Axisware SYLK Manual: FactoryLink driver for Square D SY/LINK manual

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Axisware SYLK Manual: FactoryLink driver for Square D SY/LINK manual. See the Axisware Utility manual for installation and configuration details.

Transcript of Axisware SYLK Manual: FactoryLink driver for Square D SY/LINK manual

Square D SY/LINK Driverfor FactoryLink

Version 7.2 February 2004

Axisware Square-D SY/LINK Driver for FactoryLink 1


1 Overview......................................................................................................1

1.1 Software License.....................................................................................................11.2 Introduction.............................................................................................................11.3 Historical Note........................................................................................................11.4 SY/LINK Card Installation.....................................................................................11.5 Software Installation...............................................................................................1

2 Factorylink Application Configuration......................................................3

2.1 External Device Definition.....................................................................................32.1.1 Logical Port.............................................................................................32.1.2 Device Name...........................................................................................32.1.3 Function...................................................................................................32.1.4 Memory...................................................................................................32.1.5 Comment.................................................................................................4

2.2 Axisware SY/LINK Read/Write Control................................................................52.2.1 Table Name.............................................................................................52.2.2 Unsolicited Read.....................................................................................52.2.3 Exception Write......................................................................................52.2.4 Block Read Priority.................................................................................62.2.5 Block Read Trigger.................................................................................62.2.6 Block Read Disable.................................................................................62.2.7 Block Read Complete.............................................................................62.2.8 Block Read State.....................................................................................62.2.9 Block Write Priority................................................................................72.2.10 Block Write Trigger..............................................................................72.2.11 Block Write Disable..............................................................................72.2.12 Block Write Complete..........................................................................72.2.13 Block Write State..................................................................................7

2.3 Axisware SY/LINK Read/Write Information Table...............................................82.3.1 Tag Name................................................................................................82.3.2 Logical Station........................................................................................82.3.3 Data Table...............................................................................................82.3.4 Data Offset (Address).............................................................................92.3.5 Bit # or Length........................................................................................92.3.6 Data Type................................................................................................92.3.7 Message Priority.....................................................................................9

2.4 Axisware SY/LINK Logical Station Control........................................................102.4.1 Logical Port...........................................................................................102.4.2 Timeout (Tenths)...................................................................................102.4.3 Card Memory Address (Hex)................................................................102.4.4 Network Address (Hex)........................................................................102.4.5 Maximum Network Size.......................................................................112.4.6 Network Baudrate.................................................................................112.4.7 RS-422 Port Mode.................................................................................112.4.8 RS-422 Port Baudrate...........................................................................112.4.9 RS-422 Port Parity................................................................................112.4.10 RS-422 Port Data Bits.........................................................................112.4.11 Acknowledge Alarms (possible future)..............................................12

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2.4.12 Acknowledge Fault/Alert/Warning Register (possible future)...........122.4.13 Unsolicited Message Length...............................................................122.4.14 Message Tag........................................................................................12

2.5 Axisware SY/LINK Logical Station Information.................................................132.5.1 Error/Status Tag Name..........................................................................132.5.2 Logical Station (Decimal).....................................................................132.5.3 Device Type..........................................................................................132.5.4 Routing Levels......................................................................................142.5.5 Routing Drop Id 1 - 7............................................................................142.5.6 Comment...............................................................................................14

3 Appendices................................................................................................15

3.1 Appendix A: Installation of SY/LINK Card........................................................153.1.1 Sy/Link Segment Memory Addresses:..................................................153.1.2 Cable Connections................................................................................153.1.3 Network Configuration and Addressing...............................................15

3.2 Appendix B: Software Installation - OS/2...........................................................183.2.1 Before Starting Installation (OS/2 version)..........................................183.2.2 Driver Installation Instructions (OS/2).................................................193.2.3 Modifying the CONFIG.SYS File (OS/2)............................................203.2.4Softkey Protection Validation................................................................21

3.3 Appendix C: (Reserved).......................................................................................223.4 Appendix D: Software Installation - Windows 95/NT........................................23

3.4.1 Before Starting Installation - (Windows 95/NT version).....................233.4.2 Driver Installation Instructions (Windows 95/NT)...............................233.4.3 Softkey Protection Validation...............................................................25

3.5 Appendix E: (Reserved).......................................................................................263.6 Appendix F: Driver Status Codes........................................................................27

3.6.1 Application startup errors.....................................................................273.6.2 Run-time startup errors.........................................................................293.6.3 SoftKey protection messages................................................................293.6.4 Run-time errors.....................................................................................303.6.5 Unsolicited message processing errors.................................................30

3.7 Appendix G: Tables for Network and Alarm Errors...........................................333.7.1Network Error Table..............................................................................333.7.2Alarm Error Table..................................................................................35

3.8 Appendix H: Data Types and Conversions..........................................................363.9 Appendix I: SY/LINK Addressing.......................................................................39

3.9.1Data Tables............................................................................................393.9.2 Device Types.........................................................................................40

3.10 Appendix J: Unsolicited Reads..........................................................................413.10.1Unsolicited Alarms..............................................................................423.10.2Unsolicited Data...................................................................................43

3.11 Appendix K: FactoryLink Version Upgrade Procedures...................................443.12 Appendix L: Sample Application......................................................................45

4 Glossary of Terms.....................................................................................46

5 Contact information..................................................................................48

Axisware LLC

Axisware Square-D SY/LINK Driver for FactoryLink 1

This document contains proprietary information of Axisware LLC (Axisware). This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been madeto be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in hardwareor software, nor to provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, ormaintenance. Features may be described herein which are not present in all hardware and software systems.Axisware assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequentlymade. Axisware makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with respect to, and assumesno responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information containedherein. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.

All trademarks are the property of their respectve owners. All trademarks acknowledged.

Copyright 1995-1996 NOVA TechnologiesCopyright 1997-2000 Bullet SoftwareCopyright 2000-2004 Axisware LLCAll Rights Reserved

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Axisware Square-D SY/LINK Driver for FactoryLink 2

Axisware LLC

Axisware Square-D SY/LINK Driver for FactoryLink 1

1 Overview

1.1 Software LicenseAxisware LLC grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Software programs and related documentationfor this product on a single processing unit. For each processing unit that executes the Software programs forthis product you must have a unique serial number and Proof of License statement. No one other than acurrent Axisware employee or agent is permitted to modify or tamper with in any way the executablecomputer files(s) associated with this product. This license applies solely to the software contained in thisproduct, and does not include any additional software or documentation provided by Axisware or otherparties required for the proper operation of this product. This product uses a SoftKey protection method. Please consult the SoftKey manual for a discussion of theprocedures to validate the SoftKey for this product.

1.2 Introduction

This manual describes the installation and configuration of the Square D SY/LINK communication driver forFactoryLink . The installation of the SY/LINK card is also briefly described. The driver currently supports all standard SY/NET devices. Unsolicited messages, faults, alerts, and warningsare supported from all SY/MAX PLCs. Register status and force information may also be read from SY/MAXPLCs.

1.3 Historical Note

This product was previously a Nova Technologies product and is now an Axisware product. The manual iscorrect in all technical detail except install instructions, which are detailed in the Utilities manual. Axiswarehas assumed all responsibilities for this product; if you see a reference to Nova Technologies consider it areference to Axisware.

1.4 SY/LINK Card Installation

The SY/LINK card must be installed in the computer in an open slot. Please consult Appendix A for informationconcerning the installation of the card, and also refer to your hardware manuals for complete information.

1.5 Software Installation

If installing over a previous version of this driver, perform a multi-platform save of the FactoryLinkapplication before the install and restore the application after installation. Please refer to FactoryLinkdocumentation for details on multi-platform save and restore.

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In this document are appendices describing the software installation for this product on specific platforms. Pleaseread the appropriate appendix before installing this product.

Platform Appendix OS/2 B

Windows 95/NT D

When the driver software installation is completed, please refer to the SoftKey Manual for the instructions onrunning the Validate program. Failure to run Validate by the end of the 15-day grace period will result in a non-functioning driver.

