Automating the testing of your bi solution with n bi

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Transcript of Automating the testing of your bi solution with n bi

Automating the testing of your BI solutions with NBi

Cédric L. Charlier


• Why automating is a must?• Tests with queries (Sql/Mdx/Dax)• Tests with ETL packages (SSIS)• Testing multidimensional and tabular models (SSAS)• Automating the creation of test-suites

What’s automated


A piece of software written to reproduce

steps/actions defined in a manual


Benefits of automation

Allow testing to happen more


Speed up testing to accelerate releases

Improve test coverage

Ensure consistency

Tests automation doesn’t apply to

Business Intelligence

Wednesday, November 24, 2012Est. 1869 Price 6d

More than 33% of BI projects fail to deliver

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We haven’t time to

create these tests

Time to execute a test-suite

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5






d t


Exponential slope

Why?- New

objects- Old objects

Time to write a test-suite

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

ManualAutomatedWith Framework




d t


Initial gap

No existing framework for test

automation dedicated to BI

… I’m not proficient enough in C#

This framework exists: NBi

No C#, just xml syntax



• Why automating is a must?• Tests with queries (Sql/Mdx/Dax)• Tests with ETL packages (SSIS)• Testing multidimensional and tabular models (SSAS)• Automate the creation of test-suites

Compare queries … result-setsSystem-under-


Previous release

Two different releases of a same data


Tabular model versus Csv fileDAX

… or any brilliant idea

Cube and data warehouseMDX SQL

Demo: compare queries’ result

• Compare cube/operational database• 101

• Compare cube/flat files• Defaults and References• Tolerance• Intervals

Other testing goals for queries

• Performance of a query• Executed in less than x seconds• Cache management

• Syntax of a query• Extract queries from reports and assemblies

Query’s result and format

• Result’s format• Sample: all the cells have effectively 2 digits after the decimal

separator and this separator is a comma.

Check calculations in your query

• Assert a logical test, row by row, for you result-set• Sample: Calculate the total price from the unit price, quantity

and discount percentage.

• If at least one row doesn’t validate this logical test, the whole test shift to red


• Why testing automation is a must?• Tests with queries (Sql/Mdx/Dax)• Tests with Etl packages (SSIS)• Testing multidimensional and tabular models (SSAS)• Automate the creation of test-suites


• Assert the execution status of an ETL• Alternatively test performances

Inside this ETL


Dimension Scientist

Factless fact Birth/Death

insert insertUnique index


Setup and Cleanup

• Setup: • Define the state of your testing environment before executing

a test

• Cleanup: • Remove consequences of your tests on the testing


Tasks and behaviors

• Available tasks • Truncate/Load tables with csv files• Run sql batch, exe or batches• Run Etl packages• Move or delete files• Start/Stop Windows services

• Run-once: execute only once this set of tasks• Parallel: run a set of tasks in parallel

Demo Setup

• Setup to register a clean state before test’s execution• Assert database’s state after the execution of an ETL


• Why automation is a must?• Testing queries (Sql/Mdx/Dax)• Testing Etl packages (SSIS)• Testing multidimensional and tabular models (SSAS)• Automate the creation of test-suites

Testing dimension’s members

• “Germany” is a member of dimension “Country”• “Europa” is not a member of dimension “Country”• Dimension “Country” has more than 190 members.• All members of dimension “Country” have at least 4

characters• Members of hierarchy “Month” are ordered

chronologically (and not alphabetically)• …

Testing structure

• Assert that a dimension, hierarchy, measure, … is visible for end-user in a given perspective.

• Assert the existence of a relation between a measure-group and a dimension.


• Why automation is a must?• Tests with queries (Sql/Mdx/Dax)• Tests with Etl packages (SSIS)• Testing Multidimensional and tabular models (SSAS)• Automating the creation of test-suites

Some tests are really repetitive

It should be possible to

automate the creation

It exists! Take a look at


A template for the tests

A set of test-cases

First steps with GenbiFile

loaded from Genbi

Variables to be substituted

(surrounded by $)

Demo: Genbi

• Load test-cases• From a flat file

• Select a template• Generate the test-suite• Grouping option

I’m scripting macros to automate the

actions performed by genbi …

With genbiL!

Sample for genbiL


Action Parameters

Demo for genbiL

• Command line


• Benefits of test automation• Save Time (Time-on-market)• Better Quality (end-result)• More confidence

• NBi• Support large range of different tests• No need of compiler (neither C#)• Good feedback when tests are failing• Open-Source• Automate the creation of your test-suites (genbi / genbiL)

Read further

• Website:

• Download, documentation, bugs/Wishes list, support

• Blog:

• Twitter: @Seddryck



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phone : +32 470/84.07.47email  : daniel.mueller@testingsquad.euWeb   :