Autumn/Winter Recommended Reading List

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Autumn/Winter Recommended Reading List


†EDMUND DE WAAL The White Road: A Pilgrimage of Sorts Spellbinding quest for white porcelain £20

†CHARLES MOORE Margaret Thatcher: The Authorised Biography From the Falklands to the 1987 General Election – Volume 2 of 3 £30

ROBERT HARLING Ian Fleming: A Personal Memoir Affectionate, funny, insightful portrait £20

KEITH ALLDRITT Vaughan Williams: Composer, Patriot, Radical Comprehensive biography of the quintessential English composer £25

DAVID HARE The Blue Touch Paper: A Memoir From Hastings to the National Theatre, a dramatist’s progress £20

MICHAEL JAGO Rab Butler: The Best Prime Minister We Never Had? Insightful life of the conservative nearly man £25

KAREN ARMSTRONG St Paul: The Misunderstood Apostle Reappraisal of Paul as the Apostle who mattered most £14.99

PAUL GAMBACCINI Love, Paul Gambaccini: My Year Under the YewtreeKafkaesque tale of injustice in the face of media & police hysteria £20

ISAIAH BERLIN Affirming: Letters 1975-1997 Final volume of Berlin’s letters; grist for the critics, fuel for the fans £40

THOMAS HARDING The House by the Lake A German past rediscovered in this uplifting pocket-history £20




A U T U M N / W I N T E R R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S 2 0 1 5


FREDERICK FORSYTH The Outsider: My Life in Intrigue No plodding memoir here; a series of exciting vignettes instead £20

NEIL HEGARTY Frost: That Was the Life That Was Official biography of the television pioneer who interviewed them all £25

†NIALL FERGUSON Kissinger: Volume One An extraordinary biographical achievement. The early career of a remarkable man £35

TIM BLANNING Frederick the Great: King of Prussia Concise history of the man who made Prussia a power £30

RICHARD TOMLINSON Amazing Grace: The Man Who Was W.G. A cricketing great revisited, with many new sources £25

TOM HOLLAND Dynasty: The Rise & Fall of the House of Caesar Riveting history of a sensationally brutal, bloody regime £25

†DAVID LOUGH No More Champagne: Churchill & His Money A new approach to Churchill; history by way of personal finance £25

JOHN SUCHET The Last Waltz: The Strauss Dynasty & ViennaHistory of the family whose music defined Austro-Hungarian Vienna £25

GILES MILTON Fascinating Footnotes from History 100 historical anecdotes - strange but true £14.99

GABRIEL GORODETSKY ED The Maisky Diaries An important survival; first appearance in English of these diaries £25

ALEXANDRA HARRIS Weatherland: Writers & Artists Under English Skies Beautifully illustrated grab-bag charting the effect of climate upon the arts £24.95

ROBERT LACEY Model Woman: Eileen Ford & the Business of Beauty Chronicle of the woman who made modern modelling, warts & all £20

JAY PARINI Every Time a Friend Succeeds Something Inside Me DiesThe life of Gore Vidal. A new biography of that prickliest of writers by a lifelong friend £25

GEOFF ANDREWS The Shadow Man: At the Heart of the Cambridge Spy Circle James Klugman: scholar, Cambridge communist & recruiter of spies £20

ANDREW LYCETT Kipling & War: From ‘Tommy’ to ‘My Boy Jack’ Examines the writer’s relationship with Britain’s military, as propagandist & critic £19.95

KWASI KWARTENG Thatcher’s Trial: Six Months That Defined a Leader Remember 1981? Engaging tale of a pivotal period £20

ROGER SCRUTON Fools, Frauds & Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left Punchy critique of the modern Left by a stalwart conservative £16.99


LAURA THOMPSON Take Six Girls: The Lives of the Mitford Sisters A new history of that intriguing & familiar sisterhood £25

JONATHAN BATE Ted Hughes: The Unauthorised Life Magisterial life – the result of five years’ scholarship £30

JONATHAN RILEY ‘Oft in Danger’The life & campaigns of General Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley £29.95

JAMES SHAPIRO 1606: William Shakespeare & the Year of Lear Excellent historical criticism masquerading as biography £20

CHRISTOPHER BRICE Forgotten Victorian Generals Studies in the exercise of command & control in the British Army 1837-1901 £35

