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English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. WilliamsThe Restoration & the Eighteenth CenturyWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

1. Which if the following items best describes England’s transformation over the period from the early seventeenth century to the middle of the eighteenth century?

a. England moved from a period of comfort and prosperity in the early seventeenth century to a period of civil war and widespread illness in the middle of the eighteenth century.

b. England moved from a period of civil war, fire and plague in the early seventeenth century to a period of relative calm and order in the middle of the eighteenth century.

c. England moved from the Age of Reason in the early seventeenth century to Augustan Age in the middle of the eighteenth century.

d. England moved from the Enlightenment in the early seventeenth century to period of superstition in the middle of the eighteenth century.

2. Neoclassical writinga. Imitates the old Latin Classicsb. Aims to create a unique English Stylec. Is written by Octavius of ancient Romed. Is translated from classical languages

3. Which of the following items best describes why the period in England from 1660-1800 was compared with ancient Rome?

a. People fled from England to North America; similarly, many people of ancient Rome fled to Latin America.

b. England’s colonies struggled for and achieved independence from England, just as the colonies of ancient Rome rebelled against Roman rule and eventually won their freedom.

c. The Stuart monarchs restored order to England; likewise, the Emperor Augustus restored order to ancient Rome.

d. James II fled from political persecution in England; under similar circumstances, Emperor Augustus of ancient Rome fled Italy.

4. Which of the following statements best describes the change in the way people viewed natural phenomena during the eighteenth century?

a. Natural phenomena were explained by poets and statesmen.b. Natural phenomena were increasingly accounted for by scientific observation.c. Natural phenomena were investigated and explained by kings.d. Natural phenomena were subject to superstitious interpretations by scholars.

5. Modern English prose emerged in an age in which the Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge called for writing that was

a. Humorous and lightheartedb. Epic and poeticc. Scholarly and philosophical

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

d. Precise and exact

From Gulliver’s Travels, Part 1By Jonathan Swift

Comprehension Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

6. Gulliver can best be described as a a. wise, witty defender of British customs b. dignified, proud sea captain and British aristocrat c. simple, honest observer d. sarcastic, suspicious mouthpiece for Swift himself

7. How does Gulliver plan to free himself from the Lilliputians’ bonds?a. He plans to chew off the bonds little by little.b. He plans to wait until the army retreats, so that their arrows cannot reach him.c. He plans to convince the Emperor that he will help launch an attack on Blefuscu.d. He plans to behave gently and submissively to gain the Lilliputians’ trust.

8. The Lilliputian candidate who jumps highest on the rope without fallinga. qualifies for a vacant position in a high office of the courtb. wins a red, white, or blue silk ribbonc. qualifies for a post in the Lilliputian armyd. is given freedom from the Emperor’s prison

9. At the end of “A Voyage to Lilliput”, Reldresal implies that the Emperora. has decided to banish Gulliver from Lilliput because he fears himb. has decided, on the advice of Lilliputian philosophers, that Gulliver is an imposterc. hopes that the Lilliputian court will not recommend that Gulliver be sent to prisond. hopes that Gulliver will help to defend Lilliput against an attack by Blefuscu

10. Which of the following items best describes how Swift satirizes the differences between political parties in Lilliput?

a. Swift mocks the petty differences between the political parties.b. Swift pokes fun at the way the parties spend money.c. Swift indicates that he prefers the Low-Heels to the High-Heels.d. Swift indicates that he prefers the High-Heels to the Low-Heels.

Reading Skills and Strategies: Identifying the Writer’s Stance Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

11. Swift writes satire in an attempt a. to infuriate his readers c. to improve human conduct b. to make money d. to flatter his readers

12. In Gulliver’s Travels, Swift describes several groups experiencing absurd conflicts. He probably does this

a. to entertain his readers

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

b. to irritate government officialsc. to make readers more aware of his ability as a satiristd. to make readers more aware of the absurd conflicts in their environment

Literary Elements Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

13. Irony can be defined asa. a pointed contrast between reality and fantasyb. the forces behind the action of a characterc. a pointed contrast between reality and expectationsd. the series of related events that make up a story

14. Which of the following is the best example of situational irony?a. The arrows give Gulliver painful blisters. Later, the Lilliputians apply a sweet-smelling, healing

ointment to his skin.b. The Emperor does not speak to Gulliver; instead he sends his Secretary of Private Affairs,

Reldresal, to speak for him.c. The Lilliputians, believing that Gulliver understands him, makes a long speech, but Gulliver does

not understand a word.d. Gulliver offers to rick his life to defend Lilliput, but the reader knows that Gulliver is a coward.

