AWARE World Ball 2016 Sponsorship Package 29June WEB.pdf

Post on 28-Feb-2018

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Transcript of AWARE World Ball 2016 Sponsorship Package 29June WEB.pdf

  • 7/25/2019 AWARE World Ball 2016 Sponsorship Package 29June WEB.pdf


    World Ball 2016World Ball 2016A R O U N D T H E W O R L D I N A D AY

    S P O N S O R S H I P PA C K A G E

  • 7/25/2019 AWARE World Ball 2016 Sponsorship Package 29June WEB.pdf


    As one of the most respected and effective civil society organisations in Singapore, AWARE playsmany roles:

    - A lifeline for women in their darkest hours,- A powerful advocate for gender equality and a safer and fairer society,- A change agent empowering women and men to bring about positive change in their lives and


    AWARE supports women through our Helpline, legal clinic, befriender service and counselling assisting over 3,000 people and their families every year.

    The annual Big Ball is our most important fundraising event. The WORLD Ball 2016 Around theWorld in a Day will support all of AWAREs critical services and programmes.

    We warmly invite you to participate in this wonderful evening with good food and wine, greatcompany and top entertainment.

    We have put together some very attractive sponsorship packages, starting from $5,000. We arepleased to enclose the full details with this booklet. Through this dinner, we aim to raise $300,000that will support all our programmes, particularly to expand our initiative to support lower incomewomen to get back to work, realise their dreams and support their families.

    For more information please contact the WOLRD Ball 2016 Around the World in a Day sponsorshipteam at or call Jesvinder Kaur at 6779 7137.

    We look forward to receiving your valuable support.

    Warmest wishes,WORLD Ball 2016 Committee






    Greetings!W A R M G R E E T I N G S F R O M A WA R E !

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  • 7/25/2019 AWARE World Ball 2016 Sponsorship Package 29June WEB.pdf


    The WORLD Ball 2016 Around the World in a Day is a wonderfulopportunity for you to position your brand as one that: A







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    L A S T Y E A R S B I G B I R T H D A Y B A L L G E N E R A T E D C O N S I D E R A B L E P U B L I C I T YF O R O U R S P O N S O R S . T H E E V E N T A N D A W A R D C E R E M O N Y W E R E F E A T U R E D

    I N T H E S T R A I T S T I M E S .

    R E S P E C T S A N DS U P P O R T S

    W O M E N A N D G I R L S

    C A R E S F O R S O C I A LJ U S T I C E A N D G E N D E R

    E Q U A L I T Y

    I S C O M M I T T E D T OR E M O V I N G

    G E N D E R - B A S E DB A R R I E R S

    Our Audience comprises primarily:

    Educated and progressiveindividuals with professional


    Individuals between theages of 30 and 50

    A large majority of successfuland dynamic women

    Professionals from the financial,law, bio-tech, communications

    and healthcare sectors



  • 7/25/2019 AWARE World Ball 2016 Sponsorship Package 29June WEB.pdf





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    By becoming a sponsor for the event, you will:

    M A R K E T Y O U RB R A N D T O A TA R G E T

    A U D I E N C E O F 3 8 0W O M E N A N D M E N

    R E A C H O U T T OD I S C E R N I N G F E M A L E

    C O N S U M E R S W I T HG R O W I N G P U R C H A S I N G

    P O W E R

    B E N E F I T F R O MT H E P U B L I C I T YG E N E R A T E D B Y

    A W A R E

    S H O W C A S E Y O U RB R A N D T O M O R E

    T H A N 7 0 0 0 A WA R EM E M B E R S A N DS U P P O R T E R S



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    Be part ofthis excitingevent!

    H E R E A R E T H E S P O N S O R S H I P P A C K A G E ST H A T A R E A VA I L A B L E



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    -- Paris sponsor would be featured prominently at the venueand all collaterals, customised to highlight sponsors brand inline with events theme and concept.