After this communications driver has been installed, updating to a newer version of FactoryLink may appear tocause operational problems. Please refer to Appendix K before updating FactoryLink.

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2 Factorylink Application Configuration

2.1 External Device Definition

Access this table by selecting External Device Definition from the Configuration Manager main menu. This isone of the five configuration tables that must be configured The other tables are accessed by selecting Axisware

SY/LINK Driver from the Configuration Manager main menu.

This table identifies the computer’s ports and I/O cards through which the devices will communicate withFactoryLink. In this table identifiers are declared which make the external devices recognizable to FactoryLink.

This panel contains seven fields or five fields depending on FactoryLink version. Here we describe only theapplicable fields, you shuld ignore any fields not described here. Use the Tab key to move among the fields.

2.1.1 Logical Port

Number assigned by the user to indicate a particular communication path. This number must be uniquefor each EDI driver used in the application.

Valid entries: 0-999 Physical Card & Physical Port

These fields are not used by this driver.

2.1.2 Device Name

The four-character device name for the EDI driver that will use the related Logical Port.

Valid entry: SYLK

2.1.3 Function

Type of communication used by the EDI driver for the related Logical Port. This field refers to thedifferent types of EDI communication modes.

Valid entry: SYSPRG

2.1.4 Memory

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The amount of memory in K-bytes used for the block storage size of the read and write informationentered by the user. This entry refers only to the memory used by the driver for data storage for therelated Logical Port.

Valid entries: 4-63

2.1.5 Comment

(Optional) Description for the current Logical Port. Used only for application documentation.

Valid entry: 14 alphabetic or numeric characters

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2.2 Axisware SY/LINK Read/Write Control

This table specifies the tags used to control the reading and writing of the values specified in the Read/Write

Information table (the controlling tags are the Read Trigger, Read Disable, Write Trigger, Write Disable). Italso defines the tags that will report the status of reads and writes (the status tags are the Read Complete,Read State, Write Complete, Write State). Each line in this table refers to one Read/Write Information


After these fields have been configured, select "Next" or Ctrl-N to edit the Read/Write Information Table

corresponding to the Control table selected by the cursor.

2.2.1 Table Name

User assigned name of the Read/Write Information Table to be defined or modified.

Valid entry: ASCII string incorporation up to 16 of the following character set:A-Z,a-z,@,$,_, or 0-9

2.2.2 Unsolicited Read

Allows you to select whether or not the current table will be considered in the processing of anunsolicited message received from the PLC. Standard addressing is used to correlate the message fromthe PLC with the tags configured in the table. Please refer to Appendix N for additional informationand examples.

Valid entries: Descriptions:

Yes Normal write to the real-time databaseForce Forced write to the real-time databaseNo Unsolicited reads are not processed

2.2.3 Exception Write

Option determining whether or not a specific tag in the related Read/Write Information Table is writtento the selected logical station whenever the real-time database value for that tag changes.

Valid entries: Description:

Yes A change of status of any element in the table generates a write of thatelement's value.

No No exception processing.

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2.2.4 Block Read Priority

Priority influencing the order in which the EDI task handles the queuing of block read requests. If tworequests are received simultaneously by EDI, the request with the highest priority (lowest number) isprocessed first.

Valid entries: 1 - 4 (default = 1)

2.2.5 Block Read Trigger

Digital tag whose value, when forced to 1 (ON), initiates a block read of the values specified in therelated Read/Write Information Table. This trigger allows the block read operation to be initiated bysome other task.

Valid entry: FactoryLink digital tag

2.2.6 Block Read Disable

Digital tag used to determine whether or not a block read table will be processed. If the tag value is 0,the table is permitted to function normally; however, if the value is 1, the table will not respond to theBlock Read Trigger defined above.

Valid entry: FactoryLink digital tag

2.2.7 Block Read Complete

Digital tag whose value is force written to 1 (ON) by the EDI task whenever any block read operation forthis table is completed. If this tag is specified then when the EDI task initializes, its value is forcewritten to 1 (ON).

Note: Block Read Complete tags are valid only if a different table is used for each logical port.

Valid entry: FactoryLink digital tag

2.2.8 Block Read State

Digital tag whose value is 0 (OFF) when a block read of the tags specified in this table is in progress and1 (ON) otherwise. If this tag is specified then when the EDI task initializes, its value is force written to 1(ON).

Note: Block Read State tags are valid only if a different table is used for each logical port.

Valid entry: FactoryLink digital tag

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2.2.9 Block Write Priority

Priority influencing the order in which the EDI task handles the queuing of block write and exceptionwrite requests. If two requests are received simultaneously by EDI, the request with the highest priority(lowest number) is processed first.

Valid entries: 1-4 (default = 1)

2.2.10 Block Write Trigger

Dgital tag whose value, when forced to 1 (ON), initiates a block write of the values specified in therelated Read/Write Information Table. This trigger allows the block write operation to be initiated bysome other task.

Valid entry: FactoryLink digital tag

2.2.11 Block Write Disable

Dgital tag used to determine whether or not a block write table will be processed. If the tag value is 0,the table is permitted to function normally; however, if the value is 1, the table will not respond to theBlock Write Trigger defined above.

Valid entry: FactoryLink digital tag

2.2.12 Block Write Complete

Dgital tag whose value is force written to 1 (ON) by the EDI task whenever any block write operationfor this table is completed. If this tag is specified then, when the EDI task initializes, its value is forcewritten to 1 (ON).

Note: Block Write Complete tags are valid only if a different table is used for each logical port.

Valid entry: FactoryLink digital tag

2.2.13 Block Write State

Dgital tag whose value is 0 (OFF) when a block write of the tags specified in this table is in progress and1 (ON) otherwise. If this tag is specified then, when the EDI task initializes, its value is force written to1 (ON).

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Note: Block Write State tags are valid only if a different table is used for each logical port.

Valid entry: FactoryLink digital tag

2.3 Axisware SY/LINK Read/Write Information Table

The Read/Write Information Table links FactoryLink tags to specific addresses in the PLC represented by theLogical Station. Values are either read into the tags from the device or written from the real-time database tagsto the device.

These tables are sometimes referred to as overlay panels, or ovr panels. Each table has one entry (line) for itin the Read/Write Control Table.

Note: Please verify that the table name displayed at the bottom of the panel correctly shows the table to be


After these fields have been completed, select "Next" or Ctrl-N to edit the Logical Station Control Table.

2.3.1 Tag Name

Name of the FactoryLink tag to be updated as a result of the read operation or the tag from whichinformation is taken to be written to the device.

Valid entry: FactoryLink tag(DIGITAL, ANALOG, LONGANA, FLOAT, MESSAGE)

2.3.2 Logical Station

Number from the Logical Station Table identifying the particular combination of physical attributes thatwill define and govern the data transfer to and from the real-time tag.

Valid entries: 0-999

2.3.3 Data Table

Mnemonic defining the area of device memory to be accessed, or the manner in which the device is to beaddresse

Valid entries: Refer to Appendix I (SY/LINK Addressing).

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2.3.4 Data Offset (Address)

Numeric portion of device address. Specifies word offset or address of data to be accessed.

Valid entries: Refer to Appendix I (SY/LINK Addressing).

2.3.5 Bit # or Length

If a digital tag is used, this field is one based and is used to specify the bit offset in the selected word. If amessage tag is used, the field specifies the number of bytes that are to be transferred between themessage tag and the Logical Station. Please see Appendix I for additional information concerning theuse of bit numbers to access the status bits for a PLC register.

Valid entries: Digital tags 1 - 32Message tags 1 - 128

2.3.6 Data Type

Data type for information being read/written from/to the Logical Station.

Valid entries: Refer to Appendix H (Data Types and Conversions)

2.3.7 Message Priority

Priority of read or write operation. If an operation is given priority status, the operation will preemptother normal priority operations on the network.. Care should be taken when using priority messages,because the overall performance of the network can be adversely affected if too many priority messagesare used.

Valid entry: Descriptions:

NORMAL Normal priority read or writePRIORITY High priority read or write

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2.4 Axisware SY/LINK Logical Station Control

This table is used to configure each logical port and its associated stations in the Logical Station Information

table. It specifies which specific port is connected to the external device being defined.

