Automatic Vehicle Locator(AVL) Seminar report

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Transcript of Automatic Vehicle Locator(AVL) Seminar report



A Seminar Report

Submitted by


(Roll No. : 12EI39)

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree


Bachelor of Technology


Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering


December, 2015



I owe a great many thanks to great many people who helped and supported me during the making

of this seminar presentation and its report.

My deepest thanks to Dr. Sanjeev Tyagi, (co-ordinator of our seminar) for providing proper

guidance. He has taken pain to go through the seminar and make necessary suggestions when


I also express our thanks to Mr. Yograj Singh Daksh, Head of the Electronics and Instrumentation

Engineering Department, IET MJP Rohilkhand University Bareilly, for extending his support.





A GPS receiver placed in a car can receive signals from these satellites and will calculate the exact

location of the car in terms of latitude and longitude. This data can be sent to owner’s computer

that can monitor the location. A GSM modem can be integrated into this project for providing

security and remote control. The current location of the car can be found out by sending an SMS.

The car can also be disabled by sending an SMS.


With the advent of satellite navigation systems like GPS (Global Position System), GLONASS

and Galileo etc., it has become possible to track the position of any object having such systems.

Concept of localizing or determining position of an object has been popular since ancient times.

Earlier voyagers used magnetic compass for navigation purposes. It gave information about the

directions with certain accuracy but localizing the position of object was still a distant reality.

Figure 1.1 Basic diagram for vehicle tracking system

Now the navigations systems are used at many places for example in cars, military, engineering

survey and the list goes on. The advent use of navigation can be combined with modern day


wireless communication services to yield a very useful application. It can be used to send the

position of an object to a distant location. So it becomes possible to monitor the position of a

remote object.

This opens a wide door of possibilities for new and exciting applications. Surveillance, Vehicle

Location Information, Location Based Services can be provided with considerable ease. The

remote monitoring systems become all the more useful if we use brute computing capabilities of

monitoring stations to calculate various other parameters related to remote object. For example it

is possible to record the path taken by a remote object (call it path tracing), or for calculating speed

of the object over long period of time, or for sounding alarm when the object approaches restricted

regions. Hence it depends on monitoring stations what kind of services they want to implement.

So there can be innumerous applications for a tracking system, that the reason for implement the

AVL. Throughout the thesis the AVL system has been explained.


The Automatic Vehicle Locating System can be broadly divided into two parts

The remote object

The monitoring station

The remote object is the object whose location is to be monitored. In this thesis considered it to be

a vehicle. The remote object should consist of some kind of navigation system, which would help

to localize the position of the object. Further it should also contain some form of communication

equipment, preferably wireless. And at last there must be some kind of controller which co -

ordinates the operation of the navigation systems and communication equipment.

Figure 1.2 The remote object

Similarly the monitoring station should be equipped with a communication equipment to receive

the location data from the remote object. Further the station must contain a computing device

which can calculate and interpret the location data and provide it to the user in a comprehensive






manner. For example if the user wants the output on map then co-ordinates obtained or calculated

must be represented on map. Also note that monitoring station need not be 'fixed'. There is no

reason to place such a restriction, after all as long as communicating equipment of the remote

object and the monitoring stations are connected it doesn't matter where a monitoring station is lo

Figure 1.3 The monitoring station


Until now showing the blocks of AVL conceptually. But real physical implementation requires far

more complexity. To localize the position of the object we have decided to use GPS (Global

Positioning System). Further GPS provides many advantages over other navigation systems. Since

wireless communication between the remote object and monitoring station is desirable we need to

ensure a robust and secure connection mechanism..

Figure 1.4 Automatic Vehicle Locator setups

At the monitoring station, a GSM modem. The computing device for interpreting the received data

can be either a computer or MCU. It depends on whether we want portable or fixed monitoring

stations. Finally we have used LCD display to display the final result in a comprehensive format.

Although there is possibility to use either SMS or GPRS to transfer the remote object data, we

have decided to implement the system initially using the SMS. This is mainly because of bulk

SMS service is available at a low cost.






Communication over wireless channel is particularly challenging. Wireless channel provides a

dynamic environment because of factors like large scale path loss, small scale fading effects, and

multipath propagation. This all leads to high (and variable) bit error rates. So many important

signal processing techniques like modulation, equalization, diversity and channel coding are used

to improve bit error rate. Also to make wireless communication secure, we need to employ some

form of encryption at some communication layer.


GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) are the standards given by ETSI (European

Telecommunication Standard Institute) for digital cellular networks. GSM provides a robust set of

protocols for communications. It has some very desirable features:

Encryption algorithms for communication over air.

