Automatic Detection of Myocardial Perfusion Defects using Object-based...

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Automatic Detection of Myocardial Perfusion Defects usingObject-based Myocardium Segmentation

Teodora Chitiboi1,2, Anja Hennemuth1, Lennart Tautz1, Paul Stolzmann3,Olivio F Donati3, Lars Linsen2, Horst K Hahn1,2

1 Fraunhofer MEVIS Institute for Medical Image Computing, Bremen, Germany2 Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

3 Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland


Determining the relevance of coronary artery patholo-gies is a major task in diagnosis and therapy planning forcoronary heart disease. Magnetic resonance (MR) perfu-sion imaging provides non-invasive means to assess theinfluence of artery stenosis on the myocardial perfusion.The overall goal of the presented approach is to enablea fully automatic data analysis that supports both the con-ventional AHA model perfusion quantification and a voxel-based segmentation of suspicious regions in the heart mus-cle. To this end, an automatic pipeline for detecting andsegmenting perfusion defects was developed and evalu-ated. The myocardium is segmented using an object-basedimage analysis approach, which then forms the basis forthe perfusion parameter calculation and detection of un-derperfused regions. The approach has been applied to sixdatasets of patients with known multivessel coronary heartdisease. Results show a good agreement with findings fromMR delayed enhancement examination and conventionalcoronary angiography.

1. Introduction

Alongside with cancer and stroke, coronary heart dis-ease is one of the most common diseases in the aging so-ciety. Pathological changes of the vessel walls, so-calledvessel plaque, can cause narrowings of the vessel lumen.If this hinders the blood flow such that the heart muscle(myocardium) cannot be supplied with sufficient oxygen,the muscle tissue degenerates. Cardiac perfusion MRI pro-vides the means for non-invasive detection of underper-fused myocardial tissue. The analysis of image sequencesthat show the wash-in and wash-out of a contrast agent inthe bloodpool and the myocardium is however challeng-ing because of the breathing and contractile motion of theheart and the strong intensity changes in the image com-partments.

An overview of existing approaches for image pre-processing and parameter extraction from time-intensitycurves is given by Gupta et al. [1]. In the literature, thisis either achieved through the identification of correspond-ing regions in every time frame using manual or automaticsegmentation methods [2–4] or through time frame align-ment followed by segmentation of the myocardium in oneimage that represents the corrected sequence [5, 6]. Thefirst concept only enables the conventional AHA-model-based analysis of averaged perfusion curves, whereas thelatter approach computes parameter maps that enable thesegmentation of hypoperfused regions and is thereforeadopted here. Accurate information about the location, sizeand degree of a hypoperfusion are of clinical interest, andthere are some approaches to segment suspicious regionsbased on the inspection of voxel intensity curves. Theseuse different classification approaches such as factor anal-ysis, fuzzy k-means [7] and support vector machines [8],but do not incorporate spatial constraints given for the lo-cation of infarctions relative to the myocardial wall.

In this work we present and evaluate a method combi-nation for the automatic detection of underperfused my-ocardial tissue regions. One novel step that facilitatesour goal is the automatic object-based image analysis(OBIA) method for segmenting the myocardium in tem-poral maximum-intensity projection (MIP) images. Thepresented pipeline combines unspecific registration andsegmentation approaches with anatomical and disease-specific knowledge, with a view to enable applicability toimage data acquired with different scanners and settings.

2. Overview and setup

The proposed processing pipeline consists of threesteps, namely initialization and motion correction, the de-tection of the myocardium and the analysis of the localmyocardial perfusion, as shown in Fig. 1.

In the setup phase we used the intensity variation

ISSN 2325-8861 Computing in Cardiology 2013; 40:639-642.639

σ2max (x) per pixel x during a time interval T , which rep-

resents the average time from the venous contrast agent in-jection to tissue enhancement, in order to suppress regionswith constant high intensities. We then determine the leftand right ventricular bloodpools by clustering pixel areasusing σ2

max(x). Their corresponding time-intensity curvesare used to determine the reference time point tref withsimilar intensities for the two clusters, used for the sub-sequent motion correction. The correction method applieduses the local phase, which represents image features suchas edges and lines but is invariant to their magnitude [9].The multiscale implementation enables the correction ofstronger displacements as induced by breathing as well aslocal deformations caused by contractile motion.

Figure 1: Processing steps for the automatic perfusion defect detection:(1) Motion correction; (2) Myocardium detection; (3) Analysis of localmyocardial perfusion.

3. Object-based segmentation

The detection of the myocardial contours is performedon the temporal MIP (Fig. 2-1), after the preceding reg-istration step described in Section 2. This allows a cleardelineation of the myocardium (dark ring) as well as theleft and right ventricular bloodpools (bright).