After completing these fields, select "Next" or Ctrl-N to edit the Logical Station Information Table

corresponding to the table selected by the cursor.

2.4.1 Logical Port

Number specified in the External Device Definition Table which represents a particular communicationspath.

This number must also be referenced in the External Device Definition panel.

Valid entries: 0-999

2.4.2 Timeout (Tenths)

Number of tenths of seconds permitted for the driver to process a request.

Valid entries: Actual value in tenths of seconds.20 to 30 (or 2 - 3 seconds for most applications).

2.4.3 Card Memory Address (Hex)

Address for memory shared by the SY/LINK card and the FactoryLink CPU. This number must matchthe address selected by the dip switches on the card.

Valid entries: Hex memory address as selected by key file (D0000 recommended)CA000, CB000, CC000, CD000, CE000, CF000, D0000,D1000, D2000, D3000

2.4.4 Network Address (Hex)

Network address for the FactoryLink computer. Must be unique on the network.

Valid entries: 0 - 99 or 0 – 30.See the next field. (Maximum Network Size)

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2.4.5 Maximum Network Size

Three possible choices for the maximum network size are available, 30, 31, and 100. The default is 30.All devices on the network must be configured for the same size (number of drops). If less than 30devices will be used, a significant speed increase can be attained by configuring for only 30 devices.However, some configurations will require that the maximum size of 100 be used.

Valid entries: 30, 31 or 100

2.4.6 Network Baudrate

The baudrate determines the speed with which data will be transmitted over the network. All devices onthe network must be configured for the same baudrate. Before selecting a baudrate, please note theguidelines and restrictions indicated in section 4.0 Network Configuration and Connections in theSY/LINK manual by Square D Company.

Valid entries: 62.5K, 125K, 250K, and 500K

2.4.7 RS-422 Port Mode

This field is used to select the operating mode for the RS-422 port on the SY/LINK card.

Valid entries: SY/MAX, NET2NET

2.4.8 RS-422 Port Baudrate

The baudrate determines the speed data will be transmitted over the RS-422 line. The device connectedto the 422 line must be configured for the same baudrate.

Valid entry: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200

2.4.9 RS-422 Port Parity

The parity selects how the parity bit is used on the RS-422 port. The device connected to the 422 linemust be configured for the same parity.

Valid entry: NONE, ODD, EVEN

2.4.10 RS-422 Port Data Bits

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This field is used to select the number of data bits used on the RS-422 port. The device connected to the422 line must be configured for the same number of data bits.

Valid entry: 7-BITS, 8-BITS

2.4.11 Acknowledge Alarms (possible future)

Reserved for possible future use.

Valid entry: NO

2.4.12 Acknowledge Fault/Alert/Warning Register (possible future)

Reserved for possible future use.

Valid entry: 1

2.4.13 Unsolicited Message Length

Unsolicited messages received from other PLCs are written directly into register memory on theSY/LINK card. The driver does not have the capability of determining which device sent the data or howmany words of data were sent. This field allows the user to specify the number of words the driver is toassume are received with each unsolicited message.

Valid entry: 1 - 128

2.4.14 Message Tag

(Optional) Message tag to which a text string will be written if an error is encountered in the processingof an EDI request.

Valid entry: FactoryLink message tag

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2.5 Axisware SY/LINK Logical Station Information

This table defines the logical station(s) accessible through a specific logical port defined in the Logical

Station Control Table. Each logical station is tied to its physical station address and device type. This logicalstation information structure allows communications to multiple devices on a network using one logical port. Note: Please verify that the table name displayed at the bottom of the panel is showing the table to be


After these fields have been completed, "Exit" or F3 will allow you to return to the Configuration Managermain menu.

2.5.1 Error/Status Tag Name

(Optional) Analog tag to which all error codes for this logical station are to be written.

Valid entries: FactoryLink analog tag

2.5.2 Logical Station (Decimal)

Number entered by user to represent a particular combination of a logical port and physical device. Thisnumber is referenced in the Read/Write Information Table to correlate specific addresses and tags with aphysical device. Please note that this number must be unique for each device name (SYLK).

Valid entries: 0-999

2.5.3 Device Type

Type of device on the SY/NET network with which communications are to be established.

Valid entries: Description:"SCP_1XX" Series 100 processors"SCP_3XX" Series 300 processors"SCP_4XX" Series 400 processors"SCP_5XXO" Series 500 processors (rev. 1 - 6)"SCP_5XX" Series 500 processors (rev 7 and up)"SCP_6XX" Series 600 processors"SCP_7XX" Series 700 processors“DLM_110” D-Log Data Controller Module“DLM_120” D-Log Data Controller Module“PCM_110” PID Loop Control Module"SY/LINK" SY/LINK cardGENERIC General device using routing exactly as specified in the next field

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2.5.4 Routing Levels

The number of drop addresses from the seven following fields to be considered as valid. The specifiednumber of valid addresses will be copied to the routing portion of the SY/LINK card for each transactioninvolving the selected Logical Station. Please see page 38 of the SY/LINK manual and Appendix I ofthis manual for additional information concerning routing.

Valid entries: 0-7

2.5.5 Routing Drop Id 1 - 7

These seven fields specify the actual route values that will be used to access a device on the network.Only the number of fields specified above will be actually used. Please see page 38 of the SY/LINKmanual for additional information regarding routing.

Valid entries: 0-254

2.5.6 Comment

(Optional) Description for the current Logical Station. Used only for application documentation.

Valid entry: 31 alphabetic or numeric characters

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3 Appendices

3.1 Appendix A: Installation of SY/LINK Card

The SY/LINK card must be installed in the computer in an open, full length slot. However, Prior to installing theSY/LINK card, the appropriate memory segment address must be properly set by the dip switches. The memory segment address is selected by the dip switches on the SY/LINK card. The four dip switches are setin accordance with pages 14 and 15 of the SY/LINK manual. The following chart illustrates the proper switchsettings for all valid addresses. A segment memory address of D0000 (hex) is recommended.

3.1.1 Sy/Link Segment Memory Addresses:

SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 ADDRESS 0 0 0 0 CA0000 0 0 1 CB0000 0 1 0 CC0000 0 1 1 CD0000 1 0 0 CE0000 1 0 1 CF0000 1 1 0 D00000 1 1 1 D10001 0 0 0 D20001 0 0 1 D3000


3.1.2 Cable ConnectionsThe required communication cabling is discussed on pages 23 through 33 of the SY/LINK manual. The standardconfiguration would be to connect the cable shipped with the SY/LINK board (part number S30600-162-50) to a"Tee" connector (Class 8030 Type CCK-212) on the network cable (Belden 9463 twinaxial cable, Square Ddesignator: Class 8030 Type CC-201).

3.1.3 Network Configuration and Addressing

The following scenarios show different configurations for connecting the SY/LINK card to PLCs. Note thatthe first actual routing level is automatically handled by the driver so only the remaining levels are entered inthe Logical Station Information Table. All addresses used are for example purposes only.

Going out through 422 port and going straight to the PLC:

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Network Address = 5

RS-422 Port Mode = SY/MAX

Routing is 005, 105Use 1 for Routing Levels, 1

Drop ID of 105.

(Note: The first routing is putin automatically by the driver.Therefore the station needs

only 1 Drop ID.

No NIM is used in thisscenario.

The only time SY/MAXmode is used when usingthe 422 port is when going

straight to the PLC.

Going out through 422 port and through the NIM to the PLC:


Network Address = 5

RS-422 Port Mode =NET2NET

Routing is 005, 105, 005.

Routing Levels = 22 Drop IDs of 105, 005 are


(The driver automaticallyprovides the first level.)

Address wheel must be 5(matching the NetworkAddress) if NET2NET

mode is used.



-- Set to SY/MAX

-- Set to Net2Net

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Going out through 422 port and through two NIMs to a PLC:


Network Address = 5

RS-422 Port Mode =NET2NET

Routing is 005, 105, 007.