Mobility management for providing high roaming capabilities.

FEC (Forward Error Control) at lower layers of radio interface for combating and

correcting error.

Transparent set of user-plane protocols provide freedom to user. So he can implement

vivid variety of applications using GSM Network without worrying of wireless

communication woes.


GSM modems act as an access point for GSM networks. Many complexities of accessing a GSM

network are hidden by GSM modem. GSM modem provides a set of commands called AT

commands (AT stands for Attention) for accessing GSM service. The supported AT commands

and their format depends on the manufacturer of the modem. Another important point to note is

that GSM Modems provide a number of interfaces to access. However at the monitoring station

which may have a PC, we may go for modem with Bluetooth or USB interface, because RS-232

is no longer available on modern PC.

GSM receiver is used to receive the data from any user via the BTS. Today Mainly SIM900 module

is used for GSM system. This chapter describes the hardware interface of the SIM SIM900A


module that connects to the specific application and the air interface. As SIM900A can be

integrated with a wide range of applications, all functional components of SIM900 are described

in detail as.

Fig: 2.1 GSM Module SIM900A

2.2.1 Product detail

SIM900A is a Tri-band GSM/GPRS engine that works on frequencies EGSM (Enhanced GSM

)900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz and PCS1900 MHz, SIM900A provides GPRS multi-slot class 10

capability and support the GPRS coding schemes. The physical interface to the mobile application

is made through a 60 pins board-to-board connector.

Two serial ports can help you easily develop your applications.

Two audio channels include two microphones inputs and two speaker outputs.


2.2.2 Application Interface

All hardware interfaces except RF interface that connects SIM900A to the customers’ cellular

application platform is through a 60-pin 0.5mm pitch board-to-board connector.

Sub-interfaces included in this board-to-board connector are described in detail in following


Power supply

Dual serial interface

Two analog audio interfaces

SIM interface

Indicators (Buzzer, LED)



GPS (The full description is- Navigation System with Timing and Ranging Global Positioning

System, NAVSTAR-GPS) was developed by the U.S. department of defense (DoD) and can be

used both by civilians and military personal. There are currently 28 operational satellites orbiting

the earth at a height of 20,180km on 6 different orbital planes. Their orbits are inclined at 55 degree

to equator, ensuring that a least 4 satellites are in radio communication with any point on the planet.

Fig. 3.1 Smart GPS receiver

3.1 WHY GPS?

Basically, A GPS (Global positioning system) receiver determine just four variables, i.e, longitude,

latitude, height and time. Additional information (e.g. speed, direction etc,) can be derived from

these four components.

Using GPS the following value can be determine anywhere on the earth-

One’s exact location, accurate to within a range of 20m to 1 mm.

The precise time (UTC) accurate to within a range of 60ns to 5ns.


Fig 3.2 GPS satellites orbit the Earth on 6 orbital planes

During the development of the GPS system, particular emphasis was placed on the following three


1. It had to provide users with the capability of determining position, speed and time, whether in

motion or at rest.

2. It had to have a continuous, global, 3 dimensional positioning capability with a high degree of

accuracy, Irrespective of the weather.

3. It had to offer potential for civilian use.

In order to calculate one’s exact position, all that needs to be measured is the signal transit time

between the point of observation and four different satellites whose positions are known.


In order to determine these four unknown variables, four independent equations are needed. The

four transit times required are supplied by the four different satellites (sat. 1 to sat. 4). The 28 GPS

satellites are distributed around the globe in such a way that at least 4 of them are always “visible”

from any point on Earth.


FIG: 3.4 Four satellites are required to determine a position in 3-D space


The navigation message is a continuous stream of data transmitted at 50 bits per second. Each

satellite relays the following information to Earth-

System time and clock correction values.

Its own highly accurate orbital data (ephemeris).

Approximate orbital data for all other satellites (almanac).


The Global Positioning System (GPS) comprises three segments:-

The space segment (all functional satellites)

The control segment (all ground stations involved in the monitoring of the system master

control station, monitor stations, and ground control stations).

The user segment (all civil and military GPS users).


FIG: 3.5 The three GPS segments


Although originally intended for purely military purposes, the GPS system is used today primarily

for civil applications, such as surveying, navigation (air, sea and land), positioning, measuring

velocity, determining time, monitoring stationary and moving objects, etc. The system operator

guarantees the standard civilian user of the service that the following accuracy (Table 3.1) will be

attained for 95% of the time (2drms value).


Table 3.1 Accuracy of the standard civilian service




≤13 m ≤22 m ~40ns


The principle of measuring signal transit time (evaluation of pseudo-range). In order for a GPS

receiver to determine its position, it has to receive time signals from four different satellites (Sat 1

... Sat 4), to enable it to calculate signal transit time Δt1 ... Δt4 (Figure 4.4).

