Austin Faith & Family- August 2010

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Austin's faith-based magazine!

Transcript of Austin Faith & Family- August 2010

AustinFaith & Family

Scott LinebrinkA strong right arm

Diet & Nutrition

20 Words

What you eat can affect your sleep

Declaring a Truce

Can Christians survive in college?

Spiritual CoffeeHave you had your cup today?



Back to School

Checklist Inside!

August 2010

Recovering From Regret Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 3FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Publisher: H.O.T. Publishing, LLCInfo@AustinFaithandFamily.com512.584.6888

Editor: Marcy

Contributing Writers:Marcy Lytle, Lauren Lacy, Joe Elliott, Debbie Stevens, Laurie Loew, Dave Ramsey, Melissa Critz, Patricia Jacobson, JoAnn Armstrong, Richard Landry, Trent Peng, Pieper Stewart, Sandra Alton, Kie Bowman, Sue Anne McKinney, Steve Pack, Susan Stern, Mark Trice, Al Jones, Babs Chandrasoma, Ginny Hurley, Kathy Bobo, Mark Dolan, Kristin Marcum and Teri Werlein

Cover Photo: courtesy of the Chicago White Sox

Graphic Design: Abby

Advertising Sales:Susan Stern | 512.773.3240Susan@AustinFaithandFamily.comHeath Samples |

Austin Faith and Family is committed to encouraging individuals in their daily lives by presenting the faith stories of others and providing information that will point every person, at every stage of life, to a deeper, authentic, personal and life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Views expressed in Austin Faith & Family do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by the Austin Faith & Family staff to ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information, nor the absences of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be, or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2010 by H.O.T. Publishing, LLC.

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society.

Austin Faith & Family is published monthly and is available at high traffic locations throughout the metropolitan area. Copies are also available by subscription, $25 for one year. Single issues available for $3 an issue.

Volume 2, Issue 3

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A Woman of Faith

Do You Yoga?

FAITH20 Words: Can Christians

Survive College?

Spiritual Coffee

Head to Heart: The Power of Words

Church & Helping Hands Directory

Moments of Obedience: Sue Anne McKinney & Steve Pack

FAMILYMom to Mom: Treating the

Symptoms While Soothing the Soul

Along the Way: Recovering From Regret

Catching the Light: Enjoy the Fruit...

Christian Brothers Family Calendar


Just a Good Cook: No Oven Needed

Travel: Top 5 Reasons to Love a Cruise

Ladies Top 10

MONEYSpend Life Well:

Planning for College Funding

Dave Says: Financial Straight Talk with Dave Ramsey

Moms Who Save: Food Expenses

The Home Front: Maximizing Your Home Sale

YOUHealth Matters: Do You Yoga?

Diet & Nutrition: Nutritional Considerations for Insomnia

The Back Pew

SPECIAL THIS MONTHMichelle Aguilar: A Woman of Faith

21 or Bust: Back to School Checklist

Teacher Heaven

Homeschooling: One Mom's Story

Public School: A Good Choice

Grace Academy: Latin, Logic, and a Whole Lot More

Focus: School: Concordia University

Homefield Grill

Ryan Tomlinson: In Need of a Transplant

SPECIAL FEATURE Scott Linebrink: More Than Just Stats

EXTRASRave Reviews

The Back Pew

















Editor's Note Refreshingly New

The “dog days of summer” refers to the hottest part of the season, which in Central Texas, is usually August. One definition of this phrase is “a period of stagnation and inactivity.” By August, most of us are tired of the length of our summer and we’re ready and waiting for the cool breezes of fall; however, they are still many weeks away. We need something to refresh us, something to motivate us, and something to move us to action.

This month I’m pleased at the variety of articles we have to do just that.

Our “Head to Heart” column moves us to the realization of how powerful words are, and uses a childhood saying to bring home an adult awakening. “Along the Way” will take us out of our past and move us forward, leaving behind regrets, encouraging us to pray for “holy amnesia.” I like that! For those who suffer from insomnia for various reasons, Dr. Trent Peng offers several solutions to try, so that we can rest and sleep, and feel awake the next morning. Give Realty offers ways to spruce up our homes from the dull to the dazzling, to create more revenue when we get ready to sell. And at the end of one of these “dog days,” why not gather the family around for a refreshing bowl of fruit, while you read “Catching the Light?” I could list every article and every topic here in my note, but I’d rather you find a cool place, maybe at a coffee shop, or in the luxury of your own bedroom, and peruse our magazine from the front cover to the back cover. Share our cover story on Scott Linebrink with your kids who are aspiring to be great athletes. And one more thing…we hope you like the new size and feel of Austin Faith and Family, thanks to the creativity and expertise of the newest addition to our staff, Abby Pound…if you do – write us and tell us about it!

Marcy Lytle | Austin Faith &

LettersDear AFF, Your magazine encompasses so many more aspects of life than just faith. It is truly a well rounded magazine that incorporates all aspects of life. Thanks also for listing places that Christians and those who may not be believers who read your magazine, can to go give their helping hands in your Helping Hands Directory. Thanks for being so well rounded and bring something like Austin Faith & Family to our area.

Greg C.


This morning, as I was reading, the verse in the Austin Faith and Family magazine had Psalm 31:24 about being strong and hoping in the Lord. I needed that encouragement today. Thank you.


Good Morning Mr. Eddins and Ms. Lytle,

I was reading your magazine and thought that it is such a great resource for Austinites to hear about opportunities for providing service. Thanks so much.

Myra M.

Dear AFF, I was out eating dinner recently and went to pick up a copy of the Austin Chronicle and realized it was no longer there, and in its place was Austin Faith & Family! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it from cover to cover.


Dear Marcy,

I enjoy Austin Faith and Family and love your book.

Georgia T.

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area6 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

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I have three scenarios for you, two of which end in epic failure. The third is reserved for the next generation of leaders who will go on to be the salt and light in a dying world. Let these words linger in your heart as you consider what this new school year holds for you: “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14

Scenario 1 – You enter college a Christian with no strong foundation on why you believe what you believe, get indoctrinated by liberal ideology and relativism, and then question everything your mama ever taught you. You evolve into an atheist because you surround yourself with imbeciles who don’t understand the concept of truth and live to please their own selfish desires. The ride is fun while it lasts, but you leave college dumber than when you arrived, and now with little or no faith to lean on.

Scenario 2 – You enter college with a strong foundation in Christ ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead and positive the enemy will not bamboozle you. Yet, like the seed scattered in rocky, thorny places, you blossom only for a short time until the temptations of campus choke out your holy ambition. It takes you awhile but eventually you realize that without ongoing discipleship, multiple avenues of fellowship and strong friends who share your convictions, you never really stood a chance. You leave college

wounded, with regrets, but hopeful you will not make the same mistakes as you transition into the next phase of life.

Scenario 3 – You humbly enter college knowing how weak and stupid your flesh really is. You immerse yourself from the start into multiple communities of believers who will challenge you to run with the holy calling Jesus has put on you. You proactively seek out solid friendships seeking to fill your time with adventures that push you to the edge of radical and perhaps, for the first time, get a glimpse of what the real Christian life was meant to be. You leave college having developed courage, leadership, confidence, and an even stronger conviction to make an impact in the world around you.

Students at the University of Texas, Austin Community College, and Texas State have figured out a way to make scenario 3 a reality for all incoming Christian students. The idea is a weekend retreat for students who want to connect and really grow in their faith. These camps meet a desperate need for incoming students who often spend too much time like a fish out of water on campus. Opportunities like this to develop genuine friendships early,

get exposure to what God is up to on your campus, and be equipped by other students who have previously been in your shoes are rare. In my opinion, if you are serious about remaining committed to Christ in college by not settling for lukewarm faith, these camps are a must.

I can’t overemphasize that this isn’t about surviving as a Christian in college, it’s about thriving! What do you want your life to be about? As you enter college, is your mind

consumed with a degree that you hope will bring you money and happiness in the future? Surely your life perspective can’t be that limited. Christianity is under fire in America. Depravity continues to surround us and its captives are many. Truth is no longer relative. Despite the mounting odds, hope remains in a young remnant whom God is leading down a narrow road. Right now God is orchestrating the greatest comeback in history and he is inviting YOU to be a part of it! Take the first step through the small gate and get plugged into one of these retreats. I look forward to standing with you on the front lines where true freedom is fought for and the real adventure in life awaits.

Check out the following links for more information:UT’s Ignite – www.ignitetexas.orgACC’s Collide – State’s Rise –

Joe Elliott

"20 Words" has a dual meaning: it speaks to the 20-something crowd and highlights 20 words that send

a message.


Faith20 Words

Spiritual CoffeeHead to Heart

Church DirectoryMoments of Obedience

A Woman of Faith


20 Words: Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 9FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Spiritual Coffee

Never give up hope...God is our savior and our hope - Isaiah 49:23 "Those who hope in Me will not be disappointed."

Be kind to everyone you meet - Matthew 5:47 "If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else?"

We can't hide from God...make Him proud - Psalm 139:1 "O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me."

God is power-2 Corinthians 3:5 "It is not that we think we can do anything of lasting value by ourselves. Our only power and success come from God."

God is in and rely on Him - 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."

Thank God for everything - James 1:2 "Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy."

God loves us...He will guide us but we must trust Him - Psalm 37:5 "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you."

Praise God for Mondays...they were created by Him - Psalm 34:1 "I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises."

Seek God humbly...He will not hide- 1 Peter 5:6 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time."

Give today to God...think of ways to serve Him - Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."

God is perfect...perfect love and protector - Proverbs 30:5 "Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him."

He died for us, honor Him - Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Make pleasing God your daily goal - 2 Corinthians 5:9 "Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him."

We need God to do anything...stay close to Him - John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches... for apart from me you can do nothing."

Workdays can be tough...give today to God - 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."

Live for Christ...He lived for you - Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me..."

Pursue God with passion - John 21:7 "When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment...and plunged into the sea."

Stay in control...honor God - Ephesians 4:26-27 "Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger..."

God loves us even when we don't feel it...He wants to be close to us - James 4:8 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

Rely on God...He will carry you when you can't take another step - John 15:5 "Apart from the Lord Jesus Christ, you can do nothing."

God is with us - Isaiah 43:2 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you..."

God loves and forgives. Pass it on - Romans 5:8 "God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners."

Forgive and show is our command -Proverbs 24:17 "Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice."

The Storm was the Distraction -“He rebuked the wind and the raging of the water...And He said to them, ‘Where is your faith?’” Luke 8:24-25

Be a thick and thin - Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity."

Some very wise words - Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Now all has been heard; Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

Serve others for Christ - Philippians 2:3 "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."

Rely on the Rock...Jesus - Psalm 55:22 "Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved."

Let God handle justice...pray - Psalm 37:8 "Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil."

Don't worry...Jesus will return - John 14:1-3 "Let not your heart be troubled...I will come again."

Jesus is the way-John 6:3"...I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry & he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”

































www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area10 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Need a morning boost? How about a drink from the Word that's full of powerful energy for your day? Take a daily sip with these short devotionals that you can read and swallow, as quick as you drink your morning coffee.