HANNES WESSELS A Handful of Hard Men The SAS & the Battle for Rhodesia. The extraordinary story of Captain Darrell Watt £19.99

HENRIETTA KNIGHT Not Enough Time Touching, entertaining memoir from the courageous National Hunt trainer of Best Mate £20

ADAM SISMAN John le Carré: The Biography The story of the master of the spy novel, told for the first time £25

ANDREA WULF The Invention of Nature Brilliant biography of Alexander von Humboldt, explorer & scientist par excellence £25

CLAIRE HARMAN Charlotte Bronte: A Life Timely biography of the Gothic author £25

ALISON WEIR The Lost Tudor Princess A life of Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox £20


Pressed for time this Christmas? Our booksellers are on hand to help find the perfect present, whether you have a long list of godchildren or need advice on the best book for friend, family or foe. If you are in central London we can even come to you. Arrange an appointment and we can visit your office to organise your book shopping. Your books will be wrapped in our famous brown paper and Heywood Hill ribbon and delivered direct to the recipient with a handwritten note from you.

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SIMON READ Winston Churchill Reporting Rip-roaring adventures of Churchill as a young war correspondent £17.99

DON MCCULLIN Unreasonable BehaviourThe updated autobiography from the revered war photographer £25

DAVID TALBOT The Devil’s ChessboardThe rise of America under longest-serving CIA chief, Allen Dulles £25

DAVID SMITH Something Will Turn UpMemoirs from the respected ‘Sunday Times’ economics editor £14.99

ALEX HONNOLD Alone on the WallArmchair vertigo courtesy of a great free-solo climber £16.99

AA GILL Pour Me: A LifeFunny memoir of a lost year £20

SIMON CALLOW Orson Welles: Vol IIINext installment in his epic survey £25

FERGUS FLEMING ED The Man with the Golden TypewriterIan Fleming’s James Bond letters £25

FLORA FRASER George & Martha Washington: A Revolutionary MarriageThe story of America’s original first couple £25

PATRICK MCGILLIGAN Young OrsonGroudbreaking new biography on the centenary of his birth £20

IRIS MURDOCH Living on Paper A compelling collection of Murdoch’s letters, from schoolgirl to novelist £25

DAN HODGES One Minute To Ten: Cameron, Milliband and Clegg The tale of the 2015 election by the irrepressible Telegraph commentator £16.99

STEPHEN R BOWN White EskimoKnud Rasmussen’s fearless Arctic journeys £18.99


ROBERT SERVICE The End of the Cold War: 1985-1991 A history of Soviet downfall & a brief but pivotal period in the 20th century £25

†MAX HASTINGS Secret War: Spies, Codes & Guerrillas 1939-1945 Skeptical assessment of irregular warfare & intelligence work in WWII £30


†ANDREW ROBERTS Elegy Brief history of the first day of the Battle of the Somme £20

JONATHAN HASLAM Near & Distant Neighbours How Soviet counter-intelligence outwitted the CIA, at times £20

NICHOLAS STARGARDT The German War: A Nation Under Arms, 1939-45 Ghastly, gripping social history of the Third Reich £25

JOHN URE Beware the Rugged Russian BearTales of the men & women who confronted the Bolsheviks & exposed Soviet brutality £20

ROGER CROWLEY The ConquerorsBirth of the first mercantile empire, stretching from Africa to India £20

CHRISTOPHER MORAN Company Confessions: Revealing CIA Secrets Riveting revelations from some indiscreet spies who should know better £20

JULIUS GREEN Curtain Up: Agatha Christie Mammoth tome on Christie’s theatrical oeuvre, written by a producer of her plays £30

NIGEL SPIVEY Classical Civilization: A History in Ten Chapters Pocket history of Greek & Roman civilization, from Athens to Byzantium £16.99

ROBERT GILDEA Fighters in the Shadows: A New History of the French Resistance Demystifying the Maquis, drawing on the letters & diaries of those who fought £20

JOHN KAY Other People’s Money Punchy call for sweeping financial reform by established economist £16.99

MATT RIDLEY The Evolution of Everything: How Ideas EmergeSurprising foray into intellectual history by way of Darwinism, with epigraphs £20

ANDREW GANT O Sing Unto the Lord: A History of English Church Music Glorious yomp along the long arc of English church music £20

MARK PEEL The New Meritocracy: A History of UK Independent Schools Insider’s robust defense of private education £20

