Autism -How transfer Factor Helps??

Post on 27-Apr-2015

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How taking Transfer Factor HELPS for Autism??

Transcript of Autism -How transfer Factor Helps??

Autism Symptoms : “Our Son’s Amazing Improvement with Glyconutrients and Transfer Factors

Nutritionals” -By Alicia N., Wisconsin, August 2005

Our son Nason was born in November 2002 happy, healthy and beautiful. He developed normally and reached all of

his milestones. After Nason received his 1st year immunizations, he completely withdrew from us and the rest of the

world, spending the majority of his time staring at his fingers, spinning, or gazing into space. His preferred companion

was a pen or any other vertical object he could find.

He lost his ability to walk up and down the stairs, feed himself and began to self-select foods leaving him

with a total of 2 foods in his diet. Nason also broke out with severe eczema all over his body and became irritable

anytime we tried to cuddle with him. (Auto-Immunity, Vaccines and Autism)

I suspected autism and had Nason evaluated by the State’s Local Birth to 3 program who later recommended that

Nason have the maximum amount of speech therapy, OT, and education that the State offered for children for this developmental state. The case worker revealed to me that Nason exhibited “Classic symptoms of Autism” and shortly, thereafter, he received his official diagnosis. I was devastated but knew I had to do everything I could to help him. We followed through with the DAN protocol and conducted several biological tests which determined that Nason had excessive amounts of mercury, aluminum and cadmium as well as severe yeast overgrowths throughout his body! We immediately placed Nason on the gluten / casein/ sugar free diet as well as other DAN treatments such as vitamin therapy, probiotics, and enzymes. We followed this protocol for about 11 months and saw some improvement. Nason’s eczema cleared and he developed eye-contact as well as a few words, but he still clearly was autistic. Even though, we loved our child unconditionally, we still had hope that there was something more for him. During my research in the past year, I always came across something called “glyconutrients”. I pretty much dismissed this as another vitamin supplement and didn’t give it much thought. However, considering we hit a plateau with his progress, I decided it was time to seriously research this product to determine if it was right for Nason.

I came in contact with a lady from 4Life, who educated me not only on the essentials and benefits of glyconutrients but

also a product called Transfer factors. Transfer factors, is a great immune boosting supplement using the protein

molecules extracted from Colostrum (the first mother’s milk). Since Nason had a severe dairy sensitivity, I was unable to

give him straight colostrum in the past. The transfer factors product was perfect since it was stripped of the dairy

allergen. Finally, Nason could have the benefits of colostrum without the side effects! Once my research was

complete, we decided to start out with the more aggressive approach since Nason had already been on other

supplements for the past year.

If You are interested to Purchase “Transfer Factor Plus, Transfer Factor at Wholesales Price”

Please kindly Contact =>Kelly Toh of 4LIFE Research Singapore at HP +65 9061 0715.

Anytime To Get “Wholesale Price”, Remember to Quote Purchase under “4LIFE ID#624 9916”

Applicable at All 4LIFE Research Offices Worldwide .......Thank You & Take Great Care!!

Wholesale Price ( Singapore) :

a) Transfer Factor Plus S$113/ 90 Capsules, Transfer Factor S$83/ 60 Capsules Single Bottle Type

b) Transfer Factor Plus “Buy 10 Bottles + FREE 2!” at S$1130 Bulk Purchase

c) Transfer Factor “Buy 10 Bottles + FREE 2!” at S$830 Bulk Purchase