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” I believe this is one of the greatest lies we have ever told ourselves and others. As a counselor, I have spent years helping people receive healing for the wounds of words. Bones often heal much quicker than word-inflicted wounds. The greater level of authority that someone has in our lives, the more deeply their words can wound us. For this reason, most often the deepest wounds come from our parents. Critical words, such as “You are so stupid,” “You are so lazy you’ll never amount to anything,” “Can’t you do anything right?” often said in anger or frustration, can impact a person’s self-esteem for years. Many adults live out the comments or wounds they received as children. Though extremely intelligent and successful, these adults constantly tell themselves that they are stupid and worthless. They find it almost impossible to receive the acceptance and encouragement that others give. The wounds of words can also lead to a performance-based view of God. You may be trapped in the cycle of thinking that God’s love and acceptance is based on how well you “perform.” The mindset that you must meet every need and follow every man-made rule in order to be approved by God causes false guilt and shame because you can never do enough to earn the approval that is already there. . “Hurt people hurt people.” It is a sad fact that the people that are most hurt and wounded by the words of others often keep the cycle alive by in turn hurting others. Instead of seeking help and learning how to release the wounds of words in healthy ways, the release comes by lashing out at others. Unfortunately, this not only hurts others, it does not bring about lasting release. The result is greater pain and lower self-esteem. So how do we heal the wounds that have already occurred and stop the cycle of wounding others? We begin to heal by acknowledging the wounds are real. Release forgiveness to those who wound us. Begin to learn and believe what God’s word says about you. Begin to affirm yourself that you are loveable, valuable, and forgivable. As adults, it is easy to look at the wounds of words and try to reason that they really did not hurt that bad. The reality is that as an adult, if

you continue to remember the words spoken and feel the sting of the wound, they are still impacting your life. Acknowledge the hurt. Releasing forgiveness comes in the decision to no longer hold the person hostage to the wound. Forgiveness is not an acknowledgment that what was spoken was OK. Just as Jesus has forgiven you, you in turn forgive others. Jesus paid the price for all of our sin. He opened the door for us to fully receive God’s love, acceptance, and approval. Take time to meditate on scriptures that affirm how God sees you. Find a list of scriptures related to who you are in Christ and allow the Word of God to transform how you view yourself. Replace negative self-talk with life affirming words of encouragement. We all make mistakes but we are not defined by them. Shift your focus off of your mistakes and failures. Tell yourself daily that you are loved and approved of by God, just like you are. If you cannot do this on your own, seek help from a qualified Pastoral Counselor. Become aware of the words you speak to others especially when angry or frustrated. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful in building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29. By encouraging others that they are loveable, valuable, and forgivable, you play a role in releasing them from their own wounds caused by words. Oh, and the next time you hear the childhood rhyme, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” take the opportunity to turn this into a teachable moment to share the truth that words often have a long, lasting impact on our lives.

Al H. Jones, Ph.D.Head to Heart Restoration Ministry

The Power of Words

Since i’ve been editor of austin Faith & Family, we have received wonderful correspondence from our readers, thanking us for a job well done, for including their event in our calendar, for bringing attention to a need in our city, or for just featuring their business or passion. We also, from time to time, get a few comments about our ads, or some readers like to point out our mistakes. We welcome all correspondence, because we strive to be the best Christian publication in the austin area at presenting him to our readers in a way that makes those who read grow in their walk, become more aware, and be blessed, so that they, in turn, can bless others.

Since i am the one who edits, i read every article that we print, but i do miss some things. Sometimes it’s a typo, and other times it’s the wrong use of a verb, or a wrong term altogether. Sometimes i may overlook a misplaced dangling phrase. however, our purpose as a magazine is clear, and we intend to do our best to correct the mistakes we make, and learn from them.

Words are powerful, and they need to be well thought out, well written, and clear. that’s our mission here at austin Faith & Family. Should you find a mistake or two in the vast content we present, we hope you’ll let us know, but give us grace to grow. and hopefully, perhaps one particular month, we’ll present a perfect magazine…or not. at the very least, we hope you see the perfect God we present on every page.

(Nolan Ryan is famous, not infamous, unless you talk to the batters who struck out during Ryan’s pitching…then he might indeed be infamous to them…)

marcy lytleEditor

A Quick Note...

Stop the Cycle

FaithHead to Heart Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 11FAITH & FAMILYAustin


To have your church or non-profit listed for pennies a day, please call 512.584.6888

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area12 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Coming Back Stronger. A MemoirAutobiography & Biographyby Drew Brees with Chris Fabry

In the aftermath of one of the most devastating natural disasters in U.S. History, the city of New Orleans needed a hero. What they got was a Saint. After Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast in 2005, the residents of New Orleans desperately needed something – anything - to believe in. After being told he might never play football again due to a horrific shoulder injury, quarterback Drew Brees needed a team that believed he could still play … and win. What happened next is nothing short of providential. Drew signed with the New Orleans Saints and immediately set to work rebuilding not only his own career but the city of New Orleans as well. Four years later, he led the Saints to their first Super Bowl in franchise history.

A true inspiration on and off the field, Drew has become a symbol of hope - not just to the team and the city he helped resurrect, but to everyone who has ever been knocked to the ground. Drew’s invaluable insight on unleashing the hidden power of adversity is proof positive that with enough faith, determination, and heart, you can overcome anything. Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 13FAITH & FAMILYAustin

I was engaged to William and struggling with the strong personalities of both of his parents. They were so very different from my parents and I actually struggled with even liking them! Now I love them! The question arose...what will I call them once we are married? I asked his mom on the phone about that and was truly surprised when she requested that I call her "Mom." OH, I did not want to do that at all! ONLY my sweet mom deserved that name. I was sure she would say, “Call me Barbara.” As soon as I hung up, that sweet "Voice," spoke. He said, "Call her Mom." “LORD?” “Call her Mom.” It was one of those times I immediately obeyed and did not argue. But each time I called her 'mom' in those early days, I felt Jesus grow larger in that relationship. I am grateful!

Sue Anne McKinney

I pulled up for gas and noticed a young woman with an obscenity spelled across the front of her shirt.  As I began filling my car with gas, I felt righteous indignation. “Who does she think she is, wearing something like that?” I thought. I then realized I could either be offended or walk over and talk to her.  “What’s a young lady doing out here in the dark?” I blurted out, lamely.  With a warm but embarrassed smile she said, “To tell the truth I just got out of jail.”  Lacking a cigarette for which she asked, I asked her if I could pray with her.  She gladly accepted.  I prayed for God’s peace and kingdom to flood her life, and for safety and direction.  She thanked me as I left. Suddenly a thought came to mind of a cat swallowing a mouse - whole.  Just like that cat, the enemy wanted to swallow this young girl whole.  But the “taste” of God’s presence which now covered her made him gag and spit her out.  I pray for Sara to come to a complete knowledge of Christ.

Steve Pack Do you have a story or are you still looking? Please share your moment of obedience with us. Include events that led up to your moment, what happened in that moment and the outcome of the moment. If you have not found your story yet, keep reading and maybe there will be something right here in these pages that will help you find it. Please submit articles to*by submitting an article you are authorizing Austin Faith & Family Publicatins to use your article in future publications) .

First Appearances

Call Her Mom

Life Is FluidA women's

devotional from the book of Ecclesiastes

by Marcy Lytle


FaithMoments of Obedience Find Your


www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area14 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Born and raised in a Christian home, Michelle was 18 when she received a phone call from her mother saying she was divorcing her father. Michelle cut off communication with her mom for six years and internalized her pain using food as a coping device, smiling on the outside as though everything was fine. Michelle and

her father auditioned for Season 5 of The Biggest Loser Family Edition and almost made it. When the show called her back to audition for Season 6, Michelle's father suggested she invite her mother to join her. They were chosen as contestants and ultimately won, losing a combined 216 pounds! Through this adventure God revealed His mercy to Michelle, showing that forgiveness is possible—and her healing began. Michelle and her husband live in Texas. Austin Faith & Family caught up with Michelle for an interview in mid-July.

aFF: Many people struggle with forgiving those who have caused them pain.  Please tell our readers how God gave you the strength and courage to be able to forgive your mom.  

miChEllE: All along I knew there would come a day when I would have to forgive her, but I had an issue with trusting God with my pain during that time. It was like that idea of having to get cleaned up to go to church when really he wants you to come to him broken, and he’ll help heal you. I just kept thinking “God, I’ll come back to you when I’ve got this fixed.” I began internalizing my anger and unforgiveness, and created a wall around myself, finding comfort in food. But as the years went by, I became more and more uncomfortable, and no matter what I did or where I went, the common denominator was ME. I always knew in the back of my mind that I would someday have to deal with the painful issues with my mom, but I definitely think God used my dad to prompt me to do the show with her.

When I actually got to The Biggest Loser ranch with my mom, it sunk in that this wasn’t just any show--this was Family Edition--and instantly everyone there had someone they trusted; yet I was there with the one person who caused me pain. I had to learn to trust my mom again. So to answer your question, it’s almost as though God was nudging me much harder towards forgiving my mom, once we were actually on the show!

aFF: Fans of The Biggest Loser will remember the dramatic episode where you chipped your tooth and almost quit the show, but what they may not have been able to see on national TV was the way God was turning your heart toward surrender and forgiveness, behind the scenes. Please tell us more about that moment when you gave it all to God.

miChEllE: Chipping my tooth was devastating for me because it felt like the armor of my smile--my protection all those years--had been stripped away. As a Christian for a long time, I knew the popular cliché “let go and let God” all too well, but I realize now that before that moment, I had never actually lived it out for myself. That moment was the first time I can really say I let go. I told God, “Ok I’ll stay if you can use this situation to help other people or to fix the broken places in my heart.” Finally, saying those things to God in the middle of the chaos was the big turning point for me. I had to be that broken to be able to start over and go on with God.

Starting the very next morning, God began teaching me to forgive my mom from the moment I woke up to the moment I hit the bed at night. He had me in an environment where I could focus on nothing else but losing weight and forgiving my mom--there were no other distractions. Sometimes the forgiveness would last only four minutes. I started realizing that it had nothing to do with her and everything to do with me, and that she couldn’t do anything to make me love her more or less, or

to forgive her more or less. I needed to choose to forgive her. When you give your pain to God you start to realize that it’s really so much about yourself and very little to do with the other person. At the end of the day, God’s like, “No, I want to work on you.”

It was then that the weight just starting melting off, like I was finally letting go of all the junk I had been holding onto all those years.

aFF: You’ve been married just over a year -- any advice for newlywed wives?

miChEllE: I would say my biggest thing is that I’m such a control freak, so I’m learning to not just delegate to my husband but to truly TRUST him with things. There are just so many moments where it’s all about communication and learning to trust the one that God has given you. It’s not something that comes easy, but when you go through those steps it brings you closer as a couple and prepares you for the years ahead. I mean 50 years is a long time! I’ve been enjoying the trial and I’m thrilled to have my best friend to share life with.

aFF: What can our female readers expect to experience at a Women of Faith event?

miChEllE: First of all, they will have a BLAST! It’s a big event and yet at the same time it feels personal - like they’ve customized it just for you and what you’re going through.

Michelle has become a featured speaker on the Women of Faith Tour, which is coming to the San Antonio Alamodome Oct. 22-23.

Susan Stern

Interview with Michelle Aguilar Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 15FAITH & FAMILYAustin

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area16 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

With the recent children’s medicine recall, many parents are exploring other remedies that were used by their parents and grandparents to ease the discomfort of a cold or fever. I, too, was one of the mommies prompted to look further than over the counter for ways to make my baby feel more comfortable at the onset of a yucky illness.

Rewind 60-75 years ago, and high fevers in particular meant serious business, many times resulting in death. Fever was the enemy, since the illnesses that caused those fevers weren’t treatable. But we are so lucky in 2010 to know that fever is our friend; warning us to potential problems, triggering the immune system, and battling bacteria and viruses.