Routing Levels = 22 Drop IDs of 105 and 007

are used.




-- Set to SY/MAX

-- Set to Net2Net

-- Set to SY/MAX

Going out through network port to NIMs and PLCs on a network:


Network Address = 05

RS-422 Port Mode = (no entryrequired)

To the first PLC (A) therouting is 005, 007.Routing Levels = 11 Drop ID of 007 .

To the second PLC (B) therouting is 005, 108.Routing Levels = 11 Drop ID of 108.






-- Set to SY/MAX

-- Set to SY/MAX

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3.2 Appendix B: Software Installation - OS/2

3.2.1 Before Starting Installation (OS/2 version) Updating From A Previous Version:

If the driver software is an update from an older version of the Axisware driver, the following procedures mustbe followed for the software to be properly installed. First, the operator must exit from both the Run Managerand the Configuration Manager. Second, a multiplatform save file should be created. Third, the driver should beinstalled as described below. Fourth, restore the multiplatform save file created in step 2. Fifth, update theConfiguration Manager tables for the Axisware driver (Logical Station Information). The install command file relies upon the environment variable $FLINK to complete the installation process.($FLINK is used to refer to the environment variable “FLINK”, which points to the FactoryLink directory.)Before starting the install program you may want to manually set $FLINK if you want to have the filescopied to a directory other than the default of C:\FLOS2. If $FLINK has not been defined when the install is started, you will be requested to exit and assign a valueto $FLINK, and then restart the install program. $FLINK can be assigned a parameter by using the SETcommand (example: set flink=d:\flos2). Be sure to include the drive letter. During the installation, two ASCII text files will be modified by the installation program. The originalcopies of both files will be copied to a file with the same filename but a .NVA extension. The first file to bemodified is $FLINK\AC\TITLES (where $FLINK is the FactoryLink directory). This file is used by theConfiguration Manager to determine which tasks to list and also the order in which they are to be listed. Thefollowing line will be added to the TITLES file. (The line may be different, depending on your FactoryLinkversion.) EDI NOVA SY/LINK Driver If you have a backup file named $FLINK\AC\TITLES.NVA (possibly created by a previous install), theprogram will warn you during the install that it is about to be overwritten and will ask you if you want to exit,and manually save the .NVA file.

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The second file to be modified is $FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST. This file is used by the CTGEN utility in thecreation of the binary CT (configuration table) files used at run-time by FactoryLink. The following line willbe added to the CTLIST file.

sylk: sylkshdr sylksovr sylk_hdr sylk_ovr If you have a backup file named $FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST.NVA (possibly created by a previous install), theprogram will ask you during the install if you wish to exit, and manually save a copy of this .NVA file beforeit is overwritten

3.2.2 Driver Installation Instructions (OS/2)

It is important that you have followed the hardware installation procedures described in Appendix Abefore proceeding with the driver installation instructions. The driver software is loaded by inserting the driver diskette in drive A or B. At the OS/2 command prompt,make the drive containing the diskette the current working drive, type INSTALL and then press Enter. Note: A source other than drive A or B can be used; e.g., from a directory on a hard drive, or across a


If a message is displayed stating that the INSTALL program is having difficulty finding the directorycontaining the FactoryLink program files, press a key to exit and use the set command to reset the $FLINKenvironment variable. The problem may be resolved by clearly stating the drive letter. At the OS/2 commandprompt type set FLINK= followed by the drive letter (a-z), a colon (:), a backslash (\) and the directory name(s) giving the path to the FactoryLink program files. Examples: set FLINK=d:\work1\flos2 or set FLINK=t:\sect2\factory. Make sure that the only space in this commandis between “set” and “FLINK”. After the “Axisware” screen appears the FactoryLink Path and FactoryLink Release Version are displayed.Press y and then the Enter (Return) key if the information is correct. The driver Serial Number and Release Type are then displayed. Press y and then the Enter (Return) key tocontinue. The following message will appear

Copying configuration files to hard disk . . .

followed by a message relevant to obtaining authorization for the product, if required.

The install program checks for a backup file named $FLINK\AC\TITLES.NVA. If found, the followingmessage is displayed:

This install program will update your file named


$FLINK\AC\TITLES.NVA (a backup file) already exists.

To overwrite it, press y followed by Enter (Return).

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By pressing n, you may Exit, manually save

your .NVA backup file, and restart this program..

Enter either y or n followed by the Enter (Return) key ==>

The install program will then go through the same procedure before updating the file$FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST. The install program checks for a backup file named$FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST.NVA. If found, this message appears:

This install program will update your file named


$FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST.NVA (a backup file) already exists.

To overwrite it, press y followed by Enter (Return).

By pressing n, you may Exit, manually save your

.NVA backup file, and restart this program.

Enter either y or n followed by the Enter (Return) key ==>

The messages

Updating listing of driver names. . .

andUpdating CTLIST . . .

will be displayed while the backup (.NVA) versions are being created and the $FLINK\AC\TITLES and$FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST files are updated. If one of the following error messages appear:

!!!! Unable to update $FLINK\AC\TITLES file or

!!!! Unable to update $FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST file

the lines to be added to these files can be typed in manually using a text editor. Refer to the section “BeforeStarting” (above) for the specific lines and where they are to be added. Please notice any additional messages displayed on the screen. When all of the necessary files have beencopied the following message will appear:

.....NOVA Installation Program Completed.

3.2.3 Modifying the CONFIG.SYS File (OS/2) This portion of the manual should only be consulted after the general installation has been completed. The devicedriver NOVAMEM.SYS must be loaded into memory when your system boots for the FactoryLink SY/LINKdriver to function properly. After the Axisware installation diskette's INSTALL program is run, theCONFIG.SYS file must be modified manually, using a text editor, such as OS/2's System Editor "e". The following line (or one similar to it) must be added to the OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file. A directory that willcontain the device driver NOVAMEM.SYS is automatically created when the software is installed from the

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Axisware installation diskette. Assuming that $FLINK is set to c:\flos2, the line to be added to the CONFIG.SYS

would be: DEVICE=C:\FLOS2\EDI\SYLK\NOVAMEM.SYS It is very important that only ONE reference to this device driver be made in the CONFIG.SYS file. Note: The changes you make to your CONFIG.SYS file will not take effect until you reboot your system.

3.2.4Softkey Protection Validation Please refer to the SoftKey Manual and run the program Validate to ensure that your product does notexpire at the end of the 15-day grace period. Specific steps are included in the Softkey Manual. Warning: The installation of this product is not complete until the Validate program is run.

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3.3 Appendix C: (Reserved)

This appendix is reserved for future use.

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3.4 Appendix D: Software Installation - Windows 95/NT

3.4.1 Before Starting Installation - (Windows 95/NT version) Updating From A Previous Version:

If the driver software is an update from an older version of the Axisware driver, the following procedures mustbe followed for the software to be properly installed. First, the operator must exit from both the Run Managerand the Configuration Manager. Second, a multiplatform save file should be created. Third, the driver should beinstalled as described below. Fourth, restore the multiplatform save file created in step 2. Fifth, update theConfiguration Manager tables for the Axisware driver (Logical Station Information). The install command file relies upon the environment variable $FLINK to complete the installation process.($FLINK is used to refer to the environment variable “FLINK”, which points to the FactoryLink directory.)Before starting the install program you may want to manually set $FLINK if you want to have the filescopied to a directory other than the default of C:\FLNT. If $FLINK has not been defined when the install is started, you will be requested to exit and assign a valueto $FLINK, and then restart the install program. $FLINK can be assigned a parameter by using the SETcommand (example: set flink=d:\flnt). Be sure to include the drive letter. During the installation, two ASCII text files will be modified by the installation program. The original copiesof both files will be copied to a file with the same filename but a .NVA extension. The first file to be modifiedis $FLINK\AC\TITLES (where $FLINK is the FactoryLink directory). This file is used by the ConfigurationManager to determine which tasks to list and also the order in which they are to be listed. The following linewill be added to the TITLES file. (The line may be different, depending on your FactoryLink version.) EDI Axisware SY/LINK Driver

If you have a backup file named $FLINK\AC\TITLES.NVA (possibly created by a previous install), theprogram will warn you during the install that it is about to be overwritten and will ask you if you want to exit,and manually save the .NVA file.