From Gulliver’s Travels, Part 2By Jonathan Swift

Comprehension Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

15. Gulliver’s Travels, to judge from this excerpt, can best be termed a a. charming book, intended for adolescentsb. merciless, devastating satire of humanityc. book spoofing travels and fairy tale adventuresd. valuable guide to British customs

16. Gulliver has difficulty coping with the flies in Brobdingnag becausea. he uses them as planes, but they often drop himb. they pick him up because they think he is foodc. they eat his dinnerd. they have excrement on his food and sting him

17. The Queen of Brobdingnag asks Gullivera. if other English people are as cowardly as he isb. if English people have ever seen fliesc. if other English people are as ill-mannered as he isd. to forgive her for making fun of him

18. Which of the following statements best describes the King of Brobdingnag’s treatment of Gulliver?a. He treats Gulliver well but does not show any interest in his past.b. He treats Gulliver gently but mocks the politics of his country.

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

c. He treats Gulliver with indifference but is impressed by his strange abilities.d. He treats Gulliver cruelly, with no concern for his future.

19. Which of the following statements is true?a. Gulliver is originally impressed at the sight of the Brobdingnagians’, but later views them with

horror.b. Gulliver’s initial revulsion to the Brobdingnagians’ immense bulk eventually vanishes.c. Gulliver immediately admires the people of Brobdingnag, and continues to be impressed by them

throughout his visit.d. Gulliver is horrified by the large, Brobdingnagians throughout the story.

Reading Skills and Strategies: Identifying the Writer’s Stance Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

20. In “A Voyage to Brobdingnag”, Swift’s principal target isa. the immorality and cruelty of human beingsb. the King of Brobdingnag’s pride and boastfulnessc. the vices of legislatorsd. British exploitation of Ireland

21. In this selection, Swift’s views are presenteda. Gulliver c. the King of Brobdingnagb. The king’s first minister d. the Queen of Brobdingnag

Literary Elements: Satire Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

22. Satire can be defined asa. A long speech in which a character expresses private thoughts or feelingsb. A kind of writing that praises human weakness, vice, or folly in order to bring about social reformc. A figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike thingsd. A kind of writing that ridicules human weakness, vice, or folly in order to bring about social


23. Which of the following statements is the best example of satire in “A Voyage to Brobdingnag”?a. The king comments that English attorneys are admirable, but that they are tax dodgers.b. Gulliver criticizes the vice and folly of the King of Brobdingnag.c. The King claims that vice and ignorance are the qualifications for an English legislator.d. Gulliver describes the illegal escapades of the King of Siam.

A Modest ProposalBy Jonathan Swift

Comprehension Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

24. The purpose of A Modest Proposal is to satirize a. English policy in Irelandb. Irish bankers

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

c. People who do not pay rentd. Overpopulation problems

25. The narrator of A Modest Proposal assumes the role ofa. An American giving advice to politicians in Englandb. A papist who criticizes the inefficiency of the Britishc. A political planner devising strategies to conquer Ireland

26. The narrator claims that landlords will benefit from his proposal because they will be able toa. Lower their rentsb. Sell excess childrenc. Stop domestic violenced. Easily evict poor tenants

27. Which of the following items is not an advantage anticipated by the narrator of A Modest Proposal?a. His proposal will decrease the number of papists.b. His proposal will decrease the number of beggars.c. His proposal will decrease the number of marriages.d. His proposal will decrease the number of poor people.