I giggled upon hearing my grandmothers’ memories of what they grew up taking for their illnesses. Like MamaFaye, for example, stating that back then if you weren’t feeling well, it was thought that you simply needed a “cleaning out.” Her mother gave her a spoonful of dry black draught tea or castor oil mixed with orange juice. Because castor oil acts as a laxative, what better medicine to clean you out, yes!? BeBe recollected her mother pouring kerosene on cuts and scrapes, mopping sore throats with tincture merthiolate, and in the spring, every child in her family receiving a round of calama, which once again, was supposed to clean you out. Personally, I remember my dad putting iodine on my cuts and calling it “monkey blood.” I was a wee bit frightened by the name he used! But he did it because his dad treated his wounds the same way. My mom recalls her dad treating her sore throats with warm lemon juice, seasoned with salt. She recalls it burning as it went down, and says even though it made her feel better, it probably was because of the time he put in, to take care of her, rather than the concoction itself.

Of course there are home remedies of this day that are much less “traumatizing” than dry black draught tea, castor oil and “monkey’s blood.” For example, to soothe a sore throat, taking a

spoonful of honey (for children 1 and older), with fresh lemon juice squeezed over the top. Or for the common cold, cough or congestion, rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub on a damp cloth and gently heating it in the microwave. By laying the warm rag on the chest, the sick child can breathe in the vapors, loosening congestion and calming a cough. Did you know that licorice root and dark chocolate have both been shown to also soothe coughs? If you’ll notice, many of the over-the-counter cough drops are flavored this way for that very reason. Ginger and lemon induce sweating; and sweating has been proven to naturally bring a fever down; so offer your child a warm cup of ginger tea with lemon and honey.

It’s tough seeing your child sick and battling the symptoms that come along with an illness. Getting past the cultural memories of fever being the enemy is equally as hard. But what is most prevalent in the memories of my grandmothers, parents, and even my own childhood illnesses is not necessarily the

medicine that was given, but the love and comfort shown by the parent. A rub of the back, stroke of the hair, and sweet kisses on the forehead

are often the best remedy for children who are feeling under the weather. Use the recent recall to spoil your child with what will make them feel better than any medicine can – the

Tender Loving Care that only you can provide.

Pieper Stewart

Betty and Faye are my two grandmothers, ages 85 and 75. As a mother myself, I’ve had an especially strong yearning to learn all I can about their experiences raising children. This column compares and contrasts what I’ve learned and hold dear, mom to mom, from these precious two

women I admire and love.

Treating the Symptoms, while soothing the soul

Mom to Mom:

Family Mom to MomAlong the Way

Catching the LightBack to School Specials


Door alarms, CPR, supervision, safety drain covers and swimming

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In the Paul Anka ballad, My Way, popularized by Frank Sinatra, “ol’ blue eyes,” sang, “Regrets, I’ve had a few. But then, again, too few to mention.…”Almost every one of us can relate to the problem of regrets. Often, however, there are more than just “a few.” Regrets are unwelcome memories that haunt our minds like ghosts from the past. Some people live entire lives of regret. According to a May 2008 Psychology Today magazine article, regret is the awareness that “it could have been otherwise.” The article goes on to say, “Since our lives are full of missed opportunities, regret is inevitable. Failed actions and roads not taken are part and parcel of human existence. We are condemned to feel regret.” While we may imagine a person with regrets as a lonely recluse full of self pity, nothing could be further from the truth. Noble Doss was a star on the football field from his induction to the Texas High School Hall of Fame to his days as a Texas Longhorn, where he set school records and earned a spot in the Longhorn Hall of Honor. His team even appeared on the cover of Life Magazine. After his successful collegiate career in Austin, Doss went on to the NFL where he won two National Titles with the Philadelphia Eagles. He has been happily married for more than six decades, served the country during WW II, and enjoys the love of his children and grandchildren. But Noble lives with regret. In 1941, a long, perfectly thrown pass, which should have led to an easy touch down, slipped – for some reason – through his hands. He was wide open. The goal was in sight. No one on the team was better qualified to catch that ball. He knew it. The fans knew it. The opposition knew it. But, he dropped that ball. Baylor rallied in the final seconds; Texas lost their top ranking and their chance for a National Championship. More than 50 years later, when meeting a new Texas Longhorn coach, Doss told him the story of the dropped ball and started to weep. “I think about that play every day,” he says. That is how regret works. It haunts our memories and can affect the direction of the rest of our lives. In his 2009 book Fearless, best selling author Max Lucado, writing about the dropped football, said, “Most fans remember the plays Doss made and the passes he caught. Doss remembers the one he missed.” Is there a regret you hold that is still holding you? If regrets were always “sins” we could repent and move on. We can repent of sins, but we can’t necessarily repent of regrets. Remember, regrets are defined not as moral failures, but as missed opportunities in life. Sin may sometimes, but not always, be the issue. Psychologist Amy Bellous, writing for Psyche Central, and drawing from a variety of surveys,

has listed the four most common regrets in America. The single most common regret in life is the sense of having failed to pursue more education. The second most common regret is wishing we had chosen a different career. Next, people regret their marriage decisions; and finally, most people regret the relationships with their family including parents, siblings and children.

Regrets fall into two categories. We regret what we did and we regret what we failed to do. The common denominator, of course, is that all regret is focused on the past. While the future is a blank slate, and while we may be working as hard as we can at the moment, the past is always beyond our reach.

In the train wrecks of personal experience, the only survivors may be feelings we hold on to. We remember how it felt to love her, we feel the sting of being fired, we still feel the shock of dropping that football…. As a result, even though the regret is a painful memory, we won’t let go because there was something so powerful about the regretful event that we do not want to forget. For most regrets; however, we need to declare a truce. We need to find a way to put them into a treasure chest of memories, for the good they sometimes represent, while allowing the hurtful way it all turned out to be retired. In other words, we have to give ourselves permission to forget the pain, even if we want to remember the events or the people. We can also learn from others who have had to successfully deal with regrets and still move on. For instance, the Apostle Paul could have been crippled by regret. He once hated Christians and did his best to arrest as many as possible. He hoped all of them would suffer the same fate as their Master – he wanted them to die. In fact, he was responsible for some Christian imprisonments and possibly some deaths. Then, by the grace of God, he became one of them. What was his response to his own violent and hate-filled past? He said, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on.” (Philippians 3:13-14) For believers with regrets, the strongest words of faith may be, “forget” and “press on.” To recover from regret we need to pray for “holy amnesia” concerning the past and for the will to move forward. As always, God will hear our prayers, and give us the grace to recover from regrets.

Kie Bowman

Dr. Kie Bowman is the pastor of Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin.

FamilyAlong the Way

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area18 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Families that pray together stay together, and grow together. Below is a small sample of the type of family devotions you will find in Catching Fireflies, written by Marcy Lytle. Take one evening, gather the family together, and catch the light from God's Word as you

have fun doing it!

Summer is hot here in Central Texas. Fruit is refreshing, when it’s fresh, ripe and set before us to eat. We all know that fruit must be washed, to remove all contaminants, in the same way that we have to be washed so that the fruit we produce is pleasing to our heavenly Father. Purchase an array of fruit for an evening study with your family – tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, green apples, bananas, and grapes. Leave each one whole and untouched until the study begins, and then enjoy together, as you read along below: Tangerine – This fruit has skin that is easily peeled, without using a knife. The flesh is tender and just requires a gentle pulling, to reveal the juicy sections of fruit below. Our flesh needs to be tender as well, so that it is easily put aside in order to reveal the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Tangerines remind us to be gentle in spirit.

Orange – This fruit looks similar to a tangerine, but the peeling is completely different. Using a knife, we cut open the orange to reveal fruit that is not easily removed. It’s actually attached to the skin and has to be squeezed into our mouths to enjoy. Oranges remind us that faith comes through squeezing through hard times, looking to Him for everything we need. Grapefruit – This is another citrus fruit and has a tart, sometimes sour flavor. Some people even sprinkle salt or sugar on grapefruit sections, before they take a bite. There are even special grapefruit spoons that cut and section each little slice for each little bite. Grapefruit is good for us, and reminds us of His goodness in our lives. Lemon – Sour lemons cause babies to make the most interesting faces when put to their lips! Lemons add pizzazz to a dull drink, or brighten up vegetables when cooking. When added to water, with a bit of sugar, refreshing lemonade can be enjoyed by many. Lemons are lovely on a hot summer day. Lemons remind us of love, a fruit best shared when given away. Green apple – Sliced apples stand alone as a snack, or dipped in caramel make them a

tasty dessert! However, if apples are sliced and left to sit very long, they turn brown and no one wants to eat them. Some fruit needs to be eaten right away! Green apples are shiny and bright, just like the joy of the Lord, to be experienced right now! Banana – Overripe bananas get mushy and dark and begin to attract gnats. However, when they are “just right,” a peeled banana is one of the healthiest fruits around! It’s full of vitamins we need for strong bodies. Bananas remind us to be at peace, the fruit that brings health to our lives in every way. Grapes – These come in bunches. It’s hard to eat just one. Green or purple, grapes are great. A cluster of grapes is beautiful, and grapes are even used for décor in restaurants or painted on wallpaper. One little grape isn’t so attractive, but a huge cluster is breathtaking! Grapes remind us that the fruit of meekness is not weakness; it’s actually joining with God in all of his strength and glory! But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.-Galatians 5:22

Marcy Lytle

Enjoy the Fruit...Family

Catching the Light Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 19FAITH & FAMILYAustin


www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area20 FAITH & FAMILYAustin Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 21FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Public School:A Good Choice

Choosing to homeschool or choosing a private school is not an option for many families. And I am one parent who could have done either, but I chose to send my kids to public school. Public school, in my experience, was a good choice, and the best choice, for my kids. Many times parents are “afraid” of public school and scared of all of the secular teaching, the bullies, the lack of prayer, and the list goes on… However, there are many great things about public school, and if you’re a parent with kids in the public school system, do not let those who choose otherwise criticize the choice you’ve made for your family. There are many ways to make the best of a public school year for your kids, and to make the best of the whole 12 years in the public school system.

Stay involved. Volunteer at your child’s school, read the papers that come home, and meet the teachers. Find out what they’re reading, and if need be – read the books with them and discuss. My pastor suggested this when my son was in middle school and it was a great learning experience for both of us.

Meet the friends. Invite your child’s friends over to YOUR house after school, invite them to your child’s youth group or children’s activities, and make them feel like they are loved. Meet their parents and be friendly. If you are in control of the playing environment after school, YOU can influence your kids and their friends in a positive way.

Pray with your kids. Spend time each evening talking, reading the Word, and praying with your kids. Have dinner at the table. Ask them about

their concerns, pray for kids who are mean, teach your children to love the unlovely, and just pray about everything!

Encourage your kids. I taught my kids to be a thermostat, not a thermometer. A thermostat sets the temperature for the room, and a thermometer just reads it. Let your kids know they are at school to learn, to share the light inside them, and to show respect and honor to their teachers and other kids in their classroom.

Broaden your boundaries. If your child plays on a sports team at school, get to know the parents and socialize. This is a great way to show your kids, by example, what it means to reach out to others.

Be bold. If your child is not learning properly, or if your child is being treated unfairly, stand up for them. I once did this for my son, when he was disciplined for something he did not do. I took the discipline for him. It spoke volumes of Christ’s love to my son. And if your child is doing well, the teacher he has is great – then speak up and let the teacher and the administration know. Praise the good that is present at your school.

Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. That’s a promise, and it’s one you can believe and teach to your children. Take advantage of the great opportunity to let His light shine.

