AUTUMN - · Autumn in Mount Pleasant. Autumn at Wando. The football team had its best season...

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Transcript of AUTUMN - · Autumn in Mount Pleasant. Autumn at Wando. The football team had its best season...

Job 15882 Year 2017 Page 056 (739184981) Master (713895444) 01/18/2017 3:01 AM Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2017

eaves of fiery colors fallfrom the trees. The lights fromthe football stadium burn intothe night sky. The carved outeyes on the sinister pumpkinsfaces dance with a glimmer offire. At the Thanksgivingdinner table, passions smolderduring a heated electionseason and an even hotterdinner discussion. Autumn in Mount Pleasant.Autumn at Wando. The footballteam had its best seasonsince 2012. The WandoWarriors commemorate theanniversary of the belovedLucy Beckham's passing.Students make the trip toBoone Hall and go pumpkinand apple picking, whileothers drive to Columbia andLadson to go to the State andCoastal fair. For Jack Frank, 10, fallmeans "cooler weather, betterfishing, and more importantly,football. We always tailgateand watch the games," Franksaid. The fall weather here isunlike most places. It doesn'ttruly get cold until Novemberor December, while in otherplaces, fall even means snow.For Michaela Skinner, 12,growing up in England meant"every fall there would alwaysbe snow and I would alwaysgo out in shorts and runaround in my neighborhoodand throw snowballs atpeople's houses."

AUTUMN 57Job 15882 Year 2017 Page 057 (739184982) Master (713895445) 01/18/2017 3:01 AM Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2017