28. The narrator claims to have no personal motive behind his proposal becausea. His child is too old to be sold and his wife is too old to have more childrenb. He is not a landlord and he does not own a tavern where he could cook babiesc. He does not have a wife; therefore, he does not have any children to selld. He does not have many children; therefore, he will not be able to make much money from selling


Reading Skills and Strategies: Interpreting Connotations (20 pts.; 10 pts. ea.) Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

29. The connotation of a word refers to thea. Literal, dictionary definition of the wordb. Associations and feelings the word suggestsc. Reasons the word was chosend. Persuasive effect of the word

30. Swift’s diction in A Modest Proposal creates a tone that isa. Frivolousb. Empatheticc. Harshd. joyous

The Romantic PeriodWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

31. Which of the following statements does not describe the Romantic Period in Britain?a. It includes the period of the French Revolution in 1789.b. It includes the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798.

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

c. The parliamentary reforms of 1832 mark the end of this period.d. During this time, Great Britain was a placid, agrarian nation.

32. Which of the following writers are “second generation” Romantic poets?a. George Herbert, John Milton, and John Donneb. William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Alexander Popec. John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and George Gordon, Lord Byrond. William Blake, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Edmund Spenser

33. Which of the following events did not take place during the Romantic Period?a. Napoleon Bonaparte became emperor of France.b. England began a war against Napoleon.c. England lost its American colonies.d. Population in urban areas increased.

34. During the Industrial Revolutiona. More goods were made by handb. Populations in cities decreasedc. Private owners took over communal farming areasd. Factory owners provided adequate housing for their workers

35. Under the policy of laissez fairea. There is no government interference in economic policyb. The rich give a percentage of their profits to charitable organizationsc. The exploitation of children’s labor is prohibitedd. Plentiful jobs increase the population’s standard of living

36. Which of the following statements does not apply to the term romantic?a. It suggests a fascination with youthful innocence.b. It refers to the sentimental love stories popularized by the Romantic poets.c. It refers to a period of idealism in which people questioned authority.d. It implies an awareness of social change.

To a MouseBy Robert BurnsComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

37. At the beginning of the poem, the speaker tells the mouse that he will nota. disturb it again c. tolerate itb. kill it d. pay attention to it

38. When he calls the mouse “fellow mortal”, the speaker is acknowledging

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

a. their shared fate c. winter’s approachb. the mouse’s fright d. human cruelty

39. The expression “a daimen-icker in a thrave” isa. metaphor b. elegance c. dialect d. alliteration

40. When the farmer states that the walls of the mouse’s house are “silly,” he means thata. foolish b. mossy c. sturdy d. flimsy

41. The farmer considers the mouse to be luckier than he is because thea. farmer is merciful c. mouse does not worry about the past or futureb. mouse did not perish d. mouse is used to living in the wild

Reading Skills and Strategies: Using Context and Glosses

Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

42. Which of the following best paraphrases the next-to-last stanza of “To a Mouse”?a. You are luckier than I.b. Human beings have little respect for nature.c. The most thoughtfully laid plans often go wrong.d. No matter what happens to us, life must go on.

Literary Elements: Dialect

Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

43. Which of the following statements concerning the use of dialect in “To a Mouse” is correct?a. It makes the poem readable.b. It is entirely consistent with the speaker’s occupation.c. It is primarily used to furnish onomatopoeic phrases.d. It gives the poem a naïve, childlike quality.

The LambBy William BlakeComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

44. The speaker’s questions refer to the lamb’sa. meekness c. creatorb. diet d. name

45. One image the speaker uses to describe Christ is aa. Green meadowb. Powerful man

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

c. Voiced. Child

46. The speaker seems to be impressed by the lamb’s qualities, which providea. Joy and mildnessb. Energy and enthusiasmc. Wisdom and intelligenced. Innocence and humor

47. The lamb is a symbol ofa. Lightb. Corruptionc. Brevityd. Innocence

48. The poem builds to aa. Blessing of the lambb. Questionc. Description of the lamb’s enthusiasmd. Detailed summary of the lamb’s behavior

The TygerBy William BlakeComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

49. The speaker’s attitude toward the tiger can best be described asa. Affectionateb. Horrifiedc. Reverentd. Contemptuous

50. The speaker regards the lamb as being the tiger’sa. Companionb. Oppositec. Childd. Personality

51. Several images in the poem compare the tiger toa. Other creaturesb. Fire, heat, and brightnessc. The mortality of all peopled. Powerful heroes of Greek literature