ARKADY OSTROVSKY The Invention of Russia The ‘Economist’s’ Russia & East European editor on Russia from Gorbachev to Putin £20

JOSEPH ROTH The Hotel Years: Wanderings in Europe Between the Wars New selection of Roth’s non-fiction - cosmopolitan, entertaining & abrasive £16.99

BARRY CUNLIFFE By Steppe, Desert, & Ocean: The Birth of Eurasia Ambitious history of the rise of human civilization, spanning millenia £30

MISHA GLENNY Nemesis: One Man & the Battle for Rio Epic, dynastic history of the gang lords of a single favela £18.99


TIMOTHY SNYDER Black Earth: The Holocaust as History & Warning Controversial, jarring Holocaust history by eminent historian £25

JAMES HOLLAND The War in the West - A New History: Volume I First volume of a new narrative history of WWII, twelve years in the making £25

IAN KERSHAW To Hell & Back: Europe, 1914-1949 The apocalyptic decades at the heart of Europe’s 20th century, revisited £30

CHRISTOPHER TYERMAN How to Plan a Crusade Original, engaging how-to history of Christian holy war in the Middle Ages £25

ALISTAIR HORNE Hubris: The Tragedy of War in the Twentieth Century Marries a motif of classical tragedy to the violent conflicts of the modern age £25

ALEX PERRY The Rift: A New Africa Breaks Free Journalist’s descriptions of a rising continent £20

ANTHONY SELDON Cameron at 10 Account of Cameron’s decade as leader. The one to read. Not a hatchet in sight £20

MICHAEL MARMOT The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal WorldStark account of the correlation between social inequality & public health £20

ANNE CURRY ED The Battle of Agincourt Essays to celebrate the 600th anniversary & the Tower of London’s exhibition £30

PETER HENNESSY The Silent Deep The first comprehensive account of the Royal Navy Submarine Service £30

SIMON WINCHESTER Pacific: The Ocean of the Future Sweeping history & a prophetic gaze towards what may come £25

BARBARA BOND Great Escapes: The Story of MI9’s WWII Escape & Evasion Maps Cartography & escapology align in this fascinating account of WWII mapping £25

MARY BEARD SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome More from the noted Cambridge classicist £25


We are pleased to welcome Tom Nind to Heywood Hill as our new bookshop manager. Tom has many years experience as a bookseller and will be delighted to meet customers new and old in the coming months. If you would like to contact Tom you can do so on or come and say hello in the shop.


JOHN HAYWOOD Northmen: The Viking Saga History of the Dark Ages as the age of the Viking, from 800 to 1200 AD £25

DAN JONES A Realm Divided: A Year in the Life of Plantagenet EnglandSnapshot of a tumultuous year in England during the reign of King John £20

SEAN MCMEEKIN The Ottoman EndgameGroundbreaking reassessment of the final years of the Ottoman Empire 1908-23 £30

KEITH JEFFERY 1916: A Global History Survey of the breadth of WWI in a single year £25

FREDERICK TAYLOR Coventry: Thursday, 14 November 1940 Account of the infamous bombing raid on the city £20

PAUL WILLETTS Rendezvous at the Russian Tea Rooms Fantastic tale of a spymaster & fashion designer in WWII London £20

JONATHAN DIMBLEBY The Battle of the Atlantic U-boats, freighters & the logistical chain that kept Britain ticking £25

ANDREW DICKSON Worlds Elsewhere: Journeys Around Shakespeare’s Globe The Bard’s long literary half-life, from Bollywood to Nazi Germany £20

DAN CRUICKSHANK A History of Architecture in 100 Building From the pyramids to the skyscrapers of Manhattan, over 200 photographs £25

SAM WILLIS The Struggle for Sea Power: A Naval History of American Independence The global war at sea; from English Channel to Indian Ocean £30

BARRY BLADES Roll of Honour: Schooling & the Great War 1914-1919 A home front social history: teachers & students during WWI £25

DR FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO A Foot in the RiverGallant attempt to unravel the mystery of human culture & understand limits of evolution £20

ADAM MAKOS Devotion: An Epic True Story of Heroism, Brotherhood & SacrificeGripping story of Hudner & Brown the most famous US aviation duo £14.99

JON SAVAGE 1966: The Year the Decade ExplodedWhat it was that made the Sixties so great £20