Marcy Lytle

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area22 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Across the country is an emerging movement of parents and teachers that believe it is not enough to provide the right subjects for their children. These folks are starting schools that focus on teaching comprehensive content and moral conviction—the kind of education we’d have to look back to our great-grandparents’ generation to find. Recovering this missing aspect of modern schooling is the central aim of classical educators today. Their classrooms include the fundamentals of phonics, grammar, logic, and rhetoric. But these “classical” subjects are only the beginning. Students are also trained to use them as tools for self-learning. Indeed, these “tools of learning” are as important as the “subjects” they teach. Over 60 years ago, Oxford scholar and British novelist, Dorothy Sayers, wrote about the declining ability of her generation to think. She lamented in her essay “The Lost Tools of Learning”[1] the fact that while teachers were successful at teaching “subjects,” they were failing to train students how to think. A return to the “mediaeval syllabus” was her solution, where teaching doesn’t focus on subjects as much as it does on the methods of handling subjects. In this approach, students are taught how to use the “tools of learning” before they begin to apply them to study of subjects. Modern education tends to focus mainly on teaching subjects, leaving the method of thinking, arguing, and expression incidental to the learning process. But Sayers points out that in the mediaeval model, teaching concentrated on “learning to handle the tools of learning” and using subjects as material on which “to doodle until the use of the tool became second nature.” Classical educators identify age-appropriate tools for students so that they become life-long learners. This approach centers on the application of the trivium whereby the three phases of learning are adapted to the three observable stages of childhood development: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Grammar students are taught through song, rhythm, and repetition to help develop memory and to store basic information. This is also when they begin Latin, the foundation for English and an important link to later learning. Teachers in the logic state capitalize on the early adolescent’s ability to argue and draw conclusions. These students are taught formal logic, and their reasoning skills are sharpened through learning other advanced subjects. High school is the rhetoric phase where students are taught to communicate with clarity and persuasiveness at a point in their development when they are naturally concerned about personal appearance. Classical education is the legacy of Western Civilization. Leaders like Washington, Adams, and Jefferson were products of classical training. While in earlier generations this approach trained the best American minds, it is being used again to develop thoughtful, articulate, and morally mature young people today. The final, but most compelling component of classical education, is moral nurture. In the Western tradition, classical schooling was based on a foundation of morality. Scriptural beliefs were formulated into concrete values on which our greatest leaders once lived. Today’s classical schools build a biblical and moral structure around which all other subjects are taught. In response to academic and moral decline in American schools today, this educational movement is returning to a time-tested method developed over a thousand years. These educators are successfully inspiring students to engage in their own learning long after the lights go out at the end of the school day.

Mark W. Dolan

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Latin, Logic, and aWhole Lot More Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 23FAITH & FAMILYAustin

August 1 Making Movies – Harry Ransom Center from 10am – 5pm. Featuring items from the Ransom Center’s extensive film collections, Making Movies reveals the collaborative nature of the filmmaking process and focuses on how the artists involved, from writers to directors, actors to cinematographers, transform the written word into moving image. Texas Treasures: Inside Our Governors Mansion – Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion. Youth Rally Concert – Grace Bible Church starting at 7pm. The concert will be featuring the worship band and praise team The Saving Motion from Oklahoma. We would like to invite the youth from the area to join us for a night of fellowship and worship. August 2 Children’s Music and Drama Camp – Shoreline Church from 8am -5pm. For children entering grades 1-6. Camp objectives: devotions and high energy worship, age- appropriate vocal techniques, worship songs, rhythm stick routines, choreography, basic drama and stage terms, character development, parents performance on the last evening of camp. Scott & White Georgetown Reference Lab Blood Drive – Scott & White Georgetown Reference Draw Lab from 10am – 2pm. All blood donors will receive a free 6-pack cooler, 12 free wings from Buffalo Wild Wings, the chance to win 2 free Houston Astros tickets and the chanced to win the choice of any $500 gift card. Texas Treasures: Inside Our Governors Mansion – Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion. August 3 Children’s Music and Drama Camp – Shoreline Church from 8am – 5pm. For children entering grades 1-6. Camp objectives: devotions and high energy worship, age appropriate vocal techniques, worship songs, rhythm stick routines, choreography, basic drama and stage terms, character development, parents performance on the last evening of camp.

Texas Treasures: Inside Our Governors Mansion – Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion. August 4 Children’s Music and Drama Camp – Shoreline Church from 8am – 5pm. For children entering grades 1-6. Camp objectives: devotions and high energy worship, age appropriate vocal techniques, worship songs, rhythm stick routines, choreography, basic drama and stage terms, character development, parents performance on the last evening of camp. Texas Treasures: Inside Our Governors Mansion – Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion. August 5

1964 A Tribute to the Beatles – Paramount Theater starting at 8pm. This is the only way to experience a true-to-life pre-Pepper Beatles concert. You’ll dance, you’ll laugh, you’ll sing along. Children’s Music and Drama Camp – Shoreline Church from 8am – 5pm. For children entering grades 1-6. Camp objectives: devotions and high energy worship, age appropriate vocal techniques, worship songs, rhythm stick routines, choreography, basic drama and stage terms, character development, parents performance on the last evening of camp.

Fairytale Threads Consignment Sale – Old Settlers starting at 10:30am. Fairytale Threads consignment sale is back for the fall season and has everything you need for infants, toddlers, kids, and teens! Come find awesome deals on new and gently used items so your family can live “happily ever after” without breaking the bank. Texas Treasures: Inside Our Governors Mansion – Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion. August 6 Austin Kingdom Academy free “Taste and See” Nights – Church of the Hills starting at 6:30pm. The Austin Kingdom Academy is a school that honors the presence of God for adults. The Academy exists to incite a reproductive movement of those who are passionate for God and able to display his love with power. B Scene: Cool and Collected – The Blanton Museum of Art from 6pm – 10:30pm.Beat the heat this summer and join us for our bi-monthly art party! Stay cool and collected while you mingle with friends and other art lovers, and enjoy live music. Children’s Music and Drama Camp – Shoreline Church from 8am – 5pm. For children entering grades 1-6. Camp objectives: devotions and high energy worship, age appropriate vocal techniques, worship songs, rhythm stick routines, choreography, basic drama and stage terms, character development, parents performance on the last evening of camp. Texas Treasures: Inside Our Governors Mansion – Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion. August 7 2010 March-a-Thon – Twin Creeks and Deer Creek neighborhoods. Come hear the award-winning Cedar Park High School Timberwolf Band as we parade through the neighborhoods surrounding Cedar Park High School! Made in Texas Family Film Series…BENJI. Texas Spirit Theater at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum from 3pm-5pm. Free admission!! In his first adventure, Benji is a stray dog who has nonetheless worked his way into the hearts of a number of the townspeople.

Christian Brothers Family Calendar

DON'T MISS!Casting Crowns in

concertAugust 5, 7pm

Shoreline Christian Center

Tickets at

Texas Treasures : Inside Our Governors Mansion - Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion . World Breastfeeding Month Awareness Family Fun Event – Lakeline Mall Dillards Women Court starting at 9am. Information on the importance of breastfeeding infants and support available in the community, register for door prizes, and information on WIC services and Health Department services. The Wiggles – Paramount Theater at various times. The Fab Four from down under are back with this year’s most anticipated family event. August 8 Second Sunday Serenade – Louis Hays Park in Kerrville, TX - Enjoy a free concert in the park on the Guadalupe River. Don’t forget to bring a lawn chair and picnic. Texas Treasures: Inside Our Governors Mansion – Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion. August 9 Texas Treasures: Inside Our Governors Mansion – Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion. VBS 2010 – High Seas Expedition – Point of Grace Church at 6:30pm. Kids will feel the sea spray on their faces as sails snap overhead. They’ll experience the deep rolling waters of God’s love. August 10 Texas Treasures: Inside Our Governors Mansion – Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum starting at 6pm. Come explore the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum’s newest exhibit, Texas Treasure: Inside Our Governors Mansion. VBS 2010 – High Seas Expedition – Point of Grace Church at 6:30pm. Kids will feel the sea spray on their faces as sails snap overhead. They’ll experience the deep rolling waters of God’s love.

August 11 American Idol Auditions – Frank Erwin Center starting at 5am. VBS 2010 – High Seas Expedition – Point of Grace Church at 6:30pm- Kids will feel the sea spray on their faces as sails snap overhead. They’ll experience the deep rolling waters of God’s love. August 12 Joe McDermott Concert – St. Thomas Parish Activity Center starting at 9:30am. Enjoy a morning with one of Austin’s favorite children’s musicians, super slide, fire truck and raffle. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Free goodie bags for the 1st 200 people. VBS 2010 - High Seas Expedition – Point of Grace Church at 6:30pm. Kids will feel the sea spray on their faces as sails snap overhead. They’ll experience the deep rolling waters of God’s love. August 13 VBS 2010 – High Seas Expedition – Point of Grace Church at 6:30pm. Kids will feel the sea spray on their faces as sails snap overhead. They’ll experience the deep rolling waters of God’s love. August 14 Family Wellness Clinic – Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church from 10am – 1pm - We will be offering free health services, free dental treatment. We will also be giving away school supplies, shoes, and clothing. “Meet and Greet Author Signing” - Lifeway Christian Store from 1pm-3pm. Janet Davis, author of The Feminine Soul; Gail Showalter, contributor to But Lord, I Was Happy Shallow!; Carol Floch, author of The Single Mom’s Devotional; Karol Ladd, author of Positive Women series. They will visit and share insights into their writing. Second Saturday’s are for Families: Chill-Out AA: Ice Cube Painting – AMOA from 12pm – 4pm. Take a break from the heat and chill out at AMOA! Discover an eco-friendly way to make art by painting with ice cubes.

August 15 Summer Celebration Festival – 6pm – 9pm at Frontier Park in Round Rock – Sponsored by New Hope Community Church – Food, games, snowcones, and fun… August 18-22 Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus – Frank Erwin Center at various times. August 28 Adventures Night – YMCA Camp Twin Lakes starting at 5pm. Don’t let summer pass you by without a little family adventure out at Camp Twin Lakes. Mark your calendar and plan on joining us for our annual Adventure Night presented by the YMCA Adventure Guides program. Texas 4000 for Cancer Tribute – Hyatt Regency starting at 6:30pm. Texas 4000 for cancer ride at the Annual Texas 4000 for Cancer Tribute. A special evening of cocktails, music, dinner, and dancing.


Prematurity is the leading cause of death and disability for newborns, and each year, approximately 500,000 babies are born prematurely in the United States.

When Jennifer Gunter, MD, was pregnant with triplets, something unusual happened. Twenty-two and a half weeks into her pregnancy she suddenly went into labor and delivered her first son, Aidan, who died just three minutes later.  Nearly four weeks later, at week twenty-six, Jennifer delivered her sons, Oliver and Victor—weighing one pound eleven ounces and one pound thirteen ounces, respectively—and became a parent of preemies. A nationally and internationally renowned obstetrician/gynecologist, it was then that Jennifer's professional mission to help women became very personal indeed. She wrote the forthcoming The Preemie Primer: A Complete Guide for Parents of Premature Babies – From Birth Through the Toddler Years and Beyond (July 2010, Da Capo Lifelong Books/Perseus Books, $16.95) to help parents just like her.

Jennifer Gunter, MD, is an internationally renowned OB/GYN and a leading expert in the field of women’s pain medicine. She is the only OB/GYN in the United States who is board certified in both OB/GYN and pain medicine. Visit to learn more, or pre-order a copy.

  Babs Chandrasoma

The Preemie Primerby Jennifer Gunter, MD

Rise and Fall and Rise AgainAn album by Zach Gomez

This artist states it’s hard to “pigeonhole” his music into one style or genre. However, his songs do fall under the genre of singer/songwriter, as Zach Gomez is a solo act with only his voice, and the guitar. For the CD version, talented musicians were brought into the studio to “broaden” the sound. Zach states he throws in memorable surprises into his meaningful songs that tell a story or paint a picture. He states, “I have a knack for complex finger-picking and driving rhythms.”

