AVP - Drying

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of AVP - Drying

  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    Chemical Engineering Operations

    DryingDr. Anand V. Patwardhan

    Professor of Chemical Engineering

    Institute of Chemical TechnologyNathalal M. Parikh RoadMatunga (East), Mumbai-400019

    av.patwardhan@ictmumbai.edu.in; avpuict@gmail.com; avpiitkgp@gmail.com


  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying



    Wet bulb, dry bulb and adiabatic saturation temperatures


    Drying mechanisms

    Drying rate curves

    s ma on o ry ng meProcess design of dryers such as spray, rotary, tunnel, tray, fluid

    bed and thin film dryers

    Performance evaluation of dryers


  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    Final product is a solid .

    Definition : A unit operation in which the liquid (generallywater), present in a wet solid (or a suspension or a solution) is

    removed by vaporisation to get a relatively liquid-free solid pro uc .

    Solid-liquid operation such as filtration, settling, centrifugation

    Difference : In filtration, settling, and centrifugation, liquid isremoved by mechanical means. The residual liquid may be

    removed by drying . Also, in case of some liquids, evaporation

    is followed by drying . Drying

    Milk CondenseEva

    d Milk Milk porati




  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    Physical Mechanism of Drying

    Transport of Heat and Mass : When a wet solid is heated,moisture vaporises at or near the solid surface (gas-solidn er ace . ea s supp e y a o gas excep ons :

    microwave drying, freeze drying).


    Moisture movement: various mechanisms (depending on solid,,

    Transport by capillary forces

    qu us on

    Pressure induced transportVapour diffusion

    Different mechanisms may be predominant at different stages

    4o ry ng.

  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    In case of granular and porous solids, moisture transport by cap ary orces as ong as ere s enoug mo s ure n e uof the solid.

    Larger capillaries are emptied first, but the smaller onescontinue to supply liquid to the surface.

    Also, some drying gas enters the solid through free passagesand cracks Gas-filled spaces increase as drying proceeds.


    High drying rate fast drying of outer layer compressive.

    This is called pressure-induced transport of liquid within

    5so .

  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    Colloidal, gelatinous, materials having great affinity for water:.

    As drying proceeds, the water concentration near the surfacev w u

    within the wet solid to exposed surface.

    apor sat on may occur even e ow t e sur ace, an t e vapour may have to diffuse out Vapour Diffusion .


  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    Transport Resistances in the Drying Process

    Resistance to liquid / vapour transport inside the solid .Resistance to convective mass trans ort of a our fromsurface to surrounding gas bulk .

    gas bulk to the solid surface .

    important at low moisture content on solid)

    Sometimes, if drying is very fast solid surface loses moisturevery quickly surface becomes very hard and impervious tomoisture drying stops (although sufficient moisture is still


  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    Drying Equilibriumqu r um re a on e ween e mo s ure con en o a so anthe humidity of the surrounding .

    As long as the moisture content of the solid > equilibriumvalue (at given T and surrounding humidity) drying occurs.

    The pressure exerted by moisture in solid on surrounding .

    The exerted pressure = f (nature of solid, moisture content of solid T .

    For nonhygroscopic solid: the equilibrium moisture content of solid is almost zero at all T and surroundin humidit values.

    For hygroscopic solid: the equilibrium moisture content of solid have different values depending on T and surrounding

    8humidity values.

  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    Below a certain moisture in solid and at a particular T, partial

    pressure of moisture < vapour pressure at that T.All moisture below this threshold value: bound moisture.All moisture above above threshold value: unbound moisture.



    14 5 6

    r o u n

    d i



    y o f s u

    0.6 T = room temperature1: asbestos fibre2: PVC

    h u m

    i d i 0.4


    3: wood

    4: Kraft paper5: ute

    e l a t

    i v e


    6: wheat7: potato

    9. . . . M

    Equilibrium moisture content in solid

  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    Consider point M (wheat curve): relative humidity ( R HM ) = 1,and moisture content of solid = X


    On the right side of XM , the curve becomes horizontal, that is,the relative humidity ( R HM ) = 1.

    ,equilibrium pressure exerted by wet solid = vapour pressure atthe prevailing T.

    This also means for a moisture content of solid < XM , the

    the prevailing T.

    mo s ure a ove M : un oun .

    All moisture below XM : bound.


  • 8/10/2019 AVP - Drying


    Hygroscopic solids have high equilibrium moisture content.,

    because a liquid filled in a capillary exerts a pressure