WILLIAM DERHAM Lost Ireland 1860-1960A collection of spectacular photographs £40

ROBERT HAMILTON Victoria Cross Heroes of World War IDetailed account of all 628 recipients from WWI £40

DAVID HORSPOOL Richard III: A Ruler & his ReputationWhy the ‘car-park king’ was one of the most compelling & divisive rulers in history £20

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JOHN BROWNE ConnectHow social engagment makes big business better £20

ERIN MOORE That’s Not EnglishWitty exploration of Anglo American differences £14.99

ADAIR TURNER Between Debt & The DevilEye-popping account of our addiction to debt £19.95

RICHARD & DANIEL SUSSKIND The Future of the ProfessionsHow technology may transform the professional classes £18.99

SAM HARRIS & MAAJID NAWAZ Islam & the Future of ToleranceAtheist & former radical in stimulating conversation £13.95

ADAM PHILLIPS Unforbidden PleasuresWhy we are all Adam & Eve £14.99

SUZANNAH LIPSCOMB The King is Dead Authoratative study of the last will & testament of Henry VIII £14.99

TIM PAT COOGAN 1916: The Mornings After The Easter Rising’s long aftermath, & the birth of the Irish Republic £18.99

MICHAEL MCNAY Hidden Treasures of LondonHighlighting some of London’s more esoteric attractions £30


MARK NEWMAN The Wonder of the North Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal: history & significance £35

ADELA OPPENHEIM Middle Kingdom Egypt Met exhibition – a glorious publication £50

CECIL BEATON Beaton: Photographs From the Sotheby’s archives: from the 20s to the 70s, some unpublished £50

LAURA KNIGHT Oil Paint & Grease Paint Autobiography of one of the most important female artists of 20th century Britain £20

TIM MARLOW Ai Weiwei The influential Chinese artist in his global context for RA exhibition £48

KATE HEARD High Spirits: The Comic Art of Thomas Rowlandson100 works by reknown satirical artist, companion to Royal Collection exhibition Pbk £24.95


XAVIER BRAY Goya: The Portraits Handsome volume of more than 60 of Goya’s most remarkable portraits £35

CATHERINE HICKLEY The Munich Art Hoard: Hitler’s Dealer & His Secret Legacy Insightful investigation of the Cornelius Gurlitt collection £19.95

JOHN GOODALL Parish Church Treasures: The Nation’s Greatest Art CollectionCultural riches from every corner of the country £25

ANNA KEAY Landmark Sumptuous celebration of 50 buildings rescued by the magnificent Landmark Trust £25

ELAIN HARWOOD England’s Post-War Listed Buildings Comprehensive guide to over 500 striking structures £40

MIKHAIL BORISOVICH PIOTROVSKY My Hermitage Extraordinary story of the Hermitage by its inspirational director £30

PAUL HILLS The Art of David Jones: Vision & Memory Copiously illustrated monograph £40

HANA LEAPER Sybil Andrews Linocuts A beautifully presented & comprehensive catalogue £35

JULIET HACKING Lives of the Great Photographers The lives & backgrounds of nearly forty great photographers £28

TOM WILLIAMSON Lost Country Houses of Norfolk: History, Archaeology & MythEssential reading for those interested in country house history. A balanced view. £29.95

C BRANDON STREHLKE The Bernard & Mary Berenson Collection of European Paintings at I Tatti The full catalogue of an exceptional collection £90

ALASTAIR LANGLANDS Robert Kime 12 definitive projects from one of the most respected interior designers £40

JOHN BERGER Portraits: John Berger on Artists A beautifully illustrated walk through centuries of portraiture both famous & unknown £25

JENNY PERY Andrew Festing: Face Value A biography of four decades painting the great & the good £35

ALISON SMITH Artists & Empire: Facing Britain’s Imperial Past Looks at objects made across the Empire: Accompanies the Tate exhibition: £40

THEO MAARTEN VAN LINT Armenia: Masterpieces from an Enduring Culture Accompanies the New Bodleian exhibition £60

DON MCCULLIN Don McCullin: The New Definitive EditionA journey through the great photographer’s life reissued & updated after 14 years £50


MARY BEARD SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome £25Professor Beard is quite rightly one the most admired dons of our times, and in ‘SPQR’ she gives us a new and enlightening perspective on life in ancient Rome across 1000 years. In this, as always, excellent book Beard not only looks at how the Roman Empire grew, but also gives us insights on numerous aspects of the daily life of the Senatus Populus que Romanus.