    -- Recognition as WORLD Ball 2016s Paris Sponsor (with logo) inall promotional materials (print and digital) from the time ofconfirmation

    -- Acknowledgement in pre-event press release-- Pre-dinner video advertisement slot (up to one minute)

    -- 1 x Booth space at the events cocktail reception

    -- Logo placement with a write up (not more than 750 words) onWORLD Ball 2016s microsite

    -- Full page (A4 full colour) advertisement on the back cover ofWORLD Ball 2016s memento booklet

    -- Event backdrop acknowledgement (logo)

    -- A choice of 10 complimentary VIP seats or 1 complimentaryVIP Table for 10

    ParisSponsorParisSponsor( $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 )



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    -- Recognition as WORLD Ball 2016s Shanghai Sponsor(with logo) in all promotional materials (print and digital)from the time of confirmation

    -- Acknowledgement in pre-event press release

    -- Pre-dinner video advertisement slot (up to one minute)

    -- 1 x Booth space at the events cocktail reception

    -- Logo placement with a write up (not more than 500words) on WORLD Ball 2016s microsite

    -- Full page (A4 full colour) advertisement on the insideback cover of WORLD Ball 2016s memento booklet

    ShanghaiSponsorShanghaiSponsor( $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 )




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    -- Recognition as WORLD Ball 2016 s New York Sponsor (withlogo) in all promotional materials (print and digital) fromthe time of confirmation

    -- Pre-dinner video advertisement slot (up to one minute)

    -- Logo placement with a write up (not more than 300 words)on WORLD Ball 2016s microsite

    -- Full page (A4 full colour) advertisement or write up inWORLD Ball 2016s memento booklet

    -- Event backdrop acknowledgement (logo)

    -- A choice of 10 complimentary VIP seats or 1 complimentaryVIP Table for 10

    New YorkSponsorNew YorkSponsor( $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 )



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    London SponsorLondon Sponsor( $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 )

    -- Recognition as WORLD Ball 2016s London Sponsor (withlogo) in all promotional materials (print and digital) fromthe time of confirmation

    -- Half page (A5) advertisement or write up London Sponsorin all promotional materials (print in WORLD Ball 2016smemento booklet and digital) from the time of confirmation

    -- Event banner acknowledgement (logo)

    --Acknowledgement by emcee as London Sponsor for WORLDBall 2016 during dinner

    -- Logo placement with write up (not more than 200 words)on WORLD Ball 2016s microsite

    -- Complimentary seats for 5 guests



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    -- Recognition as WORLD Ball 2016s Tokyo Sponsor (with logo) inall promotional materials (print and digital) from the time ofconfirmation

    -- Name placement in AWAREs WORLD Ball 2016s webpage

    -- Complimentary seats for 2 guests

    TokyoSponsorTokyoSponsor( $ 5 , 0 0 0 )



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    A WA R E I S S I N G A P O R E S L E A D I N G G E N D E R E Q U A L I T Y A D V O C A C Y G R O U P .

    S I N C E 1 9 8 5 , W E H A V E B R O U G H T W O M E N S P E R S P E C T I V E S T O N A T I O N A LI S S U E S T H R O U G H P U B L I C E D U C AT I O N , R E S E A R C H A N D A D V O C A C Y.

    AWARE is a non-profit organisation that relies on a small team of 18 staff members and a large teamof dedicated volunteers. We are funded solely by donations, grants and members subscriptions. Weneed to raise $1 million annually for our services and programmes, which provide direct assistance tothousands of women and girls every year, and help to create a better society for many more:

    Helpline for women in crisis, counsellingservices andlegal clinic

    A specialised Sexual AssaultCare Centre the only one

    of its kind in Singapore

    Training programmes that empower youngpeople, including workshops on consent, equal

    relationships and sexual health.

    Unique programmes from CatalyseConsulting, including discriminationand sexual harassment consultancy

    and training

    Rigorous research and well-coordinated

    advocacy promoting changes in laws,public policies and cultural attitudes to

    achieve gender equality



  • 7/25/2019 AWARE World Ball 2016 Sponsorship Package 29June WEB.pdf


    We hope to see you in

    this years World Ball!

    Big Birthday Ball 2015 - Blazing A TrailCourtesy of Kelly Fan, principal photographer at StudioKel ( of Jacqueline Choo, principal photographer at Invertigo Studios (