All of the songs on this album were inspired by personal experience, thoughts, or feelings Gomez has gone through, and the lyrics come from his heart. Some depict pictures of his relationship with God and his struggles with faith, with the last song on the album being inspired by Jesus and his ability to bring justice to all injustices in the world. Rise and Fall and Rise Again, as the title suggests, is a work of lyrics that present our imperfections as people who fall, God’s strength to pick us up, and His ability to enable us to do what “he has called us to do.”

One of the songs “The 54th” is a ballad with an epic length of 6:47. Zach states this is one of his favorites of the collection. The song is about Colonel Robert Shaw of the American Civil War and his regiment, The 54th Massachusetts (the first black regiment of the Civil War). Their story is told in the film Glory.

One particular friend who recently was given Zach’s CD stated, “I played it in my car and listened to the entire CD from

beginning to end.”

To contact Zach, visit and purchase his album or schedule a concert. He can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Reverb Nation, and Sound Cloud.

Marcy Lytle

Called to Love by Kaye Miller is a compelling book of compassion, faith, and God's amazing grace.  You will journey with Kaye through true life faith-in-action stories.  Growing up in Thailand, Kaye learned the love of God by watching her father love the sick and minister as a medical missionary.  As she was my own precious friend and roommate in college, I have seen firsthand Kaye live out loud the love and faith which she shares in Called to Love.  This book gives the reader fresh joy and insight into the very heart of God.  Kaye Miller currently serves as President of the National Woman's Missionary Union. 

Ginny Hurley

Called to Loveby Kaye Miller

Letters to God DVD

A heartfelt tale of inspiration, hope, and redemption, Letters to God is the story of what happens when one boy’s walk of faith crosses paths with one man’s search for meaning— the resulting journey touches the lives of everyone around

them. Never before released in the Austin market, this is one film you and your family do not want to miss!

Available August 10th at LifeWay,Reg. $24.99, on sale for $19.99

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area26 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Concordia University Texas is an award-winning institution of higher education, with 2,100 students and a beautiful 389-acre main campus near Lake Travis. A privately-owned, accredited, liberal arts university, Concordia is under the auspices of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The school’s mission is to develop Christian leaders.

Round Rock resident Dr. Don Christian is Dean of the College of Business for Concordia. Christian is a man of faith. He is warm, outgoing and enthusiastic. He is a man with big ideas. And when he talks, people listen. Since joining Concordia in 2005, Christian has grown the Bachelor of Business Administration program by more than 70%. He has engaged the Central Texas community by bringing together an advisory board of reputable business executives. He established a monthly speaker series that spotlights a diverse range of regional leaders. He partners with a variety of nonprofit organizations that provide real-life experiences for Concordia students.

Most recently, Christian has worked to develop a new program for Concordia University Texas, a Master of Business Administration (MBA). The Concordia MBA aims to attract employees of small business and corporate settings. What makes it unique is that the program is also targeted to employees of non-traditional business vocations, such as the nonprofit and public sectors. “We offer a reduction in tuition in the MBA program for people who work full-time for nonprofit organizations,” Christian said. “We want to assist them in honing their business skills so that they may be meaningful contributors in their communities.” Students will learn specific skills in accounting, finance, economics, marketing and business strategy, while developing leadership skills to make a positive difference in the workplace and beyond. “With our mission in mind, we have designed this program from the ground up to develop people who can lead with a world view that is for the common good,” stated Christian.

Dick Moeller, former Chief Executive Officer of the St. David’s Foundation and a member of Concordia’s Business Advisory Board, noted that “The Concordia MBA program is perfect for today’s challenging business environment; it will develop the next generation of successful leaders.”

The Concordia MBA is designed to be completed in a two-year time span with students attending class one evening per week so that they can work while earning a degree. A total of 36 credit hours, including four one-hour leadership seminars and a capstone course at the end of the program, are required. Each student will be part of a cohort, which means

that they will be together with the same group for two years. The Concordia MBA is a rigorous and demanding program, and students need fundamental knowledge in accounting, finance and economics. In order to attract students with diverse academic and professional backgrounds, Concordia is offering online and CD options for students to gain any necessary prerequisite business knowledge.

Admission requirements to the program include:A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale) for all undergraduate workA bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education or a recognized foreign institution of higher learningThree-to-five years of professional work experience (preferred)A score of at least 550 of the TOEFL (international students only)

The program, and the need that it will fill in Central Texas, is exciting to Christian, other university leaders, area businesses and nonprofit organizations and potential students. “The purpose of a nonprofit is to serve the good of the community, but an organization can’t be

effective in fulfilling its mission if it is not run by someone with a good understanding of the fundamentals of business,” Dan Pruett, CEO and President of Meals on Wheels and More, and a member of Concordia’s Business Advisory Board, said. “Spending more than two decades in the private sector building a business gave me the tools to lead Meals on Wheels and More. I believe Concordia’s MBA program will equip others to better lead nonprofit organizations.”

Potential students recognize the difference that the Concordia MBA program could make in their career. “I believe my MBA  will allow me to be more competitive in the job market and allow me to enhance my skills and tools that can be used in the future,” stated Kevin Overton-Hadnot, an employee of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. The Concordia MBA program is offered at both the university’s main campus in Northwest Austin, and in Central Austin at 183 and North Lamar. The two-year program costs about $20,000 and financial aid is available.  For more information about Concordia’s MBA program, visit or call (512) 313-3000. Kristin Marcum

[Focus: School]Concordia University Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 27FAITH & FAMILYAustin

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www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area28 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

As I entered this new restaurant, I was immediately impressed by the decor and the layout of the place. Walt Powell, General Manager, gave me a grand tour of this family-friendly restaurant full of sports memorabilia. The owner, Allan Reagan, and the developer, Duane Davis, joined us as we sampled the grilled three-cheese flatbread, which was absolutely delicious!

HomeField Grill is made to resemble a sports stadium, with the steel columns painted with ivy (to look like Wrigley Field) on the Home Run Porch (patio), with Astroturf (yes, real) on the floor. Inside, the restaurant is divided into different areas, titled with familiar terms, such as the Clubhouse (bar area with pool tables and jukebox), the Playing Field (game room) the Sky Box (semi-private eating area overlooking the Playing Field), the VIP dining room (for general seating), and the Field House (an area for that special event or meeting.)

At the booths in the Clubhouse, there are speakers where patrons at each table can listen to their favorite game shown on one of the many TV’s on the walls. In the dining area, there are only two (silent) TV’s on the walls. Instead they are lined with photos of local sports teams, and local players who’ve made it to the big leagues. The hostesses are dressed in appropriate cheerleading outfits and waiters and waitresses sport game day uniforms for soccer, baseball, volleyball, and basketball. They are all fittingly called the “Grillers.” There’s a Chef’s Table near the kitchen, and stools for seating in full view of the “flame-throwing” pizza guys! There’s even a penalty box, where a large party can enjoy their own private experience. Customers can dine in a different area, one for each night of the week!

HomeField Grill was born in the mind of Allan Reagan, while hiking around Lake Georgetown. Allan is one of the owners of Sky Ridge Plaza in Round Rock, and he figured if he wanted people in our area to think his shopping center is a great place, he better “put his money where

his mouth is.” Duane Davis researched local residents, asking them what they wanted to see in the Round Rock area. He states, “We wanted to make sure what we did was what the community wanted.” Round Rock spoke, and these guys listened. Everything in their restaurant has ties to the local community. They make a “genuine effort weave the fabric of the Round Rock area into everything about HomeField Grill.”

Finally, HomeField Grill wants to be known for their food first, and foremost. They are “An American Grill” and up to 90% of their food is made from scratch. Nolan Ryan’s Guaranteed Tender Beef being is used for every beef item. HomeField Grill is now the largest restaurant in Williamson County, employs top local chefs, and has created 70 new jobs for our area. Families are welcome, and each member will be delighted at the attention given to please Dad, Mom, and the kids. And by the way, after dinner, Yummy (connected to HomeField Grill) is open next door, serving Blue Bell ice cream, frozen yogurt and old-fashioned Icees.

Need an evening out where there’s something for everyone? Longing for a date night with your special someone? Looking to book a party where great food and fun are found? The 80-item menu is incredible (it looks like a baseball) and the choices are too many to sample in one visit, or even two. This is a place you’ll want to frequent, a place you’ll personally call “home field,” where you’ll always have the advantage...

Marcy Lytle

Where the Food Never Strikes Out

Life City SceneJust a Good Cook

TravelLadies Top 10

29303132 Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 29FAITH & FAMILYAustin


9/30/10 9/30/10 9/30/10

Robert Rees, Angel Calderon and Diana Reyes with 98.9 The Big Talker

Toby, Laura, Jimmy, Calee and Marissa DavisSteve and Hank Chauffe

On July 10, the Round Rock Express had Used Car Night, presented by Nyle Maxwell. Four used cars were given away during the game. It was also "Super Series" Night for youth baseball players in the area. 98.9 FM, The Big Talker, was also present.

Nyle Maxwell Used Car Night at Round Rock Express

No Oven NeededHello again. Should we talk about the weather? It is almost too hot to cook!

Almost every woman I have spoken to lately says, “No way, I’m not turning on my oven, no- way, no- how. “ Well, I agree. That’s why we are only going to open cans and use plenty of pre-washed baby greens to fill us up.

You can make chicken salad, tuna salad, pimento cheese, and pasta salad to keep in the fridge for a cool quick meal. Mind you, your husband may want you to pick up BBQ or fried chicken before long! Husbands can only eat so many salads before they put their foot down or, should I say, their forks down. Thank heavens for the drive-through; you can leave the air conditioner on high while you place your order. I know, I know, with all the media talking about being obese, this may be the last thing I should be advising you to do. Too late! I just did. If you must, you can make smart choices. Nevertheless, let us make something cool to eat!

For the kids, please have plenty of other pops, Italian ice pops, and fruit pops in your freezer. You can send the kids outside while they enjoy the cold treat. In addition, when they finish the first one, just give them another, and another. It will keep them cool and help them get fluids while they’re enjoying the pops!

This month's tip: My kids always enjoyed frozen grapes in the summertime.

Sandra Alton

Chicken Salad• 2 large cans of chunk white


• 1/2cupoflow-fatmayo(ormoreifyouprefer)

• 1/2cupofceleryfinelychopped• 1/2cupofgrapescutinhalf• 1 tsp sweet or dill pickle relish,

whicheveryouprefer(Iusesweet).• 1/4tspdrieddill• 1/4tspofparsley• Saltandwhitepeppertotaste• 1/4cupslicedtoastedalmonds

Mixall together,andserveoverbabygreens,thengarnishwithafewtoastedalmonds.

Pimento Cheese:• 16 oz of 2% sharp cheddar

cheese (hand-grated is how mygranddaughterJinaprefersit)

• 4 oz jar of pimentos (drained &chopped)

• 3/4cupofmayonnaise


Tuna Salad2largecansoftunainwater,drainedwell. (If youdon’t havepets - shameonyou.)1hardboiledegg1/4 cup chopped onion (I like greenonions)1/4-cupsweetorsourpicklerelish1/4-cupmustard3/4cupofmayonnaiseMixwellandchill

Tuna served inside a large tomatocanbesimplybeautifulandtasty.Youknowhowimportantthatwillbetoyourspouse.

Lemon-Lime Daiquir1 Layered Dessert2 cups of lemon-lime sherbet (oryourfavoriteflavorisgreat)18ozpackageofcreamcheese1cansweetenedcondensedmilk18oztubCoolWhip1/2cuplemonjuice

Line a 9x5-in loaf pan with foil.Spoon 2 cups of lemon-limesherbet into the pan, freeze 10minutes. Beat cream cheese untilfluffy;graduallybeat insweetenedcondensed milk and lemon juice.Stir inCoolWhip. Spreadmixtureoversherbet.Freezeovernight.