The second file to be modified is $FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST. This file is used by the CTGEN utility in thecreation of the binary CT (configuration table) files used at run-time by FactoryLink. The following line willbe added to the CTLIST file.

sylk: sylkshdr sylksovr sylk_hdr sylk_ovr If you have a backup file named $FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST.NVA (possibly created by a previous install), theprogram will ask you during the install if you wish to exit, and manually save a copy of this .NVA file beforeit is overwritten.

3.4.2 Driver Installation Instructions (Windows 95/NT)

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It is important that you have followed the hardware installation procedures described in Appendix Abefore proceeding with the driver installation instructions. The driver software is loaded by inserting the driver diskette in drive A or B. After making the drivecontaining the diskette the current working drive, type INSTALL and then press Enter. (Do not use File…Run…from Windows NT's Program Manager or File Manager.) Note: A source other than drive A or B can be used; e.g., from a directory on a hard drive, or across a


If the $FLINK environment entry is not defined, you will be asked if you want to accept a default setting forit. Press y to accept this default setting. If n is pressed, the program exits, and you may use the commandrequired by your platform to specify the location of the FactoryLink program files (example: setFLINK=f:\flnt), and then restart. If a message is displayed stating that the INSTALL program is having difficulty finding the directorycontaining the FactoryLink program files, press a key to exit and use the set command to reset the $FLINKenvironment variable. The problem may be resolved by clearly stating the drive letter. At the commandprompt type set FLINK= followed by the drive letter (a-z), a colon (:), a backslash (\) and the directory name(s) giving the path to the FactoryLink program files. Examples: set FLINK=d:\work1\flnt or set FLINK=t:\sect2\factory. Make sure that the only space in this commandis between “set” and “FLINK”. After the “Axisware” screen appears the FactoryLink Path and FactoryLink Release Version are displayed.Press y and then the Enter (Return) key if the information is correct.

The driver Serial Number and Release Type are then displayed. Press y and then the Enter (Return) key tocontinue.

The following message will appear

Copying configuration files to hard disk . . .

followed by a message relevant to obtaining authorization for the product, if required. The install program checks for a backup file named $FLINK\AC\TITLES.NVA. If found, the followingmessage is displayed:

This install program will update your file named


$FLINK\AC\TITLES.NVA (a backup file) already exists.

To overwrite it, press y.

By pressing n, you may Exit, manually save

your .NVA backup file, and restart this program.

Enter either y or n followed by the Enter (Return) key ==>

The install program will then go through the same procedure before updating the file$FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST. The install program checks for a backup file named$FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST.NVA. If found, this message appears:

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This install program will update your file named


$FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST.NVA (a backup file) already exists.

To overwrite it, press y followed by Enter (Return).

By pressing n, you may Exit, manually save your

.NVA backup file, and restart this program.

Enter either y or n followed by the Enter (Return) key ==>

The messages

Updating listing of driver names. . .

andUpdating CTLIST . . .

will be displayed while the backup (.NVA) versions are being created and the $FLINK\AC\TITLES and$FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST files are updated. If one of the following error messages appear:

!!!! Unable to update $FLINK\AC\TITLES file or

!!!! Unable to update $FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST file

the lines to be added to these files can be typed in manually using a text editor. Refer to the section “BeforeStarting” (above) for the specific lines and where they are to be added. Please notice any additional messages displayed on the screen. When all of the necessary files have beencopied the following message will appear:

.....NOVA Installation Program Completed.

Be sure to restart your computer to ensure that the proper changes have been made.

3.4.3 Softkey Protection Validation Please refer to the SoftKey Manual and run the program Validate to ensure that your product does notexpire at the end of the 15-day grace period. Specific steps are included in the Softkey Manual. Warning: The installation of this product is not complete until the Validate program is run.

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3.5 Appendix E: (Reserved)

This appendix is reserved for future use.

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3.6 Appendix F: Driver Status Codes

3.6.1 Application startup errors

The following error codes (alphabetized) may be reported to FactoryLink while the SY/LINK Driver tables arebeing processed at startup. These messages will appear within the Run-Time Manager window during the startupof the application. Messages that scroll off the screen may be redirected to an output file by opening an OS/2 orDOS window and, at the prompt, typing edistart -r -v > edi.out followed by the Enter (Return) key. When theprocess has completed, edit the file edi.out to view the error codes generated by FactoryLink

Bitwise data anomalyDuplicate binary address encountered.

Data anomalyIndicates that addresses and data types specify overlapping elements.

DIGITAL tags may not be used with numerical typesDIGITAL tags may only be used to read or write discretes.

Invalid bit number specifiedThe bit number must normally be between 1 and 16. If the register data table is used, a bitnumber between 17 and 32 may be used to specify status bits for that register.

Invalid data table specifiedAn invalid data table was selected for the indicated device type. Consult the key file in theConfiguration Manager for a list of valid data tables.

Invalid data type encounteredSee Appendix H for list of valid data types.

Invalid device type specifiedThe data file is corrupted and contains a device not recognized by the driver. Delete theindicated record and type in the record again, selecting a valid device type.

Invalid string length

If a message tag is used, the Bit #/Length field in the Read/Write Information Tablerepresents the length (in bytes) of the message used in the transaction. This number must bebetween 1 and 255.

High priority, digital writes are invalid

Digital writes are completed with a maskable write operation. Only normal priority ispermitted with this write function.

Logical station X, invalid routing

The logical station X which was specified in the current Read/Write Information Tablecontains invalid routing information. Check page 38 of the SY/LINK manual for additionalinformation about routing.

Logical station X not found

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The logical station X was specified in the current Read/Write Information Table, but thislogical station number was never defined in the Logical Station Information Table.

Maximum element length exceeded

Based on the PLC type and the specified operation, there is a defined maximum length for eachelement. This error will only occur when priority operations are used in conjunction withmessages tags longer than 16 words.

MESSAGE tags may not be used with numerical typesOnly the ASC data type may be used with MESSAGE tags.

No tag givenThe indicated line of the Read/Write Information Table currently being processed does notcontain a valid FactoryLink tag name.

No tags, read/write packet not madeThe current Read/Write Information Table contained entries that caused a portion of the tableto generate an error and consequently no DCT information was output.

Only DIGITAL tags may be used with BINBinary data may only be accessed with DIGITAL tags.

Only MESSAGE tags may be used with ASCASCII strings may only be read into MESSAGE tags.

Ordering anomalyIndicates that the Read/Write Information Table currently being processed contains addressessuch that the driver is unable to properly arrange all the entries.

Out of MemoryThe driver was unable to internally allocate all the necessary memory. Allocate more memoryin the External Device Definition Table.

Positive word address requiredThe word address specified in the Configuration Manager must be one or greater.

Selected data table only valid for readsRegister status and forcing information may only be read from the PLC. Any attempts towrite this information will result in a network error. If, due to a special configuration, it isnecessary to perform this write operation, the actual register may be specified with a registerdata table.

Selected data table only valid for unsolicited

Faults, alerts, and warnings may only be accessed from unsolicited tables. Please consultAppendix J for additional information concerning unsolicited messages.

Word address exceeded range

The maximum word address for all data tables other than registers is 8192.

Word address exceeded range for alarm

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The maximum word address for all alarm data tables is 16. Consult Appendix J for a more completediscussion of alarms (Faults, Alerts, and Warnings)

The following errors may be reported when the EDI task is started after all tables have been processed. All thefollowing errors are immediately fatal. Check separately enclosed manual for all errors reportedconcerning the security key.

3.6.2 Run-time startup errors

The following errors may be reported when the EDI task is started after all tables have been processed. All thefollowing errors are immediately fatal. Check separately enclosed manual for all errors reported concerningthe security key.

Cannot open device (error: X) [OS/2 only]Unable to open the OS/2 device driver NOVAMEM.SYS. Check that this file is specified inthe CONFIG.SYS file as indicated in Appendix B.