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

52. The speaker wonders if the tiger’s creatora. Is still at workb. Survived the process of creationc. Is good or evild. Intended to make such a creature

53. The symmetry of the poem is enhanced by thea. Appearance of the lambb. Narrator’s confusionc. Repetition of the first stanzad. Image of the furnace

Ode on a Grecian UrnBy John KeatsComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

80. The painting of the couple on the urn reminds the speaker ofa. a couple he knows c. the fleeting nature of lifeb. the artist’s wife d. the woman he loves

81. The couple is frozena. in an early time in historyb. at the moment of pursuitc. by fear of deathd. at the end of their relationship

82. The priest is portrayeda. leading a cow to be sacrificedb. praying to Godc. pursuing the womand. helping the poor and sick

83. The speaker claims that melodies that are never heard area. the only real kind of music c. sweeter than heard melodiesb. pointless d. all the same

84. The speaker feels that the urna. is inferior to poetry c. is beautiful but falseb. will change people’s ways d. will outlast him

Reading Skills and Strategies: Constructing Images

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. WilliamsWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

85. Which of the following statements is the strongest example of imagery?a. “What men or gods are these? What maidens loath?”b. “To what green alter, O mysterious priest,/ Lead’st thou that heifer lowing at the skies,/ And all

her silken flanks with garlands dressed?”c. “Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought/ As doth eternity: Cold Pastoral!”d. “Beauty is truth, truth beauty”

The Victorian Period

ComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

86. The Victorian era was characterized bya. prolonged warsb. economic recessionc. peace and prosperityd. revolution

87. An important influence on the Victorian era was thea. Industrial Revolutionb. Age of Reasonc. Restoration of the Crownd. High Renaissance

88. For writers such as Thomas Babington Macaulay, progress was measured ina. spiritual well-beingb. far-flung coloniesc. material improvementsd. population growth

89. The social problems during Queen Victorian’s reign led to many different types ofa. battlesb. electionsc. political partiesd. reform

90. The word that best describes the typical behavior of many Victorians isa. immoralb. genteelc. defiantd. lethargic

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

91. The scientific and technological advances of the period gave early Victorians a sense ofa. confidenceb. inferiorityc. pessimismd. uncertainty

92. In general, Victorian writers believed that their work woulda. create new ideas about comedyb. reestablish romantic idealsc. eliminate ambitiond. raise doubts about materialism

93. John Ruskin used the term “plague wind” to refer to what we now calla. hurricanesb. smogc. epidemicsd. economic depressions

94. By the end of the nineteenth century, many writers, finding it difficult to believe in an infinite power, became

a. optimisticb. patrioticc. skepticald. trusting

95. Late Victorian literature focused ona. doubt and confusionb. happiness and joyc. admiration for literary devices and classical allusionsd. human troubles in an indifferent world

Tears, Idle TearsBy Alfred, Lord TennysonComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

96. The speaker’s feelings about his tears can best be described asa. joyful and carefree c. confused and passionateb. angry and resentful d. fearful and disgusted

97. At the end of the poem it is clear that the speaker believes memoriesa. are like fantasiesb. fade with time and become confusing

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

c. are bewildering and frighteningd. are like death

98. In the poem, the word idle can best be defined asa. lazy c. without worth or valueb. inactive d. lacking a known cause

99. The tone of the poem isa. joyful and accepting c. hostile and outragedb. sorrowful and intense d. sarcastic and callous

100. The speaker characterizes the past as beinga. amusing, fresh, and sometimes divineb. glamorous, mournful, and endlessly astonishingc. amazing, confusing, and horrifyingd. intense, vivid, and lost forever

101. Of the following images, those that dominate the second and third stanzas area. sunrise and sunset c. fields and mountainsb. ocean and sky d. hearts and bones

The Eagle: A FragmentFlower in the Crannied WallBy Alfred, Lord TennysonComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

102. “The Eagle: A Fragment” depicts the eagle as beinga. observant, isolated, and strongb. ferocious and hungryc. moody and impulsived. shy, but calculating and clever

103. The action in “The Eagle: A Fragment” changes froma. stillness to movementb. slow motion to frantic motionc. rapid movement to slow movementd. motion to rest

104. What is the most likely reason that Tennyson called his poem about the eagle a fragment?a. The eagle has not yet found its prey.b. There is much more to learn about this immense bird.c. The poem captures a fragment of experience in words.