You can turn it upside down andplaceonaservingplaceforanicepresentation,thencutinto1”slices.Itisprettyanddelicious!

LifeJust a Good Cook

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area30 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

As a travel professional, I understand not everyone is going to love a cruise. However, the majority of those that experience just one cruise go again and again and again. I am not trying to sway the diehard “I like my feet in the sand” or “I’d rather experience one destination” travelers out there (I love helping those as well); but for those who might be curious as to what the top aspects of a cruise are, here are mine:

I like the lull of the rhythm of the sea. I will tell you that the first night out, I do take

over-the-counter medicine to alleviate any motion that my brain tells me is not natural. But after that, I enjoy the slight motion. It becomes relaxing and feeds that basic need to feel connected to nature in a way that a car or airplane can’t manage. Also, I find the best sleep ever with the cradle-like rocking.

I love the “shippy” stuff. Unlike a land-based resort, cruise ship sailing has not changed much in nearly 50 years in some nostalgic

ways that I enjoy. From the ship’s distinctive horn to the chipper cruise directors, I’m reminded of watching Love Boat every week as a young girl. Also, it’s nice to see officers in full uniform

and activities like Bingo and contests by the pool that you just can’t experience elsewhere. Lastly, the sound of the wind whipping across the open decks, and the excitement of leaning over the railings to watch the water, is simply exhilarating.

I know the whole family will have fun. My daughter’s first experience on a ship at

eight years old is still so memorable to us. The dining room staff and cabin attendant treated her like a princess and she just LOVED the fun kids programs. Recently, as a teen, she enjoyed “hanging” out with other teens to do teen things all day: dance, contests, games, pizza parties, etc. My husband enjoys uninterrupted naps and not having a “honey-do” list. For me, a good book by the pool or a walk around the social decks to see what activities are going on is pure pleasure.

I appreciate the comforts in a safe environment. I love the walk up the gangway and exploring the ship to get my bearings

and walking the corridors to find my cabin, which will be my “home” for a week or more. I know the cabin attendant will take care of any

room needs and I am only stairs or an elevator away from spa, gym, restaurants, activities, and the sea. The safety onboard a ship gives me peace of mind, which is what I value in a vacation.

I can turn off reality and enjoy. Being on a ship allows me to turn down the volume of a busy life, turn off the cell phone, take off

the watch, and clear my brain. Someone else is cooking, cleaning, driving, and making my bed. I get to go to various destinations without worrying about the details. I can enjoy room service (at no additional cost), I can people watch, snack all day, or just whatever……Thank you for reading this article on my favorite reasons to cruise. My clients share their favorite items they enjoyed on their journeys and it makes my career choice that much more rewarding each and every time I listen to their adventure stories. Don’t Just Dream It, Do It!!!

Debby Stevens512-218-0291






LifeTravel Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 31FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Clearance racks. Since winter in Austin is relatively mild, those solid-colored summer t-shirts that are now marked down to $2-$3 can be purchased and stored for layering in the coming months. Make it a point to shop only the sales racks and see what you can find.

Air-conditioning. By now, you’ve come to be very grateful for AC in your home, in your car, and in your place of business. Instead of grumbling when the electric bill arrives in the mailbox, give thanks that cool air is flowing, and you are comfortable. Soon your AC bill will decline and you’ll be able to open your windows…maybe.

It’s the 8th month. There’s still four months until Christmas, so don’t panic. You still have time to make your lists, plan those crafts you’ve been meaning to make all summer, and even though you’ve now missed the “Christmas in July” sales, you’ve got several months to spruce up your home for the coming holiday season.

Baths. By now, you’re probably taking a bath twice a day, just to clean the perspiration from your body. Going outside in the heat to run to the grocery store has left you sticky, hot, and exhausted. So you bathe. But to save energy, you try to sleep under a thin sheet, only to wake up sticky, hot, and exhausted again. So you bathe.

Naps. Since you’re exhausted from the heat of the day, a 15-minute nap is welcome. Just a chance to sit on your sofa, or at your desk, put your head back, and doze off, can rejuvenate your spirit to get up and face the rest of the day.

Midnight. By now it’s cooled off to a low 90 degrees. You’re still up watching The Food Network to see who the next Top Chef will be, and your AC is still running, so you can finally fall asleep to the noise of the condensing unit buzz.

School. If your kids have said “I’m bored” all summer long, you can sigh for a bit of relief is coming soon. The bell will ring and your kids will be out the door to school…only to begin complaining, “I hate homework.” At least they won’t be bored.

Ice cream. Swimsuit season is about to end, so why not indulge yourself? Add in some strawberries, pecans and chocolate chips, and savor each bite. However, make sure you eat inside, in the AC, so the ice cream doesn’t melt before you take that first bite.

Ceiling fans. Who in Central Texas doesn’t have ceiling fans? They run constantly, and they give the air a swirl so that you can actually feel a cool breeze in any room in your house. And…you don’t have to dust them in August, because they don’t stay still enough for any dirt to land!

Morning weddings. If you happen to be “fortunate” enough to be invited to an outside wedding in the month of August, give thanks if it’s in the morning. Wear that sundress one more time, and sip a cool glass of iced tea. However, if you’re invited to an evening wedding in the month of August, send a polite declining RSVP and send a gift instead. That couple is crazy!

August is pretty much my least favorite month of the year. It’s been hot now for too long, my plants and flowers are wilted and scorched, the water bill is enormous, and visions of cold fronts on the weather map are dancing in my head. However, I know that vision won’t become a reality for another two months. There just has to be something to love about August. In fact, I’ve come up with ten things to love about this month.

Whatever month of the year, whatever season of life, there are always at least ten things for which to give thanks. And by the way, sarcasm can lighten the mood on a hot day, any time of the year! Here’s to cooler days ahead…

Marcy Lytle


TOP 10: 10 Things toLove About August

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area32 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Scott Linebrink:

Born August 4, 1976, 6’3” in height, drafted in 1997 by the San Francisco Giants, pitches with his right arm, currently

plays for the Chicago White Sox.

These are facts and stats that one can find anywhere on Scott Linebrink, the player. However, there is much more to this player than one can read or observe in a magazine, on the web, or even on the pitcher’s mound. This

man loves God first, his family second, and oh yes – he also loves baseball.

Scott Cameron Linebrink was born and raised in Austin, Texas and attended Westwood and McNeil High Schools. He also went to Southwest Texas State University and Concordia University at Austin. Like many American kids, he grew up playing Little League Baseball and from there advanced to high school baseball, and eventually landed on a college baseball team. Scott states, “My first baseball practice ever I had to be dragged kicking and screaming by my mom because my dad was out of town

at the time. At that point there were probably some doubts about my level of commitment to the game. I have to give the credit to mom for making me stick it out at the beginning.”

Scott is currently playing for the Chicago White Sox, his fifth organization. He signed on after playing for San Francisco, Houston, San Diego, and Milwaukee. He states that graduating from high school and then going into the Pro’s was a “whirlwind” for him, as he was a “late bloomer.” However, “I hit a growth spurt and started throwing harder and opportunities seem to keep coming my way.”

More Than Just Stats

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area34 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Linebrink wears the number 71 in honor of Mark Merila, his bullpen catcher in San Diego, who is battling a brain tumor. Mark is 38 years old and has three kids. Scott states about Mark, “Despite his physical condition, Mark has a wonderful attitude because of his faith in Christ. He is a tremendous inspiration, especially when I think things are going bad for me.”

Scott states that there are many challenges in his career, similar to the challenges everyone faces in life. The only difference is that, “When we mess up in a Major League Baseball game, everyone sees it on ESPN, and the negative thoughts can get compounded, if you let them.” However, Scott says his faith allows him to remember his value as a “redeemed child of God” and this supersedes any value that the game of baseball attempts to put on him.

The American dream to have it all, baseball, hotdogs, apple pie,

getting rich, and the smell of a new uniform.

This list describes a typical view through the eyes of young spectators who watch major league baseball players win games. These kids want to be just like the athletes they admire. To any aspiring young athletes, Scott has great wisdom to offer. He states, “While today’s society wants to glamorize athletes and make them larger than life, we are all basically the same, when you strip off the outer layers.” He states that every person, regardless of their status in life, has a God-shaped hole in their heart that can only be filled by God himself. His advice to the younger generation would be, “Putting your faith in Jesus Christ is the best thing you can do, and any of my achievements in the game aren’t even worth mentioning. Seek first God’s Kingdom and all else will be added.” 

Linebrink also reminds young athletes that one of the “unwritten” rules of baseball is to show respect to the people with whom you play on your own team, and to the people you play against on the opposing team. As a pitcher, Scott states there is constant pressure to live up to standards set for him in each game, and it can be quite overwhelming. However, Scott reminds us all that there is great freedom in making a goal to honor God in all we do. This is what he does with each pitch he throws. Even pitching the ball can be an “act of worship” if “I acknowledge God’s gift of talent and use that gift to bring Him glory.” Finally, Scott offers a comment for those minor leaguers out there who might be trying to be called up, “The same thing that made you successful as a minor leaguer will make you successful as a big leaguer. The most accomplished big leaguers

are simply the guys who learn to deal with failure the best.”

On the Chicago White Sox website it is printed in bold letters “IT’S BLACK AND WHITE.” Scott Linebrink’s view on serving God is “black and white” as well. Serving and loving God is what life is all about. Scott states that he is about as far from the typical “big league stereotype” as he could be, in the fact that he loves simple things like hanging out with his family, and just being outdoors.  He states that he likes to begin each morning with some “Word time.” After batting practice and games are over, he says, “I get home as fast as I can so I can put my girls to bed.”

Scott also shared with us some personal interests and anecdotes we found amusing and worth sharing. He states that what really goes on in an MLB dugout is a lot of sunflower seed spitting and gum chewing. Scott enjoys pranks just like the next guy, with his favorites being ones that make loud noises and cause people to jump. When asked if it was harder to be a good pitcher or a great hitter, he stated it was harder to hit than pitch. And the longest ball he’s ever hit? “I once hit a ground rule double in Atlanta, but I’ve had plenty of balls hit off me farther than that.”  Scott’s favorite Jello is “red” and his favorite cheese product is Cheese Puffs. He loves Snoopy (the cartoon character) and admires the life of Peter (from the Bible).

When asked about his plans for the future, Scott stated he would like to become involved on the mission field. He states that his dad and uncle are very active in projects in Africa and other places, and are doing some exciting things to fulfill the Great Commission to go into other parts of the world sharing about Christ. This love for Christ, and sharing it with others, is Scott’s dream and aspiration for his next “draft” in life.

Living the dream of knowing God, honoring God in all he

does, respecting those around him, loving his family.

These are the “unwritten” attributes of Scott Cameron Linebrink, pitcher for the Chicago White Sox. You won’t find this description in any sports magazine or on any sports webpage in the list of stats for this major league baseball player, but you can be sure these facts about this player are known by every one who meets him on, and off, the playing field.