Cannot get pointer from card driver (error : X) [OS/2 only]

System call failed to return card pointer. Check that this file is specified in the CONFIG.SYS

file as indicated in Appendix B.

Failed to initialize SY/LINK cardThe SY/LINK card did not initialize as expected. Check all parameters specified on theLogical Station Control Table. The selected memory address is most likely the problem. Theoperator must verify that no other device or process is attempting to utilize the same memorysegment as the SY/LINK card.

Invalid card memory address

Verify that the card memory address entered on the Logical Station Control Table is a validselection from the key file.

Invalid custom data length in Logical Port Def, Exiting

Software key violation, Exiting SoftKey protectiono SoftKey protection may appear after the driver has been initialized by the EDItask. Please refer to the SoftKey manual if they appear. If SoftKey does not detect a problem thefollowing message will be displayed.

3.6.3 SoftKey protection messages

Messages relating to SoftKey protection may appear after the driver has been initialized by the EDI task.Please refer to the SoftKey manual if they appear. If SoftKey does not detect a problem the followingmessage will be displayed.

Serial #: XXXXXXX Single Processor Run Time LicenseThis is a normal informational message displaying the product name and your SerialNumber.

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3.6.4 Run-time errors

The following errors may be reported while the driver is processing the EDI requests. The text represents theerror message returned to the message tag defined in the Logical Station Control Table. The number inparentheses is returned to the analog tag defined in the Logical Station Information Table. While the followingerrors are not immediately fatal, recurring errors should be evaluated and eradicated to maintain the integrity ofthe network.

(-10) Device failed to respond, routing: XThe indicated device did not respond when polled. Check cabling, the device address, andthe routing parameters X.

(-11) Zero length buffer error

A request has been made to the CPT module with a zero byte transaction length. This errorshould not occur, please contact Axisware.

(-12) Buffer manipulation error

Internal communication error between DSF and CPT module. Please contact Axisware iferror persists.

(-13) Module communication timeout

Communication failure between modules. Increase timeout allowed in Logical StationControl Table. If error persists, contact Axisware.

(-14) XXXX sylkdsf dsf_read()/dsf_write() error returned from dsf_t_q_mail()

Internal queue handling error encountered. Contact Axisware with error.

(Y) Network error returned Y, routing: XThe error Y was returned when the specified transaction was attempted. Check that the desiredoperation is valid and that the routing X is valid. For error descriptions, please refer to theNetwork Error Table in this manual.

3.6.5 Unsolicited message processing errors

The following errors may be reported while the driver is attempting to process unsolicited message requests. Thetext represents the error message returned to the message tag defined in the Logical Station Control Table. Whilethe following errors are not immediately fatal, recurring errors should be evaluated and eradicated to maintain theintegrity of the network

EDI DSF pointer errorSoftware error; contact Axisware with error message.

General failure clearing alarm - error X

Error X occurred when the driver was attempting to clear the alarm that had been received bythe SY/LINK card. For error descriptions, please refer to the Alarm Error Table in thismanual.

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General failure retrieving alarm - error XError X occurred when the driver was attempting to process the alarm that had been receivedby the SY/LINK card. For error descriptions, please refer to the Alarm Error Table in thismanual.

Invalid tag type for unsolicited message

Internal software error. Please contact Axisware with error.

Linked list errorInternal software error. Please contact Axisware with error.

Maximum number of unsolicited reads exceeded

A maximum number of 32,000 unsolicited reads may be configured. However, the practicallimitation due to memory is about 6500. If this limit is reached, please contact Axisware.

No unsolicited reads have been defined

An unsolicited message has been received over the Genius network; however, no unsolicitedmessages were defined in the Configuration Manager. If unsolicited messages are to be used,at least one line on the Read/Write Control Table must specify unsolicited message support.

Timeout clearing alarm

The driver was attempting to clear a received alarm from the SY/LINK card. A timeoutoccurred during this operation. Increase the timeout value specified in the Logical StationControl Table. If the error persists, contact Axisware with the problem.

Timeout retrieving alarmThe driver was attempting to read a received alarm from the SY/LINK card. A timeoutoccurred during this operation. Increase the timeout value specified in the Logical StationControl Table. If the error persists, contact Axisware with the problem.

Unable to allocate memory for all unsolicited messages

Allocate more memory to EDI task. Please note that the current driver limits the number ofunsolicited messages configured to about 6500 due to the segment size. If this limit isreached, please contact Axisware.

Unable to establish unsolicited index

Internal software error, contact Axisware.

Unable to evaluate unsolicited messageAn unsolicited message was received over the network with an unexpected format. CheckAppendix J for details concerning the processing of unsolicited messages.

Undefined unsolicited message

An unsolicited message directed toward the SY/LINK card was received. The address hasnot been configured as an unsolicited message in the Configuration Manager.

Unsolicited message processing error X

While an unsolicited message was being transferred from the SY/LINK card, error X wasreturned by the card. Attempt the same operation again. Verify all settings on the LogicalStation Control Table. If the error persists, contact Axisware with the problem. For errordescriptions, please refer to the Network Error Table in this manual.

Unsolicited message processing timeout

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Unsolicited messages must be read from the card after they are received. After havingreceived a message, the request to the card for the message was refused. Increase the timeoutpermitted in the Logical Station Control Table. Contact Axisware if the error persists.

Unsolicited queue overflow Appendix G: Tables for Network and Alarm Errors

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3.7 Appendix G: Tables for Network and Alarm Errors

When errors occur during certain operations the SY/LINK board stores a code that indicates the cause of theerror. Errors that occur during communication operations are stored in location 21H-22H ("Error Flag"). Thesecodes are listed in the Network Error Table. Errors caused by faulty parameters used to access alarm messagesare presented in location 241H-242H. These codes are listed in the Alarm Error Table.

User programs should be designed to check for error codes in these locations and to either alert the operator orperform other appropriate actions.

3.7.1Network Error Table Code Description 001 Illegal protocol opcode002 Illegal intermediate code003 Illegal address attempted004 Illegal rack address attempted005 Instruction attempted which is not allowed006 Item being searched for cannot be found007 Attempt to alter data in a protected register008 Attempt to alter data in protected memory009 Attempt to alter data in a read-only register010 Attempt to exceed memory limitations011 Communications overflow012 Illegal CPU rack addressing013 Communications error014 The operation attempted is not allowed in run015 Communication overflow016 Register count too large for the processor017 Remote device inactive018 The rung number used is not allowed019 Illegal read parameter020 Illegal channel number021 Trying to change a forced bit022 Forcing function is inhibited023 Attempt to alter data in a forced register024 Attempt to force a non-forcible register025 CPU error, check register 8175026 Rack addressing and user memory overlap027 Memory error - clear all operation required028 Illegal baud rate selected029 Attempt to send message with illegal route030 Attempt to alter protected memory - inhibit coil031 End of file encountered032 Operation not allowed in protected memory033 Data error034 UVPROM memory error035 Write protected036 Replace not allowed - use delete and insert037 Attempt to skip or read a file past last file038 Data view protected - cannot read039 Alarm already set

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040 Hardware memory security in effect041 Illegal register write042 Illegal file number043 Illegal operation attempted044 File not found045 Operation not allowed - D-LOG tape operation in progress046 Protected file047 Operation not allowed due to keyswitch position048 Programming MCR in subroutine area not allowed049 I/O, register or channel safeguarded050 Rack address not alterable while forcing active051 Missing module053 Illegal media format - erase track/clear memory required054 Illegal mark number055 File operation aborted060 Illegal mark number for GOTO or GOSUB061 Mark St. Sub cannot be inserted - append only062 Return rungs not allowed in ladder area063 Mark number previously used064 Operation not allowed in run - cannot delete return065 Operation not allowed - cannot delete mark St. Sub066 Operation not allowed - cannot delete mark having return067 Operation not allowed - return must have mark068 Operation not allowed - only one return per mark069 Operation not allowed in run - Gosub with no return070 Operation not allowed in run - Goto to mark with return071 Operation not allowed in run - cannot delete mark072 Operation not allowed in run - unused mark number079 Operation not allowed in run with programmable interrupt080 Insufficient data081 Unrecognized command082 Illegal parameter083 Illegal source parameter084 Illegal destination parameter085 Invalid filespec086 Invalid input channel087 Invalid output channel088 Device not available089 Serial link not established090 Hardware read fault091 Hardware write fault092 Read error093 Write error094 Directory read error095 Directory write error096 Directory space full097 Device space full098 File not found099 File access denied100 File already exists101 File already open102 File format error