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

d. The lines are grammatical fragments connected by semicolons

105. The flower in “Flower in the Crannied Wall” isa. huge and droopingb. delicatec. pricklyd. a spectacular rose

106. The flower in “Flower in the Crannied Wall” most likely representsa. the strength of weedsb. contradictory beliefsc. a delicate sould. the mysteries of the natural world

107. In “Flower in the Crannied Wall” the speaker claims that if he could understand the flower, he would also understand

a. rocks and wallsb. God and manc. roots and stemsd. all flowering plants

108. In both of these poems, nature is portrayed asa. bloodthirsty and wildb. calculating and cruelc. awesome and mysteriousd. irritable and angry

109. In the second line of “The Eagle: A Fragment”, Tennyson associates the eagle with the sun. How is the eagle in the poem like the sun?

a. It is life-giving.b. It is a daily presence in life.c. It is constantly moving.d. It is isolated and powerful.

110. In “Flower in the Crannied Wall” the narrator pulls the entire plant out of the wall in order toa. observe the whole organismb. protect the wall from further destructionc. replant it where he can observe it betterd. understand how it could be growing in the wall

111. The narrator emphasizes the abstract ideas that the flower makes him think bya. describing the flower I detail

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

b. stating a thesis at the beginningc. making parallel comparisonsd. speaking of the flower in simple, general terms

Literary Element: Tercet

Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

112. The stanzas of “The Eagle: A Fragment” are tercets becausea. They have three rhymes within each lineb. They are composed of three rhyming linesc. The number of words in each stanza is divisible by threed. There are three actions described in each stanza

Ulysses By Alfred, Lord TennysonComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

113. Ulysses plans to spend the rest of his lifea. in retirementb. enjoying the company of old friendsc. on a questd. teaching his son how to rule Ithaca

114. Ulysses believes that old age isa. to be feared c. to be spent in retirementb. another adventure d. a time for reflection

115. Ulysses expects the Telemachus willa. have a wild adventureb. become a great marinerc. rule Ithaca fairly and with honord. have a happy old age

116. Ulysses represents his subjects asa. admiring b. savage c. courageous d. generous

117. When Ulysses says “As though to breathe were life!” (line 24), he is sayinga. every breath is a blessingb. old age makes it hard to enjoy lifec. experience can be “breathed in” even beside a hearthd. mere experience is not enough

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

118. Ulysses hopes that Telemachus will followa. in his father’s footsteps c. his mother’s wishesb. his own path d. the instructions of an oracle

119. Ulysses feels that at this point in his life he isa. stronger in both body and will than he ever wasb. as strong in will as he ever was but not in bodyc. as strong in body as he ever was but not in willd. not as strong in body or in will as he used to be

Crossing the BarBy Alfred, Lord TennysonComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

120. The sea in the poem symbolizesa. life and growthb. death and the unknownc. senility and deathd. innocence and experience

121. What is Tennyson’s attitude toward death at the end of the poem?a. Despair b. disapproval c. fear d. acceptance

122. After crossing the bar, Tennyson wants toa. meet his Pilot c. escape his Pilotb. argue with his Pilot d. battle with his Pilot

123. The reference to “Twilight and evening bell” probably refers toa. the ship’s return to portb. regret and lost chancesc. depression and diseased. old age and death

124. Which of the following items best expresses one belief suggested in the poem?a. Growth is difficult. c. The soul is immortal.b. Nature is unfair. d. Suffering is universal.

125. The speaker plans to embark on his journeya. in the morning c. at noonb. at sundown d. at midnight

126. On a literal level, the voyage Tennyson is describing is

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

a. a return home after a prolonged stayb. a trip full of adventurec. a cruise for relaxationd. a trip through seas that have never been crossed before

My Last DuchessBy Robert BrowningComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

127. “My Last Duchess” is based on what formal occasion?a. A nobleman’s employee is making dowry arrangements with a widower.b. A relative has called to express regret at the Duchess’ death.c. An elderly duke is negotiating the marriage of his only daughter.d. An art connoisseur is inspecting the art collection of a rich man.