YOTTAM OTTOLENGHI & RAMAEL SCULLYNopi: The Cookbook £28This beautiful book from Nopi’s chef-patron and head chef contains a range of over 120 dishes that will be loved by the regulars ‘north of Piccadilly’ and those that love Ottolenghi. With recipes that vary in their degree of complexity, though all within the capability of the home cook, this book inspires, challenges and delights.

ANDREA CAMILLERIBlade of Light £16.99The 19th instalment in the fantastic Inspector Montalbano mysteries from phenomenally successful Andrea Camilleri. In ‘Blade of Light’ Montalbano faces reports of armed robbery, a suspected mafia hit and a case involving anti-terrorist police that seems connected to him somehow. In the face of many challenges Inspector Montalbano must focus if he is going to solve this mystery.


EDMUND DE WAALThe White Road £20Acclaimed writer and potter Edmund de Waal sets out on a pilgrimage to tell the story of a global obsession with white porcelain. The journey begins in China, the birthplace of porcelain and takes in Venice, Versailles, Dublin, Dresden, South Carolina and the English South-West. What makes it special is the marvellous interlocking of creation and inspiration. Spellbinding. As luminous and translucent as the material itself.

SEBASTIAN FAULKSWhere My Heart Used To Beat £20I didn’t just like this book, I adored it. Faulks is brilliant in his depictions of people in wars – ‘Birdsong’ for the First World War, this for the Second. Essentially an English doctor, Robert Hendricks and his host, Alexander Pereira explore how we perceive events – is it the event itself or the way an individual chooses to remember it? An ambitious but profoundly moving book.

ROBERT HARRIS The Dictator £20This is the long-awaited final volume of the riveting Cicero Trilogy. Marcus Cicero is exiled with his faithful secretary Tiro, separated from his wife and children, his possessions confiscated and his life in constant danger. ‘Dictator’ encompasses some of the most epic events in human history: the collapse of the Roman republic, the subsequent tumultuous civil war, the murder of Pompey and the assassination of Julius Caesar. A tour de force.


T H E H E Y W O O D H I L L T E A M R E C O M M E N D AT I O N S A U T U M N 2 0 1 5


HANYA YANAGIHARA Little Life £16.99She sadly missed out on the Booker but this is still the work of a major new US novelist. The tale of four classmates who move to New York to make their way. Over the decades their relationships deepen and darken. At the centre of it all is the increasingly broken character of Jude. Disturbing and life-changing read.

DAVID MITCHELLSlade House £12.99Inhabiting the same world as his Booker shortlisted ‘The Bone Clocks’, this unusually short novel will keep you rooted to your seat from start to finish. Begun as a short story experiment on Twitter, Mitchell claims to have been ambushed by this terrifyingly spooky tale. His fans will love it.

TANIA COMPTON EDThe Private Gardens of England £75Perfect for anyone who loves gardens, the most beautiful publication we have seen this year. Featuring 35 English private gardens, described by their owners, and stunningly photographed, many for the first time. The standard of production is very high, as it should be for a book this price. In my view well worth it.

C L E M M I E J A C K S O N - S T O P S

TESSA HADLEY The Past £16.99A beautifully-crafted story of three sisters and a brother meeting at their grandparent’s old house, over three long summer weeks. Although set mainly in the present, it is their reflections on the past that shape our sympathies and attitudes. Emotions simmer close to the surface in this novel that marks Hadley out as a truly gifted novelist.

DAVID SMITH Something Will Turn Up £14.99As long-time economics editor of ‘The Sunday Times’, Smith has been close to the movers and shakers responsible for the ups and downs of the British economy. Looking back on his beginnings in the Black Country in the 60’s, he charts his own life’s path alongside the often turbulent events in our economy over 50 years.

ROBERT GILDEAFighters in the Shadows £20Exposing the myths surrounding the French Resistance, this well-researched book gives us a moving account of its history. Who were these heroic fighters and why did they take such risks? Focuses on individual acts of courage, as well as the tensions around the question of who was to lead France.