Marcy Lytle

Scott Linebrink:More Than Just Stats

FEATURE STORY Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 35FAITH & FAMILYAustin

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area36 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

It is hard to believe that summer is almost over and school will soon be back in session. If you are about to drop off your child at their first day of Kindergarten, you are probably not thinking about how to help them pay for college. But planning for higher education expenses sooner, rather than later, can make a big difference in the financial wellness of your family. Having been the product of a generation that grew up with ever increasing access to credit, it was quite natural for my parents to suggest that I take out student loans to pay for college. Translation: like many families, the college years sneaked up faster than anticipated…without a plan to pay for it. Perhaps your own story is not unlike mine. I was financially naïve at 18, and my parents and I began to take out Student Loans to finance my education. I did not realize that only I was responsible for paying back these loans, not my parents. What I thought was an easy way to pay for college became an incredible financial burden during my early working years. I owed more than $63,000 in today’s dollars and the payments were consuming more than 28% of my monthly income. So how do families cover college costs today and not strap themselves or their children with mounds of debt? The short answer is that they start saving early and often. Your financial advisor can best help you navigate your choices for funding, but here are just a few: Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts (ESA)You can contribute $2,000 a year to a Coverdell ESA for each child as long as your household income is under certain IRS thresholds. Single income tax filers with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) less than $95,000 and joint filers with less than $190,000 MAGI may qualify for this type of savings plan. The money saved in these plans may be used for college or K-12 education expenses but must be used by the child prior to age 30. Contributions are not tax-deductable, but the account enjoys tax-deferred growth, and withdrawals for education related expenses are usually tax-free.

529 PlansThese state-sponsored savings plans allow you to save up to $13,000/year for your child’s college expenses. These plans allow the money you invest to grow tax-deferred, and the money is withdrawn tax-free, provided it is used for specific educational expenses such as tuition, fees, books and equipment required for class. Contributions are not tax-deductible on your federal tax return; however, some states allow a state income tax deduction for residents of that state. Texas does not offer this, since there is not a personal income tax levy. If your child does not go to college, you can change the name of the beneficiary. Financial Aid AvailabilityThere is an entire industry that exists to help families navigate the financial aid process. However, a casual stroll down the aisle of your favorite bookstore will uncover several dozen “How To” books. Colleges and universities commonly use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as a test to determine whether a student is eligible for grants, loans and some scholarships. Keep in mind that the FAFSA is all about the family’s income. Variables like invested assets and overall net worth do not get factored into aid eligibility.* Depending on your household income level, your child may qualify for a package of loans or grants to help cover some of the expenses of a college education. The FASFA must be completed by June 30th for each year your child wishes to apply for financial aid . Check with the college or university your child will be attending to determine if they have earlier deadlines. Other sources for aid are abundant. A great place to start might be FastWeb, , a resource for families beginning the financial aid process. Also, be sure to check with the financial aid office of the school your child plans to attend, for additional help.

One final thought. Make sure you have a working plan for your own retirement BEFORE you begin to tackle funding for your child’s college education. I often get questions from clients about funding a college education only to discover that the couple has not really begun to save for retirement. Ask yourself if you can realistically expect Junior to take care of you in your old age. More often than not, the answer is a resounding “no” or the client does not want to burden the child with that responsibility. Take care of yourself first and your children will one-day thank you…regardless of what college they attend. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 *Note: if you are thinking about converting a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA this year and have a student in or near college, talk with your financial advisor about the impact on your child’s FAFSA.

Mark Trice

Planning for College FundingGetting ahead means starting now!

Spend Life Well:

Money Spend Life WellDave Says

Moms Who SaveThe Home Front

37383940 Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 37FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Dear Dave,My husband lost his job a few months ago. He’s found another one since then, but we’re still trying to rebuild our finances. At the same time, our daughter plays softball on a travel team. It’s a great character-building experience, but the costs involved can be pretty high. Do you think we should cut down on the travel team activities for a while?Natasha

Dear Natasha,You’re right. Playing sports can be a great part of the character-building process. But she can learn character lessons playing in a softball league at your local park. She doesn’t have to travel all over the place to learn those kinds of things.If you have kids, there’s a pretty good chance you’re going to spend some money to help encourage their hobbies and interests. That comes with the territory, and it should be a fun and rewarding experience for everyone. You just have to take a look at your financial situation—and the kid’s desires and abilities—and make sure it’s a reasonable amount of money.In your situation, playing on a travel team right now is a luxury. You don’t need to be footing the bill for hotel rooms and gas and stuff while you’re trying to get back on solid ground financially. Chances are, this child is not going to make a living playing softball. Even if she is that good, she can still sharpen her skills in a home town league until you guys are back on your feet.I’m not opposed to kids playing on these kinds of teams per se. But you can’t allow the cost and time involved to undermine the needs of your family or blow your budget!—Dave Dear Dave,My wife and I are following your plan, and we’re in the middle of paying off our debts using the debt snowball. When we told my mother-in-law that by doing this we’d be able to pay off our house within 10 years, she told us that would be a stupid move. She couldn’t give us a reason why she thought it was stupid, but we couldn’t convince her otherwise. How can we explain things to her?Jason

Dear Jason,Okay, she’s telling you it’s a bad idea, but she has no idea why it’s a bad idea? It sounds to me like she’s the dumb one if she thinks you should behave a certain way, but can’t even tell you why. If someone can’t tell you why they have an argument against something, then they have no argument in the first place!A lot of talking heads think it’s smart to not pay off your home. They’ll tell you things like it’s better to borrow money against your house and invest it in the stock market. What they won’t tell you is that there’s virtually nothing there by the time you adjust for risk and taxes. Why in the world would you take a chance on losing your home over something like that? Another line they’ll throw out is that you don’t want to lose your tax deduction. This one’s really silly! If you have a $200,000 loan at five percent interest, you’ll pay about $10,000 a year in interest. Now, let’s also say you make $70,000 a year, and you’re in the 25 percent tax bracket. That $10,000 tax deduction is saving you $2,500 in taxes. In essence, you’re sending $10,000 to the mortgage company to keep from sending the government $2,500. That’s pretty stupid! You’d be better off to be debt-free and give $10,000 to some charity or your church. That way, you’ll save on taxes and do some good with the money.By paying off your home, you decrease risk and gain a ton of security! —Dave

Dear Dave,How early should I start teaching my kids about money? Also, how do you feel about giving kids an allowance?Cathy

Dear Cathy,I think you should start teaching kids about money as early as you start teaching them about sex—which is the first time they show any interest. Make sure you keep it age-appropriate, and don’t over-answer questions when they’re young.Neither of these things will amount to a one-

time talk, because they’re both just parts of life. That means they’re ongoing processes that will last for years. If you have one talk at an early age with your kids about money, then they’re probably not going to remember a lot of it as they get older. If you have just one talk with your kids about sex at an early age, you’re liable to wind up with a bunch of pregnant teenagers!     To answer your second question, I hate the idea of an allowance for kids, because it makes the whole situation sound like welfare. We put our kids on commission at an early age. They had chores associated with certain dollar amounts, and if they worked, they got paid. If they didn’t work, they didn’t get paid. It was as simple as that. Then, they would split their money between three different envelopes—one for saving, one for spending, and one for giving—and we would teach them to do each one wisely.Kids need to emotionally connect work to money at a young age. If you don’t teach them four major concepts—spending, saving, giving, and work—you’re going to have major problems by the time they’re 10 years old!—Dave   Dear Dave,I’ve heard you talk to people about “gazelle intensity.” What exactly does this mean?Del

Dear Del,Basically, it means absolutely going crazy and doing whatever it takes for a little while to get out of debt. I’d much rather endure pain or discomfort for a short period of time and get it over with instead of living my whole life floundering around and accomplishing nothing in the process.Some people probably think I’m using hyperbole when I give people advice on how to get out of debt, but I’m serious about it all. I’ve lived this stuff, man! There were literally stretches of years when we didn’t go on vacation or see the inside of a restaurant. If you want to get out of debt and get control of your money, you’ve got to be serious and intense enough to makes sacrifices on that level for a short period of time. We call it living like no one else, so that later you can live like no one else.It’s not just dollars and cents we’re talking about here. It’s also about changing behaviors and mindsets. You don’t need to go to Disneyland every year. You don’t need to eat out every weekend. Until you’re willing to make temporary sacrifices like this—and become “gazelle intense” about taking control of yourself and your money—you’re never going to reach your goal of becoming debt-free!—Dave

MoneyDave Says

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Food Expenses

Melissa C. – married, mother of four: We do LOTS of grilling in the summer to keep from heating up the kitchen and then we have mini-vacations out in our backyard. We do buy in bulk (but I cannot add in Costco timewise, due to location. However, that would be the place to go). We only eat out once a week and I meal plan monthly and work in special things like birthday dinners and holiday meals - then I can truly buy in bulk if at all possible. We usually drink water when eating out - sodas are so expensive for a family of six now!

Patricia J. - single mom of two teenagers:

Groceries - buy food "whole". The less pre-prepared, the less expensive. Whole chickens, vegetables, etc. Buy store brands - in most cases, your family won't be able to tell the difference. Pack your own food/drink when going somewhere, kid's games, running errands, road trips, vacations, etc. When eating at home, if you have any leftover meat, freeze it. The next time, do it again, and keep stacking your leftover meat. After a few weeks of this, you'll end up with enough meat to make Sloppy Joes. It doesn't matter what kind of meat it is - chicken, pork, turkey, steak, hamburger, brisket - tastes great and the kids love it! When eating out, order from the appetizer menu, rather than dinner. Generally, the appetizers are a sufficient amount of food, and are less expensive.

Jo Ann A. - single “mature” mom, living alone: I am single and work a full-time job (excuse) and don't cook very much. It's just easier for me to eat out or pick up something and take it home. Usually a meal from a restaurant will make two dinners. One of the ways I save when grocery shopping is to buy items I like. By doing this, the items don't get wasted. There have been times when I've bought off brand items and just haven't liked them, thus wasting food and money. Buying meat in bulk (family sizes) and dividing into single serving packets, also saves money. Quite often we think of toilet paper, paper towels, etc. as "food" items because we usually get them from the grocery store. They are not, and are usually cheaper at a discount store (Dollar General, etc.). Just be aware that these items have coupons quite often and are sometimes on sale.

MoneyMoms Who Save Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 39FAITH & FAMILYAustin

If your house is for sale, or you’re thinking about selling it, you don’t have to replace your Formica counters with granite or your carpet with hardwoods to ensure getting the best price for your property. In this tough economy, there are some small things that you can do that have HUGE returns on the price for which you sell your home.

According to HomeGains® 2010 Home Sale MaximizerTM Guide the following “improvements” get the greatest results! Each of the improvements below should cost less than $400.

Clean and De-clutter. Whether you hire someone to do the cleaning or buy a pair of gloves and do it yourself, the payback is well worth the effort. While you’re at it, pack up the stuff you can live without and rent that storage space for a few months, or park one of the cars in the driveway for a while. The payback? An average price gain of $1000 - $2000.

Lighten and Brighten. Make sure all those windows are clean, dust off the light fixtures, replace burnt-out light bulbs, keep the drapes open, and trim back bushes that cover up windows. Bright light can make a small room look larger, while soft light creates a cozy atmosphere. The return? An average price gain of $1000 - $1500.

Landscape. You don’t have to redesign your yard or plant a 40 gallon tree. Hire a landscaper to make the yard look nice, plant a few flowers, purchase a couple of hanging plants, or buy some bright pots to add some pizzazz to the back patio or entry way. Power wash the walkway, driveway, patio and/or deck. The results? An average price gain of $1500 - $2000.

Home Stage. Staging can be the secret to a quick home sale by making your home look its best. Sometimes it just takes a neutral third party to help you realize your couch really would look better at a different angle, or the fishing rods in the living room aren’t really artwork! The benefit? An average price gain of $1500 - $2000.

For a complete guide of the 12 items that bring the greatest returns, just give us a call at 338-4483 or send us an e-mail at and we will be happy to forward it to you.