128. The Duke is angered by the fact that the Duchessa. had too many parties c. did not have a dowryb. smiled freely at others d. spent his money foolishly

129. When the Duke requests that someone take a seat, he is speaking toa. the painter b. the poet c. the count’s representative d. his wife

130. The Duke can best be described asa. loving and humble c. wise and judiciousb. kind and insightful d. materialistic and calculating

Reading Skills and Strategies: Drawing Inferences

Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

131. From the Duke’s Statement that no one pulls back the curtain from the portrait except him, the reader can infer that the Duke

a. can’t endure sharing this image of his late wifeb. does not trust other people in the housec. is knowledgeable about preservation of artd. likes to control his possessions

132. When the Duke says of the portrait “There she stands/ As if alive.” we can infer thata. he can imagine, when he sees the picture, all the happy times they spent togetherb. he is happier with the portrait than with the real womanc. he is experiencing a mystical hallucination in which the portrait seems to breathed. he is upset to the point of delusional fantasy

Literary Element: Dramatic Monologue

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. WilliamsWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

133. A dramatic monologue is a poem in which a speaker other than the poet addressesa. a listener who does not speak c. an imagined theatre audienceb. the poet d. another character who also speaks

The Mark of the BeastBy Rudyard KiplingComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

134. Which of the following actions infuriates the Silver Man?a. Fleete refuses to enter the temple and then starts a fight.b. Fleete grinds a cigar butt into the stone image of Hanuman.c. Fleete mocks a priest before entering the temple.d. Fleete refuses to leave the temple and falls asleep on an altar.

135. After the incident at the temple, Strickland is angry becausea. Fleete’s action has put all three Englishmen in dangerb. the priests do not recognize him as their friendc. the worshipers in the temple regard Fleete’s action as seriousd. the British government does nothing to protect the Englishmen

136. After Fleete is marked by the Silver Man, hea. craves meat, howls, and becomes increasingly animal-likeb. turns into a well-behaved, but frightening, werewolfc. develops the first indications of leprosyd. denounces British colonialism in India

137. The point of view used in this story isa. omniscient c. limited third personb. first person d. omnipresent

138. Which of the following events happens last in the story?a. Fleete opens his shirt and reveals the mark of the beast.b. The Silver Man removes the mark of the beast.c. Strickland and the narrator consider making their story public.d. Dumoise diagnoses Fleete as having hydrophobia.

Reading Skills and Strategies: Identifying Conflicts and Resolutions

Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

139. The conflict between the temple priests and Fleete is resolved whena. Fleets apologizes

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

b. the silver Man touches Fleete and leaves the markc. Strickland offers to give money to the templed. the priests realize that Fleete is drunk

140. The conflict between the English culture and the native culture of Indiaa. is resolved when the priests deny that any white man ever touched the idolb. is explored in the story but left unresolvedc. is resolved through the torture and submission of the Silver Mand. is revealed in the story to be only an imagined conflict

Literary Element: Allusion

Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

141. Many aspects of this story suggest an allusion toa. Greek and Roman myths in which beasts mark peopleb. a New Testament revelation in which a great beast marks his followersc. a Bible story in which a woman is transformed into a pillar of saltd. an Indian parable about a child who mocks the gods

142. The Englishmen make a literary allusion when they mentiona. that the leper must be taken alive and unhurtb. that Outrage could probably tell them something importantc. that the gun barrel is singeing the carpetd. that in H.M.S Pinafore an unknown noise is attributed to a cat

Dover BeachBy Matthew ArnoldComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

143. The setting of the poem is the channel between the countries of England anda. France c. Canadab. Ireland d. Spain

144. The speaker remarks that the sounds of the waves bring in a note ofa. peace b. sadness c. joy d. love

145. The speaker wants to find solace ina. nature b. learning c. his family d. love

146. The speaker believes that the world beyond individual relationships has neithera. riches nor rewards c. peace nor progressb. light nor love d. glory nor glamour

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

147. The universal condition that Arnold addresses in this poem isa. despair c. beautyb. physical suffering d. greed

Literary Element: Mood

Write the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

148. The mood of “Dover Beach” is generallya. happy b. carefree c. melancholic d. angry

149. The mood of the first stanza shifts froma. calm to troubled c. bitter to contentedb. joyous to angry d. passionate to subdued

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar WildeAct I

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper and with complete sentences.