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103 File wrong type104 Open attempt to open file105 I/O attempt to unopen file106 Write attempt to read only file107 Record out of range108 Too many open files109 Operation aborted by user110 Source filespec required111 Destination filespec required112 Maximum open count for file113 Incompatible source device/file type114 Incompatible destination device/file type115 Device timeout116 Protected file117 Illegal file type118 Illegal device119 File type required120 Device required121 Channel required122 Route required123 Filename required124 Illegal offset125 Illegal count126 Source/destination cannot be same device127 Duplicate label128 File mismatch129 Invalid register address130 Invalid file name131 Write data error133 Insufficient data for write135 Invalid read parameter

3.7.2Alarm Error Table Code Description 001 Invalid opcode002 Invalid fault count003 Invalid alert count004 Invalid warning count005 Invalid fault acknowledgment register006 Invalid alert acknowledgment register007 Invalid warning acknowledgment register

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3.8 Appendix H: Data Types and Conversions

The driver supports the following FactoryLink tag types:


The driver also supports the following PLC data types:

BIN (single data bit),INT2 (16 bit signed integer),INT4 (32 bit signed integer),BCD4 (16 bit, 4 digit BCD),BCD8 (32 bit, 8 digit BCD),FLT4 (32 bit floating point - single precision), andFLT8 (64 bit floating point - double precision).ASC (ASCII strings)


BINDIGITAL tags may only be converted to and from the BIN data type. If the requested binary PLC datatype is on, the DIGITAL tag will be set to one. If the binary element is off, the DIGITAL tag will be setto zero.


INT2The ANALOG tag is a 16 bit signed integer; therefore, no conversion is needed.

INT4The lowest 16 bits of the INT4 data type correspond directly with the 16 bits comprising the ANALOGtag.

BCD4After being read from the PLC, the BCD4 value is converted into a 16 bit integer. The value is thendirectly transferred without conversion into the ANALOG tag.

BCD8After being read from the PLC, the BCD8 value is converted into a 32 bit integer. The value is thenhandled as the INT4 data type above.


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The whole number portion of the floating point number is transferred to the ANALOG tag. Thisconversion is accurate only if the whole number value is between -32767 and +32767. When convertingback to a FLT4, a fractional portion of zero is assumed.

FLT8The whole number portion of the floating point number is transferred to the ANALOG tag. Thisconversion is accurate only if the whole number value is between -32767 and +32767. When convertingback to a FLT8, a fractional portion of zero is assumed.


INT2The LONG ANALOG is a 32 bit signed integer; therefore, the 16 bits of the INT2 data type correspondto the lowest 16 bits of the LONG ANALOG tag.

INT4No conversion necessary; all 32 bits transfer directly.

BCD4After being read from the PLC, the BCD4 value is converted into a 16 bit integer. The value is thenhandled as the INT2 data type above.

BCD8After being read from the PLC, the BCD8 value is converted into a 32 bit integer. The value is thenhandled as the INT4 data type above.

FLT4The whole number portion of the floating point number is transferred to the LONG ANALOG tag. Thisconversion is accurate only if the whole number value is between-4.3e09 and +4.3e09. When converting back to a FLT4, a fractional portion of zero is assumed.

FLT8The whole number portion of the floating point number is transferred to the LONG ANALOG tag. Thisconversion is accurate only if the whole number value is between-4.3e09 and +4.3e09. When converting back to a FLT8, a fractional portion of zero is assumed.


INT2The INT2 value is converted into a standard IEEE 64 bit floating point value and then transferreddirectly into the FLOATING POINT tag. The fractional portion of the number is assumed to be zero.

INT4The INT4 value is converted into a standard IEEE 64 bit floating point value and then transferreddirectly into the FLOATING POINT tag. The fractional portion of the number is assumed to be zero.

BCD4After being read from the PLC, the BCD4 value is converted into a 16 bit integer. The value is thenhandled as the INT2 data type above.


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After being read from the PLC, the BCD8 value is converted into a 32 bit integer. The value is thenhandled as the INT4 data type above.

FLT4The FLT4 value is converted from a standard IEEE 32 floating point number into a standard IEEE 64 bitfloating point number. This value is then transferred directly into the FLOATING POINT tag.

FLT8The data is transferred directly; no conversion is necessary.


ASCAll data is read directly into the message tag from the specified device address. No conversion of anykind is employed.

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3.9 Appendix I: SY/LINK Addressing

All addressing for the SY/LINK driver is word based. The driver supports three basic device types and four datatables for standard read/write operations. Each data table will be discussed first, followed by a brief discussion ofthe special considerations for each device type. Please consult page 38 of the SY/LINK manual for additionalrouting information if required.

3.9.1Data Tables

REGISTERThe register data table is the primary area of device memory that is accessed by the driver. SY/MAXdevices consist of a maximum of 32767 words of addressable memory. Not all devices use all thismemory; therefore, it is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that the memory map entered in theConfiguration Manager is valid. The register memory is divided into 4 equal areas: general purposeregisters (1 - 8192), status registers (8193 - 16384), force enable registers (16385 - 24576), and forcestatus registers (24577 - 32767). Write and unsolicited read operations are only to be directed toward thegeneral purpose registers; all other areas are read only.


Data Table: Offset: Bit Description: REGISTER 100 0 General purpose register 100REGISTER 101 0 General purpose register 101REGISTER 8193 0 Status for register 1REGISTER 24577 0 Force status for register 1REGISTER 102 4 General purpose register 102 bit 4

In addition to the above word operations, the status bits for a register may also be addressed as follows:

Example:Data Table: Offset: Bit: Description: REGISTER 100 17 Bit 1 of status for register 100REGISTER 101 32 Bit 16 of status for register 101

STATUSThe status data table contains status information for each of the general purpose registers. This data tableonly supports read operations. Write and unsolicited read operations are not allowed. The range ofaddressable offsets is 1 - 8192.


Data Table: Offset: Description: STATUS 100 Status for general purpose register 100STATUS 101 Status for general purpose register 101STATUS 424 Status for general purpose register 424STATUS 1000 Status for general purpose register 1000


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The force enable table contains forcing information for each of the general purpose registers. If a bit inthe force enable table is on (a one), that bit is either forced on or off depending on the value of that bit inthe force status table. These registers are read only. Write and unsolicited read operations are notallowed. The range of addressable offsets is 1 - 8192. The highest addressable bit is 16.

Example:Data Table: Offset: Bit: Description: FRC_ENBL 100 10 Force enable bit 10 of register 100FRC_ENBL 101 12 Force enable bit 12 of register 101

FRC_STATThe force status table contains forcing information for each of the general purpose registers. If a bit inthe force status table is on (a one), that bit is forced on if the corresponding bit in the force enable tableis also on. If a bit in the force status table is off (a zero), that bit is forced off if the corresponding bit inthe force enable table is on. These registers are read only. Write and unsolicited read operations are notallowed. The range of addressable offsets is 1 - 8192. The highest addressable bit is 16.

Example:Data Table: Offset: Bit: Description: FRC_STAT 100 10 Force status bit 10 of register 100FRC_STAT 101 12 Force status bit 12 of register 101

3.9.2 Device Types

SCP-XXXThis is a general mnemonic for all the PLCs supported by the driver. This device type should be used forall block reads from and all writes to network devices that are PLCs or functionally equivalent to a PLC.The only difference between the PLC types as far as the driver is concerned is the number of words thatcan be transferred for priority operations. These limitations are listed on page 59 and page 66 of theSY/LINK manual. If a device is used that is addressed in a fashion similar to a PLC, a device type ofSCP-4XX or SCP-6XX could be used for a general form of interface. The first level of routing usedwhen addressing these device types is the address assigned to FactoryLink on the Logical Station

Control Table. The remaining routing levels are copied from the Logical Station Information Table;therefore, at least one level of routing must be specified in the Logical Station Information Table.