CHARLES MOORE Margaret Thatcher: Volume II. Everything She Wants £30We are now two thirds of the way through what is going to be considered one of the most important biographical achievements of the century. I was gripped by the first book but this triumphant second volume is equally rewarding, if not more so. The great she-elephant in her prime.

MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Submission £18.99I read this in one delayed-aeroplane sitting. Another challenging but wildly exhilarating dystopian tale. Like no other novelist, and with electrifying prose, he fearlessly explores identity politics within French society set against the backdrop of extremist Islam. If you want something stimulating, this will not disappoint.

NIALL FERGUSONKissinger 1923-1968 £35Kissinger’s stature and influence is laid bare, as Ferguson traces the rise, fall and revival of this gifted man and his exceptional story. A riveting biographical achievement to sit alongside Caro’s in the light it shines across every vista of American life in the c20th as experienced by one man.



ANTONY GORMLEY Antony Gormley on SculptureInsights into the creative process; first in series £19.95 A, A & J-C DE VOGÜÉ A Day at Château de Vaux le VicomteAttractive history of a thoroughly modern château written by the owners £22.50

ANDY GOLDSWORTHY Ephemeral Works 2004-2014200 works from ten years £50

RICHARD BRADFORD The Importance of Elsewhere: Philip Larkin’s Photographs30 years after his death; shows Larkin’s acute sensitivity to the world around him £25

MATTHEW HYDE Britain’s Lost ChurchesThe architectural heritage & social importance of these oft unknown gems £20

TIM GOSLING Classic Contemporary: The DNA of Furniture DesignWith a foreword by Michael Palin £45

CATHERINE INCE ED The World of Charles & Ray EamesFirst comprehensive overview in a decade £45

DOMINIQUE BAQUÉ Anselm Kiefer: A MonographA new monograph: memory & our response to it £48

D SHAWE-TAYLOR & Q BUVELOT Masters of the EverydayDutch artists in the age of Vermeer £29.95

MANOLO BLAHNIK Manolo Blahnik: Fleeting Gestures & Obsessions The life & influences of the legendary shoe designer previously unseen £90

GRACE CODDINGTON Grace: Thirty Years of Fashion at VogueCelebration of the eminent fashion stylist at Vogue here & in the US £100

CLIVE ASLET The Age of Empire: Britain’s Imperial ArchitectureHow national confidence & prosperity made for an architectural golden age £35


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ALEX MARTIN Making Waves: Royal Yacht Squadron The 200 year history of the Royal Yacht Squadron £40

JOHN HANDS Cosmosapiens: Human Evolution from the Origin of the UniverseA quest to bring together all theories of matter, life, consciousness & humankind £30


CLAIRE MACDONALD The Claire MacDonald Game Cookbook Demystifying tips from the chatelaine & chef of Kinloch Lodge £17.99

JOHN BURNINGHAM John Burningham’s Champagne Part history, scrapbook, celebration: a delight for all drinkers £25

YOTAM OTTOLENGHI & RAMAEL SCULLY NOPI: The Cookbook Followers will delight in this new offering from the popular duo behind Ottolenghi £28

ANNA DEL CONTE Anna Del Conte on Pasta Few people better to guide you in both pasta-making & eating; a charming book £20

RUSSELL NORMAN Spuntino: Comfort Food (New York Style) A culinary adventure from New York to London & back again; big & hearty £25

RACHEL ALLEN Coast: Recipes from Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way Authentic, simple food inspired by a journey to the west coast of Ireland £25

NIGEL SLATER A Year of Good Eating: The Kitchen Diaries III Celebrates seasonal cooking & simple week night suppers; perfect inspiration £30

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DREW SMITH Oyster A gastronomic history £18.99

JOAN MORGAN The Book of Pears A definitive history & guide to over 500 types £45


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STEPHEN MOSS Natural HistoriesExploring the 25 extraordinary species that changed our world £25

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VICTORIA SUMMERLEY Great Gardens of London Photographic portrait of diverse gardens & the people behind them £30

HORATIO CLARE Orison For A Curlew The award-winning writer follows the migration of this most rare bird £12


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DAVID WALLIAMS Grandpa’s Great Escape A high octane adventure in the skies over London, great fun £12.99

DAVID WALLIAMS The Bear Who Went Boo A snowy tale of a cheeky young polar bear £12.99

GEMMA MERINO The Cow Who Climbed a Tree The extraordinary escapades of the talented Tina the cow £11.99/£6.99

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