150. Earnest is called a comedy of manners. Today, many people seem to feel that the customs and manners which serve as a guide to social behavior have been forgotten. What customs tell us about society? Is it important to have rules that govern how we interact socially with people? Be detailed in your response.

151. A pun is a play on the multiple meanings of a word. Explain why the title The Importance of Being Earnest and the name Ernest make a pun.

152. When Lady Bracknell asks Jack if he smokes, he replies that he does. Lady Bracknell then states: “I am glad to hear it. A man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are far too many idle men in London as it is.” What makes this comment funny?

Act II

153. Irony occurs when what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate. Therefore, it is ironic that Jack refuses to consent to Algernon and Cecily’s engagement. Explain the irony in his reasoning.

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

154. The plot device of confused identities is common in drama from this period. Considering movies you have seen and novels you have read, find an example of conflict resulting from mistaken identities. Give a brief summary of your example, including the title and the author’s or director’s name.


155. Choose an adjective that describes the overall tone of the play, and explain your choice.

156. In a farce the situations become so entangled and complicated that the ending often is purely arbitrary, or even a trick. In ancient Greek and Roman drama, the ending was sometimes brought about by a god descending from the heavens in some kind of device or machine. These arbitrary endings are called dues ex machina endings. Who is the dues ex machina in this play, and how does he or she bring about the ending?

157. The Importance of Being Earnest criticizes Victorian attitudes about class and society. The ideas of this time and age have died out – or have they? Give your opinion (with supporting examples) regarding whether or not modern Americans have similar attitudes about class and social status.

The Twentieth Century

ComprehensionWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items on your separate answer document.

158. Which of the following statements about World War I is not true?a. Treaty alliances forced many countries to enter the war.b. The Great War began as the European balance of power dissolved.c. Casualties were not heavy.d. Young men crowded recruiting stations, attempting too enlist.

159. Which of the following statements best describes twentieth-century artistic experimentation?a. The Painters exhibiting in 1905 were called les fauves.b. New Uses of line, color, rhythm, and harmony challenged traditional notions of beauty and

order.c. Crowds rioted after seeing Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World and Stravinsky’s The Rite

of Spring.d. Publishers refused to print James Joyce’s Dubliners for many years.

160. World War II arose asa. the League of Nations expandedb. the global economy boomedc. the new classless system in Russia replaced the representative government of the czars

English IV2nd Semester Exam Mrs. Williams

d. dictators gained control in Germany, Italy, and Russia

161. Which of the following statements about World War II is true?a. Hiroshima was destroyed by an atomic bomb at the end of World War II.b. World War II was known as the “war to end all wars”.c. The entry of the United States and the Soviet Union into World War II helped prevent a Russian

invasion of Great Britain.d. Hitler blamed Germany’s economic troubles on the falling mark.

162. After World War II the British Empirea. was transformed into a socialist stateb. expandedc. gained more colonies as it rebuilt its economyd. negotiated peacefully with the Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland

163. Which of the following statements about twentieth-century Great Britain is true?a. Australia and France gained their independence from Great Britain.b. The powerful Labour party did not defeat Winston Churchill’s Conservative party after World

War II.c. World War II created a sense of disillusionment and pessimism.d. The British Government assumes no responsibility for the benefits and health care of its citizens.

164. In post-World War II Britaina. The Angry Young Men carried on the traditions of W. H. Auden and Stephen Spenderb. English literature portrayed middle-class society as vibrant and excitingc. English literature writers criticized their intellectual literary predecessors for their pretensiond. The literary movements of the period stagnated in complacency

165. Which of the following statements best describes world literature today?a. Most plots are not written in chronological order.b. The literature is either satirical or ironic.c. Political concerns appear infrequently.d. Technology makes possible the translation and availability of a wide variety of world literature.

Discuss your experience in this class during the school year. What particular projects did you find to be helpful? What teaching techniques/activities did you find captured your interest?

If you could give yourself a grade for the semester what grade would it be? Justify your position. (Be honest in your response. Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear.)