Segmentation is performed using an OBIA approachbased on the generic concept proposed by Homeyer et al.[10]. In this setting, the atomic semantic structures usedto analyze images are not individual pixels but pixel re-gions called objects, which are described by a set of prop-erties regarding shape, orientation, intensity statistics andrelative position. The objects are defined by an initial im-age partition obtained using a k-means clustering methodcalled SLIC [11], which compromises between an object’shomogeneity and compactness. Starting with this over-segmented image (Fig. 2-2), we successively merge pairsof adjacent objects in a heuristic fashion using their inten-sity and shape properties to obtain the left ventricle (LV)bloodpool and myocardium. We assume that the blood-pool is compact, elliptic and includes the papillary mus-cles, while the myocardium is at most 3cm thick.

First, a seed point s is determined close to the cen-ter of the LV in each slice of the MIP image I usingthe Hough transform [12]. Then, the bloodpool is roughlyestimated by region growing on the object level startingfrom s. Neighboring objects are added as long as their me-dian intensity value is brighter than an adaptive thresholdt = f(I(s)), where f was empirically determined. Next,

Figure 2: (1)Temporal MIP; (2)Initial objects; (3)Bloodpool after re-gion growing and ellipse fitting; (4)Initial myocardium estimation (yel-low) and further objects considered (green); (5)Myocardium objects;(6)Active contours result.

a best fitting ellipse is computed using principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) and all neighboring objects more than50% covered are also merged to include the papillary mus-cles partially surrounded by blood. To obtain a compactsegmentation, small neighboring objects are added to min-imize the contour length of the resulting region (Fig. 2-3).

Next, the myocardium is initialized by merging the firstring of objects neighboring the bloodpool (Fig. 2-4 in yel-low). For this set of initial myocardium objects we com-pute the average lower and upper quartiles l and u and theirstandard deviations dl and du. Further neighboring objectsp′ with similar lower and upper quartiles l′ and u′ are con-sidered in a subsequent region growing step iff. l−2dl < l′

and u′ < u+ 2du (Fig. 2-4 green). An object p′ neighbor-ing a myocardium object p is also classified as part of themyocardium iff. |avg(p) − avg(p′)| < 0.004 where avgrepresents the average intensity of the object normalizedto [0, 1]. This local measure accounts for significant in-tensity differences that can appear in certain areas of themyocardium. Then, the shape of the joint myocardium-bloodpool mask is similarly optimized using ellipse over-lap and a minimal contour constraint(Figure 2-5).

The coarse result obtained by object-based segmentationis locally refined using the active contour (AC) algorithmintroduced by Kass et al. [13]. Without an accurate initial-ization the AC would not directly converge to the desiredcontour because of the very low contrast, so we use a fixednumber of iterations to smooth the result while followingany clearly visible edges (Fig. 2-6).

4. Intensity curve analysis

The relationship between measured intensities andcontrast agent concentration is non-linear and dependsstrongly on the contrast agent, its local concentration, fieldinhomogeneities, etc. [14]. Thus, there are no standardizedvalues which could be used for a threshold-based detectionof perfusion defects based on quantitative parameters.


Our approach to perfusion defect detection is basedon similar assumptions applied for the segmentation ofnecrotic or fibrotic tissue from delayed enhancementMRI [15]. The segmentation algorithm is based on aGaussian-mixture histogram analysis to determine suitablethresholds for quantitative perfusion parameters such asmyocardial bloodflow (MBF) and can be used in conjunc-tion with descriptive parameters such as the upslope ofthe time-intensity curve. First, suitable seedpoints are de-tected in the subendocardial part of the myocardium apply-ing the threshold derived from the Gaussian-mixture his-togram analysis. These seedpoints are then used as inputfor the watershed transform by Hahn and Peitgen [16] todetermine the underperfused regions.

For the calculation of the quantitative parameters withthe singular value decomposition (SVD) implementationas proposed by Ostergaard et al. [17], the arterial inputfunction (AIF) is required. This was set to the contrastagent’s first pass through the left ventricle, which is repre-sented by the gamma variate fit to the time-intensity curveof the left ventricular bloodpool.

