flag. OH