Calculations are effected in a Cartesian, three-dimensional co-ordinate system with a geocentric

origin. As the locations X-Sat, Y-Sat and Z-Sat of the four satellites are known, the user co-

ordinates can be calculated.

Fig. 3.4 Four satellite signals must be received

Calculations are effected in a Cartesian, three-dimensional co-ordinate system with a geocentric

origin (Figure4.1). The range of the user from the four satellites R1, R2, R3 and R4 can be

determined with the help of signal transit times Δt1, Δt2, Δt3 and Δt4 between the four satellites

and the user. As the locations X-Sat, Y-Sat and Z-Sat of the four satellites are known, the user co-

ordinates can be calculated.




First of all GSM Modem must be registered to Network. If registration step is not successful then

the command should be again sent. If the registration is successful then signal quality is checked.

The obtained values are displayed on console itself. A counter is initialized with value 10 (this is

because GPS data is sent to control station at interval of 10 seconds). But note that data obtained

is shown on local console at normal rate of 1 sample per second. Once counter is set, data packets

from GPS receiver is received via USB driver interface. Fig 4.1 shows the flow diagram related to

this algorithm.


Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3 shows the output data. Validity of this data was checked using Google

Maps. Also while testing the project it was observed that GPS data is accurate when used in

outdoors. This fact could be explained because in crowded places and indoors there could be

multiple path components causing problem. The longitude and latitude are shown in degree and

minutes multiplied by 100. Another point to note here is that number of satellites in view generally

depends on time of the day, and the location at which the remote object is. But user should not

worry about the number of satellites because 4 satellites are enough to calculate the exact

coordinates. Speed is shown in Nautical Miles per hour because this is defect in GPS receivers.

Height shown in the data are the measured from geodetic datum which could be approximated as

mean sea level for simple applications


Fig 4.1 Algorithm


Fig 4.2 screen shot of GPS value on monitor

Fig 4.3 value received GSM terminal



Using the Global Positioning System (GPS), a process used to establish apposition at any point on

the globe) the following two values can be determined anywhere on Earth.

One’s exact location (longitude, latitude and height co-ordinates) accurate to within a

range of 20 m to approx.1mm.

The precise time (world time, Universal Time Coordinated, UTC) accurate to within a

range of 60ns to approx.1ns. Various additional variables can be derived from the three-

dimensional position and the exact time, such as




Local time

Range instrument

By AVL (Automatic vehicle locator) we can track the exact position of any vehicle or moving


Fig 4.4 whole process of working.



1. Transport companies, logistics in general (aircraft, water-borne craft and road vehicle)

2. Railways

3. Geographical tachographs

4. Fleet management

5. Navigation systems

6. Military

7. Science and Research

GPS has readily found itself a place in archaeology ever since this branch of science began to use

aerial and satellite imaging. In land surveying, GPS has virtually become an exclusive method for

pinpointing sites in basic networks. Everywhere around the world, continental and national GPS

networks are emerging that, in conjunction with the global ITRF, provide homogenous and highly

accurate networks of points for density and point to point measurements. At a regional level, the

number of tenders to set up GPS networks as a basis for geo-information systems and cadastral

land surveys is growing

Fig 4.5 Application in Science and Research



AVL systems generally include a network of vehicles that are equipped with a mobile radio

receiver, a GPS receiver, a GPS modem, and a GPS antenna. This network connects with a base

radio consisting of a PC computer station as well as a GPS receiver and interface. GPS uses

interactive maps rather than static map images on the Web. This means users can perform

conventional GPS functions such as zoom, pan, identify and queries.

AVL systems can be used to increase the accountability of field personnel and boost the efficiency

of a company's dispatching procedure. Dispatchers can get a real-time snapshot of driver adherence

to a route, provide customers with an estimated time of arrival, and communicate directly with

drivers. Public safety agencies, such as police department or fire departments, can use AVL

technology to improve response times by being able to dispatch the closest vehicles for


Performance of GPS and GSM receivers is limited by signal reception. So antenna plays an

important role. Also Embedded Linux provides a lot of flexibility in terms of available libraries

and device drivers. The data is extracted by controller from NMEA packets sent by GPS receiver.

From these packets controller calculates useful data like longitude, latitude, height, speed, time

stamp. These data are saved in a specific format and sent over GSM modem every 10s. The time

is hardcoded but can be easily changed. This time will depend on the application for example a

speed measuring or height profiling applications would require frequent data but normal tracking

applications could work with lesser frequent data.


List of References