5. Evaluation

5.1. Data

The described myocardium segmentation algorithm wasapplied to nine MRI perfusion datasets of patients withcoronary artery disease. The datasets were acquired with a1.5T Philips Intera scanner after an intravenous injection ofgadobutrol (Gadovist 1.0; Bayer Schering Pharma). Con-trast media was dosed at 0.1mmol/kg of body weight at aninjection rate of 5ml/s, followed by a 40ml saline flush. K-t sensitivity encoding perfusion CMR imaging was com-bined with a saturation recovery gradient-echo pulse se-quence. Three to four slices were acquired with 10mmthickness and in-plane resolution of 1.25 × 1.25mm2 aftercontrast agent injection over 40 to 65 consecutive heart-beats. These sequences illustrate the contrast agent’s firstpass through the myocardium. For six of the patients, thelocation of underperfused myocardial regions was deter-mined by additional delayed enhancement MRI examina-tions which were manually segmented, as well as coronaryangiographies. These datasets were further considered forthe detection of perfusion defects.

5.2. Results

In order to assess the accuracy of the automatic my-ocardium segmentation we have considered two manualsegmentationsM1 andM2 as references for the automaticresult A. The dice score (Dice) and the average and maxi-mum symmetrical distance in mm (AvgD and MaxD) werecomputed for each pair of masks and summarized in Ta-

Dice STD AvgD STD MaxD STDM1, M2 0.84 0.08 0.68 0.57 6.38 3.53M1, A 0.73 0.06 1.34 0.59 11.04 3.39M2, A 0.71 0.08 1.35 0.65 10.46 4.34

Table 1: Evaluating myocardium segmentation accuracy.

ble 1. The large variability between the two reference seg-mentations is due to the low signal-to-noise ratio and poorcontrast. Although the automatic segmentation performsslightly worse than a manual one, the average offset be-tween an automatically generated and a manual contour isonly slightly larger than between two references.

The method described in Section 4 has been success-fully applied to the six datasets of patients with knownperfusion defects. The segmented underperfused regionswere visually compared with the corresponding delayedenhancement image data, as shown in Fig. 3 for a patientwith known stenoses > 75% in the LAD and LCX arter-ies. The segmented perfusion defect includes the delayedenhancement region and corresponds to the known steno-sis position. However, the accuracy of perfusion defectsdetection is difficult to quantify because the perfusion anddelayed enhancement images usually differ in resolution,breathing phase and most importantly heart phase.

After resampling and manual registration using land-marks we visually compared the manual segmentation ofthe delayed enhancement images with the automaticallysegmented perfusion defects. Each individual afflicted re-gion marked in the delayed enhancement was labeled asdetected, partially detected or missed, as shown in Fig. 4.If a region was almost completely covered by the perfusionresult up to a difference in the heart phase, it was labeled asdetected. Out of a total of 21 individual regions highlightedin the delayed enhancement data, 14 were detected, 2 werepartially detected and 5 were missed. Out of the missedregions, 4 were very small with an area < 30mm2. Con-sidering the total area of the delayed enhancement regions,we have reached a detection rate of 75.5%.

5.3. Discussion

The segmentation of the MIP images avoided the in-clusions of myocardial regions for which misregistra-tion would have led to the inclusion of bloodpool voxelsinto the intensity course analysis. Considering the largevariability of manual delineations that reflects the diffi-culty of the segmentation task, our automatic results lookvery promising. However, some typical segmentation er-rors may occur such as inclusion of right ventricular my-ocardium or fat tissue, which we plan to improve.

The segmented underperfused areas are on average 2-3 times larger than the necrotic tissue detected in the de-layed enhancement, in agreement with the likely scenariothat a larger surrounding portion of the myocardium is af-


Figure 3: Top: MBF parameter images and AHA segment analysis aftermotion correction. Middle: Temp. MIP, initial markers (red) and perfu-sion defect segmentation (yellow). Bottom: delayed enhancement. Right:3D visualization of diseased vessel branches, delayed enhancement seg-mentation (black), perfusion segmentation (blue) and myocardium (red).

fected by the reduced blood supply. A major limitation ofthe presented evaluation is the missing information aboutthe relevance of the reported stenoses. It is thus not possi-ble to accurately assess the segmentation quality in regionsthat do not exhibit delayed enhancement.

(a) Detected (b) Diff. phase (c) Partially (d) Missed

Figure 4: Sample results: delayed enhancement reference(orange) andperfusion segmentation (yellow).

6. Conclusions

We have presented and tested a myocardium segmen-tation algorithm that can be used in a larger pipeline forthe detection of suspicious regions in perfusion data. Thecomparison with findings from other modalities showed agood correlation with our results. The clear delineation ofthe underperfused region is very promising and indicatesthe potential for a region detection, which allows a betterinspection of extent and transmurality of perfusion defects.In combination with the coronary artery tree, the detectionof the coronary arteries provide a promising non-invasivemeans for the assessment of coronary stenosis relevance.In order to evaluate the identification of underperfused vi-able tissue, which is not identifiable with delayed enhance-ment MRI, future work will use additional pressure wiremeasurements to improve the evaluation of the benefit pro-vided by the presented methods.


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