SY/LINKThis device type is used to directly address the SY/LINK card. The card has 512 registers that can beaccessed by read or write operations just as any other PLC registers. However, any writes to theseregisters (even FactoryLink) will be flagged by the SY/LINK card as an unsolicited message. Ifunsolicited messages, other than alarms, are to be processed by the driver, a Logical Station must beconfigured with a device type of SY/LINK. Each message received will then be evaluated based on therecords that are defined in unsolicited tables with that Logical Station. No routing levels should bespecified in the Logical Station Information Table for this device type.

GENERICThis device type assumes a maximum priority operation size of 128 words (the maximum). The primarydifference for this device type is the way routing is handled. All routing levels are copied directly fromthe Logical Station Information Table. No routing information is taken from the Logical Station Control

Table as it is for the PLC types. This allows for special routing if required by the application.

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3.10 Appendix J: Unsolicited Reads

Unsolicited messages can be configured to allow a PLC to send data to the FactoryLink real-time databasewithout the PLC being polled by the EDI driver. This can be useful for logging PLC data that is not generated atpredefined intervals such as alarm reporting or data that changes infrequently. Two different types of unsolicitedmessages can be received by FactoryLink: alarms and register data.. Several simple steps are required toconfigure the system to receive either type of unsolicited message. The first step is to set the column titled Unsolicited Read in the NOVA SY/LINK Read/Write Control Table toeither "Forced" or "Yes". This will allow that specific table to be included in the driver's search for tags withwhich to associate the incoming data. The table for which unsolicited reads have been enabled may now beedited to associate FactoryLink real-time database elements to addresses in the PLC. The same addressing rulesshould be followed for unsolicited read tables as for the standard read or write tables. Note: The number of tags that are configured as unsolicited read tags directly affects the time that is required

to process incoming requests; therefore, if speed is critical, only include the unsolicited read tags that

are essential to the application.

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3.10.1Unsolicited Alarms

The following section briefly describe the steps necessary to configure FactoryLink to receive alarms transmittedby a SCP-400. The NOVA SY/LINK Read/Write Information Table must be completed with a data table of either FAULT,ALERT, or WARNING. The data offset must be set to a number between 1 and 16. A data offset of 1 will returnthe alarm code, while larger numbers will index further into the returned data. Example:Data Table Data Offset Description ALERT 1 Alarm code from any alert from related Logical StationWARNING 3 Third word from any warning from related Logical Station

One of the two following lines of logic must also be added to the PLC. The write command permits moreflexibility, while the alarm command is more straight forward.



Both commands will write out of CPU port 2 to a NIM with a network address of 15. The final destinationwould be a FactoryLink terminal defined as device number 10. As a result of the first command, five words of data will be written from CPU registers starting at S0100 to theAlert registers (S8201+) on the SY/LINK card. As a result of the second command, an alarm code of 162 will be written from the CPU to the Alert register(S8201) on the SY/LINK card.

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3.10.2Unsolicited Data

The following section briefly describes the steps necessary to configure FactoryLink to receive data transmittedby a SCP-400. The NOVA SY/LINK Read/Write Information Table must be completed with a data table of REGISTER and adata offset between 1 and 512. All other data tables are invalid for unsolicited read operations. The device typefor the associated Logical Station, configured within the NOVA SY/LINK Logical Station Information Table,must have a device type of SY/LINK. A write from another PLC will flag the SY/LINK card that a write hasoccurred and also the first register involved in the write, but information concerning the device sending the dataand the number of words transmitted is not available; therefore, the user must also configure the Logical Station

Control Table so the Unsolicited Msg Length field indicates the number of words that the driver is to assumewill be received with each unsolicited message. Example:Data Table: Data Offset: Description: REGISTER 1 Register 1 of the SY/LINK memoryREGISTER 15 Register 15 of the SY/LINK memory

The following line of logic must also be added to the PLC.


The command will write out of CPU port 2 to a NIM with a network address of 15. The final destination wouldbe a FactoryLink terminal defined as device number 10. As a result of the command, fifteen words of data will be written from CPU registers starting at S0100 to theSY/LINK registers starting at S0001. The FactoryLink tag associated with the first line of the example will beset equal to S0100 of the PLC. If the Unsolicited Msg Length parameter is greater than 15, the tag associatedwith the second line of the example will be set equal to S0114 of the PLC. However, if the Unsolicited MsgLength is less than 15, the first tag will still receive a value; but the second tag will be left unchanged.

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3.11 Appendix K: FactoryLink Version Upgrade Procedures

After installing this communications driver, upgrading to a newer version of FactoryLink may appear tocause operational problems. This is due to the modifications to certain text files made by installing thisproduct being overwritten during the install of the new FactoryLink version. However, these files can bereconfigured using a text editor. Before installing the FactoryLink upgrade it is important to do a multiplatform save of yourapplication. After installing the FactoryLink upgrade, the following steps should be done before restoring themultiplatform save file of your application: Where $FLINK indicates the FactoryLink directory (example: FLINK=C:\FLWIN): 1. Edit the file $FLINK\AC\TITLES and add the following line: EDI NOVA SY/LINK Driver

2. Open the file $FLINK\CTGEN\CTLIST and add the following line:

sylk: sylkshdr sylksovr sylk_hdr sylk_ovr

3. Please refer to the appropriate appendix for your platform for further information on modifications neededin the CONFIG.SYS or SYSTEM.INI files. The SAMPLE directory of the install cd-rom includes compressed multiplatform save files of a sampleapplication for this driver. The sample application can be used to test communications, as well as serve as anexample of how to prepare a FactoryLink application to use the driver. The sample application has examples ofblock reads, block writes, exception writes and unsolicited reads from a single PLC. Please refer to the"README.TXT" file in the SAMPLE directory for instructions on how to use the application.

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3.12 Appendix L: Sample Application

The SAMPLE directory of the install cd-rom includes compressed multiplatform save files of a sampleapplication for this driver. The sample application can be used to test communications, as well as serve as anexample of how to prepare a FactoryLink application to use the driver. The sample application has examples ofblock reads, block writes, exception writes and unsolicited reads from a single PLC. Please refer to the"README.TXT" file in the SAMPLE directory for instructions on how to use the application.

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4 Glossary of Terms

configuration tables

Where you establish the communication path and specify elements in the database. These tables worktogether to allow FactoryLink to exchange information from the database with the device.

External Device Definition Table

Configuration table that tells the application what type of devices are connected to the computer's ports andassigns them a logical port number.

logical port

Number entered by the user to represent a particular combination of a logical port and a physical device(PLC). Correlates specific addresses and tags with a physical device (PLC).

logical station

Number entered by the user to represent a particular combination of a logical port and a physical device(PLC). Correlates specific addresses and tags with a physical device (PLC).

Logical Station Control Table

Table used to configure each logical port and its associated stations in the Logical Station Information table.The Logical Station Control table specifies which specific port is connected to the external device beingdefined.

Logical Station Information table

Table which defines the logical station(s) accessible through a specific logical port defined in the LogicalStation Control table. Each logical station is tied to its physical station address and device type.

Proof of License

An 8 1/2 by 11 certificate that must accompany the software indicated by its unique serial number when thatproduct is sold or transferred to another company or entity.

Read/Write Control Table

Table used to configure each logical port and its associated stations in the Logical Station Information table.Each line in this table refers to one Read/Write Information table.

Read/Write Information Table

Configuration table that links FactoryLink tags to specific addresses in the PLC represented by the LogicalStation.


Axisware' software protection system where no hardware key (dongle) is required.

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The program run after the software is installed that checks for improper use of the product and enables thesoftware to function past the grace period.

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5 Contact information

Axisware LLC


3213 Peppertree Pl.Plano, TX 75074, USA

T: 1-(214)-764-1876F: 1-(214)-764-1878

Axisware LLC