Interest Rates and Financing Costs

As you have probably heard, interest rates are the lowest they have been in over 50 years (or at least they were at the time this article was written). So what does this mean for you? If you have a good job, a 3.5% down payment, and a decent credit history, it may be time for you to purchase. Your purchase power is at its greatest when interest rates are low. For every 1% interest rate increase, a buyer will qualify for 10% less. Assuming interest rates increase 1% over the next six months, a buyer

Maximizing Your

Home Sale

MoneyThe Home Front

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area40 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

who qualifies for a $180,000 home today may only qualify for a $162,000 home six months from today. Now that the first time home buyer credit has expired, we are seeing some very motivated sellers too!

Thinking of refinancing? The general rule is to refinance only if the interest rate is at least 1% lower than what you are currently paying AND you don’t plan on selling in the near future.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We realize that buying and/or selling a home can be an intimidating process and we are here to help you in any way possible. Whether long or short term, we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Give Realty is a local Real Estate brokerage who is committed to giving back and investing in our community! When you sell or purchase a home using our brokerage, we donate 25% of our commission to the nonprofit of your choice in your name. Go to to find out more or call us at 512-338-4483.

Do you have a real estate question? E-mail it to and it may be featured in a future column!

Laurie Loew Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 41FAITH & FAMILYAustin

www.AustinFaithandFamily.comAvailable at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area42 FAITH & FAMILYAustin

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Yoga? Yoga is actually more simple and beneficial than most think. There are many ways to describe yoga as well as many different styles and practices. Basically, Yoga is a system of physical and mental exercises designed to balance and unite the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga techniques date back more than 5,000 years. The word yoga means to “to join or yoke together.” One of the philosophies of yoga is that by balancing your body, you'll learn to focus your mind, which will improve your health and spiritual well-being.

What is Yoga? Yoga is a science of health with three major functions: the body's strong, flexible frame of muscles, bones and ligaments; the nutrient cycles of digestion, respiration and circulation; and the vital messenger systems of nerves and hormones which balance and regulate our physical, emotional and mental responses.

There is a general misconception that in Meditation, your mind has to go blank. In Meditation, students bring the activities of the mind into focus resulting in a quiet mind. By designing physical poses and Breathing Techniques that develop awareness of our body, Yoga helps us focus and relieves us from our everyday stress.

Here are some of the many benefits of Yoga:

· Improves circulation· Stimulates the abdominal organs· Puts pressure on the glandular system of the body, which can generally result in better health.· Improves balance and concentration· Promotes relaxation. Even in the midst of stressful environments, Yoga helps control breathing and clears the mind of cluttered thoughts· Increases flexibility and stamina· Improves stretching· Tones muscles and exercises your spine and

entire skeletal system

· Improves circulation· Improves your resistance to disease. The postures and movements in Yoga massage the internal organs, enhancing blood circulation and functionality, thus, lessening the risk of illness.· Increases your energy level and productivity. For as quick as 20 minutes, Yoga can replenish the mind and body with precious energy needed to respond to daily tasks and challenges

As you can see, there are many great benefits of Yoga. There are many types of Yoga classes. Some adults who have difficulty getting on the floor can also benefit from SilverSneakers YogaStretch. This modified class is performed in the chair and standing. This is a great alternative to regular Yoga for anyone. Check your local gym to see what types are offered and start making Yoga a part of your every day life.

Lauren LacyCHASCO Family YMCA Fitness Coordinator Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 43FAITH & FAMILYAustin

Do You Yoga?

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Health Matters:

In a typical practice of clinical nutrition, it is not uncommon to see patients suffering from sleeplessness. In fact, I will go on to say that at least one in three patients that I interviewed reported “insomnia” as one of their symptoms. In this article, the term ‘insomnia’ is used loosely to indicate sleep disturbances, either falling asleep or staying asleep, or both. There are many theories and many causes of insomnia, but nutritional imbalance or deficiency is an important contributor and is often neglected. We are going to identify some obvious and some not-so-obvious factors affecting sleep, and present some tips that can be tremendous in improving your time spent in bed. First of all, let’s examine some non-nutritional factors affecting quality of sleep. Some are obvious, like having a newborn at home (and this is difficult to help). Others are somewhat obvious, but people tend to downplay their importance. For example, nowadays people like to put a TV in their room. While entertaining, it introduces unnecessary stimulation to the brain, and unnecessary lighting. A structure in the brain called the pineal gland responds to light and regulates biological rhythm (wakefulness and sleep) based on the amount of light detected. It does this by secreting melatonin, a hormone that is undetectable during the day but rises dramatically during the dark. The point is that any lighting in the bedroom can affect the pineal gland and melatonin level, leading to sleeplessness. Get the TV and any excessive lighting out of the bedroom, and get dark-colored curtains that absorb light from outside to make sure the room is totally dark before you sleep. What about your bed? Do you have back pain during the night? Or do you wake up with pain? People often lose their sleep because they are under physical stress at night from uncomfortable beds! If you have a spring mattress, you have to turn it over every 2-3 months and replace with a new bed every few years. It might be wise to invest in a good, quality bed since you spend 1/3 of your life in it. If you have back pain and sleep disturbance, it might be time that you visit your chiropractor and get his/her recommendation on a mattress and pillow, based on your unique body type. Now, for the nutritional part, there are several types of nutritional deficiencies leading to insomnia, and I have listed them below based on presentation of symptoms: Adrenal gland fatigue: the adrenal glands secret hormones that deal with stress. Over time, these glands get tired and decrease their hormone output. People in this category wake up feeling tired, but energy increases as the

day goes on. The energy is highest at night, so falling sleep becomes difficult. Therefore, the adrenal glands need to be strengthened with herbs like ginseng, licorice, rhodiola; and vitamins such as vitamin B complex, C complex, and whole-food adrenal glandular support such as Drenamin from Standard Process.

Liver dysfunction: these patients can usually sleep, but not soundly. In fact, they usually wake up at 1-3 AM, the time when energy travels through the liver meridian proposed in Chinese Medicine. These people are classic junk-food eaters, and enjoy ice cream at night (which is a practice that trashes the liver). The key is to detoxify and strengthen the liver, such as taking milk thistle; encourage bile flow, such as eating beets and beet leaves; and of course, change the diet pattern to introduce more protein at night - and no ice cream.

Sympathetic dominant: in this type, people have an imbalance in the acid-base balance. More acidity in the body drives the sympathetic nervous system, which is like the gas pedal in the body. These people seem to be stepping on gas all the time, being anxious and restless.

They cannot sleep because their brain is hyperactive, and they cannot stop thinking. The key is to introduce more alkaline minerals, which can be as simple as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Other nutritional support such as melatonin (the hormone secreted by the pineal gland mentioned above), chamomile tea (drink half hour before sleep; this flower aids sleep and digestion), and the herb valerian all can be helpful, but I consider them ‘patches’ until the causes of insomnia can be identified and resolved. Sleep is an essential part of our lives. Patients that improve their sleep can often have other symptoms alleviated, due to the repair and rest they get with a good night’s sleep. I would recommend for optimal health, that any sleep disturbance be perceived as top priority to be resolved. I hope that the above recommendations can make a difference.

Dr. Trent Peng

Nutritional Considerations for Insomnia

YouDiet & Nutrition

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Ryan TomlinsonIn Need of a Transplant

Despite this 10-year-old's severe medical challenges, including having his entire colon removed when he was in first grade, Ryan is a very energetic, outgoing young man who gets along with everyone. He is optimistic, has a positive attitude and does not consider his health condition an obstacle. Pack 174 Den Leader Rhonda Hormuth, says, “Ryan always amazes me. In spite of everything he has gone through and in spite of the challenges before him (awaiting a life-saving small bowel transplant), he is never without a smile on his face. He is an inspiration to the boys in his Cub Scout den as well as to me.”

Ryan Tomlinson was born with total intestinal Hirschprung's Disease, a congenital disorder of the large intestine (colon) in which nerve cells are absent, which causes intestinal obstruction. Since his birth, Ryan has had eight major gastrointestinal surgeries as well as eight minor procedures. In addition, he has had numerous hospitalizations throughout the years for complications related to his illness-infections. In 2006, Ryan had his entire colon removed. As a result, he now has a permanent ileostomy in addition to a port-a-cath for IV nutrition six nights a week, and a gastrostomy tube.

Ryan's doctors at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania have recommended a life-saving small bowel transplant. People who know Ryan and his severe medical problems describe him as a true miracle boy. He has been under the care of Dr. Robert J. Zwiener, a Pediatric Gastroenterologist in Austin. Ryan's mother, Kristi Tomlinson, says “We would not be where we are today without Dr. Zwiener. He has been with us since the day Ryan was born.” She adds, “Dr. Zwiener and his staff are like family.”

Ryan is blessed with strong family support. His parents, Kevin and Kristi Tomlinson, and his

brother, Zackary, are always by his side. Ryan also has two sets of grandparents who are very supportive and help whenever and however they are needed. Ryan will be a fifth grader at Great Oaks Elementary in the fall.

This 10-year-old is “all boy.” He loves to be outdoors and enjoys many outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, riding dirt bikes and, most of all, playing outside with his friends. Like most children his age, he also loves video games, especially the Wii. Ryan is a Webelo cub scout with Pack 174 in Round Rock. Mrs. Hormuth says, “Although he has had to miss numerous meetings due to his illness, he has worked extra hard and kept up with them all.” She states, “He is one of the strongest and funniest people that I have met!”

The cost of a transplant and transplant-related expenses often exceeds $500,000. Therefore, many transplant patients find it difficult to afford the surgery and aftercare. The Tomlinson family was referred to The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) for assistance. COTA is a national charity dedicated to organizing and guiding communities in raising funds for transplant patients. Round Rock community members have been working this past year with COTA to raise an estimated $75,000.

Ryan's grandmother, Sharon Tomlinson, describes Ryan as fearless in all aspects of his life. Whether he is facing another procedure, or cooking with her from scratch in the kitchen, or fishing on the lake, she says her grandson brings a courageous attitude to everything he approaches in life.

His mother says Ryan's main limitation is with his food intake. He has to be extremely careful with what he eats and how much he eats, due to digestive issues and potential complications.

The hardest thing for Ryan to resist? Tootsie Rolls. Another difficult limitation is water restriction. Due to his IV line, he has to be careful when he swims. He has to have the line closed before he can get in the pool. At night, he is hooked up to a pump (TPN/IV nutrition) which limits his leaving the house in the evening.

To date, volunteers have raised approximately $25,000 for Ryan's transplant. In January, Ryan's church, First Baptist Church of Round Rock, sponsored a fundraising event (selling concessions) during a church basketball league (Upward Basketball). Cub Scout Pack 174 sponsored a community garage sale, and a COTA volunteer worked with Applebees at La Frontera, and Baskin Robbins in Round Rock, who each gave a portion of their sales to the COTA transplant fund in honor of Ryan. Many community members have generously made donations on-line through Ryan's website. Chaparral Women's Club donated a $2,500 grant. There have been bake sales, car washes, and youth groups also collecting money to help the Tomlinsons.

If you would like to help with his transplant fund, please consider making a tax deductible cash donation at his website at On the website, readers can follow his progress, check out upcoming events, and look at a photo gallery. We are praying for more volunteers to host more fundraising events. If you want to be part of Ryan’s life-saving journey, please contact Public Relations Coordinator, Bernadette Richardson, at  512-658-5959,, or Community Coordinator, Kathy Bobo at 512-294-1010.

Kathy Bobo Available at all HEB, Randalls, & Central Market locations in the Greater Austin area 45FAITH & FAMILYAustin

the Back PewAD

By the Numbers3.3 million:

number of teachers the public school system will employ this


3.9 million:approximate number of children

expected to enroll in public kindergarten this year

The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.

--Abraham Lincoln But there are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.

--Ronald Reagan I've never let my school interfere with my education.

--Mark Twain A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.

--Vince Lombardi A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.

--Theodore Roosevelt



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